House (2004–2012): Season 8, Episode 2 - Transplant - full transcript

A surprising visitor makes House an offer he can't refuse by giving him the opportunity to help the Princeton Plainsboro team treat a unique patient in order to save the life of an organ ...

- Get up, House.
- Must be some mistake.

I specifically requested
my wakeup startle 3 hours from now.

Some VIP visitor.

Dean from your old hospital.

I've had dreams about this.

Gonna assume this is another one.

Get up.

I can refuse to see
any visitor I want.

Tell the Dean
that I don't wanna see her.

He said you'd say that.


What's the hiring policy over there?

All ass based?

I can get you out of here.

Not unless that file
has a file in it.

Judge's order
for your immediate release.

I had eight months added
to my sentence two months ago.

- The math is pretty basic.
- We have a crisis.

Which is good news for you.

You're out tonight
on conditional parole.

Condition being
that you're employed by me

at PPTH.

No, thanks.

You think it's a good idea for me
to go right back to my old life?

For either of us?

Your patient is two lungs...

in a box.

And it only has 12 hours left.

No pulse, no body.

No ability to answer questions.

It's your perfect patient.

I did pay for the room
for the whole week, but...

House 802: Transplant

R[H]?sus Team
.: La Fabrique :.

Donor's an 18-year-old
college kid from Hosftra.

Goes to a party, hops on motorcycle,
ends up organ donor.

Asystole in the E.R.
No pulse.

No blood circulating.
Heart, liver, kidneys were toast.

had the recipient on the table,

they realized the lungs
had increased resistance.

Team closed her up,
put lungs in suspended animation.

Buys 24 hours to fix it,
12 of which have passed.

We still have no clue what's wrong.

Nice painting.

Blues and Greens.

but with a hint of nurturing.

Totally offsets the stench
of suffereing and death.

Where's my patient?
We need to not talk.

ICU isolation room.

Transplant team will meet you there
with updates from the past 2 hours.


Take this.

How about you drop it in your office?

I completely understand

and almost respect

your desire to appear
to be Dean of Medicine,

given your title is Dean of Medicine.

On the other hand...


Get this straight.

You break the law,
you go back to jail.

Scam extra Vicodin, back to jail.

Flout my authority,
make the hospital look bad,

back to jail.

I own you.

Yes, massa.

See, that would be an example.

When did Cuddy leave?

She gave her notice
the day after your incident.

- Took a job...
- Don't need the details.

Ortho needed more space.

You're this way.

Where's my stuff?

No idea.

What about my team?


First thing you said to me was
you don't want your old environment.

The fourth was,
"where's my old environment?"

It's been a year.

Taub, Chase, Thirteen all moved on.

- The world does that sometimes.
- No, it doesn't.

Here's your new office.

And there's your new team.


I'm not interested in another
department's sloppy seconds.

I'm not.

It's 3:00 a.m., if Foreman
had called you in from home,

you wouldn't have pressed clothes,
coiffed hair, and makeup,

which means you were already here.

Yes, I was on call for neurology.

Well, if that were true,
you'd be working right now

and unavailable to help.

Which means that you're hanging out
pretending to work.

Which means you're not just a reject,
you're a cowardly reject

who was trying to hide
her rejectedness from someone.

I am not a reject.

Then go back to neurology.

I can't.

I punched my attending.

ARDS secondary to trauma
is our leading hypothesis.

FiO2 is 93%...



I thought I heard
everyone else think that.

I was in prison, you see.

It was a long time ago,
but still you're curious.

Never was raped,

not raped-raped.

Well, raped-raped,
but not raped-raped-raped.

Well, now that we've got that
completely behind us.

Sorry, Dr. House, welcome back.

Is there cake?

Any alveolar exudate?

- The lungs are dry.
- Well it's not ARDS.

It's the autumn.
Tick borne disease season.

Ehrlichiosis causing bronchialitis.

You'll appreciate that I left
the "idiots" subtextual.

Blood smear was clear,
and we "idiots" treated

with broad spectrum antibiotics.

- Cocaine.
- Tox screen was clean.

Dead men don't pee.
Tox screen tests in the urine.

Coke never got past the lungs.

Also explains the motorcycle crash.


Get lungs on treatment.

Great idea.
Unless you're wrong.

And by you, I mean me.
Then it will burn holes in the lungs.

I'd call you idiots,

but I'm starting to doubt
if you understand what the word mean.


Get Black Beauty
and meet me out front.

We're gonna find
the dead kid's stash.

Since an 18-year-old with organ donor

on his license
is not a cancer patient.

The recipient is a lifetime member
of the Wilson cares too much club.

Excellent deduction.

You're the reason
I'm out of the big house.

- Doesn't make up for never visiting
- Springing you was Foreman's idea.

I wasn't convinced until Simpson
failed three times.

It amounts to the same thing.
You wanted me back.

I knew you'd over-interpret it.

Strong, emotional reaction.

I guess that's
what a lifetime membership gets you.

- How's your wrist?
- Healed, thank you.

I was wrong.

I went to prison.
I paid the price.

You're a changed man.

I said I was wrong.
I didn't say I changed.

- Neither have you.
- Analyze it however you like.

We're not friends anymore.

- What can I do?
- My chest.

Angina's back.

Upping the nitro
should knock it back down.

Sis and I were talking,
trying to figure out

how many hospital sleepovers
we've had.

It definitely started

with the great mastectomy of 2001.

God, I miss my boobs.

They were spectacular.

Is there a chance
of locating another donor?

It's unlikely.

With the extent of the emphysema,
she needs a double lung.

- How are you doing?
- Better already.

I was gonna make you
bring me a bottle.

Lighten up, Sis.

The least you could do
is laugh at a dying lady's jokes.

Your drinking wasn't funny.

It's not funny now.

Because you're not dying.

The hospital brought in a consultant
to work on the lungs.

Do you know him?
Is he good?

He is an excellent doctor.

We probably shouldn't be turning
up unannounced like this.

Their son just died.

Bright side.
They're probably up weeping.

We both assaulted our bosses.

It's like we're twins.

- I'd really rather not discuss it.
- I'll go first.

My boss dumped me.

Called you his China doll?

Joked about what a crappy deal
you got for Manhattan?

Assumed you have a huge penis?

I have no idea what flavor you are,
so I decided to cover the spread.

My mom's Filipino, Dad's Korean,

and my boss grabbed my behind.

Behind what?

Yeah, your grabbed your tushy.

Now, you're pretending to be on call
so that your protective boyfriend

won't find out that you got groped.

I don't have a boyfriend.

It's my parents.

If they found out what I've done,
they'd be mortified.

Your parents know your call schedule?

I live with them.


No issues there.

I told you my son didn't do cocaine.

Druggies are not known
for their honesty.

Trust me on this one.

Mr. Weathers, I am sure you're right,

but we need to be thorough.

Did your son ever smoke marijuana?

He was an athlete.

Took real good care of himself.

Take it easy.

- Steve loved all that.
- Sorry, but we're on a clock.

He's about to throw us out.


His son is dead.

The only way that has any meaning

is if we fix the lungs
and transplant them.

Never mind if we piss him off
as long as we find something.

So go back there, piss him off,
and find something.

Do you know any of the kids

at the party with your son?

Bunch of his high school buddies.

They'd gotten into poker,

decided to have an all-night game

in Brandon Broome's basement.

I understand that we're in a hurry.

He's probably
not going to throw us out,

but maybe he should.

Your son isn't wearing glasses
in any of these pictures.

He got them a couple of weeks ago.

Because he was having headaches?

Answer the question
before answering the door.

Yeah, he was.

You're right.

He was not doing cocaine.

He had a brain tumor.

Don't bother.
It's for me.

Turns out
they monitor these monitors.

Thank you, officer.

I thought the bracelet
was decorative.

My aunt had one just like it.


You're allowed to be at the hospital,
and to go home.

That was made clear.

Dead kid's house
was on the way to my apartment.

I got lost, twice.

Those consultants are costing

100 bucks every minute
I keep them waiting.

Why didn't you tell me
what you were doing?

You were busy being important.

I might have cleared it.

The word "might"bumps me.
But I'll run it by you next time.

Getting you out of jail was not
a popular decision with the board.

I need you solving it without making me
look like I can't control you.

For both our sakes.

Disciplinary hearing should be fun.

And the subsequent lingering
black mark on your record.

I'm not worried.

We have to wheel this out to the MRI.

We should probably leave
the body in the bag.

There's a mass in the arm.

Analyzing part of this tumor
is gonna be quicker than a scan.

So where's the next job?

You worry about
what people think of you,

thus the carefully maintained hair,

and parental secrets.

Don't worry about this hearing,
so don't think there's gonna be one.

The only way that happens
is you leave Princeton Plainsboro.

I had a video interview
with Chicago yesterday.

It went well.

My money's on rhabdomyosarcoma.

Chicago has a great program,

and you're a dumbass.

Running away from home
is a time-honored tradition.

You're not doing it
to flee your parents

but to protect them.

That's an insult

to everything teen prostitutes
have worked for.

Time to grow up and come clean.

I should just drive my car
into their living room and tell them.

Didn't it turn out
that he'd stolen the hot dog cart?

No, borrowed.

Bobby was very insistent
on that point.

- Seems like someone's feeling better.
- No more chest pain.

I haven't heard the name Bobby
in a long time.

- How's he doing these days?
- I don't know. We're not in touch.

And don't even pretend
like you're not relieved.

You never liked him.

Bobby is an incredibly fun,
great guy.

Just not a great influence.

I would have gone
with "colossal drunk".

I was gonna leave that implied,
but, yes, colossal drunk.

What? It's good for a couple
to share a hobby.

Your catheter bag is empty,

despite taking in 200 ccs of fluids.

I'm gonna have
to dial back the nitro.

- Won't her chest pain come back?
- We don't have any choice.

The nitro is dropping
the blood flow to your kidneys.

They're shutting down.

This is so our song.

My patient is running out of time.

Not worried.

My team is confirming the diagnosis
as we speak.

I want to be understanding.
It's your first day back...

I smell empathy.

You should remember
all the good times.

Like when I gave you that necklace
that you just dumped in the ocean.

What were you thinking?

I haven't forgotten our friendship.

For every good memory,
there's a slew of bad ones.

Come in.

Paraneoplastic syndrome's out.
The lung donor didn't have cancer.

- Tell that to the tumor that I found.
- That mass wasn't a tumor.

It was coagulated plasma.

E.R. pumped him full of it.

I.V. leaked into his arm.
I even did a complete MRI.

No cancer anywhere.

We've got nothing.

Just 'cause it wasn't a tumor

doesn't mean it didn't mess
with the lungs.

They're reacting to something.

But every unit of plasma

can have
up to 25 contributing donors.

We need to track down all of them.


It's not as bad as a thousand people
going down in a gigantic boat, right?

My heart will go on.

You can't leave the hospital.

25 donors contributed to the plasma

that the lung donor got.

My team cannot track down
and interview them all in six hours.

I vouch for you to the cops,
you take some parole-violating detour

celebrating your freedom,
justified, of course,

by some absurd theory
connecting it to the case.

You asked me to ask you.

Was that just so you'd enjoy
saying no?

I don't trust you, House.
I can't.

Actually you have to.

Not absolutely.
Not outside the walls of this hospital.

Fine, then give me a team
I don't have to put in quotation marks.

- Use the people already on the case.
- Give me Chase, Taub, Thirteen.

We don't have the money to pay them.

It went to interior designers,
I understand.

You have Park because
she's on neurology's tab.

You are making minimum wage.

I am?

Get out of my office, please.


Number three went to a baseball game
the day before he donated.

Boredom is not transmissible.

He ate a bag of peanuts,
and peanut proteins would be.

If our donor had an allergy,
it could explain the lungs.


- What?
- Nothing.

- Don't start that.
- Start what?

I'm enjoying our conversation.

The repartee.

- There was no repartee.
- That was repartee.

I'm not doing this for you.
I'm doing it to help my patient.

It's just good to hear your voice.

That's my whiteboard.

I need it.

And he really doesn't care
how the cast comes off.

Dr. Foreman warned us

that you'd try something.

Told me to call him if you did.

I'd like to do that.

I'll take this outside.

Donor six traveled to Thailand
around Khorat.

Region was endemic with dengue fever.



You'd have to be pretty drunk
for it to affect a pool of plasma.

These guys have got that covered.
Acute etoh ingestion could have...

Paint around them!
They're not hurting anyone!

- Who's painting?
- The crew's just starting.

Paint fumes
didn't cause contamination.

But maybe the old paint did.

They scraped off the underpass,
probably because it contains...


- Chest pain back?
- Worse this time.

Is there any way
to take the edge off?

We're still working on the lungs.
We should know soon.

Soon is good.

How's the chelation going?

Reverend Moon started it
about 20 minutes ago.

You missed lunch tracking down
the plasma donors.

Got you a reuben from the cafeteria.

Lead exposure's a nice diagnosis.

I hope it pays off.

It will.

I appreciate your confidence,
but she's not really...

She could die.
But technically it will still pay off.

Even if your patient dies,
someone will get the lungs.

You really haven't changed.

But I've given up red meat.

What round of chelation is this?


Are you checking up on me
or on House?

This case.

Unique situation.


Airway resistance down.


Is House okay?

I have no idea.

Dad, what are you doing here?

Got your text.

I brought you
some of your mother's gomguk.

What text?

The one asking me
to bring you some dinner.

I went by neurology.

The secretary said you were on leave.

I'm consulting on this case.

Unique situation.

It looks very complicated.

You can help with that?

Lungs are crashing.
I have to go.

- Increasing to 100% FIO2.
- Saline flow is down to 10 ccs.

Blockage? Clot in the line?

Chelation is making it worse.
It means we were wrong about lead.

Hold the analysis
and help me save this thing.

Saline's flushing it forward
but getting no return.

One-way valve.

If you're right, calcium channel blocker
should relax the artery.

The lungs have no nervous system.
Will that still work?

We'll know soon.

Saline flow's rising.

Vasospasm's relaxing.

Left lung is pinking up.

Good job.

Right middle lobe isn't.


We killed part of the lung.

Page Dr. Pinto stat to the cath lab.

We're going to the cath lab?
Are you thinking...


One dead lobe means four alive ones.

It means enough to transplant

with a side order of dead tissue
that we can test.

It makes sense.
Unlike you stealing my phone.

You have unlimited texting.

Until your parents know,
won't see that punch for what it was.

Your February 4th.

- Sri Lankan Independence Day.
- I've told you I'm Korean and Filipino.

And I told you I wasn't listening.
By my actions.

Violence isn't an appropriate way
to handle conflict.

It was a moment of weakness.

You barked at me, picked a fight
with a painting crew.

Maybe it's time to recognize
it's not a character flaw.

Maybe it's your character.


Embrace your inner bitch.

So why did chelation
make the lungs worse?

We five minutes till Pinto gets back.
Give me a hand with this.

I tracked down another bag of plasma
from the batch they used on the donor.

Negative for all our other exposures.

Sarcoidosis could be inflamed
by the treatment.

I am a cripple in need of assistance.

Transplant team ran an A.C.E.

- Negative.
- It's mine. And it's your job.

My job is to assist you
in curing the lungs.

This chair will help me do that.

What if the scrapings from the bridge
contained other heavy metals

like beryllium or asbestos?

Chelation for lead
wouldn't have made them worse.


Maybe the problem
isn't a heavy metal from outside.

It's inside. But it's not leaving
the body like it's supposed to.

It's stuck.


The donor had hemosiderosis.

His body wasn't disposing of iron.

Massive amounts choke up the lungs.

Then our chelation would wreak havoc
because it picks up too much stuff.

Go stain the dead lung tissue
for iron.

I'm sorry,
I will not help you steal this chair.

She can barely catch her breath.

Lungs ready yet?

We had a small setback.

We're testing for iron overload.

I thought it was lead.

This is not an exact process.

Your small airways are collapsing.

You're not getting enough oxygen.

I'd like to try forcing
an oxygen-rich slurry into your lungs.

It should open the airways and buy you
some time until the lungs are ready.

In my lungs?

Sounds like drowning.

It is.

Gonna hurt

isn't it?

A fair amount.

I'm done.

House, the nurses saw you come in.


It's a bathroom.

Explains the hole in this chair.

God, I missed doors.

And air freshener.

Now go away.
I'm waiting for some test results.

My patient signed a DNR.
She's giving up.

Looks like someone else
will be getting the lungs.

Making this yet another interaction
with you in which I get nothing.

It's not my fault
you can't handle your patient.

She said she's done.

I spent half an hour trying to change
her mind, but she'd made her decision.

I accepted that.
It's called respect.

Well, what's after respect?

You find another angle.

You hold her hand,
get the sister to beg,

stick your fingers in your ears,
pretend you can't hear.

- You do whatever it takes.
- Oh, whatever it takes.

Thanks, House.
I hadn't thought of that.

- What are you testing for?
- Hemosiderosis.

I'm staining for excess iron.


When your dad showed up unexpectedly,

House have a hand in that?

I'm guessing he does things
like that a lot.

His version of a compliment.

I spoke to the head
of neurology in Chicago.

- I gave you a good recommendation.
- Did you mention what happened?

Lawyers say I'm not allowed to.

It works out well for everyone.

Why exactly is that good for you?

Excuse me?

I'm a talented physician,
top 2% of my class.

I'm an asset to this hospital,
an asset you want to lose to Chicago.

You applied for the job.
You asked me to call and recommend you.

Andrews should leave.
He's the supervisor.

He touched me first.

I can't discuss any of that,
not before the hearing.

But if you're having doubts
about Chicago, I can call them back.

No. Thank you.

Dr. Foreman?

Would you look at this?


White blood cells.

Classic presentation of infection.

How the hell did we miss that?

Biopsy revealed,
white blood cell infiltrates.

Infection was right, after all.

Fresh fruit in prison
is usually chicken.

Why aren't you alarmed?
We're running out of time.

She's dying!

Were you able to figure out
what was wrong while I was screaming?

Infection was the first thing
that the transplant team treated for.

Which would have worked if the bacteria
had been out in the open.

If they're hiding
inside the lung cells...

I'm thinking brucella.

And to wipe that out,
you need special ops.

An intact immune system.

But that's
what white blood cells are.

They're part
of the immune defense force,

like the infantry.

But those lungs need
the Air Force and the Marines,

antibodies raining down from above.

Antibiotics and IVIG.

Did you use metaphors
for your old team?

Or do you just think
I'm particularly stupid?

No, they were stupid too.

What are you doing here?

- I'm here for Vanessa.
- Now is not the time, Bobby.

She asked me to come.

Right, Doc?

Actually, it was my idea.

What were you thinking?
She doesn't want to see him.

When Vanessa was ready to quit chemo,

Bobby's the one
who got her to do one more round.

Yeah, and then he got her drunk.

At least tell me
you haven't been drinking today.

- I should go.
- Yeah.

Hail, hail, the gang's all here.

Hey, beautiful.

Case is under control.

It's me time.

Vanessa's gonna do the lung slurry.

You were right to push me,
I needed that. Thank you.

So we're good?

It was good advice.
Just came here to say thank you.

I like you.
I have fun with you.

And, if you can honestly say
that you don't like me,

you don't have fun with me,
I can accept that.

But just do whatever you have to do
to get over this.

You can punch me in the face,
kick me in the nuts.


Both seems excessive.

The thing is, House...

I don't like you.

When did the discoloration start?

A few minutes
after I started the IVIG.

- Means we're wrong about infection.
- And by we, you mean you.

You screwed up the lungs.

Wrong about autoimmune, not cancer,

heavy metals,

genetic issues...

Increase peep.

Already maxed out.
We're close to the point of no return.

The lungs will never be viable
for transplant.

I need...

I need ideas.

- IgA nephropathy.
- That's already ruled out.

- Lupus.
- No.

Maybe we're just out of time.

We're out of time
when we're out of time.

When they die or she dies.

Keep them stable as long as you can.

I need to think.

One, two...

- Three...
- Make a wish.

The lungs are a smoker.

- You of all people should know better.
- But the kid never smoked.

He played poker.

Who plays poker without cigars?
Even if he didn't light up himself,

it was a rainy night,
the windows were closed.

All parents think
their kids are special.

And these ones were right.
His white blood cells were special.

They had an on switch for
reacting to smoke, but no off.

When he inhaled small amounts of smoke,
he had small problems, no one noticed.

Big amounts of smoke,
that's enough to trash a lung.

As soon as he breathed in
all that cigar smoke,

he was a dead man.

The motorcycle accident was an
unnecessary dramatic flourish.

Eosiniphilic pneumonitis.

But the steroids
would have treated for that.

I was right.

Not about anything medical,
but my metaphors were perfect.

We need to hit it harder.

We need to carpet bomb, blitzkrieg.

We need the nuclear option.

You're going to say
we need to radiate.

- See, the metaphors work.
- But that'll destroy the good lung too.

Better to go with a strong
cocktail of immunosuppressants.

Won't be fast enough.
Wilson needs these lungs.

It's working.

He did it.

I'm not going to Chicago.

If you stay,
we have to have a hearing.

I know.


Do you have a minute?

Thoracic cavity clear.
Ready for the donor lungs.

Thank God you called him.

I wonder what happens now.

She can handle it.


Got something for you.

I found your stuff in storage.

This is all you get.

Ortho still has the outer office.

Well, that sucks.

Where are Chase, Taub,
and Thirteen gonna sit?

You're welcome, House.

Dinner later?

I'll pick something up.

I heard about
a good new vegetarian place.

Screw that. I want a steak.

I'll meet you at your place at 8:00.