Il était une fois... la vie (1987–1988): Season 1, Episode 11 - L'oeil - full transcript

[lively music playing]

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪

♪ Sing a song of life ♪

♪ Every heartbeat's a miracle ♪

♪ Feel the rhythm growing ♪

♪ Day by day as we go ♪

♪ Look inside, your body is humming ♪

♪ With a million drums that are drumming ♪

♪ Fill your lungs, get ready ♪

♪ Celebrating the joy
That's life ♪

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪

♪ Is life, is life, that's life ♪

♪ That's life ♪


[bright, funky music playing]


[deep breath, exhales]

[narrator] The eye
is an extension of the brain,

and it is the brains main instrument
for observing the outside world.

The image perceived by the eyes
is broken down for transmission

along the optic nerves,
then re-assembled by the brain.


[photon 1] Hello! I am a little sunbeam.

Well, strictly speaking,
l should say that I am a photon.

In other words, I'm a luminous particle.

only scientists can understand me,

I'm really so particular.

It takes an Einstein to fathom me
because light equals energy, you see!

Now, I want you to remember
what I have just said.

I think it'll come in handy
in a few minutes... because...

Look! Here's an electron!

Now, she's made of electricity
instead of light.

Let me stir her up a little!


-[electron shrieking]




[photon] An excited electron
is full of energy.

It's fun, isn't it? [laughing]



Upon reflection. [laughs]

No, there must be
a better way of putting it

I mean, when I touch something,
I reflect off it. Watch.


Not too good, but that's the general idea.

When you see an object,
I bounce off it and into your eye.

And what's very important: I do this
at the most incredible speed.

Oh, wrong way.

Back again. You must admit:
that wasn't bad!

I have just been around the world
seven times

at a speed
of 300 thousand kilometers per second.

That's a little sunbeam's cruising speed.

Who else could do that?
Only another little photon, like me.

-You can applaud now.
-[mellow music playing]


Caught you there, didn't l?

But you won't get rid of me before I have
introduced all the other photons.

There are far too many of us to count.


[bright music playing]

We provide warmth and light
that make life on earth possible.

Without us, this planet would be barren,
cold and dark, like so many others.

Without us, everything would be grey,
because we create color.

[Peter Jr. Mom, come quickly and look at
this butterfly, it's so beautiful.

Why does it have such beautiful colors
on its wings, Mom?

[photon] It's hard to believe, I know,
but we are invisible to them!

[photon 2] Is that a fact?

Just watch this!

See? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Look.

[silly noise]

[laughing and making silly noises]

Now, what do you think of that, my friend?

l really thought you were
joking at first, you know.

We're invisible, yet we make things
visible for them!

[bright music playing]

[speedy screeches]

[officer] Blurred picture.

The eye is not focused
sharply on the subject.

Tell the ciliary muscles they must
tighten up and re-focus the lens.

And you'd better relay my instructions
to the oculomotor muscles.

l want the eyes turned
half a degree to the right.

[speedy screeches]

[speedies] Hi!

-[playful music playing]




You are nothing but a pestiferousRoad-hog

Ought to be arrested
and put away for life.

[platelet] Look out!

[sugars screaming]

[focused moaning]

-[Speedy shouts]

Here I come, Speedy by name
and speedy by nature.

Ought to be arrested
and put away for life!



[Speedy screeches]


-[relieved sigh]

[neuro chief] All your puffing and panting
doesn't impress me, young fellow.

l know what a day's work is,
and believe me, I do it.

It's not exactly a picnic, this job,

and we don't
get much credit or cooperation.

Can I interrupt?

[neuro chief] You will if you want to,
cheeky young devil!

Well, Chief. My job
is no bed of roses either.

Just let me tell you. We’re short-staffed,
and I do a lot of overtime.

And while we’re wasting time and breath,
they've got a fuzzy picture upstairs.

Let's see: adjustment of focus,

tension of ciliary muscles
to force five. Okay?

[assistant] Okay.

[neurotransmitters mumbling]

[laughing and cheering]

[narrator] While the chief carries on
working hard...

a swarm of little neurotransmitters is
on its way to deliver the message

to the fibers of the ciliary muscles.

[sweet, gentle music playing]

[muscle fiber cell] ...and beg to remain
your most obedient servant.

[muscle chief] Okay, guys,
force five contraction!


-[relieved sighs]
-[sweet, gentle music playing]

-What do they suppose they're up to,

the blithering idiots?

Just half a degree to the right,
that was all that I wanted.

And that was precisely the message I sent.


Everyone's entitled to make a tiny mistake
every now and then.

Oh, I see. Correction:

adjustment to the field of vision,
one-tenth of a degree to the left.

The left? You'd think they'd know
what they wanted the first time.

Very well then, left it is!

One-tenth of a degree, no more, no less.

Here, give this correction top priority,

One-tenth of a degree to the left,
if you please. Huh?

Listen here, you! I have got enough
on my plate already. Don't bother me!

-The boss is watching us.
-Hm? [scoffs]

[speedy screeches and exclaims]


[heavy breathing]

[cheerful music playing]

[mumbling and laughing]

[silly noises]

[Globus] Hello there, Lieutenant.

[Jumbo Jr.] And a very good day to you,
Professor Globus!

It's an absolutely beautiful day,
isn't it?

That's right! It's so fine, we could do
with some carotene units in this sector.

-[cop 1] There they are!
-Right on time too!

[bright music playing]

[marching sounds]

[clumsy] Oops.

[carrot laughs] You'll never get it!
[laughs mockingly]

[strained moaning]

You’ve done it again! [groans]

-Look out!

[shouts and groans]

[Jumbo Jr.] What they lack in experience
they make up in enthusiasm!

How true.

[Globine] Bye.

-Who are they?
-Have you never heard of vitamins?

Vitamins are physical fitness
and health itself.

Without them, there would be
no fun in life whatsoever.



That's beautiful!
It's just like a rainbow!

[delighted gasp]

-[Hemo] Hm?
-That's funny the light goes through us

but we don’t feel a thing.
What is the light doing?

Just passing through.
It's a reflection of the outside world,

with its shapes and colors.

But where do the shapes
and colors end up, Professor?

Ah, well, after all these little sunbeams
have traveled a very great distance.

they end up in a marvelous place called

-the retina, at the back of the eye.

And that's where their signal
is received and passed on.

The photons strike the retina,

which is made up of densely packed cells
which are sensitive to light.

From their shapes, these cells are called
the rods and the cones.

-[Globus] Have you all got that?
-[corpuscles] Yes, Professor Globus!

-Good! Shall I continue?

Now, here's what happens
when a ray of light strikes the retina.

The information is reflected,
then transmitted.

Neurotransmitters make the connection.

Then the information is passed
from cell to cell along the optic nerve.

[bright music playing]

Eventually, the information
reaches the brain.

The left brain deals with the signals
from the right eye, and vice-versa.

It's curious, isn't it?

[cheerful music playing]

Mom, how do my eyes work, to let
me see in color? Do you know?

[Pierette] Your eyes don't really
do the seeing, Peter, it's your brain.

Does the brain have eyes, then?

Yes, in a way.

But, Mom, I thought... The brain
is what we use for thinking, isn't it?

How can the brain see?

l don't understand it. I wish someone
would explain the whole thing to me!

[Maestro snoring]

l wish somebody would explain
the whole thing to me.

[gentle music playing]

[assistant 1] What a question to ask!!

[assistant 2] Well, we'd better not
disturb Maestro, you know.

No, he's far too busy for that, isn't he?

They're all too busy to explain anything.


Huh? What is the matter?
What on earth do you want now?

l want to know how it is that
l can see with my brain!

Oh, that's not such an easy question
to answer, young man! It's a miracle,

you see, a wonderful process,
and I am not sure I understand it myself!

But I like a boy
with a thirst for knowledge.

Climb in and I will try to explain.

Come this way, Sonny.


To know is to understand,
and to see is to know. Here take a seat.

[Peter Jr.] Thank you, sir.

Look at the screen
and tell me what you see.

Well, what is it?

It's an arrow, I think.

It's an arrow
that gets longer and shorter.

Well, do you think
you have seen it before?

No, I haven't, sir.

Oh, it's turning. It's a weather vane!

Well done!

Now, my boy, which part of you
saw the weather vane,

your brain or your eyes?
It was your brain, wasn't it?

Now, what's this?


[Maestro] I'll give you a clue.

It's the sun, of course, isn’t it?

[Maestro chuckles]

No, it's not the sun.
I am wrong. It's an orange.

The red disc hasn't changed at all. Watch.

It's trickery. Now it's a flower.

[Maestro chuckles]

[Maestro] And now, what is it?

You see. It all depends, doesn't it?

[bright music playing]

It all depends
on what your brain remembers.

The decision was made up here,

that you were looking at an orange.

Take it, you've earned a prize.

I'll have one of those.

Me too! I'm due for a treat.

[Maestro] Do you see how important
interpretation is?

Is this a vase, or two faces?


[Maestro] They eyes receive the signals,

but the brain has to decide
how to decode them.

And besides, both eyes
don't always see the same picture.

Hold your thumb right out in front of you
and then shut one of your eyes.

Now open it and close the other,

and just keep on doing it.

-[Peter Jr.] It looks as if it's moving.
-[Maestro laughs]

That's right.
It is moving from side to side.


[pained moan]

-[Speedy laughs]




Oh, I do like running by rule of thumb!

[moaning and groaning]

-[sugar sighs]

I thought I had enough room
to overtake on the left!

l have to go now. Breakfast is ready,
and Mom will be looking for me.

You showed me such interesting things.

Thanks a lot. [groans]

[Pierette] Ah, so here you are!
I have been looking everywhere.

l was here all the time, Mom,
I ate an orange.

-An orange?

I got it from an old man
that lives in my brain.

[bright music playing]

[Pierette] Peter!
l have got a surprise for you.

-A surprise, Mom? What is it?

A ball, or maybe marbles, or a penknife!

Not at all, you haven't guessed it yet,
you'll have to try a lot harder than that.

Now shut your eyes. Don't peep!

All right then, now you can look.

[gasps] Oh, Mom! A puppy!

But I can't believe it. Is he really mine?


Gee, thanks, Mom, thanks.

Come, up.


Now listen, Peter dear,
a puppy is not a toy.

He's your responsibility.

You'll have to house train him
and teach him obedience.

You can play with him
when you come home from school.

And in the meantime,
make sure he can't run away.

Right you are, Mom.

l think I am going to call him Roly Poly!



Now, you be a good dog
while I am at school.

We will play when I come home.

[dog panting]

Bye, Roly Poly! Be a good boy now.
Sit, Stay!






Mom! Mom, the puppy's gone!!

Poor little thing. I just know
he's been run over by a bus,

and I will never ever see him again!

Don't upset yourself, Peter.
He can't have wandered very far away.


[narrator] Tears are caused by sadness.



[barks, panting]


Roly Poly! Mom, he's back!
Come and see. Roly Poly's come back!

[Pierette] You see, Peter, you were wrong
to let yourself get into such a state.

l just knew that he had to be
somewhere close by.

[narrator] We weep when we're sad
and also when we're joyful.

[bright music playing]

[heavy breathing]


[grunts and sniffs]

[wind howling]

[Peter Jr.] That's too windy
to play outside now.

I think we'd better go in,
Roly Poly, my friend.

[narrator] But apart from
expressing emotion,

tears are necessary
to keep our eyes healthy.

Where do tears come from?

Let's find out.

[feel-good music playing]


[French accent] Excellent, excellent.

But there's still a certain
je ne sais quoi that's missing.

I think, throw in some salt!

Yes, sir.

Hang on a minute there, chaps. I'd like
six units of your salt, if you don’t mind.



That's it.
Now, there's some dust in the eye.

Pour a few tears immediately
to wash it away.

[engine buzzing]

-[cheerful music playing]
-[dog panting]

[wind howling]


[bright music playing]


Eye is becoming irritated.

Increase production of tears immediately.

And don't forget to use
a germ-killing additives in the mixture.


Ooh, it's lovely, a dip in the pool

when you've been running around
like a mad thing all day.

Listen, you! Those tears are 100% pure.

I am warning you. Get out now
before you pollute them any further.

All right, I am prepared
to give you one last chance.

But if you won't do as I say,
l will take your name!

I'd be delighted to oblige you,
but I have just realized I can't swim.

Oh, what a blithering idiot you are!

Serves you right.
Now, catch hold of the lifebelt.


[bright music playing]


Now let that be a lesson to you.

This is not a public swimming bath!

These tears
must be kept free of impurities.

Now, get on with your work.

[disgusted moan]

Those are the only tears
l will shed over him!

I have just learned
that the eye is irritated.

Increase production immediately,
and let our specialist cleaning enzymes

-know they'll be needed.
-[lysozymes] We're here already.

Well done, little scrubbers!

Please don't call us little scrubbers,
if you don’t mind!

We are lysozymes, a highly trained squad
of specialist technicians

who clean the surface of the eye.

l know, I know, I was only teasing.
Now, off to work with you.

[cheering and laughing]

[delighted sounds]

[heavy breathing]

[laughing and cheering]

[bright music playing]

[irritated sigh]

Come on men,
get this eye thoroughly clean.

We will have no viral conjunctivitis
while I am in charge of the squad.

Out you go! You nasty things.

Come and see!

There’s something rather suspicious
up there under the eyelid.

[Foxy] Curses! We’ve been spotted, guys!

Those enzymes are dangerous.

We will have to split up
and make a run for it.

You make a dash first
while we cover your rear.



Come on, lads, we will give
these filthy viruses no quarter.

[pained yelling]

Come on, you guys.
Let's make ourselves scarce.

-[pained yelling]
-You'll never get away from me!

[bright music playing]



Your eyes are red.

And how many times have I told you
not to rub your eyes with dirty hands?

If you do that my boy,
you'll get conjunctivitis.


[lively music playing]