House of Cards (2013–2018): Season 3, Episode 2 - Chapter 28 - full transcript
Claire's U.N. bid runs into trouble. Frank fights off mutiny with a bold address to the country.
Ripped By mstoll
I'm glad you brought
up nepotism, Senator.
Um, if this were an outright
appointment, that would be one thing.
But in this case the
President can only nominate.
It's the Senate that
deems me worthy.
I'm here to convince
you that I am.
Although I must admit,
my husband never remembers
to put the toilet seat down,
so he could be trying to make it up to me.
My larger concern
is your experience.
You have very little.
Well, a decade ago,
I founded a small non-profit
and I built it into
a major global player.
I shepherded a number of bills
through Congress on its behalf,
and over the last year
I've dedicated myself
to Sexual Assault Reform
and have made
meaningful strides.
Now, while this may not
qualify as statecraft,
it does illustrate
my effectiveness,
the same effectiveness I plan on
bringing to the United Nations.
Thank you, Mrs. Underwood. I
yield the remainder of my time.
Uh, Mrs. Wallace of North
Dakota, you have eight minutes.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mrs. Underwood,
allow me to get specific.
What is your take on
U.N. Resolution 9214,
the imposition of sanctions
on the Congo for...
The illegal mining and smuggling
of mineral resources.
Yes. The United States voted
against this resolution.
The DRC is already wracked
with economic hardship,
compounded by an
unstable government.
It ranks 192 out of 194
in GDP per capita.
I think we need to encourage
foreign investment
and develop new forms of
economic growth,
rather than make one of the world's
poorest countries even poorer.
From a
national security perspective,
the United States maintains a strong
interest in the success of the DRC.
We want a stable nation...
They're here.
...that can help us
in combatting the spread
of Islamic radicalism
throughout the continent.
And in order to achieve that,
we need to work as its ally,
not its disciplinarian.
- Good morning.
- Mr. President.
Jackie. Terry. Shall we?
Mr. President.
Now, you all have the overview,
but what we have here today
is the comprehensive
breakdown of...
Sir, before we begin...
Look, Bob, I know you have some
serious doubts about this program,
but just let me flesh it out
first and then, I promise,
we can address any questions
that you might have.
Uh, Mr. President...
Ten million jobs.
Can we all agree that that's a
good thing for this country?
Universal Employment?
It's the key for our keeping
the White House in 2016,
it's the only chance we have of
winning back majorities in Congress.
Now, the election's only
eighteen months away.
We need to do something bold,
something decisive.
We need to redefine our party.
Actually, that's what
we wanted to discuss.
You're right, we do need
to redefine the party.
We need to do it
with a fresh face.
We don't want you to run.
You weren't even elected
to the office in the first place.
- The pardons hurt you.
- Approvals are low.
We're not casting blame,
We just believe that this
is best for the Party.
I suspected this was coming.
But months from now.
I was hoping by then, I'd have
something to show for my efforts,
that I could pre-empt
their doubts with progress.
They're nervous.
They're being impulsive.
It's a bit early to be
deciding something like this.
Shouldn't we revisit this when
we're closer to the primaries?
What do you think, Terry?
Well, like you said, sir,
we only have 18 months
until the general.
Less than half of that
till Iowa,
we would want to settle
on a candidate soon.
Someone who the whole party
can get behind,
like the Republicans
are getting behind Mendoza.
And who would that be?
Well, we haven't had
a discussion on that, yet.
We came to you first,
out of respect.
Well, there must be a shortlist.
No, not yet. It'll be a
process to find the right person.
And we were hoping that you would
be a part of that process.
Obviously, this is
a request, Mr. President.
It's your decision.
But if you do run, sir,
you won't have our support.
I stand by the rest
of the Leadership.
Well, this is certainly a lot
to think about.
Let's table our discussion on
America Works for another time,
but thank you all for being
so forthright.
I'll get back to you on this
issue a little later on.
Would you like us to
stick around for a while?
We wouldn't want
the press to think
that we came all the way here
for a five-minute meeting.
Well, that's a very good idea.
No raised eyebrows.
I'll have some
refreshments sent for you
into the Map Room.
- Wonderful. Thank you, Mr.
- President.
As a vocal proponent for the
Sexual Assault Bill last session,
are you concerned about your
relationship with the U.S. military?
No, I'm not, Senator.
I worked closely with the
Joint Chiefs on that bill.
What if there were
a peacekeeping mission
in say, Burma,
to quell civil unrest,
and the United Nations asked
us to contribute troops
to put our servicemen and
women's lives in peril.
Well, if you're using
Myanmar as a hypothetical,
I think we're a long way from
that, but as Ambassador, I...
My question concerns
the use of U.S. military.
The U.S. military
is irrelevant.
The current situation
in Myanmar...
Excuse me, Mrs. Underwood, "The U.S.
military is irrelevant"?
That's not what I said.
You said, verbatim, "The U.S.
military is irrelevant."
Well, in the...
In the context of...
I meant, uh,
that there are plenty...
I have the utmost respect and
appreciation for our troops, sir.
Not with statements
like that you don't.
Okay, Senator,
if I may, I can explain...
How do we explain to the
men and women who serve,
who put their lives on the line,
that our Ambassador thinks
they're irrelevant?
I think that's
an unfair characterization
of what I intended to say, so...
I am not characterizing
anything, Mrs. Underwood.
You said the words.
And now you're trying to
backpedal your way out of...
No, sir, you're trying to
take my words out of...
Please don't interrupt me. If
you will stop interrupting me,
I can explain to you
what I meant.
No, you see, we ask the
questions, you answer them.
You're not allowing me to
answer the questions, Senator.
If you could maybe listen,
instead of grandstanding.
The position
you're being considered for
requires calm, cool diplomacy.
What concerns me even more
than the military comment
is your demeanour.
Is this what we're to expect
from our Ambassador?
A hothead?
Go ahead, Mrs. Underwood.
I'm listening.
Maybe it's leverage
for another play.
Scare the wits out of me, and
then come with the big ask.
You sure there is one?
America Works,
they want to kill it.
Or soften me up to consider another
VP candidate for the ticket.
They're no fans of Blythe.
- Could be anything, any combination
of things. -
- What?
- You saw it?
- Saw what?
- The First Lady, sir.
I better call her.
She's still in the hearing, sir.
I need to see this whole thing,
let's get ahead of it,
if we can.
The Solicitor General is here.
Cancel it.
You've already postponed twice.
Well, postpone it again.
We can't put it off, sir.
It goes to the Supreme Court
in less than a month.
We have bigger fish to fry.
An American citizen was
injured by a drone strike.
That Walker authorized, not me.
But you're
the sitting president.
And if we lose this, it
undermines your authority.
The media is all over it.
We need our rhetoric in line
with the Solicitor General's.
All right, Christ.
Send her in.
I'll put this clip on your
computer, for when you're done.
Terry Womack.
Today. Privately.
Ms. Dunbar.
Before we begin,
I'd like to clear the air.
Your report.
You did good work.
Necessary work,
and I admire you for it.
I appreciate
you saying that, sir.
And you understand the position
I was in with the pardons.
That's politics, sir.
Not my expertise.
What's past is past?
My focus is the argument
I'll present to the Court.
She sees me as the bank robber
who made it to the county line.
But she's smart enough to
leave her badge at the door.
So, the case.
As you know, sir, we think the
state secret defense is strong.
When I consulted
with the CIA on the...
I'm wondering if state
secrets is the best tactic.
Both of Mahmoud's legs
were amputated.
He will be in the gallery,
in his wheelchair.
That's a powerful image.
Even Supreme Court Justices
have hearts.
We need to stay in their heads.
A procedural route is clearly...
Excuse me.
Tell her I need
to watch something,
and I'll call her back from
my study in two minutes.
It's my wife, I'm sorry.
You're not allowing me to
answer questions, Senator.
Maybe you would benefit more from
listening than grandstanding.
I just watched.
How can I help?
I'm calling senators.
I think it would be
heavy-handed if you did, too.
Well, I don't blame you
for getting upset.
You didn't deserve that.
I'm a target now.
That's the price of admission.
We both are.
The Leadership,
they don't want me to run.
- What?
- Yeah. That's what they said,
before I could even present
the program.
- This soon? - Yeah, that's
what surprised me.
- The entire Leadership?
- All of them, including Jackie
That woman has
no sense of loyalty.
Well, we'll see. I'm
gonna meet with Womack,
turn him around. They only
have strength in numbers.
Continue, please.
As I was saying, we think our
procedural defense is strong.
State secrets prohibit
the introduction of evidence.
Assuming they
won't dismiss outright,
the argument will focus on
deference to the Executive,
separation between
the Courts and Foreign Policy.
They simply don't have the
security intelligence
to second-guess
covert operations.
While we're facing threats
on multiple fronts...
I can't do this now.
Excuse me, sir?
My office will be in touch.
Apologies, thank you very much.
Maybe you would benefit more from
listening than grandstanding.
Joining me now
from Capitol Hill,
CNN's Chief Congressional
Correspondent, Dana Bash.
Dana, what is the mood
at the Capitol?
Well, Jake, we already have
several senators publicly saying
that they're gonna vote
against Mrs. Underwood
because of her comments, and a
number of others I've spoken to
have gone from supporting her
nomination to being on the fence.
But Dana, she's correct, isn't she?
Mendoza was grandstanding.
Maybe, but even so, if
you look at the numbers here,
this is doing real damage.
The vote was always
going to be close...
...and with opposition
gaining momentum,
things aren't looking good for
the First Lady.
No, I understand, but...
Could... Could her
military remark be...
It's Mendoza.
I appreciate your time, Senator.
I hope you'll reconsider.
- He's on, now?
- Yes.
Turn that off?
Senator, hi. Thank you
for returning my call.
Sorry it took so long, I had
a ton of interview requests.
I just wanted to apologize
if I came across as disrespectful
in any way. That was wrong of me.
I know you didn't mean it,
It's just unfortunate how things
are playing out.
I realize you can't
vote for me yourself,
but I was hoping that maybe you would
say something to the effect to...
What, to the press?
Or even privately.
- To your colleagues.
- I can't do that.
The vote should centre on my merits,
not a few moments where you
and I took the gloves off.
Well, I think that was
telling, don't you?
How you behaved under pressure?
Senator, you know you were
taking out context what I said.
Of course I was, I was trying
to rile you up and I succeeded.
I wish I hadn't, because it's going
to make things really tough for you,
but if you can convince my colleagues
to change their minds despite that...
Well, you'd make
a great Ambassador.
Thank you for your time,
Good luck, Claire.
He's a son of a bitch.
Let's try Peterson next.
Approvals go up and down.
We can't allow ourselves
to be held hostage
by public opinion.
We're being held hostage
by the Republicans.
We can't beat 'em with you as
the face of the party, period.
Have you all really thought
this through?
I'm a sitting President.
But not an elected one.
But, still,
to abandon the incumbent,
and all the advantages
that that entails...
Which is the problem.
We don't see any advantages.
And if you were to come
on board with us,
if you were to announce
that you're not running
it wouldn't seem as
if we're abandoning you.
The party looks unified.
Bob Birch has been
trying to do me in
since I forced the Education
Bill clown his throat.
I think he's using shaky logic
to get you all on board
so he can carry out
some personal vendetta.
It was my idea, not Bob's.
I hope you'll work with us.
We meant it when we said it.
We would like for you to be
a part of the conversation.
- Hello?
- Hey, it's me.
- I can't hear you.
- Hang on a second.
- Seth?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I was just
calling to check in.
See how things are going. Good,
things are going really good.
Hey, hold on, one quick second.
Hey listen, I know you're rolling
out the AmWorks program soon.
I'm sure Remy
has a plan in place,
but I've been
putting together a list,
some key Representatives
and what they might want
in exchange for support.
Skeletons in the closet,
that kind of thing.
Yeah, that's on hold
for the moment.
You're not rolling it out?
It's just on hold.
Is something up?
No, everything's fine.
We're... We're focused on the
summit next month, with Russia.
But you're good?
You getting stronger?
- Yeah.
- In good spirits?
Never been better. I'll email you my ideas.
Let me know what he says.
Will do.
Now, Senator, when we met
in your office last week,
we had a long,
productive conversation.
I can't imagine 10 seconds
during the hearing would...
Senator, may I call you back
in five minutes?
Thank you.
No luck. It was his idea.
What are you going to do?
Well, the top 50 bundlers
from last cycle.
I don't need the Leadership
if I can get the money.
Too early to tell.
Well, I'm here, if you need me.
I've always said that power's
more important than money.
But when it comes to
elections, money gives power,
well, a run for its money.
It's Francis Underwood.
I thought you said
he was handsome.
Sorry to interrupt.
Well, if she doesn't receive a
text with the word "urgent,"
it's not an official date.
- How are you? Alan Cooke.
- Remy Danton.
Nice to meet you.
I'm just gonna go take
a few calls.
There's an espresso coming
with your name on it, okay?
Nice meeting you.
- So here we are. - I wasn't
part of the decision.
- They told me ten minutes before.
- Who are they talking to?
- About running? - No one yet.
As far as I can tell.
There has to at least be a
list, even a mental one.
Some ideas.
We need you to find out.
You know, when Walker resigned,
Frank's President, you're
Chief of Staff. But me...
You're still in the Leadership.
Assistant Whip.
It's a bullshit title.
I'm out of the inner circle.
What do you want?
I wanna be on the ticket.
His VP.
All we want is
a little information.
What you're asking
is disproportionate.
It's repaying a debt.
A big one. I whipped the
votes for impeachment,
I should get to cash in on that.
There's no way
he'll go for this.
Then there's no reason for
me to be your eyes and ears.
I'll get back to you.
During business hours.
No, Mark, we ran it at the
White House screening room,
and I swear to God,
when those jets
crashed into one of our Seawolf
subs, the Joint Chief screamed.
No, they didn't want you to use
it, and certainly not for free.
David, I'm not just
asking you for money,
I'm asking you to be one
of my campaign chairmen.
That buys you a lot more than a
night in the Lincoln bedroom.
Claire Underwood for
Senator Hylbrook.
I agree, we can never rely solely
upon Security Council support.
Scott, we're 18 months out.
Now, if you wanna be
on the ground floor
you gotta shit,
or get off the pot.
The key is to provide
leadership, to lead by example.
I was hoping we could
hit Maidstone for a quick 18.
No, I'm a terrible golfer.
Exactly, you'd have the pleasure
of beating a President,
now wouldn't that be
a good cocktail story?
I've spoken to almost every
Republican in your committee, sir.
Yes, they're taking
their cue from you.
Well, is there another
number where I can reach him?
It's important that we speak
this evening.
Yes, anytime,
no matter how late.
A little faith, Tom,
that's all I'm asking.
Yes. I know, I don't
like being called ma'am, either.
Look, if I made every decision based
on what makes people feel good,
I'd be a talk-show host,
not the President.
Well, I know Admiral Jennings
is a good friend of yours,
I can call him personally.
Don't let fear drive you.
That's not how you run
your business, is it?
Well, I know you've been in my shoes,
and sound bites are not who we are.
It's penny wise
and pound foolish.
I'm so sorry, Senator,
did I wake you?
Yes, no,
I'll try back again tomorrow.
I can't fault you for being
I hope you won't fault me
for having a long memory.
I'm waking people up now.
I'll start again in the morning.
How's it looking?
If I had to flip a coin?
I don't know. You?
Not a single backer yet.
Not one?
California's still awake. Maybe
I'll have better luck out west.
I'm going for a run.
I need to do something.
It's late.
Well, I'm too restless.
Well, I'll be here,
singing for my supper.
It's humiliating to have to
beg from some kid who was
on Facebook before his testicles
descended, but that's...
Derrick, Francis Underwood,
do you have a few minutes?
I'll be running along
the Mall tonight.
That requires a full detail.
How soon can you be ready?
We'd far prefer
you ran on the track.
I'll be running along the Mall.
Yes, Ma'am.
We're going to need the
First Lady's detail, ASAP.
This is off the record.
You've called my office every
day for the last six months
with one question.
I call everyone
in the Leadership.
I get the same non-answer
from all of you.
"Frank Underwood
is our President..."
"He has our
undivided support."
Birch slipped up once, he said
"unwavering" instead of "undivided."
I wanted to drug-test him.
There was a meeting this
morning in the White House.
I was there on Pebble
Beach when you came out.
It lasted four
and a half minutes.
You were in there for an hour.
We were inside for an hour.
Doesn't mean the meeting
lasted that long.
What happened?
Why so short?
You're the Pulitzer finalist.
America Works?
Is that why the President went
to the Capitol this afternoon?
No one from the White House
would say.
Have a good night.
You chose me.
What's your play?
When you write about presidents,
people pay attention.
It'll come
down to the wire.
I'm confident, but I don't want
to leave anything to chance.
Well, according to Erikson,
I have 47 votes
as of this morning.
Well, I know, Senator,
but that's not enough.
I need yours.
I have every intention of
running for President.
I need to know
you two are with me.
If you have any doubts, now
is the time to let me know.
Nancy, wipe the schedule clean.
Yes, everything.
We don't leave this office
until we have a plan.
Ma'am? The Easter egg roll.
We were scheduled for...
- Right.
- If this is a bad time...
No, that's fine.
Please, come in.
Yes, Claire Underwood,
he's expecting my call.
Hi, Sheila.
They're beautiful.
Would you mind
setting them up, please?
I just have a couple more
calls to make.
Hello, Senator.
Yes, I'm well, how are you?
The nomination of Claire
Underwood, of Washington D.C.,
to be the Representative of
the United States of America
to the United Nations.
The yeas and nays have been ordered
and the clerk will call the roll.
- Mr. Abner.
- Yea.
Mr. Braun.
Mr. Bray.
This one's
a little too pink.
Girls like pink.
This is more than pink,
it's neon.
Uh, I'm choosing four?
Yes, ma'am.
- Willa? - WILLA: Up by two.
Forty-eight to forty-six.
we can finish up later.
- No. What's next?
- The commemoratives.
- These are really special.
- A black egg.
Yes, with patriotic tipping.
It's still a black egg.
Engraved with
POTUS and FLOTUS signatures.
Final tally, 52 to 48.
The press?
In the briefing room.
I'll just be a few minutes.
Would you mind waiting?
Not at all, Ma'am.
I just heard.
I'm so sorry.
The press is waiting.
Well, they can wait.
Do you want me to come with you?
No, I just want
to get it over with.
Claire. You...
Good morning.
Naturally, I'm disappointed
that the Senate did not
confirm my nomination today.
But I'm very grateful to have
been afforded the opportunity.
I'd be remiss
if I did not thank my husband
for all the faith
and trust he placed in me.
He's always supported me
in achieving my goals.
I look forward to continued
service as First Lady.
Thank you.
Let's go with the green,
the blue and the cream.
And for the rare one? The
Golden Ticket, so to speak?
That one's beautiful.
Thank you.
Excuse me, please?
You ever try to do this?
Balance an egg?
We used to do this as kids.
You can't change the laws
of physics, can you?
I was wrong. It's too hard.
Fighting the Leadership,
raising money.
We can't get them to do what
they're dead set against doing,
we'd need six months just to
get them back to square one.
We have to reverse our thinking.
When the Wind's blowing
at gale force,
there's no point
in sailing against it.
What do you have in mind?
The White House
Counsel's office, please.
I don't care about
their schedules.
If not today, tomorrow morning.
Should I invite Jackie, too?
she qualifies as Leadership.
What about her ask?
Stall her for now, let's
see how the meeting goes.
I want you to write the
speech, every word.
- Yes, sir.
- And no leaks.
You'll have a draft
in three hours.
And, sir? Doug emailed me a
lobbying strategy, for AmWorks.
- Do you want to look at it?
- Of his own accord?
- You didn't tell him?
- No, I didn't say a word.
It must be what he gathered
from watching the news.
- How is he?
- Uh, Doug seems fine.
I've been calling him,
like you asked.
But he seems all right? Well,
he tells me things are good.
Although I don't think he'd
admit it, if they weren't.
Why don't you stop by from
time to time, since I can't.
See him in person.
- Yes, sir.
- And send me his email.
I'll be in my study
if you need me.
What are you working on?
- Brought you a coffee.
- My saviour.
The Leadership meeting
yesterday morning.
It lasted four
and a half minutes.
- Where'd you hear that?
- That's not long enough
to reject a major
domestic agenda.
I wasn't in the meeting. I
don't know how long it lasted.
Something went down.
If you say so.
I didn't hear anything about it.
Could've been the President
was called away.
That happens all the time.
Not this time.
How do you know?
Clearly, I have a source
that knows more than you.
Most sources do.
At least they pretend they do.
Thanks for the coffee.
Two sugars, next time.
I'll remember that.
You talked to Ayla Sayyad.
I can either be an asset,
or a liability.
You think this puts you
on the ticket, now?
Not if you tell him.
But the smart move would be to
advocate on my behalf.
Don't strong arm me, Jackie.
You're the man in the middle,
who else would I strong arm?
I wanna be on your team, Remy.
We do well when
we're on the same team.
You have more calls?
No. I'm done.
Who spoke to her?
I have no idea, sir.
Well, it's your job to know.
Things are moving fast, I'm just
trying to stay ahead of them.
Well, we need to move faster.
Has the meeting been set?
8:00 a.m. tomorrow. I just heard
back from Birch's office.
Good, let's have the networks
ready to go live by 9:00.
One more thing.
Jackie. I think you should decide
sooner, rather than later.
If we're gonna go this route,
we need every ally we can get.
After the meeting.
We'll discuss then.
You've emerged.
I took a nap.
Last night was...
I didn't get much sleep.
Me neither.
We're gonna find
something for you.
Some other position,
or something as First Lady,
I promise.
I know.
What are you doing up?
Gotta go over my speech, it's
happening tomorrow night.
What speech?
It's premature, isn't it?
Read on.
Thank you, please.
I've put a great deal of thought
into what you've all asked of me.
I challenged myself to keep
an open mind.
And my decision is,
I will not run for President.
Look, they're thinking it's too
good to be true, and it is.
I lied in the
Oval Office before,
I didn't wanna
take the chance this time.
It's too big a deal
to jinx myself.
At 9:00 tonight, I will announce
to the nation my decision.
What's the catch?
I wanted us to meet here,
in this room, for a reason.
For the past five months, my
team has sat at this very table,
developing America Works.
You know how much
the program means to me,
and I want it to mean
as much to you.
So there is a catch.
No. An opportunity.
Look, we all know that...
All right, let's just say
for argument's sake,
that this table here represents
the next year and a half.
All right?
So, this is us, right now.
And down there, at the
end, that's the election.
Now, if I did run, I'd spend the
next few months fundraising.
And then somewhere around
here, I'd formally announce.
And then even if I did
win the nomination,
say, somewhere around here,
I'd start to have to face off
with a Republican challenger,
probably Mendoza. And then
things would get brutal.
Daily, daily events.
Fending off attacks,
launching my own.
And you're right. In the end,
I'd probably lose.
I would spend 18 months
Which would leave no time
to govern.
But you have opened my eyes.
I feel liberated. I want to
spend these next 18 months
dedicated to one thing.
America Works. But I
need your help to do it.
You're putting an awfully big
price tag on this, Mr. President.
No, you've put an awfully
big price tag on this.
You're asking me to be a
placeholder for 18 months,
and I intend to govern.
And if America Works succeeds,
then whoever you choose
to run in 2016
not only has the backing
of a united party,
but a formidable legacy.
But Social Security?
Benefits. Entitlements.
We don't want to present a fresh face
only to shoot ourselves in the foot.
Then let's not pretend
to unite the party,
let's unite the party
behind this legislation.
We'll never get it past
the Republicans.
We are not here to negotiate!
You want forward-thinking,
Bob? Then think forward.
You want a fresh face for 2016?
You wanna work together?
Then present my program
to Congress,
and if it dies there, so be it.
But I want us to fucking try!
I am prepared to
vacate this chair.
Meet me halfway.
Any moment now,
the President will be
addressing the nation,
live from the East Room.
The White House has
remained silent
on the subject
of the President's speech,
but sources in Congress say it
will focus on the jobs initiative
he's been planning to
unveil for several months.
The program, dubbed "America
Works," was developed in secret.
Any details are the
by-product of speculation,
but sources suggest it will
have elements from both
liberal and conservative
What remains to be
seen is whether
a Republican-controlled Congress will
cooperate in pushing the program forward.
The White House has faced
significant opposition
from the G.O.P since Congress
began its current session,
and many speculate that the
President's liberal application
of veto power may
leave congressional leaders
disinclined to support
this new jobs program...
Additionally, many Democratic
supporters of President Underwood
from his days as
House Majority...
...were voted out of office
in November,
diminishing his personal
influence over legislature.
Low approval ratings
are a continuing concern for
the Underwood administration, and
congressional sources suggest
that the choice
to tackle unemployment
may be part of a campaign
strategy for 2016.
...and if today's announcement
is received well,
President Underwood's campaign
certainly has an opportunity
to benefit.
Thank you.
Sir? We're ready for you
in five seconds.
Good evening. For too
long, we in Washington
have been lying to you.
We say we're here to serve you,
when in fact,
we're serving ourselves.
And Why?
We are driven by our own
desire to get re-elected.
Our need to stay in power
eclipses our duty to govern.
That ends tonight.
Tonight I give you the truth.
And the truth is this.
The American Dream
has failed you.
Work hard?
Play by the rules?
You aren't guaranteed success.
Your children will not have
a better life than you did.
Ten million of you
can't even get a job,
even though you desperately
want one.
We've been crippled
by Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid.
By welfare. By entitlements. And
that is the root of the problem.
Let me be clear,
you are entitled to nothing.
You are entitled to nothing.
America was built
on the spirit of industry.
You build your future.
It isn't handed to you.
And the problem with Washington
is that we haven't given you
the tools to build it.
The only way for us to serve you
is to give you the means
to serve yourselves.
Well, that's exactly
what I intend to do.
Not handouts. Jobs.
Real paying jobs.
In the next few weeks,
the Democratic Leadership
will introduce a program
called "America Works."
Its goal is simple, to put
the 10 million Americans
who are unemployed to work.
All of them. If you want
a job, you get one.
The cost is $500 billion.
Now, that's a lot of money.
To pay for it, we'll need
to rethink Social Security,
health care, and benefits
from the ground up.
We can't maintain the welfare
state as we know it.
Now, that's not
a popular thing to say.
Anyone running for office
wouldn't dare utter those words.
Every advisor and consultant
and staff member would beg
a presidential candidate
not to say them.
But I can say them,
because I will not be seeking the
Democratic nomination in 2016.
Candidates are cautious.
They must equivocate.
They dodge and tip-toe. But
I'd rather leave this office
having accomplished
something of value
than secure another four years
having done nothing at all.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
ushered in an era of hope
and progress when he proposed
the New Deal,
and at the time his reforms
were considered radical.
But he once said,
"This country demands bold,
persistent experimentation.
"It is common sense to take
a method and try it,
"and if it fails, admit it
frankly and try another.
"But above all,
try something."
Roosevelt would have
understood better than anyone
the necessity for trying
something different.
The New Deal succeeded
for many years,
but we must now try something
newer before it fails us.
If America Works succeeds, we
will reinvent the American Dream.
If we fail in our attempt, we will
admit it frankly and try another.
But above all,
we must try something.
Thank you. And God Bless the
United States of America.
It's two in the morning.
Yeah, I just left
the White House.
The press conference,
phone calls, emails...
The rest can wait till tomorrow.
Were you asleep?
This is a cool place.
How much is your rent?
I thought you said
AmWorks was on hold.
Well, it was.
And then it wasn't.
The Leadership
didn't want him to run.
- Who told you that?
- Nobody.
But I figured that's the only
reason he'd make that speech.
He's still going
to run though, isn't he?
He says he's not.
I know him better
than you ever will, Seth.
There's no way he doesn't run.
Is that why you're here?
'Cause he needs my help now?
No, I just... I wanted to check
up on you in person this time.
- He asked you to.
- Yes.
- I did send him your email, though.
- What did he say?
I'm not sure if he's read it.
You should probably
get some sleep, huh?
Big day for the press team tomorrow.
You can report back,
"Alive and well."
Is it okay if I stop by
now and then?
Do I have a choice?
I don't, but I can't force
you to open the door.
Whatever you want.
Thanks. I'll see you soon.
- Ms. Dunbar.
- Mr. President.
I had a lot on my mind when we last spoke.
Well, the speech last night,
it was...
Yes, it was a big decision, and I
apologize if I was distracted.
Not at all, sir.
So, the drone strike case.
You've been pursuing
the state secrets defense.
Yes, sir.
May I call you Heather?
The American people
are sick of secrets.
That's the point I was
trying to make last night.
I promised the truth, and
now we're going to deliver.
What truth is that, sir?
A man had his legs blown off.
An American citizen.
We're going to own up to that.
We're going to admit that the
CIA conducted the drone strike,
and explain the reasons why.
That information is classified.
Not anymore.
You have my permission
to make the classified
brief public.
Sir, that is not a sound
legal approach.
But it's what the country needs.
We're not appealing
to the country.
We're appealing
to nine justices.
Wrong. We're appealing to
both by taking responsibility.
Yes, a man was maimed, his
family members were killed.
But hundreds, perhaps thousands
of lives were saved as a result.
I understand the emotional
logic, but we can't...
You sat right there and told
me even Supreme Court Justices
have hearts.
Yes, but...
Well, far be it from me to
tell you how to do your job.
I've never practiced law
a day in my life.
But, I have written them.
And occupying this office,
I know what the country needs.
It needs closure.
Let me work on a new argument.
- Thank you, Heather.
- Thank you, Mr. President.
Where do you want these, Ma'am?
- Anywhere. Just not in here.
- Okay.
- Scott?
- Yes?
Here's a couple more.
You want a peanut butter
and jelly?
No, thanks.
Is everything all right?
I want the U.N. job,
The Senate goes home in two weeks,
I want a recess appointment.
I prepared for it.
I can do this.
And after it's all over, if I've
done the job I know I can do,
I'll be positioned
for anything I want.
- Claire...
- Now, I checked
with the White House Counsel.
There is precedent
for a recess appointment
after a rejected nomination.
Only once, but you
wouldn't be the first.
And I know you'll take
a hit politically.
And I know people will
think I don't deserve it.
They'll have doubts in me, but
what if this is as far as we get?
What if it's all over
in 18 months?
I don't want to wait, or
settle for something else,
when I've put all this work
I'll do it.
You sure you don't want a half?
I'm not hungry.
I'll be in my study.
Ripped By mstoll
I'm glad you brought
up nepotism, Senator.
Um, if this were an outright
appointment, that would be one thing.
But in this case the
President can only nominate.
It's the Senate that
deems me worthy.
I'm here to convince
you that I am.
Although I must admit,
my husband never remembers
to put the toilet seat down,
so he could be trying to make it up to me.
My larger concern
is your experience.
You have very little.
Well, a decade ago,
I founded a small non-profit
and I built it into
a major global player.
I shepherded a number of bills
through Congress on its behalf,
and over the last year
I've dedicated myself
to Sexual Assault Reform
and have made
meaningful strides.
Now, while this may not
qualify as statecraft,
it does illustrate
my effectiveness,
the same effectiveness I plan on
bringing to the United Nations.
Thank you, Mrs. Underwood. I
yield the remainder of my time.
Uh, Mrs. Wallace of North
Dakota, you have eight minutes.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mrs. Underwood,
allow me to get specific.
What is your take on
U.N. Resolution 9214,
the imposition of sanctions
on the Congo for...
The illegal mining and smuggling
of mineral resources.
Yes. The United States voted
against this resolution.
The DRC is already wracked
with economic hardship,
compounded by an
unstable government.
It ranks 192 out of 194
in GDP per capita.
I think we need to encourage
foreign investment
and develop new forms of
economic growth,
rather than make one of the world's
poorest countries even poorer.
From a
national security perspective,
the United States maintains a strong
interest in the success of the DRC.
We want a stable nation...
They're here.
...that can help us
in combatting the spread
of Islamic radicalism
throughout the continent.
And in order to achieve that,
we need to work as its ally,
not its disciplinarian.
- Good morning.
- Mr. President.
Jackie. Terry. Shall we?
Mr. President.
Now, you all have the overview,
but what we have here today
is the comprehensive
breakdown of...
Sir, before we begin...
Look, Bob, I know you have some
serious doubts about this program,
but just let me flesh it out
first and then, I promise,
we can address any questions
that you might have.
Uh, Mr. President...
Ten million jobs.
Can we all agree that that's a
good thing for this country?
Universal Employment?
It's the key for our keeping
the White House in 2016,
it's the only chance we have of
winning back majorities in Congress.
Now, the election's only
eighteen months away.
We need to do something bold,
something decisive.
We need to redefine our party.
Actually, that's what
we wanted to discuss.
You're right, we do need
to redefine the party.
We need to do it
with a fresh face.
We don't want you to run.
You weren't even elected
to the office in the first place.
- The pardons hurt you.
- Approvals are low.
We're not casting blame,
We just believe that this
is best for the Party.
I suspected this was coming.
But months from now.
I was hoping by then, I'd have
something to show for my efforts,
that I could pre-empt
their doubts with progress.
They're nervous.
They're being impulsive.
It's a bit early to be
deciding something like this.
Shouldn't we revisit this when
we're closer to the primaries?
What do you think, Terry?
Well, like you said, sir,
we only have 18 months
until the general.
Less than half of that
till Iowa,
we would want to settle
on a candidate soon.
Someone who the whole party
can get behind,
like the Republicans
are getting behind Mendoza.
And who would that be?
Well, we haven't had
a discussion on that, yet.
We came to you first,
out of respect.
Well, there must be a shortlist.
No, not yet. It'll be a
process to find the right person.
And we were hoping that you would
be a part of that process.
Obviously, this is
a request, Mr. President.
It's your decision.
But if you do run, sir,
you won't have our support.
I stand by the rest
of the Leadership.
Well, this is certainly a lot
to think about.
Let's table our discussion on
America Works for another time,
but thank you all for being
so forthright.
I'll get back to you on this
issue a little later on.
Would you like us to
stick around for a while?
We wouldn't want
the press to think
that we came all the way here
for a five-minute meeting.
Well, that's a very good idea.
No raised eyebrows.
I'll have some
refreshments sent for you
into the Map Room.
- Wonderful. Thank you, Mr.
- President.
As a vocal proponent for the
Sexual Assault Bill last session,
are you concerned about your
relationship with the U.S. military?
No, I'm not, Senator.
I worked closely with the
Joint Chiefs on that bill.
What if there were
a peacekeeping mission
in say, Burma,
to quell civil unrest,
and the United Nations asked
us to contribute troops
to put our servicemen and
women's lives in peril.
Well, if you're using
Myanmar as a hypothetical,
I think we're a long way from
that, but as Ambassador, I...
My question concerns
the use of U.S. military.
The U.S. military
is irrelevant.
The current situation
in Myanmar...
Excuse me, Mrs. Underwood, "The U.S.
military is irrelevant"?
That's not what I said.
You said, verbatim, "The U.S.
military is irrelevant."
Well, in the...
In the context of...
I meant, uh,
that there are plenty...
I have the utmost respect and
appreciation for our troops, sir.
Not with statements
like that you don't.
Okay, Senator,
if I may, I can explain...
How do we explain to the
men and women who serve,
who put their lives on the line,
that our Ambassador thinks
they're irrelevant?
I think that's
an unfair characterization
of what I intended to say, so...
I am not characterizing
anything, Mrs. Underwood.
You said the words.
And now you're trying to
backpedal your way out of...
No, sir, you're trying to
take my words out of...
Please don't interrupt me. If
you will stop interrupting me,
I can explain to you
what I meant.
No, you see, we ask the
questions, you answer them.
You're not allowing me to
answer the questions, Senator.
If you could maybe listen,
instead of grandstanding.
The position
you're being considered for
requires calm, cool diplomacy.
What concerns me even more
than the military comment
is your demeanour.
Is this what we're to expect
from our Ambassador?
A hothead?
Go ahead, Mrs. Underwood.
I'm listening.
Maybe it's leverage
for another play.
Scare the wits out of me, and
then come with the big ask.
You sure there is one?
America Works,
they want to kill it.
Or soften me up to consider another
VP candidate for the ticket.
They're no fans of Blythe.
- Could be anything, any combination
of things. -
- What?
- You saw it?
- Saw what?
- The First Lady, sir.
I better call her.
She's still in the hearing, sir.
I need to see this whole thing,
let's get ahead of it,
if we can.
The Solicitor General is here.
Cancel it.
You've already postponed twice.
Well, postpone it again.
We can't put it off, sir.
It goes to the Supreme Court
in less than a month.
We have bigger fish to fry.
An American citizen was
injured by a drone strike.
That Walker authorized, not me.
But you're
the sitting president.
And if we lose this, it
undermines your authority.
The media is all over it.
We need our rhetoric in line
with the Solicitor General's.
All right, Christ.
Send her in.
I'll put this clip on your
computer, for when you're done.
Terry Womack.
Today. Privately.
Ms. Dunbar.
Before we begin,
I'd like to clear the air.
Your report.
You did good work.
Necessary work,
and I admire you for it.
I appreciate
you saying that, sir.
And you understand the position
I was in with the pardons.
That's politics, sir.
Not my expertise.
What's past is past?
My focus is the argument
I'll present to the Court.
She sees me as the bank robber
who made it to the county line.
But she's smart enough to
leave her badge at the door.
So, the case.
As you know, sir, we think the
state secret defense is strong.
When I consulted
with the CIA on the...
I'm wondering if state
secrets is the best tactic.
Both of Mahmoud's legs
were amputated.
He will be in the gallery,
in his wheelchair.
That's a powerful image.
Even Supreme Court Justices
have hearts.
We need to stay in their heads.
A procedural route is clearly...
Excuse me.
Tell her I need
to watch something,
and I'll call her back from
my study in two minutes.
It's my wife, I'm sorry.
You're not allowing me to
answer questions, Senator.
Maybe you would benefit more from
listening than grandstanding.
I just watched.
How can I help?
I'm calling senators.
I think it would be
heavy-handed if you did, too.
Well, I don't blame you
for getting upset.
You didn't deserve that.
I'm a target now.
That's the price of admission.
We both are.
The Leadership,
they don't want me to run.
- What?
- Yeah. That's what they said,
before I could even present
the program.
- This soon? - Yeah, that's
what surprised me.
- The entire Leadership?
- All of them, including Jackie
That woman has
no sense of loyalty.
Well, we'll see. I'm
gonna meet with Womack,
turn him around. They only
have strength in numbers.
Continue, please.
As I was saying, we think our
procedural defense is strong.
State secrets prohibit
the introduction of evidence.
Assuming they
won't dismiss outright,
the argument will focus on
deference to the Executive,
separation between
the Courts and Foreign Policy.
They simply don't have the
security intelligence
to second-guess
covert operations.
While we're facing threats
on multiple fronts...
I can't do this now.
Excuse me, sir?
My office will be in touch.
Apologies, thank you very much.
Maybe you would benefit more from
listening than grandstanding.
Joining me now
from Capitol Hill,
CNN's Chief Congressional
Correspondent, Dana Bash.
Dana, what is the mood
at the Capitol?
Well, Jake, we already have
several senators publicly saying
that they're gonna vote
against Mrs. Underwood
because of her comments, and a
number of others I've spoken to
have gone from supporting her
nomination to being on the fence.
But Dana, she's correct, isn't she?
Mendoza was grandstanding.
Maybe, but even so, if
you look at the numbers here,
this is doing real damage.
The vote was always
going to be close...
...and with opposition
gaining momentum,
things aren't looking good for
the First Lady.
No, I understand, but...
Could... Could her
military remark be...
It's Mendoza.
I appreciate your time, Senator.
I hope you'll reconsider.
- He's on, now?
- Yes.
Turn that off?
Senator, hi. Thank you
for returning my call.
Sorry it took so long, I had
a ton of interview requests.
I just wanted to apologize
if I came across as disrespectful
in any way. That was wrong of me.
I know you didn't mean it,
It's just unfortunate how things
are playing out.
I realize you can't
vote for me yourself,
but I was hoping that maybe you would
say something to the effect to...
What, to the press?
Or even privately.
- To your colleagues.
- I can't do that.
The vote should centre on my merits,
not a few moments where you
and I took the gloves off.
Well, I think that was
telling, don't you?
How you behaved under pressure?
Senator, you know you were
taking out context what I said.
Of course I was, I was trying
to rile you up and I succeeded.
I wish I hadn't, because it's going
to make things really tough for you,
but if you can convince my colleagues
to change their minds despite that...
Well, you'd make
a great Ambassador.
Thank you for your time,
Good luck, Claire.
He's a son of a bitch.
Let's try Peterson next.
Approvals go up and down.
We can't allow ourselves
to be held hostage
by public opinion.
We're being held hostage
by the Republicans.
We can't beat 'em with you as
the face of the party, period.
Have you all really thought
this through?
I'm a sitting President.
But not an elected one.
But, still,
to abandon the incumbent,
and all the advantages
that that entails...
Which is the problem.
We don't see any advantages.
And if you were to come
on board with us,
if you were to announce
that you're not running
it wouldn't seem as
if we're abandoning you.
The party looks unified.
Bob Birch has been
trying to do me in
since I forced the Education
Bill clown his throat.
I think he's using shaky logic
to get you all on board
so he can carry out
some personal vendetta.
It was my idea, not Bob's.
I hope you'll work with us.
We meant it when we said it.
We would like for you to be
a part of the conversation.
- Hello?
- Hey, it's me.
- I can't hear you.
- Hang on a second.
- Seth?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I was just
calling to check in.
See how things are going. Good,
things are going really good.
Hey, hold on, one quick second.
Hey listen, I know you're rolling
out the AmWorks program soon.
I'm sure Remy
has a plan in place,
but I've been
putting together a list,
some key Representatives
and what they might want
in exchange for support.
Skeletons in the closet,
that kind of thing.
Yeah, that's on hold
for the moment.
You're not rolling it out?
It's just on hold.
Is something up?
No, everything's fine.
We're... We're focused on the
summit next month, with Russia.
But you're good?
You getting stronger?
- Yeah.
- In good spirits?
Never been better. I'll email you my ideas.
Let me know what he says.
Will do.
Now, Senator, when we met
in your office last week,
we had a long,
productive conversation.
I can't imagine 10 seconds
during the hearing would...
Senator, may I call you back
in five minutes?
Thank you.
No luck. It was his idea.
What are you going to do?
Well, the top 50 bundlers
from last cycle.
I don't need the Leadership
if I can get the money.
Too early to tell.
Well, I'm here, if you need me.
I've always said that power's
more important than money.
But when it comes to
elections, money gives power,
well, a run for its money.
It's Francis Underwood.
I thought you said
he was handsome.
Sorry to interrupt.
Well, if she doesn't receive a
text with the word "urgent,"
it's not an official date.
- How are you? Alan Cooke.
- Remy Danton.
Nice to meet you.
I'm just gonna go take
a few calls.
There's an espresso coming
with your name on it, okay?
Nice meeting you.
- So here we are. - I wasn't
part of the decision.
- They told me ten minutes before.
- Who are they talking to?
- About running? - No one yet.
As far as I can tell.
There has to at least be a
list, even a mental one.
Some ideas.
We need you to find out.
You know, when Walker resigned,
Frank's President, you're
Chief of Staff. But me...
You're still in the Leadership.
Assistant Whip.
It's a bullshit title.
I'm out of the inner circle.
What do you want?
I wanna be on the ticket.
His VP.
All we want is
a little information.
What you're asking
is disproportionate.
It's repaying a debt.
A big one. I whipped the
votes for impeachment,
I should get to cash in on that.
There's no way
he'll go for this.
Then there's no reason for
me to be your eyes and ears.
I'll get back to you.
During business hours.
No, Mark, we ran it at the
White House screening room,
and I swear to God,
when those jets
crashed into one of our Seawolf
subs, the Joint Chief screamed.
No, they didn't want you to use
it, and certainly not for free.
David, I'm not just
asking you for money,
I'm asking you to be one
of my campaign chairmen.
That buys you a lot more than a
night in the Lincoln bedroom.
Claire Underwood for
Senator Hylbrook.
I agree, we can never rely solely
upon Security Council support.
Scott, we're 18 months out.
Now, if you wanna be
on the ground floor
you gotta shit,
or get off the pot.
The key is to provide
leadership, to lead by example.
I was hoping we could
hit Maidstone for a quick 18.
No, I'm a terrible golfer.
Exactly, you'd have the pleasure
of beating a President,
now wouldn't that be
a good cocktail story?
I've spoken to almost every
Republican in your committee, sir.
Yes, they're taking
their cue from you.
Well, is there another
number where I can reach him?
It's important that we speak
this evening.
Yes, anytime,
no matter how late.
A little faith, Tom,
that's all I'm asking.
Yes. I know, I don't
like being called ma'am, either.
Look, if I made every decision based
on what makes people feel good,
I'd be a talk-show host,
not the President.
Well, I know Admiral Jennings
is a good friend of yours,
I can call him personally.
Don't let fear drive you.
That's not how you run
your business, is it?
Well, I know you've been in my shoes,
and sound bites are not who we are.
It's penny wise
and pound foolish.
I'm so sorry, Senator,
did I wake you?
Yes, no,
I'll try back again tomorrow.
I can't fault you for being
I hope you won't fault me
for having a long memory.
I'm waking people up now.
I'll start again in the morning.
How's it looking?
If I had to flip a coin?
I don't know. You?
Not a single backer yet.
Not one?
California's still awake. Maybe
I'll have better luck out west.
I'm going for a run.
I need to do something.
It's late.
Well, I'm too restless.
Well, I'll be here,
singing for my supper.
It's humiliating to have to
beg from some kid who was
on Facebook before his testicles
descended, but that's...
Derrick, Francis Underwood,
do you have a few minutes?
I'll be running along
the Mall tonight.
That requires a full detail.
How soon can you be ready?
We'd far prefer
you ran on the track.
I'll be running along the Mall.
Yes, Ma'am.
We're going to need the
First Lady's detail, ASAP.
This is off the record.
You've called my office every
day for the last six months
with one question.
I call everyone
in the Leadership.
I get the same non-answer
from all of you.
"Frank Underwood
is our President..."
"He has our
undivided support."
Birch slipped up once, he said
"unwavering" instead of "undivided."
I wanted to drug-test him.
There was a meeting this
morning in the White House.
I was there on Pebble
Beach when you came out.
It lasted four
and a half minutes.
You were in there for an hour.
We were inside for an hour.
Doesn't mean the meeting
lasted that long.
What happened?
Why so short?
You're the Pulitzer finalist.
America Works?
Is that why the President went
to the Capitol this afternoon?
No one from the White House
would say.
Have a good night.
You chose me.
What's your play?
When you write about presidents,
people pay attention.
It'll come
down to the wire.
I'm confident, but I don't want
to leave anything to chance.
Well, according to Erikson,
I have 47 votes
as of this morning.
Well, I know, Senator,
but that's not enough.
I need yours.
I have every intention of
running for President.
I need to know
you two are with me.
If you have any doubts, now
is the time to let me know.
Nancy, wipe the schedule clean.
Yes, everything.
We don't leave this office
until we have a plan.
Ma'am? The Easter egg roll.
We were scheduled for...
- Right.
- If this is a bad time...
No, that's fine.
Please, come in.
Yes, Claire Underwood,
he's expecting my call.
Hi, Sheila.
They're beautiful.
Would you mind
setting them up, please?
I just have a couple more
calls to make.
Hello, Senator.
Yes, I'm well, how are you?
The nomination of Claire
Underwood, of Washington D.C.,
to be the Representative of
the United States of America
to the United Nations.
The yeas and nays have been ordered
and the clerk will call the roll.
- Mr. Abner.
- Yea.
Mr. Braun.
Mr. Bray.
This one's
a little too pink.
Girls like pink.
This is more than pink,
it's neon.
Uh, I'm choosing four?
Yes, ma'am.
- Willa? - WILLA: Up by two.
Forty-eight to forty-six.
we can finish up later.
- No. What's next?
- The commemoratives.
- These are really special.
- A black egg.
Yes, with patriotic tipping.
It's still a black egg.
Engraved with
POTUS and FLOTUS signatures.
Final tally, 52 to 48.
The press?
In the briefing room.
I'll just be a few minutes.
Would you mind waiting?
Not at all, Ma'am.
I just heard.
I'm so sorry.
The press is waiting.
Well, they can wait.
Do you want me to come with you?
No, I just want
to get it over with.
Claire. You...
Good morning.
Naturally, I'm disappointed
that the Senate did not
confirm my nomination today.
But I'm very grateful to have
been afforded the opportunity.
I'd be remiss
if I did not thank my husband
for all the faith
and trust he placed in me.
He's always supported me
in achieving my goals.
I look forward to continued
service as First Lady.
Thank you.
Let's go with the green,
the blue and the cream.
And for the rare one? The
Golden Ticket, so to speak?
That one's beautiful.
Thank you.
Excuse me, please?
You ever try to do this?
Balance an egg?
We used to do this as kids.
You can't change the laws
of physics, can you?
I was wrong. It's too hard.
Fighting the Leadership,
raising money.
We can't get them to do what
they're dead set against doing,
we'd need six months just to
get them back to square one.
We have to reverse our thinking.
When the Wind's blowing
at gale force,
there's no point
in sailing against it.
What do you have in mind?
The White House
Counsel's office, please.
I don't care about
their schedules.
If not today, tomorrow morning.
Should I invite Jackie, too?
she qualifies as Leadership.
What about her ask?
Stall her for now, let's
see how the meeting goes.
I want you to write the
speech, every word.
- Yes, sir.
- And no leaks.
You'll have a draft
in three hours.
And, sir? Doug emailed me a
lobbying strategy, for AmWorks.
- Do you want to look at it?
- Of his own accord?
- You didn't tell him?
- No, I didn't say a word.
It must be what he gathered
from watching the news.
- How is he?
- Uh, Doug seems fine.
I've been calling him,
like you asked.
But he seems all right? Well,
he tells me things are good.
Although I don't think he'd
admit it, if they weren't.
Why don't you stop by from
time to time, since I can't.
See him in person.
- Yes, sir.
- And send me his email.
I'll be in my study
if you need me.
What are you working on?
- Brought you a coffee.
- My saviour.
The Leadership meeting
yesterday morning.
It lasted four
and a half minutes.
- Where'd you hear that?
- That's not long enough
to reject a major
domestic agenda.
I wasn't in the meeting. I
don't know how long it lasted.
Something went down.
If you say so.
I didn't hear anything about it.
Could've been the President
was called away.
That happens all the time.
Not this time.
How do you know?
Clearly, I have a source
that knows more than you.
Most sources do.
At least they pretend they do.
Thanks for the coffee.
Two sugars, next time.
I'll remember that.
You talked to Ayla Sayyad.
I can either be an asset,
or a liability.
You think this puts you
on the ticket, now?
Not if you tell him.
But the smart move would be to
advocate on my behalf.
Don't strong arm me, Jackie.
You're the man in the middle,
who else would I strong arm?
I wanna be on your team, Remy.
We do well when
we're on the same team.
You have more calls?
No. I'm done.
Who spoke to her?
I have no idea, sir.
Well, it's your job to know.
Things are moving fast, I'm just
trying to stay ahead of them.
Well, we need to move faster.
Has the meeting been set?
8:00 a.m. tomorrow. I just heard
back from Birch's office.
Good, let's have the networks
ready to go live by 9:00.
One more thing.
Jackie. I think you should decide
sooner, rather than later.
If we're gonna go this route,
we need every ally we can get.
After the meeting.
We'll discuss then.
You've emerged.
I took a nap.
Last night was...
I didn't get much sleep.
Me neither.
We're gonna find
something for you.
Some other position,
or something as First Lady,
I promise.
I know.
What are you doing up?
Gotta go over my speech, it's
happening tomorrow night.
What speech?
It's premature, isn't it?
Read on.
Thank you, please.
I've put a great deal of thought
into what you've all asked of me.
I challenged myself to keep
an open mind.
And my decision is,
I will not run for President.
Look, they're thinking it's too
good to be true, and it is.
I lied in the
Oval Office before,
I didn't wanna
take the chance this time.
It's too big a deal
to jinx myself.
At 9:00 tonight, I will announce
to the nation my decision.
What's the catch?
I wanted us to meet here,
in this room, for a reason.
For the past five months, my
team has sat at this very table,
developing America Works.
You know how much
the program means to me,
and I want it to mean
as much to you.
So there is a catch.
No. An opportunity.
Look, we all know that...
All right, let's just say
for argument's sake,
that this table here represents
the next year and a half.
All right?
So, this is us, right now.
And down there, at the
end, that's the election.
Now, if I did run, I'd spend the
next few months fundraising.
And then somewhere around
here, I'd formally announce.
And then even if I did
win the nomination,
say, somewhere around here,
I'd start to have to face off
with a Republican challenger,
probably Mendoza. And then
things would get brutal.
Daily, daily events.
Fending off attacks,
launching my own.
And you're right. In the end,
I'd probably lose.
I would spend 18 months
Which would leave no time
to govern.
But you have opened my eyes.
I feel liberated. I want to
spend these next 18 months
dedicated to one thing.
America Works. But I
need your help to do it.
You're putting an awfully big
price tag on this, Mr. President.
No, you've put an awfully
big price tag on this.
You're asking me to be a
placeholder for 18 months,
and I intend to govern.
And if America Works succeeds,
then whoever you choose
to run in 2016
not only has the backing
of a united party,
but a formidable legacy.
But Social Security?
Benefits. Entitlements.
We don't want to present a fresh face
only to shoot ourselves in the foot.
Then let's not pretend
to unite the party,
let's unite the party
behind this legislation.
We'll never get it past
the Republicans.
We are not here to negotiate!
You want forward-thinking,
Bob? Then think forward.
You want a fresh face for 2016?
You wanna work together?
Then present my program
to Congress,
and if it dies there, so be it.
But I want us to fucking try!
I am prepared to
vacate this chair.
Meet me halfway.
Any moment now,
the President will be
addressing the nation,
live from the East Room.
The White House has
remained silent
on the subject
of the President's speech,
but sources in Congress say it
will focus on the jobs initiative
he's been planning to
unveil for several months.
The program, dubbed "America
Works," was developed in secret.
Any details are the
by-product of speculation,
but sources suggest it will
have elements from both
liberal and conservative
What remains to be
seen is whether
a Republican-controlled Congress will
cooperate in pushing the program forward.
The White House has faced
significant opposition
from the G.O.P since Congress
began its current session,
and many speculate that the
President's liberal application
of veto power may
leave congressional leaders
disinclined to support
this new jobs program...
Additionally, many Democratic
supporters of President Underwood
from his days as
House Majority...
...were voted out of office
in November,
diminishing his personal
influence over legislature.
Low approval ratings
are a continuing concern for
the Underwood administration, and
congressional sources suggest
that the choice
to tackle unemployment
may be part of a campaign
strategy for 2016.
...and if today's announcement
is received well,
President Underwood's campaign
certainly has an opportunity
to benefit.
Thank you.
Sir? We're ready for you
in five seconds.
Good evening. For too
long, we in Washington
have been lying to you.
We say we're here to serve you,
when in fact,
we're serving ourselves.
And Why?
We are driven by our own
desire to get re-elected.
Our need to stay in power
eclipses our duty to govern.
That ends tonight.
Tonight I give you the truth.
And the truth is this.
The American Dream
has failed you.
Work hard?
Play by the rules?
You aren't guaranteed success.
Your children will not have
a better life than you did.
Ten million of you
can't even get a job,
even though you desperately
want one.
We've been crippled
by Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid.
By welfare. By entitlements. And
that is the root of the problem.
Let me be clear,
you are entitled to nothing.
You are entitled to nothing.
America was built
on the spirit of industry.
You build your future.
It isn't handed to you.
And the problem with Washington
is that we haven't given you
the tools to build it.
The only way for us to serve you
is to give you the means
to serve yourselves.
Well, that's exactly
what I intend to do.
Not handouts. Jobs.
Real paying jobs.
In the next few weeks,
the Democratic Leadership
will introduce a program
called "America Works."
Its goal is simple, to put
the 10 million Americans
who are unemployed to work.
All of them. If you want
a job, you get one.
The cost is $500 billion.
Now, that's a lot of money.
To pay for it, we'll need
to rethink Social Security,
health care, and benefits
from the ground up.
We can't maintain the welfare
state as we know it.
Now, that's not
a popular thing to say.
Anyone running for office
wouldn't dare utter those words.
Every advisor and consultant
and staff member would beg
a presidential candidate
not to say them.
But I can say them,
because I will not be seeking the
Democratic nomination in 2016.
Candidates are cautious.
They must equivocate.
They dodge and tip-toe. But
I'd rather leave this office
having accomplished
something of value
than secure another four years
having done nothing at all.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
ushered in an era of hope
and progress when he proposed
the New Deal,
and at the time his reforms
were considered radical.
But he once said,
"This country demands bold,
persistent experimentation.
"It is common sense to take
a method and try it,
"and if it fails, admit it
frankly and try another.
"But above all,
try something."
Roosevelt would have
understood better than anyone
the necessity for trying
something different.
The New Deal succeeded
for many years,
but we must now try something
newer before it fails us.
If America Works succeeds, we
will reinvent the American Dream.
If we fail in our attempt, we will
admit it frankly and try another.
But above all,
we must try something.
Thank you. And God Bless the
United States of America.
It's two in the morning.
Yeah, I just left
the White House.
The press conference,
phone calls, emails...
The rest can wait till tomorrow.
Were you asleep?
This is a cool place.
How much is your rent?
I thought you said
AmWorks was on hold.
Well, it was.
And then it wasn't.
The Leadership
didn't want him to run.
- Who told you that?
- Nobody.
But I figured that's the only
reason he'd make that speech.
He's still going
to run though, isn't he?
He says he's not.
I know him better
than you ever will, Seth.
There's no way he doesn't run.
Is that why you're here?
'Cause he needs my help now?
No, I just... I wanted to check
up on you in person this time.
- He asked you to.
- Yes.
- I did send him your email, though.
- What did he say?
I'm not sure if he's read it.
You should probably
get some sleep, huh?
Big day for the press team tomorrow.
You can report back,
"Alive and well."
Is it okay if I stop by
now and then?
Do I have a choice?
I don't, but I can't force
you to open the door.
Whatever you want.
Thanks. I'll see you soon.
- Ms. Dunbar.
- Mr. President.
I had a lot on my mind when we last spoke.
Well, the speech last night,
it was...
Yes, it was a big decision, and I
apologize if I was distracted.
Not at all, sir.
So, the drone strike case.
You've been pursuing
the state secrets defense.
Yes, sir.
May I call you Heather?
The American people
are sick of secrets.
That's the point I was
trying to make last night.
I promised the truth, and
now we're going to deliver.
What truth is that, sir?
A man had his legs blown off.
An American citizen.
We're going to own up to that.
We're going to admit that the
CIA conducted the drone strike,
and explain the reasons why.
That information is classified.
Not anymore.
You have my permission
to make the classified
brief public.
Sir, that is not a sound
legal approach.
But it's what the country needs.
We're not appealing
to the country.
We're appealing
to nine justices.
Wrong. We're appealing to
both by taking responsibility.
Yes, a man was maimed, his
family members were killed.
But hundreds, perhaps thousands
of lives were saved as a result.
I understand the emotional
logic, but we can't...
You sat right there and told
me even Supreme Court Justices
have hearts.
Yes, but...
Well, far be it from me to
tell you how to do your job.
I've never practiced law
a day in my life.
But, I have written them.
And occupying this office,
I know what the country needs.
It needs closure.
Let me work on a new argument.
- Thank you, Heather.
- Thank you, Mr. President.
Where do you want these, Ma'am?
- Anywhere. Just not in here.
- Okay.
- Scott?
- Yes?
Here's a couple more.
You want a peanut butter
and jelly?
No, thanks.
Is everything all right?
I want the U.N. job,
The Senate goes home in two weeks,
I want a recess appointment.
I prepared for it.
I can do this.
And after it's all over, if I've
done the job I know I can do,
I'll be positioned
for anything I want.
- Claire...
- Now, I checked
with the White House Counsel.
There is precedent
for a recess appointment
after a rejected nomination.
Only once, but you
wouldn't be the first.
And I know you'll take
a hit politically.
And I know people will
think I don't deserve it.
They'll have doubts in me, but
what if this is as far as we get?
What if it's all over
in 18 months?
I don't want to wait, or
settle for something else,
when I've put all this work
I'll do it.
You sure you don't want a half?
I'm not hungry.
I'll be in my study.
Ripped By mstoll