Homeland (2011–…): Season 3, Episode 12 - The Star - full transcript

With Akbari dead, Carrie and Brody try to get to a safe house and wait for extraction.

00:00:02,755 --> 00:00:05,780
Homeland - 3x12
"The Star"

Drive. Drive! Go!
Drive! Drive!



It's Carrie.

Where are you?

Headed to Mellat Park.

Goddamn it, Carrie.

You should be on a plane,
on your way to Geneva.

He went through with it, Saul.

He killed Akbari. Brody did.

What are you talking about?

He completed the mission
after all.

How do you know this?

Because I just spoke to him.

He called me
from Akbari's office.

And you believed him?

What do you mean?

- You heard me.
- Yes, I believed him.

'Cause if I were Akbari, and I
just learned about a CIA operation

in my backyard, I'd want to
drop a net over it immediately.

That's not
what's happening here.

You don't know that.

Where's Brody now?

On his way here.

Well, don't dismiss
the possibility

that he's leading
security forces

to your location right now.

Is there even one person
on the planet you trust, Saul?

You are aware what happens
if you're caught?

- I'm aware.
- We will be forced

to deny all knowledge of you.

There will be no negotiating
your release.

So be it.

For Christ's sake, Carrie,

even if you're right
about Brody...

he'll never
make it out of Tehran.

We might if we go now.

We might if you authorize
the extraction plan.

You know I have to get confirmation
of Akbari's death first.

Then confirm it already.

Get Javadi on the line.

Get out. Get out.
Out. Out. Get out.

Out. Go. Go.

Walk. Walk.

Go. Turn around.


Give me your phone. Phone.

Give me your phone.
Give me your phone.

Come on.

Come on.

Move over. I'm driving.

Jesus. You scared
the shit out of me.

I had to make sure
you weren't being followed.

Where we going?

To switch cars.

Mine's on the other side
of the park.

Then out of the city,
heading east.


To a safe house in Garmsar.

And after that?

Then, after that,
it's up to Saul.

Get down.

It's not a trick.

You're 100% sure?


Akbari's dead.

Well, I'll be damned.

Where is he?


I don't know.

Come on, Saul.

You're working on a plan
to get him out of the country

as we speak.

That plan was scrapped
six days ago.

Good. Because I was just put
in charge of the manhunt,

which means I need him arrested

and in front of a magistrate
by tomorrow morning.

I told you,
I don't know where he is.

I don't think you appreciate
the situation here.

The longer he eludes us,

the weaker I look

and the less chance I have of
being chosen to replace Akbari.

He's with Carrie, isn't he?

That's why you're acting
so damn cagey.

Listen to me.

You and I have to consider
the worst case scenario here.

Which is what?

That he and Carrie
are captured together.

Once that happens,
I lose the ability

to control events on the ground.

Tell me where he is

and at least
I can protect your girl.

I'll get back to you.


The man's persuasive.

What can I say?

So you'd give them up?

I would.

Even after what Brody managed
to do today?

I guess I'd weigh that
against the likelihood

of him and Carrie making it
to the safe house at all.


it's your last full day
as director.

You might want
to take your foot off the gas.


Initiate the extraction plan.

I was born in the desert.

You were?

In the Mojave.

It's where my old man
was stationed.

The Air Ground Combat Center

I can't believe
I didn't know that.

At least
he's not around anymore.

All this would've broke
his heart.



How much further?

About 50 miles or so.

I need a bathroom.

Over there.

We have
breaking news right now,

out of Iran, where IRIB TV

is reporting the assassination
of General Danesh Akbari,

the ranking officer
in Iran's Revolutionary Guard

and leader of the Quds Force.


Details are still unconfirmed...

What's it gonna be?

Afghanistan or Turkey?

Uh, DEVGRU is pulling together
an extraction team

from a squadron
based in Herat, Afghanistan.

Show me.

Got 16 men,

four helos, two Black
Hawks, two Chinooks.

Uh, Black Hawks

into Iranian airspace here.

An initial flight plan
has them diverting north

at Torbat Heydariyeh.

Skirting the grid,
it's all desert.

Making their way
directly down this ridgeline

to Carrie's coordinates.

Total flying time
from the base?

Approximately 210 minutes.

And the Chinooks?

I assume they're
staying on the Afghan side

to provide support?

In case the Black Hawks
get into trouble,

and/or the SEALS have to fight
their way out of Iran.

I don't like the sound of that.

Neither does JSOC.

I mean, the operation--
it's basically unrehearsed.

Iran's border installations
likely include

the latest Chinese anti-stealth
radar technology.

I'll let the Director
know your concerns.

Would that still
be Mr. Berenson?

Or is that now
Mr. Lockhart?

That would still
be Mr. Berenson.

For another...

11 hours and ten minutes.


Got cold fast.

It did.

We could be here
a couple days, at least.

There are worse places.

You want to tell me
what's going on with you?

I just took a man's
life today, Carrie.

He was a bad guy, Brody.

- Yeah, I get that.
- Worse than bad.

He sent kids, chained together--

tens of thousands of them--
into the Iraqi lines,

often to clear minefields.


You and Brody at the safe house?

We are.

You were right about him.

He did what he said.

Tell him well done.

I will.

I'm gonna do what I said,
get him out safely.

I'm scrambling
a recovery team now.

Thank you, Saul.

All goes well, they should be
at your location before sunrise.

We'll be waiting.

I myself am leaving for Germany

in the morning.

See you at Ramstein.

See you there.

You asleep?


That was Saul.

They're getting us out,

That was fast.

He wanted me
to tell you well done.

Whatever that means.

It means a lot,
coming from him.

So what happens next?

What do you mean?

When we get home.

What happens next?

I don't know.

What do you want to happen?


I never expected
to get this far.

So I try not to think about it.

I've thought about it.

There was this man in Caracas.

He was a doctor.

He called me a cockroach.

Unkillable, bringing
misery wherever I go.

That's harsh.

But accurate.

This was about redemption.


You said so, yourself.

What a fucking joke.

It was about redemption.

In what universe

can you redeem one murder
by committing another?

You're a Marine, Brody.

The rules are different.

I'm a lot of things.

But I'm not a Marine anymore.

I haven't been for some time.

You were asked to do a mission

on behalf of your country,

and you did it.

Is that what you tell yourself?

That's what I believe.

Wind us up and point us
in a direction?

If that's what you think,

- why'd you agree to do it
in the first place? - That is becoming

less and less fucking clear.

I'm pregnant.


I'm four months pregnant.

From our time at the lake.

Carrie, Jesus.

As if things couldn't
get more complicated, right?

- You should've said something...
- Well, I'm saying it now.

- Hey.
- Don't.

Hey, hey.

Look, I don't know what happens
back home either,

what kind of a life we
have or we don't have,

whether it's together or apart,

but there will be a life.

And I'm not sorry about that.

Not for one single second.
Because I happen to believe

one of the reasons
I was put on this earth

was for our paths to cross.

And, yeah, I know
how crazy that sounds.

Are you through yet?



'Cause I don't think
that sounds crazy at all.

I think it sounds like
the only sane fucking thing

left to hold onto.

Well, okay then.


Wake up.

They're here.

Come on, hurry.


Brody, run.

Down, now!

Lie flat.
Hands behind your head.



Be quiet.

Listen to me.

I know Colonel Javadi,

- Majid Javadi.
- I said be quiet.

Would you just call him
before you do anything else?

There is no need
to call anybody.

- But there is, please...
- The Colonel is aware.



Tell me what just happened
was part of the fucking plan.

Hold on a minute.

Can I have the room
for a second?

What's the matter, Carrie?
What's going on?

They just came
and took Brody away.

Who did?

Quds Force operatives--
Javadi's men.


Would somebody please tell me
what the fuck is happening here?

Fucking pussies, all of you.

Who called Javadi?

Who ordered the helos
back to Herat?

I did.

On whose authority?

The President's.

You're out, Saul.

I'm the director now.

I didn't have a choice.


The choice was to stonewall

until Brody got out of Iran.

Even if I thought
that was a mistake?

He's an asset.

We promised him safe passage.

It's a sentimental idea, Saul.
Always has been.

That we're loyal to our people?

That our people
come before the mission.

Brody arrested is better for us

than Brody back in America.

And better for Javadi's
chances to head the IRGC.

Actually, it's your legacy
we're trying to protect, Saul.

My legacy? Is that right?

Honestly, I don't know what the
fuck we're doing here anymore.

Where were you going?

Not to the airport,
I'm guessing.

No, to the Uncle's house?

Masud Sherazi?

To hide out?

You've found a
sympathetic ear there?

Don't you dare
do anything to harm him.

No, you misunderstand me.

Do I?

You have,

from the very beginning.

I think you, of all people,

would understand that
no one's just one thing.

Where's Brody?

In Evin prison.

I need to see him.

You can't.

No one can.

He appeared this morning
before a military tribunal

where he was sentenced
to death by hanging.


I'm afraid so.

Declared an enemy of the state.

Well you're insane if you
think that's gonna happen.

You have to stop it.

It's out of my hands, Carrie.

A public execution is
scheduled for tonight.


Tomorrow, to be precise.

At 4:00 AM.

Just before the call
to morning prayer.

Well, you find a fucking way.

Or what?

What will you do, Carrie?

Burn it all down?

Everything you worked for?

And I don't mean what
the CIA has worked for,

I mean you.

The plan is a success.

You and Brody pulled it off.

Not if he dies.

More so, if he dies.

I asked myself over and over,

from the moment I knew
what you've gone through,

the hardship,
the self-abnegation,

to lure me in.


Why would anyone do
that to themselves?

Why would you?

And I think I know now.

It was always about him.

That's what you care about.

Maybe the only thing.

Who Brody is,

that's for Allah to know.

But what he did,

there can be no debate.

It was astonishing
and undeniable.

And what you wanted,

which was for everyone
to see in him

what you see.

That has happened.

Everyone sees him
through your eyes now--

Saul, Lockhart...

the President of
the United States.

Even me.

Take me to him.

- I can't.
- Please.

He's at peace in his cell.

A kind of peace.

Let that be.

At least let me talk to him.

A phone call, two minutes.

All I'm asking for...
is two minutes.


I want you to know
I'm calling Saul

as soon as I hang up with you.

He's gonna fix
this clusterfuck, he's gonna

bring in every fuck...

Carrie? Carrie... it's over.



Not even the almighty Saul
can stop it now.

No, you don't know that.

You're wasting your time.

Holding out false hope
isn't helping anyone.

I want it to be over.

Don't say that.

I'm okay.

I really am.

And I want you
to do something for me.


Tonight, whatever happens,

I don't want you to be there.


I mean it.

Don't put yourself through that.

I have to be there.

I will be there.

I have to say
good-bye now.

Brody? Brody?

Can-can you ju...

Can you just stay here?

Just... for...

Just for a few more seconds.



I know.

I just heard.

Is there anything you can do?

Believe me, I wish there was.

There must be something.

I don't even work here anymore.

the President's weighed in.

What about...
Amnesty International,

or-or-or Human Rights Watch?

You know it's way too late
for any of that.

Oh, God.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, my God.

Let's go back.


Brody! Brody!




What did you bring me?

They were out of baguettes,
so I got croissants instead.


Did you see this?

I did.

What do you think?

I think we should buy this place
and never leave.

"In a stunning development
at the Geneva summit,

Iranian diplomats have
offered IAEA inspectors

full and unfettered access to
the regime's nuclear sites

in exchange for the lifting
of economic sanctions."


this is you.

You did this.

Not just me.

It's unbelievable.

It's your whole life.

It's your crowning achievement.

Only cost me my career.

Well... yeah, but it's a hell
of a way to go out.

Come with me to Washington.

I told you, I'm going
to go to New York.

I'm gonna set up the apartment.

It's only gonna be
for a couple days.

I am not setting foot
in that building,

and neither should you after
the way they treated you.

It's the annual
commemorative ceremony.

We've got 132 new stars

to put up on that wall.

Did you make a plan
to see Carrie?

I called a couple times.

I left messages.

I never heard back.

Hmm. Strange.

She's probably just busy.

You know how it is.

You can go right in.
He's waiting for you.

Thank you.


Mr. Director.

Please, have a seat.

You look well.

If large.

I assume we lose you
to maternity leave soon?

I'll probably need
a few hours off.

That is some news
coming out of Geneva.

It's amazing.

Saul was right.

Javadi's proven
immensely successful

at influencing Iranian
policy at the highest levels.

Well, one thing about Saul--
he's usually right.

I couldn't keep him on, Carrie.

I hope you understand why.

Maybe we can agree
to disagree on that.

- That's funny.
- What?

"Agree to disagree."

That's exactly how
he would have put it.

Back to Javadi, though.

Have you done any thinking

about what we discussed
last week?

I have... and you're right.

My being in Istanbul would
make running Javadi easier.

It's arguably the premier
posting in the region.

And you'd be Station Chief.

The youngest in the
history of the Agency.

Can I handpick my people?

Up to a point.

I'd like you to keep
Tony Shadid on as deputy,

in order to smooth
the transition.

I can live with that.

Then you're in.

I'm in.



Uh, well, we'll
discuss a timeline

- over the next few weeks.
- Great.


Thank you.

- Um, sir?
- Yes?

About the commemorative
ceremony on Friday...

What about it?

I think Nicholas Brody
deserves a star.

He fulfills the criteria, sir.

- Putting aside your personal connection
to him. - He was an Agency asset

who died while
serving his country.

- I'll stop you there.
- Heroically, in my opinion.

First of all,
he wasn't technically

an employee of the CIA.

Well... technically?
Come on.

Second of all, his actions
previous to the Tehran mission

cast a long shadow.

Sir, he was a US Marine
who was captured and tortured

for eight years.

Who are we to stand in judgment?

No one's judging him.

I'm just not memorializing him
on the walls of this building.

That's where I draw the line.

Is this gonna be
an ongoing problem between us?

No, sir.

We'll have to see.
I don't know.

I got to go.

Can I have one of those?

- No.
- Oh, just give me one.

I won't light it.

Something ailing you?


What did he do?
Besides fuck over Saul.

He just gave me Istanbul.
Station Chief.

- Holy crap.
- I know.

That's bad?


This is bad.

Well, it's a little late
for second thoughts.

- Yeah, no shit.
- So, what's bad about it?

I just didn't think it through.

I wanted it because of Brody,
to have a part of him.

I think they call that love.

It took getting this far,
to the fucking endgame,

to realize it's...

it's impossible.


- Quinn, I can't be a mother.
- Because?

Because of me.
Because of... my job.

Because of...

my problems.

Everyone has problems.

I'll be a great station chief.

I'll be fearless, obsessed,
ruthless if I have to be--

all the same reasons...

I can't...

That kid is a gift.

You have one, right?

I fucked it up.

And it would be really sad
to see you do the same thing.

Why even bother?
You order the same thing

- every time.
- I know I do,

but in my heart I want to
spread my wings and soar.

Get a grip.

- All hail.
- Please.

It's all anybody in the
building's talking about,

Iran opening its fist.

You know what
they're calling you?

The Maestro.

We got lucky.
Very lucky.

Yeah. Meanwhile, Senator
Lockhart will be dining out

on our luck for the rest
of his natural-born life.

I'm only surprised
they didn't shit-can you, too.

- Ah.
- You have all the qualifications...

experience, loyalty, discretion.

Well, you're better off in the
private sector, no doubt about it.

Come join me.

- I don't think so.
- Sure?

One phone call,
triple your salary.

Nah. I'm a lifer.

Door's always open,
if you change your mind.

I didn't know any better, I'd
say you were missing us already.

Yeah, you are, and you'd
come back, wouldn't you,

if Lockhart came begging?


In a heartbeat.

So, what can I get you?

He'll have a plain waffle,
hold the whipped butter.

He'll have the same.

Two Old Schools, comin' up.


- Hey.
- Hello there.

- Carrie?
- Hi. I forgot

- you were coming. - Oh. Yeah,
we got all of Maggie's old stuff,

including the world's
heaviest crib.


that's a lot
of... things.

Yeah, it seems like it, but you
end up needing all of it, so...

What's this?

It's a Bjorn.
It's easy.

It is?

Yeah, she sleeps right here,

against your chest.

It's like a reverse backpack.


You'll get the hang of it.

Do you have a rocking chair?

I was thinking I would
make a rocking chair.

Make it?

Well, I need a project. I'm antsy,
you know, waiting for this girl.

So, how was the ultrasound?

Uh, it was good.

- Yeah.
- Mm.

They said...

the baby's perfect.


That should be
a good thing, right?


Maggie, I'm not
gonna need your stuff.


I'm moving...

to Istanbul.

You're moving
to Istanbul? When?

Soon. Right
after she's born.

Will she come with you
in the Bjorn?

I can't keep her.

That's what I'm saying.

Don't... now don't
you say that.

It's sick, I know, but...

I can't.

Yes, you can.

Come on, you guys
know better than anyone

how bad it gets with me.

Carrie, I've been
thinking about this.

A lot.

I think...

she's going to ground you.

Make you focus.
Be healthy.

And I think you
will be astonished

by the love you have for her.

Well, there's no sign of that.

There will be.

No, really.

I... I don't feel love.

All I feel...

is scared.

Two tours in Baghdad,

now a baby is bringing
you to your knees?

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, can we just
take this day by day?

You are not leaving this kid,

- not like your mother did to you.
- Dad!

You don't want her...

I'll take her.


You would do that?

Bet your life.

Okay, everybody slow down.

Can we please
just see how you feel

- after the baby's born?
- Scared...

- is how I feel.
- I know.


and sad.

I'm so fucking scared.

...Matthew Rogers...

Amanda Salazar...

Anne Schofield...

Henry Stinson...

Katherine Sullivan...

Kenneth Unger...

Cynthia Volk...

and Vanessa Wendenberg.

No matter when or where
they served...

no matter if their names
are known to the world

or only to us...

each cherished colleague
remains a constant source

of inspiration and courage.

They all heard
the same call to duty,

and they all answered it

without hesitation.

They are...

our heroes.

They are...

America's heroes.

And that's how
we'll remember them.

I ask for a moment of silence.

Thank you.
That concludes the ceremony.

The reception will be held
in the upstairs lobby.

I'm gonna sit here a while.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Good to see you, Saul.



He gives a nice speech.

He's a politician.

How are you?


I heard about Istanbul.


Word gets around.

That's wonderful.

It's what you always wanted.

You deserve it.

This is wrong.

That's plain wrong.

How many times have
you heard me say it?

When it's over, it's over.

Pull down the shades
and go home.

But you won, Saul.

You won.

Did I?

I guess I did.


There's a situation.

The Director's asking for you

in Ops 4.


Well, you're needed.

Good luck in New York.

Take care.




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