Hjørdis (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Gruppen - full transcript


Together, we'll put on Rødovre's
greatest anti-bullying show ever.

Are you with me?


We need a show
that's worthy of a princess.

Tomorrow, four new students
will be joining your theatre troupe.

- What have you acted in?
- I've been to weight loss camp!

- It's not what you wanted.
- Our students aren't in it.

They wanted to act,
and now they're spectating.

I wanted to see if it's nice here.

- And is it?
- Until we showed up.

If you can't play nice with the others,
you should leave.

I sent them home.

- I don't care.
- You'll be very busy rehearsing.

But we have to work hard
and help each other. Are you in?



- Hi, Helle.
- Hjørdis.

How's it going?

It's going well for me.
Our process is really panning out.

I'm in a process, too.
It's a process of preparing all this.

- Welcome, Mary. It's a great banner.
- No.

It's a process with a lot of loose ends.

It starts out slowly
with a tiny hole no one notices.

But the tiny hole grows
larger and larger,

and suddenly, you're butt naked
in front of the Crown Princess.

- And what happens then?
- Do you go to prison?

You become a laughing stock with
the other principals. But I won't fall.

Not in front of the Crown Princess.

Helle, thank God you're here.
You have a call.

- But it's...
- What?

It's the Court!

I'll see your play in two days,
and if it's no good, I'm taking over.

Understood, Hjørdis?

Why didn't you come sooner?
Two days, Hjørdis, two days!


I'm going now. See you after school.

- Hey, bro, see you after school.
- Huh?

I said see you later.

- Hi, Christopher.
- Hi, see you in second.

- That's his big brother.
- How do you know them?

- We're acting in a show.
- Acting? You can't act.

Anyone can act.
You just have to practise.

Big smiles for Mary. It's a princess.
Ready? One, two, three, four...

Good job, Bo. And twirl.
Nice, Christopher.

Great job, August! Shoulders, shoulders.
Yeah, yeah, very cool.

Really good. Hey, no, Oscar,
don't roll on the ground now. Not now.

Find your spot. Don't roll now.

Keep going with your footwork.

Heel, arm, heel.
And now you do the twirl.

Great work, Malajka. Now you do
the twirl. Little bit faster. And twirl!

Heel, hand, twirl, heel, hand, twirl.
A little faster. Come on, you can do it!

No, Oscar, don't roll on the floor.

Great job.
Give yourselves a round of applause.

It's not fun at all.

Just believe in yourselves,
and you can be just as good as Freja.

We'll never get as good as Freja.

He'll come around. It can be a struggle
to get where you want.

It's true what the little boy is saying.
They'll never be as good as Freja.

When I get sad, I eat one of these.
It helps a little.

Do you want one?
Are you sure?

I feel a bit sad, so...

- ...kicked off the field.
- Totally!

Hey, guys.

Come on.

So that's why he's so fat.
Just look at what he's eating.

- Give it back!
- So he can get even fatter?

- Give it back!
- Anton.

- He hardly fits through the door.
- Leave me alone.

I'm doing you a favour.

Do you think it can fly? Huh?


What a shame, huh?

Anton. Come on.

- It's no big deal.
- Yes, it is.

Hey, Dad, shouldn't you fight
for something if you're bad at it?

Perhaps. Or maybe you should fight
for all the things you are good at.

- And if you're not good at anything?
- Then you're a very rare specimen.

I've never come across one of those.

- Are you speaking of yourself?
- No.

It's some of my students.

They're very sweet,
but they don't have a lot of confidence.

They're a bit odd.
And they don't know how to dance.

Being odd can make you something
special, but it comes at a price.

You can't be something special and be
totally ordinary at the same time.

If you ask me, we need the special ones
to inspire the rest of us.

They just have
to go through so much first.

Indeed! You just need to believe
in them, exactly the way they are.

Right, are you coming? It's this way.
Uphill. Come on!


Are you bored... No.

Sign language.

Boring. To bore. Are you bored?


I'm sitting down,
and I'm reading a book. I am bored.

Are you bored?


You can hear?

Why didn't you stop me?

This was more fun?


Will you find the others?
Get them to the theatre hall.

Hey, we're meeting in the theatre hall.

...when he did it, my face was all red,
so I punched him.

Look who it is.
Let's have some fun with them.

There we have the theatre fags.
You, stay here a second.

- O sole mio!
- Hey, leave her alone!

Or what?
Will you spray me with hair spray?

Stop! Cut it out!


What's going on?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I'm Hjørdis, and I'm a huge klutz.
- Yeah, you are.

I tried turning you
into something you're not.

You're not elite musicians.

You're not brilliant dancers
or great singers.

- This is true, what Hjørdis is saying.
- You're something far more important.

You're yourselves. That's exactly
what we need to convince Helle.

Go ahead, Johanne.

What's left without singing or dancing?

You could tell stories about yourselves.

You can't tell stories
about people like us.

I'm not so sure about that.

Did you know
that the bumblebee is unable to fly?

It shouldn't be able to fly
with its tiny wings.

- But it does so anyway, right?
- That's right, Bo.

It does so
because it doesn't know it can't.

Forget everything you know.

Then you can do whatever you want.

But you have to dare
to tell the story of who you are.

When I was around your age...

...my biggest dream was to play
the princess in the school play.

But I was too afraid to admit it.

Too afraid to say
that I was also a princess,

despite being chubby
and clumsy and... chubby.

I've regretted it many times since.

Some people act like they're
someone else and rush through life.

Others show who they truly are
and let life rush through them.

Showing the world who you truly are.

That's the bravest thing
a person can do.

Do you have the guts for that?

I'm afraid that I'll crash
through the floor at home,

and that my bike will break
and that my bed will collapse.

And I'm afraid to go canoeing
with the boy scouts

because I think I'll sink.

I'm sure they have
really good canoes, Bo.

And you did really well.

Can I be the bumblebee in our play?

- That sounds great.
- My name would be BumbleBo.

I'm way too tall. Look how long
my arms are. Or how high my waist is.

I don't like speaking. But it's obvious
that people think I'm stupid

because I speak differently.

So I keep my mouth shut instead,
but it's good I have Malajka.

She knows sign language,
so I can talk to her.

I like dancing, but when everything
has to be perfect, I get scared.

I'd much rather enjoy myself.


- My dad likes my big brother better.
- Why's that?

Dad and Simon do stuff together,
but I don't like the things they do.

They play football and drive go-karts.

- Did you tell him?
- No.

- What do you like to do?
- Dressing up and playing with dolls.


- What?
- We're going home.

- We're in the middle of something.
- School's out. We have chores at home.

Like what?

We're painting the fence.
We promised our dad.



- Come on!
- No... Simon?

- Can't we just...
- No, sit down. Sit down.

Sit down. Control.

When did dad ask us to paint the fence?

Long time ago. He'll be furious,
if we don't get it done.

He'll be happy when he sees it. You
start here. I'll go to the other side.

We'll just have to keep pushing forward.

Yes. Don't just sit there
experiencing emotions.

When I get emotional,
I hit myself hard across my fingers.

Let me demonstrate.

I take a drumstick or a ruler,

and then I hit myself hard
across my fingers.

Then I tell myself, "Gert, it only hurts
because you hit yourself." Bo?

- That's enough, Gert.
- Die dänische Pädagogik!

- It's not the same now.
- Nein, little Bo.

But it is almost the same. We have to be
ready for when Helle comes tomorrow.

No. Bo is right.

- We were doing this as a group.
- We're not really a group any more.

Yes, we are. Come along.

Come on, children.


- Hi. Did you need help painting?
- Hi, Christopher.


- What are you doing here?
- We just wanna help paint.

- Who likes to paint?
- Me!

- You're mean!
- It wasn't on purpose.

Was too!

Did I learn sign language?

Yeah, a little.
I found it on the Internet.

- Hey. You learned to sign?
- Just a little bit.

- Can you say, "I'm crazy about you?"
- No.

You should know that Johanne already
has a boyfriend. Don't waste your time.

- I'm not even interested in Johanne.
- OK.

We missed a spot over there.
I'm gonna go paint there.

Hey, Dad!

Did you paint the fence?

- Yeah.
- About time.

- Actually, it was...
- Good work. You can handle a brush.

I'm proud of you, Simon.

How about we celebrate with burgers?

Great seeing the entire group
together again.

But we have a lot to do. Crown Princess
Mary is coming and Queen Helle.

I promised her a show.

I thought we could work with Bo's idea
about the bumblebee.

- Is it strong enough?
- Of course, don't worry.

- Are you sure?
- It's built for two tons.

- Is that enough?
- I should think so.

Think happy thoughts and remember
your parents are watching.

Hjørdis, Hjørdis, Helle is here!

Alright, let's go. Come on, Bo.
Ready? You're in your skirt?

Take it easy, Bo. I trust in you.

We're ready to begin in a second.

We're ready.

And action!

Once there was a bumblebee,
who didn't dare attempt to fly.

Its wings were so small and its body
so big that it feared falling.

I'll never fly anywhere.
I'm much too heavy.

Every day it met the posh honeybees.

And the posh honeybees teased it.

He's way too fat to fly.

The bumblebee got terribly sad. When
he got sad, he ate nectar for comfort.

But the honeybees kept teasing him.

Hey! Give me my food!

Grab it, if you can!

The bumblebee got so mad that it forgot
all about its reservations about flying.

You can do it, Bo!

I did it, Hjørdis!

I did it!

Yes, well...


- You're brave.
- They're brave.

- Aren't you afraid they'll get teased?
- Being special comes at a price.

This can fail, Hjørdis.
You've taken on a huge responsibility.

We tell them it's OK to be exactly
who they are. We have to stick to it.

Are you sure?

Keep going then.

But you've put yourself in the firing
line. I hope you understand that.

I understand.