Heroes (2006–2010): Season 1, Episode 23 - Chapter Twenty-Three 'How to Stop an Exploding Man' - full transcript

Can Sylar be stopped? Will Linderman's vision live on with Nathan? What will it take for Peter to save the world, what sacrifices will be made? With all the horrible predictions unfolding before them the heroes face moments of pain and peril in Kirby Plaza.

Where does it come from?

This quest,

this need to solve
life's mysteries,

when the simplest of questions
can never be answered?

Why are we here?

What is the souI?

Why do we dream?

Perhaps we'd be better
off not looking at all.

Not delving,
not yearning.

But that's not human nature.

Not the human heart.

That is not why we are here.

Yet, still we struggle
to make a difference,

to change the world,
to dream of hope,

never knowing for certain who
we will meet along the way.

Who among the world of
strangers will hold our hand,

touch our hearts,

and share the pain of trying?

You don't love him.

Everything I've done,
I did for them.

You should have
taken the money.

Why did you
take that bullet?

You could have let it phase
right through you.

It's okay.


Forget about me.
Save Micah.

Hit it!

You can get us out of here.

You can walk us
through this wall.

I don't know if I can.

You got to do this.

Come on, guys.
You can do this.

Surveillance picked
them up in the elevator.

What does he want?


What am I thinking
now, Parkman?

Your last thought.

Lower your gun.

Shoot me, and she dies.

As long as she's alive, my
daughter will never be safe.

None of them will.

You'll take the life of one
little girl to save another?

If I have to.

Taking her life would
save thousands.

And Thompson, did you save
thousands of lives by killing him?

No, just my own!

Officer Parkman?


You know this man?

I told you he was coming.

He promised
to keep me safe.

That's right.

And nobody is
gonna hurt you.

Nakamura Hiro.

Peter Petrelli.

I challenge everyone
here tonight

to inspire by example,

to fight the battle,
no matter the cost.

Because the world is sick.

It's spinning
out of controI.

But we can heaI it.

Heidi and the boys should be
landing in Nantucket any minute.

Show the world exactly...

Chopper's gonna meet us
up on the roof in an hour.

Thank you all very much.
Thank you.

What is it, Ma?

It's Linderman.
He's dead.

How? Someone got to him in his office.

He was murdered.

This is a terrible
tragedy, Nathan.

Yes, it is.

But it doesn't change anything.
The plan wasn't just his.

You know that,


After the explosion, the
city is gonna need me, Ma.

America is
gonna need me,

the world.

This changes nothing.

NIKl: 42. Micah's
on this floor.

You go. I'm only
gonna slow you down.

I'm not leaving you.
You'll die if I do.

I can't go with you, Niki.
You need to do this alone.

You have to find Micah.

I can't.
You can.

You are strong enough.
You always have been.

I'm coming back for you.

You stay right here.
You understand me?

Linderman's guards will be all over
us if they find Thompson's body.

Maybe you should have thought
of that before you shot him.

It was self-defense.

And Molly Walker?

What's your excuse
for nearly shooting her?

She's dangerous.

You're gonna need to start
trusting me, Dr. Suresh.

Yes, because that's worked
out really well for me before.

The organization I used to work
for once stood for something.

Now, it's been corrupted.

Used to work for?

The only thing that's important
to me now is protecting my family.

I will never let Molly
be used to hurt anyone.

She can do good
in this world.

I don't think you understand the
true nature of this organization.

And you don't understand
how important she is to me.

Those are my antibodies
that saved her.

I'm responsible
for her life.

Hey! There's something
wrong with Molly.


Claire? Where are you?
Still in New York.

I'm with Peter,
but there's a problem.

Ted Sprague's dead.

Sylar killed him.


Put Peter
on the phone, please.

He wants to talk to you.


When you came
into contact with Ted,

you absorbed his power.

That's right.

Well, now that
Sylar's absorbed it, too,

I think you may be the
only one who can stop him.

Now all we have to do is find
him. Any idea where we start?

a tracking system here.

We're trying to fix it now.

As soon as we do,
we'll find him.

And if you don't?

You just stay close
to Claire's phone, okay?

I'll contact you the
second we know a location.

Whatever you do,

you keep Claire safe.

You understand?


What are we doing here?

I actually believed you.

You lied to me. You said you
weren't going to call him.

I know, but think about it,
Claire. We can't do this alone.

No, you think about it.

We can't trust him.

Yes, we can trust him.

Nathan has never
let me down.

Nathan doesn't
care about you.

He doesn't care
about anyone.

He doesn't care about me,
and I'm his own daughter.

We do not need him.

Yes, we do.

Because I'm afraid!


And I need my brother
to help us.

You lied to me, Peter.

I trusted you.

What's the emergency?
The bomb,

it's not me. It's Sylar.


He killed Ted Sprague,
which means he's radioactive.

If he explodes...


I know that this is
a lot to process,

but it is real.
I swear.

And I don't have
a lot of time to find him.

What do you
want me to do?

I don't know,
just help me.

Come here.

Look, if what
you're saying's real,

then there's no reason
to involve Claire in this.

It's just too dangerous.

No, she has
to stay with me.

She's just a kid, Pete.

If I find Sylar,
and I'm able to stop him,

then she's the only one who can
stop me if something goes wrong.

You're gonna be fine.

How do you know?

You told me you
could regenerate,

that you could survive.

There's nothing
you can do to stop it, Peter.

They're all gonna die.

What is it?

Claire was right about you.

What are you talking about?





No! No! No!

No, no, no, this
isn't happening.

How much longer before
she's up and running?

She's not a machine.

I just gave her the transfusion.
It'll take some time.

Well, take too much time
and the city will pay for it.

Sylar's out there.

You mean
the boogeyman?

Don't try to get up.

I can do it. I can tell you where he is.

Okay, so how do we do this?

I just...

I think about him
in my mind,

then I point to him
on the map, there.

I need a pushpin.

So you can find
anyone in the world?

You just need to
think about them?

Almost anyone.


There's only one
that I can't.

Who's that?

Is it someone bad, Molly,
like the boogeyman?


He's a lot worse.

And why don't you
want to find him?

'Cause when I think about him,

he can see me.

Molly, can you think
about Sylar, now?

He's there.

That's the Lower East Side,
somewhere around Reed Street.

Isaac's loft.

Isaac Mendez,
the painter?

I gotta call Peter.

Why don't you let me
answer that for you?



No, this is her grandmother.

Where is she?

Where she belongs,
with her family.


I'm her family.

No, you're the man we gave her
to, to look after, to keep safe,

a job you haven't
done particularly well.

What are you
gonna do with her?

Take her someplace far enough
to keep her out of harm's way.

I suggest you do the same.
There isn't much time.

Let me say goodbye to her.


Claire, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just trying to
get away from these people.

No. No.

You're better off
going with them.


She's right.

You shouldn't be here,

but as soon as you're
safe out of the city,

you try and get away.
Do you understand?


I need to find Peter.
Where is he?

I don't know.
They won't tell me.

That's long enough, dear.

Tell me you have
a plan, Dad.

I have a plan.

I love you, Claire.

I love you, too.

We have a new priority. Peter
Petrelli, we have to find him.

What for? We know where
Sylar is. We can go after him.

No, not without Petrelli.

He's the only one
who can stop him.

I've come 3,000 miles. I
left my pregnant wife at home.

He's a bad guy. I'm a cop.
I'm going after him.

Then he will kill you.

Yeah, we'll see.

Here you are, sir.

Thank you.


I'm Peter.
I'm your father's new nurse.

Yes, I've heard.
I'm Simone Deveaux.

Nice to meet you.

Your mother seems to know
my father somehow.

Yeah, she's...



Yeah, my mother,
she's full of surprises.

I wanna thank you.

I know
it's a real hard job.

Dying's hard.

What I do, it's just...

I'm here to help.

No, you're a real hero to care
for a perfect stranger like this.

This may sound strange,

but your father's last
few weeks, his death,

it could be beautiful
if you let it be.

Sure, piece of cake.

I'm not saying
it's not tragic for you.

I'm just saying...

You know, death is the one
thing that connects us all,

reminds us that what's really
important is who we've touched,

and you know,
how much we've given.

It makes us realize that we
have to be good to one another.

See, your father, he's
the real hero, not me.

Come on, I'll show you the
apartment, get you settled in.

Believe me,
if he knew, you'd know.

There's a look you just can't
hide when it first shows.

What about Nathan?

Linderman tells me Nathan
will be ready to play his part.

Well, he's been
wrong before.

Meaning what, exactly?

I think that Linderman is
betting on the wrong brother.

We talking about
the same Peter, here?

I look in Peter's eyes,
I see compassion, empathy,

but, most of all,
I see hope.

This war won't be
saved on strength.

What it really needs is
heart, and that's Peter.

Charles, don't get me wrong.

I love Peter, but that poor kid
can barely get out of his own way.

He's ruled by insecurities.

He's weak.

No, trust me, this
bomb is going to go off,

and Nathan is going to be
the one the world turns to.

I don't believe
this tragedy's inevitable.

Well, then, one of us
is going to be right

and one of us won't.

Well, I'm glad I won't be
alive to see which one that is.

You are in
my prayers, Charles.

I could use them.

Goodbye, my dear,
dear friend.

I know you're there, Peter.

Looks like
you dropped something.

Comic book
that predicts the future.

What will they think of next?

You're kidding?

This is how Isaac
thought I'd die,

by a silly little man?

Hiro is not silly.

You should have seen the look on
his face when he tried to kill me.

You cannot take my brain.

Please, what would
I want with your brain?

Where is Peter Petrelli?

I don't know.

Where is he?

Let him go.

I don't think
I'm going to.


All you have to do is stop
time before I cut off his head.

Do you think you can do your
little trick before I can do mine?


Where are you?



NIKl: You can't be here.

Look what you did.

Oh, my God. Micah.

It's all your fault,

D.L., now Micah.

They're both gone,
because you were weak.

Micah, please.

The wrong sister died.
It should have been you.

Face it, Niki,
you're nothing.

I'm the one they needed.

Molly, we need to go, now.

Where are we going?

Officer Parkman called.
He believes that Sylar...

He believes the boogeyman is on his way.

No, he's not on his way.

He's already here.

I have to get
some paperwork.

I'm not going to be
coming back to my office.

Helicopter's picking us up
from the roof in 10 minutes.

When the jet lands tomorrow
morning, you'll be safe.

But everyone
else will be dead.

How can you do
nothing to stop this?

It's inevitable, dear.

There's nothing
anyone can do about it.

That's insane!

Nothing is inevitable. The
future is not written in stone.

I'm afraid this one is.

If everything is
so inevitable,

then why has she been trying to
keep us apart all these years?

There are things you simply aren't
mature enough to understand yet.

Yeah, like how you can let
your own son die like this.

Your own brother!

He's not gonna die.

Thanks to you, Peter has
the ability to survive.

So he lives and
kills millions of people.

How can you let him be responsible
for something like that?

And how can you
live with yourself if he is?

Claire, I know that it's hard
for you to trust me right now,

but this is all gonna
make sense very soon.

I promise.

We're offering you everything
you've ever wanted, Claire,

a place to belong,
a family.

I already have a family.


I know what you're
thinking, Nathan.

Let her go.
You understand.

How many times have
I saved your ass?

I'm the only reason
that you're still alive.

Niki, that's not me.
Stop her. Find Micah.


I said, stop her.
That's not me.

I'm not strong enough.

Who the hell are
you talking to?



Mom, I'm in here!
It's locked.


Is it really you?

It's me, baby.

It's just me.

Wait! He could
be a bad guy.

He needs my help.

Okay, we need to get
him out of here.

It's not working.

They must have
shut it down.

Okay, I need a lookout.
Can you do that?

Stand over here
and keep an eye out.

If anyone comes,
tell me straightaway.


Invisibility, always thought that
that would be a good one to have.

I don't understand.
How is this happening?

You're alive.

Is this a dream?

Am I time traveling?

Are you doing this?

Doesn't really matter
what it is, does it?

Only that you're here, now.

Yeah, but I saw you speaking to
my mother. You know about the bomb.

You know about everything.

You came here
because you needed to.

You needed to hear the truth
before you could save the world.

Can I save the world?

You've had the power
all along, Peter.

You just needed
to learn how to use it.

Why me?

Because there has to be one
that's good, there always has,

and your heart has the ability
to love, unconditionally.

Like I told you, in the
end, all that really matters

is love.

I'm tired now.

Let's get you
your rest, then, sir.

Call me Charles.



Wake up! Wake up.

I must have blacked out.

How did you find me?

I told you, we have
a tracking system.

And where's Claire?

She's safe.
She's with your mother.

My mother?

They're on their way
out of the city right now.


Then you need
to leave, too.

I don't think
I can control this.

No. I'm staying
with you.

You saved
my daughter's life.

I told you
I owed you for that.

Consider this payback.

Yeah, but if I can't
stop Sylar,

if I lose it, I could...

I will put you
down myself.

Don't worry.
I'm a pretty good shot.

Thank you, Mr. Bennet.

Call me Noah.

Come on.

The guards are coming!



We have to go.

It won't work.

Yes, it will.

NIKl: Come on, D.L.

Come on!

MICAH: Dad, hurry!

You know, it doesn't look like
there's many places to hide.

Are you sure about
this tracking system?

He's here.
Don't worry.

All right. Look, all right, then
that means he's hiding in plain sight.

What took you so long?

Haven't I killed
you before?

Didn't take.

You think I'm gonna
let you ruin it all,

take all the glory?

Come on, let's go.

Did you really think
you could stop me?

Mom, Dad needs your help!

Go back to your family.
I got this.

Wait. No! No!

Turns out you're
the villain, Peter.

I'm the hero.




Peter Petrelli!

You can stop this.


I need you to kill me.

Do it!

Do it! You're the only one, Claire.

Tell me there's
another way, please.

Shoot me.
There is no other way.

Yes, there is, Claire.

The future isn't
written in stone.

I took his power, Nathan.

I can't control it.
I can't do anything.

I'm not leaving you, Peter.

There's another way to
end this and you know it.

I can't let you die.

And I can't let
everyone else.

You saved the cheerleader

so we could save the world.

I love you, Nathan.

I love you, too.

You ready?

What happened to them?


Please don't die,
Officer Parkman.

You're my hero.

We dream of hope.
We dream of change,

of fire, of love, of death.

And then it happens.

The dream becomes reaI.

Let's go.

And the answer
to this quest,

this need to solve life's
mysteries finally shows itself,

like the glowing light
of the new dawn.

Let's go home.

Home where?
Our house burnt down.

Home is anywhere
our family is together.

You've got a plan, right?

So much struggle
for meaning, for purpose,

and in the end, we find
it only in each other,

our shared experience
of the fantastic

and the mundane.

The simple human need to
find a kindred, to connect,

and to know in our hearts

that we are not alone.