Grimm (2011–2017): Season 2, Episode 5 - The Good Shepherd - full transcript

Reverend Calvin, a feral wolf, reports a fortune stolen from church funds and the parishioner who did the accounts, a feral sheep like most of his flock, missing. The man is later found cut-up in the grinder of his employer's factory, but has no motive or suspicious record. Undercover as a 'homeless' seeking church shelter, Monroe discovers reverend Calvin, whose previous Southern parish was similarly robbed presumably by a parishioner, has an affair with his sheep church secretary, who transferred with him, but is up for a rude surprise too.

NICK: Previously on Grimm...

Juliette. You're awake.

Who are you?

You remember Nick?
Yeah, I'm trying.


Why is it being sent?
For the key.



Juliette called
and she asked me
to come over.

She said she was having
a remembering problem.

I didn't know she'd
been in the hospital.

She started asking
questions about you.

Now, I was under
the assumption

that she knew about,
you know, you.

So I kind of,
may have,
said something

about you being a Grimm.

Well, what did she say?
She asked what
a Grimm was,

so right away I knew
she didn't know,

but I knew I had
to say something,

so I said it was
kind of an expression

for a good cop
who helps people,

which, in your case,
is what you really do.

I really feel
bad about this.

I feel responsible
for whatever

I should be
responsible for...

Bud, don't worry.

It's okay, man.

I was hoping
you'd feel that way.


Oh, by the way,
beers are on me.

If she calls again,
maybe try to be
a Iittle...


I think unavailable
would be the best thing
for me to be.

For you and her.

Is something wrong?

Hey, Bud, I gotta go.

I appreciate everything.

Sure, sure.

I mean, what are
friends for, huh?


Going home, Norm,
have a good weekend.

You too, Paula.
See you Sunday.

You bet.





Paula, are you in here?


Okay, whatever it is,
I'm not interested.

Oh, my God.




Somebody help me.


Somebody help me.




No! PIease!

No! No!


Hey, Juliette?




Uh, it's me, Nick.
Just got home.

I was wondering
where you were,

Uh, I'm having drinks
with Briana and Ricki.
You remember them?

Of course. Say hi.

I will,


Everything okay?

Just getting home.

Sorry, um, I mean,
should I have Ieft
a note or something?

Is that what I usually do?
Ah, don't worry about it,

Have fun.
I'II see you
when I see you.


Nick says hi.

You didn't tell him
you were having
drinks with us?

I didn't even
think about it.

You really can't
remember him.

I can't.
It's just so
hard to believe.

I mean, he asked you
to marry him.

He did?

But you turned him down.


I don't know.
I don't know.

HANK: Last thing you
want to do is put
any pressure on her.

That'II just
push her away,

not that I'm an expert.

Well, I guess
I am an expert.

We were so close.

AII the Iittle
things you share
with somebody,

if they don't
remember any of that,
what do you have Ieft?

Just a Iot of photos
you don't know
what to do with.

WU: Hey.

There's a Reverend
Lance B. Calvin here,

wants to report
a theft from
his church.

They take enough
for grand theft?

According to him,
some pretty big bucks
were involved.

Bring him in.

Reverend Calvin,
Detectives Burkhardt
and Griffin.

They're all yours.

I'm sorry to
come here and report

what I believe
to be a very
serious crime.

Well, just tell
us what happened.

Well, I'm not
sure exactly.

The bank called this morning.
Cedar Hills Savings and Loan.

They said that
they were concerned

because they had some checks
that they needed to process,

but there was no
money in the account.

There should have
been over $357,000
in this account.

Any idea where
the money went?

The bank said that
it was transferred
out Friday night,

wired to that
numbered account
in Curacao.

I suggested that
someone must have
hacked into the account,

but they said
that whoever made
the transfer

made it from a computer
that was recognized by
the bank's online system.

Well, do you know
whose computer this was?

A Iaptop owned by
Norman Brewster,
a member of our church.

Norman is an accountant.
He generously does
our books for free.

I drove by his
house right after

I got off the phone
with the bank,

but he wasn't there.

I called his
place of employment,

and they said he
hadn't shown up
this morning.

I thought it best to
report it immediately.

We're gonna need
Brewster's home address,

phone numbers and
place of employment.

Of course,
it's all right here,

as are my numbers
and address at
the church.

Anything else you can
tell us about Brewster?
Is he married?

No. And no girlfriend
that I know of.

Any obvious money problems?

Not that he
shared with me.

Look, we'II call
you as soon as we
find out anything.

Thank you. (SIGHS)

I pray to God that
I'm wrong about Norman,

and that this
is all a mistake.

I'II talk to the bank,
make sure it wasn't
a mistake.

I'II Iook into Brewster.

My guess is he's
already getting
a tan in Curacao.




What the hell?

Sounds Iike there's
something in there
that doesn't belong.

Do we have any recourse
to recover the money?

Can we find out who
the account holder is?

How Iong would that take?

Okay, thanks.

Basically, if that
money is in Curacao,

it's going to
stay in Curacao,

and it's going to take
at Ieast 60 to 90 days

to make any kind
of Iegal inquiry.

And by then, it
could've been transferred
somewhere else.

So basically
you got nothing.

(LAUGHS) Yeah.
What have you got?

Nothing in the records,
Brewster is clean.

If this guy
wanted to abscond,

he picked the
right way to do it.


Hey, we found
Brewster's car at
the train station.

It was unlocked,
popped the trunk,

nothing inside
except a pay stub
from McFadden's Mulch.

You want me to
get security tape
from the train station?

Yeah, and process the car.

Yep. On it.

We found Brewster's
car at the train station.
No sign of his Iaptop.

I wonder if he
transferred any money
from his day job.

If you're gonna
go big, you might
as well take it all.

NICK: And when
was the Iast time
you talked to him?

Friday night. I Ieft
a Iittle bit after 9:00,

and he was still here,
wrapping things up.

I tried to call him
this morning when
he didn't show up.

When was the Iast
time you checked
your bank accounts?

I was at the
bank this morning.

I have a payroll
to get out today.

You notice any
discrepancies, withdrawals,
unusual transfers?

No, no, no.
Nothing Iike that.

How Iong has Brewster
worked for you?

Uh, about seven years.
And we have never
had a problem.

I just can't imagine
he would be involved
in something Iike this.

Did he ever
travel to Curacao?
Or talk to you about it?

No. He was pretty much
a stay-at-home kind of guy,

Iived a quiet Iife,
as far as I know.

He was very
involved in our church,
he did the books for free.

Sorry to bother you,
but we got
a real problem.

You know the
wood hog that shut
down this morning?

We just found out why.

If it wasn't for the
metal hip, it would've
gone right through.

We would never have known.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Norman had his hip
replaced four years ago.

HANK: Brewster's medical
records indicate he had
a right hip replaced.

Looks Iike somebody
wanted him to take

the blame for stealing
the church money.

Somebody who had access
to Brewster's Iaptop.

Or killed him
to get access.

You Iooking into
Reverend Calvin?

Calvin knew
how much money was
in the account.

Except he
reported the crime.

He reported the theft,
not the murder.

Could be he didn't
know about the murder.

Well, he knew
about the money.

But he's here,
he's not in Curacao.

Maybe because he doesn't
know we found the body.
Check this out.

Five years ago,
Frank Arnestos,

an accountant who
served as Treasurer

of Grace Harvest Church
in Little Rock

disappeared with
church funds.

What's the connection?

Reverend Lance Calvin
was the minister of
Grace Harvest Church.


What else you got?

Two months after
the money goes missing,
the church goes bankrupt,

the accountant,
gets blamed.

And Reverend Calvin
packs up, moves
to Portland,

takes over another
struggling church.

The money from
the Little Rock church

was transferred to
an account in Barbados.

It was never recovered.

Scapegoat parishioner
embezzles church funds
and disappears.

Any evidence that
Calvin is sitting
on a pile of money?

Not that we
can find yet.

Guy drives a Fiesta,
Iives in the rectory.

And reported the crime.

Maybe to take
suspicion off himself.

One thing he didn't
expect is that the
body would be found.

It'd be interesting
to see how Calvin
reacts to this news.

Rattle his cage.
Might force him

to make a move he's
not ready to make.

Oh, I'm sorry,
can I help you?

Griffin and Burkhardt.

We're Iooking for
Reverend Calvin.

I'm Megan Marston,
his assistant.

You must be here
because of Norman.

It's so terrible,
just awful

what he's putting
everybody through.

We need to speak
to the Reverend.

Yes, of course.
He's in the sanctuary,

telling our board
the bad news.

I'II take you to him.

I am just as shocked
by this betrayal
as you all are.

But this is not
the time for vitriol
and vindictiveness.

We must Iook
into our hearts

and pray for
Norman's soul so that...

...he may find
the righteous path
back to us.

But how could
one of our own
do this to us?

Especially Norman.
Didn't anyone
see this coming?

MAN 1:
It's unbelievable.

WOMAN 1: I didn't
see this either.
WOMAN 2: None of us did.

You seeing something?

Brothers and sisters...

Not sure.

...this is a dark day
for us, I know that.

But are we just going
to sit here and feel
sorry for ourselves?

Well, are we?
ALL: No.

Then, with faith
as our armor,
we will march forward.

For every dollar
we will raise two.

I don't care if it
takes a thousand
bake sales,

pancake breakfasts,
car washes.

We must not
just sustain this
blessed parish,

we must make
it better, bigger,

Reverend, the police
are here to talk to you.

I have to interrupt
our meeting.

These detectives
are the ones
handling our case.

Come forward, gentlemen.

We're hoping that
you have some
good news for us.

Well, we are making
progress on the case.

Did you get our money back?

No, but this is
no Ionger a missing
person's case.

You've caught Norman?
Where was he?

In a wood grinder.

This is now a homicide.


We can speak
privately in here.

It's interesting,
finding a BIutbad
Ieading a flock of...

Seelenguter, Detective.

It's not something
you see every day.

Nor is a Grimm.

I must confess,
you're a first for me.

When I realized...
Well, I was sure the
apocalypse had arrived.

And you, Detective,
you seem to know what
we're talking about.

I'm in the Ioop.
Then you, more
than all of us,

understand the
meaning of faith.

So how is it
they're okay with you?

Do you believe
that we are condemned

to follow in the paths
of our forefathers?

They say,
"Sins of the father..."

They also speak
of forgiveness,
redemption, rebirth.

I am not proud
of my past sins,

but I am not hiding
from them either.

Past sins?

You mean the fact
that this happened
before in Arkansas?

An unfortunate coincidence.

And my parishioners
are well aware of my
personal journey

of enlightenment
and reformation.

With all due
respect, Reverend,

your position
strikes me as a Iittle

The same can be
said of you, Detective.

And yet, here we are.

Grimm and BIutbad
and Kehrseite, engaged
in civil discourse.

I have Iearned to accept
all of God's creatures.

If you cut off my head,

I forgive you.

But perhaps you've
transcended your
violent history,

just as I have.

Where were you
between the hours

of 5:00 and 10:00 pm
on Friday?

Oh, now enlightenment
comes. I'm a suspect.

Well, good.
Let the truth be told.

I was right here,
preparing a sermon.

Can anyone vouch for that?


The detectives
would Iike to know
where I was Friday night.

You were here
working on
Sunday's service,

just Iike every
Friday night.

If it helps,
I was here as well,

doing the
activities calendar,
it took me forever.

What time
did you Ieave?

Um. It was
after midnight,
I know that.

I was beat.

Anything else?

That's all we
needed. Thanks.

Of course. If I can be
of any help at all...

This could be the beginning
of a beatific relationship.

What do you think?
Talks a good game.

You believe the whole
redemption thing?

I don't know.

But there's
a BIutbad who did.

So, what'd you guys
wanna talk about?

What's the matter?
I got something
in my teeth?

He doing it?


Okay. Well, don't we
have Iots to talk about?



MONROE: Seelengut,

or, if there's more
than one, Seelenguter.

Oh, there was
more than one.

A whole church full.

That would make sense.
They Iike to stay
close to one another.

Some people
are born Ieaders,

and then there's

They're not really
the violent type,
it's just... I don't know.

Any group with
a herd mentality

kind of wigs me out,
you know?

You're doing
it again, Hank.
With the...

Oh, sorry.

Is there a chance
that a BIutbad

would be Ieading
a church full
of Seelenguter?

Are you serious?

A BIutbad?

(LAUGHS) That's Iike
a recipe for Iunch.

Unless, of course,
he's reformed.
Like me.

Well, that's
what he claims.

But I was thinking
maybe it takes one
to know one.

What are we talking,
Iike, an undercover
kind of gig?

Yeah. But off the record,
since we can't
explain any of this.


Yeah, I suppose
I could go
mano a mano with him.

What's he done?

Well, we think
he framed the
church accountant

for clearing out
the church's coffers

and took the money
for himself...

Then dumped the
accountant's body

into a wood grinder
to cover his tracks.

Ooh. Really?

Um... (SIGHS)

By the way,
what's a Kehrseite?

It's Iike a normal
person, you know.

Not Iike you or me,

Iike Hank,
although Hank
now knows,

so technically he's a


there is a monument

Christopher Columbus.

At the base of it,
the Spanish national
motto was inscribed,

Ne Plus Ultra,
"no more beyond."

A Iion's paw
is reaching out and
destroying the word "No,"

Ieaving behind
the words "More Beyond."

Columbus proved
there really is
more beyond,

just as we know
the same is true

for our departed
brother, Norman.

There is "more beyond."

I have no doubt that
he is already on his way...


Calm down.
Calm down, folks.

No harm will come to you.
Not under this roof.

You have entered a sacred

and peace-Ioving
space, my son.

What exactly are
you Iooking for?


MAN 1: Oh, yeah.
Sure he is.

MAN 2: I don't trust him.

Now, now.
We are accepting
of all.

What is your name, son?

Um. Monroe.

And I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to
cause a ruckus.

It's just...

I didn't really have
anywhere else to turn.

Guys Iike me,
we're kind
of shunned

in most religious

I thought
this place might be
a Iittle different.

I mean, you know what
it's Iike, the urges.

I've done things
I'm ashamed of.

Are you in trouble
with the Iaw?

(SIGHS) I'm in trouble
with a Iot of Iaws.

You've tasted the blood
of the Menschenjagd.

You haven't?

There was a time when
I delved into the darkness
of the flesh-hunt.

But I sought

And I cast off
the bloody chains
of our past.

I sense in you
the great struggle.

You stand upon
the edge of
a terrible abyss.

But it was your
courage that brought
you to this house.

You sought the Iight
and it has found you.


And just in time, too,

'cause I don't
have any place to go.

You're here.
That's all that matters.

We have a small
room with a bed.

It's not much,
but it's yours
if you want it.

Really? I mean,
if it's not too
much trouble.

You're no trouble,
you're a blessing.

Follow me.





MAN: I found the identity
of the Nuckelavee,

I have sent a file,
I hope it is not too late,


(SIGHS) Digital.




Looks Iike we got
a bogus Social Security
number for Reverend Calvin.


The Iife of Reverend
Lance B. Calvin only
goes back seven years.

Doesn't seem to
exist before that.

We're going to have
to get his prints.

MONROE: I'm in,

I can't talk very Ioud,
but he's got me in a room,

and I think I'm
gonna stay the night.

Are you learning anything?
I don't know, man.

I mean, Calvin seems
Iike the real deal.

I mean, I'm more
of a Robert Bly,
beat-the-drum kind of guy

than the fire
and brimstone type,

but he is pretty
damn convincing.

Calvin's a con man.

And a good con man
can con anyone.

Yeah, well, he's
definitely working

his charms on
his assistant, Megan.

I think they have
something romantic
going on,

and I got to tell you,
that's totally weird,

A BIutbad with
a Seelengut.

I mean, Darwin would
have a field day
with this relationship,

And not saying
I'm prejudiced,
it's a Iittle bit

Iike the wolf getting
into a sheep's clothing,

if you know what I mean,

You think Megan
knows what's going on?

Your guess is as
good as mine,

But it's pretty
clear that whatever
this guy's selling,

she and the rest
of the congregation
are buying it retail.

Okay, maybe it's time
to get out of there.

I'II check in
with you tomorrow.

Okay. But, Iook,
if anything
starts going badly...

Don't worry,
I won't overstay
my welcome.


Got the JPEG from
the Arkansas paper.

for the new church.

It's Reverend Calvin
with a shovel.

Yeah, but anybody
else Iook familiar?


Calvin's previous church?

Calvin's assistant,
Megan Marston,

was at both
churches when the
money went missing.

But she had
a different Iast name
in Little Rock.

She's Iisted as
Mrs. Frank Arnestos.

What, the same
name as the first
missing accountant?

Appears to be.

Arnestos' body
was never found?

And the money he
supposedly took

from the church has
never been recovered.

Maybe Megan killed
her first husband and
ran off with Calvin.

It's possible.

Could be the same
thing is happening here,

only this time
we found the body.

You know, she
could be the innocent
victim here,

she may not know
what's going on.

Might have thought
her husband took the
money, ran out on her.

If she's more than
Calvin's assistant,

she should have
a pretty good idea
what he's been doing.

Bring her in.
See what you get.

Have I done something wrong?

We were just hoping
you could clear up
a couple of things.

HANK: Can I get
you anything?
Coffee? Water?

You've been working
with Reverend Calvin
for a number ofyears.

Three years, yes.

How did you get to
be his assistant?

When I first
joined the

Reverend Calvin
asked if anyone had
secretarial experience,

and I did,
so I volunteered

As the church grew,
it became full-time.

Do you recognize
anyone in this

Well, yes, of course.

That's the Little Rock
church we belonged to.

I wasn't his
assistant then.

Your name was Arnestos.

Frank was my husband.

You want to tell
us about it?

Well, I guess you
know that he Ieft me

and stole
the church's money.

But I blame myself.

I was having
an affair with Lance,
the Reverend,

and Frank found
out about it.

And I just think he
was trying to get even
with both of us.

Did you find Frank?
Did he call you?

No. We haven't
found Frank. Do you
know where he is?


Why would he call
me after running
away with $400,000?

Did you find the money?


That was terrible,
it's just Iike now.

The entire church
was devastated.

Do you think
I had something
to do with that?


No, no, please
don't hurt me.

Megan, he's not
going to hurt you.
He's not that kind of...


He's a cop,
just Iike me,

and we just want
to know who
killed Brewster.

Do you think that
I could or would
kill one of my own?

Where have you been?

The police brought
me in for questioning.

What did they
want to know?

They wanted to know
about you and us.

Don't worry,
I didn't say a thing.

But I want us to
Ieave Portland,
before it's too Iate.


We can't Ieave now.

PIease, Lance,
this was always about
us being together.

Getting enough
money to run away
where no one can find us

and just be together.

We will.

But we can't Ieave now.

We must see this
through a Iittle Ionger.


I don't think I can.

Listen to me.

I have saved a Iot of
souls in this world.

But there is one
that has been brought
to us that we cannot forget.

For it is he
who will save us.

I asked him where he
was Iast Friday night.

He said he sought
shelter under a bridge.

I asked him if he
saw anyone there.
He said no.

I don't understand.

Sometime tomorrow,
this man will come
into my office

and he will threaten me.

And I will be
forced to kill him
in self-defense.

And when the police
find Norman's Iaptop
with his belongings,

there will be no more
questions about who
killed Mr. Brewster.

I understand
why you felt Iike

you had no choice
but to kill Frank

and then Norman.

But we can make
another choice now.
We can Ieave.

During tomorrow's

you will take
Norman's Iaptop

and put it with
Monroe's belongings.

And then we can Ieave?

And spend the
rest of our Iives

basking in the sun
and the sand

and our Iove.





Who are you?



Who the hell are you?


JULIETTE: You must have
gotten in Iate Iast night.

Yeah, tough case.

You want some?

No, thank you,
I gotta get going.

So, this is kind
ofweird, the way that
we're doing this.

Should I have told
you I was going out

with my friends
the other night?

No, no.
You have your Iife.

Hey, I know that
you're trying to
not push me

and you're trying to
give me whatever time
it takes to remember.

But it's not easy.

No, it's not.

I want you to
know that I'm trying.

Everybody I talk
to says how amazing
that we were together,

and then every time
I hear that,
I get angry at myself

because I know
this is all my fault.

It's not your fault.

Would you be happier
if I moved out?


Would you be happier
if I moved out?

Honestly, I don't know.

Nick, I know what
I'm supposed
to be feeling,

but I don't know if
I quite feel it yet.

But, no,
I don't really
think either of us

should be going
anywhere right now.

No, I don't either.


I'm probably gonna be
home for dinner tonight,
in case you're around.



Good morning, Matthew.

Boy, I gotta hand it
to you folks. You sure
are making me hungry.

Referring to
the baked goods.

I'd Iike to thank
you, Mr. Monroe,
for helping out.

You're a real
addition to our flock.

MAN: It's not mine.

What do I care?
Name it whatever
you want!


What's wrong?

I don't know
what to do.

Shh. It's okay,

No, it's not.

What happened?


He knows.
Patrick knows.

He knows what?

I asked him what
he wanted to
name the baby,

and he said,
"I don't care."


"It's not mine.
So, name it
whatever you want."

It's not his baby?


It's okay.
You can tell me.

It's, um...

It's Reverend Calvin's.



This just came
in from Interpol.

Preliminary ID matches
a body we found floating
in the river this morning.

Identified in Spanish
police records as
someone named Hargrund.

Do we know the
cause of death?

Looked Iike someone
beat him with a hammer.

That's too bad.

Don't do that.

Let's face it,
we could have

every day of the week
and twice on Sundays

for the next
hundred years,

we'd never earn enough
to replace what we Iost.

We need to trust
Reverend Calvin.

He helped us
raise the money
in the first place.

Without his guidance,
we never would
have raised anything.

We've been deceived.

What are you
talking about?

We all trusted him,
Reverend Calvin,

because he made
us feel good.

But we were fools.

What are you saying?

He's the one
who killed Norman...

...and stole the
church's money!

What did you expect
from a BIutbad?

They're all sinners
at heart.

Yeah, how many for her?

EIeven. Yeah, got it.
And when was the Iast one?

April 10th.

Hey, can you email
me both records?

AII right.
I appreciate it.

PIease, make my day.

That was Customs.

They ran the good
Reverend Calvin

and came up with
15 trips to Curacao,

four in the
Iast year alone,

not to mention several
to Barbados before that.

Then I had them run Megan.
You know, just for Iaughs.

Am I Iaughing?

EIeven trips in
the Iast seven years.
Barbados and Curacao.

I am not Iaughing.

You have no idea what
a blessing it is that

you arrived at our
church when you did.

A blessing for me,
too, that's for sure.

Your appearance here
has made me realize

that the thing
I've always wanted is
finally within my grasp.

What's that?


Well, glad
I could help.

As a small measure
of my gratitude,
I have a gift for you.


A knife?

Letter opener.

Ah. Of course.

A genuine
pewter Zinn Gesch.

Not some eBay knockoff.

That's been in my
family for generations.

Reverend, this is
really very generous,

but I don't really
get that many Ietters,

you know, given
my circumstances.


I mean, it's really
very beautiful,
but I can't.

You already have.

I just needed
your fingerprints.


What the hell
is going on here?

This brute came
in here to attack
me with a knife.

What? Okay, okay.

First of all,
it's a Ietter opener,
not a knife!

And he just gave it
to me as a present.

Lies. Lies!

Megan was right.

It's Norman's Iaptop!
He killed Norman!


I told Harmony to
name the baby Calvin
if it's a boy.


Or a girl.


I am so sick
ofyou mindless,

kowtowing stooges.

Can't one ofyou ever
think for yourselves?

"The meek shall not
inherit the Earth..."

It's time you all
Iearned that Iesson.

Oh. You'II pay for that.

Help. Help!


No! Don't...


His partner
is getting away!

What? Partner?
No, no, not partner.

Actually, I'm working
with the cops.

No. Seriously.
I'm undercover.

MAN 1: Get him!
MAN 2: Get him!

MAN 3:
Don't Iet him get away!


This is not a good idea!

Oh, man!

Okay, Iook, Iook.

I know your
recent experiences
with BIutbaden

haven't been
exactly, whatever,

uplifting, okay,
but I was not...


You're a BIutbad.
You're all sinners
at heart!

Now wait a minute.
Just Iet me finish, okay?

Seriously, I am
not one to judge,

but what about the
idea of "He who
casts the first stone"?

Get him!

HANK: Police!

NICK: Move back!

You okay?
Freaking herd
mentality, man.

Where's Calvin?
Ask them.

Twenty-five parishioners,

AII telling
the same story.

When they confronted
Reverend Calvin

about killing Brewster,
he attacked them.

One man attacked
25 people?

He attacked one,
they all came
to his aid.

AII of them?

God-fearing people,

all admitting responsibility.

HANK: How do you
want us to handle it?

Turn it over to the DA.

What about the
woman, Megan?

She's the one
who told them
about the Reverend.

She one of the 25?


After Calvin
went down,

nobody saw what
happened to her.

We know where she is?

We have a pretty
good idea.

MEGAN: Who said the meek
don't inherit the Earth?

HARMONY: I remember
a Reverend Calvin
saying that once.

I wonder what
Reverend Calvin
is saying now.


I just felt
the baby kick.

I think she's
gonna Iike it here.

Your margarita,
Miss Megan.

Gracias, Miguel.

And the virgin
pina colada?

For my amiga,

To us, Harmony.

Converted by Silmaev