Heroes (2006–2010): Season 1, Episode 2 - Chapter Two 'Don't Look Back' - full transcript

When Nikki wakes up, she sees the two criminals dead in her garage. She brings her son and finds a brand new Cadillac in her name and the bodies in the trunk, with instructions and a map to bury the corpses in the desert. Peter awakes in the hospital and his mother tells him that his father was depressed and committed suicide. When Peter decides to jump from the terrace of his building, his brother Nathan discloses that both can fly. Hiro is teleported to the Times Square and finds a comic book written by Isaac Mendez telling his saga. He goes to Isaac studio, finds him dead and is arrested by the police. A man pretending to be an exterminator bugs Mohinder's apartment, but he fights with the guy and is helped by his next door neighbor. In Los Angeles, the Police Officer Matt Parkman telepathically hears the voice of a child in a murder scene and is arrested as a suspect. Claire hides her heroic rescue in the fire and her evil stepfather discloses her abilities in her stolen tape.

Previously on Heroes.

Five strangers
across the globe

began to discover they had
extraordinary abilities.

From the cheerleader who realized
she's invincible... Oh, my...

I have busted like
every bone in my body

yet I don't have
a scratch on me.

...to the office worker who
can bend space and time.

These strangers are discovering
they're meant for something more.

Do you ever get the feeling like you were
meant to do something extraordinary?

And as a son seeks the truth by
finishing his father's work...

I spoke to him
two days ago.

He was this close to
finding the first of them.

He's forced to run from a man
surrounded in mystery.

He left everything behind
but his computer.

A man who is more connected
than anyone imagined.

Hi, Daddy.
Hey, baby.

And now, Heroes continues.

We all imagine ourselves
the agents of our destiny,

capable of determining
our own fate.

But have we truly any choice
in when we rise?

Or when we fall?

Or does a force larger than
ourselves bid us our direction?

Is it evolution
that takes us by the hand?

Does science point our way?

Or is it God who intervenes,
keeping us safe?

Whoa. Whoa. Easy, buddy.
Where am I?

You're in a hospital.

What happened?

You don't remember?

You jumped, Pete.


Off the roof
of a 15-story building.

You tried
to kill yourself.

You were a little wound up yesterday,
but I thought you were just being you.

What are you talking about?
I didn't try to kill myself.

You were in the alley
below. I jumped

and you...

You flew.

I what? You flew up
and you caught me.

You jumped, Peter.

Twenty-five feet
to a fire escape.

I climbed up and carried you down.
That's what happened.

The rest is just
crazy talk.

You understand?

Dad? Do you mind if I talk
to you about something?

You pregnant?
What? No.

You doing drugs?

Actually, I already
know what it's about.

You do?

It's about wanting to know
who you really are.

Your mother told me you've been
asking about your birth parents.

Well, I think
it's time that I knew.

Well, I have a few
questions first,

not the least
of which is, why now?

I'm just wondering, that's all. You know,
what they're like, what they can do.

What they can do? Yeah,
like hobbies and skills.

You know, I don't mean
this to be condescending,

even though you're going to
say I'm being condescending,

but I really do believe that
this is an adult decision.

You're right.
That is condescending.

Claire, there are
going to be issues.

You're going to have issues.
They're going to have issues.

It's very complex,

Yeah, well, so am I.
Well, exactly.

Look, here's my advice if you'll indulge me.
Just keep things light and fun

as long as you can,
like cheerleading.

Being a cheerleader is hard work.
Hard, treacherous work.

Well, of course it is,

I don't want to be late.

I just don't want you to be in
such a hurry to grow up, okay?

Trust me. I actually
know a few things.

Who are you? Whoa! Whoa! Hi.
Sorry. Sorry. Easy. Easy.

Your super let us in. We're
doing the whole building today.

I just got done with the lady
with the dog and the cough,

and almost done here.

Listen, it looks like some cockroaches
might have infested your, uh,

floor boards.

Who are you? What did
you do to my father?

Let's take a little
breather, huh, professor?

I suppose the cockroaches
are the least of my problems.

Yeah, no argument there.
Did you kill my father?

I think we're done
here, don't you?

So, I'll tell you what,
have a really great day.

Hey, look, I'm just
the exterminator.

This guy came in
and pulled a gun on me.

He is not
an exterminator.

He's paranoid.

I was just in there spraying
bugs in his apartment,

and he came in
and freaked out.

If you're the exterminator,
why do you have a gun holster?

Thanks for coming
to my rescue.

You're welcome.

Mohinder Suresh.

The professor's son.



Hello, New York!

Hello. Nice to meet you.
I love New York!



Hey, pal,
this isn't a library.

No pay, no read.

Hey! Get back here!

slow down, buddy!

Shh. You had a hard night.

I saw it. There was
a bright light.

Like an explosion. It
wiped out the whole city.

Like Hiroshima or... Shh. it's
okay, it was all a dream.

No. I don't think so. Yes.

I shot up last night.
I had to. Yes.

I painted what I saw. Is it there?
Do you see it?

Yes, I see it,
but you need to rest.

We have to
warn them.

Warn who?

FBI, Homeland Security.
We need to tell someone.

Isaac, you can't paint the future.
No one will believe you.

I'd hoped you would.

None of it is real. What is
real is you got a drug problem.

You overdosed on heroin last night.
You're lucky to be alive.

You know I'm watching
my father die.

And I can't watch
you die, too.

So you need to make
a choice. Me or this.

It's not about
having big hands.

Most guys' hands are
too rough with the details.

Mine are sensitive.

Feel how soft they are.


But you've
got dainty hands.

My mom says my hands
are very dainty.

Maybe I should try out
for the football team.

Claire, may I borrow your
ear just for a minute. Why?

Hey Zach, is it true you got an
erection in the boys' locker room?

It's really urgent.
Not now. Not now.

Claire, Jackie, the sheriff and some firemen
would like to have a word with you two.


- Hi, this is Niki.
- Leave me a message.

Mom, are you there?
When are you coming to get me?

I hate it here. Come back soon.
Just come pick me up, okay?

Honey, I'm so sorry.
I'm on my way.

Baby, I'm only five
minutes away, okay?

I know. I love you.

Come on.


That's the way I like it.

Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Come on.

What's the problem, baby? Things
just started getting good here.

I said, what's the problem?

Screw you.


Where have you been? I called
you like four hours ago.


Four hours?

I'll be right there, baby.

What is the matter with you,
making him wait like that?

I'm sorry. Can I
have two seconds?

Okay, what the hell
is going on, Niki?

Something terrible has happened.
What? What is it?

Those guys that you said Linderman
would send to get his money back?


Well, he did.

And now they're dead,
on the floor of my garage.

What? How?

That's just it.

I don't know.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

I mean, I don't know. I
woke up and they were dead.

I think
that I might...

Sometimes I look
in the mirror

and I'm not sure it's me
that I'm seeing.

Maybe it was D. L. You know?
He's trying to protect you

because he still loves
you and Micah...

D. L. wouldn't risk coming back.
The cops are after him.

And once Linderman finds
out that they're dead,

it's not going to matter
who killed them.

He's gonna come
after me.

Then you need
to listen to me.

Niki, you have
to call the police.

No. I've gotta...

I gotta cover
my tracks,

and then I gotta run.

I gotta go.

All right.

Why would anybody want to tap Papa
Suresh's phone? "Papa" Suresh?

Yeah, he told me to call him that after
I butchered his name a couple of times.

I don't know why someone would
want to tap his phone.

Back in Madras I found a man in his apartment
stealing his research, and now this.

Well, why don't you just ask your dad? I
mean, he must have some idea who it is.

My father died
four days ago.


I'm sorry. I...
You didn't know?

He was murdered
in his cab.

Oh, my God.
How awful.

You were close?

Yeah, I mean I hate
cooking for one

so I used to make extra and bring
it over, and we would eat together.

And he'd tell me about his
theories and the map.

We were friends.

Well, then you were
closer to him than I was.

Happy to hear he had
someone to talk to.

I'll get you some water.

I had no idea
anything was wrong.

I knocked on the door a
couple of times. I just...

I thought he was out and we
were missing each other.

I had this book
I wanted to show him.

What book?

Origin of Species.

Thank you.

It's a true
first edition.

I work at this antique book
store, and I found a copy.

And I just thought he'd get
a kick out of reading it.

Oh, he most definitely would have gotten a
kick out of it. That's very thoughtful.

You know, he told me
he was being watched.

I thought that he was
just eccentric.

I like that you didn't
use the word paranoid.

Do you think that they're
watching you now?

They could have killed me
if that's what they wanted.

For the time being it seems I'm
more important to them alive.

You said that he talked to you
about his theories and the map.

I need you to tell me everything he
said to you, everything you remember.


Girls, this isn't
a criminal investigation.

Nobody here is in
any kind of trouble.

Quite the contrary, there just
happens to be a very grateful man

lying in the hospital who'd like thank one
of you for saving his life yesterday.

I've never seen anyone so
reluctant to be called a hero.

You're sure it was one
of our cheerleaders?

The uniform said
Union Wells High.

I'd have to say it was...

Her on the end.

That's Claire Bennet.

Claire, where did you go yesterday
after cheerleading practice?

L, uh...
it wasn't her.

It was me.

I was taking a shortcut
home from school,

and I saw the wreckage
of the train wreck,

and I just
had to help.

Why didn't you
say something?

I guess I didn't want
all the attention, you know?

It's not why I did it.

Well, on behalf of the
Odessa Fire Department,

I'd like to congratulate you
as an honorary fire fighter.

How is he?


The man Jackie
pulled out of the train.

Well, he's got some pretty bad
burns, smoke damage to his lungs,

but he's alive,
happy to be so.

Thanks to Jackie.


I'm glad I finally got you alone.
Look we have to talk.

Did you hear they
asked Jackie

to be the grand marshal
of the Pioneer Day Parade?

They're going to put her
on top of the fire truck.

They should put her
under the fire truck.

Look, it's about the video tape.

The video tape! The tape where you're
like killing yourself 20 times!

Oh, yeah, that. Can we just
keep that under wraps?

That's what I'm trying to tell you. it
was in my backpack and now it's not.


It's gone.
What do you mean, it's gone?

Oh, my God! Claire, I'm so sorry!
Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm okay.
I'm all right.

Uh, yeah, you just
caught me off guard.

I thought I heard something snap.

I'm okay!

I'm fine! I'm okay!

- All right! That's it.
- Shows over.

Yep, not a scratch on me.

I guess you're not
so dainty after all.

I'm dainty enough.

We have got
to find that tape.

What if I don't want
to go on vacation?

You don't have a choice.
You have to.

Why are we
doing this, Mom?

Why won't you just tell
me what's going on?

I wish that I could, baby. But you are
just going to have to trust me, okay?

Now, go and pack up your stuff. I have
to take care of something in the garage.

Mom? What happened
to our house?

Micah, you're just gonna
have to trust me, okay?

Now, go in
and grab some stuff.


Help me understand what you
were doing on that roof.

I can't.
Not yet, but I will.

You just have
to trust me.

There's something you need to
know about your father's death.

He committed suicide.

He committed suicide.

I found him on the
floor of the bathroom.

You said he had a heart attack.
I lied.

For his reputation.
His heart was fine.

But he had had two others before that.
Well, I lied about those, too.

Suicide attempts.
Both of them.

He finally got
what he wanted.

When he was 23 he was diagnosed
with major depressive disorder.

He couldn't help it.
It was just who he was.

Why didn't I know about
any of this before?

Your father and I decided
not to tell you

since the disorder
can have a genetic link,

and you were always
so sensitive.

We didn't want you
to worry about it.

But you're telling me now.

It can start with
delusions of grandeur.

Thinking you're invincible
or indestructible.

They are irrational thoughts
that then turn suicidal.

It's time you took
a hard look at your life.

And if there are changes to be
made, I wanna be here to help you.

Because there's something
else I never told you.

Come here.

You were always
my favorite.

I cannot lose you.

Mr. lsaac Mendez?


Mr. lsaac?

Drop your weapon.

Get your damn hands up!
Cover the back.

Serial killer strikes
in the middle of Los Angeles,

abducts a little girl,
and here I am.

A hundred feet away,
might as well be in Siberia.

That's all right.

They don't pay us enough
to be where the action is.

What are you
going to do anyway?

What do you mean? I just want to help.
You want to help?

Help me get more tape.

What do you think?

No, she's dressed
too nice for FBI.

Saw the test scores
got posted this morning.

Don't worry about it, man.
Not everybody's a test-taker.

Who wants to be a detective anyway?
Please don't hurt me.

Got to spend half your
salary buying suits.

Please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.

Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me.
9 out of 10 of these guys...

Please don't hurt me.
You all right, man?

Please don't.
Please don't.

Please don't hurt me.

And we don't have any idea what happened in here.
I've got a theory.

You always do. This is
Barstow all over again.

It's Sylar.

There is no Sylar. Last
words of a dying victim.

It didn't mean anything.
And look at her.

Must have taken three guys
to lift her up that high.

What about the daughter?
No sign.

We checked the house and
surrounding, issued an Amber Alert.

You've seen what happened to the father.
Frozen solid, skull sawed off.

We need to find out how. The
little girl is the priority.

Please don't hurt me.
Don't hurt me.

Please don't. Don't hurt me.


You are not
supposed to be in here.

Please, please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.

It's okay. it's okay.
You're safe now.

Look, I'm a cop. I'm one
of the good guys, okay?

He hurt my mom and dad.

Please don't hurt me. I'm not
going to let anybody hurt you.

No, no. Come on,
take my hand.

It's okay. Come on.

It's okay.

Come on.

For years he'd been working on a
mathematical theorem using human genomes

and DNA migration patterns.

He thought he could find a way
to identify these people,

the ones
who were special.

I never believed
it was possible.

We fought about it

It's the reason
we grew apart.

- You've reached Chandra Suresh.
- Please leave a message.

He's got messages.

Chandra, this is Emi.

You forgot to turn in your trip sheets for last week.
Where is your head, man?

Oh, my God! Mohinder!

No, the other Mohinder. The lizard.
He's got to be around here somewhere.

Hi, I'm Nathan Petrelli.

It would be an honor to represent
New York's 14th District.

When the time comes,
vote Petrelli.

Hello, Chandra. Why won't you talk to me?
You can't leave me like this.

Hello. Mr. Sylar? I asked you
not to call here anymore.

The hunger, it's...

I can't control it.

I don't want to.
You made me this way.

I made you a murderer?

You helped me
to discover my potential.

You wanted to see what I
could do as much as I did,

and now
you want it to stop.

It's over. Goodbye.

I found a tape of a conversation my
father had with a man named Sylar.

A man he believed
was patient zero.

Come here, you. Mohinder, this is Mohinder.
Want to give him a kiss?

There you go.

What is it?

It's a portable
hard drive.

My, God, he did it. He actually
came up with a way to find them.

You wondered why someone
would want to kill my father.

The reason for his death,
it's this.

I'm going to finish
what he started.

Hey, Parkman, how the hell did you
know that little girl was in there?

I don't know.

I don't know. I heard
her whispering, and...

House full of cops but you're outside
and you just heard her whisper?

I can't explain it.
It was...

I thought everybody could hear her.
You guys couldn't hear her?

You got someplace
better to be?

It's my wife. I'm
meeting her at a...

A therapy session.
Couples counseling.

We're having some
problems at home.

This guy's worthless.


Cut him loose.
He got lucky.

Not yet, Parkman.

Your captain says you've taken the exam
to advance to detective three times.


You really think you're detective material?
Yes ma'am, I do.

So, how does it make you feel,
flunking out so many times?

Embarrassed, I guess.
A little angry.

A little angry?

Angry enough to do
something about it?

Maybe set yourself up
to look like a hero?

Wait, you think I killed
these people?

I didn't kill these people.
Sylar did.

How did you know
that name?

Six people assigned to this
case know the name Sylar.

How the hell
did you know that?

I heard it.

From you.

Like you heard
the girl whisper.


Then hear this one.

You're under arrest.


Claire Bear.
Hi, Dad.

Hey. How was school?

Very school-like. How was work?
Very work-like.

Listen, I...

I made a couple
of calls today.

I spoke to a very nice woman
at the adoption agency,

and she said they were going
to try to get in touch

with your birth parents

and request a meeting.

I thought that was
an adult decision.

Well, you seemed pretty adult this morning
when you told me you wanted to do it.


She said it was a lengthy process, and
it could take weeks. I'm hoping years.

That way you'll be my little
girl for a while longer.

I'm not done protecting
you from the world.

You're my dad.

You'll never
not be my dad.

I promise I'll be your little
girl for as long as I can.

But you can't
protect me forever.

I know.

And it breaks my heart.

I love you, Dad.

I love you, too,

Go get ready
for dinner.

This is Claire Bennet, and
that was attempt number six.

It really does
break my heart.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Did you know
about Dad's depression?


Why didn't you
ever tell me?

Because everyone is entitled
to their secrets, Peter.

I was so sure
when it happened.

Now it turns out
I'm just going crazy.

Look, we've been
through this before.

We've played
this game, okay?

Let's just...

Let's just go.
Tell me what happened, Nathan.

When I jumped.
Tell me you flew.

I wanna hear you say
that you flew.

Tell me
or I'll jump again.

Good luck
on your campaign

when I'm splattered all
over the ground below.

All right.

You want the truth?


We both flew, Pete.

I caught you
and I lost control.

You're too heavy. We both
started falling to the ground,

and just before we...

Just before we hit,
you flew.


Are you lying to me?

You are.

You're trying to tell me
what you think I want to hear.

You're lying to me again!

Did you see that?

Did you see that, that I flew? I can't...
Shh. I know. I know.

You're one sick son of a
bitch, you know that?

Very sorry. I not to
speak much English.

What I want to know is what did
you do with the man's brain?

Did you flush it down the toilet?
Did you eat it? What?

We've got a live one here.
No English, no passport,

no American money, no lD,
except for this here,

an honorary member of the
Merry Marvel Marching Society.

Let's start by asking him
how he got to New York.

He says he teleported
himself here.


What the hell is that?
Like Star Trek.

He says he can bend
the space-time continuum.

Funny, I've seen
all the Star Treks.

I don't remember you
from the show.

How long ago
did he do this?



New York.

Yeah, yeah.

Your friend says
he was with you yesterday.


That's not correct?

I have not seen Hiro
Nakamura in five weeks.

We looked for him

His buddy hasn't seen
him for five weeks.

October 2.
October 2? No, pal.


November 8.
November? No. October.

For all his bluster,

it is the sad province of man

that he cannot choose
his triumph.

He can only choose
how he will stand

when the call of destiny

hoping that he'll have
the courage to answer.