Highlander: The Animated Series (1994-1996) - episodes with scripts
In the post-apocalyptic medieval 27th century, Ramirez mentors young Quentin MacLeod who must seek pacified Immortals, gain their knowledge through a non-lethal form of Quickening, and free the land from the evil Immortal overlord Kortan.
Season 2
- 1. The Sword of Evil
- 2. The Eye of Heaven
- 3. The Price of Freedom
- 4. The Treasure in the Sand
- 5. Orane
- 6. The Secret Prison
- 7. Dead Ringer
- 8. Orion's Reign
- 9. Rage of the Hurricane
- 10. Oblivion
- 11. Lord for a Day
- 12. The Siege of the Dundees
- 13. The Blood of My Enemy
- 14. Valka
- 15. The Survivors from Outer Space
- 16. King of the Ants
- 17. Eagle Valley
- 18. Isle of Grans
- 19. The Revenge of the Shantytown
- 20. Trick of the Light
- 21. The Double
- 22. Cult of the Immortal
- 23. Playing with Fire
- 24. Tricks of the Mind
- 25. Matsuda
- 26. Ice Dwellers
- 27. Countdown