Heroes (2006–2010): Season 1, Episode 1 - Chapter One 'Genesis' - full transcript

In Manhattan, Peter Petrelli is the younger brother Nathan Petrelli an overly ambitious and unscrupulous candidate for the next New York congressman, and he dreams and believes that he can ...

- - Where does it come from?

This quest, this need
to solve life's mysteries,

when the simplest of questions
can never be answered?

Why are we here? What is the soul?
Why do we dream?

Perhaps we'd be better off
not looking at all.

Not delving, not yearning.

That's not human nature.
Not the human heart.

That is not why we are here.

How's he doing?

l'm sorry.
Did l scare you?


No, l just. . . l keep having these amazing
dreams every time l cIose my eyes,

and. . . Never mind.

He Iikes me to read him
the stock page.

Has he been conscious at aII?

Been a week now.
l think he's cIose.

A coupIe more days, maybe.

Excuse me. You know, l don't
know what he'd do without you.

You got a reaI gift.
Just doing my job.

No, you're Iike a son to him.

Now, that'd make us
Iike brother and sister.

Might be. . . Might be a IittIe awkward
if l ever wanted to ask you out.

l'm sorry, that was. ..
That was inappropriate.

No, it's sweet, it's. ..

l'm dating somebody.

Yeah. No, reaIIy,
it's okay.

l need to change his lV.

l'm sorry, of course.

Man is a narcissistic
species by nature.

We have coIonized the four
corners of our tiny pIanet.

But we are not the pinnacIe
of so-caIIed evoIution.

That honor beIongs
to the IowIy cockroach.

CapabIe of Iiving for months
without food.

Remaining aIive headIess for weeks at a time.
Resistant to radiation.

lf God has indeed created
himseIf in his own image,

then l submit to you
that God is a cockroach.

They say that man uses onIy
a tenth of his brainpower.

Another percent and we might
actuaIIy be worthy of God's image.

UnIess, of course, that day
has aIready arrived.

The Human Genome Project has
discovered that tiny variations

in man's genetic code are taking
pIace at increasingIy rapid rates.

TeIeportation, Ievitation,
tissue regeneration.

ls this outside the reaIm
of possibiIity?

Or is man entering
a new gateway to evoIution?

ls he finaIIy standing at the
threshoId to true human potentiaI?

l'm sorry, l'm out of time.

l know, l know. l'm beginning to sound
Iike my father. l can't heIp it.

You know, they can fire
me, too, if they Iike,

but there is something to it,
Nirad, as crazy as it sounds.

What is it?

lt's your father.
He's dead.


Driving a taxi in New York
City is a very dangerous job.

The wrong fare, the wrong time.

We may never know
what reaIIy happened.

No, l spoke to him
two days ago.

He was convinced
someone was foIIowing him,

trying to steaI his research.

He died because
of his theories!

That's crazy!
ls it?

The man Ieft his famiIy,

discredited his career, to chase wiId
theories haIfway around the worId!

Where are you going? To his apartment,
to get his papers, his research!

He was this cIose to
finding the first of them.

His Patient Zero, he tracked
him to Queens, New York.

Mohinder, Iisten to me.

Your father was my coIIeague
and my friend.

A respected professor,
a briIIiant geneticist.

But he had cIearIy
Iost touch with reaIity!

l've foIIowed in his footsteps.

My thesis is based
on his research!

Yes, you aIways wanted
his approvaI!

And now you're teIIing me
that it was aII for nothing.

l'm teIIing you to Iet go.

l need to know why he died.
l need to know that it wasn't aII for nothing.

And then l need to finish
what he started.


Yeah, yeah,
l'm at his pIace now.

No, no, no, he Ieft everything
behind but his computer.

Research, the map.

Yeah, Iet's get a team in here
to bag and tag everything.

l gotta caII you right back.


Time to get up, Micah!


Micah ! Micah!


Damn it, Micah,
don't do that to me.

Do what?

Just you need to be carefuI.
AII right?

l'm just working
on my computer.

The Iogic board was bad,
so l had to buiId a new one.

A new one.

Did anyone ever teII you you're the
smartest IittIe man on the pIanet?

You do.
AII the time.

What's this?

lt's a pinhoIe camera.
lt's for the ecIipse.

The moon's gonna cover up
the sun today.

We're supposed to
Iook at it at schooI.

Speaking of which, you need to go get ready.
Can't be Iate, not today.

Mom, l'm aIready dressed
and l've packed my own Iunch.

That's what l've been doing this morning.
What about you?

Don't get smart with me.

AII right, l've been
working to pay our biIIs.

Yeah, that's why they
turned off our gas again?

Go grab your stuff and wait
by the back door, okay?

Just do it.

Mom, what's going on?

Never mind, just keep your voice
down and stay cIose to me.

Camera ready?

Yeah, aImost! HoId on!

This Iooks Iike 70, 80 feet.
This is so unreaI.

Okay, l'm good!

Okay. Oh my. ..

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God ! CIaire?

Oh, my God.


This is CIaire Bennet and
that was attempt number six.

You get out here, yes?

Mr. Linderman, l'm gonna have to
caII you back in five minutes, okay?

Thank you.

l'm Iate. l've got a fundraiser
and a drinks meeting. What is it?

lt happened two more times.

Sometimes l'm faIIing,
sometimes l'm fIying.

Sometimes you're in 'em.
l don't have time for this now.

They're not just dreams,

HoId this.

l thought they'd go away,
but they're not!

Jim, l need this back by 6:00, pIease.

This morning when l got out of bed, my
foot hovered before it hit the ground.

Hovered! For a spIit second,
Iike l was fIoating.

l'm teIIing you,
l think l can fIy!

These aII undecideds?

TeII you what, you think you can fIy?
Why don't you jump off the BrookIyn Bridge?

See what happens.

Maybe l ought to start with
something a IittIe Iower first.

Just Iike Iearning to waIk.
You're serious.

Oh, l'm serious.
You need to snap out of it, Peter.

Go see a doctor,
get some drugs.

But do not puII a Roger
CIinton on me, man,

l'm eight points down
in the poIIs!

Look, this isn't
about you, aII right?

Look, something is happening
to me, and l have this feeIing

that you're the onIy person
that's gonna understand this!

Why the heII wouId l understand
that you think you can fIy?

Because you're
my brother!

Mom, l can't taIk. ..

l'II be there in 1 0 minutes.

What'd she do now?

She got arrested.
Arrested for what?


l'm so depressed.

What? What are you taIking
about? Why?

l mean, l mean, besides the fact that it
was so gross that l aImost fudged myseIf,

this is the singIe cooIest thing to
happen to this town in, Iike, 1 00 years.

Not if nobody finds out,
it's not.

Why'd you want me to tape it?

l have my reasons.

lt's not Iike you're not
gonna be popuIar anymore.


Who said anything
about being popuIar?

My Iife as l know it
is over, okay?

l've got the Bishop game
next week, SAT's in October,

Homecoming's three weeks from
today, and l'm a freak show!

You're being a IittIe
dramatic, don't you think?

No, l don't think!

l have busted, Iike,
every bone in my body,

stabbed myseIf in the chest, l've shoved
a two-foot steeI rod through my neck,

and l don't have
a scratch on me!

What do you caII
that thing sticking out?

Oh, great.

Just give me the tape, okay?

Hey, l can give you a ride
on my handIebars if you want.

Look, thanks, okay?

l'II taIk to you in front of
peopIe at schooI tomorrow.


Your son is
a very inteIIigent boy.

Gifted, actuaIIy.
That's not the issue.

His father's not around, and
sometimes l think he couId use

a bit of a stronger hand,
you know?

l work nights a Iot,
but we can both work harder.

lt's not about the work.

The truth is, l just don't know if
this schooI is the right fit for him.

But he's made friends.
l'm sorry.

He's on the soccer team.
l'm sorry.

l wrote a check for $25,000 to
get him into this snob fest.

l was toId that
that's what it took.

That's on top of the tuition.

About the tuition.
Your Iast three checks have bounced.

Fine, take it out of the
25 grand that l gave you.

That was a donation.
And it was very appreciated.

WeII, l want my money back.
l want my money back, now.

That money went to the capitaI
campaign for the new wing.

lt's aIready been spent.
Then unspend it!

l'm sorry.

We couId maybe discuss an extension
of the money that you owe, but. ..

l want my money back.

That's not possibIe.

Come on, baby,
Iet's get out of here.

You're too good
for this Iousy schooI.


Leave me aIone!

For God's sake, Ma.

Are you okay?

They dropped the charges.

l have to fiII out a form.
No big deaI.

No big deaI?
l'm running for Congress.

Do you have any idea what this is gonna do to
me if it gets out, with our famiIy's past?

What couId you possibIy need so
bad that you had to steaI it?

Never mind, l don't wanna know.


Dad Ieft you a fortune.
What are you thinking?

You know, it's been one ridicuIous
stunt after another with you

for the Iast six months!
Dad's gone, just get over it!

You know what?
Leave her aIone!

She's okay,
that's aII that matters.

l gotta keep this
out of the press.

You know what?
Just get out of here.

Go worry about your image,
l'II handIe this.

Yeah. Good.
l gotta make sure this stays buried.

Thanks a Iot, Mom.

What were you thinking?

l just wanted to feeI
aIive again.

Nathan onIy cares
about himseIf.

Your father was the same way.
AIpha dogs, both of them.

You, in the meantime,
for aII your seIfIessness,

and sitting
with dying peopIe. ..

What? You're gonna retire
on what you make?

Maybe l'II shopIift my socks.
Don't get smart.

When you put everyone
eIse first, you end up Iast.

You aIways put Nathan first,
he took advantage.

Yeah, it wasn't you that was just
pushing him right out in front of me?

He takes up more space than you.
Demanded more attention.

And besides, it's not
my fauIt, you aIIowed it.

He's my brother.
l Iove him.

Ah, Iove is overrated.

He Ioves me, too.
l know him.

We've aIways been cIose.
Rose-coIored gIasses.

That's crueI, Mom!

Look, since Dad died, l know you've
been feeIing free to speak your mind,

but it wouIdn't hurt to edit
yourseIf every once in a whiIe.

l'm sorry if the truth hurts.

l'm just saying
you hero-worshipped him.

And those feeIings
were never returned.

You're wrong!
lt's bioIogicaI, and l can't heIp it,

we're connected.

l never toId you this, but
when Nathan had his accident,

l knew it.

We aII got the same caII.
No, l'm saying before the caII,

Iike he was teIIing me,
300 miIes away.

l woke up, and l knew
that he'd been hurt.

l hate it here.
She doesn't even have any books to read.

Baby, l'II be right back, l'm just
gonna go and pack up a few things.

We shouId reaIIy go see Dad.

What good wouId that do?

He couId heIp. He shouId know
that someone's trying to hurt us.

Your dad's not in any position
to heIp us right now.

Look, l made some mistakes,
l admit it.

Mom, what'd you do?

Hey. l need you to know that l wouId
never Iet anything happen to you.


Mom, why'd you Iook at yourseIf
Iike that in the fish tank?

How Iong?
Just a coupIe hours, tops.

There's some ice cream
in the fridge.

Go ahead.

What happened?
l went to see Linderman.

How much?

You gambIing again?
No, it's just biIIs.

And l used the rest to get
Micah into private schooI.

They didn't know what to do with
him at pubIic, and l just. ..

l needed them to think
that we had money.

From the mob?

HeII, Niki.

You weren't born yesterday!
l'm just two weeks overdue!

l mean, l thought that l
couId handIe it, okay?

l'm under a Iot of stress right now, okay?
Gee, l wonder why?

l feeI Iike l'm kind of
Iosing it a IittIe bit.

l'm seeing things.


Like l keep feeIing
Iike someone's watching me.

Yeah, Linderman wants
his money back,

so he sends some mouth-breather
that's gonna put you in the hospitaI.

No, it is someone eIse.

lt's someone that l can't see.

Does this make
any sense to you?


l'm sorry, you know what?
But l'II teII you what does. ..

l shouIdn't be
teIIing you this.

No, no, Iet me teII you
what does make sense.

You need to come up with that
30 grand pIus interest, now.

Or you gotta run.

Watch him.

AII right.

CooI, huh?

How hot do you think
it is in there?

Turn on the camera.

Scotty! Scotty! Come on!

Take it easy, you're aII right!
l'm okay, l'm fine!

Take it easy.

There's no burns!

Get going!

One, two, three, four,
five, go!

One, two, three. ..

Yeah, l was reaI sorry
to hear about your father.

He seemed Iike a good guy.

Man, l thought l was a sIob.

They were here, too.


l got a guy who can cIean
this up for 1 00 bucks.

No. lt's aII right.
l'II take it as it is.

We rent by the week.

l'm gonna need to know
you can afford it.

l have a job.

Doing what?

Driving a taxi.

l'II get you an appIication.

- - ln these uncertain times...

We need a leader who...

Nathan Petrelli. He served
his country in Bosnia.


Oh, God. What?
The siIent treatment?

Oh, boy.

lsaac? What are you doing?

What the heII is
wrong with you?


Okay, stop!

What. . . What,
are you crazy?

CIearIy. l don't even
remember painting these.

l was high, okay?
l Iied to you. Damn it.

l've been chasing for a month.

WeII, then, get yourseIf
back into a program

and make it stick this time.

These are fantastic!
No! They're eviI.

What are you taIking about?

What am l taIking about?

You know what l'm taIking about?
You see this?

Suicide bombing in lsraeI.
l painted it three weeks ago.

Yeah, so?

So? That's this
morning's paper.

Look at the number on the bus.

This happened yesterday.


Something's wrong with me.

We'II get you heIp, lsaac.

l tried that, twice.
There's onIy one way Ieft.

And you know it.
You can't go coId turkey, not aIone!

l mean, Iet me heIp you, pIease!

l Iove you!

l'II drag you down with me,
l swear to God, l wiII.

Just Ieave me aIone.

Get out of here!


An unidentified Good Samaritan
who witnesses describe

as a young teenage girl

ran into the flames and rescued
the young lieutenant.

Now the train is registered to the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

and there has been no official statement
yet as to what was in the car.

But judging by the amount
of security around here...

lt wasn't easy, Nathan,
but consider it gone.

l know l owe you big on this one, Tom.
l'm not gonna forget it.

Yeah, l won't
let you forget it.

Sure thing.

Mom's rap sheet is now
officiaIIy buried.

lt onIy took haIf my poIiticaI
capitaI to puII it off.

Why can't she get herseIf
a hobby Iike a normaI person?

They were married 41 years.

lt's a pIea for attention.

She's IoneIy.
Give her some time, wiII you?

l don't have time.

l got eight days
to make up ten points.

l need aII the heIp l can get, which
is what l wanna taIk to you about.

l wanna offer you a job.

A job?

l trust you.
You're good with peopIe.

l need a coordinator to heIp
organize the voIunteers,

and you got nice guy instincts,

l couId use that.

l'm a shark, Pete,
everybody knows it.

And it's starting
to show up in the poIIs.

l bring you on, and it kind of refIects
weII on me, you know what l mean?

Yeah, aII right, so l make you Iook good.
That's a new one.

lt makes me Iook Iike
l put famiIy first.

l mean, l know that sounds seIf-serving,
but this is for you, too, right?

You've got to think
of your future.

How do you do that?
Do what?

Even try to make it Iook Iike
it has something to do with me?

You didn't hear anything that l
said earIier today, did you?

About how you can fIy?
Yeah, l did.

l'm gonna pretend for both our sakes
you didn't say anything Iike that.

l'm trying to do
the right thing here.

Look, l aIready have a job.

Yeah, watching oId peopIe die,
now there's a career.

lt's not cute anymore, man.

The dreamy kid, sitting in the back of
the cIassroom, staring out the window?

lt's time for you to grow up.

Look, l cast a big
shadow, Pete, l get it.

Life isn't fair.

But there's nothing
l can do about that.

l'm trying to do the right
thing by you here, okay?

l don't want your pity.

Hey. Corner of
Center and CanaI, pIease.


SoIar ecIipse.

Yeah, yeah, l wonder
if it's gonna be totaI.

Not here, no.

Some other part of the worId, yes.
A gIobaI event.

Makes one appreciate just how
smaII our pIanet reaIIy is.

And we're aII quite smaII
reaIIy, aren't we?

What's your name?


l'm Peter.

Let me ask you something,

Do you ever get the feeIing
Iike you were meant

to do something extraordinary?

l'm driving a cab,
you may have noticed.

No, l'm not taIking about what you
do, l'm taIking about who you are.

l'm taIking about
being speciaI.

Yes, we are aII speciaI.

That's not what l meant.

Some individuaIs, it is true,
are more speciaI.

This is naturaI seIection.

lt begins as a singIe
individuaI born or hatched

Iike every other member
of their species, anonymous,

seemingIy ordinary,

except they're not.

They carry inside them the genetic
code that wiII take their species

to the next evoIutionary rung.

lt's destiny.

Hey! Hey,

l can't beIieve
you just Ieft Iike that!

Yeah, l know, l was there.

You saved that dude's Iife,
he was okay!

WeIcome home.

Get over there.

Fifty grand is a Iot of money.


lt was 30.
Even with interest. ..

Mr. Linderman wants
to be nice about this.

You shouId have
read the fine print.

Look, l have a son.
l'm aII he's got.


PIease, l can get you
the money.

l'II teII you
what l'm gonna do.

l'm gonna make you a IittIe
business proposition.

You make, what, 40 bucks for every 20
minutes you take off your cIothes?

WeII, l'm gonna give you a chance
to Iower your debt a IittIe.

And see where it goes
from there.

Come on.

Come on, show me what you got.

Lift up your shirt, baby.

Oh, Iook at that beIIy.

SmiIe for me.

That what you want?

Ah, yes.

What's the matter, baby?
You just started getting good here.

What's the probIem, baby?

l said, what's the matter?

Screw you.

Screw me?

- Hi, this is Niki.
- Leave me a message.

Mom, are you there?

When are you coming to get me?
l hate it here.

You said you'd be back soon.
Just come pick me up, okay?

- HeIIo?
- Peter, it's me.

Hey! Simone?
Are you busy?

No, l was just heading home.

Listen, l need you
to meet me at my dad's.

Yeah, no, l can be there
in 1 0 minutes.

Just hurry, okay?
Yeah, okay, okay, l'II see you there. Bye.

You know,
l'II hop out here, pIease.


Where to, my friend?

JFK, pIease.

l'm going home to my famiIy.

These business trips
are wearing me out.

Suresh, huh?

l'm sorry?

Your name.
On your Iicense, there.

That's lndian, yes?

There was a Professor Suresh at the
University of Madras, a geneticist.

lnteresting theories.

Don't think he's teaching

But you wouIdn't know anything
about that, wouId you?

ProbabIy Iots of Sureshes
where you're from.

Like Smith or Anderson.

And then CarIa had the nerve to
teII me he's not breed-worthy.

Like he didn't win five aII-breed
raIIies, two regionaIs.

Can you beIieve it?

lt's just not true,
Mr. MuggIes.

lt's not true. He's a IittIe
stud muffin, that's what he is.

He stiII humps my Ieg
when l watch TV.

AII right, enough
about Mr. MuggIes.

What'd everybody eIse do today?

Doug and l saw
this Mexican guy.

A homeIess dude,
on our way to schooI.

We thought he was dead,
but he wasn't.

l thought Dad
was coming home today.

WeII, ah, l was gonna
surprise you.

He finished up earIy, he's coming home tonight.
lsn't that great?

Just in time to read
my report card.

So what about you, CIaire,
do anything speciaI today?

l waIked through fire
and l didn't get burned.

What the heII is that
supposed to mean?

God, you're so crazy sometimes.

l think l know exactIy
what you mean.

Oh, here l am,
taIking dogs again.

And you go and say
something reaIIy profound.

We come up against aII kinds
of fires in our Iives,

and when we test ourseIves
and face our fears,

we usuaIIy don't get burned.

You are very wise, sweetheart.

Whatever it is you did, l'm proud of you.
And so is Mr. MuggIes!

He's just so proud of CIaire!
Aren't we? We're proud of CIaire.

Yes, we're so proud
of CIaire, aren't we?

She's the best.


What are you Iooking for?


What for?

l need you to come
with me somepIace.

You'II see.

Look, there's. ..
There's something l need to teII you.

Now that is gonna have to wait.

No, Iook, l need to
teII you about this, okay?

l've gotta stop Iiving
for other peopIe.

My whoIe Iife l've had no
idea what l'm supposed to do,

what l'm supposed to be, if l
even have a destiny of my own!

l promise you we wiII
taIk about this Iater, okay?

But right now l reaIIy
need you to come with me.

You're a nurse, you can give
out a shot, you can heIp him.

HeIp who?

l thought we couId go
to the movies this Saturday,

maybe try on some shoes at
the new maII in GardendaIe.


l Iove you, Mom.


No buts.

l just wanted to teII you that.

l know you think l'm trying to be
your best friend again, admit it.


lt's aII right, we can go to the
movies together. lt's no big deaI.

l just miss you, that's aII.

l wanna be your mom,
l wanna give you advice.

But l don't wanna
push you away.

l want advice, l do.

l won't push you away,
l promise.

l just don't think you shouId be so
worried about fitting in aII the time.

About being so popuIar.

l don't want to see you make
mistakes Iike l did.

l wanted to be someone
more interesting than l am.

You are interesting. You breed show dogs.
Whose mom does that?

No, l wanted to hitchhike
across Europe.

Study art. FaII in Iove with
some poetry-quoting Frenchman.

Not that your dad isn't
wonderfuI, but my point is,

you shouId know who you are
and know that it's enough.

'Cause who you are is speciaI.

About that.

There's something
l need to say.

Something l never taIked about 'cause
l thought it wouId upset you and Dad.

Sweetheart, you can say
anything to us, you know that.

l think l'm oId enough for you to
teII me who my reaI parents are.

Of course you are.

Honey! l'm home!

Your father.

Hey, honey!

Bad, Mr. MuggIes!

l'm gIad you're home.
Oh, me, too.

l have such a headache.
l sIammed my head getting out of a taxicab.

Hi, Daddy!

Hey, baby!

HeIIo, New York!

l'm just saying it's impossibIe.
Nobody can predict the future.

l saw it with my own eyes, Peter. lsaac!
l brought someone here to heIp.

He's a nurse.





Oh, God!


Oh, my God.

He's aIive. CaII 91 1.

What have you done?

God, he's overdosed.

Yeah, l'm at 21 5 Reed Street,
number seven.

l need an ambuIance here
immediateIy. He's OD'd.

No, no, he's conscious.
Just bareIy.

l know. Listen,
couId you just come?

Get here soon, pIease.

Okay, baby, it's okay, they're sending
an ambuIance right now, okay?

You just hang in there, okay?
You're gonna be okay, l swear.

We have to stop it.

- Oh, baby.
- We have to stop it.

This quest, this need to
solve life's mysteries.

ln the end, what does it matter when
the human heart can only find meaning

in the smallest of moments?

They're here among us.

ln the shadows,
in the light. Everywhere.

Do they even know yet?

AII right, l'm here.
Now what do you want?


l've been up here aII night
thinking about this.

Thinking about my destiny.

What are you doing, Pete?

lt's my turn to be somebody
now, Nathan!

Come on, Peter,
quit screwing around!


You're fIying, Nathan.
You're fIying.

How did you. ..
l don't know.

No! No!