House of Cards (2013–2018): Season 3, Episode 9 - Chapter 35 - full transcript
The Jordan Valley erupts in chaos just as Frank's campaign is picking up steam. Claire gets disturbing intel and counsels him.
Well, the president just saw me come.
- You don't like my giraffe?
- No.
You know I'm divorced twice
and have a daughter in college, right?
- It's on your Wikipedia page.
- Wikipedia.
I don't have any expectations.
I never have, of anyone.
You shouldn't either.
How many events have we skipped today?
Three so far.
And we're about to skip a fourth.
- All on the Telegraph's dime.
- Hey, I'm a free agent.
Means I'm free to bail on a speech
I've already seen ten thousand times.
You are entitled...
- to nothing.
- Stop.
Let me be clear.
I say, I say...
Come here, boy.
You are entitled...
To nothing!
Now, here's the truth:
The American dream is broken.
And when we are robbed of our dreams,
well, let me ask you, folks,
what are we left with?
And when I asked Congress
to help me take this country
from a welfare state to a fully-employed
nation, what did Congress do?
And when we proved that
America Works actually works,
when we created 50,000 jobs
in Washington DC,
Congress didn't just stop at nothing,
they killed progress in its tracks.
Believe me, I know how you feel.
But we have to remember why we're here.
We have to turn that anger into action.
Ma'am, the Secretary General...
America Works will succeed,
but we need your help.
You need to let them know
that a vote for Frank Underwood
is a vote for America Works!
A vote for Frank Underwood
is a vote for America Works!
Now, I had the great pleasure of meeting
a woman this morning named Gloria.
She has a degree
from Iowa State University
and even with her degree,
she can't get employed.
Now, why?
Why is that the case?
Becau-- My wife, ladies and gentlemen.
I think what my wife is gently trying
to tell me is that I've run overtime.
She has a very clever nickname for me.
- "Verbosity."
- Yeah.
Now, the main difference
between Claire and me,
aside from her stunning beauty,
of course,
is that she actually knows
what that word means.
Now, look, I would love to stay here all
afternoon and answer all your questions,
but then I'd leave all your friends
in Cedar Rapids waiting for me
even longer than they have
and we don't want to do that.
So I want to thank you all
for coming out to see me today,
to hear about this battle,
this fight we're in.
I want you to caucus for me,
and let's help get Gloria a job!
America Works only if you make it work!
God bless Iowa!
God bless the United States of America!
- Thank you!
- Underwood! Underwood! Underwood!
An IED right off Route 90,
three kilometers from the Jordan River.
- When?
- Thirty-six minutes ago.
Russian unit was on patrol.
Two armored vehicles were destroyed.
- All eight troops were killed.
- Who's Cathy spoken to?
Foreign Minister
hasn't returned her call.
We have to make sure the Secretary
General doesn't say anything
until we have a better handle. Remy,
I need to speak to Petrov immediately.
I contacted the Kremlin.
They said he'll reach out soon.
We need the UN
to investigate the blast site.
The Russians have cordoned it off.
They're not letting anyone in.
- Why not?
- We don't know.
We had a unit nearby that
heard the blast, went in to help.
- Russians turned them away.
- I don't like the feel of this.
Cathy says the Israelis want
to send in their own team.
We can't let that happen. The second
Israeli boots hit the ground--
Remy, I don't care what you have to do,
you get Petrov on the phone.
We need to head this off at the pass.
And make sure no one in Congress
overreacts either.
How was the game?
Great, until my phone
started blowing up.
Let me see what you have so far.
Um... no.
This is no good.
The language is too obtuse.
- Simpler. More direct.
- Look, here's the deal:
If the Russians don't play ball,
the Israelis will get nervous.
If the Israelis send troops in,
the Palestinians will go apeshit.
If the Palestinians go apeshit,
there could be mortar attacks.
And if there are mortar attacks,
the whole peacekeeping mission
- could go down the drain.
- You want me to actually say that?
God, no.
We need to say the opposite.
Look, make it as clear as the doomsday
scenario that I just described,
but then flip it around
and put a happy face on it.
We can reschedule
everything else,
- but I'm concerned about Harlan Traub.
- The IDP Chairman.
And President
of the Food Processors Association.
He's big for us statewide. We were
supposed to meet with him tonight.
Well, this is a national
security emergency.
He hasn't met with Dunbar yet.
If we cancel,
she gets a clean shot at him.
- All right, so put him on the plane.
- FEC rules.
Campaigning on Air Force One
costs 179,000 an hour.
- Aside from the message it sends--
- So I won't campaign.
I won't have time anyway.
Uh, just make him feel special.
Give him some face time in Washington.
Moryakov's office
is giving me the runaround.
has killed eight Russian troops
on patrol in the Jordan Valley.
So far, no one has claimed
responsibility for this attack.
The only reaction from the Kremlin,
a brief written statement
from Foreign Minister Bugayev
that reads, quote,
"The perpetrators will be found
and brought to justice." End quote.
- Wheels up in 20 minutes.
- I gotta grab my bags from my room.
- Okay. Meet me out front.
- We should take separate cars.
A cab won't even get here
before the plane takes off.
You're coming with me.
Yes, sir.
Not a good day to play hooky.
It's gonna be a late night here.
It depends what Petrov does.
So far, just incredibly loud silence.
I gotta go, hon. Foreign Affairs
is holding an emergency session.
I love you, too.
- I don't have much time.
- Neither do I.
Talking points.
These make me uncomfortable.
Even in a closed session,
whatever I say will get out.
- I'll take hits in Iowa.
- You can't criticize the mission.
We need you to keep everyone calm.
You know how I feel about
unnecessary military involvement.
You asked to be on the ticket, Jackie.
It's been non-stop resistance.
If you don't want
to support the president,
you shouldn't want to be his number two.
I'm sick of pulling teeth.
You're right. I'll do what I can.
I didn't mean to snap.
I know it's hard having a presence here
and campaigning at the same time.
I'm sure it's tough on Alan
and the kids, too.
Alan's been a big help, actually.
I'm glad he's stepping up,
giving you the support you need.
I thought I would hate it,
the whole marriage thing.
But it's nice.
When I can get home,
everyone around the table.
I even cook sometimes.
- Badly, but they indulge me.
- No.
- I have my June Cleaver moments.
- Apron and all?
Don't push it.
I can't remember the last time
I had a home-cooked meal.
- Session's about to start.
- Yeah.
I'll fill you in after.
- Where have you been all day?
- Sorry. Working on the book.
I know we were supposed to have
an opportunity to speak,
- but obviously now, it's--
- Of course.
Listen, you can come up
and sit up front if you like.
- I spoke to Claire about it.
- I'm fine back here. Thanks.
I need to know this passport lock
is being lifted.
- Show me what you got.
- I'm tired of being strung along.
- You have a location?
- Yeah. But I want a timeline.
- Week or two.
- No.
They've stopped giving me
new assignments.
That means they're getting ready
to fuck me.
It has to happen sooner than that.
What are you doing?
E-mailing a friend in Homeland.
He always gets back to me quickly.
You satisfied?
- It says Jane Doe.
- No, it's her.
It's her.
She ghosted the identity of a girl
named Rebecca Sands.
The birthday's pretty close.
It's August 1990, then she died
in '93, along with her whole family.
But her social went active
about six months ago.
But this doesn't say Rebecca Sands.
It says Jane Doe.
State troopers
found her body in a ditch,
in an abandoned construction site
outside of Tucson.
I mean, there's no--
There's no picture.
There's no proof of anything.
"And do not grieve
the Holy Spirit of God
by whom you were sealed
for the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger
and clamor and evil speaking
be put away from you."
- No, no. That's not her.
- Come on, man. There's fingerprints.
Fingerprints from the Tale of Two Cities
book that you gave me.
I ran it against the autopsy report.
It was a ten-point match with Jane Doe.
I need the passport lock lifted now.
- Uh!
- Oh!
- I'm on it.
- When will you be on it?
- Soon.
- Soon? How soon?
As soon as I can!
I did my part.
Get the lock lifted.
You've reached Seth Grayson.
Leave a message, I'll get back to you.
I need to see him.
My mother died.
Come on!
Are you okay?
Hey, man. What the fuck?
You believe this guy?
You want to say it to her, shithead?
Sorry. Okay, I'm sorry.
- Drinks on me.
- We don't want drinks, shithead.
You need to get out of here.
Tommy, this guy's trashed.
Here. Drinks on me.
No, no. We don't want drinks.
We want you to leave.
Come on. Just take it.
I said I was sorry.
- I don't give a shit.
- Take it.
No, he's apologizing.
I'm telling you.
- Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
- I will bust your fucking face!
- Calm down. Let me get you a cab.
- Okay.
Hello, everyone.
I'm afraid I don't have much news.
We are in touch, uh, with the Russians,
but there's very few details.
I'm waiting to speak
with President Petrov.
- Any reason for the delay?
- He just lost eight soldiers.
Talking to their families
is his priority as it would be mine.
Think this could jeopardize
the peacekeeping mission?
Well, every country
that contributed troops
knew that something
like this was a possibility.
But the Russians fought this plan hard.
This gives Petrov the perfect out.
I wouldn't presume to know
what President Petrov is thinking.
I'll know more once we have
a chance to speak.
What about Congress?
They weren't fans of this mission.
I'm gonna consult with Congressional
leadership as soon as we get back.
In the meantime, my focus is to help
the Russians in any way that I can.
How can you help them when they won't
let anyone near the blast site?
Well, that hasn't been confirmed.
Unless, of course, you have better
intelligence than the Pentagon.
Thank you all very much.
More soon.
Israel wants to go public,
blame Palestine for the attack.
There's no evidence yet.
Yes, well, the message is that Palestine
should be keeping its people in check.
They've also moved 500 troops
to a staging area
- across the border from Beit She'an.
- Christ. Try the Kremlin again, please.
You try yawning?
That works for you, not for me.
What about some water?
Sometimes that helps.
I don't need water, I need a phone call.
Maybe you should talk to Traub
while you're waiting for that phone call.
- You're not eating?
- I'm not hungry.
I think you don't like to fly.
Holding onto that table
like it's a stripper's tits.
Harlan. I'm so sorry
to keep you waiting.
Please, don't get up.
How's your lobster?
It tastes like it was caught
this morning.
Well, it was.
Nothing but the best for Air Force One.
Sir, I know you have a million things
on your mind,
but I would just love to talk to you
about how to modernize
the food-processing industry in Iowa.
Please, slit my wrists
with his butter knife.
We can't talk election on the plane,
Harlan. That's an FEC no-no.
This isn't about the campaign.
We're talking about the economy,
not the caucus. Right, Harlan?
That's right.
I'm sure you're aware, sir,
that we lead the states
in corn and soybean production.
It's a good thing,
given the trend towards vegan.
But our food-processing plants--
- Well, the largest industry in Iowa.
- That's correct.
And they're slow on the uptake, sir.
We need federal funding
to help subsidize
- the transition toward healthier--
- Mr. President. Your call from Russia.
Oh. I'm so sorry. I have to take this.
But Harlan, we'll get into it,
I promise.
Viktor, it's a terrible tragedy,
Mr. President.
I feel for your loss.
This is why your people
were so persistent?
So you could offer your sympathy? Hm?
It's important that we talk.
You're not letting anyone
near the blast site.
We're conducting our investigation.
Well, is there anything wrong
with allowing UN investigators
to work in conjunction with your people?
UN Command sent my men on that patrol,
the most dangerous stretch
of Route 90 in the entire valley.
- And you sent my men.
- Me? What are you talking about?
You saw my men as expendable.
Viktor, I don't personally oversee
the peacekeeping forces,
and you can't possibly think that
there was some deliberate attempt
- to put your men in harm's way.
- So I am to believe, what?
That this was a random
act of fate, yes?
Listen, whoever's responsible, we can't
let them foment distrust between us.
If we do, then they win.
Let's show them that an incident
like this makes us stronger.
Let us help you find out who did this.
Russians are dead.
Russia will find the killers.
I don't understand
why you're refusing our assistance.
Because we don't need it.
Well, can we at least
keep the dialogue open?
Consult with each other
before you make any move?
I'm going to do what I must,
Mr. President.
Viktor, please listen to me.
We have--
I'm sorry, Mr. President,
but the line has been disconnected.
He hung up on me.
Cathy Durant, please.
Baldwin was right.
Those eight bodies give Petrov options.
He's not shedding tears,
he's popping champagne corks.
I can hear them.
Not here. Sir.
Restroom's this way.
Who was that?
The guy who just came in?
Didn't see him.
I would've come to your office.
This is the only room
at the UN we don't monitor.
- I'm assuming you don't either.
- No, we haven't bugged it.
- So we can speak openly.
- I think we should.
You talk. I'll listen.
Palestine says it can't control Hamas
if Israeli troops cross into the valley.
We have to back channel this, Alexi.
Petrov won't listen to Francis.
Alexi, please. This whole thing,
you can't let it devolve
into something nobody can control.
Well, maybe that was the objective.
What was?
The president...
never wanted the peacekeeping mission.
You said "objective." Are you telling me
this was somehow planned?
- I haven't said anything.
- But you want to.
The whole world wants to know
who is responsible.
Your troops won't let anyone
near the blast site.
Because they don't want
the world to know.
My brother... he's in the FSB.
We spoke a week ago.
I haven't heard from him since.
Are you absolutely certain about this?
Alexi, go public.
We'll protect you.
Like you did Xander Feng?
That was different.
I have a family.
The FSB has conducted
these sorts of operations before.
The apartment complex that blew up,
Petrov used that
to justify invading Chechnya.
The opera house that was gassed,
he removed all provincial
governors after that.
We do believe the FSB
participated in the first.
We're still uncertain
about the opera house.
But blowing up his own soldiers,
I find that very difficult to believe.
Did he tell you point blank?
Did he say the words?
He said as much as he could.
But the implication was crystal clear.
I'm sure he was very convincing.
All Russian diplomats go through
FSB counter-intel training.
They're trying to provoke
some sort of reaction out of us.
But what about his brother?
It is true that his brother
works for the FSB,
and that we lost track
of him last week.
- That part of the story holds up.
- What's our profile on Moryakov?
We have our agent who's been
assigned to him, sir. Jim?
Moryakov has been considered
a bit of a wild card in Moscow.
Petrov considered recalling him twice,
but held off because
his father's a family friend.
Now, we picked up some chatter
in recent months,
his misgivings with how the Kremlin's
been handling the Jordan Valley.
But does he strike you as a traitor?
He's a complicated man.
Fiercely nationalistic.
But he definitely
has doubts about Petrov.
Shouldn't we at least
entertain the possibility?
Yeah, but how can we determine it
one way or the other? Definitively?
Our satellites aren't enough.
We'd have to get men to the blast site,
retrieve soil samples and blast debris.
How soon could we get a team in?
I'd estimate 72 hours.
Well, three days seems
an awfully long time.
Don't we already have the basics
in place for deployment?
That doesn't take into account
the Russian forces.
We'd want better intel before deploying.
Am I correct in assuming
that every hour that passes,
our chances of retrieving
any proof diminish?
That is correct, sir.
What's the absolute soonest
you can deploy?
Twelve hours, Mr. President. But that
would involve an extremely high degree--
Yeah, I'm aware of the risk, Admiral.
What are the odds of success?
Honestly, sir,
without proper intelligence,
I can't say better than 50/50.
You're certain?
Yes, I am.
Let's put it in motion.
- Mr. President?
- Mark.
Shouldn't the UN be conducting the
investigation instead of the Russians?
The Russians have been our partners in
this mission from day one of deployment,
so I would say that they're conducting
their own investigation
on behalf of the United Nations,
not instead of.
- Mr. President?
- Sara.
Is it correct to say that they are
in no way reporting to UN Command?
In peacekeeping missions,
nations volunteer their forces.
They answer to their own
governments first and foremost,
then they cooperate with the UN Command.
That's an important distinction to make.
Now, any other questions
with respect to the Jordan Valley
should be directed
to the State Department.
But if any of you have questions
that don't relate to yesterday's events,
I'll take one or two.
Yeah, Stephanie.
Mr. President,
Kate and I both had a question.
Thank you, Stephanie.
Mr. President, are you aware, sir,
that campaigning on Air Force One
- is a violation of FEC rules?
- Yes, in general, I am.
Harlan Traub was on the plane yesterday.
It's hard to imagine he was there
for any other reason than you'd be
seeking his support in Iowa.
You don't know how long I've known him,
and yes, he was on the plane yesterday.
But it's not a violation
if you don't campaign, which I didn't.
I think the extent of our conversation
was asking him how he liked his meal.
But I'm happy to let the FEC decide.
Now, does anybody else have any question
that somebody else asked them to ask me?
Where's Traub now?
At the Hay-Adams.
Should be here in an hour.
It'd be bad if anyone saw him
at the White House.
Well, I don't even
want him in DC now.
The last thing we need
is some bullshit FEC story
while I'm trying to deal
with the Russians.
Let's get him back to Iowa.
And you handle this.
You have better people skills
than Vaughn.
And you talk to Baldwin. You make it
crystal clear we violated no regulations.
Sir? I got a voicemail
from Doug last night.
- He said his mom died.
- My God, that's awful.
Except Julia Stamper
passed away ten years ago.
I know, I was at the funeral.
Send some flowers.
Actually, get Doug in here.
I'd like to give my condolences
in person.
There's a whole host of ways we can
revolutionize food processing in Iowa
through America Works.
The subsidies you want for R and D
- can be financed as a jobs--
- You don't have to do this.
- Do what?
- Sweet talk me.
And a cab would've been fine.
I wanted to drive you myself so we had
a chance to talk about your concerns.
Well, I'm used to talking to candidates,
not chauffeurs.
- I'm not a chauffeur.
- Hm?
Well, it's your hands on the wheel.
- Shit.
- Registration and insurance, please.
I'm sorry, officer.
I left my wallet at work.
Registration? Proof of insurance?
- In my wallet.
- You're supposed to keep it in the car.
Yeah. But if someone steals
your car, why give 'em the paperwork?
All right, I'm gonna need you to step
out of the car for a moment, please.
Officer, my name is Remy Danton.
I'm Chief of Staff to the president.
Without your identification, sir,
I don't know who you are.
- Got my government pin.
- That doesn't matter, sir.
I still need to see your identification.
Would you step out of the car, please?
Officer, you run a search on Remy Danton,
you'll get my photo.
Sir, I asked you to step out of the car.
- Any weapons on you?
- Of course not.
All right. You mind stepping
to the rear of the vehicle, please?
I'm gonna pat you down,
just to make sure.
Feet back.
Car comes back to a Virginia
corporation, no address.
I'm cleared Top Secret,
my information is masked.
Sir, I need you to stay here
for a moment, please.
- What do you got?
- No address on file.
- Why'd you stop me?
- One moment, sir.
No, not one moment. I got the right
to know why you stopped me.
Sir, I asked you to keep
your hands on the car.
I'm gonna need your badge number. Trying
to show off for your partner, brother?
I'm not your brother.
Don't make us restrain you.
- Officer Davis.
- Sir.
Officer Corchoran.
Know what? I'm gonna take a photo.
What the fuck?!
- What's your problem?!
- Calm down!
I'm gonna need your badge number!
Mr. Danton, I'm Lieutenant Hixson.
I'm very sorry
for this misunderstanding.
Watch your head.
I hope you accept my apology
on their behalf.
- They said I was stopped for speeding.
- Yes.
When they encounter someone
without a license and registration--
Write up the ticket.
You don't have to worry about that, sir.
You're free to go.
If I was speeding,
give me the damn ticket.
That's really not necessary
after everything we put you through.
Hey. I'd invite you up,
but the kids, they're--
We're bringing them to Iowa
this trip and it's a total shit-show.
I didn't come here to talk to you
about the campaign.
I probably... you know, I shouldn't
have just shown up like this, but...
Here. Come this way.
It's stupid.
I don't even know why I came over.
Did something happen?
I got pulled over. For speeding.
Things got out of hand.
A nigger in a nice car.
I left my wallet at work.
When I tried to tell the guy who I was,
he didn't believe me, so...
I don't know.
I didn't believe me.
There I was with my hands
in cuffs and it was like, uh...
It was like I was outside of myself.
I could've been anyone.
I wasn't me.
- Does that make any sense?
- You got rattled.
No, it's not that.
I look at you and Alan,
and even Frank and Claire.
This happened and I didn't have
anyone to tell about it.
You have me, right?
I'm glad you came over.
It's not fair.
Intruding on you like this.
If I thought you were intruding,
I wouldn't have come downstairs.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You still mean a lot to me.
I am there for you, as your friend.
You should go back up. Finish packing.
Safe flight.
We're set to insert at 2100 EST,
0400 local time.
We'll use a Fulton recovery
of any material samples.
The extraction?
The team will make its way on foot
to this rendezvous point for extract.
How are they gonna pass
the Russian lines?
Our intel is spotty at best,
but our team is scheduled
to link up with a local agent
who will assist.
Let's move this down to the Situation
Room. I'll be there in a few minutes.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Did he say anything?
He wouldn't even look at me
when I said hello.
Send him in.
Are you certain?
Who gathered all this inform--
Oh, never mind. I shouldn't know.
Was it you... who...?
You shouldn't have brought this here.
I wanted you to see it.
So you would believe me.
I'm drunk, sir.
I'm-- I'm drunk right now.
This girl really meant something to you,
didn't she?
She did.
I've been working for Dunbar.
I pushed myself too much.
It's my fault.
It was for you.
To see how close I could get.
If I could find something,
a silver bullet.
To prove that...
I was still useful.
How can I help you, Doug?
I can't go to rehab.
- Just not another hospital, or...
- Okay.
I just... I can't... I can't do it.
We'll figure something out.
I'm not Peter Russo.
I won't go like he did.
No, you won't.
You're going to get better, Doug.
I promise you that.
Yes, send Meechum in here.
There's an envelope on my desk.
I need it to be incinerated.
Yes, sir.
And then I need you to take Doug home.
Come on, Doug, it's time to go.
This way, Mr. Stamper.
You stay with him
until we figure out what's next.
Yes, sir.
Some privacy, please.
- This is Heather Dunbar.
- I'll connect you momentarily.
Mr. President?
Doug Stamper is my friend,
and you came very close to killing him.
- Excuse me?
- You're aware he's an alcoholic?
- Yes.
- And how serious his injuries were.
- Mr. President--
- But you still put him to work.
A man who's trying to recover,
who's trying to get back his life.
Did you honestly think
that he could handle that?
Douglas came to us.
And you should've turned him away
if you had one ounce of decency.
What's happened?
Is he okay?
You don't have the right
to ask me that question.
And if you do anything
that endangers his health again,
I swear to God,
I will put you in your fucking grave.
Let's continue.
Thirty-two thousand feet,
one minute to insert.
Let's hear comms.
Audio on.
Stand up!
Twenty seconds. Last checks.
Last checks! Gather round.
Ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two. Green light.
- Video will go dark once they jump.
- Go. Go.
Chutes deployed.
The rally point.
Link-up with indig agent happens here,
half a klick from the drop zone.
He'll arrange safe passage
to the blast site.
Agent is rogue.
Repeat, we have a bad agent.
- We've been compromised.
- Man down! Man down!
- Fuck.
- Over there!
- Agent is kilo.
- Get pressure on that wound.
We should abort, sir.
- Mr. President.
- Shut it down. Bring them home.
"Match Stick," I repeat, "Match Stick."
Head directly to waypoint X-ray.
How copy, over?
Proceeding to X-ray.
- Hello?
- He's in the bedroom.
Hey, brother.
Say again. Over.
Confirmed, sir.
The element is off the X and moving
to extract. Three wounded, one KIA.
I'll need the name, next of kin.
Yes, sir.
Sir, President Petrov
is on the line.
I'll take it in here.
Shut the door, please.
- Viktor.
- We know it was your men.
What was?
Did you think we wouldn't detect you?
Whatever you're accusing us of,
I don't know anything about it.
Oh, yes, you do.
And so do the Israelis.
We leaked footage
of the firefight to them.
I can't imagine they'd be pleased
America is conducting covert operations
without consulting with them first.
You killed your own men, Viktor.
It was your man who got shot last night.
I mean the blast. We have the intel.
It was you, not terrorists.
It was FSB.
So you humiliate me in Washington,
humiliate me in Moscow,
and now you insult me
with these ridiculous fantasies.
What do you want
out of all of this, Viktor?
Justice, for my soldiers who died
on a mission you devised.
If anyone is to blame
for their deaths, it's you.
Goodbye, Viktor.
Francis, what did he say?
I have to finish this letter.
Over the last several hours,
Israeli forces entered
the Jordan Valley.
Eyewitness reports say they've taken up
positions near the encampments
where Russian troops are refusing access
to a blast site
where eight of their countrymen
were killed two days ago.
The Israeli Prime Minister
had this to say, quote:
"With both Russian forces
refusing to leave
and the presence of covert operations
from other nations..."
Hamas and Hezbollah
are getting involved.
They've vowed to raise local militias
if the Israelis cross the border.
...nor has the American government
regarding covert operations.
- This is gonna be bad.
- Yeah, it sure is.
I should get to the White House.
- Lock the door on the way out?
- Mm-hm.
The Israelis.
I know,
I've been watching the news all night.
We should get to the Situation Room.
Let me finish this first.
I'll be right down.
All right, I'll see you down there.
- You don't like my giraffe?
- No.
You know I'm divorced twice
and have a daughter in college, right?
- It's on your Wikipedia page.
- Wikipedia.
I don't have any expectations.
I never have, of anyone.
You shouldn't either.
How many events have we skipped today?
Three so far.
And we're about to skip a fourth.
- All on the Telegraph's dime.
- Hey, I'm a free agent.
Means I'm free to bail on a speech
I've already seen ten thousand times.
You are entitled...
- to nothing.
- Stop.
Let me be clear.
I say, I say...
Come here, boy.
You are entitled...
To nothing!
Now, here's the truth:
The American dream is broken.
And when we are robbed of our dreams,
well, let me ask you, folks,
what are we left with?
And when I asked Congress
to help me take this country
from a welfare state to a fully-employed
nation, what did Congress do?
And when we proved that
America Works actually works,
when we created 50,000 jobs
in Washington DC,
Congress didn't just stop at nothing,
they killed progress in its tracks.
Believe me, I know how you feel.
But we have to remember why we're here.
We have to turn that anger into action.
Ma'am, the Secretary General...
America Works will succeed,
but we need your help.
You need to let them know
that a vote for Frank Underwood
is a vote for America Works!
A vote for Frank Underwood
is a vote for America Works!
Now, I had the great pleasure of meeting
a woman this morning named Gloria.
She has a degree
from Iowa State University
and even with her degree,
she can't get employed.
Now, why?
Why is that the case?
Becau-- My wife, ladies and gentlemen.
I think what my wife is gently trying
to tell me is that I've run overtime.
She has a very clever nickname for me.
- "Verbosity."
- Yeah.
Now, the main difference
between Claire and me,
aside from her stunning beauty,
of course,
is that she actually knows
what that word means.
Now, look, I would love to stay here all
afternoon and answer all your questions,
but then I'd leave all your friends
in Cedar Rapids waiting for me
even longer than they have
and we don't want to do that.
So I want to thank you all
for coming out to see me today,
to hear about this battle,
this fight we're in.
I want you to caucus for me,
and let's help get Gloria a job!
America Works only if you make it work!
God bless Iowa!
God bless the United States of America!
- Thank you!
- Underwood! Underwood! Underwood!
An IED right off Route 90,
three kilometers from the Jordan River.
- When?
- Thirty-six minutes ago.
Russian unit was on patrol.
Two armored vehicles were destroyed.
- All eight troops were killed.
- Who's Cathy spoken to?
Foreign Minister
hasn't returned her call.
We have to make sure the Secretary
General doesn't say anything
until we have a better handle. Remy,
I need to speak to Petrov immediately.
I contacted the Kremlin.
They said he'll reach out soon.
We need the UN
to investigate the blast site.
The Russians have cordoned it off.
They're not letting anyone in.
- Why not?
- We don't know.
We had a unit nearby that
heard the blast, went in to help.
- Russians turned them away.
- I don't like the feel of this.
Cathy says the Israelis want
to send in their own team.
We can't let that happen. The second
Israeli boots hit the ground--
Remy, I don't care what you have to do,
you get Petrov on the phone.
We need to head this off at the pass.
And make sure no one in Congress
overreacts either.
How was the game?
Great, until my phone
started blowing up.
Let me see what you have so far.
Um... no.
This is no good.
The language is too obtuse.
- Simpler. More direct.
- Look, here's the deal:
If the Russians don't play ball,
the Israelis will get nervous.
If the Israelis send troops in,
the Palestinians will go apeshit.
If the Palestinians go apeshit,
there could be mortar attacks.
And if there are mortar attacks,
the whole peacekeeping mission
- could go down the drain.
- You want me to actually say that?
God, no.
We need to say the opposite.
Look, make it as clear as the doomsday
scenario that I just described,
but then flip it around
and put a happy face on it.
We can reschedule
everything else,
- but I'm concerned about Harlan Traub.
- The IDP Chairman.
And President
of the Food Processors Association.
He's big for us statewide. We were
supposed to meet with him tonight.
Well, this is a national
security emergency.
He hasn't met with Dunbar yet.
If we cancel,
she gets a clean shot at him.
- All right, so put him on the plane.
- FEC rules.
Campaigning on Air Force One
costs 179,000 an hour.
- Aside from the message it sends--
- So I won't campaign.
I won't have time anyway.
Uh, just make him feel special.
Give him some face time in Washington.
Moryakov's office
is giving me the runaround.
has killed eight Russian troops
on patrol in the Jordan Valley.
So far, no one has claimed
responsibility for this attack.
The only reaction from the Kremlin,
a brief written statement
from Foreign Minister Bugayev
that reads, quote,
"The perpetrators will be found
and brought to justice." End quote.
- Wheels up in 20 minutes.
- I gotta grab my bags from my room.
- Okay. Meet me out front.
- We should take separate cars.
A cab won't even get here
before the plane takes off.
You're coming with me.
Yes, sir.
Not a good day to play hooky.
It's gonna be a late night here.
It depends what Petrov does.
So far, just incredibly loud silence.
I gotta go, hon. Foreign Affairs
is holding an emergency session.
I love you, too.
- I don't have much time.
- Neither do I.
Talking points.
These make me uncomfortable.
Even in a closed session,
whatever I say will get out.
- I'll take hits in Iowa.
- You can't criticize the mission.
We need you to keep everyone calm.
You know how I feel about
unnecessary military involvement.
You asked to be on the ticket, Jackie.
It's been non-stop resistance.
If you don't want
to support the president,
you shouldn't want to be his number two.
I'm sick of pulling teeth.
You're right. I'll do what I can.
I didn't mean to snap.
I know it's hard having a presence here
and campaigning at the same time.
I'm sure it's tough on Alan
and the kids, too.
Alan's been a big help, actually.
I'm glad he's stepping up,
giving you the support you need.
I thought I would hate it,
the whole marriage thing.
But it's nice.
When I can get home,
everyone around the table.
I even cook sometimes.
- Badly, but they indulge me.
- No.
- I have my June Cleaver moments.
- Apron and all?
Don't push it.
I can't remember the last time
I had a home-cooked meal.
- Session's about to start.
- Yeah.
I'll fill you in after.
- Where have you been all day?
- Sorry. Working on the book.
I know we were supposed to have
an opportunity to speak,
- but obviously now, it's--
- Of course.
Listen, you can come up
and sit up front if you like.
- I spoke to Claire about it.
- I'm fine back here. Thanks.
I need to know this passport lock
is being lifted.
- Show me what you got.
- I'm tired of being strung along.
- You have a location?
- Yeah. But I want a timeline.
- Week or two.
- No.
They've stopped giving me
new assignments.
That means they're getting ready
to fuck me.
It has to happen sooner than that.
What are you doing?
E-mailing a friend in Homeland.
He always gets back to me quickly.
You satisfied?
- It says Jane Doe.
- No, it's her.
It's her.
She ghosted the identity of a girl
named Rebecca Sands.
The birthday's pretty close.
It's August 1990, then she died
in '93, along with her whole family.
But her social went active
about six months ago.
But this doesn't say Rebecca Sands.
It says Jane Doe.
State troopers
found her body in a ditch,
in an abandoned construction site
outside of Tucson.
I mean, there's no--
There's no picture.
There's no proof of anything.
"And do not grieve
the Holy Spirit of God
by whom you were sealed
for the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger
and clamor and evil speaking
be put away from you."
- No, no. That's not her.
- Come on, man. There's fingerprints.
Fingerprints from the Tale of Two Cities
book that you gave me.
I ran it against the autopsy report.
It was a ten-point match with Jane Doe.
I need the passport lock lifted now.
- Uh!
- Oh!
- I'm on it.
- When will you be on it?
- Soon.
- Soon? How soon?
As soon as I can!
I did my part.
Get the lock lifted.
You've reached Seth Grayson.
Leave a message, I'll get back to you.
I need to see him.
My mother died.
Come on!
Are you okay?
Hey, man. What the fuck?
You believe this guy?
You want to say it to her, shithead?
Sorry. Okay, I'm sorry.
- Drinks on me.
- We don't want drinks, shithead.
You need to get out of here.
Tommy, this guy's trashed.
Here. Drinks on me.
No, no. We don't want drinks.
We want you to leave.
Come on. Just take it.
I said I was sorry.
- I don't give a shit.
- Take it.
No, he's apologizing.
I'm telling you.
- Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
- I will bust your fucking face!
- Calm down. Let me get you a cab.
- Okay.
Hello, everyone.
I'm afraid I don't have much news.
We are in touch, uh, with the Russians,
but there's very few details.
I'm waiting to speak
with President Petrov.
- Any reason for the delay?
- He just lost eight soldiers.
Talking to their families
is his priority as it would be mine.
Think this could jeopardize
the peacekeeping mission?
Well, every country
that contributed troops
knew that something
like this was a possibility.
But the Russians fought this plan hard.
This gives Petrov the perfect out.
I wouldn't presume to know
what President Petrov is thinking.
I'll know more once we have
a chance to speak.
What about Congress?
They weren't fans of this mission.
I'm gonna consult with Congressional
leadership as soon as we get back.
In the meantime, my focus is to help
the Russians in any way that I can.
How can you help them when they won't
let anyone near the blast site?
Well, that hasn't been confirmed.
Unless, of course, you have better
intelligence than the Pentagon.
Thank you all very much.
More soon.
Israel wants to go public,
blame Palestine for the attack.
There's no evidence yet.
Yes, well, the message is that Palestine
should be keeping its people in check.
They've also moved 500 troops
to a staging area
- across the border from Beit She'an.
- Christ. Try the Kremlin again, please.
You try yawning?
That works for you, not for me.
What about some water?
Sometimes that helps.
I don't need water, I need a phone call.
Maybe you should talk to Traub
while you're waiting for that phone call.
- You're not eating?
- I'm not hungry.
I think you don't like to fly.
Holding onto that table
like it's a stripper's tits.
Harlan. I'm so sorry
to keep you waiting.
Please, don't get up.
How's your lobster?
It tastes like it was caught
this morning.
Well, it was.
Nothing but the best for Air Force One.
Sir, I know you have a million things
on your mind,
but I would just love to talk to you
about how to modernize
the food-processing industry in Iowa.
Please, slit my wrists
with his butter knife.
We can't talk election on the plane,
Harlan. That's an FEC no-no.
This isn't about the campaign.
We're talking about the economy,
not the caucus. Right, Harlan?
That's right.
I'm sure you're aware, sir,
that we lead the states
in corn and soybean production.
It's a good thing,
given the trend towards vegan.
But our food-processing plants--
- Well, the largest industry in Iowa.
- That's correct.
And they're slow on the uptake, sir.
We need federal funding
to help subsidize
- the transition toward healthier--
- Mr. President. Your call from Russia.
Oh. I'm so sorry. I have to take this.
But Harlan, we'll get into it,
I promise.
Viktor, it's a terrible tragedy,
Mr. President.
I feel for your loss.
This is why your people
were so persistent?
So you could offer your sympathy? Hm?
It's important that we talk.
You're not letting anyone
near the blast site.
We're conducting our investigation.
Well, is there anything wrong
with allowing UN investigators
to work in conjunction with your people?
UN Command sent my men on that patrol,
the most dangerous stretch
of Route 90 in the entire valley.
- And you sent my men.
- Me? What are you talking about?
You saw my men as expendable.
Viktor, I don't personally oversee
the peacekeeping forces,
and you can't possibly think that
there was some deliberate attempt
- to put your men in harm's way.
- So I am to believe, what?
That this was a random
act of fate, yes?
Listen, whoever's responsible, we can't
let them foment distrust between us.
If we do, then they win.
Let's show them that an incident
like this makes us stronger.
Let us help you find out who did this.
Russians are dead.
Russia will find the killers.
I don't understand
why you're refusing our assistance.
Because we don't need it.
Well, can we at least
keep the dialogue open?
Consult with each other
before you make any move?
I'm going to do what I must,
Mr. President.
Viktor, please listen to me.
We have--
I'm sorry, Mr. President,
but the line has been disconnected.
He hung up on me.
Cathy Durant, please.
Baldwin was right.
Those eight bodies give Petrov options.
He's not shedding tears,
he's popping champagne corks.
I can hear them.
Not here. Sir.
Restroom's this way.
Who was that?
The guy who just came in?
Didn't see him.
I would've come to your office.
This is the only room
at the UN we don't monitor.
- I'm assuming you don't either.
- No, we haven't bugged it.
- So we can speak openly.
- I think we should.
You talk. I'll listen.
Palestine says it can't control Hamas
if Israeli troops cross into the valley.
We have to back channel this, Alexi.
Petrov won't listen to Francis.
Alexi, please. This whole thing,
you can't let it devolve
into something nobody can control.
Well, maybe that was the objective.
What was?
The president...
never wanted the peacekeeping mission.
You said "objective." Are you telling me
this was somehow planned?
- I haven't said anything.
- But you want to.
The whole world wants to know
who is responsible.
Your troops won't let anyone
near the blast site.
Because they don't want
the world to know.
My brother... he's in the FSB.
We spoke a week ago.
I haven't heard from him since.
Are you absolutely certain about this?
Alexi, go public.
We'll protect you.
Like you did Xander Feng?
That was different.
I have a family.
The FSB has conducted
these sorts of operations before.
The apartment complex that blew up,
Petrov used that
to justify invading Chechnya.
The opera house that was gassed,
he removed all provincial
governors after that.
We do believe the FSB
participated in the first.
We're still uncertain
about the opera house.
But blowing up his own soldiers,
I find that very difficult to believe.
Did he tell you point blank?
Did he say the words?
He said as much as he could.
But the implication was crystal clear.
I'm sure he was very convincing.
All Russian diplomats go through
FSB counter-intel training.
They're trying to provoke
some sort of reaction out of us.
But what about his brother?
It is true that his brother
works for the FSB,
and that we lost track
of him last week.
- That part of the story holds up.
- What's our profile on Moryakov?
We have our agent who's been
assigned to him, sir. Jim?
Moryakov has been considered
a bit of a wild card in Moscow.
Petrov considered recalling him twice,
but held off because
his father's a family friend.
Now, we picked up some chatter
in recent months,
his misgivings with how the Kremlin's
been handling the Jordan Valley.
But does he strike you as a traitor?
He's a complicated man.
Fiercely nationalistic.
But he definitely
has doubts about Petrov.
Shouldn't we at least
entertain the possibility?
Yeah, but how can we determine it
one way or the other? Definitively?
Our satellites aren't enough.
We'd have to get men to the blast site,
retrieve soil samples and blast debris.
How soon could we get a team in?
I'd estimate 72 hours.
Well, three days seems
an awfully long time.
Don't we already have the basics
in place for deployment?
That doesn't take into account
the Russian forces.
We'd want better intel before deploying.
Am I correct in assuming
that every hour that passes,
our chances of retrieving
any proof diminish?
That is correct, sir.
What's the absolute soonest
you can deploy?
Twelve hours, Mr. President. But that
would involve an extremely high degree--
Yeah, I'm aware of the risk, Admiral.
What are the odds of success?
Honestly, sir,
without proper intelligence,
I can't say better than 50/50.
You're certain?
Yes, I am.
Let's put it in motion.
- Mr. President?
- Mark.
Shouldn't the UN be conducting the
investigation instead of the Russians?
The Russians have been our partners in
this mission from day one of deployment,
so I would say that they're conducting
their own investigation
on behalf of the United Nations,
not instead of.
- Mr. President?
- Sara.
Is it correct to say that they are
in no way reporting to UN Command?
In peacekeeping missions,
nations volunteer their forces.
They answer to their own
governments first and foremost,
then they cooperate with the UN Command.
That's an important distinction to make.
Now, any other questions
with respect to the Jordan Valley
should be directed
to the State Department.
But if any of you have questions
that don't relate to yesterday's events,
I'll take one or two.
Yeah, Stephanie.
Mr. President,
Kate and I both had a question.
Thank you, Stephanie.
Mr. President, are you aware, sir,
that campaigning on Air Force One
- is a violation of FEC rules?
- Yes, in general, I am.
Harlan Traub was on the plane yesterday.
It's hard to imagine he was there
for any other reason than you'd be
seeking his support in Iowa.
You don't know how long I've known him,
and yes, he was on the plane yesterday.
But it's not a violation
if you don't campaign, which I didn't.
I think the extent of our conversation
was asking him how he liked his meal.
But I'm happy to let the FEC decide.
Now, does anybody else have any question
that somebody else asked them to ask me?
Where's Traub now?
At the Hay-Adams.
Should be here in an hour.
It'd be bad if anyone saw him
at the White House.
Well, I don't even
want him in DC now.
The last thing we need
is some bullshit FEC story
while I'm trying to deal
with the Russians.
Let's get him back to Iowa.
And you handle this.
You have better people skills
than Vaughn.
And you talk to Baldwin. You make it
crystal clear we violated no regulations.
Sir? I got a voicemail
from Doug last night.
- He said his mom died.
- My God, that's awful.
Except Julia Stamper
passed away ten years ago.
I know, I was at the funeral.
Send some flowers.
Actually, get Doug in here.
I'd like to give my condolences
in person.
There's a whole host of ways we can
revolutionize food processing in Iowa
through America Works.
The subsidies you want for R and D
- can be financed as a jobs--
- You don't have to do this.
- Do what?
- Sweet talk me.
And a cab would've been fine.
I wanted to drive you myself so we had
a chance to talk about your concerns.
Well, I'm used to talking to candidates,
not chauffeurs.
- I'm not a chauffeur.
- Hm?
Well, it's your hands on the wheel.
- Shit.
- Registration and insurance, please.
I'm sorry, officer.
I left my wallet at work.
Registration? Proof of insurance?
- In my wallet.
- You're supposed to keep it in the car.
Yeah. But if someone steals
your car, why give 'em the paperwork?
All right, I'm gonna need you to step
out of the car for a moment, please.
Officer, my name is Remy Danton.
I'm Chief of Staff to the president.
Without your identification, sir,
I don't know who you are.
- Got my government pin.
- That doesn't matter, sir.
I still need to see your identification.
Would you step out of the car, please?
Officer, you run a search on Remy Danton,
you'll get my photo.
Sir, I asked you to step out of the car.
- Any weapons on you?
- Of course not.
All right. You mind stepping
to the rear of the vehicle, please?
I'm gonna pat you down,
just to make sure.
Feet back.
Car comes back to a Virginia
corporation, no address.
I'm cleared Top Secret,
my information is masked.
Sir, I need you to stay here
for a moment, please.
- What do you got?
- No address on file.
- Why'd you stop me?
- One moment, sir.
No, not one moment. I got the right
to know why you stopped me.
Sir, I asked you to keep
your hands on the car.
I'm gonna need your badge number. Trying
to show off for your partner, brother?
I'm not your brother.
Don't make us restrain you.
- Officer Davis.
- Sir.
Officer Corchoran.
Know what? I'm gonna take a photo.
What the fuck?!
- What's your problem?!
- Calm down!
I'm gonna need your badge number!
Mr. Danton, I'm Lieutenant Hixson.
I'm very sorry
for this misunderstanding.
Watch your head.
I hope you accept my apology
on their behalf.
- They said I was stopped for speeding.
- Yes.
When they encounter someone
without a license and registration--
Write up the ticket.
You don't have to worry about that, sir.
You're free to go.
If I was speeding,
give me the damn ticket.
That's really not necessary
after everything we put you through.
Hey. I'd invite you up,
but the kids, they're--
We're bringing them to Iowa
this trip and it's a total shit-show.
I didn't come here to talk to you
about the campaign.
I probably... you know, I shouldn't
have just shown up like this, but...
Here. Come this way.
It's stupid.
I don't even know why I came over.
Did something happen?
I got pulled over. For speeding.
Things got out of hand.
A nigger in a nice car.
I left my wallet at work.
When I tried to tell the guy who I was,
he didn't believe me, so...
I don't know.
I didn't believe me.
There I was with my hands
in cuffs and it was like, uh...
It was like I was outside of myself.
I could've been anyone.
I wasn't me.
- Does that make any sense?
- You got rattled.
No, it's not that.
I look at you and Alan,
and even Frank and Claire.
This happened and I didn't have
anyone to tell about it.
You have me, right?
I'm glad you came over.
It's not fair.
Intruding on you like this.
If I thought you were intruding,
I wouldn't have come downstairs.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You still mean a lot to me.
I am there for you, as your friend.
You should go back up. Finish packing.
Safe flight.
We're set to insert at 2100 EST,
0400 local time.
We'll use a Fulton recovery
of any material samples.
The extraction?
The team will make its way on foot
to this rendezvous point for extract.
How are they gonna pass
the Russian lines?
Our intel is spotty at best,
but our team is scheduled
to link up with a local agent
who will assist.
Let's move this down to the Situation
Room. I'll be there in a few minutes.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Did he say anything?
He wouldn't even look at me
when I said hello.
Send him in.
Are you certain?
Who gathered all this inform--
Oh, never mind. I shouldn't know.
Was it you... who...?
You shouldn't have brought this here.
I wanted you to see it.
So you would believe me.
I'm drunk, sir.
I'm-- I'm drunk right now.
This girl really meant something to you,
didn't she?
She did.
I've been working for Dunbar.
I pushed myself too much.
It's my fault.
It was for you.
To see how close I could get.
If I could find something,
a silver bullet.
To prove that...
I was still useful.
How can I help you, Doug?
I can't go to rehab.
- Just not another hospital, or...
- Okay.
I just... I can't... I can't do it.
We'll figure something out.
I'm not Peter Russo.
I won't go like he did.
No, you won't.
You're going to get better, Doug.
I promise you that.
Yes, send Meechum in here.
There's an envelope on my desk.
I need it to be incinerated.
Yes, sir.
And then I need you to take Doug home.
Come on, Doug, it's time to go.
This way, Mr. Stamper.
You stay with him
until we figure out what's next.
Yes, sir.
Some privacy, please.
- This is Heather Dunbar.
- I'll connect you momentarily.
Mr. President?
Doug Stamper is my friend,
and you came very close to killing him.
- Excuse me?
- You're aware he's an alcoholic?
- Yes.
- And how serious his injuries were.
- Mr. President--
- But you still put him to work.
A man who's trying to recover,
who's trying to get back his life.
Did you honestly think
that he could handle that?
Douglas came to us.
And you should've turned him away
if you had one ounce of decency.
What's happened?
Is he okay?
You don't have the right
to ask me that question.
And if you do anything
that endangers his health again,
I swear to God,
I will put you in your fucking grave.
Let's continue.
Thirty-two thousand feet,
one minute to insert.
Let's hear comms.
Audio on.
Stand up!
Twenty seconds. Last checks.
Last checks! Gather round.
Ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four,
three, two. Green light.
- Video will go dark once they jump.
- Go. Go.
Chutes deployed.
The rally point.
Link-up with indig agent happens here,
half a klick from the drop zone.
He'll arrange safe passage
to the blast site.
Agent is rogue.
Repeat, we have a bad agent.
- We've been compromised.
- Man down! Man down!
- Fuck.
- Over there!
- Agent is kilo.
- Get pressure on that wound.
We should abort, sir.
- Mr. President.
- Shut it down. Bring them home.
"Match Stick," I repeat, "Match Stick."
Head directly to waypoint X-ray.
How copy, over?
Proceeding to X-ray.
- Hello?
- He's in the bedroom.
Hey, brother.
Say again. Over.
Confirmed, sir.
The element is off the X and moving
to extract. Three wounded, one KIA.
I'll need the name, next of kin.
Yes, sir.
Sir, President Petrov
is on the line.
I'll take it in here.
Shut the door, please.
- Viktor.
- We know it was your men.
What was?
Did you think we wouldn't detect you?
Whatever you're accusing us of,
I don't know anything about it.
Oh, yes, you do.
And so do the Israelis.
We leaked footage
of the firefight to them.
I can't imagine they'd be pleased
America is conducting covert operations
without consulting with them first.
You killed your own men, Viktor.
It was your man who got shot last night.
I mean the blast. We have the intel.
It was you, not terrorists.
It was FSB.
So you humiliate me in Washington,
humiliate me in Moscow,
and now you insult me
with these ridiculous fantasies.
What do you want
out of all of this, Viktor?
Justice, for my soldiers who died
on a mission you devised.
If anyone is to blame
for their deaths, it's you.
Goodbye, Viktor.
Francis, what did he say?
I have to finish this letter.
Over the last several hours,
Israeli forces entered
the Jordan Valley.
Eyewitness reports say they've taken up
positions near the encampments
where Russian troops are refusing access
to a blast site
where eight of their countrymen
were killed two days ago.
The Israeli Prime Minister
had this to say, quote:
"With both Russian forces
refusing to leave
and the presence of covert operations
from other nations..."
Hamas and Hezbollah
are getting involved.
They've vowed to raise local militias
if the Israelis cross the border.
...nor has the American government
regarding covert operations.
- This is gonna be bad.
- Yeah, it sure is.
I should get to the White House.
- Lock the door on the way out?
- Mm-hm.
The Israelis.
I know,
I've been watching the news all night.
We should get to the Situation Room.
Let me finish this first.
I'll be right down.
All right, I'll see you down there.