Heroes Reborn (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 11 - Send in the Clones - full transcript
Luke and Malina unite to rescue Tommy and save mankind in the wake of Noah's vanishing. Tommy and Miko team up against Erica. At the Sundtone Manor a battle rages to free prisoners under Matt Parkman's control.
Previously on
Heroes Reborn...
The planet is changing.
No matter how we deny it.
Do they have any idea
what's really coming?
So, the question arises,
how do we ensure our survival
in the dark days?
FARAH: You're not alone,
You'll have help.
Why are we
rounding up Evos?
To save our species.
The world as we
know it is ending.
I know.
You believe in your
grandmother's visions,
but you and your
sister can't stop this.
Lately I have been plagued
with dreams...
Fire raining down,
blood everywhere,
and the twins
saving the world
under a clock tower
in Odessa,
NOAH: How much longer
do we have?
When the magnetic
poles shift,
animal migration patterns
will be disrupted.
Birds, butterflies,
all flying
in the wrong direction.
And eventually
the Northern Lights
will appear further south
than ever before.
Meet mankind's
greatest hope.
Right now I have to get you
and your sister to Odessa.
SURESH: Destiny, while marching
ever in our direction,
can be rerouted by
the choices we make.
ERICA: The fate of
the entire world
depends on us
getting this right today.
What if I don't
have the strength?
ERICA: Then I suggest
you find it.
Or that brother that's
been looking for you?
When the world ends,
he's going to burn
right along with it.
QUENTIN: You used
my sister's shadow
to dampen everyone
at the summit's powers.
Then you blew them
all up.
SURESH'. Who Will live?
Who Will die?
And who among us will inherit
this brave new world?
Come on!
Somethin' big's comin'.
Something big's comin'.
We're receiving more reports
of severe and unpredictable
weather in the Midwest.
The southern Illinois city
of Carbondale
is being hammered by
a powerful electrical storm.
Fires have broken out
in several parts of the city.
The Illinois...
My grandfather
would never leave me.
He promised we
would do this together.
How could he have
just disappeared?
If that car hit him,
where's his body?
Malina, we can
try and find him.
I can circle back,
we can see if there's...
There's too much
at stake.
He wouldn't have wanted me
to go backwards.
I bet that woman who was hunting
me, Erica Kravid, took him.
I know she took Tommy. My brother
and I need to be in Odessa.
Whatever you have to
do, whatever it takes,
I'm gonna be right
there with you, okay?
So, what's our timeframe, how
long before this thing hits?
Two days.
Oh, two days,
plenty of time.
Okay, Tommy's been
taken to Midian, Colorado,
which means that's our
first stop (BEEPING)
and then we get
you two to Odessa.
What? Piece of cake.
All right, here we go.
You shoot fireballs
out of your hands.
Why do you need
a gun and bullets?
Well, because my powers are
unreliable without the sun,
so if we have to
fight at night,
we're gonna need
insurance, right?
We are in Missouri, after all, loan
get you your own gun if you want one.
Hmm. No need.
I have a 24-hour power.
I wanna get this.
It kinda reminds me of Farah.
Shoppers, attention, please.
We are sold out of bottled
water and survival food packs.
Oh, man. We still have
some water, but...
All these people,
loading up on supplies
for the storm of the century,
they have no idea
what's really happening.
We do have water containers
on our back isle.
Limit one per
customer, please.
HARRIS: This was in Bedford,
Missouri, a few hours ago.
Oh, they think that Bennet's
grandson is in Midian.
That's where
they're headed.
Weather has closed portions of the
freeway that gets them there.
If we can get here before they
do, we can intercept them.
Can't wait to kill
that little bitch.
Bennet knows we'll
be coming after them.
We'll have to surprise them.
Maybe we could take the girl alive.
Bring her back to Renautas.
She could be
super-valuable, alive.
Erica made her
wishes clear as crystal.
Terminate with
extreme prejudice.
I'm not really clear
on how you can
terminate someone
with mild prejudice,
but l guess
that's not the point.
Then what is
the point, Quentin?
She isn't that
much younger than you.
This doesn't
bother you at all?
Not even a little.
It bothers me.
Are we going to
have a problem?
PHOEBE: Are we, Q?
No. We're good.
Who are you?
Why did you try
and rescue me?
It is my mission to free the
Master of Time and Space.
How did you even get here?
I don't know.
Who sent you
on this mission?
My father,
Hachiro Otomo.
Wait. Why are you looking
at me like that?
9th Wonders, you're...
You're Katana Girl!
MIKO: How is this possible?
My mom said that
these comic books
foretold my
father's future.
Mine, too, I guess.
Why am I in it?
You're connected to us. You must
play a part in saving the world.
What's happening to you?
I am not real.
You're not real?
We gotta move!
Let's go.
Has the Eternal Fortress
been rebuilt?
Almost. I just need
a little more time.
There is not
much left, Hachiro.
I realize that.
Do you?
Because your
digital spawn
freed Hiro Nakamura and
destroyed the Fortress,
and somehow
ended up here.
I have had to rely
on my powers of persuasion
to keep that teenage teleporter
on a very tenuous leash.
And once again, Katana Girl has
managed to get in the way.
That's the thing about constructs.
They are single-minded.
The only thing
keeping you alive right now
is the fact that you're
the only one capable
of fixing the problem
you created.
I know that.
Do your job.
Or I will kill your
daughter in front of you
and then
I'll kill you.
Hello, Sunstone residents.
Time to dig deep and
find that happy place.
You are stronger
than you think,
and worthier than you believe.
Visualize the place where
you are the most at peace.
Your happy place,
a beautiful place.
Today, nobody is in charge of
your happiness but you. (PANTS)
How many
are out there?
I don't know.
CARLOS: What the hell
is happening?
My mother's sick plan.
Bagging and tagging Evos.
Downloading their
powers into tech.
It's more
than that.
She's prepping
for Armageddon.
The earth
is going to burn.
That job I took,
the last time I saw you?
It was to keep a girl
hidden from Renautas.
Her name is Malina.
She and her brother
are Evos
who can stop
the H.E.L.E.
Then we need to find these two.
Now, how do we start?
There's someone here who can
help our cause. Micah Sanders.
All right.
Let's split up, then.
You guys deal
with Parkman.
We'll grab my nephew, Father
Mauricio and this Micah.
Let's go.
Let's go.
FARAH: He's one of the Truthers.
I had him.
Sunstone guests,
let my voice guide you
to your happy place.
Over here, come on.
Find your center
and settle there.
Serenity is our goal.
Cooperation is our purpose.
Find your center
and settle there.
It's gotta be one
of these, right?
Your guess is
as good as mine.
Serenity is our goal.
Not anymore.
Cooperation is our...
What are you doing?
Evening the odds.
FARAH: What the hell is that?
Helps me keep up
with you Evo types.
Did you build it?
It looks like...
What are those
Mexican wrestlers called?
Family tradition.
Grandfather started it.
Legend has it, he refused
a bribe to throw a match.
What happened?
Got his legs broken.
I thought he was
a crazy old man,
but now I know
why he refused.
Because sometimes
you have to stand up
for something
bigger than yourself.
Even if it means
getting your legs broken.
But I'm guessing
you already knew that.
Now, let's go
kick some ass.
Yes, I understand
we're under siege,
but if they can't hear me,
I can't control them.
Now, get a security
guard to take you down
to the control room,
and just fix it.
I thought
that was you, Rene.
Where is
Micah Sanders?
You just... You turn down your
mojo and I'd be happy to tell you.
You used to be a good man.
A family man.
I used to be. Then my
family walked out on me.
But I don't blame 'em.
Families break up. It's sad.
Doesn't justify what you're doing.
Yeah, well, they couldn't
take my self-loathing.
Let me ask you
a question.
You have any idea what it's like
to hear everyone's thoughts
night and day?
All the pettiness,
the misery, cruelty...
I have created a place here
where everyone's happy.
They all appreciate me.
They don't have a choice.
I have been given an opportunity
to do something good,
to save humanity.
You sound like my mother.
I have given us all a
purpose, all of us.
We play a role
in preserving the future,
and you should
understand that.
No, I don't.
You know what
I get in return, huh?
I get the ability to make
this up to my family.
I've earned the golden ticket
to the future. (CHUCKLES)
Don't fool yourself. You're not going.
No Evo is.
Not unless they're
plugged into a pod.
I'm on the list.
She owes me.
She lied. My boyfriend,
he's an Evo.
She used him,
just like she's using you.
Matt, join us.
With the help of Micah,
we can defeat her.
Time to go home, Rene.
Just walk away.
Hand me the gun.
Where are you going?
And you. Either your mother
lives up to her promises,
or you're gonna die here
just like everybody else.
MIKO: Tell me what else
the comic book says.
That's the guy who took
my father, and my sword.
He's why Ren and I
came to America.
My partner.
My only friend.
My father said you will send
me on my final mission.
This must be it.
TOMMY: It's called
Sunstone Manor.
I'm dying. You have to send me there.
So I can play my part.
How am I gonna convince Erica
that I got rid of you?
Are you ready?
If you see Ren, tell him
that I loved him, too.
I will.
Good luck.
What happened to the girl?
TOMMY: She was going to kill you.
I had to take her.
Where is she?
She disappeared.
Did she say anything?
Yeah, she did.
But it was all
in Japanese.
How about we go
back to the present
and you show me how I'm
gonna send everyone here
before the H.E.L.E.
kills us all?
Take us back to Gateway. Odessa, Texas.
Otomo, then us.
You'll save
everyone there first.
We're not here
to hurt you.
We shut off
the director's voice,
he has no more power over you.
You're free.
We need your help to get out of here.
The place is surrounded.
CARLOS: I need
to find my nephew.
He's 12.
Name's Jose.
We're also looking
for Micah Sanders.
He's in the isolation unit.
Thank God,
you're alive.
What can we do?
There's an army outside.
Everyone meet
at the front door.
Come on.
Tell me, Taylor,
what is it with you
and Mommy, huh?
Come on, tell me!
Why do you hate her
so much? Why?
ERICA: This whole thing is
about your friend, Francis?
TAYLOR: You didn't tell me he
was locked in the basement
wired up in some kind of pod
along with all those other Evos.
Okay. Okay.
So, Mommy
betrayed you, huh?
She didn't approve
of a man that you loved.
I need something else,
come on.
Come on, dig! Dig!
A baby? What about a baby?
What about a baby? A baby.
Erica doesn't know
about the baby, does she?
Okay. All right,
see, that I can use.
My family is
going to the future,
or Erica doesn't
meet her grandchild.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, it's time to go,
now, Taylor, okay?
Now, you are gonna be
a good girl.
There you go.
We'll take Ms. Kravid.
Yeah, I don't think so.
All right,
we're clear, let's go.
JOSE: Tio Carlos?
ls that you?
Jose? Jose,
where are you?
JOSE: Tio Carlos.
I'm scared.
Jose, I'm here.
Just tell me
where you are.
All right, we're gonna
help save these people
and we're gonna get
out of here. Okay?
This is Farah,
she's with us.
All right, we need to
find the isolation unit.
It's at the other end of the compound.
I can take you there.
I'll go out,
organize our defense.
Got 'em.
What the hell
is this?
I think
I recognize them.
LUKE: Who? Who are they?
Erica Kravid's people.
We need to go.
Yeah, out.
Into the cornfield, now.
LUKE: Malina,
give us some cover.
Shut it down, Phoebe!
It's not working.
What's happening?
I can't heat up.
It's the girl.
She's a power blocker.
That's how they shot Farah.
The same darkness
I saw at the Summit.
Okay, okay.
Go, go, go to the barn
at the edge of the field.
Wait there.
No. I'm the one
they're after.
This isn't your destiny.
You don't know that. How are
you going to defend yourself?
You don't have
your power.
You can't block a Glock.
Now go. Please.
It looks just like
the future
It's amazing what
the mind can accept
if it's wrapped in
a familiar package.
All these people.
They have no idea
what's coming, do they?
No. No, we can't
risk mass panic.
How'd you get
them to come here?
We tracked down the
best and the brightest.
We offered them research
grants, high-paying jobs...
Money. Of course.
That they'll
never be able to use.
Sometimes you have to deceive
people for their own good.
I could never
tell these people
that I had their genomes
mapped for specific markers.
But one day, when I've ensured
a healthy population,
they'll understand
the deception.
I'd like to see
my mom now.
(PANTING) Stand clear.
Has to be him.
QUENTIN: You okay?
I'm fine.
Phoebs, we're on
the same team.
Stop distracting me.
What's going on?
Shut up.
Make it quick.
Whoa! Whoa!
Drop the gun.
You're that Odessa guy. You're the
one who stole Noah Bennet's car.
You killed all those
people at Primatech.
You shot me.
My wife
wanted to kill you.
I told her not to.
It was one of the few
things she was right about.
Gotta love second chances.
You're on the wrong
side, buddy.
You don't know
what you're doing.
Where's Bennet?
Why are you running the show?
Bennet's gone.
Why are you worried so much
about Bennet anyway?
You should be
worried about yourself.
If you even think
about pulling that trigger,
I will roast you faster
than your buddy over here.
How committed are you? You
willing to die for your side?
Don't do it.
That's right.
Malina, shunt her please.
Now you're going to
answer some questions.
Storm evacuees, please go
to the information window
for temporary
housing assignments.
If your name is on
the transfer list,
please alert any Renautas employee
to receive your travel kit.
Once you receive your kit,
please proceed to the Gateway
Annex for further instructions.
I didn't think
I'd ever see you again.
(SIGHS) We had
to leave Carbondale.
What, why?
What happened?
There was a fire after a
huge electrical storm.
And for some reason, we were
the only ones evacuated.
Can you imagine that?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Thank you.
I guess we owe our lives
to Ms. Kravid.
She's the one who arranged
for us to come here.
No. You're here because Tommy
wanted you to be here.
I'm very grateful to be reunited
with my son, Ms. Kravid.
But I have a lot
of questions.
And I'll need some answers
if you want Tommy's help.
I understand.
If I could just
borrow him again,
I will return him to you with
answers to your questions.
I know I've tried
to keep you from it,
but you can't run away
from your true destiny.
Hey. It's okay.
I'll see you soon.
You trust me,
don't you?
Because I'm trusting you with the
future of the entire human race.
And I'd like to show you
how you're going to save it.
MALINA: Where is my brother?
Where is he?
I've seen your work.
At the Summit.
You murdered thousands of
innocent people, didn't you?
My son was one of them.
Go ahead. Shoot me.
Phoebe was just the gun.
Erica Kravid
pulled the trigger.
You know that.
Noah Bennet knew that.
He's right, Luke.
Where is her brother?
Keep your
mouth shut, Quentin.
And just like that,
I'm out of patience.
You're not gonna
want to watch this.
He's in the future.
With Erica.
He's on our side
now, man.
He's gonna take us over to the
other side before the end comes.
From where?
QUENTIN: Odessa.
Gateway. I've seen it.
It's the only thing
we've got, man.
Give me one reason I shouldn't
waste her right now.
Because Erica
still has Tommy.
You have enough regrets.
Do you really need more?
MALINA: We'll take them
with us.
We're gonna figure out
what to do with them later.
TOMMY: I don't understand.
What is it?
Welcome aboard.
I'm so glad
you're joining us.
Hop in.
I'll explain.
ERICA: Tommy, this is Richard,
my lead scientist.
RICHARD: The machine will
amplify your power
and run it through
the conduits,
allowing you to send
anyone who's wearing
one of these
to the future in an instant.
That's a lot of watches.
Well, Renautas has poured
billions into this.
We've sent them
all over the world.
We can't force
people to join us,
but we can give them
the opportunity to.
MAN: Ms. Kravid.
Phone for you.
(SIGHS) Yes.
Sunstone's been compromised. Matt
Parkman went rogue. He has Taylor.
Do you know where
he's taking her?
My guess is
he'll come to you.
And we have another problem.
Otomo's daughter is here.
He's playing both sides.
What would you like me to do?
You take care of the girl.
Tommy's my problem.
Stand back.
Tio, someone's coming.
VVater to wine, flesh to
powder, we do what we can.
No, no!
I'll get help.
It's okay.
CARLOS: No, no, no, no, no.
JOSE: Uncle Carlos?
Just stay back there, okay?
Everything's okay.
You okay?
We're gonna get you
out of here.
Seems like you got
a big job ahead of you.
Hell, yeah.
I need a computer.
We should move. Everyone's
assembled at the front door.
Where's Jose?
Just give me a second.
I don’t want him
to see him like this.
Jose, it's okay.
We have to go. Come on.
The other thing
I should mention?
There's some sword-wielding
Japanese girl outside
handling the clones
all by herself.
HARRIS: This battle is mine.
I have been looking forward to this.
Because you don't quite
seem to be all here.
Know this, Miko-san,
after I'm finished
putting your lights out,
I'm going to
kill the real you,
and then your father.
Now, game over.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Who are you?
I was Katana Girl.
MICAH: Every piece
of misinformation,
Erica disseminated
through me.
Every bit of truth
she wanted hidden, I hid.
There's a lot to undo.
Tell us what you know.
First thing you need
to understand is that
two massive solar flares
are coming tomorrow.
At 11:18 a.m.
and 11 :53 a.m.
The first will destroy
North America.
And the second will wipe
out all of humanity.
My God.
And nobody knows.
If word gets out, there will
be mass panic and riots.
People will kill each other.
Wouldn't be much of a world
left to save.
We can stop it, right?
Your girl, Malina,
and her brother can stop it.
Yeah, that's the plan.
Okay. I've connected to every
live media outlet in the world.
Are we ready?
(ON PA) My name is Micah- Some
of you know me as Hero Truther.
You have been fed
a pack of lies
by the head of Renautas,
Erica Kravid.
She drove the wedge between
Evos and non-Evos.
And I can prove it.
Despite humans being the
dominant species on this planet,
12 brothers and sisters
managed to change
the compass today.
Erica, how was that? I feel like I
could be stronger on that last line.
I need you to be
more threatening.
The world needs
to be terrified of you
and every single Evo
or we fail.
Try again.
Phil, you're losing him.
PHIL: Sorry, Erica.
I'm a little tired.
Take a break.
Lies and deception,
all of it.
Evos and non-Evos, you were
meant to share this world.
Now it's time for us all to stand
together and fight to save our planet.
Take her handcuffs off.
They're not necessary.
What a pleasure
to finally meet you, Joanne.
What the hell
am I doing here?
You know who I am?
We've been tracking you
for quite a while now.
You did this?
You changed the headlines.
So you could
continue your work.
They say that you're
responsible for June 13th.
But why should
that surprise you?
We both know what
they're capable of.
I'm a mother, too.
And I know the pain Evos
have brought into our world.
What you have
accomplished on your own
is admirable.
What if I said
I could provide you
with an opportunity
to make a real difference?
Your next target.
She has a new protector,
but I think that will make the
assignment even more enticing.
Heroes Reborn...
The planet is changing.
No matter how we deny it.
Do they have any idea
what's really coming?
So, the question arises,
how do we ensure our survival
in the dark days?
FARAH: You're not alone,
You'll have help.
Why are we
rounding up Evos?
To save our species.
The world as we
know it is ending.
I know.
You believe in your
grandmother's visions,
but you and your
sister can't stop this.
Lately I have been plagued
with dreams...
Fire raining down,
blood everywhere,
and the twins
saving the world
under a clock tower
in Odessa,
NOAH: How much longer
do we have?
When the magnetic
poles shift,
animal migration patterns
will be disrupted.
Birds, butterflies,
all flying
in the wrong direction.
And eventually
the Northern Lights
will appear further south
than ever before.
Meet mankind's
greatest hope.
Right now I have to get you
and your sister to Odessa.
SURESH: Destiny, while marching
ever in our direction,
can be rerouted by
the choices we make.
ERICA: The fate of
the entire world
depends on us
getting this right today.
What if I don't
have the strength?
ERICA: Then I suggest
you find it.
Or that brother that's
been looking for you?
When the world ends,
he's going to burn
right along with it.
QUENTIN: You used
my sister's shadow
to dampen everyone
at the summit's powers.
Then you blew them
all up.
SURESH'. Who Will live?
Who Will die?
And who among us will inherit
this brave new world?
Come on!
Somethin' big's comin'.
Something big's comin'.
We're receiving more reports
of severe and unpredictable
weather in the Midwest.
The southern Illinois city
of Carbondale
is being hammered by
a powerful electrical storm.
Fires have broken out
in several parts of the city.
The Illinois...
My grandfather
would never leave me.
He promised we
would do this together.
How could he have
just disappeared?
If that car hit him,
where's his body?
Malina, we can
try and find him.
I can circle back,
we can see if there's...
There's too much
at stake.
He wouldn't have wanted me
to go backwards.
I bet that woman who was hunting
me, Erica Kravid, took him.
I know she took Tommy. My brother
and I need to be in Odessa.
Whatever you have to
do, whatever it takes,
I'm gonna be right
there with you, okay?
So, what's our timeframe, how
long before this thing hits?
Two days.
Oh, two days,
plenty of time.
Okay, Tommy's been
taken to Midian, Colorado,
which means that's our
first stop (BEEPING)
and then we get
you two to Odessa.
What? Piece of cake.
All right, here we go.
You shoot fireballs
out of your hands.
Why do you need
a gun and bullets?
Well, because my powers are
unreliable without the sun,
so if we have to
fight at night,
we're gonna need
insurance, right?
We are in Missouri, after all, loan
get you your own gun if you want one.
Hmm. No need.
I have a 24-hour power.
I wanna get this.
It kinda reminds me of Farah.
Shoppers, attention, please.
We are sold out of bottled
water and survival food packs.
Oh, man. We still have
some water, but...
All these people,
loading up on supplies
for the storm of the century,
they have no idea
what's really happening.
We do have water containers
on our back isle.
Limit one per
customer, please.
HARRIS: This was in Bedford,
Missouri, a few hours ago.
Oh, they think that Bennet's
grandson is in Midian.
That's where
they're headed.
Weather has closed portions of the
freeway that gets them there.
If we can get here before they
do, we can intercept them.
Can't wait to kill
that little bitch.
Bennet knows we'll
be coming after them.
We'll have to surprise them.
Maybe we could take the girl alive.
Bring her back to Renautas.
She could be
super-valuable, alive.
Erica made her
wishes clear as crystal.
Terminate with
extreme prejudice.
I'm not really clear
on how you can
terminate someone
with mild prejudice,
but l guess
that's not the point.
Then what is
the point, Quentin?
She isn't that
much younger than you.
This doesn't
bother you at all?
Not even a little.
It bothers me.
Are we going to
have a problem?
PHOEBE: Are we, Q?
No. We're good.
Who are you?
Why did you try
and rescue me?
It is my mission to free the
Master of Time and Space.
How did you even get here?
I don't know.
Who sent you
on this mission?
My father,
Hachiro Otomo.
Wait. Why are you looking
at me like that?
9th Wonders, you're...
You're Katana Girl!
MIKO: How is this possible?
My mom said that
these comic books
foretold my
father's future.
Mine, too, I guess.
Why am I in it?
You're connected to us. You must
play a part in saving the world.
What's happening to you?
I am not real.
You're not real?
We gotta move!
Let's go.
Has the Eternal Fortress
been rebuilt?
Almost. I just need
a little more time.
There is not
much left, Hachiro.
I realize that.
Do you?
Because your
digital spawn
freed Hiro Nakamura and
destroyed the Fortress,
and somehow
ended up here.
I have had to rely
on my powers of persuasion
to keep that teenage teleporter
on a very tenuous leash.
And once again, Katana Girl has
managed to get in the way.
That's the thing about constructs.
They are single-minded.
The only thing
keeping you alive right now
is the fact that you're
the only one capable
of fixing the problem
you created.
I know that.
Do your job.
Or I will kill your
daughter in front of you
and then
I'll kill you.
Hello, Sunstone residents.
Time to dig deep and
find that happy place.
You are stronger
than you think,
and worthier than you believe.
Visualize the place where
you are the most at peace.
Your happy place,
a beautiful place.
Today, nobody is in charge of
your happiness but you. (PANTS)
How many
are out there?
I don't know.
CARLOS: What the hell
is happening?
My mother's sick plan.
Bagging and tagging Evos.
Downloading their
powers into tech.
It's more
than that.
She's prepping
for Armageddon.
The earth
is going to burn.
That job I took,
the last time I saw you?
It was to keep a girl
hidden from Renautas.
Her name is Malina.
She and her brother
are Evos
who can stop
the H.E.L.E.
Then we need to find these two.
Now, how do we start?
There's someone here who can
help our cause. Micah Sanders.
All right.
Let's split up, then.
You guys deal
with Parkman.
We'll grab my nephew, Father
Mauricio and this Micah.
Let's go.
Let's go.
FARAH: He's one of the Truthers.
I had him.
Sunstone guests,
let my voice guide you
to your happy place.
Over here, come on.
Find your center
and settle there.
Serenity is our goal.
Cooperation is our purpose.
Find your center
and settle there.
It's gotta be one
of these, right?
Your guess is
as good as mine.
Serenity is our goal.
Not anymore.
Cooperation is our...
What are you doing?
Evening the odds.
FARAH: What the hell is that?
Helps me keep up
with you Evo types.
Did you build it?
It looks like...
What are those
Mexican wrestlers called?
Family tradition.
Grandfather started it.
Legend has it, he refused
a bribe to throw a match.
What happened?
Got his legs broken.
I thought he was
a crazy old man,
but now I know
why he refused.
Because sometimes
you have to stand up
for something
bigger than yourself.
Even if it means
getting your legs broken.
But I'm guessing
you already knew that.
Now, let's go
kick some ass.
Yes, I understand
we're under siege,
but if they can't hear me,
I can't control them.
Now, get a security
guard to take you down
to the control room,
and just fix it.
I thought
that was you, Rene.
Where is
Micah Sanders?
You just... You turn down your
mojo and I'd be happy to tell you.
You used to be a good man.
A family man.
I used to be. Then my
family walked out on me.
But I don't blame 'em.
Families break up. It's sad.
Doesn't justify what you're doing.
Yeah, well, they couldn't
take my self-loathing.
Let me ask you
a question.
You have any idea what it's like
to hear everyone's thoughts
night and day?
All the pettiness,
the misery, cruelty...
I have created a place here
where everyone's happy.
They all appreciate me.
They don't have a choice.
I have been given an opportunity
to do something good,
to save humanity.
You sound like my mother.
I have given us all a
purpose, all of us.
We play a role
in preserving the future,
and you should
understand that.
No, I don't.
You know what
I get in return, huh?
I get the ability to make
this up to my family.
I've earned the golden ticket
to the future. (CHUCKLES)
Don't fool yourself. You're not going.
No Evo is.
Not unless they're
plugged into a pod.
I'm on the list.
She owes me.
She lied. My boyfriend,
he's an Evo.
She used him,
just like she's using you.
Matt, join us.
With the help of Micah,
we can defeat her.
Time to go home, Rene.
Just walk away.
Hand me the gun.
Where are you going?
And you. Either your mother
lives up to her promises,
or you're gonna die here
just like everybody else.
MIKO: Tell me what else
the comic book says.
That's the guy who took
my father, and my sword.
He's why Ren and I
came to America.
My partner.
My only friend.
My father said you will send
me on my final mission.
This must be it.
TOMMY: It's called
Sunstone Manor.
I'm dying. You have to send me there.
So I can play my part.
How am I gonna convince Erica
that I got rid of you?
Are you ready?
If you see Ren, tell him
that I loved him, too.
I will.
Good luck.
What happened to the girl?
TOMMY: She was going to kill you.
I had to take her.
Where is she?
She disappeared.
Did she say anything?
Yeah, she did.
But it was all
in Japanese.
How about we go
back to the present
and you show me how I'm
gonna send everyone here
before the H.E.L.E.
kills us all?
Take us back to Gateway. Odessa, Texas.
Otomo, then us.
You'll save
everyone there first.
We're not here
to hurt you.
We shut off
the director's voice,
he has no more power over you.
You're free.
We need your help to get out of here.
The place is surrounded.
CARLOS: I need
to find my nephew.
He's 12.
Name's Jose.
We're also looking
for Micah Sanders.
He's in the isolation unit.
Thank God,
you're alive.
What can we do?
There's an army outside.
Everyone meet
at the front door.
Come on.
Tell me, Taylor,
what is it with you
and Mommy, huh?
Come on, tell me!
Why do you hate her
so much? Why?
ERICA: This whole thing is
about your friend, Francis?
TAYLOR: You didn't tell me he
was locked in the basement
wired up in some kind of pod
along with all those other Evos.
Okay. Okay.
So, Mommy
betrayed you, huh?
She didn't approve
of a man that you loved.
I need something else,
come on.
Come on, dig! Dig!
A baby? What about a baby?
What about a baby? A baby.
Erica doesn't know
about the baby, does she?
Okay. All right,
see, that I can use.
My family is
going to the future,
or Erica doesn't
meet her grandchild.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, it's time to go,
now, Taylor, okay?
Now, you are gonna be
a good girl.
There you go.
We'll take Ms. Kravid.
Yeah, I don't think so.
All right,
we're clear, let's go.
JOSE: Tio Carlos?
ls that you?
Jose? Jose,
where are you?
JOSE: Tio Carlos.
I'm scared.
Jose, I'm here.
Just tell me
where you are.
All right, we're gonna
help save these people
and we're gonna get
out of here. Okay?
This is Farah,
she's with us.
All right, we need to
find the isolation unit.
It's at the other end of the compound.
I can take you there.
I'll go out,
organize our defense.
Got 'em.
What the hell
is this?
I think
I recognize them.
LUKE: Who? Who are they?
Erica Kravid's people.
We need to go.
Yeah, out.
Into the cornfield, now.
LUKE: Malina,
give us some cover.
Shut it down, Phoebe!
It's not working.
What's happening?
I can't heat up.
It's the girl.
She's a power blocker.
That's how they shot Farah.
The same darkness
I saw at the Summit.
Okay, okay.
Go, go, go to the barn
at the edge of the field.
Wait there.
No. I'm the one
they're after.
This isn't your destiny.
You don't know that. How are
you going to defend yourself?
You don't have
your power.
You can't block a Glock.
Now go. Please.
It looks just like
the future
It's amazing what
the mind can accept
if it's wrapped in
a familiar package.
All these people.
They have no idea
what's coming, do they?
No. No, we can't
risk mass panic.
How'd you get
them to come here?
We tracked down the
best and the brightest.
We offered them research
grants, high-paying jobs...
Money. Of course.
That they'll
never be able to use.
Sometimes you have to deceive
people for their own good.
I could never
tell these people
that I had their genomes
mapped for specific markers.
But one day, when I've ensured
a healthy population,
they'll understand
the deception.
I'd like to see
my mom now.
(PANTING) Stand clear.
Has to be him.
QUENTIN: You okay?
I'm fine.
Phoebs, we're on
the same team.
Stop distracting me.
What's going on?
Shut up.
Make it quick.
Whoa! Whoa!
Drop the gun.
You're that Odessa guy. You're the
one who stole Noah Bennet's car.
You killed all those
people at Primatech.
You shot me.
My wife
wanted to kill you.
I told her not to.
It was one of the few
things she was right about.
Gotta love second chances.
You're on the wrong
side, buddy.
You don't know
what you're doing.
Where's Bennet?
Why are you running the show?
Bennet's gone.
Why are you worried so much
about Bennet anyway?
You should be
worried about yourself.
If you even think
about pulling that trigger,
I will roast you faster
than your buddy over here.
How committed are you? You
willing to die for your side?
Don't do it.
That's right.
Malina, shunt her please.
Now you're going to
answer some questions.
Storm evacuees, please go
to the information window
for temporary
housing assignments.
If your name is on
the transfer list,
please alert any Renautas employee
to receive your travel kit.
Once you receive your kit,
please proceed to the Gateway
Annex for further instructions.
I didn't think
I'd ever see you again.
(SIGHS) We had
to leave Carbondale.
What, why?
What happened?
There was a fire after a
huge electrical storm.
And for some reason, we were
the only ones evacuated.
Can you imagine that?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Thank you.
I guess we owe our lives
to Ms. Kravid.
She's the one who arranged
for us to come here.
No. You're here because Tommy
wanted you to be here.
I'm very grateful to be reunited
with my son, Ms. Kravid.
But I have a lot
of questions.
And I'll need some answers
if you want Tommy's help.
I understand.
If I could just
borrow him again,
I will return him to you with
answers to your questions.
I know I've tried
to keep you from it,
but you can't run away
from your true destiny.
Hey. It's okay.
I'll see you soon.
You trust me,
don't you?
Because I'm trusting you with the
future of the entire human race.
And I'd like to show you
how you're going to save it.
MALINA: Where is my brother?
Where is he?
I've seen your work.
At the Summit.
You murdered thousands of
innocent people, didn't you?
My son was one of them.
Go ahead. Shoot me.
Phoebe was just the gun.
Erica Kravid
pulled the trigger.
You know that.
Noah Bennet knew that.
He's right, Luke.
Where is her brother?
Keep your
mouth shut, Quentin.
And just like that,
I'm out of patience.
You're not gonna
want to watch this.
He's in the future.
With Erica.
He's on our side
now, man.
He's gonna take us over to the
other side before the end comes.
From where?
QUENTIN: Odessa.
Gateway. I've seen it.
It's the only thing
we've got, man.
Give me one reason I shouldn't
waste her right now.
Because Erica
still has Tommy.
You have enough regrets.
Do you really need more?
MALINA: We'll take them
with us.
We're gonna figure out
what to do with them later.
TOMMY: I don't understand.
What is it?
Welcome aboard.
I'm so glad
you're joining us.
Hop in.
I'll explain.
ERICA: Tommy, this is Richard,
my lead scientist.
RICHARD: The machine will
amplify your power
and run it through
the conduits,
allowing you to send
anyone who's wearing
one of these
to the future in an instant.
That's a lot of watches.
Well, Renautas has poured
billions into this.
We've sent them
all over the world.
We can't force
people to join us,
but we can give them
the opportunity to.
MAN: Ms. Kravid.
Phone for you.
(SIGHS) Yes.
Sunstone's been compromised. Matt
Parkman went rogue. He has Taylor.
Do you know where
he's taking her?
My guess is
he'll come to you.
And we have another problem.
Otomo's daughter is here.
He's playing both sides.
What would you like me to do?
You take care of the girl.
Tommy's my problem.
Stand back.
Tio, someone's coming.
VVater to wine, flesh to
powder, we do what we can.
No, no!
I'll get help.
It's okay.
CARLOS: No, no, no, no, no.
JOSE: Uncle Carlos?
Just stay back there, okay?
Everything's okay.
You okay?
We're gonna get you
out of here.
Seems like you got
a big job ahead of you.
Hell, yeah.
I need a computer.
We should move. Everyone's
assembled at the front door.
Where's Jose?
Just give me a second.
I don’t want him
to see him like this.
Jose, it's okay.
We have to go. Come on.
The other thing
I should mention?
There's some sword-wielding
Japanese girl outside
handling the clones
all by herself.
HARRIS: This battle is mine.
I have been looking forward to this.
Because you don't quite
seem to be all here.
Know this, Miko-san,
after I'm finished
putting your lights out,
I'm going to
kill the real you,
and then your father.
Now, game over.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Who are you?
I was Katana Girl.
MICAH: Every piece
of misinformation,
Erica disseminated
through me.
Every bit of truth
she wanted hidden, I hid.
There's a lot to undo.
Tell us what you know.
First thing you need
to understand is that
two massive solar flares
are coming tomorrow.
At 11:18 a.m.
and 11 :53 a.m.
The first will destroy
North America.
And the second will wipe
out all of humanity.
My God.
And nobody knows.
If word gets out, there will
be mass panic and riots.
People will kill each other.
Wouldn't be much of a world
left to save.
We can stop it, right?
Your girl, Malina,
and her brother can stop it.
Yeah, that's the plan.
Okay. I've connected to every
live media outlet in the world.
Are we ready?
(ON PA) My name is Micah- Some
of you know me as Hero Truther.
You have been fed
a pack of lies
by the head of Renautas,
Erica Kravid.
She drove the wedge between
Evos and non-Evos.
And I can prove it.
Despite humans being the
dominant species on this planet,
12 brothers and sisters
managed to change
the compass today.
Erica, how was that? I feel like I
could be stronger on that last line.
I need you to be
more threatening.
The world needs
to be terrified of you
and every single Evo
or we fail.
Try again.
Phil, you're losing him.
PHIL: Sorry, Erica.
I'm a little tired.
Take a break.
Lies and deception,
all of it.
Evos and non-Evos, you were
meant to share this world.
Now it's time for us all to stand
together and fight to save our planet.
Take her handcuffs off.
They're not necessary.
What a pleasure
to finally meet you, Joanne.
What the hell
am I doing here?
You know who I am?
We've been tracking you
for quite a while now.
You did this?
You changed the headlines.
So you could
continue your work.
They say that you're
responsible for June 13th.
But why should
that surprise you?
We both know what
they're capable of.
I'm a mother, too.
And I know the pain Evos
have brought into our world.
What you have
accomplished on your own
is admirable.
What if I said
I could provide you
with an opportunity
to make a real difference?
Your next target.
She has a new protector,
but I think that will make the
assignment even more enticing.