Hand of God (2014–2017): Season 1, Episode 3 - Contemplating the Body - full transcript

- Aryan Brotherhood?
- Not anymore.

I've been washed in the water.

Okay. Where do you want me to start?

This one.

I can fix that. Have a seat.

All right, close your eyes.

- Deep breath.
- Mm hmm.

Here we go.


Cork Club and Blue Label
in the middle of the day?

Must be nice.

I can get more business
done in this room in an hour

than in a month at City Hall.

It's amazing how complicated men

find simple answers when
they're sitting face-to-face.

Thank you.

With that said,

I hear making Pernell's
judicial conduct hearing go away

would be as simple as you
pulling your grievance.

Well, that's not simple at
all. Not after what he did.

You act like he fucked your wife.

He humiliated me in open court

and let a violent offender
out on the streets.

If he'd fucked my wife,

we could have at least
kept that between us.

So he has to pay with his career?

A suspension won't ruin his career,

and I'm not going to apologize

for doing what's best for the city.

I don't think you know
what's best for the city.

I don't think you know what's best for you.

That sounds like a threat.


I need to work on my inflections.

It was meant to sound like an offer.

I know you want to get that "assistant"

out from in front of your title,

and Pernell and I can help
with that in the next election.

I don't need any pie-in-the-sky promises.

I want an apology, from
Pernell, on the record,

in front of the presiding judge.

And I want proof he's seeing a psychiatrist

because from what I saw,

Pernell really does need help.

That simple enough for you?

There's no sign of Julio,

and there's a week's
worth of mail up there.


He's got to come back, right?

I mean, at some point.

I... I don't know.

I mean, I'll keep waiting if you want.

That's what I want.

That's the only way we're gonna find out

who ordered the rape.

What about the book?

Gene said a book was stolen.

Maybe we should look into that piece.


I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?

No, it's not that.

It's just who I got to ask.

Jocelyn, hang on a second.

I need to ask you about something.

- I can't talk to you.
- It's about PJ, please.

I'm not talking to you.

Was there a book stolen from your house?

What the hell does that have to do with PJ?

The night everything happened,

I think there might
have been a book stolen.

- Do you know anything about...
- What are you doing?

You can go in.

Excuse me.

Do not talk directly to her again.

She's my daughter-in-law.

No, she's my client,

and anything you have
to say, you say it to me.

The goal here is to settle
this without going to court.

We know none of us want to
hash this out in a public venue.

Oh, you mean like a press conference?

Miss Harris, please.

I'd like us to observe
the spirit of compromise.

Let's try to remember, you're
all here because you love PJ.

Mr. Tramble, can you start us off?

Thank you, Judge Stanton.

Every medical expert
we've spoken with agrees,

Pernell Harris Jr.'s brain activity

is far below the threshold
for sustaining life.

Even though he shot himself,
he is still breathing.

He's not breathing. It's a machine.

We have our experts too.

Pernell, let me handle this.

They say that that
bullet was one millimeter

away from killing PJ instantly.

- Pernell.
- One millimeter!

That's God's work.

You're out of your mind.

Pernell, you need to
let Mr. Tramble finish.

You want him to be
quiet? She won't shut up.

Let's all be quiet.

Pernell, you will get your chance.

You keep on calling him Pernell.


well, did you want me to call you Nick?

No, we're not friends.
You and Mr. Harris are.

Is that going to be a problem for you?

I mean, if he had been holding
the gun with two hands...

I can't... I'm not gonna
be listening to him.

If he had been standing,
he'd be dead by now.

It's a miracle he's even in a coma.

- Rehashing that.
- Pern... Mr. Harris, please.

Well, I'm curious, Mr. Harris,
how would you define alive?

The quest for fulfillment?
The pursuit of happiness?

That certainly doesn't apply to PJ.

Is that really necessary?

Fine, we'll stick to
the medical definitions.

No sign of corneal reflex.

No reaction to oculovestibular tests.

Negative results from MRI and CT scans.

Minimal respiratory efforts...

His heart is beating.

When I hold his hand, I can feel his pulse.

When I sing to him, I know he can hear me.

I... I don't know what an ocular...

whatever that test is.

I know my son's alive.

Well, that's very powerful, Mrs. Harris,

but a mother's intuition carries
no weight in the courtroom.


You heartless piece of shit.

Sit down!

All right, that's it.

We're done here.

I'm barely okay with an apology,

I'm definitely not seeing a shrink.

Shrinks are for pussies.

It's just for show, Dad.

Whatever you do for show gets seen.

You miss that appointment,
you get suspended,

Brooks is out of here. That's a promise.

Don't be fu... messing
with my concrete pour.

Fuck Brooks.

You heard about those super cookies

they put on your computer?

They can track when you're
thinking about farting

and make an air freshener
ad pop up on the screen.

That's Brooks.

No, no, no, Dad. No, okay?

That's... that's not Brooks.

Brooks is the first, last, and only option

for keeping the city afloat. That's Brooks.

P, I got a psychiatrist ready to sign off.

All you got to do is
walk in, state your name,

your serial number, and walk out.


If that's what puts
this to bed, let's do it.

All right, boys, what'll it be?

Bacon or sausage?

The doc say Pops can't eat fried.

No. Pernell?

Both, please.

If you weren't white, I'd think there was

a mix-up at the hospital.

Go help Papa Gene out.

You know I'm not allowed in his kitchen.

Can you help him out?


I love you. You know I do.

And I can say that man-to-man,

and I can help with anything
if I know what it is,

but I don't know how to be here

for you unless I know
what I'm dealing with.

Well, gee, Bobo, I don't know what to say

unless I know what the
fuck you were talking about.

Shane Caldwell.

They don't think he's
missing. They think he's dead.

Missing, dead.

I told you, I don't
know anything about that.

They got a suspect. His
name's Keith Dennison.


Good? Come on, man.

He's the reason why
you're up for suspension.

Good? That's all you got?

If Dennison did this,

I'll be very surprised...

and very sorry.

You know who I keep thinking about?

Al Cowlings.

He was just being a pal, giving OJ a ride.

He didn't know the man was
running from the police.

I don't want to be driving the
white Bronco. See what I mean?

This is my best friend
talking to me, right?

You really think I had
something to do with this?

I don't know what to think.

Okay, I don't know what's
going on in your head anymore.

You're so obsessed with
solving this rape...

Damn right I am, man.

If you had a kid hanging by a thread

and you had a chance to
do something about it,

even if it was one in a million,

what would you do?

And you think finding out who raped Jocelyn

is gonna save PJ?

So now I'm really asking,

did you do something to that cop?

I'll see you at the meeting.

- Keith Dennison?
- Yeah?

I drive a 2008 Honda Accord, white.

I see ten just like it
every day on the way in.

I could run you over,

you probably still wouldn't remember it.

If you want to kidnap or murder someone

and not be identified,

you could use my car.

You drive a 1985

Datsun pickup

with body damage that's the color of shit.

It's easy to spot.

Hard to forget.

I know... you took Shane.

I know he's probably dead.

And I know it's just a matter of time

before we track that
ugly-ass truck of yours

to wherever it is you left him.

What I don't know is why.

You didn't know Shane.
Someone put you up to it.

- Am I under arrest?
- Don't go there.

You killed a police officer.

I want to know who you work for.

- Am I under arrest, sir?
- Was it Pernell Harris?

I am a servant of the Lord. Am I und...

This fucker tried to bite me.

Our Father who art in heaven...

I'll turn the recorder off.

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done

on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily...

Forgive us our trespasses.

As we forgive those... trespass against us!

Lead us not into temptation!

Let me grab it. You make me look bad.

- No, I got it, I got it.
- All right.

I set up a bed in the office.

That's okay, I can sleep on the couch.

I don't want you changing your life around.

- It's called being a good host.
- Oh, come on.

Thank you.

I think it's a good idea,

you getting out of that house.


You can stay as long as you want.

- Thank you.
- You know, I'm here for you.

Yeah, you see, that's...
that's what I mean.

I don't need anybody to be there for me.

I just need a place to stay.

Well, that would be the bed in the office.

Okay, well you can't be nice about it,

you have to be a little bit of a dick,

okay, so I don't feel
like I'm putting you out.


No using hot water, no TV after 7:00,

and if I ever find your
hair in my sink, you're out.

I have no tolerance for that shit.

Okay. Good.

Well, I want to make dinner
tonight to say thank you.

So do you have any...
anything in your kitchen

other than batteries and energy drinks?

Maybe butter.

Okay, butter. Do you
have toast or crackers?

In Luke 14, Jesus says,

"When you give a feast,"

invite the poor, the
crippled, the lame, the blind,

"and you will be blessed."

Now it's time we open our doors

to those who can't repay.

The poor, the addicted,

and the afflicted.

- Amen?
- Amen.

Do you feel God's love?

- Yes.
- I know you do.

Now I remember walking into this building

when it was rat and roach infested.

He's bluffing.

He's trying to trick you into a confession.

No... no, they are gonna
find where I buried Shane,

and it's not gonna take them long.

And once they have that
body, it's all over.

So go move it.

I can't.

They've followed me ever since the station.

I'd be leading them straight to the grave.


Shit, shit, shit, shit!

And now look at us.

Hand of God Chapel is a
home we can be proud of,

with a growing and thriving congregation.

- Amen?
- Amen.

So who do we get to move a body?

Judge Harris, it has to be you.

I can't...

I can't dig up a body.


I can walk you through it.

I don't want you to walk me through it.

Benaiah didn't tell
Solomon how to get it done,

he got it done.

I'm sorry I let you down.

Do you want me to take my chances?

- No.
- I'll slip the cops.



I don't want you to be mad at me.

I'm not mad, I'm just...

Now listen, every last one of you.

If you focus on taking,

- you'll never have enough.
- That's right.

But if you focus on giving,

you'll never run out.

- Amen?
- Amen.

Praise Jesus!

Praise Jesus!

- Jesus!
- Saves!

- Jesus!
- Saves!

- Hallelujah!
- Hallelujah!

God loves you!


It's old, but I can make it work.

I'll have it heated up
by the time you get back.

Why don't you start with how I get him here

in the first place?


you're gonna need a truck or a van,

and you can't rent it.

The grave's gonna be hard to find,

but I left something on top of it.

You left a marker?

Yeah. Shane died a Christian.

He needed a tombstone.

Body's wrapped in plastic.

The moisture makes them rot faster.

He's gonna be heavy.

I'd tie a rope around his waist.

Use the van to pull him out.



You motherfucker!

I should be dancing on
your fucking corpse, not...

You know what this is? This is not for you.

I'm glad you're dead. You deserved to die.

But your family? You had to have kids.

They don't deserve... fuck that!

I got a kid too, you know?

And he shot himself 'cause of you.

So don't try to make me the bad guy.

I'm on the right path.

I'm doing the right thing.

So why is it so fucking hard?

Why is it so fucking hard?


Jesus Christ!

Fuck you!

Where have you been?

And what the fuck are you driving?

Jesus, you're filthy.

What have you been doing?

I've been... helping out at the church.

Today is not the day.

You have to go in there and get signed off

by Dr. Greenwald, and
then get to the meeting

with McCauley, and then make
sure they don't suspend you.


Look at me.

Sorry, Crys.

Let's get you cleaned up.

You know, we can cancel the appointment.


I can't get suspended.

No. No, you can't.

Oh, Lord,

please let Judge Harris be close.

Guard him with Your
divine protections, Lord,

and guide him here with
the rapist so that we may...

Hey! Hey!

- Ugh.
- You see this?

- I'm sorry, man.
- You see this building?

- It's a church.
- Sorry.

Come here. Come here.

Come here, you fuck.

Lick it up.


Lick it up, every drop. Take that.

Take that!

Oh, KD, no!

No! Get off him.

Get the fuck out of here!

Stop! Stop!

- What happened?
- He was pissing on our wall.

And your response is to beat him?

He desecrated a church!

Your job is not to judge.

You don't like him pissing,
you kindly ask him to stop.

Better yet, you invite him
inside to use our facilities.

That's the Christian way.

Now you go get a hose,

and you rinse that wall down.

And how did you feel about that?

What kind of a fucking question is...


I feel like shit.

I have since the day it happened.

Any trouble sleeping?


And how about hallucinations?


I was told about an
incident at a police banquet

a couple of weeks ago.

Please, you have to save me.

If you want to get this over with,

you're gonna have to talk to me.

It's far from over, Dad.

Pernell, are you okay?

No, you're not okay.

You're running out of time.

I don't...

I don't understand.

What are you asking of me?

Why did you just say "PJ"?

Well, 'cause that's why
I'm here, Doc, right?

Talk about my son? Talk about PJ?

Actually, I think this
goes deeper than that.

You're focusing on the wrong thing.

Well, what the fuck
should I be focusing on?

Well, why don't you tell me, Pernell?

Who are you really mad at?

Julio. You have to bring him back.

I think it starts with figuring out

where to put all of the anger.

Put the body where it belongs.

The rest will fall into place.

Where? Where do I put it?

Well, that's the puzzle, isn't it?

You've seen all the pieces.


Pernell, I need you to sit back down.

What are you looking at?

What do you see?

Put the body where it belongs.

Holy shit.

No, no, you can't leave him at Julio's.

I have to.

What if someone finds him?

- They won't.
- They might.

If we burn him, there is no evidence.

There is no trail.

There's no him anymore.

Let... let me go get him out.

That is not what God wants, Keith.

Maybe you misunderstood the message.

You said just...

You believe I'm anointed, right?

I'm your Solomon. You believe that?

- I do, but...
- Well, then fucking trust me.

This is what God wants. I'm sure of it.

He needs to be in a hospital.

Uh, we... we can't.

I... I'm sure Mayor Boston talked to you.

He explained everything.

And I will keep my end of the bargain.

You can take this to the
meeting with McCauley.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Oh, my God.

Oh, shit!

I waited 45 minutes just
to see if you'd show up.

Sorry, Crys.

I really tried to make it.

No, you didn't. You fucking lied to me.

And now McCauley is moving
forward with the review,

and you are definitely getting suspended.

Not that you seem to give a shit.

No, it is not the same jacket.

I can't believe you kept
it, let alone wore it.

It holds a special place.

How many times in your life is
a woman gonna set you on fire?

Mm, mm-mm-mm.

Oh. Two drink limit?

So this is business.

Just because I want to
talk to you about the case

does not mean I'm not here to enjoy myself.

I need this.


You even stuck the landing.

You can be an asshole all you want,

but you used to care about me.

That's got to be worth one favor.

You're talking to the wrong guy.

Your husband can make all of
this go away in a heartbeat.

We lost our son.

We're just trying to find a way through it.

Even if you hate Pernell,
you can understand that.

You think this case is about his grieving?

Because I see the same old guy

who's used to getting whatever he wants.

And right now, what he wants
is to control PJ's fate,

and everybody around him
is suffering because of it.

Jocelyn, PJ...


The body in that hospital is not your son.

It's an anchor keeping you from moving on.

I know you feel the same way.

People have woken up from comas before.

Maybe there's a chance.

I need you to give me that chance.

That's very touching,

but I can tell when you're faking it.

Excuse me.

Come here.

Mm... stop, stop.

We cannot do this again.

But you want to.

Maybe... maybe if things were different.

If things were different,

I'd have your underwear off by now.

Then what would you do?

I'd lift up your skirt,

feel how wet you are.

- You think I'd be wet?
- You're wet right now.

I'd pull you towards me. Unzip your pants.

I'd press you up against the wall,

make you feel how hard I am.

I'd take you inside me.

I'd go slow at first.

Make you feel every... inch.

I'd want to taste you before it was over.

I'd take your cock... your beautiful cock,

in both my hands,

and I would suck it so hard,

you'd pay rent to have it live in my mouth.

And just when you were about to come...

I... would tell you...

Tell me, Crystal.

I'd tell you...

Drop the fucking case.



Ah! Jocelyn!


- Josh, is that you?
- It's me!

- Oh, my God. Are you okay?
- It's me! It's me! Fuck.

- Oh, my God, are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay!

You just fucking shot at me!

Sorry, I didn't hear that
you left, and I thought...

Sorry? You almost killed me!

Put the fucking thing down, please.

Okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Why... how could you buy a gun like that

after what PJ did?

I didn't buy it.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

That's... that's the gun.

That's PJ's gun! Oh, my God.

Oh, that's fucking sick.

- That thing killed PJ.
- I know.

Then why the fuck did you keep it?

- I don't know.
- Bullshit.

- I don't know.
- Why... why?

Because I made him buy it.

After what happened,

we upgraded the alarm system,

but you can't... you couldn't feel it.

You couldn't touch it, you know, so I...

I told him to buy a gun.

I'm the reason that he had it.


What he did with it,

that was his choice, not yours.

We've got to get rid of it.

I tried. I can't.

All right, well, then you let me.

Holy shit.


I said you had to wait a
couple weeks, remember that?


What happens if I don't?

It's gonna hurt like hell.

I'm okay with that.

I want this off me now.

Okay. Come on.

But if you cry on my table, I charge extra.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7,

8, 9,

10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 19, 20.

Ready or not, here I come.