History of Comedy (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - History of Comedy - full transcript

Exploring the history of Parody and Satire in films, television, print, radio and the internet.

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[ Cheers and applause ]

[ As Gerald Ford ]
My first announcement is one

I think you've all
been waiting for.

Politicians have been
lying and bullshitting

and flip-flopping
since the beginning of time.

[ As Ronald Reagan ]
I am the president.

Only I need to understand.

I am mostly pissed off

that not enough people
are pissed off.

That's... [ Laughs ]

Politicians are very visible
and they tend to be liars,

which is great,
so you can really go after them.

I fucking hate those assholes.

It's making me angry
and I feel like screaming.

But I'm unsure about
how far my neck veins

can safely bulge
out of my neck.

Maron: Political humor, now that
it's become such a farce,

it's hard to outdo it.

[ As Donald Trump ]
Yes, this is real life.

This is really happening.

Dennis Miller: I cannot believe
the men and women

that we have chosen
to be our leaders.

You watch the in-house footage
of these congressional hearings,

and I think,
"What sort of empty-headed

Pez-dispenser séance
am I watching here?"

Politics is one of
the most egregiously

hypocritical areas of society

and thus
great fodder for comedy.

In the White House,
in the Oval Office,

on the wall,

Obama has the original copy

of the Emancipation

Well, yeah, which I'm
pretty sure is just there

in case the Tea Party is like,
"We don't think you're free."

"All right, look at the wall."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Politicians are so loathsome,
but we're stuck with them.

We can't prosecute
all of them,

so let's at least mock them.

I believe, if you can't say
something nice about somebody,

you must be talking
about Hillary Clinton.

[ Laughter ]

Donald Trump, oh, my God.

Donald Trump is like
the nagging cough

that has turned into
full-blown AIDS.

You know what I'm saying?

[ Laughter ]

I think every political comedian
feels their role is different.

It's very clear now
that we have political comedians

who are actually acting
as advocates

and also really feel
like it's important

to speak truth to power.

Black: I ended up doing
political comedy,

because when I'm angry,
I'm -- I'm funny.

That just seems to be the deal.

And politicians
make me really angry.

Democrats and Republicans

that what they tell you
about the fact

is actually the fact itself.

And it isn't a fucking fact!
[ Laughter ]

Bee: We don't have
anything to lose.

We don't have to worry
that the White House

isn't going to give us access.

We already don't have access,

so we can say whatever we want.

Oswalt: The reason that
comedians pick on politics,

it's almost like a prayer.

"Hey, could you maybe
not steer us off of a cliff,

but the only way that I can
maybe keep you on it

is to make you look ridiculous

so you'll stop
what you're doing."

I feel like George Bush

can bring about
the biblical apocalypse.

[ Laughter ]

Because here's the thing --

I don't think Bush wants
to be president.

I think he wants to be
the last president!

Charles: Entering that realm
puts you

into a battleground
situation also,

with those who find
what you're saying funny

and relate to it
'cause they agree with you,

and those
that disagree with you,

who don't find it funny
or find it offensive.

Well, until Jon Stewart
and Colbert and Bill Maher,

the best political satire
was basically cartoonists.

Mankoff: Just simply drawing
someone in a ludicrous way,

in and of itself,
brings them down.

Jefferies: Of course those
things influence people,

because most of us
aren't good readers.

[ Chuckles ]
We like a little grab.

It's the pin in the balloon.

It's puncturing pomposity
and showing that the emperor

has no clothes,
things of that sort.

Mankoff: Herblock did much more
than just puncture pomposity,

he illuminated hypocrisy.

[ Chuckles ]

Sacks: During
the Watergate years,

they were very incisive,
very intelligent cartoons

that Herblock wrote.

And being from D. C.,

and running from
"The Washington Post"

that broke that story,
made it even more important,

because it's one of
the few places in a newspaper

where you can tell it
like it is.

So, in the end,
Herblock had a great deal

to do with Nixon coming down.

Russell: He had a lot of people
who would complain to him,

"That was outrageous!"

He had one answer every time.
He'd say, "But it's true."

Franklin -- [ Chuckles ]
I can call you "Franklin"?

Years ago,
it was frowned upon then,

to make fun of the people
running the country.

Rogers: They won't let anyone
talk politics in here,

because this stadium
was dedicated to art, sports,

and, uh, any, uh,
useful enterprises.

And that's...
[ Laughter ]

Now, Mr. Nixon won easily,
and he wasn't even campaigning,

which shows you how well
a politician can do

if he keeps his mouth shut.

[ Laughter ]

[ Piano plays ]

Here we are.

Reagan and Carter, huh?

♪ What kind of choice
is this? ♪

[ Laughter ]

Sacks: Mark Russell
would get up at his piano

and make gentle fun
at politicians,

but so gentle that he could

then go hang out
with them afterwards.

♪ Can it be true ♪

♪ No matter which one wins ♪

♪ The loser's me and you? ♪

I would get
criticized more often

for being too gentle
than for being too harsh.

I was not a bomb-thrower.
I was not an anarchist.

I was too safe.

[ Applause ]

I kept seeing pictures

of Kennedy
and Khrushchev together,

which they looked like
they needed a new caption.

The pictures were funny.

It looked like, "Dad,
may I have keys to the car?


Mort Sahl was overtly
political and partisan.

The idea of a comedian
really taking a stand,

having a point of view,
this was something new.

Weide: When John Kennedy
became president,

Mort Sahl was doing bits
about Kennedy,

many of them very hard-hitting,
and people were surprised.

He just saw himself
as the guy whose job it was

to go after
whoever was in power,

be they Republican, Democrat.

Man: Do you have
an agent now?

No, and I can't get one.

No one will --
No one will handle you?

The last agent
I had was Freddie Fields,

who was, you know, a very able
fellow, creative management.

He said to me,
"No agent can help you

in the position you're in."

Goldthwait: I like a comedian
who I'm truly not sure

what side he's going to be
on an issue.

I'm not a fan
of the stand-up comedian

that just reaffirms
the status quo.

Do you believe entertainers
should have opinions

and should express them?
Oh, yeah.

Well, definitely,
they got to have opinions,

I mean,
like everybody else.

Do you think entertainers should
exert political influence?

If they want to.

♪ The war in Vietnam
keeps on a-ragin' ♪

♪ Blacks and whites still
haven't worked it out ♪

Rob Reiner:
"The Smothers Brothers,"

you know,
this was during the '60s,

and to be on television
at that time

and to talk about
the Vietnam War,

the censors were
after them all the time.

Gee, Sarge,
I understand now.

I'm not afraid anymore.

I can kill!

But I still can't vote.

"The Smothers Brothers"
was a great show,

but it was taken off the air.

If CBS has its way, when we
don't go on the air anymore

and there's nothing
said about it,

nobody else
will come forward.

There's no one in the business
trying to do anything

that steps out
or say anything.

When the government
starts censoring us,

that's a real, genuine problem.

Censoring an artist
is the ultimate obscenity.

With his good-natured ribbing
of the First Family,

Mr. Vaughn Meader.

[ Applause ]
[ As John Kennedy ] Well,

I think Senator Goldwater
is a fine man.

I think he'd make
a fine candidate in '64--

I don't...

Vaughn Meader had come out
with a record called

"The First Family,"
in which parodied JFK,

but it was still a new thing

to make fun
of the president at all.

[ As John Kennedy ]
He's doing my gestures,

and he's using my lines.

"Do not ask what this country
can do for you" --

That's one of my original lines.

Yeah, I listened
to Mr. Meader's record,

but I thought it sounded
more like Teddy

than it did me, but...
[ Laughter ]

There's something
very charmingly American

about this idea
that we really respect

our political figures,
but at the same time,

we also kind of like
to take them down a peg.

Gerald Ford was like
a football player.

Like, he's like
a really great athlete.

But in the public's mind,

once Chevy started
doing Gerald Ford,

I mean, try getting that
toothpaste back in the tube.

[ As Gerald Ford ] I do have two
major announcements to make.

Whoop! Uh-oh!

No problem, no problem, nope.

As a kid, I didn't know anything
about President Ford,

I thought,
"Oh, he's a clumsy idiot."

[ As Gerald Ford ]
No problem.

Franken: Chevy's Ford,

there was no attempt
to make him look like Ford.

He just played sort of
a fatuous stumblebum.

Chevy's portrayal may
have made a difference.

Man: Will President Ford
win again in '76?

[ Normal voice ]
I don't think so. Do you?

[ As Jimmy Carter ]
My name is Jimmy Carter...

and I'm running for president.

"Saturday Night Live,"
for a lot of its existence,

has defined the comedic take
on the president.

[ As Jimmy Carter ] Well,
I personally try to be a --

a lusty, zesty kind of

And further --

Hi, baby, how are you?

[ As Ronald Reagan ] Well,
it was nice meeting you.

Come on, Lisa,
come on.

Lisa: Bye.

Back to work!

Bell: Whoever is doing
an impression of the president

on "Saturday Night Live,"

that becomes everybody's
impression of the president.

[ As Bill Clinton ] Lobster Boy,
I feel your pain.

[ As George W. Bush ]
Ah! Man, it's cool!

I'm going to be president.
That's wicked.

Jenkins: Will Ferrell's
depiction of George W. Bush,

in my opinion,
made him seem cooler,

made him seem
a lot more relatable

and, you know, maybe
a little silly,

but, you know, warm-hearted.

[ As George H. W. Bush ]
Well, we got to get ready
to debate Al Gore.

Polls say
you're neck-and-neck.

[ As George W. Bush]
I'm a uniter, not a divider.

I'm a uniter, not a divider.

I'm a uniter, not a divider.

Snap out of it!

Everybody knew that Bush
was sort of challenged

when it came to
the English language.

[ As George W. Bush ]

But Darrell's Gore
said something

that was not helpful to Gore.

[ As Al Gore ] Rather than
squander the surplus

on a risky tax cut
for the wealthy,

I would put it
in what I call a lockbox.

Franken: A sort of slightly
superior repetition of "lockbox"

sort of said something
to Americans about Gore

that is responsible
for the 500 votes in Florida.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I love those hockey moms.

You know,
they say the difference

between a hockey mom
and a pit bull?

[ Laughter and applause ]

Jenkins: Democrats were
petrified of Sarah Palin.

She had a rousing speech
at the Republican Convention,

and it took Tina Fey
putting on a wig.

She was really the takedown
of Sarah Palin.

It was Tiny Fey
that took her down.

[ As Sarah Palin ] Oh, are we
not doing the talent portion?

[ Flute plays ]

[ As Gwen Ifill ]
How will you solve

the financial crisis,
being a maverick?

You know, we're gonna take

every aspect of the crisis
and look at it,

and then we're gonna
ask ourselves,

"What would a maverick do
in this situation?"

Woman: One study just out

showed Sarah Palin's
favorability rating

dropped a few points
after viewers watched

an "SNL" spoof of the governor.

I think that Tina Fey destroyed
that woman's political career.

Destroyed it.

God bless her.

[ As Bernie Sanders ]
We're doomed!

We need a revolution!

Millions of people
on the streets!

And we got to do something!

And we got to do it now!


[ Normal voice ]
After the first debate,

my agent called me
on the phone

and I started talking
like Bernie.

And he said, "Oh, my God,
that's so funny."

He said, "You should make
a video, put it on the Internet,

blah, blah, hits,"
and all this.

I said, "Nah,
it's not that kind of --

I don't want to do that."

I said, "You know,
it's more of an 'SN-- '"

Before I even got the "L"
out of my mouth,

he -- he hung up the phone.

[ Chuckles ]

And 10 minutes later,
Lorne Michaels called,

so that -- that was it.

Oh, my God,
Mr. Bernie Sanders!

Oh, I'm your biggest fan!
[ Coughs ]

And I'm telling you,
I'm feeling the Bern.

[ As Bernie Sanders]
Eh. That -- That's okay.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Caricatures are fun,

because you don't have to
give the backstory.

You can get right
to the punch line.

You know what
Donald Trump is.

[ As Donald Trump ]
I'm going to start this debate

in the quietest voice

In the past, I have
been big and loud,

but tonight, I am a sweet,
little Baby Trump.

I think, when it's done well,
it's just --

it's just funny,
it's entertaining.

"SNL" is a topical show,

where they deal
with what people are looking at.

And in an election cycle, that's
what people are looking at.

Just seems to make sense.

[ As Chris Wallace ]
Our first question is for you,

and it is about
reproductive rights.

They're ripping babies
out of vaginas!

[ As Hillary Clinton ]
Oh, my God!

Trump is fun, 'cause
Trump's just saying rubbish.

And Hillary's
a little shifty.

It's not just the person
doing a great impersonation,

it's got to be a great person
to impersonate.

James Andrew Miller:
That's the power of "SNL."

It's been a de facto branding
of political candidates.

Has "SNL" ever really
changed somebody's vote?

That's a question that
I think about all the time.

Got it!

Man: Good morning.

And we still
don't have a winner.

Brennan: Cable news
turned politics into sport.

They became
so predictable and partisan

that it left this vacuum
of like,

"Is anyone going to talk about
what's actually going on?"

The president boasted,

at the top of his
press conference last night

that we had the support
now of Britain and Spain

for our attack on Iraq,
because, you know,

when you want to make it
perfectly clear to the world

that you're not an imperialist,

the people you want
in your corner

are Britain and Spain.

[ Laughter and applause ]

He was before Jon Stewart,

and he was the young, hip, hot,
"telling it like it is" guy.

Did you see
that press conference?

I don't want to say
there was nothing new there,

but at one point,
the closed captioning

actually said,
"Blah, blah, blah, blah."

Rob Reiner: That is really
a political show.

He doesn't even make
any bones about the fact

that he's going right
into the teeth of it.

Please, Ralph!

Don't run for president.
Please, Ralph!

Because you're
a great American!

Please! Don't do this
to the country!

Don't run! Please!

Bill Maher takes
the "Meet the Press,"

"talking heads
around a table" format,

and he turns it on its head.

He says the shit
that no one else is gonna say,

and he does it
in an entertaining way.

Maher: Over the next month,
let us know

which of these bloated ticks
on America's hide

needs to be burnt off

with the mighty cigarette
of democracy.

Mostly, comedians try
to stay in the middle

so they can appeal
to both sides,

but Bill is fearless.

I think Colin Powell
could be the guy,

if he wanted to,
to run against Obama.

Boy, that would make
Russia's head explode.

Two black...
[ Chuckles ]

Maron: He's got a point of view,
It's not a straight line.

He's not just
a straight-up lefty.

He does criticize both sides.

Sweet Grandma Hillary?
[ Chuckles ]

She'd have done fine in 2008,

but this year, the voters
are not in the mood

for "Steady as she goes."

They're pitchfork angry,

and they don't want
America's Nicest Grandma.

Man: You've been pretty tough
on President Obama, too.

Yeah, I mean,
that's my job,

is to hold their feet
to the fire,

no matter what party
and who's in power.

He's as loved as he is hated,
so he's doing it right.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

Jon Stewart changed the face

of late-night comedy
in America,

and he altered the trajectory
of political humor.

You wonder sometimes
how our government

puts on its pants
in the morning.

[ Laughter ]

Black: The value
of satire and comedy,

when it regards the government,

is important in the sense of,
by finding the funny of --

of the situation
that is happening,

we find the truth.

I was not elected
to serve one party.

You were not elected.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

That was a turning point.

The elections?

Not for the country,

for "Comedy Central."

For us, it was
a turning point, yeah.

Saddam Hussein has gone
to elaborate lengths

to build and keep
weapons of mass destruction.

Litt: It was the first
George W. Bush term.

The Iraq War was just starting.

There was the sense
of everybody

kind of blindly
going toward this thing

and nobody really being
willing to criticize.

And Jon Stewart, he was willing
to call it like he saw it.

Osama bin Laden
declared war on America,

and then came the attacks.

How I wish the administration,

at that time, in those years,
had done something.


Although I think there were
other warnings, too,

that came later.

I believe the title was,

"Bin Laden determined to attack
inside the United States."

Oh, that was it.

I think that was the one.

I think that was the name of it.

He was really adept
at serving it up

to show either hypocrisy,
abuse of power,

and it connected for people.

Is tonight the night
that they exploit 9/11,

or is tonight

inspired, empty promises
for the future?

I love to have a story
broken down for me

in a different way.

The news can get really dark,
the deeper you go.

That's why I loved Jon so much.

That's why I loved
"The Daily Show" so much.

You're doing theater

when you should be doing debate,

which would be great.

What you do is not honest.
What you do is partisan hackery.

You have got to be
kidding me!

You're on CNN!
The show that leads into me

is "Puppets Making
Crank Phone Calls."

What is wrong with you?

Zoglin: All the comedians that
came out of Stewart's shop --

the Larry Wilmores,
the John Olivers,

the Samantha Bees --
they're saying what they feel,

they're very passionate,
they're very pointed,

and often very partisan,

and I think
they make no bones about it.

[ Cheers and applause ]

On this show,
your voice will be heard

in the form of my voice.

[ Laughter ]

'Cause you're looking at
a straight shooter, America.

I tell it like it is,
I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

I will speak to you
in plain, simple English.

And that's brings us
to tonight's word --


What Colbert did
was remarkable,

because he was playing
a very arch character

that was obviously based
on Fox News personalities.

Caution -- You are about to
enter the "No Spin Zone."

This is all an act.

Colbert: You're breaking
my heart, Bill.

I'm sensitive, I'm --
You know, I'm a good citizen --

If you're an act,
then what am I?

[ Laughter ]

But with this character,

he was improvising
everything in real time

from an inverse point of view.

A lot of right wingers
thought that Colbert actually

is a Republican
and he's just cheeky.

They didn't know
that it was a joke.

I mean, come on.

President Bush --

great president or
the greatest president?

He did that classic
satire thing.

"I'm going to make my points
through the other side."

Are you familiar
with what we do here?

I am.

Charles: There are comedians
who have the credibility

and have the ability
to tap into things

that are happening
right this second, you know?

It couldn't be more urgent,

it couldn't be more
on people's minds.

They want somebody
to say something about it.

So we turn to them,
and we're so desperate for it

that it then spills out
into the society also.

Do you think it's fair to say
that the majority of lobbyists

are like, good,
average people and moms?


What are you talking about?

I feel like you're living
in a fantasy world.

Do birds dress you
every morning?

You can say the things
that journalists

literally can't say on camera.

They do have to be
professional about it.

I do not have to be
professional about it.

I am making a comedy show.

My job is much easier.

Political comedy has become

a part of
the mainstream discussion.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Classical music plays ]

I've called you Dick,
and I've called you

Mr. Vice President
and Mr. Nixon.

And I'm sorry.

I shouldn't be so informal
on the air.

What should I --
What would be proper --

What should I call you?

Well, Jack, I wouldn't
really worry about that.

I've been called
everything, so...

[ Laughter ]

The intersection
of politics and comedy,

especially on late night,
is a two-way street.

On the one hand, the audience

and the shows themselves
are interested

to get to know politicians,

but I think that there's a pull

for politicians
to use that vehicle

as a way of
humanizing themselves.

The first job of the candidate
is get elected,

and sometimes you'll see
the most dignified men

do some of the craziest things.

Good evening.
I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not.

Good evening.
I'm Gerald Ford, and you're not.

The public likes to feel

that that individual
who holds the office,

or that individual who's hoping
to achieve the office,

is kind of one of them.

[ Saxophone plays
"Heartbreak Hotel" ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Boyd: When Bill Clinton played
the saxophone on "Arsenio,"

he doesn't look like
a presidential candidate.

He looks like the guy

that would be a guest
on that show.

One of the reasons
Clinton was successful was

he had some ability
to connect with popular culture.

The big man.

[ Crowd cheers ]

Clinton: Since we have
a deficit that's enormous

and that needs
to be brought down,

I think we have to raise
some more money.

You can't raise money
on the middle class,

'cause their taxes went up
and their incomes went down

in the '80s.

Chupack: It's definitely
part of the campaign trail

for a politician
to be on late night,

to be on "SNL."

It's just become
part of the job.

Are you tired of this
campaign at this point?

I know I am.

[ Laughter ]

A lot of what has happened is

we're just more familiar
with our public figures

in all sorts of ways.

The 44th president
of the United States.

Please welcome
President Barack Obama.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Litt: President Obama was
the first sitting president

to go on a late-night talk show.

Now it's inconceivable
that a presidential candidate

wouldn't go on
a late-night talk show.

When is the dog coming?
I keep hearing about the dog.

this is Washington...

[ Laughter ]

...that was
a campaign promise.

Oh, wow! Wow! Man!

[ Cheers and applause ]

No, no, no, no, no.

Politics is,
and always has been,

a performing art.

And it is ego-dominated,

it is needy,
it is narcissistic.

All the going on shows,
this is nothing new.

This is just
a form of baby kissing,

loosening your tie,
rolling up your sleeves

to show you're a regular guy.

Kimmel: I host a talk show,

and I love
having politicians on,

because you can ask them
personal questions.

These are things that
you don't typically see

when they're on "60 Minutes"
or a show like that.

I know you support
states' rights

and legalized marijuana.

You'll also said you've
smoked it a couple times,

and it's not your thing.

What is your thing?
Do you have a thing?

Yeah, my thing
is my grandchildren.

Your grandchildren, yeah.
I have --

You smoke
your grandchildren?!

[ Laughter ]

They want to see that you have
a sense of humor about yourself

and that you're human.

That's all they want to see.

They don't want you to be
a master of dialects.

[ Laughs ]

That's not their idea
of the president.

Comedy shows -- I just don't
see the president

going on one of those.

[ Laughter ]

They're beneath his dignity.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Litt: When President Obama
took office,

the general plan,

if you had a piece of policy
you wanted to pass,

an agenda item,
was either do

a straight news interview
or do a big speech

or some combination
of those things.

And those are still valuable,
but the difference now

is there are just more
tools in the toolbox.

You can create
your own content.

You want to reach audiences

where they're consuming

their information and
their news and entertainment.

Sorry I had to cancel
a few times. I just...

A president is president

in a completely
new media landscape

where you have kids who don't
even watch television anymore.

They're watching stuff
on their mobile devices.

Good to be with you, Zach.

Obamacare was already
sort of vilified

by half the country.

We needed a watercooler
moment to say, "Yes,

we know the website
didn't work,

but it works now."

The president realized
that in order to communicate,

you have to do it
in the venues where people are.

And with "Between Two Ferns,"

you had a program
that, you know,

tens of millions
of people watched.

What is it like to be
the last black president?


What's it like for this

to be the last time
you ever talk to a president?

It must kind of stink,

that you can't run,
you know, three times?

No, actually, I think
it's a good idea.

You know,
if I ran a third time,

it would be sort of like doing
a third "Hangover" movie.

Didn't really work
out very well, did it?

The big thing with it was,

it was actually funny,

and I couldn't believe
that I was actually laughing.

How long has you had that?
Oh, just four months.

Zach, you -- you need to get
that checked right away.

because that --
that's one of

the most disgusting things
I've ever seen.

Is your plug
finally over?

[ Band plays ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

McKay: We need to have
separation from these people.

And I think,
whenever they come on,

it sort of says like,

"Hey, I'm in on the joke,
I'm okay."

And some of these
people aren't okay.

Woman: Trump returns to NBC
this weekend

to host "Saturday Night Live,"

in spite of
growing protests.

When public figures
cross certain lines,

they should lose
their privileges

to host TV shows.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughs ]

Donald Trump, everybody!

Yes, it can humanize people

that some people say
shouldn't be humanized.

Of course, always
half of the people

say that person
shouldn't be humanized.

Aww! Trump can be
a total sweetheart

with someone who has no reason
to be terrified of him.

[ Laughter ]

I notice there were
no cutaway shots to The Roots.

I wonder why.

Network execs...
[ Laughter and applause ]


Litt: Especially now, comedians
have more of a responsibility

because they have
more power than before.

You can reach people
with comedy,

and you know, it all goes back
to "Spider-Man."


You know, with great power
comes great responsibility.

And so I think
more and more comedians

are asking themselves,
"How do I want to use my comedy

for something beyond
just getting a laugh?"

Man: Is there anything to
people giving you a hard time

for being too soft on Trump
with your questions?

Yeah, um, never.

I mean,
have you seen my show?

No, I --
I'm never --

I'm never too hard
on anyone, yeah.

Stay tuned to
"The 1/2 Hour News Hour,"

coming up next, right here
on the Fox News Channel.

And if you don't,
we'll invade your countries,

kill your leaders, and
convert you to Christianity.

[ Laughter ]

Bee: Why camp conservatives
make a funny comedy show,

I don't know.

I do not know.

I'm sure they're just hilarious
in their own way.

"The 1/2 Hour News Hour,"

may offend the following:
the left; the far left;

in fact, anyone
standing to the left...

Whether you're a Tea Party guy

or an Occupy Wall Street guy,

I think that there's
opportunities to find humor.

There's a lot of comedians
on the right side of the aisle

that do a really great job
at it, as well.

Do you think
our Founding Fathers

would have put up
with any of this shit?

They were blowing
people's heads off

because they put a tax
on their breakfast beverage.

[ Laughter ]

Bell: You can be on the right
and just be talking

and not have to identify
yourselves as the right.

What is
the Blue Collar Comedy Tour,

other than
Right-Wing Comedy Tour?

"We need to do something
about the way we live

and we heating up the Earth."
Oh, shut up.

"Well, you seen what happened
in Washington, D. C. --

27 inches of snow.
Explain that."

All right, February.
How's that?

[ Laughter ]

Entertainers tend to be
left-wing in their politics.

And the reason for that is
it's a happier message.

They are audience pleasers,

even those who make a point
of "upsetting" the audience.

As a right-wing hatemonger,

it's fantastic to be
at a big Hollywood shindig

with all these
glittering celebrities

that isn't a fundraiser
for Obama.

Historically, what we would call
right-wing politics

tends to be more about
protecting the status quo.

And I think good comedy is about
attacking the status quo,

questioning it, challenging it,
satirizing it.

[ Light laughter ]

And in just eight years,

I've given you enough
material for 20 years.

Jenkins: The president
does this speech every year

at the White House
Correspondents' dinner.

Historically speaking,
this is the most, like,

disgusting display of elites
in a room together.


It's journalists,
members of Congress,

cabinet members.

And the president
typically does this speech

that makes them all laugh.
So it's all inside jokes.

And they're all kind of
toasting to their power.

It's kind of the worst
of Washington, is this speech.

How about another hand
for the president?

[ Laughter ]

You have this mix of reporters

who know all the ins and outs
of every political story.

Then you have all
these celebrity guests,

and they're coming in
with a totally different sense.

And so figuring out

what's going to appeal
to everyone

is definitely tricky.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen,
here with a special edition

of "The Colbert Report,"
Stephen Colbert.

I think if you show up

at the press correspondents'

you better go for the throat
and you better risk being booed.

And that's what I loved
about what Colbert did.

I believe the government
that governs best

is the government
that governs least.

And by these standards,

we have set up
a fabulous government in Iraq.

[ Laughter ]

Ross: Stephen Colbert

at that White House
Correspondents' dinner,

I watched with deep jealousy.

Here he was, doing
subversive, brilliant humor,

not just about, but to,
a sitting commander in chief.

It's not easy to stand up

in front of
a roomful of people

who you know you're going to
say crazy things about.

It's very difficult.

He delivered it,
and it was fantastic

and we all appreciated it.

I certainly did.

This administration
is not sinking.

This administration is soaring.

If anything,
they are rearranging

the deck chairs
on the Hindenburg.

Russell: I watched it at home,

and they cut away
to the audience,

and they're just...

"Huh? What, what?"

They didn't get the joke.

So you're screwed
from jump street.

But it was his character.

That's what the character does.

What -- Who did you buy?

Thank you very much.
Good night.

Kimmel: I don't know
if it's a good thing

that comedians and politicians
get together in that room,

because I think it
definitely makes you

pull your punches a little bit.

It was Bush's last one.

I was sitting on the dais

and I was going to
open with this joke,

and I got talked out of it
by a lot of people.

"It's so great to be here
with Bush and Cheney,

and all this,
'cause this lineup

won't be seen again
until the trial."

And -- And they said,
"No, don't do that joke."

And I wish I'd done
that fucking joke.

I can't tell you how excited
I am to be here tonight.

Now, I realize many of you
may not share that excitement,

given that you have
no idea who I am.

[ Laughter ]

That's a very odd night,

because I've done it
a couple times.

You know, that's
kind of a tough room.

Even though his poll numbers
are at an historic low,

the speaker
is writing another book.

Once again,
he's taking a $1 advance,

um, not voluntarily.

That's the most he could get.

Black: They're as uptight
as a group can be.

You could do whatever you want
to open a sphincter --

all right? --
and it's not gonna happen.

In Washington, there are people
who live to be offended.

Comedians don't live
to be offended.

They live to offend.

Kimmel: Hosting the White House
Correspondents' dinner

was the most scared
I've ever been as a performer,

with the exception
of my first appearance

on the "Letterman Show."

Mr. President,
you remember --

Remember when the country
rallied around you

in hopes of
a better tomorrow?

That was hilarious.
[ Laughter and applause ]

That was your best one yet.

[ "Hail to the Chief" plays ]

Key: Jordan and I were just
like, "This is not fair.

Obama should be able
to say what he wants,

but because of the climate
of the world

and the racial spectrum

that we live in,
in the United States,

he can't,
so we'll do it for him."

I invited Luther,
my anger translator,

to join me here tonight.
[ Cheers and applause ]

Litt: We knew
that this was something

President Obama
was really going to enjoy.

He may have felt that he could
use an anger translator,

for real, a few times,
and now he actually had one.

We count on the press

to shed light on the most
important issues of the day.

And we can count
on Fox News

to terrify old white people
with some nonsense!

[ Laughter ]

Key: It was amazing,
it was earth-shattering.

The best way to describe
the feeling is "satisfaction."

The nonstop focus
on billionaire donors

creates real problems
for our democracy.

And that's why we running
for a third term!

No, no, no, we're not.
W- We're not?

Who the hell said that?!

[ Laughter and applause ]

Donald Trump is here tonight.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Litt: I had just started
at the White House,

and I got the final draft.

And it had all this new stuff
about Donald Trump

that Judd Apatow and Jon Lovett
had written together.

I just remember thinking
like, "Whoa,

this is going to be
a lot different

than the draft
I saw before that."

Obama: Just recently,

in a episode of
"Celebrity Apprentice,"

you, Mr. Trump,
fired Gary Busey.

[ Laughter and applause ]

And these are
the kind of decisions

that would keep me up at night.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Jenkins: You do find
the correspondents' dinner

where the president
goes up to that line

and doesn't cross it.

And you have folks
who go to that line

and absolutely do cross it.

Donald Trump has been saying
that he will run for president

as a Republican,
which is surprising,

since I just assumed
he was running as a joke.

[ Laughter ]

Apatow: Comedians can say things
that other people can't say.

They're allowed to be furious

in a way
that politicians are not.

At the correspondents' dinner
that Seth Meyers hosted,

I wrote with him on it.

And I thought that we
sort of hobbled Trump,

but it turns out
that's his origin story.

It was that night he apparently
decided to run for president.

So I'm sorry.

I humbly and gratefully accept

your nomination

for the presidency
of the United States.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Well, here we are,
ladies and gentlemen --

the end of the election.

Can you believe it?

What a year tonight has been.

[ Laughter ]

Right now --

I know you guys don't have your
phones or anything in here --

but right now, the election
is too close to call

and too terrifying
to contemplate.

The huge story is that Trump

has outperformed expectations
in early results.

The -- Nay, this one
is a nail-biter

and a passport-grabber.
[ Laughter ]

It's nice to be able to laugh
in the face of something

that you think
is really serious.

You can go down
a crazy rabbit hole of feelings

about certain issues or people.

You need levity.

Man: 6 more electoral votes
for Donald Trump this evening.


He's now on the doorstep
of 270 electoral votes.

Colbert: Wow. Wow.

a horrifying prospect.

I can't put a --
I cannot put a -- a --

I can't put
a happy face on that,

and -- and that's my job.

CNN can report
that Hillary Clinton

has called Donald Trump
to concede the race.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I don't necessarily think
that comedy can change minds,

but I do believe that if
you're on a tipping point,

then you can give
someone ammunition,

and that ammunition
is conversation.

In general, I am hopeful
for President Trump,

because hope is always
the best possible path to take.

And one thing
that makes me hopeful is.

we know from interviews
he's given over the years,

that he has, at any given point,

held every position
on every issue.

He's been pro-choice, pro-life,

for the Iraq War,
against the Iraq War.

Pretty much his only
consistent position

has been anti-Rosie O'Donnell.

[ Laughter ]

If it makes people see things
through a different lens,

that's great.
It's beneficial.

I don't want to say
it's not beneficial.

But if I thought that
that was our main goal,

we would just stop doing jokes
and collapse inwardly.

And please don't even think of
writing something stupid like,

"What a lucky break a Trump
presidency is for comedians.

The jokes just
write themselves."

No, no, no, shut up.

Jokes don't write themselves.

Jews write jokes, and
they are scared shitless.

[ Laughter and applause ]

The only responsibility
is to tell the story correctly,

to get your facts straight,

so that you have
that credibility.

The show is not intended
to [Sighs] make change.

And you know, it's not.

That's not my intention.
That's not my job.

Our job is to do a comedy show
that's interesting.

I think, if a man gets up
and says he's going to lead,

you know, the greatest country
in the world,

180 million people,

he is subject to analysis
and sometimes criticism.

I think that's fair.
After all, he has

the compensation of the country
to play with,

for between
four and eight years.

Alterman: The goal of comedy
is to entertain and be funny,

to tap in to commentary
about what's going on,

either politicians specifically
or media coverage.

That's where it starts
to resonate for people

on a deeper level.

And we're angry and we're crazy
for exactly the same reason,

because the Democrats
make us angry

and the Republicans
make us crazy.

[ Laughter ]

Or switch it around,
if you wish.

[ Laughter ]

Whatever makes you
fucking laugh.

Jenkins: You know,
the power of comedy,

when it comes to politics,
in my opinion,

is just getting people
to pay attention.

Young people generally
don't care about politics,

so when you get them laughing,

hopefully, you're getting them
to the polls,

getting them caring about issues

that they can actually
have an impact on.

But, look, you know what?

I do understand that any country
that lets me run my mouth

the way I do in public
deserves to be saved.

I'm trying.

If you're good,
you are a truth-sayer.

And even though you're
doing it with humor,

you're going
right up to the line,

so it's a very,
very courageous thing to do.

Comedy and politics --
we're married.

It shows the true spirit
of what our democracy is.

You know, we're not afraid

to make fun of the people
that are in power.

I think that's beautiful.

Man: What are your impressions
of the night

that is the White House
Correspondents' --

Do you think
that Donald Trump

will invite me
to be his comedian?

[ Gasping ] Oh!
I can't wait to find out.

You go to the
Democratic Convention,

you got Sarah Silverman
up there being real funny.

And then you go
to the Republican one,

and you're getting Chachi.

Is it Chachi?
I think it was Chachi.

The transition
from comedian to senator

made sense to me.

[ Chuckles ]

Not so much right away

to voters in Minnesota.

I won the first one
by 312 votes,

which, that's funny.

[ Laughs ]