Gunsmoke (1955–1975): Season 3, Episode 25 - Dirt - full transcript

The only man who didn't treat Beulah like dirt is marrying another woman, whose brother doesn't want him in the family. When the groom is shot leaving the church, everyone suspects the new brother-in-law.

...starring James Arness
as Matt Dillon.

Come on, Nat,
enjoy yourself.

You act like you're gonna
get hung Sunday morning

instead of married.

Now, that Polly ain't
so bad, Mr. Sieberts.

She's pretty as a picture-
even though

she's a little prim.

It's like the man said when they
put the rope around his neck-

"I wouldn't mind hanging if I could
just get a chance to get used to it."


I don't have to get used
to it, boys.

Got me a fine woman,
and I'm proud to marry her.

Miss Kitty,

I'd like to buy the house
a round of drinks, please.


Well, if it
isn't Beulah!

Whatcha doing,

Fellas, look who's
here- Miss Beulah!

Miss Beulah!

Yeah, welcome back,
Miss Beulah!

Gentlemen, welcome back,
Miss Beulah.

Nice to see you.

Now, how's Miss Beulah today?

Evening, Mr. Sieberts.

Good evening, Beulah.

Miss Kitty, I'd like to buy
Beulah a bottle of tonic.

Biggest bottle of tonic
you can find.

Thank you, Mr. Sieberts.
You're welcome, Beulah.

You coming to the
wedding Sunday?

Oh, I didn't know
there was gonna be a wedding.

Didn't Beulah know
Mr. Sieberts here

is getting hisself married
to Miss Polly Troyman

come 10:00
Sunday morning?

I figured as though you'd be
there to catch the bouquet.


No, I didn't know.

Hank, you haven't been
working for me long enough

to be talking that easy.

Now, wait a minute,
I was just...

I don't care what you were
just- you're through.

Now, get out-
you can pick up your pay

at the ranch in the morning.
I'm sorry, Mr. Sieberts...

Be sorry someplace else-
now, get out!

I'll get out when I'm ready.

You could hire and fire me,
but that's all you can do now.

I'll take care of
it, Mr. Sieberts.

All right.

Are you really getting
married, Mr. Sieberts?

Sure I am.

Don't you think
it's about time?



Here you are, Beulah.

Good night, Miss Beulah.

Give me a bottle
of that tonic, Kitty.

Now, boys, Nat Sieberts
is gonna get drunk tonight

and married Sunday,

and I want everybody
to follow his example.

That is, about that
getting drunk tonight.

Hello, Beulah.

Evening, Mr. Sieberts.

I've been doing
a little drinking.


You already
bought me a bottle.

Well, I figured you might
as well have this one, too.

I ain't gonna be doing
much drinking after tonight.

Oh-ho, big night
last night?

Too big.

There, that ought to do it.

Hair from the dog that bit you.

Oh! Quite a big dog.

Good morning, Red.
Morning, Miss Kitty.

Coffee's on. I'll get it. Thanks.

Well, you think that's any way

to start getting
ready for tomorrow?

Well, I'm gonna
have one more,

and that's gonna be my
last one for quite a spell.

Well, we're gonna miss you
around here, but...

I guess you'll be kind
of busy. I reckon so.

I just hope
it's not too late

to teach an old goat
like me new tricks.

Good morning,
Mr. Sieberts.

Have a drink, Henry.

No, thank you, sir.

Well, suit yourself.

A man's free to do
as he feels like.

Up to this point, he is, sir.

Your coffee, Miss Kitty. Oh.

You Southerners
are all alike.

We keep our word
to men and women.

We try to conduct
ourselves as gentlemen.

Oh, is that what
you're here for,

to tell me that
I'm not a gentleman?

No man's gonna shame
my sister, sir.

What are you talking about?

I'm gonna marry her
tomorrow morning.

I don't believe
you are.

Oh, you don't?

You are not a gentleman, sir.

You're a cur.

back-alley cur.

And I do not intend
to permit you

to either marry my sister
or ever speak to her again.

Your actions
have been contemptible.

And if you trouble my sister
any further,

I'll be forced to call you out.

Henry... why don't you
leave things to Polly and me

and keep your puppy nose
out of this.

I don't care for that remark,
Mr. Sieberts.


Well, let's see what
a young Confederate gentleman

does about something

he don't care about.

Go ahead.

You got a gun.

You can't
bluff me, sir.

Hold on a minute.

What's going on
around here?

Get this little tick off
my back, will you, Marshal?

We're not gonna have
any gun fighting

around here, Sieberts.

Especially between
prospective brother-in-laws.

You two ought to be
ashamed of yourselves.

Henry, you go on
and get out of here

and do your drinking
someplace else.

I'm not drinking,

Better get out while
you're still ahead.

Now, go on.

All right, sir.

Don't you forget what
I said, Mr. Sieberts.


it's about time you
figure something out.

Neither your sister
nor your father

is gonna appreciate your dragging
family affairs into a saloon.


Oh, Marshal. Come in.

Hello, Sieberts
- I'd like to talk to you. Yeah.

What can I do for you?

Chester found this in
the jail this morning.

Who wrote this?

I was hoping
you could tell me.


Must be that kid.

Can't you think
of anybody else

who doesn't want you
to get married?

No, I can't.

Oh, I got enemies, sure,
what man hasn't?

But... nothing to do
with Polly and me.

Guess I'll have to straighten
that young man out.

I'll talk to him.

He's just full of hotheaded
ideas about Southern honor.


Well, my old man told me
to stay away from women.

Guess I should've
listened to him.

Little late for
that now, isn't it?


I'll talk to Henry-
there won't be

any trouble at the
wedding. All right, good.

Thanks, Marshal.
Thanks, Chester.


...for as much as Nat and Polly

have consented together
in holy wedlock,

and witness to the same here
before God and this company,

and there, too, have given
and pledged their troth,

each to the other,

and have declared
the same

by giving and receiving
gold and silver,

and by joining
of hands...

I pronounce that they be
man and wife together.

In the name
of the Father,

of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost,


Well, there's nothing
but friendly faces inside.

Real sleepy Sunday
morning out here.

Yeah, and we'd better keep an
eye out for Henry, just the same.

Congratulations, Nat.
Thanks, Marshal.

I guess we didn't have much
to worry about after all.

No, looks like you got nothing
but friends around here. Yeah.

My brother-in-law
didn't show up, though.

Give him time, it'll work out. I hope so.

Good luck to you.

Is ever... everything
all right, Mr. Dillon?

Sure, sure. Let's go
over and watch 'em.

Good-bye, Father!
Good-bye, Polly.

So long, folks- come
and see us when you can.

Bye, Daddy!


Oh-ho, my goodness,
Mr. Dillon.

What's the matter, Deputy?

Oh, I don't know, I'm
just like an old woman

when it comes
to weddings.

You know, we ought
to have more of them.

Well, if you like
weddings so much,

now, why don't you
do something about it?

Well, what could I do?

Well, you could have one of your own. Me?

Yeah. Why not?


Now, Mr. Dillon, you
know I couldn't do that.

I mean, my goodness, I
don't even make enough money

to keep body and soul
alive, let alone no wife

and kissing cousins

a passel of kids and all.

Well, you could start
just with the wife.

Well, yeah.

I could start, yeah,
but it wouldn't be long.


Oh, I...

I wish I had copper pennies
for your eyes, Nat.

My goodness, it don't look
like he's got much of a chance,

does he, Mr. Dillon?

Oh, don't he look nice, Marshal?

I laid him out
right and proper.

What happened here, Beulah?

Well, I was on my way

to the wedding, and then
suddenly there was a shot.

And then he just fell,
clean out of the buggy.

Where's Polly?

She rode off.

Do what you
can here, will you?

Yes, sir.


You all right?

He's dead, ain't he, Marshal?

No, he's not dead, Polly,
but he's hurt bad.

Did you see who did it?

No. There was a shot...

and he fell off.

The horses just kept running.

Why, Marshal, why
does he have to die?

Maybe he's not going
to die, Polly.

Was it Henry?

I don't know.

Come in.

Oh, Marshal.

Hello, Beulah.

And Chester. Oh.

Won't you sit down?

No, thank you, Beulah.

Just wanted to ask
you some questions.

Did you find who did it?

Well, we, uh,
found a rifle

about 30 yards
off the road, Beulah.

We looked around
for some tracks,

but there weren't
any- just yours.

No horse tracks?

No, there weren't
any horse tracks.

Polly said that she didn't
hear anybody on horseback.

Do you think
I killed him, Marshal?

He's not dead, Beulah.


He said he didn't
know who shot him,

but we know it wasn't
Henry Troyman.

No, 'cause, you see, Beulah,
he was drinking at the time

in the Lady Gay.

You see, Beulah,
we figured that, uh,

being as yours were
the only tracks around there,

and that he was robbed
after he was shot,

well, uh...

You mean, you want
to search me, Marshal?

It's all right,
you can if you want to.

I never meant
anybody any harm.

I try to live and let live.

But I tried too hard.

You, uh, go right ahead,

You look around.

Look back there.

Mr. Dillon...

looks like we looked
everywhere, but...

Beulah, you'll have

to stand up
for a minute.

Please, give it to me.

I want to keep it.

It's not yours
to keep, Beulah.

Did you shoot him
just for this?

A little bit.

Mostly I shot him for me.

I cared for that man.

He used to come and see me
every now and then.

He'd get to drinking, and then
he'd come and be nice to me.

I wasn't dirt to him like
I was to everybody else.

When he was going to marry
that Troyman woman,

I shot him.

I tried to kill him.

I thought...

I thought if he was dead,

it would be just like
it never happened.


I've have killed
myself, but...

I don't know how.

We'd better go now, Beulah.

I'll have to go to prison,
won't I?


All right.

That's enough like being dead.


Oh, hello, Sieberts.

Headed back to Virginia?

No, I reckon not.

Well, I heard that
Polly and her father

and the whole family
was headed back that way.


I gave them sort
of a stake

and sent them back.

They're going to start
plantation life again.

I, uh... seen
Judge Brooking.

He's going to annul
the marriage.

I see.

Well, I figure it was
the only thing to do.

I'd never be any good
for that girl.

It's too late for me to change.

I'm just like
an old longhorn bull-

set in my ways.

I don't think I could ever
fit in their scheme of things.

I, uh, thought you were ready
to settle down.

I'll never be anything
other than what I am.

And that ain't good
enough for Polly.

She say that?

No, I did.

Well, anyway they're back
where they belong,

and that's the end of it.

I see.

How's Beulah?

She's fine.

Might as well
let her out.

I can't do that, Nat.

You might as well.

I ain't gonna press
charges against her.

Well, she'll still have
to stand trial.

Just be a formality, but, uh,

I can't turn her loose
without bail.

It'll be $300.

Count it out.

Turn her loose.



Come on, Beulah.

You're free to go.

Somebody paid my bail?


He's not pressing charges
against you, Beulah.

You won't be going
to prison after all.

I'm glad, Marshal.

I was scared.

Chester said that
you'd gone to Virginia.

Yeah, changed
my mind.


Beulah, I'll let you know
when the case is decided.

Just don't leave town.

You've been nice, Marshal.

It helped a lot.

You know where to find me.


Well, I'll get you
a receipt for this, Nat.

All right.

You know, Marshal,
I've been figuring-

Beulah and I
are kind of alike.

How's that?

Oh, she's no killer.

She just got off
her course a little bit.

Just like I did.

Yeah, maybe.

Well, anyway, she won't
be shooting me anymore.

How do you figure that?

I ain't gonna get
married anymore.

So long, Marshal.

So long, Nat.