Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 9, Episode 14 - Ready, Aim..... - full transcript

Because the country of Japan has very strong restrictions on handguns, smugglers can turn huge profits by buying or stealing them in Hawaii and seeking them on the Tokyo black market. A Tokyo police officer, who narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on the Tokyo street and picked up the assailant's weapon, traces it to Honolulu. He arrives there and tells McGarrett of his find, and the two of them form a task force to find the leaders of a Hawaiian smuggling ring.

LORD: This is Jack Lord
inviting you to be with us next

for "Ready... Aim..."

How do you know that
the guns are being exported

to Japan from Honolulu?

I found this out through
inside contact here.

Is the inside
contact Iso Taguchi?

You are going to kill him.
I won't do it. Not again.

Mr. McGarrett, if we can
catch the man hired to kill me,

there's a good chance we
can find out who employed him.

And he may lead us to the
entire gun smuggling ring.

Nahashi! Watch it, behind you!

Hold it!

Hold it!

LORD: Next, "Ready...
Aim..." Be here, aloha.

McGARRETT: How do you
know the guns are being exported

to Japan from Honolulu?

I found this out through
inside contact here.

You are going to kill him.
I won't do it. Not again.

If we can catch the
man hired to kill me,

there's a good chance we
can find out who employed him.

And he may lead us to the
entire gun-smuggling ring.

Nahashi! Watch it, behind you!

Hold it.

NAHASHI: Hold it.

your man for all seasons, Tom McCarthy,

with today's weather report
for the greater Honolulu area.

There will be mostly clear skies,
with a few occasional showers.

Temperatures on
the garden island

will range between 72 degrees
during the day and 64 at night.

And for all you surfers, we just
got a report from Sunset Beach.




Yes, he called last night.

He's arriving at
2:00, flight 817.

Okay, gentlemen, four gun shops
have been hit in the past month.

Over 150 handguns stolen.

I checked with one of my most
reliable street sources, Steve.

The price of handguns
has doubled recently.

Where do you think
they're being funneled to?

That's the puzzler.

We have the serial numbers on
nearly all of the stolen handguns,

and not one of
them has surfaced.

Sounds like, uh, somebody's
equipping a small army.

Maybe a terrorist group.

Then why would the rifles and
automatic weapons be left behind?


No, gentlemen,
we're dealing strictly

with an underground market in
handguns somebody is stockpiling.

And I wanna know who and why.

The cop arrived
from Tokyo today.

Uh-huh. So, what are
you gonna do about it?

You know what we have to do.

necessary to kill him?

He and the girl
are pretty tight.

No telling how
much she told him.




- Yeah?
- It's Robert.

Our visitor arrived today.

- Where is he staying?
- At the Kukui Plaza.

- I'll arrange a reception.
- Let me know how it goes.

You'll be the first.

It's all taken care of.


DANNY: Japanese 9 mm.

- What do we got, Danno?
- Still piecing it together.

We're light on witnesses, but it's
obviously some kind of hit attempt.

Oh? Who's the target?

Name on his passport
is Harold Osuna.

Came in on the noon
flight from Tokyo.

- Tokyo? How's he doing?
- Head injury. Still studying the x-rays.

Any background on him?

He listed his occupation
as businessman,

but I've got a small
problem with that.

- What's that?
- Don.

He was wearing this
in a shoulder holster.

- Speak any English?
- Fluently.

Let's see how fluently.

Officer Williams, I've just come
from the patient's room, he's gone.

- Gone where?
- Well, I don't know, but he's not there.

His clothes are gone too.

He might have a very
serious concussion.

Excuse me, I better check
with the nurses' station.

This is one patient I wanna
know more about, Danno.

Get that automatic
he had to Che.

See if you can raise any prints on it
and get them on the wire to Tokyo.


- Hello, may I help you?
- Iso?

- Kimo?
- Yes.

I just got in. When
can I see you?

I... I can't get away right now.

You must. It's very important.

Uh, there is a hamburger
stand on Sand Island.

Right across from
the Aloha Tower.

- I'll meet you there in one hour.
- All right.

It was a sports car,
a Triumph, maybe.

What about the license number?

No, everything happened
so fast, I didn't see it.

What about the color?

It was purple with a white racing
stripe along the side. Real fancy.

You said the car was hopped up.

Yeah, real hot.

Big cam, headers,
the whole works.

So, what we've got is a souped-up
purple sports car, maybe a Triumph.

No description of the driver except
that he was wearing dark glasses.

- I guess that's about it.
- Thank you for your time.


Very well, sir, I'll get back
to you as soon as possible.

Nothing like a presidential
visit to spike things up, huh?

What about our
mystery man, Osuna?

He's still a mystery man.

I checked the company in
Tokyo he supposedly worked for.

That doesn't exist.

Which means, he
probably doesn't exist.

At least not under that name.

I'm running a check on him
through the Tokyo Police Department.

What about the airline?

I talked to the stewardess
who worked the flight.

She said he wired ahead to confirm
reservations on the car and hotel.

And we found out locally

that he was booked through
an agency by a Miss Iso Taguchi.

- Got an address on her?
- Both work and residence.

- Want her picked up for questioning?
- No.

No, not yet.

No, just, uh, try to locate the lady
and keep her under surveillance.

Maybe if our mystery man thinks we're
in the dark, he'll try to make contact.


But when you called,

you said that you knew where
the guns were being stockpiled.

I was mistaken.

A few hours after I arrived,
someone tried to kill me.

You were the only one
who knew I was arriving.

- I don't know what you're trying to say.
- I'm not trying to say it.

I'm saying it.

You must have told
someone. I wanna know why.

Please, Kimo. I've got
to go back now, please.

- I'll pick you up later.
- Oh, no. No, that's impossible.

If they see us, I'm afraid
of what they're going to do.

I don't know what
you are afraid of.

But you must know, I'll never
do anything to endanger you.

I'll call first.

We'll go someplace where
we won't be seen, all right?

- Yeah?
- He got by me.

- What do you mean he got by you?
- I missed. That happens.

Not when you do piecework
for me, man, what's wrong?

Hey, no sweat. He's gonna fall.

All I have to do is just wait around
for him to come up for some air.

Try the girl. He'll
get in touch with her.

Look, you just leave
everything up to old Tom Terrific.

Ten-four, Mr. D.

Purple Triumph sports car?

No, I don't remember seeing
a car like that around here.

According to the witness,
the car was souped-up.

Maybe race modified.

Yeah. A lot of young guys
today are doing their own work.

They're pretty
good with engines.

What about custom paint jobs?

That they can't get off the
shelf. They gotta send out.

- Where?
- I don't know.

Must be a couple dozen
around. Try the yellow pages.

DANNY: Hold it.

CHIN HO: We're
taking you in, Nahashi.

McGARRETT: I sent a query
off to Tokyo this morning.

I just got that telex
back from your captain.

You're Lieutenant Kimo Nahashi.

- Did he tell you why I'm here?
- It's in there.

Something about a Honolulu
black market in handguns

and a ring smuggling
them into Japan.

Yes. As you know, we have very
strict gun-control laws in Japan.

A handgun selling for
a hundred dollars here

could go for as much
as $2,500 in Tokyo.

Well, are you suggesting

that if we had stricter
gun-control laws in this country

that you wouldn't even be here?

I didn't say that, you did.

How do you know that
the guns are being exported

to Japan from Honolulu?

Ah. At this very moment,
arrangements are being made

for 500 handguns to
be smuggled out of here.

Valued on the streets of Tokyo
at well over a million dollars.

I found this out through
inside contact here.

Is the inside
contact Iso Taguchi?

The young lady who
made reservations for you?

I've been doing some, uh,
digging in Miss Taguchi's file.

She's a naturalized
American citizen, for instance.

Seven years ago,
she became pregnant.

She was unmarried, so she
went back to Japan to have a child.

That's when I met Iso.

The child is now living in
Tokyo with her grandmother.

What I wanna know is how and why

you persuaded Miss
Taguchi to come here?

Through an informant, I found
out that the guns being smuggled

into Tokyo were
coming from here.


So since Miss Taguchi was a
naturalized American citizen,

you persuaded her
to come back here

and to dig up whatever
information she could for you.

- Correct? That was two months ago.
- Yes. And two days ago,

she called me in Tokyo and
said that the shipment of guns

is scheduled to leave
here 6 p.m. Thursday.

Well, did she tell
you anything else?

How and where the guns
were to be smuggled out?

- The names of anyone involved?
- No.

As far as I know, 6 p.m. Thursday
was all she was able to come up with.

That leaves us less
than 24 hours, lieutenant.

Now, we're gonna work
together on this one.

No more freelancing.
Do I make myself clear?

You leave me with
no choice, do you?

None. None whatsoever.

Still working the same
old stand, huh, Jimmy?

Things are looking
up, Officer Williams.

I got new visions.

And some old ones.

Like selling phony
sweepstake tickets?

Hey, baby. How'd
they get in there?

These tickets could buy you
time in the slammer, Jimmy.

All right, what do
you guys want?

You were seen selling a
handgun the other night.

Where'd you get it?

You're not gonna
believe this, you know?

Probably not.

Well, I'm walking
along Hotel Street, see.

I see this skinny mutt. He's
digging in this pile of trash, right?

- So I'm getting closer and...
- You know what? You were right.

We're not gonna believe you.

Now, listen, I want
a straight answer.

Otherwise, I'm gonna turn you
and these tickets over to H.P.D.

And I'm going to do
everything I can, personally,

to see that the charges stick.

Okay. I had the
piece a long time.

- Stashed away.
- We asked where you got it.

I was holding a
marker on this guy.

- You remember Frog,
Mamo? DANNY: Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Fell away about a year ago.

Anyway, he gave me
the gun for his marker.

And you've had it tucked away
under your pillow ever since?

No, under my mattress.

- Why'd you hold it so long?
- I was running a little bit short

and I heard about this guy
paying some big money.

What guy?

I don't know. I never
seen him before.

What about his name?

All I heard him called
was The Dancer.

Thanks, Jimmy.

- What do you want?
- Things got messed up.

That's not my fault. I
did what you asked.

Now you're gonna
do something else.

- No, I won't.
- You're gonna call your cop friend.

You're gonna have him meet you
at the Valley of the Temples at 4:00.

You are going to kill him.
I won't do it, not again.

Sure you will.


DANCER: Long distance.

I wanna place a
call to Tokyo, Japan.




Hello, Nahame.


Are you all right?


Valley of the Temples, 4:00.

- What time did Miss Taguchi call?
- About an hour ago.

We could stake out
the temple grounds.

The problem is, we
don't know who to look for.

Unless I show up.

You enjoy being shot at?

It would bring the
killer out into the open.

You said that you and Miss
Taguchi were very close, huh?


Why do you think she's cooperating
with them and setting you up?

- Maybe for the second time.
- I don't know.

- Could it be money?
- Iso would never betray me for money.

Mr. McGarrett,

if we can catch the
man hired to kill me,

there's a good chance we
can find out who employed him.

And he may lead us to the
entire gun-smuggling ring.

All right, lieutenant, I'm
gonna let you play target,

only because we're
running out of time.

But I'm gonna have a cop
behind every tree out there.

For your lady's sake
as well as yours.

- How many? TANAKI: I
make it a little over 400.

That's the wrong number.

- Hey, it's the best I could do.
- Well, that's not good enough.

I cleaned the streets, man.

Not quite.

There's a gun store
on Hotel and Ala Wai.

It's run by a little old man.
Stocks maybe 30-, 40 handguns.

Get your people on it.

Okay, man.



RADIO]: Robert, you there?

Right here on top of
things as usual, Mr. Hodges.

That guy Smith phoned
again. Wants you to call him.


Hey, you two got
something going, or what?

Or what, Mr. Hodges?



This is Robert.

Four o'clock.

Got it.



Okay, gentlemen, stand
by. The lady has just come in.

She's wearing a blue
blouse, pants, no hat.

Got her in sight, Steve.

What's that guy in jeans doing?

Nahashi! Watch it, behind you!


Okay, spread out, gentlemen.
I want this entire area covered.

NAHASHI: Are you
ready now to tell me why?

ISO: There is nothing to tell.

Iso, there have been
two attempts on my life.

Now, I want the truth.


They have my daughter, Nahame.


- Who has her?
- I don't know.

He let me talk to
her this morning.

Poor Nahame, she doesn't
even know what's happening.

- He let you talk to her?
- I don't know who he is.

But he's got to be one
of the men you are after.

- You called Nahame in Tokyo?
- Yes.

- Where from?
- My apartment.

We will be able to find the address
in Tokyo by tracing the phone number.

Oh, please, I don't
want her to get hurt.

- I don't want her to get hurt.
- Shh.

She won't.

I promise you that, all right?

DANCER: He didn't deliver.
The police were waiting for him.

what are you gonna do?

DANCER: Kill him.

about Miss Taguchi?

DANCER: She had to be the
one that tipped off the police.

loose end. That bothers me.

I told you, you don't have to worry
about her. She knows very little.

Aren't you forgetting
something? She knows you.

She knows the face, and after
tomorrow that's not gonna be around.

What about McGarrett?
Did she talk to him?

If McGarrett knew
where the guns were,

he would've hit the
teahouse a long time ago.

I don't know, he's clever. He
may be thinking of something.

I think we'd better find
out if she talked to him.

And after that?

After that, we have
to dispose of her too.

Steve, H.P.D. is still
searching the temple grounds.

- But it looks like he got by them.
- I want H.P.D. to stay with it, Danno.

Those guns are supposed to
move out in less than two hours.

Well, there's something
else, Steve. This just came in.

A gun store was hit
early this morning.

The owner was badly beaten.
He's on the critical list at Leahi.

I see something else.

Only handguns were stolen.

Yeah, best estimate
is about, uh, 30.

Steve, we just got a break.

Owner of Coreo Custom Paint Shop
says he knows that purple Triumph.

- It belongs to a Robert
Makala. McGARRETT: Let's go.

We found this automatic
under the front seat of the car.

The shotgun was behind the
shower curtain in the house.

Any question in your mind that
Robert Makala was our shooter?

No, but why was he killed?

Oh, a precaution, I would say.

He's our only link to the
man, or men, who hired him.

Danno, I wanna know everything
there is to know about Robert Makala.

Background, jobs, known
associates, family, everything.

Get Duke and Chin
on it right away.


Iso, open up.


That was dumb. Now
you have a busted door.

- Let's go, we're leaving.
- Where are you taking me?

What's your favorite dessert?



Hawaiian Gold Dairy. May I help you?

I just can't believe it.

Robert seemed such
a nice young fellow.

Do you, uh, know anyone
who might disagree with you?

I don't think Robert had
an enemy in the world.

Then let's talk
about his friends.

He didn't have too many.
Robert was kind of a loner.

Anyone come to see
him recently, or call him?

Yeah. There was a Mr. Smith.

Called Robert maybe three
or four times in the past week.


- Said he was a friend of Robert's.
- Did you ever see him?

Once. The first
time he came here.

I don't think he saw me. I was in the
office when Robert went to meet him.

Do you think you'd recognize
him if you saw him again?

Yeah, I think so.

Mr. Hodges, would you mind coming
with us to look at some pictures?


That's him, all right. He's
the man I saw with Robert.

- You're sure?
- Sure am.

Okay, Mr. Hodges.
Thank you very much.

McGARRETT: What do we got?
- Oh, here's his rap sheet.

His name is Benny Dancero,
known as The Dancer.

Well, that's the name that
Jimmy Alahani gave us.


Armed robbery,
extortion, inciting to riot.

You might find his last
arrest interesting, Steve.

"San Antonio, Texas.
August 16th, last year.

Indicted for breaking into
a National Guard armory

and smuggling weapons
across the border into Mexico."

Read further, Steve, the charges
were dropped due to a lack of evidence.

A key witness failed to show up.

I wonder why.

- Do we pick him up?
- On what charge, Chin?

We can't pick him up simply
because he knows Robert Makala.

See if you can locate this
character. Pin a tail on him.

Sometime in the next few hours,

he and those guns are gonna
make contact, and when they do,

- I wanna know about it.
- Right.

Danno, run down
his known associates.

DANNY: Wanna know
which of them are dirty?

They're all dirty,
Danno. Bet on it.

This is where they
keep things cold.

Why have you brought me here?

Same reason.

Just till the man comes. He
wants to ask you some questions.

ISO: What about?
- He'll tell you.

Don't be nervous.

The control's off, for now.

Steve, here's the list of
Dancero's known associates.

McGARRETT: Any names stick out?
- Yeah, Nick Tanaki, on top.

Uh, two arrests, but nothing
heavy. Presently employed as a cook.

His current address
is the Nuuanu Onsen.

Maybe that's why Miss
Taguchi took the job there.

Maybe that's where they
could be storing the guns.


HO [ON PHONE]: Steve, Chin.

We checked out
Dancero's address.

Now, according to his landlady,
he checked out this morning.

If he checked out, it probably
means they're ready to move the guns.

- Chin.
- Yes, Steve?

I want you and Duke to go
over to the Nuuanu Onsen.

I wanna know if anything
starts to move out of there.

Anything that looks like it
could hold a shipment of guns.

Got it.

- Where's Lt. Nahashi?
- Haven't seen him.

See if you can locate him.
If not, we'll go without him.


I kept my promise. I
didn't tell Kimo anything.

- What about McGarrett?
- I never spoke to him.

You know what will
happen if you're lying.

Please, I'm telling the truth.

Miss Taguchi, I could easily
drop the temperature in this room

down to about 40
degrees below zero.

You'd freeze your,
uh, eyelashes off.

ISO: Please, I'm
not lying. I swear it.

You're a long way
from home, cop.

Inside with your lady friend.


He must have followed me here.

Be my guest. Both of you.

Steve, Chin.
Something's going down.

They're loading boxes
into a refrigeration truck.

Okay, let them run
with the ball, Chin.

But don't let them out of your
sight. Maintain radio contact.

Got it.

Steve, Chin. Suspect's
vehicle rolling.

Marked "Moana Frozen Foods,"

license number 513-345.

Got it, Chin, but stay loose.

I'll request an H.P.D. backup.


I'll go first.

Now, I want you
to go to the phone.

Call McGarrett at Five-0
and tell him everything.


Suspect van making
right turn on Billingham.


Steve, Chin.

Suspect vehicle pulled in
at the Hawaiian Gold Dairy.

Got it, Chin, thank you. We're
not too far away. On our way.

McGARRETT: Okay, clear that way.

They're in there.

Freeze. You're under arrest.

McGARRETT: Okay, take them.

NAHASHI: Hold it!

Call an ambulance.



SECRETARY: Your Tokyo call is
coming through now, Mr. McGarrett.

McGarrett. Yes, captain.

Could you speak a
little louder, please?



Are you all right?


Yes, I'm fine.
Just fine, darling.

Yes, I'm coming home.

Real soon.

Yes, I love you.