How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014): Season 4, Episode 10 - The Fight - full transcript

The guys get invited to fight alongside Doug the Bartender. However, the fight doesn't go exactly how they imagined it to.

Why do we fight?

What does that thing
deep within each of us,

that compels us to settle
disagreements with our fists?

Whatever it is,
it's there right from the beginning.

- Stop fighting!
- Why?

Because it's stupid
and juvenile.

We're six.
We are stupid and juvenile.

Kids, I've only been
in one fight in my life.

And this is the story
of how it happened.

Now, as you know,
I recently had been left at the altar.

And the worst thing
about getting left at the altar?

I mean, aside from
actually getting left at the altar,

was what came next.

A steady unrelenting
unbearable stream of pity.

Cranberry Gin and tonic.

Scotch and soda.

Thank you.

Could I see a menu?

I'm going to go get you a menu...

but I promise you

I will come back.

We have to start
going someplace else.

At this bar,
I'm always going to be

the guy who got left at
the altar. That sucks!

Good times.

- We lost Barney.
- What do you mean?

There's a girl over there
in a tight red sweater.

So he's not listening
to a word anyone's saying.

Right, Barney?

Give me a break!

See, he figured out a while back

he could fake an entire conversation

just by saying titles of black sitcoms
from the 70's and 80's.

What's happening?

Want to go upstairs and do stuff to me

that I won't even let Marshall do?

Different strokes.

What the hell is this?!

I've told you kids about Doug, right?

I haven't?
Oh, well...

Doug Martin was a bartender
at MacLaren's.

He was always kind of around.

- Have... you met Ted?
- What?

We're not playing
"Have you met Ted?".

Am I dead?

Am I dead?


I pick up a lesbian.

Anyway, three things
you need to know about Doug.

The first thing is that Doug
had a bit of a violent streak.

...crumbled, so he's
on the ground, right?

And we're just kicking him!
He's making that face, all shaking.

So, anyway, what we did
was we left him there.

Top you off?

The second thing is that
he was weird about his hair.



Are you looking at my hair?

No, sir. I was not.

It's a toupee.

Is that funny?
You want to laugh it up?

Is it funny, guy?
Is it?

I'll tell you what,
why don't you grab it?

- Excuse me?
- Go ahead, grab it.

Grab it right off my head.
Go ahead.

You don't want to grab it?
Come on.

Come on, go ahead and grab it.

Want to grab it off my head?
Grab my toupee right off my head.

I like you guys!

But the third thing is that
he was very loyal to his regulars.

There they are!
Hey, you guys want your booth?

We're fine over here.

Maybe a little too loyal.

No, it's fine.

Okay, you two lovebirds!
Let's take this somewhere else...

booth's reserved.

Let's go! Now! Come on!

Let's see some hustle, Father.
Up you get.

Okay, guys, here we are!

So, that's Doug.

What the hell is this?!

Some guys are
sitting in our booth.

But you know what?
This is fine.

Let's go, I'll take care of it.

Oh boy, there he goes.

Ladies, if you'll please adjourn
to your usual booth.

Gentlemen, I will require
your assistance outside.

Our assistance with what?

We're going to go out in the alley
and fight those guys.

What's happening now?

Sync by vNaru

I'm sorry, did you just say
we were gonna...

Those guys are being
inconsiderate, okay?

So we're going to go outside

and cave in their skulls, okay?
This will be fun!

He wants us to fight?

Like, with our hands and stuff?

And feet maybe?
I don't know what the rules are.

A fight. Should we go out there?

Come on, Ted.

There's only three things
you'll ever see me fight:

The stubborn clasp of a bra,

sexual harassment charges...
nine for nine...

And the urge to vomit when I see
someone wearing brown shoes

with a black suit.

Dude, fighting is for losers.
We're civilized guys.

Civilized guys don't fight.
Unless it's with lightsabers.

But that's like three
to five years away, so...

Well, that's not true.

Robin, I'm on the forums every day.

Three to five Thanksgivings from now,

I'm going to be carving
the turkey with Old Green.

No, I'm saying there are plenty
of legitimate reasons

to get in a fight...
it might not be pretty,

but in certain situations,
you gotta do what you gotta do.

Right, I forgot.
She thinks fighting's sexy.

No, I do not! A lot...

Look, I come from a culture
of hockey players.

If a guy can throw down,
it's somewhat way hot.

And scars, hello!

If a guy's got a scar,
he's got a Robin.

And if he's missing teeth?
I'm missing my pants.

I'm missing my wisdom teeth.

Outpatient procedure.

Local anesthesia.
Whatever. It ain't a thing.

Maybe we should go out there.

I can't believe we're even having
this discussion.

You're 30,
you're too old to act like this.

I was 30 and in those 30 years
I'd been punched once.

There's a very simple explana...

There was that thing at camp.

Today, we're going to braid
friendship bracelets.

In college, I studied some Kung Fu.

And well, there was
some other stuff.

The thing with the goat wasn't
for another few months.

The point is,
I had never been in a fight.

I'm going out there.

Dude, listen to me,

please, trust me, I've been
in plenty of fights. It's...

really nothing to be proud of.

Who did you get in a fight with?

My brothers.

I'm sure that was quite a rumble
in the Eriksen rumpus room.

- I love brotherly horseplay!
- Here comes the tickle monster!

Noogie patrol!

Wait, wait, wait! Timesies! Timesies!

Cocoa break.

Cocoa break.

It's clobbering time.

Ted, don't do this.

You're a nice guy.
That's your best quality.

Is it?

'Cause I seem to rember this nice guy
getting dumped by his fianc?e

for a Tae Kwon Do instructor.

Look, this may
sound crazy, but I...

I think I need to do this.

I think this is an experience
I need to have.

I'm going.

Me, too!


take a good look at this face,

because the next time you see it,

it will be disfigured
in the hottest possible way.

Because that's who I am...
I'm a man.

I like to fight and mix it up
and get all dirty.

Can you find
a wood hanger for this?

- What happened here?
- I know, right?!

Who's not looking at my toupee now?!

Look what we did to these guys!

- "We?"
- Yeah, "we."

Come on, man,
we're a good team.

Nice work boys! We did it!

No you did it.
We didn't do anything.

Sure, I just beat up
three guys by myself.

You guys. That's good.
You and you...

free drinks for life.

He thinks we were in this fight
with him.

We were in this fight with him.

And now we are going to go in there
and tell everyone

the legendary tale
of how we beat up some guys.

And everyone is going to think
it's great

and everyone is going to sleep with me

Dude, come on, no one is gonna
believe we were in a fight...

- look at us.
- That's a good...

What are you doing?!

What I should've done a long time ago.

- What?
- I don't know,

I just hit myself in the eye!
I don't even know what I'm saying...

I throw an awesome right hook,
by the way.

Okay, are you ready?

- To go back in?
- No, for this.

God! You just punched me in the nose!

- Are you crying?
- Yes, I'm crying!

You just punched me in the nose!

That's going to swell up real good.
You're going to look like Owen Wilson.

Let's get back in there.

Okay, but just, let's just play
this down, okay?

I don't want this to turn
into a big thing.

And Ted comes
and takes his shoe off!

Hits him in the mouth...

Hey, there they are!
The guys that got my back!

You two got in a fight.

Barney punched me
and himself in the face

to make it look like we got in a fight.

Come on, Marshall!

Look at your eye.

You look like a badass.

I'm surprised to see you had it in me.

Had it in you.

Do you...

want to touch it?

Oh, my God, it's warm!

Hey! Victory drinks!

Free! Free!
Free! Free!


Why do I have to pay?

'Cause you don't got my back.

- These guys got my back.
- You know what, Doug?

I will gladly pay.
And you know why?

Because that's what grownups do.

They pay for their drinks,
and they don't get into fights.

You know what I was doing, while you
guys were out there being immature?

- I'll tell you what I was doing.
- Your nails?

- I was doing...
- The relationship quiz

in this month's Cosmo?

- I was doing...
- Your best not to cry

when Big came back for Carrie at
the end of the Sex and the Citymovie?

Spoilers much?

- I'll tell you what I was doing...
- The captain of the football team

because he gave you his promise ring

and you look so pretty
in your open back Homecoming dress?


I hate those guys!

Acting like they're the manliest
guys in the universe,

like they're Crocodile
Dundee and David Hasselhoff.

Those are the manliest guys
in the universe?

I don't understand why they're getting
all this attention. I mean,

I'm the real hero here.

- Yeah, you are.
- I'm serious, woman.

Put it back in your pants.

You're the man every boy
should grow up to become

and every girl should marry.

You know what?

I have two kids in my class
who won't stop fighting.

If you come to school tomorrow and

tell them your story of choosing
the path of nonviolence,

it might really set them straight.

And save me having to get up early
to make a lesson plan.

All right.

I'll set them straight.

- You're a wuss.
- What?

Mahatma Panda and Martin Luther Koala
are telling you kids this story

- to illustrate...
- To illustrate that you're a wuss?

Why didn't you just fight those guys?

- Were you scared?
- What?

I wasn't scared!

I've been in plenty of fights, okay?

You're huge!

You must weigh like a thousand pounds.

First of all,
I'm wearing a baggy sweater,

and it has horizontal stripes.

And I also...
and I had a salty lunch...

And so I'm retain...
You know what? Shut up!



you just beat those guys up?


Amanda, were it so simple.
You see,

hand to hand combat is about
so much more than just

administering brute force
on your opponent, right B?

- You know it!
- It's a science.

The sweet science, as it were.

Wait, I'm confused,
what did those guys do to deserve it?

Well, this may sound petty,

- but they sat in our booth.
- They sat in our booth.

- And nobody...
- Nobody.

Sits in our booth.

Are you going to beat those guys up?

Yes, we are going to beat
those guys up. Ted, come on.

You two.
Our booth.

- Get out. Now!
- What are you doing?

Relax, we got Doug.
Big Doug's got our backs.

Yeah, Doug's not here tonight.

Can I get you guys anything?

Drinks? Cash?
Those two girls over there?

Are you Ted Mosby?

- Yeah, I am.
- And you're Barney Stinson?

They've heard of us.

It's cool, guys. We'll let you leave
with your asses unkicked.

This time.

- What's... what's this?
- You've been served.

You're being sued for assault.

Enjoy your booth.

That was close.

They're suing us for assault!

Okay, well, what's the penalty
for assault?

What, do I have to pay a fine?

Pick up trash on the highway?

'Cause I've done that before,
know what I mean?

I don't know.

Actually, he did know

that the worst we were looking at
was a small civil settlement,

and probably no criminal charges.

But he was really pissed at us.

I mean, you guys could be looking at
some serious prison time.

- Prison?!
- I can't go to prison!

I mean, I could get a lot
of reading done,

finally write some short stories.

Work out all the time.

Seriously, if I don't come out
of there completely ripped...

We can't go to prison!

People get shivved in the joint!

Plus the meals are really starchy.

Well, you guys should have thought
of that before you beat up those guys.

What if we didn't?

- Didn't what, Ted?
- Didn't beat up those guys.

What if Doug beat up those guys all
by himself

- and we didn't do anything?
- I knew it!

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

- You guys didn't throw a single punch.
- Well, I hit Ted and myself, so...

Well, who's the wuss now?

You guys.

Look, can you just help us
get out of this?

You know the old expression:
If you're not prepared to do the time

don't pretend to do the crime and laugh

and get free drinks and not stand up
for your friend who, incidentally,

has been in plenty of fights
with his brothers.

Look, you've got to help us out,

We're the Three Musketeers!

If I give up Ted,
how much time am I looking at?

I've been looking for you.

I got... tickets to this hockey game
tonight. It's stupid.

You want to go?

It might go kind of late, so,
maybe, after the game

we can grab a drink.

Get this.
You know that fight?

These guys faked the whole thing.

I forgot!
Tonight is no good.

I can't go to that hockey game
tonight, I got that...

Good news...
I talked to the guys.

- What guys?
- The guys you didn't beat up.

They agreed to drop the lawsuit.


What? They agreed to drop it?

I just explained that you two
are wusses.

We had a good laugh about that.
A good long laugh, actually.

I explained how you get a
mani/pedi once a month.

Weekly, Wolverine...
some of us care.

And how you played
the hammer dulcimer

in the Pre-Reformation Dance
Society at Wesleyan.

Did you at least tell them
we were one of

the premier Medieval chamber groups
in the Little Ivies?

I did.

And we all agreed
it was much more likely that

one guy beat up the three of them

than that you two had anything
to do with it, so...

Wait, so...

- so now they're only suing Doug.
- Affirmative.

Angry, irrational,

violent Doug,

who now knows we were the ones
who threw him under the bus.

They what?!

- Look, Doug, we can explain...
- Explain what?

Explain how you stabbed me
in the back right to my face?

Robin, I'm scared.

Is Doug seeing anyone?

Are you seeing anyone?
You really should.

Doug, look, you don't understand,

you beat up those guys all by yourself.

It's true, all right? They had nothing
to do with it. I mean...

look at these two.

It was all Ted!

- Look at this guy.
- Yeah, look at me!

He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a fight.

I think I could last at least five...

He's got the muscle definition
of linguini.

Linguini with meatballs maybe...
check it.

- Look!
- Don't.

Okay, you know what,
maybe it was

just me. Actually, you know what,
that makes a lot of sense.

I tend to black out a lot.

Anyway, look,
I always got your back.

All I ask in return
is that you got mine.

But you know what?

You don't.

You can't be counted on.

No wonder your fianc?e left you.

And here it is, kids,
the only fight I've ever been in.

So what can I share
about the experience?

Well, for starters,
when you punch someone in the face,

it hurts your hand...

a lot.

But what hurts even more than that?


And the next thing I remember
was waking up.

I'm all warmed up.
Let's do this thing.

Turns out getting in a fight
was a terrible idea.

And that's my story.

And what did you learn?

Well, I learned that fighting is bad

and you shouldn't do it ever.

Any questions?

Where do you find these people?

I know! Was there a big sale
at the wuss market?


Of course, I didn't tell those kids
what really happened.

Okay, I'm all warmed up.
Let's do this thing.

What happened?

This happened.

Holy crap!

Turns out Uncle Marshall
and his brothers

did a little more than just roughhouse.

Cocoa break!

Marshall looks good.
Has he lost weight?

Bitch, don't even.

Kids, I'd love to leave you
with the message

that fighting is bad
and you shouldn't do it,

but I know that's pointless.

So, I'll leave you with this:

Don't ever get in a fight
with Uncle Marshall.

That guy's freaking crazy.

It is so good to be home.

Mom, Lily, fantastic job.

"Good food, good meat,
good God, let's eat." Right?

Okay, here we go.
Goggles on.

All right, so,
you guys pass the plates.

Lily, you want white or dark meat?

Dark! Honey, please be careful.