Hierro (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episodio 1 - full transcript

- What happened to you?
- I was exercising. Is she ready?

May I ask where you've been all night?

- You couldn't care less, right?
- I wish.

- Mom, is that dad?
- It's me, I'm here!

Where were you? Can't you see
we're going to be really late?

- Seriously? Why aren't you dressed yet?
- You look lovely. Give me a kiss!

- Get off! No, no!
- Antonio!

- Dad!
- Shit, Antonio!

- Go and get some peroxide!
- No! Go and get dressed!

- Go and get dressed! Wait a minute!
- Will peroxide work?

- Let me see!
- No, look! It's stained.

- Let go of the earring!
- I can't wear it now! Shit!

This afternoon at six,

the livestock farmers cooperative
will hold a meeting at Isora's place.

Two issues will be addressed:
the works on...

What? No way. You said you'd finish
my bathroom and you haven't come.

No, it's urgent and you know it.
I told you, didn't I?

No, that's your problem. Not mine.

If you don't come,
you'll have to face the consequences.

What happened?

Hello, Candela!
Wait, I'll be down in a second.

Look, Candela. This way.

Here's the dispatcher.
Transactors. Legal assistance.

Up here is the public prosecutor,
the coroner, the register.

This is my office.

And that one is yours.

- Does your husband work here?
- No, he's a dentist.

We live in the judge's apartment,
because no one wants it.

They all prefer the coast. Young people
who come here only for a few months.

So we moved in, in the end.

But if you want it...

- Is there an elevator?
- No.

No, don't worry about it.

Why did you decide to come to El Hierro?
They usually send recent graduates here.

- Wait, I'll open it for you.
- It wasn't my choice.

- Wasn't it?
- No, no, no.


Your office.

I don't understand.

Why do we always have to be late?
Always getting ourselves noticed.

Is it impossible to ever arrive on time?
I don't understand.

- The bride always arrives late.
- Right.

We're not late.

- Yes, we're late!
- No.

- Yes.
- No.

- Can you stop that now?
- No, yes...



Don't tell me we can't go through.

Yes, as you wish,
but the groom hasn't arrived yet.



- How is she? Is she nervous?
- Don't give me that. Is he coming or not?

Of course!

Let me see if he answers now.

Yeray, your mother's watching.

- Let her watch.
- Don't be a brute, man.

You could have been more discreet.
That's a big one, man.

- Leave him alone, he's all grown-up.
- Do you think she hasn't seen this before?

- Where is Idaira? Isn't she coming?
- She told me she'd been offered a job.

- What kind of job?
- I don't really know, actually.

She's going to miss the wedding.

Can you imagine Fran not coming
because he got a job too?

- Man, what if he doesn't show up?
- I'll applaud his decision.

- Come on!
- It's bad luck to be on time.

I wonder how Pilar is feeling.


It's me.

There's been a problem
and it won't be sent today.

What the hell happened?

Nothing. It's all solved now.
You'll receive it tomorrow.

- It was for today, boy. Today!
- Right...

So, should we leave?

I'm going to kill him. Son of a bitch.

Asunción. Shall we go get him?

- Please.
- Yeah, let's go.

He's not going to come.

Yes, he is going to come.






If he's still in bed,
I'll drag him out by his hair.


Don't worry, it's OK. Give me your hand.

Stay calm.


- Is everything okay?
- Everything's fine here, ma'am,

- you have nothing to worry about.
- That's great, Idaira. What a fright.

And please don't call me ma'am.
I'll be there soon.

What a welcome, right?


- shall we continue?
- Yes, of course.

Let's see, Candela,
none of this is really urgent.

The most pressing one is this here,
about La Bajada. It's coming up.

- La Bajada?
- The Virgin's Descent, our main festivity.

It's held every four years.

Look it up on the Internet. It's amazing.
The last one ended like a battlefield.

They should reach an agreement
before the hearing.

Then talk to the prosecutor
and let them sort it out.

Well, that's for me to decide, OK?

Of course, yes.

We've had enough now! Should we leave?

What are you doing? Pilar, Pilar!

How are you, Díaz? How's it going?

I'm having a blast.

Not even an earthquake will wake him up.
Did you see him yesterday?

What the hell did you guys do yesterday?

Just the usual stuff.

You didn't put him in the ferry
or some shit like that?

Come on, Pilar, we wouldn't.

Give me your phone.

- What for?
- What do you think?

It's been off all morning, Pili.

Someone is a bit tense.

This subscriber is unavailable...

The Civil Guard. Something's wrong.




Your Honor.

- Why does everyone know who I am?
- El Hierro is small.

If they know who I am,
why do they call you and not me?

Your Honor.

Sergeant Alejandro Morata,
judicial police.

Candela Montes, judge of El Hierro.
Remind me to give you my number.

- Is it this way?
- Yes, it's this way.

You've been lucky,
he hasn't been in the water for long.

The fish had only started
to nibble on his hair.

I can see that,
but I thought he had drowned.

He doesn't look like a drowned man to me.

Have you checked if his watch is working?

Yes, it's still working.

Where was he found?

He was hidden in an underwater cave.
Braulio found him by chance.

- How did you get him out of the water?
- I did it myself.

- The Civil Guard should have done that.
- Braulio is one of my men.

Your Honor.

Have you called the GEAS
to inspect the cave?

They're on their way,
but things move at a different pace here.

I've noticed.

- Any ID on him?
- Francisco Padrón. Fran.

- Did you know him?
- He was getting married this very morning.

- Is it a usual scuba-diving area?
- No, not really.

But I saw something out there and...

Whoever did this didn't think
we'd find him so quickly.

Let's deal with this before it gets out.

I'm afraid everybody on the island knows.

And who told them?
Am I really the last one to find out?

When I got out of the water, I saw
Venancio fishing. It was probably him.

- Welcome to El Hierro.
- Tell me it's not him! Get off!

Get off!

Tell me it's not Fran!
Tell me it's not Fran!

- Pilar, Pilar...
- Get out of my way!

You can't go down there.

- Pilar, listen to me.
- No!

Pilar, please! Pilar!

Braulio, get these people out of here.


Come on, out, everybody. Now.

Your daughter is fine.
She needs to rest now.

I'll come back later
with the prescription.

Could you tell us
if he slept at home last night?

No, he didn't sleep at home.

Our first line of investigation is Díaz,
the bride's father.

And why is that?

He lied, his wife told us
he didn't sleep at home. He has no alibi.

He scuba-dives, he had the opportunity...
But, above all, he had a motive.

Which motive?

Your Honor, wouldn't you prefer
to talk in your office?

And why would he kill him?
Good afternoon.

Díaz hated Fran.

Having one of his employees marry
his daughter didn't make him happy.

I don't think it's that strange.

Díaz can get very violent
if he doesn't like something.

So, his reputation isn't very good?

Not on this island.

But going as far as killing someone...

He's done it before.


He got ten years.

It was in the Peninsula.

Then, he was released
and he married a local.

And where is he now?

He's at the hospital with his daughter.
She's had a panic attack.

Your Honor, we're really doing all we can.
If anything comes up, I'll call you.

I prefer to be close to the investigation
and watch your work.

If you're one of those who hates having
the judge nearby, you're out of luck.

- Your Honor.
- Your Honor.

Good afternoon.

I want to be informed
of who arrives and leaves this island.

So set up checkpoints
and if you need backup...

No, no. That's not necessary.

There's only one ferry trip
and a few planes per day.

Nobody can leave El Hierro unnoticed.

In that case, it's even easier.
Find the people linked to Fran.

- Linked to him?
- Yes.

Your Honor, this is a small island.
We're all linked to each other.

If we do what you say,
it'll kick up a stink.


Could you open the trunk, please?

Good afternoon. Papers, please.

OK, open the trunk for me, please.

Damn it, Méndez!
Are we going to be here all day?

Judge's orders.
If you have a complaint, talk to her.

Hey, what did you tell them?

The truth, that you didn't sleep at home.

Shit, thanks.

Darling, as things stand, I'm not going
to risk getting into trouble for you.

It's not Fran's house.

It's the bride's.

- But they were living here?
- Yes. For the past few weeks.

It's the house where Elvira,
Díaz's wife, was born.

They renovated it for their daughter
as a wedding present.

- So her parents live elsewhere?
- Yes, of course.

This is a humble, traditional house.

Not enough for Díaz.

Not enough for Elvira either.

Nobody slept here last night.

Pilar, the bride, stayed at her parents'.
He went out and never came back.

The coroner has found traces
of cocaine, alcohol and hash.

He was with his friends on his stag.

At 2 a.m., he said he was going home.
And nobody saw him again.

He must have died
around 4 or 5 a.m., no sooner.

If the weapon was a machete, we should
pull that thread. It's not common, is it?


You can buy one in any shop for 15 euros.

To work at the banana plantations,
to clear your plot of land...

Please, that phone!

It's not mine.

It's here.



They hung up.

I thought the victim had it on him
when he died.

He did have one, better than this one.

Let's see what the lab can get off it.
It had been in the water for many hours.

It won't get to Madrid until tomorrow.

Are you sure, Nazario?

Why would I tell you if I wasn't?

I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

So, you say it was 3:15 when you saw him.

Yes, roughly.

And how do you know it was Díaz?

Well, first I saw his car,
which I know well,

and then I saw him
go into his daughter's house.




I'm going to put the kettle on.
Do you want a tea, a mint one?

I don't want anything.

- You have to rest, Pilar.
- Did you have something to do with it?


What happened to Fran.

Was it you?

You're not asking that seriously.

Antonio, let her rest.

- Yes.
- It's Méndez, can you speak now?

Yes, what the hell is wrong?

They're going after you.
They'll arrest you for Fran's murder.


What's up, boss?

- Boss...
- What?

- They're asking for you.
- Díaz. You have to come with us.

- What for? I'm busy right now.
- You're under arrest.

Do you need me to read you your rights?
You have the right to remain silent...

- I know them already, Morata, I know them.
- Great.

Eight hundred twenty-five and forty,

a gas station receipt,
a wristwatch, a wedding ring,

a prepaid cell phone
and a black leather belt,

Sign there.


Is there anything I should know?

- Do you know what they know?
- I have an urgent job for you.

- That son of a bitch, Fran...
- Don't talk like that!

That fucking son of a bitch, Fran, left me
in the lurch yesterday with a shipment.

Why are you telling me this now?
Let's focus.

I need you to hide it. It's...

We have some phone recordings...


Here I am.

It was the Council.
They're angry because of the ferry thing.

Okay. Let's start. Good afternoon,
Mr. Antonio Díaz Martínez.

Good afternoon.

You are here because you are a suspect
in an alleged homicide.

You are being assisted by the counsel
you appointed, Mr. Bernardo Valcárcel.

You have, as you know,
the right not to testify,

not to plead guilty,
not to admit the facts,

not to answer the questions you are asked,

to answer only those of your attorney,
or to answer some and some others not.

Do you understand?

We can't transcribe your gestures.
Do you understand?

- I understand.
- Fine. Are you going to testify?

That's the idea, right?

I don't know, since you refused
to speak to the Civil Guard...

- I don't trust them.
- But you trust me?

You've just landed on El Hierro.

You are not biased.

You look like a qualified woman.

I'm aware of my reputation on this island.

People think I killed Fran.

And did you do it?

Damn it, Your Honor, it was going so well.

Did you?

Of course not.

Could you take these off?

No, we're going to leave them on for now.
What happened to your hand?

A scratch.

Get the coroner to examine him.

Why do they think you killed him?

I'm not the most popular guy
on the island.

I say what I think. I like punctuality.

I keep my promises
and I also want others to do the same.

That's how I did well on this island.
As an outsider, they didn't like that.

You'll find out for yourself.

That's why they think you killed him?
Because you're an outsider?

I made a mistake in the past.

Do you mean this sentence for homicide?

A sentence that has been fully served,
Your Honor.

They also say you didn't like Fran.

And they're right about that.


He was a bastard.

A bastard
that was going to marry your daughter.

We all make mistakes when we're young.

My daughter
was going to make a very big one.

In the long run,
she'll be better off this way.

If you didn't like Fran,
why was he working for you?

One thing doesn't rule out the other.

Where were you last night?

At home.

Your wife hasn't said that.

We sleep in separate bedrooms.

It's bad for alibis,
but very good for a peaceful home.

I didn't kill him.

A witness says he saw you in front
of Fran's and your daughter's house,

at 3:15 in the morning.

He must have mistaken me for someone else.
And it's only Pilar's house.

- I want you to listen to this.
- What is it?

The telephone company has given us
a record of the calls in Fran's phone.

Apparently, last night you called him
seven times, but he didn't pick up.

However, a voice message
was recorded at 2:58.

Ángela, please.

Where the fuck are you?
Do you think I'm an idiot?

If you don't turn up, when I catch you,
I'm going to beat you to death.

Or do you think you can do fuck all?
Here, you do as I say!

That's how this works.

Or else, I'll smash your head in,
you fucking son of a bitch!

As we were saying:

I didn't like Fran at all.

That recording proves my defendant
didn't know where the victim was.

Did you notice, Your Honor?

Stay calm, we'll solve this.

Do you think Elvira will change
her testimony? That would help...

You solve the other problem
or else I'm screwed.

- Okay?
- Okay, Díaz.


- Son of a bitch!
- Murderer!



Why don't you put that away?

- Because they're worried about me.
- So do I, that's why I'm telling you.

What's going to happen now?

There will be a trial,

but they'll have to gather evidence.
And all that takes time.

I'll stay. Until everything's cleared up
and you figure out what to do.

There's no hurry.

Aren't you going to Tenerife?

I won't leave you on your own.

Someone has to look after the greenhouse.

Do you think
he had something to do with it?

No. I don't think so.


sometimes, your father
doesn't know when to stop.

But I don't know.

How are you? How are things?
Have you had any problems?

Everything's fine.

Have you been crying?

Did anything happen with Nico?

- Idaira, what's wrong?
- Sorry, it's not because of Nico.

It's about Fran.

The victim?

Did you know him?

I'm really sorry.

At least you caught Díaz, didn't you?

One day you'll tell me
how everyone on this island

finds out everything
before it even happens.

El Hierro is small.
Everybody knows everything here.

And the bathroom?
Let's see what these pricks have done.

- Shit!
- They're coming tomorrow.

I told them we couldn't wait.

One of them is my cousin.

Great... I take back the word "pricks".

Let's see, Nico.

How was your day? Do you like Idaira?

You smell really good.
How did you bathe him?

Bit by bit. Then we went for a walk.

Did you go for a walk?

That's good.



Quiet! Shut up and listen, will you?

Thank you, Gumersindo.

I don't want to take up much of your time.

I just want to say
that there's nothing to worry about.

- Everything's going to continue as usual.
- With the boss in the can?

If anyone wants to quit...

Otherwise, we'll continue
as any other day.

Any questions?

- Gumer, what's going to happen to Díaz?
- That's none of your business.

Or mine.

But, if the boss isn't here...

If the boss isn't here,
then I'm the boss now.


- Everything clear?
- Yeah, yeah.

Let's get back to work.

If you don't finish what you've started
this morning, you can forget about it.

No, I don't care!
I need that bathroom now!

I'll have to call someone from Tenerife.

What do you think?
Can you understand my handwriting?

When did you write these notes?

I've just finished. I want the rest
of the day to witness the search.

One of the Council ministers is waiting
to talk about La Bajada.

It'll only be a minute.

- I can't see him now.
- Just a minute, Candela, please.

If it's about La Bajada, have a look
at the file. You'll see what I thought.

- If you told me what you're looking for...
- They don't know.

We're looking for any evidence to prove
your husband's guilt or innocence.

Elvira, you don't have to say anything.

You should be at home.

I'm worried about my business.

Our business.


Sergeant, please.

Your Honor,
could we postpone the rest of the search?


To avoid interrupting
the work in the greenhouse.

If it could be done during lunch break
or at the end of the day...

- Don't worry.
- Your Honor!

Your Honor?

Can you all come with me, please?

We seem to have found
something suspicious.

What are you laughing about, idiot?

Do you think this is funny?

- Díaz...
- Why don't you fucking go home to laugh?

- Díaz...
- Didn't you hear me?

- Do I have to put the cuffs back on?
- Go home, I said!

- Díaz...
- Yeah, yeah.

And, if anyone wants to join him,
be my guest!

Is it your first time
on a banana plantation, Your Honor?


I'm going to tell you something
that will catch your interest.

They only breed once.

They only bear fruits once and that's it.

- Just once.
- Concentrate on the search.

My lawyer is doing that.

You're a newcomer, I'd rather
tell you things about this island.

Trying to suck up to me?

If it's of any use...

Díaz. The key?

No fucking idea.

Does it die?


The banana plant,
after bearing fruits, does it die?

Not on its own, no.

What use is a banana plant
without bananas?

We're checking all the security cameras.

I think tomorrow
we'll have the bank records.

And the data from the phone as well.
The phones, I mean.

We're talking to everyone, Your Honor.

Checking who has a scuba-diving license...

I talked to your boss.

Did you?

What for?

He said he can't send more officers.
They've got their hands full in Tenerife.

In the south. Lebanese Mafia, he said.


It's pretty complicated over there.

I think we can manage on our own.

We'll see.

Your Honor, this isn't the first murder
committed on El Hierro.

When was the last one?

Four and a half years ago.

- Stop! Brake!
- What's wrong?

Reverse, please.

- Stop!
- What did you see?

I don't know. If you don't go back,
I won't be able to see it.

Your Honor, wait here.

Civil Guard!

Is there anybody in the house?

Your Honor, wait!

Your Honor,

next time I tell you to wait,
please do as I say.


Is it safe to talk here?

It would be a crime if anyone listened in.

- You're a bastard.
- Why?

I got the impression
that you hadn't moved anything.

I didn't do it. I couldn't.

But then, who did?


Díaz, forget about that and focus.

It had to be sent today
and I don't even know where it is!

Díaz, they're going
to accuse you of murder!

I didn't do it! For fuck's sake!

I'm not going to change the ruling,
the approach doesn't make sense.

But that's going to delay everything.
The previous judge...

The previous judge
didn't have a fucking clue.

He was fresh out of school,
and they fooled him.

Be careful, Candela.
You'll turn the whole island against you.

It's absurd that there's so much fuss
about a procession.

It isn't "a procession"!
La Bajada is far more than that.

If you interfere with La Bajada,
no one will accept you here.

- Well, I didn't ask to come to El Hierro.
- I know, I know.

You should drop the attitude.

I'm a bit too old for that.

That's it.

Let's go.

There you go. Lie down here a bit.

Mom's going to help you. That's it.

That's it.

- What do you want?
- Excuse me. You're the judge, aren't you?

- Who are you? What are you doing here?
- I...

I wanted to know
when I'm getting him back.

Excuse me?

My grandson, Fran.

When are they giving him to me?

- I couldn't tell you.
- Isn't it your decision?

I just want to bury my grandson.

I'll talk to the coroner,
but I can't promise you anything.

Excuse me.

Why didn't you ring?


Why did you try
to open the door without ringing?

On El Hierro, nobody locks the door.

It was a misunderstanding.

I don't want any problems with Díaz.

Really, it was just that.

A misunderstanding. I swear.