Haunted Hospitals (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - The Collector, Deadman Talking; Beyond The Battlefield - full transcript

An aspiring nurse saves money for college by working as a Certified Nurse's Assistant. Relegated to a ward the other nurses call "The Twilight Zone," she becomes trapped in a room between a...

- I loved my patients.

I loved my job.

But I was just tired of getting scared.

- It's not from this world.

- I saw my friend Ala.

I was really shocked.

- Are you gonna kiss that man?

- There's no one there.

- I was terrified.

- It scared the living
out of me.

- At a small town hospital,

certified nursing assistant Mindy Trivette

has been on the job for four years.

- It was a fully functioning hospital.

They delivered babies.

They had an ER.

They actually did surgeries.

They had a rehab center
and a long term care center

and I kind of fluctuated
between those two.

- So nice to see you.

Thank you.

You look beautiful today.

It's lovely.

- I loved just taking care of people.

I loved getting attached to 'em

even though they say just seeing

that you don't get attached 'cause they'll

break your heart in
the end when they pass.

- It's beautiful out in the garden.

- Yes, it is.

- The sun's out.

- And the sun's out.

- Yes.

- But you at least get to
be a part of their lives

and they become a part of yours as well.

Though my mom was ecstatic, the fact

that I became a CNA because she

was glad I was following in her footsteps.

- See.


- She knew I'd be
good at it and she knew

that was something we could
relate to each other with.

- That was lovely.

- I worked the night shift.

I like being around the people

that I work with on nights.

We have a nice flow and just

had this underlying communication

where they know when I need help

and I know when they need help

and we just jump in and do it together.

- But there's
one part of the hospital

that sets Mindy on edge.

- It was about a month
or two in on night shift

when I started just getting weird vibes

and creepy feelings.

In the long term care unit, I would feel

like something would jump
out at me and scare me.

I would second guess seeing
stuff in people's rooms

and be like is that something
or is that just light

playing with me?

It's creepy to the point where I would run

up to the nurse's desk and begin like,

I don't wanna be back
there by myself anymore.

So some of the staff I was able

to talk to about it and
not feel like I was crazy.

A nurse like no, that's the Twilight Zone.

Everybody gets weird feelings back there.

You question what you're seeing sometimes.

- When you have one
particular part of a building

that becomes more active than the rest,

it could be natural earth energies

in that location, ley
lines or flowing water

underneath the property but this could

also be an area where there's
been a very highly charged,

emotional impact on the environment.

Like a very traumatic
death or a series of deaths

in that same area.

- A lot of people have
come through the doors

and some had not left and I just felt

like there was something there

even though I couldn't
really pinpoint what it was.

- But one night, those feelings

and impressions become something more.

- This happened at about
two in the morning.

- Do you hear that?

- Yeah.

- It's weird.

We should go check it out.

- Mindy and her colleague

hear a strange noise
coming from the hallway.

- I was like is somebody

playing a joke on us right now?

We knew nobody was in there.

And this TV's blaring loud
enough for us to hear.

- Did you leave it on?

- No.

- There was an empty patient room,

this door standing wide
open, the TV's blaring,

and there's a chair sitting
in the middle of the room.

But it was just in a weird place

that a chair shouldn't be but even weirder

was the TV was on and the
nurse that I was with,

he looks at me and he's like earlier

in the shift I closed that door

and everything was turned off.

He was like did you go
in there and do that?

I'm like nope.

- When the TV
changes channels on its own,

Mindy becomes frightened.

- And at that point, me and
him, we're both creeped out.

We close the door, we left the TV going

and we didn't go back in that room

until day shift arrived.

Whatever's there can stay in there

and I'm not dealing with it right now.

- What was that?

- Many times, an entity doesn't realize

that they're dead.

This could be someone who died so quickly

that they got locked
into this frame of mind

where they're going
through their daily lives,

not realizing that they've passed on.

So as a person goes to
work, they come home,

they have dinner, they go
into a room and watch TV,

you might find patterns of behavior

that seem to cause things
physical to happen.

- Mindy continues
to work the night shift.

- I'm like well maybe I
might have a decent night

and no spooky crap will happen.

There was a patient that I liked.

She could be sweet as pie but
then there's some times she

could be mean as a snake but you were able

to look at her and just kind
of laugh and walk it off.

For the most part, I enjoyed her

because she was genuine.

At that point in time,
I just had a feeling

that something had changed.

- He's there.

Do you see him?

Do you see him?

No really, he's there.

Some little boy on my bed.

You don't belong here!

You stop shaking my bed!

There's a little boy sitting
on the end of my bed!

- She was saying get
that boy off of my bed!

- There's a little boy
at the end of my bed.

Get off my bed!

- Said what are you talking about?

There's nothing in there,
there's nobody on your bed.

I just wanted to get
the hell out of there.

- Nursing
assistant Mindy Trivette

works in a ward where
strange events frighten her.

- Some of the patients would say

that they saw things in their rooms.

- Get that little boy off my bed!

- Many times, a spirit
will be exactly what it is.

It's showing itself as that
spirit identifies itself.

On the other hand,
there are also instances

where something completely different

may wanna appear to somebody as a child,

somebody much younger than they are.

- He's there again, you
don't see him but he's there.

- What might be happening there

is something a little more sinister

trying to portray someone more innocent.

- I don't know what he wants.

Who are you?

- The red headed boy was a ghost

that a lot of the residents would see.

Usually when we heard talk
of the red headed boy,

it was somebody was gonna pass soon.

- Mindy does her
best to reassure the patient

in an attempt to calm her down.

- I didn't like being in a room

where I knew that she was seeing something

that I couldn't see.

I was getting tired of the spooks.

I loved my patients, I loved my job,

but I was just tired of getting scared.

And I dreaded the rest of the night.

I looked up the hallway
to kind of like prioritize

what I needed to do next

and I saw this happy birthday balloon

and it just floated down the hallway

and there was no air conditioning,

no air, no heat was on.

It made a 90 degree and
went straight down the hall.

I felt like something was
moving it down the hallway

and kind of wanted me to follow.

- A balloon is a very childlike object.

It's supposed to be for fun but it also

has a little bit of a
creepy element to it.

Depending on what the
intent behind the activity

of manipulating the balloon would be.

- It made another 90 degree
to go in this other room.

- Somebody, somebody's in my room.

- I was worrisome to go
in this patient's room

because I didn't know what
was gonna happen to me

and what was gonna happen in this room.

It kind of kept getting closer to him.

The patient was afraid
of what he was seeing.

He kept saying get that
person out of here,

get that person out of here.

He was pointing to the corner
over next to the cabinet.

He said there was a person standing there.

This balloon went to the exact same corner

where he had said this
person was standing.

This patient was screaming.

- Stop it, stop it!

- I'm like okay, there's nobody in here.

I felt terrified and I felt helpless

for the fact I couldn't
help the patient either.

- The entity
seen by the patient

seems to disappear along with the balloon.

- And then he wasn't talking.

He was just quiet.

- I think balloons being involved

in paranormal events has
been around for a long time.

They're very easily manipulated,

either by a slight breeze
or static electricity

or even a focused concentration of energy.

This is something that can be used

by a spirit to try to
get a message across.

Might be just to let someone
know that they're there

but also times it could be that
something a little sinister

is trying to get someone to
follow it somewhere else.

- So the guy with the balloon,

he ended up passing away that
week after this happened.

- Whatever forces
are at work in the hospital

give Mindy no peace.

- I was terrified at that
fact that a whole bunch

of crap kept happening
and just wouldn't stop.

These things can't be
consistently happening

and not be real.

It got to the point where
I dreaded going back

and taking care of people by myself.

All these people have to be
checked on every two hours.

- Mindy must
check in on the patient

who had seen the little boy.

- She was in the process of dying.

She was declining a lot
and just wasn't doing well.

I was dreading have to
go back into her room

to follow up care on her.

I was thinking to myself
just leave me alone

for a little bit but I
knew I still had a job

and I still had to take care of her.

- Are you gonna kiss that man?

- What?

- That man.

Are you gonna kiss that man?

- Kiss who?

- You see him
standing right there?

He wants to kiss you!

- There's no one there.

- I was stunned and terrified.

I couldn't believe what was going on.

- Nursing
assistant Mindy Trivette

is terrified by the
visions of a dying patient.

- Are you gonna kiss that man?

- She was kind of playful.

She also was kind of a lover of the men

and she was genuinely like asking me,

am I gonna kiss him?

- See him standing right there?

He wants to kiss you!

- And I'm like what man?

And she says that man
standing right beside you

and I'm like there's no man beside me.

- Don't you wanna kiss that man?

He's standing right beside you!

- I was terrified.

I really felt like I couldn't breathe

and that I needed to get out of this room

because something bad was gonna go down.

- As the night progresses,

Mindy must go back into the room

of the patient who saw the apparition.

- I was shaken up but I knew I still

had to take care of her so I kind of

put my fear to the back
burner and I went in there

to do my job.

I felt like there was somebody in there

that was threatening and
didn't want me in there.

Maybe not going to hurt me per se

but just their presence
was very overpowering

and threatening.

I was in the process of changing her.

- My god,
something's happening!

- This cabinet comes open and the pads

and briefs that I had just pulled from

flew out of the cabinet onto the floor.

I wanted to get out of that room so quick

because I was not gonna be stuck in there

with whatever the hell that thing was.

- What do
you think was in that room?

- I felt like this was the grim reaper.

I think the grim reaper has different ways

of making itself known.

I think something was there to take her

to wherever there is,

whether it be heaven or hell
or whatever the extra realm is.

This patient ended up
passing away the next day.

- Hey.

- Hi.

- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- I think these experiences have actually,

in a way, I feel like have
made me a stronger aide

because there is times where I do

get creepy feelings at
work but I'm more able

to be like all right, it's creepy feeling,

let's go on, let's do our job.

I don't get scared as much anymore.

- In the weeks
following this incidence,

Mindy doesn't experience
any other paranormal events.

- I'm able just to blow off experiences,

being like all right.

Maybe something is here

and I'm okay if a ghost
is just doing their thing.

I do feel like these
things have definitely

made me a believer in the paranormal

because there was no logical way

for me to explain any of
the stuff that's happened

and even the people that it's happened

to me with, they still can't explain

in a reasonable sense of how it happened.

I feel like hospitals or
anywhere there's any type

of death, that there's a
likelihood to be spirits

because I mean hospitals
do hold a lot of energy.

They hold a lot of good, bad, and the ugly

in terms of anything and
everything that comes

through those doors.

- Code blue, room 305.

- Late at night,

Massachusetts resident Holly Buffinton

receives a call she's been dreading.

- Hi.

- The hospital called and said that my mom

had taken a turn for the worse

and they told me I needed
to come down right away

because they weren't sure if
she was gonna make it or not.

- Yeah, just down the hall to the left.

- She had lung cancer
and they had

over her entire lung.

The hospital seemed dimmer
lit than most hospitals.

It made me feel creeped
out, uncomfortable.

When I entered the room, I saw my mom

with all the wires and the tubes attached.

She was on life support.

They had all the lights off in the room

so it was very dark when I went in.

I got a very ominous feeling.

My mother wasn't able
to communicate with me.

She was in almost a coma
like state at that point.

I actually stayed over at the hospital.

I slept in a recliner chair right next

to my mom's bed.

I woke up out of a sound sleep

and I looked towards the doorway

and I noticed a little light.

Almost like a flashlight
or a piece of equipment

or a reflection of some sort.

So I kind of just dismissed
it and went back to sleep.

I only slept for maybe two, three hours.

I saw this light again.

And at that point, I realized
it's not a flashlight

or a piece of equipment.

I got a little nervous.

It had progressed to kind
of this ball of light

and it actually entered into the room.

It hovered right over my mom's body.

It was just terribly scary.

- When she
visits her dying mother

in the hospital, Holly Buffinton

sees a ball of light hovering
over her mother's bed.

- I immediately jumped up
in the chair and froze.

I was in shock.

I didn't know what the hell it was.

- People report orbs
in all kinds of sizes,

from the very minute to
very large balls of light.

Nearly all of those could
be particles in the air

or some type of water vapor.

In the case where Holly saw a light

come through a door
and move across a room,

that's not something that can be explained

as a natural phenomenon.

This would definitely
be a paranormal event.

- It shook me up and
I jetted out of there.

I went immediately to the nurse's station

and I was in a panic at this point.

- Nurse, nurse!


- What's going on?

- There's something really strange

going on in my mother's room.

- Okay, show me.

Show me.

Come on.

- I probably sounded nuts.

- I don't know how to explain
it but it's so strange.


- I entered back into
the room with the nurse.

- It was right there,
the orb was right...

- And there was no ball of light.

- It was right there.

- Just my mom in the bed
and the hospital equipment.

- There!

- I asked the nurse to check
all my mom's vital signs

to make sure she was still okay.

- Everything looks all right.

- And she did and she said
she's in the same state she was.

Nothing's changed for the worse.

- Here, come have a seat.

Just relax.

I'm sorry.

- After the nurse left and everything

seemed like it was calm, I went ahead

and tried to go back to sleep.

I didn't sleep very good.

I kept opening my eyes and kind of looking

for the ball of light again to see

if it would come back in.

- So you
were still convinced

that you saw something.

- I know I saw something.

It kind of messed with
my head a little bit

because I know what I saw.

I knew I was under stress and tired

but I know myself and I don't see stuff

under normal stressful conditions.

- Holly finally falls asleep.

But she is soon woken by a feeling

that something is not right.

- I saw a shape that
looked like a gentleman

staring down towards my mom.

There was an aura around him of light.

There was an illumination
around his entire body.

As I was staring at
the glowing silhouette,

it turned towards me and that's

when I realized that it was my grandfather

looking at me.

At that point, I instantly knew that's

what that orb was about.

It was my grandfather, just
not in his whole form yet.

- Orbs are commonly thought
of as the spirit essence

of a person once they come
back to a physical location.

The grandfather is now appearing

as he did when he died.

- I felt creepy and sad and
in awe all at the same time.

- But then,
Holly sees something

that is overwhelming.

- I saw two figures standing
next to my mom's bed

and this time my mother was
standing right next to him.

I had a moment of terror.

I started sweating, had
a terrifying reaction

and then I started trying to register

in my head what's going on.

This time I didn't leave the
room, I yelled for the nurse.

- Nurse!

- Because I thought
maybe if I stayed in the room,

they would stay there.

- Nurse, nurse!

- But as soon as
the nurse arrives in the room,

the apparitions leave.

- They disappeared before
she got in the door

and at this point I'm shaking, I'm crying,

I could hardly talk.

I thought she died in that second.

I thought maybe she came to
make sure I knew she's okay,

she's with my grandfather.

- Let's just check this out.

- The nurse said honey,
I don't know what's going on

but your mom's still here.

- But she didn't pass yet.

- No, not til the next day.

Next day, she passed.

When I left for 10 minutes
to get clothes, she passed.

- Grandfather would be there basically

to prepare his daughter to transition

over to the other side.

People often report seeing family members

for days or weeks prior
to someone's passing

and the common belief is that they

are there to help them understand

that they are there to receive them

once they die and there might
be some last minute things

that that living person
might need to work out

maybe emotionally or
mentally before they go

that those spirits come and help with.

- The strange experience

that surrounds her mother's passing

changes Holly's view of life and death

and her paranormal intuition.

- It opened up a whole
new door to feelings

that I get, the things I can sense.

I do think that spirits can detect people

that know that they're there.

I think you become a beacon for spirits,

that they can try to reach out to you.

- Something she
would discover three years later

at the same hospital.

But this time, as a patient.

- I got severe Lyme disease
and I also got pancreatitis

from the Lyme disease.

I was in pretty rough shape.

I didn't have a roommate in
the hospital room with me.

But I heard rustling
around on the other side

of the curtain.

So I said hi.

No answer.

So it was a little odd.

And then I heard a cough.

It felt like someone
was in the room with me.

I took the curtain and I pulled it.

It scared the living out of me.

- After being hospitalized

with a serious illness, Holly Buffinton

finds something terrifying in her room.

- I freaked out.

There was just panic and fear.

There was blood all down
his face and his beard.

His head was kind of crushed in.

His eyes were huge.

My instant reaction was get away

from whoever this is.

- Nurse!

There's a man!

- I didn't realize
I had ripped the IV out.

My adrenaline was on like 10.

- With blood all over his face!

- I told the nurse there's
a dude that needs help.

There's blood all over the place.

- He was bleeding everywhere!

- And I'm like come with me.

So she came in.

And nothing there.

- I swear.

- She said
you're on a lot of medication

and you're sick.

- Just really need to rest, okay?

- She thought from the medication they

were giving me that I was, you know,

just off in la-la land.

- You need to rest.

It's okay.

Let's come back into bed.

- I know what I saw.

There's no doubt in my mind that this man

was not from this world.

- So you
think this was a ghost?

- Yes.

- There's nothing there.

You're okay.

- For spirits who have some
type of traumatic event

where they might be injured,
they might be disfigured,

when they appear to
people, they often appear

as they see themselves in that moment

of death, that moment
they may be trapped in.

- Holly fully
recovers from her illness

but her thoughts often
return to the apparition

that she saw.

- I think he was looking
for some assistance

to get to the other side
or to get out of pain.

He looked like he was still in pain

and scared, very frightened.

I asked the nurse if
someone by that description

had passed away in that
room and she told me yes,

there was a gentleman
that actually passed away

that had brown hair, beard, and came in

with massive head injuries.

I believe I was kind of
like a lighthouse for him

and he knew that I would see him there

and he tried to reach out to me for help

and I feel bad now that I
didn't comfort him in some way.

Before I left the
hospital, I said I'm sorry

for whatever happened to you and I hope

that you can move on,
you're not stuck here

and you can leave whenever you want,

hoping that it would help him move on

'cause I felt bad for him.

- In the late 70s,
Iraqi soldier Steve Ramsey

is stationed at a military hospital

in northern Iraq.

- My name's.

That's the Arabic name.

My converted name's Steve Ramsey.

So I've been known as a Steve
for the last four years.

I was drafted by the Iraqi army in 1976.

By law in that country, they have

to serve in the army
anywhere between one year

and one year and a half.

So I was an x-ray technologist.

In the morning, you do like
one hour, two hour training

like a foot soldier and then after that,

you have to go to your department.

I was at the radiology department.

- After a long
day of training and lab work,

Steve sits to have his
first meal of the day.

- It was the holy month Ramadan.

The breakfast usually when the sun set.

So I'm sitting at the table
and I saw my friend Ala.

- Ala's sudden
appearance confuses Steve.

- He was stationed in Erbil.

So he's way, way far.

- Ala!

- I love Ala like my brother and he's more

than my brother because I
went from primary school

to high school to college with him.

- Ala!

- Ala, Ala, come over, you know,

in my language of course and I'm about

to break the fast, come in.

So I continue calling him.

He didn't answer.

- Ala!

- Soon as he come closer...

You can feel his sadness.

And he don't move his head, he don't turn

and I kept calling.

- When he tries
to walk towards his friend,

something strange happens.

- Somehow, I just couldn't move.

- Ala!

- At a
hospital in northern Iraq,

x- ray technician Steve
Ramsey sees a friend

who shouldn't be there.

- Ala!


- The other friend was an
x- ray technologist also.

- As soon
as his friend arrives,

Steve is able to move again.

- So he came and I told him the story.

I said I saw Ala and he went there,

he ignore me and he
just went in this room.

- Ala!

- Continue calling him, he didn't answer.

Nothing is there.

- Steve checks
in with the front desk

of the hospital.

- I called the reception for him

because nobody come
through military hospital

without check in registration as by law.

You can get shot if you come at night.

So I call the front desk and I ask.

He said no, we don't have any registry

from this name.

I tried to make sense of it
and I can't figure it out.

- The next day, Steve tries

to rationalize what he saw.

- Most of the soldiers, sometimes,

they play trick on each other.

My friend told me he
probably play a prank on you

and somehow we're gonna see him, you know,

he might come back and we laugh about it.

- On a break in
the middle of a grueling day,

Steve is overwhelmed by fatigue.

- When I went to sleep,

I saw my friend Ala.

As soon as I wake up, I
was little bit confused.

When I saw Ala day before,
it looked like a mirage.

Just it looked like mirage either

or maybe it's a distant.

- Steve begins to doubt

that his friend's appearance was a prank.

- Saturday, September
four, I'm still on duty.

- Then comes the kind of news

that nobody wants to hear.

A military casualty.

- Then the officer, he says Steve,

there's a truck coming from north.

Would you please help the soldier?

Deliver the body to the form.

- Steve suspects the victim

is a university graduate and
part time soldier like himself.

- And I know somehow
it's gonna be a graduate.

Lots of graduates get killed by snipers

because they put us right there.

In the front line, active
soldier, very smart.

They know what to do.

We just there.

- Steve has an uneasy feeling.

He wants to know the identity of the body.

- Ala!


- And it was Ala.

As soon as I see him,
like, I was really shocked

because it's your best friend.

I realize the night before,
I saw my friend Ala ghost.

Of course in that moment I
don't know he was a ghost.

But when I saw his body day after,

then I knew I saw the ghost day before.

- Military hauntings are
very dynamic, very complex.

There's usually a
mixture of fear and anger

and dread and all these
highly charged emotions

and people die so fast that they don't

even realize they're dead.

- I thought about it
later on after few days

when I rest and deliver
the body to the family

and I start kind of thinking about it.

How come I see it?

How come he come here?

I know he tried to tell me something

but I was so sad he didn't
give me any message.

I couldn't figure it out,
like what he's trying

to tell me, why he come to see me.

- There are many people that report

having sightings of
friends or family members,

not knowing that they have died.

It's almost a gift in a way
to let those people know

that they're still
around, that they're there

and although they're gone physically,

in some sense they remain.

- To see a real person,
you know, day before he die

and then you find out that it was ghost,

well, it open my mind
to lot of possibilities.

So actually it's given me a
really positive enforcement.

Our spirit, we don't just gonna die and go

so I'm thinking in a positive way.

After I pass, I know my spirit
is gonna go in good hand.