House of Cards (2013–2018): Season 1, Episode 13 - Chapter 13 - full transcript

Frank scrambles to keep his plan on track. Gillian is planning to sue Claire. Zoe, Janine, and Lucas investigate Rachel Posner and her relationship with Peter Russo.

What was that?

The faucet.

It wouldn't shut up.

- Did you sleep last night?
- No.

I'll call Nancy
and tell her to call a plumber.

Absolute discretion.
Can I count on that?

- Always.
- Raymond Tusk.

The President wants to tap him
as the new V.P.

- You and I cannot let that happen.
- Why not?

Because a third of his fortune
is tied up in nuclear energy.

Sancorp does not want a pro-nuclear
businessman in the White House.

The market is shifting
toward natural gas anyway.

But Tusk wants to stall
that shift or reverse it.

Vice President doesn't have
that kind of influence.

This one would.
He and Walker are very close.

And it's in neither
of our best interests

to seep Sancorp's position
in the marketplace diminished.

- What's the ask?
- Tusk won't accept the nomination

if he thinks
his holdings are at risk.

Sancorp needs to initiate
a hostile takeover.

He's worth three times
what sancorp is.

I'm talking about
the subsidiaries.

We go after the companies that
refine and ship the uranium,

- the support system that...
- Come on, Frank.

There's stockholders
to take into account,

a huge financial exposure.

We just need to distract him.

Send a few token salvos and
intimate there's more to come.

All I'm asking
is that you speak to your client

and see if this is something they
might be willing to consider.

The President
announces Tusk on Friday,

so we don't have a lot of time.

- I'll make some calls.
- Thank you, Remy.

If he doesn't deliver,
I'm an invader without an army.

If he does,
I've got a fighting chance.

I just didn't feel that we could work
together constructively any longer.

I think that's
a perfectly legitimate reason...

Of course it is.

But what you can't do is
fire someone for being pregnant.

Is that what she's saying?

Ms. Cole claims
that you said,

"I need employees, not mothers,"

and, quote,
"go focus on your baby."

Can I see that?

That's completely false.

- I never said that.
- She claims you did.

It's her word against mine,

Well, juries are very sympathetic
with expecting mothers.

This is extortion.

We don't want this
going to trial, Claire.

You and your husband
are public figures.

This will result
in some very bad press.

I suggest we go back to them
with a settlement offer.

- We need the arrest record.
- There isn't any.

- They let him go.
- Then we need to know who got him off.

If Underwood was involved,

we are talking abuse of powers
and corruption.

I checked.

There's no files,
no mug shot, nothing.

Then we need to find the cop
who pulled him over,

or somebody who saw him
come into the station.

But D.C. cops...
they look after each other.

We need to be careful.

Do you have any sources
on the force?

Not that I would trust
with something like this.

You know, Lucas started out
on the crime beat.

I can see if he knows anyone.

- Would he help us?
- I don't know.

- Maybe.
- Help out a competitor?

We... stayed in touch.

You've gotta be kidding me.

This town is way too incestuous.

I know it's a lot to ask.

I'm still trying to wrap
my head around the affair, Zoe.

If you could just give me a
contact and maybe vouch for me...

Did you wait
to bring this up until now

because you thought
it'd be harder for me to say no?

- What do you mean?
- In bed, right after we...

You don't actually think
I would do something like...

- It sure seems that way.
- This is huge, Lucas.

I'm trying to avoid
fucking up what we have...

Whatever that is... and you're
making it really hard for me.

I don't know that I'll ever be the
kind of person that makes it easy.

I'm not looking for easy. But
I don't need to be reminded of him.

- I can't erase what I did.
- I know you can't.

But this is really
fucking manipulative.

Did you mean
what you said the other night?

That you probably...

I don't know what to do
when I hear something like that.

That's why I was so quiet when
you drove me to the airport.

I was angry.
I just blurted it out.

I wish I hadn't.
At least not like that.

I'm not trying to take advantage
of you because you did.

- He hasn't said a word.
- And you haven't brought it up?

I just asked him if he was still
considering Tusk.

He said yes, but that he wanted
to speak to you first. That's it.

I wish we knew
if they'd spoken at all.

Well, he has a private line.
I can't track those calls.

- Frank.
- Mr. President.

Tell me about St. Louis.

He's a hard man to read.
I did my best to probe him,

but I don't think I left any
wiser to which way he's leaning.

I must say, though, I think he is
by far and away the best candidate.

Why do you say that?

Doesn't it make sense for you to
nominate someone you know so well?

I don't know him.
That's why I sent you to St. Louis.

Forgive me, Mr. President.
I didn't mean it that way.

I meant that the world
knows so well.

You, me, everyone
knows Raymond Tusk.

We don't need to convince anyone
of his worthiness.

But you said
he still seems ambivalent?

Which is why I think you should
make a personal overture.

Invite him to the White House.

Well, I don't want
to appear desperate.

I agree with Frank.

Inviting him
is a very good idea.

If you're serious about Tusk,
you should wine and dine him.

Make him feel very special.

I'm sure we can find time
in the schedule.

- Let's give him a few more days.
- We have less than a week, sir.

I wouldn't wait
any later than Friday.

We can make Friday work, sir.

All right. Well,
let's see if he's available.

- What are you doing?
- Shh.

- Give me your phone.
- Why?

Just give it to me.

Have you noticed
anything weird in here?

Stuff moved around?
Anything missing?

- No.
- Anyone following you?

What did you find out?

This is serious, Zoe.

It goes way up,
as high as the commissioner.

I had to beg my contact at Metro
to give me this.

No record of Russo
getting pulled over,

but he remembers there was a
call girl brought in with Russo.

That's a file
on one of her previous arrests.

I've investigated
police cover-ups before.

I got death threats
for a year.

Are you willing to take
that risk?


How long?

The next board of directors
meeting is three weeks from now.

That is too late.
Remy, look,

the President is gonna
nominate Tusk in a week or less.

I've urged Scott Cunningham
to call a special meeting,

but that doesn't happen

There's a lot of machinery in
a corporate attack like this.

I want to meet
Scott Cunningham myself.

I'm not sitting you down with
Scott. You know the rules.

These are extraordinary

Frank, Sancorp's officers

do not meet with politicians,

You talk to me,
I talk to Scott Cunningham,

and vice versa.
That's how it works.

All right, Remy.
Whatever you think best.

I'll call you
when I know more.


Of all the things I hold in high
regard, rules are not one of them.

I will not place my fate solely
in the hands of the middleman

if I can go directly
to the supplier.

Book a flight to Atlanta.
Tomorrow morning. Let Meechum know.

Yes, sir.

She grew up
in Lynchburg, Virginia,

went to Lorimer High School

until she dropped out
sophomore year,

and then after that,
there's no public record.

But all it says here
is that she was fined $300

for loitering on April 2012.

One of us
has to go to Lynchburg.

- Parents, classmates, teachers...
- I'll do it.

Okay. Well, then, you and I
have to call escort services.

I'm willing to lend a hand, but not
by making cold calls 12 hours a day

just to get hung up on
by hookers.

Where was she arrested?

- Connecticut ave.
- 2460.

That's the address
of the district grand hotel.

I'm not a fan
of surprise visits, Frank.

Remy wouldn't arrange a meeting.

Remy Danton exists
so we don't have to meet.

I needed to speak with you.

There's a congressional
travel report

that puts you
on a trip to Atlanta

the same day I was pulled out
of an investors' briefing.

Those are the sort of
coincidences we want to avoid.

Were you briefing your investors
on Raymond Tusk?

Meechum can be trusted.

Why would I be speaking
to them about Tusk?

- I thought Remy filled you in.
- No.

He didn't say anything about the
vice presidential nomination?

He didn't. And I have a
feeling I'd rather not be told.

Trust me,
you want to know.

I've appeared in front of
grand juries before, Frank.

It's much easier
when you can tell the truth.

Please, don't put me in a
position where I have to lie.

If Tusk
has the President's ear,

you will see this administration
shift its support

toward nuclear energy
and away from natural gas.

His subsidiaries and his suppliers.
Go after them.

Frank, we should end
this conversation right now.

He will not accept
the nomination if his assets

are in a blind trust and he
can't fight off the threat.

- Okay, we're done.
- Scott...

I don't wanna
hear another word.

Go back to the airport.

Figure out a good reason you
needed to be in Atlanta today.

You can pull over at the next
corner. I'll have my car pick me up.

d When sunny gets blue d

d Her eyes get gray
and cloudy d

- One last one?
- Another.

d Begins to fall d

d Pitter-patter,
pitter-patter d

d Love is gone, so... d

- Can I get you something?
- White wine.

Put that on my tab.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

They're about to call
last call.

That's all right.
I don't have much of a tolerance.

One more?

No. I'm good.


You should head upstairs.

I was waiting for you.

- Is that the new faucet?
- Yeah.

How'd it go?

Not good.
Remy's up to something.

He's not returning
my phone calls.

What can I do?

Tell me what
you were dreaming.

Oh, it was so awful, Francis.

He's not letting
me sleep either.

Yeah. It's not him.
It's the kids.

I was playing with them
in the backyard,

and the girl
was climbing on the vines,

and I kept telling her
to stop and get down, and...

The vines just took hold of her,
and they wouldn't let go.

And she was screaming so loud,

and I just kept pulling
harder and harder,

and she just ripped in half.

Come here. Come here.



You wait until after 2:00 in
the morning to return my call?

You trying
to get my voice-mail?

The conversations
we're having

we can't be having
on cell phones.

Where are you?

Claire is sleeping upstairs.

You shouldn't have gone
to see Cunningham.

He says you didn't
bring up Tusk.

You really think
he'd admit to that?

If we go through with this,
it's insider trading.

He didn't strike me as a man hearing
the news for the second time.

You want to believe I'm playing games?
I can walk away from the whole thing.

But I'm all you've got
right now.

I'm the one doing you
and Sancorp a favor,

not the other way around.

I can tell
when I'm being used, Frank.

- I just want to know what for.
- I don't use people

unless I can throw them away

I'm trying to strengthen
our partnership.

Smells an awful lot
like bullshit.

Don't condescend.

Eight years
I worked on your staff

and never once made it further
than your front doorstep.

Well, now I'm in
your living room, Frank.

It's not because
of what you taught me,

it's because I finally woke up
to what my value is

and how undervalued I was
slaving away for you.

This is business.
Keep your sob story to yourself.

I want to maintain
the influence

that I have worked to achieve
in the White House,

which translates into the influence
that you have in the White House,

through me.

I'll get in touch
with Scott again tomorrow.

See if we can push this
forward faster.

Thank you, Remy.

But you gotta let me
do this my way.

The message
was very clear.

She doesn't want a settlement,
no matter what the figure.

Even if we give her
worldwell back?

She wants to go to court.

They said we can expect
a formal summons next week.

- This is ludicrous.
- Her lawyers agree.

They'd much prefer a settlement
too, but she's not playing ball.

I'll keep pushing them.
But in the meantime,

you should start gathering all the
correspondence you ever had with her...

E-mails, notes,
every scrap of paper.

Okay. Thanks, Oliver.

All I'm trying to do
is find her.

I've got an arrest record
from April 2012,

and I know she was pulled over
with a client in January.

That girl.
She had so much potential.

Why did she drop out?

Like I said,
it's an ethical breach for me

to discuss anything
that has to do...

I spoke to her parents.

Her father was very combative.

Was there trouble at home?

The father... did he...

I won't speak about Rachel.

Can you talk to me
about your job in general,

the sorts of cases you deal
with in an abstract way?

When I'm concerned
about a student,

especially if there's possible
criminal activity involved,

it's my duty
to contact the D.A.'S office.

Now, if the D.A.
Pursues charges,

the student has to testify
against their own parent.

That's a difficult decision
for a young person to make.

Extremely difficult.

It could be easier
to run away.

It's set for tomorrow.
Tusk lands at 7:30

and then heads straight to the white
house for dinner with the President.

- Is it on the official schedule?
- No.

- We need it to be.
- Well, I can't do that.

The President specifically asked
that I leave it off.

Actually, that's good.
We can make that work.

Can you set up a meeting
between Birch and the President?

About what?

So he can give him his two cents
about who he will nominate.

I don't think we want
Birch getting involved.

- He'll never get the chance.
- What are you planning?

Can you set up a meeting
for later today? Yes or no?

I'm sure I can squeeze it in.

Good. I'll talk to Birch.
Get him on the phone.

This has to stay off the books,
just like the dinner with Tusk.

- Okay.
- And finally,

do you have a scheduler
that you can fire?

Janine, I've got
something for you.

What is this?

The President's O.T.R. schedule
between now and Friday.

- How'd you get this?
- It doesn't matter.

Look who he's meeting with
this afternoon.

- Bob Birch.
- And look at Friday night.

Raymond Tusk. These aren't the
craziest meetings for him to be having.

Then why aren't they
on the official schedule?

He's considering them
for Vice President.

I'd say that's reason enough
to keep them secret.

Get this out, right away.

Mr. speaker, I'm hearing that you're gonna
be considered for the vice presidency.

Slugline is reporting that you're
heading to the White House right now.

- I'm, uh... no.
- You're not headed to the White House?

Yes. The President
just wants my input.

But there's the possibility that you
might be under consideration yourself.

Not that I'm aware of.
Excuse me.

- How did the schedule get out?
- It got leaked, sir,

by someone
in the scheduling office.

- On purpose?
- Accidentally.

A wrong attachment
to an e-mail that went wide.

Well, whoever it was,
I want them out.

I already let them go.

- Is, uh, Birch here yet?
- He's waiting outside.

Well, cancel the meeting.
Tell him something came up.

- I don't want to feed the frenzy.
- Yes, sir.

Give me the private line,

There are three satellite trucks
on my street.

I'm trapped in my own home.

Somebody in
the scheduling office fucked up.

Are you seriously
considering Birch?

Absolutely not.

We are losing control
of the process, Garrett.

Every time I've spoken to you,
you've never spoken back.

Although given
our mutual disdain,

I can't blame you
for the silent treatment.

Perhaps I'm speaking
to the wrong audience.

Can you hear me?

Are you even capable
of language,

or do you only understand

Peter, is that you?

Stop hiding in my thoughts
and come out.

Have the courage in death
that you never had in life.

Come out, look me in the eye
and say what you need to say.

There is no solace
above or below.

Only us...
Small, solitary,

battling one another.

I pray to myself,
for myself.


Who is it?

My lawyer said
I shouldn't be talking to you.

- Mine said the same thing.
- I'm not gonna change my mind, Claire.

I made a mistake. I got upset,
and I acted impulsively.

I was the one
who made the mistake

by partnering with you
in the first place.

Well, then,
can we please both admit

that it wasn't meant to be,
and we can find an amicable way...

- No, we can't.
- What do you want?

To send a message.

Organizations like yours
get 90% of the grant money,

then cozy up to corporate sponsors
who destroy the environment.

The things you're claiming
are lies.

I never mentioned
your pregnancy.

I got in touch
with Evelyn Baxter.

Remember her?
We had a long conversation.

It seems that you have a history of
axing people who disagree with you.

She'll be testifying
on my behalf.

So will eight of the people
that you made her fire.

If you want an apology,
I'm here to offer you one,

and to give you
whatever you think is fair.

This case is gonna get national attention
because of who you're married to.

I'll have a platform
to say what I want to say.

That's worth more
than anything you could offer.

Listen, I know we have
different philosophies,

but what we're trying to achieve
is exactly the same thing.

We shouldn't
be fighting each other.

Do you feel that?
The kicking?

I won't let people like you fuck up
the world my child has to live in.

If I have to tell a few lies
to do that...

At least I learned
one valuable thing from you.

d Call me d

d Irresponsible d

d Call me d

d Unreliable d

d Go on and throw in d

- What can I get for you?
- Glenlivet, neat.

d Well, do my
foolish alibis bore... d

The lawsuit?

And other things.

What other things?

You know,
I cannot guarantee you

that all of this
is gonna succeed.

Oh, it's not that.

You can tell me,
or I can keep guessing.

You'll roll your eyes.

Not at you.

I was thinking about
when one of us dies.

Whether it's you first
or me...

Well, if it is me,
and I'm sure it will be,

you won't be alone for long.

No. I mean,
what will we leave behind?

We've accomplished
a great deal.

And I intend for us
to accomplish a lot more.

But for whom?

For each other.

But if we're not...

Ah, I'm being silly.

Have you ever been published?

Many times.

I guess that's
a stupid question.

You don't seem
like a starving artist.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

You have a nice laugh.


It's very attractive.

Are you staying at the hotel?

You want to come up
to my room?

That depends.

Well, how much
would that cost me?

That seems about right.

Close your eyes.

Put out your hands.

Now open them up.

I'm trying to find
this woman.

If you make me
pull out my badge,

I have to take you in.

But I don't want
to do that.

Let's not make a scene.

I used to see her around.

She left the business, though.
We haven't really kept in touch.

Any idea where she might be?

A friend of mine
saw her waiting tables

at a restaurant
in Georgetown.

I guess the question
I'm trying to ask is, um...

Is it even worth that step?

The bottom line is that for a woman
your age, it's extremely hard.

Have you ever had a miscarriage?

No. I, um...

I've been late before,
but I don't...

You know, I don't know.
I don't know exactly.

Have you had any abortions?


That can make it
more difficult.

I'm not trying to dissuade you,

but please make sure you think
long and hard before you decide.

But it's possible?

Assuming you and your husband
fit all the criteria?

Yes, it's possible.


Well, that's hardly my problem.

No, you get on it. It's...

I have to call you back.
What is it?

Sancorp's stock.

It's up 35%
in the last four hours.

It's all over
the financial news.

Tusk is making a play.

Get Remy on the phone.

Congressman Underwood
on line three.

I was just about to call you.

I need to meet with Tusk before
he sees the President tonight.

- He's already here.
- At the White House?

He decided to come in
a few hours early.

His plane landed
half an hour ago.

- Do you know where he is?
- I don't know.

He had his own car pick him up.
I just found out.

Remy's not in his office.
I left word there and on his cell.

Look, you need to call me the moment
you know where he is.


It's just the lunch menu right now.
I hope that's okay.

Yeah. That's fine.

Your server
will be with you shortly.

Is Rachel working?

Uh, no. I don't think
she's scheduled till Sunday.

Stephanie will be with you
this afternoon.


Should we come back Sunday?

I'll be right back.

Excuse me.
Can I help you with something?

Yeah. I was just looking
for the bathroom.

Unless you want to use
the restroom in the office.

- Who are you calling?
- Rachel.

Rachel Posner?

My name is Zoe Barnes.

I know about Peter Russo.


Come on, Rachel.

You shouldn't have
mentioned Russo.

- She'll write back.
- I wouldn't if I was her.

How much do you know?

That you were with him
when he was pulled over.

- Who else knows?
- Just me.

I can keep it that way,
but I need more.

- There is no more.
- You're lying.

Yeah, I was with him
when he got pulled over.

They took him away
and let me go.

I don't know
what happened to him.

He was never charged.

You know more than me, then.

No one ever came
to talk to you?

- About what?
- To keep you quiet.

You don't kiss and tell
in that business.

Not even
when it's a congressman?

Especially when
it's a congressman.

Frank Underwood
never approached you?

Who's that?

You're too smart
to play dumb, Rachel.

You know who that is.

Name rings a bell.

I try not to follow the news.

Too many familiar faces.

How about Douglas stamper?

Never heard of him.

I've told you
everything I know.

I know about
what your father did.

If you don't help me,
I'll write about Russo.

I'll write
that you were a prostitute,

and I'll write about
why you left home.

Go to town, bitch.


She mentioned both you
and your boss.

- What exactly?
- She didn't say.

All she seemed to know was that I was in
the car with him when he got pulled over.

And you didn't admit
to more than that?

No. I said everything
exactly like you told me to.

- You really think I'd spill my guts?
- Calm down.

Why didn't you tell me he was gonna
hurt himself? I never would've done it.

How could I have known?

- I just want all this to go away.
- It will.

All of it.

I promise.

Do you want me
to order you dinner?

- Where's Doug at?
- I don't know. He left early.

- Call him for me, will you?
- Yes, sir.

Thirteen minutes from now,

Tusk will meet
with the President,

if he isn't there already.

You've never been an ally,
have you?

Pressing on with your slow,
incessant march.

Time would've killed Russo
if I hadn't,

just as it
will kill me someday.

Kill us all.

Sir, I just got
Doug's voicemail.

I wonder where he's at.

Well, maybe this is him.


Sorry, Frank.
I had to trade up.

Sancorp's a big fish,
but Raymond Tusk is a whale.

Can I get you something,

Nothing right now.
Thank you, Freddy.

I'll leave y'all to it.

I hope you don't mind that Remy told
me about this little secret of yours.

I wanted a place
where you'd feel comfortable.

Shouldn't you be
at the White House?

How could I pass up the chance to
eat the best ribs in Washington?


Remy told you about Sancorp.

As of closing bell today,
I own 3%.

By the end of next week,
I'll own over ten.

Enough to make sure
they can't cause me any trouble.

A valiant effort, though.
I respect that.

So why are we here?

I told you I'd give you until
today to think things over.

- I'm a man who keeps my word.
- And I'm still not interested.

You wanted me to be more
specific back in St. Louis.

That would be a good start.

Why did Britain go to war
with China 150 years ago?

I'm in no mood for riddles.

Humor me a moment.

- Opium.
- It was bigger than opium, Frank.

That was simply the excuse.

Peking wanted to call the shots
instead of the west.

It's the same problem
we're facing now.

But nobody wants a trade war,
much less a military one.

And what's your opium?

I need it for my reactors.

China controls 95%
of the world's supply.

And you're worried about the imbalance
in our currency, our foreign debt...

- All of it.
- You already have the President's ear.

Trade tariffs
are controlled by congress.

You have a lot more influence
there than Garrett does.

It's the reason I wanted you to
stay there in the first place.

And what exactly
would you want me to do?

Well, that part
I don't know yet.

We'll have to wait and see how
things play out with the Chinese.

I've already told you
I will not do a blank check.

I must say I'm surprised,

You have a reputation
for pragmatism.

And I also have avoided a
reputation for indentured servitude.

I never make an offer
more than twice, Frank.

Tell me now if I can count
on your cooperation.

You're not offering cooperation,
you're demanding tutelage.

So let me make you
a proposal.

I am absolutely willing
to work together as equals.

I will take your opinions seriously,
just as the President does.

But I will not
bind myself to them in advance.

If that doesn't interest you,
fair enough.

Good luck finding a vice
President in the next four days

who will prove
as pragmatic as I.

You can't purchase loyalty,

Not the sort I have in mind.

If you want to earn
my loyalty,

then you have to offer
yours in return.

And if we can agree to that...

Well, you're a man
with imagination.


If stamper was there himself,

this goes much deeper
than a lost arrest file.

Well, let's think about this.
What did Russo gain him?

A mansion in Harrisburg.

Uh-uh. Underwood
thinks bigger than that.

- Then what?
- I don't know.

He controls Pennsylvania.

He has influence
in the White House.

Walker needs the state
for reelection...

No. No, it can't
just be Walker.

The President backstabbed him

for the secretary of state

It has to be something else.

The President would owe him.

But what?

They already meet
once a week.

The education bill?
I mean, what?

What specifically?

He could be after
the V.P. nomination.

That doesn't make sense,

The V.P. slot is on the table
because Russo tanked.

Underwood wanted him to win.

Unless he didn't.

Maybe he wanted Russo
to self-destruct.

To force Matthews to run.

Exactly. And then next week,
when Matthews wins...

The President taps Underwood.

Mr. President.

Mr. Tusk.

Thanks for coming
on such short notice.

Have a seat, Frank.

I have a confession to make.

Raymond and I
have known each other for years.

We don't publicize it, but he's
been a trusted advisor to me.

And I sent you to St. Louis
so he could spend time with you,

give me his two cents.

On what, sir, if I may ask?

Offering you
the vice presidency.

I told the President that,
uh, in my humble opinion,

both he and the country
would be well served

by a man as experienced,
intelligent, and loyal as you.

So I'm officially asking,

Sir, I... I don't know
what to say.

Say yes.


It would be a great honor,
Mr. President.


I take care of my own,

and you've proved yourself
to be very valuable.

I would like you to be
part of my security detail

once I get confirmed.

That's the Secret Service, sir.

I'm capitol police.

Then I'll put you
on the Secret Service.

If you're interested.

I'd be more than interested,


And I'm extremely grateful.

Keep being valuable.

That's the best way
to show your gratitude.

I will,
Mr. Vice President.

Did the plumber finally come?

No. I fixed it.


So proud of you, Francis.

I didn't do it alone.

I got here
as quickly as I could.

Is something wrong?

I need you to be completely
honest with me, Christina.

About what?

The other day, when I said
that you should tell me

if anyone from the press
started harassing you...

Zoe Barnes?

You said you wanted to talk
about something on the phone.

Oh, no. That can wait.

No. Come on. Tell me.

I, um... earlier today...

The rowing machine,
I saw, is broken.

Oh, it's my fault.
The cable broke.

I haven't been able
to replace it yet.

What about going
for a run with me?

She's trying to smear
congressman Underwood.

It's a coordinated campaign
by everyone at Slugline.

But she knew things.

Like what?

About Peter.

Something to do with Kern
losing the nomination.


Want me to drive
alongside you, sir?

No. You stay here.

Yes, sir.

You ready?
