Il était une fois... la vie (1987–1988): Season 1, Episode 18 - Le système lymphatique - full transcript

[lively music playing]

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪

♪ Sing a song of life ♪

♪ Every heartbeat's a miracle ♪

♪ Feel the rhythm growing ♪

♪ Day by day as we go ♪

♪ Look inside, your body is humming ♪

♪ With a million drums that are drumming ♪

♪ Fill your lungs, get ready ♪

♪ Celebrating the joy
That's life ♪

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪


[bright music playing]

[narrator] These white vessels circulate
lymph throughout our bodies.

The lymph is a clear fluid
lacking the red corpuscles,

which give blood its color.

But all the other components of blood
are found in lymph.

The network of lymph vessels
has an elaborate security system

with filters and traps specially designed
to detect and deal with invaders.

[indistinct chattering]

[pilot] Mm...

[pilot] Lieutenant, why are there
no red corpuscles here, in this vessel?

[Claire] Well, it is because the vessel
belongs to the lymphatic system.

-[pilot 2] Hi, Lieutenant.
-Mind how you go.

-[pilot 3] Yoohoo!
-[pilot 1] Hi.

[Claire] Now, where was I? Ah, yes!

There are no red corpuscles
because there's no oxygen in lymph.

[pilot 1] And why so many policemen?

We can't take any chances.

This system leads directly
to the bloodstream, you see.

And further on, we’ll see
even more police at one of the ganglia.

Now a ganglion, or gland, is a checkpoint

which is specifically designed
to trap germs.

-Pushing and shoving. Mind your manners.

[protein] Are you vitamins
trying to jump the queue?

[vit C] Step aside, there! Don’t you know
it's women, children and vitamins first?

[spikeynose] No, I don't know that!

[salt] You'll just have to take your turn.

[cop 1] All right, all right! I won't have
vitamins disturbing the peace on my beat.

[vitamin D] But, constable,
she's trying to push in front of me!

[vitamin A] That's a bare-faced lie!
He pushed in front of me!

[vitamin E] And I was the one
who got here first!

[vitamin C] We're supposed to
take precedence, you know.

[cop 2] Right, let's have you all
lined up then: in alphabetical order.


Now, I'm vitamin P. What about me?


[pilot] What's that, Lieutenant?

[Claire] Those are nutrients, they come
straight from the digestive system.

[indistinct chattering]

[Claire] There's a ganglion dead ahead;
one of those checkpoints I told you about.

[pilot] Left or right, Lieutenant?

[Claire] Makes no difference!
All roads lead to the ganglion.

You see,
even members of the security forces,

like ourselves, have to be vetted.

[bright music playing]

[Peter Jr.] Rolypoly, where are you?

l suppose he's run away again!

l see you, Rolypoly!
So this is where you're hiding!

-[cat shrieks]

[Peter Jr. shouts]

-[pained moan]
-[cat meows]

[dog barks]

Aha! [laughs]

[bright music playing]

[customs] Show me your identity number,

Now, let's see. It certainly looks
all right. B 17, C 8, BW 7.

Yes, quite in order, thank you!

That's B 17, C 8, BW 8?

These numbers don't correspond with
the tissue type of this body.

-[punk] Hey? What is it?
-[cop 1] It's probably a simple mistake.

-[cop 2] We'll sort it all out

-You can't treat me like a criminal.
-after we've taken you in for questioning.

[alarm beeping]

-[customs] All right, then,
what have we here?

[driver] A load of fat globules, sir.

My delivery note reads as follows:

"One load of fat globules from
the small intestine for urgent delivery

to the bloodstream
to be transported

via the lymphatic system,
to the jugular vein." Mm...

[customs] Calm down, you globules!
Show some consideration, won't you?

I can hardly hear myself think.
Now, stop your nonsense and listen to me.

It's useless talking to this bunch.
Got anything to declare?

Well then,

l think we'll search the vehicle
just in case you've got a stowaway.

All right then, everybody out!

Suits me. I'm overdue
for a short break, actually.

And besides, these fellas
won’t be needed for quite a while.

There is plenty of fat in the stockpile.
I'll just tip them out for you, shall I?

[groaning and laughing]

Hey! I thought I said everybody out!

[moans and shrieks]

[giggling and mumbling]

And what have we got here?




And what kind of globule
are you supposed to be, huh?

[germ 1 laughs]
I'm a fat globule, of course!

[germ 2] How can you doubt us, officer?
Take a look at my corporation!

All right! If you're a globule,
where is your identity card?


Now he's given himself away.

Fat globules don’t carry identity cards,
they're only raw material.

He's a staphylococcus, strain 27C
and highly dangerous. Alert HQ.

Hello! This is checkpoint 48 calling.

[Claire] Come in, 48.
What's your problem?

We need your help, Lieutenant. We've
picked up some staphylococci strain 27C.

We need specially trained antibodies
to deal with them.

Message received, 48. We're on our way.

[upbeat music playing]


[Stroppy] All right, lets...
multiply! Multiply.

And again! And again!

And again!

[Claire] Releasing specific antibodies
for staphylococcus 27C. Now!

-Those little things can't hurt us!
-Come on! We're ready!

[Metro] How dare he call us little things?

-[Metro] We'll show them!
-[antibody] Yes, we'll fix them. [grunts]



[pained shouting]

-I'm gonna beat those germs to a pulp.
-I'm going to have them all for breakfast.

[shouts, moans]


[pained shouting]



This is Lieutenant Claire, reporting
from checkpoint 48.

The situation is under control

but we urgently need
the sanitation squad to help us mop up.

This is lymph gland 48 calling.

[voice] Attention all macrophages!

An infection has been suppressed
in lymph node number 48.

Mopping up operations are in progress,
and all macrophages must report for duty,

without delay.

[mischievous music playing]

[Stroppy cackles] So far, so good.

We may have lost the battle, my friends,
but they haven't won the war, yet.

There's nothing more for us to do here.

So let’s get on with our next mission:
inspection of the spleen.

[wicked laughter]

[narrator] While Stroppy
the staphylococcus lurks undetected

in one of young Peter’s lymph nodes,

our old friend Professor Globus
and his corpuscle companions

are also traveling to the spleen,
along a blood vessel.

[indistinct chattering]

[Globus] Yes, I have traveled
a long way, my friends.

I have seen the cathedrals of the heart
and the panoramas of the eyes.

I’ve heard sweet music in the ears,

and witnessed all the marvels
of this body in my travels.

But I'm tired now;
my journey's at an end.

And my final resting place
will be the spleen.

[Hemo] Come to the lungs with us,

All you need is a breath of fresh air!

[Globine] Yes, and then we could
go on to visit the eyes again!

And the heart, Prof! We'd go through
the heart on the way there!

I'm very touched by your concern for me,

but 120 days is the lifespan
of a red corpuscle.

Does that mean you're going to die?

Let's just say that I'm going away
on a long journey.

Will we ever see you again?

Of course, you will, children.
There's no need to be upset

I'll be back along
with millions of other corpuscles.

Just you wait and see. Life must go on!

-What are you doing, Professor?
-Oh, just dumping my scrap iron.

We red corpuscles seem to accumulate
quantities of iron as we get older.

The spleen stores the metal
and uses it to create new red corpuscles.

I've come to my appointed hour.
I’ll take my leave of you.

-I’ll get cross if you start crying--

[old corpuscle 1] Hey, Professor!

See you on the other side, Globus!

[old corpuscle 2] Bye for now, old chap.

Oh Prof! How will we ever manage
without you?

Oh, You'll manage perfectly well.
And remember, there are two million

new red corpuscles
born every second of the day.

I'm really going to miss
Professor Globus, you know.

-Hey, new red corpuscles, look.

[laughing and cheering]

Well, I never! He reminds me of someone.

l see what you mean. I wonder if he'll
become a professor when he grows up?

[Hemo chuckles]

[wicked laughter]

What? Huh?

[indistinct chattering]



Look! Little white corpuscles!

What are they doing in the spleen,
I wonder?

I thought they came from the bone marrow?

[Globus Jr.] They do indeed, dear lady,
but white corpuscles can also originate

here in the lymphatic system,
which accounts for that derivation

of their name: the lymphocytes,
which is entirely appropriate

[bright music playing]
-[indistinct chattering]

Okay, everything seems to be
under control here.

Let's take a look up the splenic vein
and along the thoracic duct.

Let’s go through here.

This is the beginning
of the thoracic duct,

the biggest lymph vessel
in the human body.

[bright music playing]


-What's all that liquid there?
-There's no cause for alarm,

it's only chyle, which is a liquid
made by the digestive system.

It's full of good things.

This is the biggest reservoir of nutrients
in the body.

[laughing and cheering]


[happy noises]

[bright music playing]

[Claire] Look, there's a lymphatic
fishing vessel up ahead.

It takes out anything
that’s of use to the body

and puts it back in the bloodstream.

[sailor] Ready to lower the net, Captain!

[captain] Look lively, then.
Lower away, sailor!

[sailor] Aye aye, sir.

[gasps, giggling]

[sailor 2] Easy does it.




Steady there!

She's loaded down to the marks, Captain.


Full steam ahead, Mr. Mate!

[horn blaring]

[Salty] Ahoy there!

Request permission
to enter the thoracic duct!

It's a cargo of nutrients,
according to the manifest.

You can open the lock gates now.

[Claire] They are now sailing along
the thoracic duct,

the Suez Canal of the lymphatic system.

At the end of the duct, its contents
are poured back into the bloodstream.

Harbor police!
What tissue type are you, please?

-Good! Have you anything to report,

-No, just an ordinary catch, the usual,

with far too many fats for my liking.

Okay! You can discharge your cargo
into the blood.

[sailor] Slower... Slower... Stop!

[cheering and laughing]

[bright music playing]

Close cargo door.

-[indistinct chattering]
-[T-top] Oh look! New lymphs

come to join us. Lots of fats

-and nutrients to feed the body.
-Yep! And plenty of new cops!

There's no shortage of law and order
around here.

Hm? Hm? Mm.

[mischievous music playing]

[Stroppy, wicked laugh] All right,
my lads, we've laid low long enough.

And now that they've all forgotten us,

we'll strike where and when we're least
expected. Surprise is the key, lads.

[Stroppy] Aha!

Just look at him, sleeping like a baby.
Okay, men, Indian file.

[playful sounds]

[screams, shrieking]


Let's go! And remember, keep it quiet.


[panicked sounds]


That was close. [sighs]


What? Hm?


We're nearly there. It won’t be long now.
We must wait for the right moment.

Remember lads,
their weakness is our strength.

Hey, does that mean their strength
is our weakness, Stroppy?

Quiet, you dope!

[grunts and groans]

[wicked laugh]

Hey! The checkpoint’s unguarded.
Let's multiply!


Hello. [laughs]

-[silly laugh]
-But it's me. Another me. Hello, me.

Quiet, you dopes!




Death or victory!

[indistinct shouting]

Calling HQ, this is an emergency!
Lymph gland number 17 in the neck,

is being overrun by a powerful,
well-organized force

of staphylococcus germs,
strain 27 C. Help!

So far, so good!

Now listen, to me, my friends.
Before the counter-attack comes,

let’s seize the opportunity
to fill our bellies!

[munching sounds]

In germ warfare, we always feed
ourselves at the enemy's expense.

[wicked laugh]

-[Maestro snoring]
-[alarms beeping]

[assistant] I cannot wake him.
I don't know what to do!

I can't pull his beard any harder.

[assistant 2] Huh? What? How dare you?
Have you no respect for our chief?co

Yes, but this is an emergency.

[munching sounds]

Jumping Jehosaphat! Staphylococci
and they've taken over a whole gland!

Oh, I don't believe it!
Ooh, let's act rationally.

Chief, wake-up! Let's try not to panic.
I'll have to pull his beard like fury.

I hate to do this, Chief. Oh, I'm sorry.
-[Maestro shouts]

Who's that pulling my beard! Stop it.
I say, stop it this instant! Ouch!

Ow! So it's you?

-Not really. Well, he started it. And I...
-It wasn't me. It wasn't me!

Chief, look! A real emergency. Look!
A staphylococcus infection.

Yes, you're quite right.
The situation is serious.

[gentle piano music playing]

Yes, he's got a swollen gland, all right.

Must have picked up
an infection somewhere.

Has he been off-color at all recently?

-[mom] A touch of flu, but he got over it.
-[Maestro] Hm...

The flu must have lowered his defenses.

No indigestion or tummy aches?

He hasn’t complained to me, Doctor.

[Maestro] I see. Well then,
what about cuts and grazes?

No, not as far as I know.
Peter, have you hurt yourself recently?

l don't think so, Mom.

Oh! Wait a minute.
l was scratched by an alley cat,

-on my hand. Look.
-Goodness, darling.

You know, Peter's defenses
were down after his bout of flu,

and if the cat's claws were dirty,

then that scratch
could be the cause of the infection.

[dramatic music playing]

[indistinct mumbling]


-[silly noise]

[Maestro] Still no sign of improvement,
I see.

The fever's worse.

What you need, young Peter,
is an antibiotic.

-Looks bad, Chief.
-Hm-mm. Yes.

I'd say the situation was serious,
all right.

We're not producing enough antibodies
to beat them.

The body's defenses are most effective
in a combined operation.

[assistant] Like
the Three Musketeers, Chief!

You know, "All for one and one for all!"

l think that's an excellent motto.

And now it's a case
of all for one poor swollen gland.

[voice] All airborne craft are ordered
to engage the enemy.

All reserve squadrons: scramble!

That's it! All our reserves!
Including the macrophages.

Calling all macrophages! You will report
to the front line immediately.

The gland is blocked with debris
and it must be cleared.

Lymphocyte units,
prepare to carry out cell division.



[marshal] Mon Empereur!

Our line is holding,
but it will be a close-run thing!

Hm... Hm?

Forget the empire-building,
Stroppy the First!

When I call in outside help,
you'll meet your Waterloo!

Yes, powerful help, courtesy of
Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming.

The antibiotic will give a big boost
to his natural defenses.

Peter's condition should show
a rapid improvement from now on.

So, don't worry.

[bright music playing]

[indistinct muttering]

Mon Empereur! Alas, it’s bad news!

How bad? Explain yourself!

Look! They're using antibiotics!

Anti what?


[bright music playing]

Mom! I can't feel my gland anymore.
It's better.

-[Peter Jr.] Can I go out to play now?

We'll see. [laughs]

[lively music playing]