House (2004–2012): Season 3, Episode 23 - The Jerk - full transcript

When a teenage chess-player assaults his opponent, the team struggles to determine whether the problem is organic or psychological. Clinic Cases: Spotted sunburn.

So you want me to explain
how you just lost?

Or do you want to stare at the board
your full three minutes,

cling to hope?

Come on. It's called speed chess.

Hey, hey, hey, goodbye

Good game.

I said good game.

Hey! Hey!

Wait! Stop it! Listen...

Back away. Back away.

Call 91 1 . Get an ambulance!

Tell them to send two!

My head's going to explode!

Your head still hurt?

You a moron?


I'm clutching my head in pain
and he asks if it hurts?

What are you, some kind of med student?

You look like you still have
theme birthday parties.


Any problems
concentrating in school lately?

What, besides the dreams of running my
tongue along my French teacher's breasts?

No, I'm doing quite great.

The rage and pain could be caused
by a parasite.

Does he eat a lot of sushi?

He was a vegetarian
until just a few months ago.

Any changes in behavior
since the new diet?


He's been this way
since he became a teenager.

It doesn't matter how much I yell or punish,
he's still gonna say what...

Yeah. Let's all shed a tear
for poor little Nate's mother.

Any more stupid questions?

I hate this kid.

I like this kid.

You haven't met him.

I know you hate him.
What more do I need to know?

Kid's not a clich?.
Anybody can get into a fight after losing.

It takes real creativity
to beat up someone you just beat.

The pain's not limited to his head.

The rest of his bumps and bruises
are accounted for

by the 1 7 fights he's been in this semester.


MRI was clean, no frontal lobe tumor,

and the tox screen showed no trace
of coke or amphetamines.

Nate went medieval on the other kid.

Could be...
Hold on.

I'm having a moment.

This could be Foreman's last time
mistakenly suggesting adrenal gland tumor.

Which could create excess adrenaline,
causes the head pain and rage.

But not the personality disorder.

There is no personality disorder.

He's a teenager.

Being a teenager excuses the odd
inappropriate comment.

This kid say anything appropriate?

He's having cluster headaches.

Probably been having them for years.
Question is, what's causing them?

If it were just a cluster headache,
he'd have swelling around the eyes.

ER gave him ibuprofen for the pain.

Useless for this pain,
but it could've knocked down the swelling.

Best bet is a vascular problem.

Normal treatment for cluster headaches
is steroids, which the ER also gave him.

He's still in pain, which means...

Normal treatment is called
"normal treatment"

because sometimes
you have to use abnormal treatment.

Start him on blood thinners,

and give his noggin
transcranial magnetic stimulation.

And don't you dare touch that acerbic wit.

Fifty bucks to whichever of you steps up
and treats this brat.

Not the kid's fault. He's sick.

Fine. You do it.

No way. He's your brat.

I'll do it.
But I've got a job interview after work.

Anything comes up later,
you guys handle it.

Need a peer recommendation?


Cameron should suffice.

This isn't going to turn me into some, like,
drooling vegetable

who wets his pants, is it?

It's safe.

The magnetic pulses activate nerve cells,
which will hopefully squelch the head pain.

Is there anything you can do
about the other pain?

From the fights?

Yeah, I mean, my face,
my shoulder, my stomach.

I mean, I can barely bend my fingers.

You're already on pain meds.
Nothing more I can do.

Sure you can, man.

Tell your homies to quit stomping on me.

I'll get the word out that you're a great guy.

So do people watch what they say
around you?

Because I'm black?

No, because you're gay.

Cluster headaches can persist for years,

cause irritability or even hostility
towards others.

You mean the illness
is affecting his personality?

If these treatments work, it could...

Change him?

Oh, thank God!

You must think I'm awful.

Here my son's lying in a hospital bed...

I'm pretty sure I get it.

I thought I was a bad mother.

And I hated myself

because I hated him.

What do you got for me this fine morning?

Blood thinners and TMS had no effect.
It's not cluster headaches.

You accusing the symptoms of lying?

Could be hemochromatosis.

Wouldn't account
for the personality disorder.

What about hypothyroidism?

He's not getting aggressive and lethargic.
He's getting aggressive and aggressiver.

What about ruptured dermoid cyst?

Sorry. I just got dizzy there.
I was expecting to turn right.

It's Foreman's turn to be shot down.

The thing that Cameron said.

Way to think outside the box.

But no fat in the ventricles.
It's cluster headaches.

Normal treatment didn't work.
Abnormal treatment didn't work.

Good point, Foreman.

But treatments don't always work.
Symptoms never lie.

The only approved treatment left
for cluster headaches is brain surgery,

and that's not even a guarantee.

Back off, Foreman!

If the approved treatment doesn't work,
we go with an unapproved treatment.


Something on your mind?

Because you totally can't tell.

I had a job interview lined up
at New York Mercy yesterday.

Hospital for Manhattan's glitterati. Big coup.
Your homies would be kvelling.

Didn't happen,
because apparently I called to cancel.

I don't remember making that call.

You think I have
a neurological issue?

Why are you jerking me around?

It wasn't me.


It was one of the other petty,
socially repressed asses I work for.

Maybe it was Ashton Kutcher.

If you want me to stay,
tell me you want me to stay.

Would it matter?

No, but it'd be the adult way to handle it.

If the adult way doesn't work,
why bother with it?

I've been totally professional!

Gave two weeks' notice,
continued to work cases,

scheduled my interviews on my own time.

You have no right to screw with my future.

You're gonna be all whiny during
the differential diagnoses, aren't you?

It wasn't me.

I only sabotage people I consider worth it.

You are one evil, cunning woman.

It's a massive turn-on.

You girls can gossip later.

What are you talking about?

You called New York Mercy
to have Foreman's job interview killed.

When I said, "You girls can gossip later,"
I was throwing you out, but in a polite way.

Well, I take it
you're off your anti-depressants.

You're deflecting.
Only I'm allowed to do that.

Does Foreman actually think I did that?

No. Just me.

But I know something he doesn't.
I didn't do it.

Why would I do it?

Do you want him to leave?

Are you planning on doing something?

I'm waiting for board approval.

But if he takes the job,
there's nothing to be done.

You had to stop him.

It wasn't me.

What are you doing?

Looking for a tell.
Rapid eye blink, twitch of the lips.

Send in Nurse Unger
when you pass her on your way out.

Oh, almost forgot.

I need to give a 16-year-old
magic mushrooms

to treat a cluster headache.

Is that cool?

Yeah, no problem.

I was being sarcastic.

It wouldn't look that way
in the court transcript.

Mushrooms have psilocybins
that work on cluster headaches.

It's either that or cutting into his brain
and going on a fishing expedition.

I assume you've considered
he could have a psychogenic experience,

possibly suffer a fit of severe paranoia.

Well, I have now.

Yeah, it's definitely better
that the Dean of Medicine prescribes it

instead of an unhinged doctor
with a history of drug use.

Takes the stink off if the patient decides
to put on a cape and fly off the roof.

Low dose. No more than 10 milligrams,
tightly controlled setting.

And make sure the mother signs off on it.

Party on, Garth.

And don't stand in Foreman's way.
It's just wrong.

New research shows that a chemical
component in the mushrooms can...

Yeah, lots of technical medical stuff.
So when do I get them?

I went to college. I know about mushrooms.

Friend of a friend shot himself in the foot.

They're not giving me a gun, Enid!

Sign the consent form.

We'll be monitoring him,
but cardiac arrest is possible.

Big "E,"

small "N"...

And if the mushrooms don't work?

The next step would be
a type of brain surgery.

Oh, God.

Pain's getting worse!

Need shrooms now!

Oh, yeah.

Nate, how's the pain?

Hey, hey! It's Skippy, the bush kangaroo!

Your head, Nate.
We need to know how the pain is.

What I got here

is the opposite of pain.

That means you're suffering from
cluster headaches, which means hopefully...

Man, you're hot.

She's making me horny.

Deal with it.

Hey, hey, hey, you can't get me stoned,
then not close the deal.

Shut up.
Take it easy.

You'll regret saying no!

Check it out.

Oh, for God's sake.

Hold it.

What are you doing?

He has undersized testes.

His other secondary sexual characteristics
are normal.

If you want to curry favor with me,
avoid discussions of other men's testicles.


Focus on phrases like,

"You were right
about the cluster headaches."

You're wrong about what caused them.

Vascular problem in a major artery
wouldn't cause hypogonadism.

Okay, what causes rage, headaches,
personality disorder and hypogonadism?

Where's Foreman?

He's mad at me.

No reason.

Yeah. That makes sense.

The male genitals are controlled
by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

We're not talking about Foreman anymore.

Kid's being pummeled at school.

A couple blows to the head
can cause hypothalamic lesions.

We ever going to talk about what happens
when Foreman's gone?

If this were an employee-owned airline
in Scandinavia, yes.

It's not lesions.
His temperature would be all over the map.

Symptoms don't lie.

He's gone in less than a week,
and you haven't even read a r?sum?.

Doesn't even need to.
The two of us can handle it.

Craniopharyngioma fits the symptoms.

Biopsy the brat's pituitary.

And let the record show
I was right about the cluster headaches.

Forget it!

It's a straightforward procedure.

We thread an endoscopic tube
up through the nostril...

And cut something out of my brain? No way.

If it's a tumor, it could kill you.

Just give me more shrooms, okay?
I'll be fine.

You only need my consent, right?

Yeah, but it'll be a lot easier if...

Do whatever you have to do.

You don't touch me, all right?
You can touch me, just not my brain.

Nate, you got to do this.
I can't take it anymore...

My God, Mom! Save me
the melodramatic hand-wringing, okay?

Loosen up! Get yourself coited.

I'm going to give him a sedative.

You're decent-Iooking, Dr. Skippy.

Why don't you take her for a ride?


Are you in pain?


His heart rate's normal. Respiration's even.

What's happening?
What's the matter with him?

He's jaundiced. His liver's shutting down.

We've started him
on sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

His liver's operating at about 20%

and deteriorating fast.

Which means he'll be dead long before
Foreman turns in his parking pass.

So what causes personality disorder,
head pain, blah, blah, blah,

and liver failure?

Liver failure can cause
hypogonadism, head pain.

Altered mental status
leads to the personality disorder and rage.

All we need to do is figure out
what caused the liver failure.

Yes. Also, we need to figure out
how symptoms yesterday

can be caused by liver failure today.

If his liver's failing now,
it wasn't great yesterday.

If it wasn't operating at capacity,
it could have caused...

Don't sneak up on a person like that!

I'm listening.

Well, listening doesn't help me.

Okay. Let's go with the liver
and a time-machine theory.

Foreman, what causes liver problems?

Wilson's Disease.

No. Ceruloplasmin is normal.

No enlargement and no palpable mass,
so no cancer.

Could be a narrowing of the bile ducts.
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.

Most liver damage begins
with what we put in our bodies. Foreman?

Angry teen... Alcohol.

No. Blood tests were negative.

No signs of drug use or
acetaminophen poisoning in his tox screen.

Maybe the water was contaminated.

His mother would also be sick.


Sounded like someone would back.


We'll try and muddle through
without your blank stare to guide us.

So if it's not the bad things he's putting in,
what about the good things?

He was raised a vegetarian.

"Was raised."

Means he's all grown up,
or he's not a vegetarian anymore.

He started eating red meat
a few months ago.

Unless he's been buying cuts of mad cow,

his body would have no problem
metabolizing it.

What if he had an OTC deficiency?

Body can't metabolize nitrogen,
damages the liver.

Run a hamburger test.

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Stuff him full of meat,
wait for his ammonia levels to spike.

I'll double your salary.

Chase and Cameron would mutiny
if they found out.

Chase and Cameron wouldn't be heading up
their own diagnostic group.

You'd work in parallel with House.
It'll be your practice.

Separate staff, separate cases,
complete autonomy.

I've only been doing this for three years.

Three years under House.

No better training.

And when that case comes along
that I can't figure out,

you know who I'd have to go to.

Or you can just let that patient die.
That's completely up to you.



He's evil.

He didn't sabotage your interview.

How do you know?

Because I did.

I didn't!

You believed me.
Means you're not sure House did it.

Well, somebody did it.

Somebody here did it.

I can't work here.

This isn't a medical procedure.

This is just about Doogie
making me eat garbage.

We need to see
how your liver processes the proteins.

Then get me a steak. Some roast beef.

What if I brought him
something from home?

It has to be prepared here so we know
there's no chemicals or preservatives

that could affect the test results.

I'm not eating anything prepared

by five-dollar-an-hour immigrant
hospital cooks in hairnets.

Shut up!

Either you start eating
or I'm going to strap you to this bed

and shove these down your throat
one by one.

Got it?

Can't get mad at me!

I'm sick!

Supposed to feel bad for me.

Nurse, full set of body restraints.

Yes, Doctor.

Trust me.
It'll be a lot less messy if you do it yourself.

You killed Foreman's job interview.

Why would I...
Somebody did.

Wasn't me, and it wasn't House,

which means it has to be somebody
who thought he was protecting House,

which means it has to be somebody
who actually likes House,

which means it's either you

or the weird night janitor
who wears his pants backwards.

I want Foreman to leave.

House has to realize
he needs someone who stands up to him.

Cameron's in love with him,
Chase is afraid of him and I enable him.

House needs limits.
I give him...

You authorize magic mushrooms.

House is a six-year-old
who thinks he's better off without parents.

A few tummy aches
after dinners of ice cream and ketchup

might do him some good.

You're lying.

An enabler doesn't conspire against.
An enabler enables.

You're paranoid.

You made that call.

And because of that call,

you basically guaranteed
Foreman's out of here.

I thought it'd be fun
to work on my boat with him.

And you went shirtless,
because skin cancer looks cool.

Well, I realize I got burnt.
I'm not too worried about that.

It's these white marks. You know.

Lie down.

I mean, that boat has all sorts of lead paint,
and there's chemicals everywhere.

When Daddy works on his boat,

does he have a cooler
with lots of brown bottles with long necks?

And does Daddy like to lie down
on his boat and go nap-nap in the sun?

Oh! What the hell?

I will give you this
for the $1 .41 in your pocket.

Wait. How could you know...

A psychic once told me that I'm psychic.

Hey! One of these quarters is Canadian.

Give me back my syringe.

Hamburger stress test showed no change
in his ammonia levels.

Liver's properly converting
the ammonia into urea.

He doesn't have OTC deficiency.

Welcome back.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been taking
my problems out on the patient.

Or on me.

Apology accepted.

Starve him.

And what are we looking for?

Diabetic steatosis would screw up his liver.

Starve him overnight
and see if his blood sugar pops.

We mess with his blood sugar,
we could set off another rage.

Not a problem. You can take him.

I want something to eat!

Honey, please don't.

What happened?

I was just trying to get a urine sample
and he went crazy.

I need to eat!
You're not sticking anything else in me!

It's just a few more hours.

You're going to hurt yourself.

I'm going to hurt you!

As soon as we get a urine sample,
we can leave you alone.

You want your sample?
Here's your damn sample!

Nate, don't!

Oh, my God!

Nate, you need to get back into bed.
Right now.

Chem panel and urinalysis confirms

the bloody urine
was caused by kidney failure.

He's on dialysis.
He's going to need it for the rest of his life.

Which is shortening as we speak.

We are looking at a Chinese menu.

We've got symptoms
from too many columns.

They are going to overcharge us.

Multiple organ failure
could mean primary HIV infection.

That'd mean someone agreed
to sleep with him.

Plus, his serology is negative.

His uric acid's slightly elevated.

Ten percent of males
in this country have elevated...

So we're only going to pay attention
to abnormal abnormalities?

We've been stuffing him with meat
and his kidneys are shot.

Of course his uric acid level's...

Could be hepatic fibrosis, or McAb.

Brat's got a genetic disorder.

Get the sequencing primers.

See if it's one of the ones we can treat.

I can draw some blood,
but then I got to run.

Job interview?

You going to stop me if it is?

You do the nurse stuff.
They'll do the doctor stuff.

Is this a blood test for our marriage license?

Planning on kidnapping me
to Massachusetts? Can't...

What did you give him?

Are you treating him for something?

A sedative.

Did he need a sedative?
I did.

Just shutting him up
so I can draw some of his blood in peace.

You walked in with that.
You didn't even give him a chance.

People are what they are.

He's sick.

The rudeness isn't his fault.

If he had tuberculosis,
it wouldn't be his fault either.

But I still wouldn't let him cough on me.


Where are you going?

The lab. We're testing our patient's blood
for a hereditary...

Cuddy thinks I sabotaged
Foreman's interview.

She's going to fire me.

I don't believe it.

She said it was unprofessional and...

No, I mean, I literally don't believe it.

Cuddy wouldn't fire you
for something like that.

Which means either she lied to you
or you're lying to me.

You so would have fallen for that
three years ago.

You were looking for a reaction.

You were looking for me to feel bad for you,
save your skin.

But how am I going to save you?

Unless you think I'm the one
who really did it.

Cuddy's logic was,

Foreman's valuable to House,
I care about House,

ergo, I would do anything to save him.

And your logic was, I care about House
as much as you do, ergo...

It wasn't me.

I don't care about House.

I don't believe you.

No one does.

House is nothing more than my boss.
Foreman's nothing more than a colleague.

You're lying.

Everyone does.

But it wasn't me.

No markers for hepatic fibrosis.

And nothing for McAb.

Foreman's interview in New York
got screwed up.

I heard.

Foreman thought it was House.
House thought it was Cuddy.

Cuddy thought it was Wilson.
Wilson thought it was me.

And you think it was me?

God... You think I sabotaged Foreman?

I don't even want him here.

I know.

Then why would I do...

I think you sabotaged Foreman
just to sabotage Foreman.

So everyone's a suspect
because everyone wants to help House,

except for me, I'm a suspect
because I'm a petty, vindictive jerk?

You actually think
I would do something like that?

It was someone.

It wasn't me.

Negative for Von Gierke disease.

And it's Tuesday.

I know.

I like you.

I know.

See you next Tuesday.

Found something.

He's got a partial HPRT enzyme deficiency.

Means he could have
Kelley-Seegmiller Syndrome.

But it's a partial deficiency,
so it may not be Kelley-Seegmiller.

Yes, those are the two options. It is,

or it isn't.

Kelley-Seegmiller explains
the aggressive personality.

If he had Kelley-Seegmiller,
he wouldn't just be aggressive.

He'd be self-mutilating.
Chewing his lips, banging his head.

Lovely disease.

Degenerative, fatal, incurable.

I wonder if that's why Cameron's
on the "not" side?

That and the fact that symptoms don't lie.

Kelley-Seegmiller carriers
self-mutilate when they're stressed.

He's in ICU with a failing liver
and no kidneys.

Yeah, his life is sweet.

His vegetarian diet could have limited
the purines in his system,

slowing the disease's progress.

So let's speed it up.


So you two kids will stop fighting.

Also, I don't feel like waiting
for respiratory failure.

Chase, find some way
for the mother to get lost for a while.

I'm going to stress this kid
till he bites off a finger.

You move me to geriatrics?

Who are you?

Dr. McCaney.

The man who's going to kick your ass
all over this chess board.

Well, I'm too weak to...

To bite yourself. Yeah.

You need some liquid energy.

Now if you consent,
I'm gonna give you this shot of adrenaline.

I don't want to play.

Aside from being indicative
of pituitary issues

and certain kinds of genetic disorders,
small testicles also indicate

that you're a big chicken.

Please don't make me do the sound effect.

You're not going to goad me into playing.

Didn't think I'd have to.

Thought you'd just jump at the chance
of humiliating someone.

Age before cripple. I'm white.

It is on.

Bird's Opening. Passive approach.
Sign of a coward.

Sicilian Defense. Sign of an idiot.

Arrogance has to be earned.

Tell me what you've done to earn yours.

I can walk.

I don't bleed out of my penis.


You know, it's a real thin line
between tortured genius

and awkward kid who can't get girls
because he's creepy.

Why are you doing this?

To stress you out.


Yeah, but why?

Well, I'd tell you,

but I figure it's more stressful
if you don't know why.

Yeah, well, I'm not feeling too stressed.

You know that no one likes you, right?

Yeah. Well, anybody like you?

You're dying.


Your move.

Care to lay down your king?

You can't win.

You can pin my queen.

My knight to E7.

Your king to H8.

Sacrifice rook takes pawn.

Bishop blocks.

Queen to H5.


Save what's left of your dignity.

Lay down your king.


He's having a seizure.

Four milligrams I.V. lorazepam.

Right away.

I hate this kid.

I like this kid.

Did you get the job?

They're going to let me know.

Kelley-Seegmiller didn't cause this seizure.

So we've got one more symptom,
one less diagnosis.

I assume they're going to call for references.

Did you give them my name?


Amyloidosis can cause seizures,

and the protein buildup
could cause organ failure.

Wouldn't alter his personality.

Whose name did you give?

My last boss.


That can't look good.

I hate this kid.

What if we're not dealing
with one condition?

What if it's multiple conditions?

It's got to be one. It's always one.

But nothing explains
this constellation of symptoms.

We've got to be missing something.

Maybe the kid lied about some medication.
Maybe he's hiding something...

Why would he be hiding something?

Well, I don't know, because he's evil?

What if he is?

What if the symptoms lied?


Now all we're looking at is a simple evil jerk
with amyloidosis.

You're not being objective.

Amyloidosis was your idea.

You were right. It doesn't fit the symptoms.

Yeah, it does. Look.

You crossed it off
because you want to hate the kid,

and you can't hate him if he's a victim...

You want him to be a victim because
you want to believe that people are good.

And if they're not,
it's got to be a chemical problem.

Except they're not, and it's not.

Flush him with immunosuppressants.

Get a biopsy to confirm,
and find him a marrow donor.

What'll happen to him?

Substances called amyloid proteins

build up in the body's organs,
shutting them down.

It's a fairly rare disease,
and I'm afraid it can be fatal.

So, do you operate or something
to take them out?

He needs a bone marrow transplant.

Dr. Cameron is searching the donor bank.

We should test you as well.

When you first told me he was sick, I was




Nate, I'm going to take
a small piece of nerve from your ankle.

Let me know if you feel any pain.

I'm burning up.

Why can't you just knock me out
like you did last time?

Wish I could.

But your body has to be clear
so it's ready for a marrow transplant.

Hey, Dr. X.

I know you've busted ass trying to save me.

It's all right.

I wasn't going to thank you.

I was going to tell you

you really suck at this.

We're doing our best.

That's sort of my point.

Your best really sucks.

Nerve biopsy was clean.
No evidence of amyloidosis.

It was your idea. Don't give up on it so fast.

He's running a fever.

If it's two conditions,
one of them's got to be an infection.

We should start him on antibiotics,
see what clears up, what doesn't.

Is he having trouble breathing?

Yeah, he has mucus in his chest
from an infection.

Could also be from an amyloid buildup.

Keep him on immunosuppressants
and biopsy somewhere else.

His sinuses.

Look, you got two choices.

Engage me in a futile argument
then do what I asked,

or just do what I asked.

You're not ready.

There was a third choice.

"Don't do what I asked."

You could have defied me,
stuck the kid on antibiotics,

but you didn't.

Because you still trust my judgment
more than your own.

You sabotaged Foreman's job interview,
didn't you?

Foreman's already been over this.

It wasn't me.

Everybody's chasing ghosts over this,

which means either nobody did it

or somebody wants everybody
chasing ghosts.

Now, who does that sound like?

And why would I do that?

Because as long as Foreman
thought you were guilty,

he was going to be useless around here.

You know, sometimes I forget
why I hired you.

You cost him a good opportunity
and gained nothing.

I cost him a crappy opportunity.

New York Mercy is where you go
to treat boils and cysts and build a 401-K.

If you want him to stay, tell him.

I don't, and there'd be no point.

You do.

And the point would be
to make him feel like he's wanted.

He doesn't need that.

All right, then, it'd make him feel
like maybe you weren't evil.

He needs that.

Talk to Foreman.

We dumped one symptom,

but forgot to add one.

Revenge time, Nate.

Are you...
Yes, I am.

Black or white?

Just limp away.

He doesn't want to play. Leave him alone.

Pick one, or this comes out.

And for all you know,
this is really important.

Stop it!

That hurts, right?

Which is odd,
because I'm really enjoying this.

You hold the pieces that way
because you can't bend your thumb,

because your bones
have formed abnormally,

thanks to all the crap that's been
pushing its way in between them.

Actually, this stuff isn't important at all.

Your doctors said
he needs immunosuppressants.

They're idiots. It's not amyloidosis.

It's iron.

He's got hemochromatosis.

The body absorbs iron from food
but can't process it, can't get rid of it.

Idle iron is the devil's playground.

Builds up in the organs and joints,
whacking them in the process.

Causes all the symptoms.

Including something that wasn't a symptom.

Those body aches?
They were not from the fighting.

His personality issues?


The iron's innocent on that count.

Your kid's a jerk.

Yeah, it's probably your fault.

Although, if you'd stayed off the meat
like your mom said,

you'd have half as much iron
and be twice less

almost dead.

Oh, nurse!

This patient is bleeding, for some reason.

Is he going to be okay?

He'll need dialysis,

gonna have to get his blood drained
every few months for the rest of his life.

My condolences.

It's going to be a long and annoying life.

And I wouldn't have taken your bishop.

I'd have moved my queen to D6,
defusing the threat,

then rook to E8, attacking the king's pawn.

I'd have lost the exchange
but won the game.

I know.

I was bluffing.

And that's why

you lost.


You just here to watch
or you got something to say?

Still running the new biopsy
for amyloidosis?

Yeah. Still nothing.

Run the test again. Recheck your results.

Looks like you're in for an all-nighter.