Gunsmoke (1955–1975): Season 1, Episode 19 - 20-20 - full transcript

Troy Carver is an aging ex lawman with poor eyesight being chased by a dirt farmer who wants revenge for the killing of his brother 2 years before.


Starring James Arness
as Matt Dillon.



Hello, Kitty.

Good morning, Matt.

You're bright
and early.

Expecting a friend
on the stage?

what I'm expecting

can sometimes do
more for a woman than, uh,

even a friend.


New hat with Paris label
from Saint Louis.

Yeah, there was a big trailer
that got in yesterday.

Guess you do need something
to pick up your spirits, huh?

There wasn't one
of those Texans

that could've
ever known a mother.

They all acted like
they'd been raised in caves.

Wait a minute.

Come on, I want you
to meet somebody.

Who is it?

An old friend
from Arizona.

I never knew
what a lawman's badge

stood for
until I met him.



Keep a-coming, mister.

I'm watching your hand.

Put that gun away.

Keep coming, I said.

You're crazy, Troy,
it's Matt Dillon!

Well, it sure is.


You've changed.
You look different.

I must have changed.
You were all set to gun me.

Oh, you know better
than to come up

behind a man
and call him like that.


I want you to meet
an old friend of mine.

This is Troy Carver.

this is Miss Russell.

A privilege, ma'am.

You almost didn't give Matt
a chance to introduce us.

Why, you didn't think
I was serious?

Well, I didn't know
what to think.

Just joking him.

I took one look
at that marshal's badge

and thought I'd just see
how easy he scares.

Well, Matt,
what do you say

you and the young lady
join me

at the Long Branch,
and I'll-

Sorry, ma'am, I wouldn't
want you to think I-

But you're right,
that's where I belong,

at the Long Branch.



like I was saying,
I'll stand the drinks.

Well, you go ahead,

I'm hoping there's a package
waiting for me.

All right, Troy,
let's go get that drink.

Yeah, Troy, I thought
you were still back in Chicago

with Colonel McCready's
Wild West Show.

Mmm, not for me, Matt.

Shooting silver dollars
out of the air

for a lot of Easterners
isn't my idea of a living.

Let's sit down.

Going back
to being a lawman?

No, I'm too old for that.

Bought me a ranch
on the north plat.

Well, that's nice country.

Only reason I'm here is
to pick up my horse

at Moss Grimmick's
livery stable.

That roan's just about
my nearest of kin.

Too old to take back
East with me.

I couldn't bring myself
to selling.

Now we'll be out
to pasture together.

Never mind about me.

What made you decide
to turn marshal?

You mighta had something
to do with that, Troy.


The way you handled yourself.

Things people said about you.

People on both sides
of the law.

That's a mighty nice compliment.



If somebody was out
to kill you,

you'd let me know,
wouldn't you?

What makes you say that?

The way you turned on me
out there.

I told you, I just-

I know.

But I don't believe you.

Then let it drop.

You're not the kind of man
to go for your gun

unless you're ready
to use it.

Now, what is it?

Who is it?

I'm gonna have
to ask you

to mind
your own business.

What's wrong, Matt?


That's something I'm gonna
have to find out.

Well, Mr. Dillon,
when, heh,

you've been
a peace officer

as long
as Mr. Carver was, uh,

you're liable to have
a hundred hard cases

looking to tack your hide
to the wall, you know?

So ain't it just natural
for him to wind up

being a little edgy
and quick with his gun?

Well, you only get that way

when you know
there's one man

prodding after you, Chester.

One man who won't rest
until he gets you.

Or you get him.

Hello, Moss.

Hello, Moss.

I had a feeling
I shoulda come

to see you sooner,

What's bothering you?

But I had no way
of knowing

this fella
meant trouble.

What fella?

Don't even know his name.

He's a tight mouth glued.

Been keeping his horse
in my stable

and renting sleeping rooms
in the loft

the last couple
of nights.

Go on.

But I should have suspicioned
that something was wrong.

Way he hardly left
the stable.

Just kept a-cleaning
his gun

and hanging
around Troy Carver's roan.

I didn't think
nothing of that

because Carver's
in the East.

But I hear now
that he's signed in

at the Dodge House.

So I thought
I'd come over-

Thanks for telling me,

Thought you'd be along,

When Grimmick found out
Carver was in town,

he couldn't hardly wait
to skin out of here.

Who are you?

Name's Lee Polen.

What's between you
and Carver?

Oh, this horse sure must have
been a beauty once.

Seeing as how you're the law,

I'd like you to get it
all straight.

I'm listening.

I ain't no gunfighter.

Just a plain old dirt-farmer.

I never shot a man
in my life.


But I'm planning
on killing Carver.


'Cause he killed
my brother.

Well, if that's so,
your brother

must have edged him
into it.

I never knew Carver
to shoot a man

if he had
any other choice.

Oh, Clay was just
a frisky kid.

Half drunk.

Man like Carver
could have taken him in

without shooting him down.

Nothing I can say
to change your mind?

Not a thing.

That's too bad.

When I got back
to Nogales

and found out
what had happened,

Carver was gone East.

I've been waiting
two years now.

Just missed him in Wichita.

I see.

You know,
I could stop you.


But you know
something else too.

Yeah, you'll just catch up
with him somewhere else.

So if you don't wanna see
your friend bushwhacked,

you'll just let it happen
right here.

You're pretty sure
of yourself.

Tsk, oh, willing to give him
an even chance.

That's more
than he give Clay.

What makes you think
you can tangle

with a man like Carver
and go on living?

He can drive a nail
in a post at 30 paces.

It ain't nothing for you
to worry about.

Now, look, marshal,

I don't want nobody else hurt
when him and me meet,

so would you just tell Carver
I'm here and then...

clear Front Street
for tomorrow morning at 10?

Well, what do you say?

Move your things
out of this stable.

Go over and get yourself
a room with the Lady Gay.

I'll be over there
to see you later.

You do that, marshal.

Sure didn't take
your friend long

to get
to the poker table.

Yeah, I know,
I was over

at the Dodge House
looking for him.

Tsk, what is it, Matt?

I just found out
what's troubling him.

There's a man
out to kill him.

And he's just plain scared.

And knowing Troy
like I do,

that just doesn't
make sense.

You heard me.
Get up.

You've been spoiling
for trouble all along.

What's the matter
with you?

I don't like
your talk, mister.

You're wearing a gun.

But I ain't using it.

Now use it.

You ain't egging me
into anything.


Keep out of this.

I never knew you to force
a man to draw before.

That's what he's trying
to do, marshal.

This is my town,

I stop trouble here
no matter who starts it.

Now, what's this
all about?

I'll tell ya.

He made out
like I was cheating.

I had my cards here

right in front of me
on the table.

He told me to shove 'em
over there in front of him,

and I wouldn't do it.

A man has got a right to ask
to see the house cards.

Well, they were
showing here

fair enough
for everybody else.

I don't deal crooked.

You know that, marshal.

What do you got
to say?


Had enough
of this game anyway.

I'm leaving.

He ain't drunk,
he's crazy.

What's eating him, marshal?

Oh, nothing much.

He just has trouble seeing
across the table, that's all.

Who is it?

It's Matt.

What do you want?

Why are
the shades drawn?

I like sitting
in the dark.

You're trying to get used
to the idea, Troy?

What do you mean
by that?

This morning,
out there in the street,

I wasn't 20 feet
away from you.

You couldn't
even recognize me.

I should have suspected then
what was wrong.

I'm not getting
into all that again.

And that dealer's cards.

They weren't three feet away.

You couldn't read 'em.

I've got a right to ask
to see a man's cards.

You're going blind, Troy.

You're crazy.

Now, get out of here.

You'll be a dead man

when you go up
against Lee Polen.

That's right.

He's in town,

you were expecting that,
weren't you?


Got word in Wichita
he was looking for me.

I started running.

I never ran before.

There's nothing shameful
about a man's eyes going bad.

Even if I could go
on running,

that's not the way I wanna
finish out my life.


I was in the right
about that.

Clay Polen wouldn't let me
take him in.

He went for his gun.

I-it was him or me.

Well, don't you think
I know that?

I've got to face
Lee Polen, Matt.

You can't.

He thinks I'm as good
as I ever was.

Don't you see
that will be worrying him

every second
in the showdown.

That ranch of yours.

You've come a long,
hard way to get it.

You've earned it.

If I didn't handle
this myself,

it wouldn't mean
a thing.

That's why you've got
to let things be, Matt.

I was curious all along
as to what made you think

you could buck a man
like Carver.

And now you know?


Now I know.

When I was Wichita
I did some inquiring.

I found out
about that doctor he saw.

Go on.

Took some convincing
to make him open up.

But he did.

Carver's half blind.

And that's
what you call

giving him
a fair chance?

Well, let's just say
it evens up the odds.

He's the great gunfighter,
not me.

You're stuck,
ain't ya?

Even if you tell him
what I know,

he won't back down.

His pride won't let him.

So you got no way
to save him.

I'll be back.

I ain't going nowhere.

What you say,
Carver's liable

to throw me
right out of there

if I start interfering
in this.

You can be pretty persuasive
when you want to, Doc.

Looks like I'm gonna
have to want to.

I've got to find out
just how bad his eyes are.

What kind of a chance
he's got.

Well, if they're having it out
tomorrow morning,

you're not gonna have
much time to do anything.

No matter
what I find out.

I'll wait
right here for you.

He give you any trouble?

No, no.

What happened?

Well, I wouldn't say

all the fight's gone out
of Mr. Carver,

most of it sure has.

But what's the story?

Well, pretty sad.

Takes him at least
three or four seconds

to focus on anything,
even up-close.

Three or four seconds?

In a gunfight that might
as well be three or four years.

Yeah, I don't think
his eyesight's

gonna get any worse.

I know darn well
it's not gonna get any better.

I gave him
all the routine tests

and the only thing he could
focus on right off was a match.

A what?

A match.

I lit a match for him
in the dark and he could see it.

See it pretty good,

but I'm afraid Mr. Carver's
had his last gunfight.

Did Troy say what he was
doing tonight, Doc?


Answer me.

What'd you say?
Oh, Troy.

Who's he?
Oh, Troy Carver, yeah.

Yes, he did.
Uh, he said, uh...

Said he was going
down to the...

Long Branch and have himself
a nice dinner, first class.

And then he was going
to the stable

and see his old horse,

and it seems
like that would

just about complete
his unfinished business.

Come on.

Get your bag.

What-? Bag?
What do I want with my bag?

First I got a little
something for Chester to do,

and then I'm gonna see

just how good a liar
you can be.

I'm not gonna lie!

Come on, I'll tell you
about it on the way.

Oh, thanks.

Well, it's not a question

of whether I wanna
do it or not.

I'd just like
to know why.

Mr. Dillon!

Mr. Carver just set out
from the Dodge House.


Is there anything else
that you wanna tell me?

Well, just stay behind him
till he gets to the stable.

After that,
you know what to do.

Yes, sir.

Come on, Doc.


Come on in.

Who's he?

Doc Adams,
this is Lee Polen.


What is this?

I just told Troy Carver

I didn't want him
in town anymore, Lee.

He's down
at Moss Grimmick's stable

getting his horse ready.

That ain't gonna
save him.

I'm not thinking of him.

I'm thinking of you.

You trying
to make me laugh?

What would
you tell him, doc?

Well, yes, uh,
now, this whole business

seems to hinge
on Mr. Carver's eyesight.

I've examined him,
Mr. Polen.

His vision's
practically perfect.

What about that doctor
in Wichita?

Oh, well, Mr. Carver
could have had

a little eye strain,

most of us do
once in a while,

but a little rest
always fixes it up.

What are you doing,

Trying to run
a bluff?

Now, I wouldn't say that.

Marshal Dillon's
just trying to keep you

from committing suicide.

Yeah, well,
I don't bluff.

And I don't scare.

Well, have it your own way.

But I'm gonna give you
a choice, Polen.

If you wanna get back

to that farm of yours,
forget all about Carver.

He'll be gone by morning.

But if you wanna wind up
on Boot Hill,

you can still catch up
with him

down at the corral.

Come on, Doc.

He ought to be out
in another minute.

You ought to be praying
you scared him off.

No, Doc, he's got
a bellyful of hate.

He can't wait
to get it out.

He's gonna go on that way
till he gets Carver,

if it isn't stopped here.

You know,
I'm almost sorry now

I told you
about Mr. Carver

being able to see
that match in the dark.

Tsk, that's not very much
to gamble a man's life on.

Well, it's the best odds
I can get for him, Doc.

Some odds.

Before there's anything
at all for him-

Here you are, boy.

Hold it, mister.

Who are you?

Friend of Marshal Dillon's,
Chester Goode.

You know why I'm here?

Yes, sir, I sure do.

Carver inside?

Yes, sir,
I'll get him for you.

Tell him to come out.

I'm waiting.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Carver?

Well, yeah, what is it?

Lee Polen says
he's waiting for you,

he's out front.

Well, boy,

Moss Grimmick's gonna
take good care of ya.

You better stay
where you are, mister.

Mr. Carver,
he's out front.


I know.

That's why I'm going out
the back door.

I'm over here, Polen.

Keep your hand still.

Didn't mean
to make you jump.

Just want to make sure
we started out even.

We ain't here
for talk, Carver.

I'm gonna take
three steps and stop.

Then go for your gun.

What about it, Doc?

Well, just a minute,
I'll let you know in a minute.

I've seen worse.

My hand.

You got off cheap.


How is he?

Well, we'll wait and see.

Don't understand
why I did it.


Must be cruel what people
always said about him.

Why if...

If he could shoot a gun
out of my hand, why-

He could have put a hole
right between my eyes.

You still think Carver
killed your brother

without being pushed
into it?


No, I-
I guess not.

Not after
what he just done.

The doc here says
I may be on my back

for the whole of two days.

That doc can be
an awful liar at times.

Hm? With a little help.

You might have to be
on your back for three days.


Now, see, he's got a hole
in his hand.

Doc, you better go over
and stop the bleeding.


You can get up now,
Mr. Carver.

Matthew, better bring him
by the office.


Well, nothing to keep you
from that ranch now, Troy.

Shot at the only thing
I could see,

his gun going off.

Lucky it happened
at night.
