Homeland (2011–…): Season 6, Episode 10 - The Flag House - full transcript

Dar plays his hand. Quinn revisits his past.

She's a gold star mom. She's tough to argue with.
I applied for a job.
It's where Conlin called you from
just before he was killed.
So, these sock puppets
they're just a bunch of fake users
with online lives that you manage?
Didn't O'Keeffe tell you anything?
George Pallis, meet Carrie Mathison.
An affidavit from you
about what happened in Berlin, that's how we get Dar.
I also said I was uneasy about doing that,
because it would be a problem for Saul.
Everything I've done,
my entire career will be wiped out.
All anyone will remember is that.
Carrie, this is Christine Lonas.
Hi, I'm from the administration for children's services.
Franny will remain in foster care until more information is
provided at further proceedings. No!
This session is adjourned.
All I can do is comply with the court order...
Hope to god I can convince the judge I'm a changed woman.
You've been approved for a visit with your daughter.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
There's a gun in the car. I'm going for it.
Astrid, no! I... the... I...
The guy you sent. Where is he?
I would never hurt you.
He was just in my house, you fucking moron.
What? In my house
looking for you.
I can't believe you called me on an open line.
The first revolution
is when you change your mind about how you look at things
and see that there might be another way to look at it
that you have not been shown.
The brutality against protesters,
the para-militarization of law enforcement.
That's why we have to keep trying.
We don't need a police state in this country
to fight terrorism, we need a new strategy.
The revolution will not be televised.
the system of indefinite detention...
FBI and the CIA targeting Muslim communities...
Security. Got an agitated non-compliant patient.
Get away from me!
What's his name again? Peter Quinn.
You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out.
It's a very alarming charge. The Russians
hacked our committees.
The continuation of endless war.
Can't you get that through your fucking skull?
The revolution
will put you in the driver's seat.
The us continues to engage
in a covert war with very, very high stakes.
I made promises and didn't keep them.
This world began right after 9/11.
The revolution will not be televised,
not be televised. There will be no rerun,
brothers and sisters. The revolution will be live.
Which agency?
I can't say that here in an open hearing, sir.
You saved me.
Turn left.
Destination is on your right.
You have arrived at your destination.
Thank you. Yeah.
Here you go, hon. Let me know when you're ready.
Thank you.
Hey, I know you.
Yeah, right.
No, I...
I know you.
Is that you?
Nicki. Nicki.
Oh, my god.
Hold... hold on one second.
God, I swear, I didn't even recognize you!
Well, it's...
it's been a while.
Yeah, you could say that again.
Um, how...
How you been?
And how is um... how is Shaw and... and Dario?
They haven't been in here, either...
not for the longest time.
I don't know. I'm... I'm not in, uh...
Well, it has not been the same around here without you guys.
This, uh...
this latest crew is the worst.
Yeah? Oh, yeah.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting older.
Eh. No, look, see?
I even got married.
Oh. Yeah, and not to a soldier,
if you can believe that.
Good thinking.
Hey, did you work here last night?
Uh, mnh-mnh, day off.
Oh. What about her?
Uh, same.
Nothing. I was supposed to meet a guy.
Hey, Johnny, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I mean, if there is ever anything I can...
I said I'm fine.
It was really great seeing you again.
Yeah. Uh, yeah, you too.
Come on. Where is it?
Hundreds of employees creating
tens of thousands of fake users,
each with personal histories,
supporting details, multiple cyber presences.
What do you call them again?
Sock puppets.
I've heard rumors of social media boiler rooms
like this in Russia and in China, but not here.
And definitely not on this scale.
Interesting. It is interesting.
And you should be paying attention.
I can't right now, Max. The car will be here any minute.
I'm going straight from my deposition
to see Franny at child services.
Toss me hop, would you?
Hop? The rabbit there on the bureau.
Listen to me, Carrie...
somebody is paying O'Keeffe a shitload of money
to build a massive domestic propaganda machine.
And if this somebody is DOD or NSA or Dar Adal,
he's breaking about ten federal laws.
I'm aware. Plus, this isn't
just about fake news and manipulating public opinion.
It's about stifling dissent.
Okay, okay, I hear you.
Do me a favor, then... don't go there today.
Why not?
One, it's too dangerous.
Look what happened to Conlin.
And two?
After this afternoon, it might be moot anyway.
If this is Dar Adal,
I'm about to bring the roof down on his head.
I got to run.
Saul Berenson to see Pesach.
Pesach's not here. Pesach's abroad.
Come on, everybody out. Take a break.
Check everything.
It's all there?
All there.
Something else.
Something else?
In case he wasn't here.
"You can't fall off the middle."
That's with our compliments.
Tell Pesach Mazl.
When he gets back from Kinshasa.
Tell him I'll miss our morning walks.
Here we are. Do I need to sign anything?
It's all taken care of.
If you ever need a driver...
Thanks. I'm usually around...
got a bunch of accounts in your neighborhood.
Ms. Mathison? Yeah?
You might want to confirm your three o'clock.
At children's services to see your daughter.
How do you know about that? Hey!
Who the fuck are you?
Administration for children's services.
Hi. May I please speak to Christine Lonas?
May I ask who's calling? Carrie Mathison.
I have a three o'clock appointment with her.
Okay. Hold on while I transfer your call.
Yeah, yeah, I'll hold.
Oh, Carrie, I was just about to call.
Nothing to worry about,
but Franny's on her way to the doctor.
Why? What happened?
Woke up this morning with a bit of a fever and a sore throat.
What do you mean "a bit of a fever"?
One hundred and two.
A cough?
I don't think so, no.
Well, make sure, 'cause she had a bout of pneumonia in Berlin.
Good to know. I will.
But, um, it does look like
we're gonna have to postpone visitation.
What? Why?
It's standard procedure until she feels better.
Look, I know you're disappointed,
but I promise I'll reschedule this as soon as possible.
I will know more after I speak to the doctor, okay?
Okay. Uh, Christine?
No, thank you.
Hold on.
Cancel the panic. She's here.
Sorry I'm late.
No worries.
Come on in. We're all set to go.
H-hey, rob...
Was it you guys who sent the car for me this morning?
No, not us. Why?
No reason.
Carrie, hello.
Uh, please, uh, sit.
You don't mind if we, uh, jump right in?
I'll start by asking you a few general questions
about your career at CIA,
then I'll ease into a conversation about Berlin...
how it was you who discovered
a Russian agent had infiltrated the station there
and how Dar Adal and Saul Berenson
went about covering that up. Mr. Pallis, I know
this is gonna sound strange, but did DOJ
order a car for me this morning?
I have no idea.
I don't think so.
Well, somebody did.
My... my assistant got a call this morning to expect a car.
I certainly didn't request one.
Good morning. We're on the record.
This is the video deposition of Carrie Anne Mathison.
The deposition is taking place in board room "a"
of the Andrew Hayes federal building
in New York City at 11:21 A.M.
My name is Steve Beverly.
I'm the videographer with Manhattan legal support.
Also present is Robert Emmons,
chief of staff for the president-elect,
and George Pallis,
the solicitor general of the United States.
I will now swear in the witness.
Ms. Mathison, do you affirm you will testify to the truth,
to the best of your ability, or swear to it, so help you god?
I can't do this.
Excuse me?
I'm changing my mind.
Hey. Hey.
Carrie, what the hell? Talk to me.
You heard me. I changed my mind.
What's going on?
Huh? Tell me.
I can't say.
Can't or won't. Both.
What am I supposed to tell Keane?
That my kid is sick.
They still won't let me see her.
Tell Dar Adal he wins.
Now I want to see my daughter.
What do you mean she flaked?
Showed up for the deposition,
then suddenly changed her mind about the whole thing.
No explanation?
None... just walked out right after she was sworn in.
Can't say I'm entirely surprised.
She was wobbly on the idea from the get-go.
Well, then, this won't come as a galloping shock, either.
What won't?
I've got Dar Adal waiting outside... unscheduled.
What do you think?
So he found out about the deposition somehow
and got to Carrie before she could go on the record.
It is what he does.
Where does this leave us, George?
I was just thinking about that.
We're down to Saul Berenson,
that is if you're willing to offer him a deal
in exchange for his testimony.
More than willing. Is there a legal basis for it?
As long as you go through proper channels
at justice, the national security division.
In that case, FBI counterintelligence
would make the first approach to Saul.
Think he'll go for it?
If he believes the alternative is arrest and prosecution.
Start the process. You'll coordinate, rob?
Yes, ma'am.
Thanks, gentlemen.
Send in Mr. Adal.
Madame president-elect. Thank you, agent Thoms.
What happened to your face?
It's a... it's a fight.
Believe it or not, with an old friend.
He thought I was responsible
for something I had nothing to do with.
It happens.
So what do you want?
I wasn't satisfied with the way our meeting went yesterday.
I felt you weren't, either, and so,
those names you requested for cabinet positions...
I have them now.
Because this...
Friction between us...
It has to end.
And you think this would help end
the... Friction?
I know it would.
Three candidates I would never consider
for any position at any time.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
You can't really have expected anything different.
Actually, I did.
And I'd ask you to reconsider...
advise you to.
So this is your idea of advice?
Does it really matter what we call it?
Not if we're both clear on what's really going on.
You think you know better than me.
When it comes to the defense of this country,
I'm certain I do.
Oh, you're certain?
I've been at this a very long time.
At what?
What is it you think you have been at, exactly?
No, I really want to know.
Keeping America safe.
I see.
And this qualifies in your opinion?
What does? Feeding me bad intelligence,
leaking false reports to the press,
coercing me into cabinet choices
antithetical to the policy goals
that got me elected.
Seriously, where do you see this going?
Do I come around to your point of view?
Do I give up, roll over? Do you see me resigning?
I am the next president of the United States.
Sixty million people voted for me.
Who the hell voted for you?
That's right.
But I have a constituency, too.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means don't go to war
with your own national security establishment.
Are you threatening me now?
I'm telling you it's a war you won't win.
Two hundred and fifty years of movement
toward the light in this country,
towards justice...
Say what you want, call me naive,
but I believe in that light.
And I will not be held hostage by you or anybody else.
I'm afraid you're taking this personally, madam.
You're god damn right I am.
I'm sorry if I upset you.
In the future, in case you're wondering,
this moment, right now,
is when I decided to put your ass in jail.
Good day.
It's me. Well?
Apparently, my powers of persuasion
aren't what they used to be.
Time to weaponize some information.
Afraid so.
Told you... nobody home.
Guess not.
I did what you said.
Next time, you ask for half up front.
No, you don't!
You f... you fucking assholes.
About fucking time.
Assholes... all of you.
Grab yourself a beer and let's get started.
Those of you with families won't be going home tonight.
Those of you with hot dates, consider them iced.
Bus is coming for us in 90.
Sorry for the late notice, gentlemen,
but Intel just found us some shitheads.
Who? Al-Shabaab this time.
Fuckers killed eight of ours. Well, now they're fucked.
Yo, Quinn, catch.
Shut that thing off.
This sucks. I cooked last night.
Yeah, and it was shit. Says who?
Says me.
The deal is do it till you do it right.
Carrie, hi. It's Christine Lonas.
Did you hear from the doctor?
I did, and let me just apologize right off the bat
for worrying you unnecessarily.
What do you mean? Well, it turns out it wasn't
Franny who was sick after all.
It was another girl at the home. I see.
My supervisor took the call early this morning.
It was an honest mistake.
I see.
Anyway, the good news is we can keep our appointment
as scheduled if that's still good for you.
Um, yes, yes. I'll be there.
A-and thank you.
May we?
Could we have some privacy, please?
I'm sure you can guess why I'm here.
My deposition...
you want to know why I didn't go through with it.
Yes, though, honestly, I might have some idea.
My priorities shifted.
Well, let me tell you what happened to me today
just about the same time your priorities were shifting.
Dar Adal paid me a surprise visit
with three candidates for my cabinet...
Mercer, Westlake, and Stewart.
Glenallen Stewart actually signed a letter
during the campaign saying I was unfit
to be commander in chief.
So I have to ask...
what would embolden Dar Adal
to make such an extreme recommendation,
and why now?
I have no idea.
Come on, Carrie. You know exactly why.
He found out you were advising me,
and he got to you,
just like he got to Majid Jivadi before.
Tell me what he's holding over your head.
Is it your daughter?
You asked me about that situation.
And you said you couldn't get involved.
So it is your daughter.
No. Don't lie to me.
Then don't ask me questions you know I can't answer.
And don't show up here with a platoon of armed men
and tell yourself you're not trying to strong-arm me, too.
Now, I was just leaving. So that's it.
This is all fine with you. He gets a free pass...
My daughter is waiting. A man you said
was responsible for the brutal murder of your client
and the execution of an FBI agent.
I have to go. Carrie!
I can't.
Mrs. Berenson?
That's right.
A man left this message for you.
He said he's very sorry.
Thank you.
"My apologies, Mira."
It's an emergency,
and I need to be absolutely certain of a private meeting.
If you can find it in your heart,
please follow the directions below.
You were always curious about my work.
Well, this is called paper-chasing.
Please pay the bill and leave the cafe immediately,
turning right and onto 77th street.
"Midway down the block, cross the street."
"At the corner of central park west,
a silver range rover will pull up beside you."
"Get in."
Inside... quickly.
Take the elevator... number 16a.
What the hell, Saul?
Is the world coming to an end or something?
What's going on?
I have to leave... suddenly.
You won't be seeing me for a while.
Well, I wasn't exactly expecting to.
It's been almost two years.
I meant for good.
I'm in trouble.
I have to disappear.
What kind of trouble?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is they'll come looking for me.
They'll come knocking
on your door first. - Who's "they," if you
don't mind me asking? - Counterintelligence.
They'll find you. They always do.
Not if you don't tell them where I am.
If I can get to Athens... and I think I can...
only you and father Matsoukis know about the rectory.
The rectory? Of course.
No, no, no. And here I thought all these years
that it would be our little hideaway
in the Greek islands. Let's not do that, Mira.
So should I just keep my mouth shut? Is that it?
Most likely, they'll send someone you know...
Harry Tenzer, Leo Traunfeld.
They'll play nice at first.
And they'll have a story. What do you mean?
I've gone off on vacation somewhere, off the grid.
They need to reach me immediately.
Do I have a favorite place I like to go,
somewhere I've always dreamed of going?
And then, it will get uglier.
"Uglier"? The less you tell them.
They'll call me a traitor,
want to know if I ever talked of going over to the other side,
selling secrets to the highest bidder.
For Christ's sakes, that's absurd, Saul.
Harry and Leo would never believe that.
No one would.
What's really going on?
I told you. It doesn't matter.
I follow the news,
and I can read between the lines.
This is about the president-elect, isn't it?
It's related.
The intelligence community hates her.
And you're caught in the middle.
I must say I'm impressed.
Don't be... I was married to you for 27 years.
I know how you operate.
What I don't understand is why you have to run.
Because she's the one asking me to fall on my sword.
Elizabeth Keane is?
Honestly, Saul, none of this sounds like you.
You're not just gonna pack up and leave her to the wolves.
You don't understand.
If I stay... what?
You'll go to prison?
Probably cut a deal.
But I'll be humiliated...
When has that ever made
the slightest bit of fucking difference to you?
How we doing?
Shouldn't be too much longer. She's on her way.
And Ms. Lonas is coming, too?
Is that the case worker? Yes.
Then, yes, she'll be supervising the visit,
and there's a playroom in the back.
What's that?
It's disgusting, if you ask me.
Now they're after her son.
Who is?
It's all over the news and the Internet. Here.
he died in action. See for yourself.
He won a silver star.
He was an American hero. That was the reputation.
This is the truth.
He got other guys to take the risk while he stayed safe.
Andrew Keane lost more men
than any other commander during the surge.
Buddies of mine died for nothing.
So what really happened
the night captain Keane died? Mommy!
Hi, sweetheart.
We'd gone to search a warehouse.
He had Intel that it was a bomb factory.
When we got hit, we were pinned down,
taking fire. And what did captain Keane do?
He ran past me. He was shouting.
Out of the way! Get out of my fucking way!
Some men run towards the fight.
Andrew Keane just ran away.
Cowardice runs in the family.
Dar Adal's handiwork.
You don't know that.
Of course I do.
He was just in here threatening this very thing.
I want it taken down. Taken down?
How? You can't just take that down.
What she means is... what I mean is "dealt with."
Over a million views on YouTube,
all over cable news...
we have to respond.
Did anyone hear me?
Reiko, how do we respond?
All respect, ma'am, I wouldn't address it directly.
It's a lie, a dirty, disgusting lie.
A lie that half the country wants to believe.
Truth won't put a dent in that.
So you say do nothing.
Change the subject.
And you agree?
That is my son
they are dragging through the mud!
I want a press conference first thing in the morning.
See to it.
Yes, ma'am.
It's going crazy.
Organic views are through the roof.
Earned views are even better.
Keyword searches are up.
The trolls can't get enough.
Oh, all good.
It never ceases to amaze me what people respond to.
I mean, they hate this kid out there in the real world.
Andrew Keane gave his life for his country,
and they hate him.
Why do you think that is?
Well, it could be nepotism, right?
Senator mom gets him his rank, his medal.
Maybe people resent that.
Or could be the stolen valor angle.
Well, that's what we're pushing, saying he's a military hero
when he's not.
People despise that,
especially people who've never been
near a battlefield themselves.
So which was it?
It wasn't either of those things.
Over a million views, you know what
the most common complaint is by far?
I can't imagine.
He looks like a pussy.
And you know what?
As always, the people are right.
Anyway, let me get you those talking points.
'Cause, tomorrow, we hit her even harder.
Here you go, talking points for tomorrow.
What's this? A work in progress...
not ready yet. Plenty of other stuff
to show you, though, if you're interested.
Yeah, I'm interested.
All right, so...
Hey, watch it. Uh, sorry, sorry.
You're Carrie. Who are you?
Well, I guess he didn't talk about me much.
What's this?
Just press "play."
Carrie, it's Quinn.
This is Clarice.
You can trust her.
She will bring you to me. It's important.
Where did you get this?
Metro PCS.
The video.
Well, where do you think I got it?
We just shot it... me and Peter did.
Just now, like, an hour ago.
At Bellevue?
No, honey, in queens.
That's impossible. He's under arrest.
Honey, you are way confused.
Um, can I get my phone back?
So are we going or what?
Mr. Piotrowski!
Mr. Piotrowski, did you bring a phone onto this floor?
Uh... I don't think so.
Check him.
Come with us, please.
Carrie, you home?
Answer the door.
Anybody home?
Hi. It's Carrie Mathison.
Leave a message.
Carrie, it's me again. Answer your damn phone.
Don't be surprised to find me standing in your kitchen
when you get home, 'cause that's where I am.
We need to talk.
Mira set me straight on a few things.
Call me back.
Call me back. Call me back.
Oh. Hey, watch it.
He got other guys to take
the risk while he stayed safe. Andrew Keane lost more men
than any other commander during the surge.
Buddies of mine died for nothing.
So what really happened the night captain Keane died?
We'd gone to search a warehouse...
Maybe you should get some rest.
We got hit...
Look at what I've done to him.
And what did captain Keane do? You didn't do this.
I did.
I knew that talking about him in public would be a mistake.
I knew it.
I knew that if I so much as mentioned his name,
something bad would happen.
And so I didn't. And for ten years, he was safe.
His memory was...
With me alone.
And then I opened my big, fat mouth.
Some men run towards the fight.
Look at him, rob.
Andrew Keane just ran away.
This was it...
the last few seconds of his life.
The shouting...
Some men run towards the fight.
No one should be allowed to see this... no one.
Have these people no fucking shame?
Okay, let's go.
This it? Yeah.
House is being remodeled.
He's on the second floor.
Quinn, what are you doing?
Kill the light.
What am I looking at?
Oh, my god.
That's him, Carrie.
The m-m-man who was... watched you,