Grey's Anatomy (2005–…): Season 7, Episode 14 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - full transcript

Thatcher Grey, Meredith and Lexie's father, returns to Seattle Grace with stomach pains and a new, twenty-something tattooed girlfriend, Danielle. Meanwhile, Alex clashes with the new OB, ...

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Meredith] One of the hardest lessons
as a doctor is learning to prioritize.




[Woman] Truck.


- Spoon.
- Very good.

We're trained to do all we can
to save life and limb,

but if cutting off a limb
means saving a life we learn to do it,

- without hesitation.
- Several moments ago,

I asked you to remember three words.
Can you tell me what they were?

Truck, cabin, spoon.

The three words I asked you
to remember, what were they?

It's not an easy lesson to learn. And
it always comes down to one question:

What are the stakes?



And the third word?

What do we stand to gain or lose?

At the end of the day we're just
gamblers, trying not to bet the farm.

- Spoon.
- Spoon.

- Spoon.
- Excellent.


Chief, you paged.

- Hey.
- How's it going?

Well, the word "spoon" has ceased
to have any meaning for me,

but I'm through the first test set.
I have a few more consults today, but...

- What's up?
- Meredith,

I would like to initiate
a clinical trial,

one that would be the next
major advancement in the fight

- to cure Type 1 diabetes.
- Wow.

And I'd like you to participate.

But I am on Derek's Alzheimer's trial.

- So I don't think I can do both.
- Just listen.

The basis of this trial
was something that I found in here.

- In my mother's journals?
- [Webber] Yes.

She was working on islet cell
transplantation when she became ill.

Trying to eliminate the need
for anti-rejection meds altogether.

With her notes, drugs
and new technology,

there's no way we can't take this
the rest of the way down the field.

- "We?"
- Well, it's your mother's work.

I wouldn't feel right moving forward
if you weren't a part of it.

You should look at them both.
Just think about it.

It's your decision.

It's your birthright, Meredith.
It's your mother's legacy to you.

- What is it?
- It's a kale and apple juice smoothie.

It's time to think less
about your cravings

and more about filling that baby
with nutrients, which that has.

It also has chunks.
I don't drink chunks. I want my coffee.

Mark, tell the woman. I'm allowed
to drink one cup of regular coffee.

- Sure, you are.
- Mark, are you aware

that there are studies that link
caffeine with pre-term labor,

low-birth weight, other birth defects?

That goo looks great.
I say you stick with the goo.

You two can't just dictate
what I'm allowed to eat and drink.

Nobody's dictating anything,
but you're pregnant now,

so things have to be different.

You're gonna have to eat better
and take it easier at work.

If it helps,
we'll give up caffeine, too.

- That helps no one.
- How about we put it to a vote?

All in favor of Callie drinking coffee,
raise your hand.

All in favor of the goo?

Goo, it is.


- It's horrible.
- It's the opposite of horrible.

- Alzheimer's or diabetes?
- If you continue to whine about how

you can't decide which ground-breaking
medical advancement

to put your name on,
I will punch you in the ear.

Well, my name's already on one of them,
according to the chief.

- I mean, diabetes...
- Affects 240 million people worldwide.

- And Alzheimer's is...
- The seventh leading cause of death.

- It's Sophie's Choice.
- It's Sophie's Choice.

- I've never seen that movie.
- You should. It's really funny.

Greys. How long has your father
been having abdominal pain?

- Abdominal pain?
- It sounds like abdominal pain.

Thatcher Grey is not an easy man
to get information from.

- Our father's here in the hospital?
- Yeah, I admitted him an hour ago.

- You didn't know he was coming?
- What's wrong?

Could it be related
to the liver transplant?

Of course, he's rejecting it
because it's my liver.

OK, look, just do me a favor,

go take a blood sample and try to get
some more information out of him.

- I need someone who speaks "Grey".
- Yeah.

Hey, stranger.

Meredith has two ground-breaking
clinical trials, and I don't have any.

OK, but you have a husband
that loves you.

- Well, so does she.
- Then... Then I guess you're screwed.

[Nurse] Hello? NICU.

I thought I knew all
the nurses on this floor.

- How did I miss you?
- Guess I'm just lucky that way.

- I'm Alex Karev.
- Neat.

- And you are?
- Not telling you my name.

- Any reason why not?
- Because I don't want to.

OK. Then how about
you pass me one of those charts?

I hear there's a turnip
in the cabbage patch.

- Turnip?
- Gorked. Brain-dead.

Dr. Robbins and I have a baby
with a hypoplastic left heart.

- The transplant coordinator...
- Suggested the... turnip

- as a potential donor.
- Yeah.


Well, now you do get to know my name.
I'm Dr. Lucy Fields.

I delivered that gorked baby.
So thanks for the heads-up.

I'll talk to the transplant coordinator.
But now you need to leave.

Come on. That's no reason to overreact.

Really? Well, now you're barred from
the NICU. How's that for overreacting?

- You can't do that.
- Wanna find out?

[Pained groaning]

- What do we have here?
- You really don't want to know.

Let me get that for you, Dr. Torres.
OK, Randy Shouse, 23,

multiple injuries after
slamming into a brick wall? How did?

Idiot and his idiot buddies
built a human slingshot.

I wasn't supposed to hit the wall.
I was supposed to fly over the house

- and land in the pool.
- But why would you do that?

So they could film it,
put it on the Internet

and show the world
just how stupid they actually are.


Did you get that?

Yeah, buddy!

- But why?
- Because it's hilarious, that's why.

OK, Randy. That must've been
some kind of awesome slingshot

because it looks
like you've dislocated both hips.

- I'm gonna need to get some X-rays.
- I'm on it!

- Wow, she's perky.
- Better than stupid with a death wish.

You're sick enough that you
need to come into the hospital,

- and you don't even call me?
- The pain comes and goes.

- I didn't want to...
- So you thought you'd just sneak in

and quietly reject Meredith's liver?
Not even make a fuss?

- Please, calm down. Please?
- I am calm.

I'm so calm. I'm, like, the calmest one.

OK, good. Because there's
something else I should've told you.

- I go to AA a couple of times a week.
- Yes, that I know.

No, I know you know. But sometimes,

you have to get up in front of the group
and you say your piece.

And then people sometimes
come up to you afterwards

and say that they liked what you said.
Then maybe you go to coffee

- with them afterward.
- Like a sponsor?

No, not a sponsor. How do I?

There you are! Sorry, I got turned
around and ended up back in the lobby.

No, no, no!

- No, no, no!
- Oh, God, what? Sorry. Are you in pain?

Yeah. Not a sponsor.

I'm so sorry, this was not
the way that I wanted to meet you.

I didn't even know
there was a you to meet.

I know. I'm sorry, but...

OK, Mr. Grey. Oh, hello.

- Dr. Bailey, this is Danielle.
- Dani. Hi.

Yes, Dani. It's my father's girlfriend,
whom I've just met, just now.

Oh, I see. Nice to meet you, Dani.

I just have a few questions,
and then I will let you get back to...

...all of this.
- Do you really think I could be

rejecting this liver?
Because Dani has been amazing

helping me take care of myself.
And I'm constantly taking pills.

His anti-rejection meds.
Not, like, speed or anything.

'Cause that would be inappropriate.

- When did the pain start?
- Twelve days ago.

- She's good with the details.
- Any fevers

or changes in your urine or stool?

No fevers. But there was a...

...pain incident last week. Thursday.

Actually, you might
not want to hear this part.

I'm a doctor.

All right. Well, we were being intimate.

- Oh, no...
- And I was on top...

[groaning] OK.

Go on.

Dr. Avery, it's about time
I had you on my service.

Thank you, Dr. Sloan. I gotta say,

I really think
I have the hands for plastics.

Forget about your hands.
Look at those cheekbones.

- Sir?
- You're genetically blessed.

Don't think I haven't noticed.
Speaking from personal experience,

I can say that that'll only
help you in plastics. That face?

Better than a hundred billboards,
my man.

All right, Dr. Sloan, I...

...really don't feel comfortable being
judged or praised based on my looks.

Oh, poor Mr. Green Eyes.

Let's not pretend
being beautiful's a burden.

Now, come on. Mrs. Johnson's nose
isn't gonna fix itself.

How about a little sparkle?

There it is.

Hip dislocation, fractures of his femur,
radius, ribs and metacarpals.

OK. Should we just go ahead
and reduce those hips?

Kepner, I need you to speak differently.

- I'm sorry?
- Your voice. It's a little...

Just speak differently.

- Like with an accent?
- Never mind. You know,

how about you get me a muffin
from the cafeteria?

Get me the sugary-est kind you can find.
And some coffee.

Wait. No. Damn it.

- No coffee.
- OK.

No, you know what? Yes. Coffee.

- Please.
- Great.

Crap! No. No coffee.

- You're sure?
- No. No coffee. Just...

- Just go.
- OK.

- Did you still want the muffin?
- Yes.

Yes, I know I'm not Dr. Bailey, but he's
my father and I need his lab results.

- Sorry, I can't do it.
- OK. Well, then maybe

I'll just let your supervisor know
that I've been highly unsatisfied

- with your service today.
- This isn't the mall.

- We don't have comment cards.
- Well, maybe you should!

- Hey. You OK? Need me to talk to him?
- Mark, no.

My day has been too messed up
to have you in it, too.

Son of a bitch.

We know, without a doubt,
that this heart is a viable option.

How? How do we know
that this a good match?

Babies under a year
haven't developed an immune system

that will reject the new organ.
It makes matching a lot easier.

But we're still four weeks away
from the due date.

- Our OB isn't even in town right now.
- I'm covering for Dr. Napolitano.

I've got her blessing to go ahead
and do the C-section today.


- That's really...
- Colin, time's an issue here.

We need to inform the transplant board
as soon as possible

if you want this heart. Otherwise
it's gonna go to another family.

OK. You know what?

There are a lot of doctors
in the room right now,

so why don't we give
the Cookes some space?

You can have one of the nurses page us
when you've made a decision.

What's going on?
Why didn't you page me?

- Turnip, Karev?
- You tattled on me?

- You are so off this case.
- Seriously?

- I have said way worse stuff than that.
- Yeah, not helping.

Are you kidding me?


Avery, you want to give
the osteotomies a shot?

Yes, sir. Mallet, please.

You live with Lexie Grey now, right?

- How's she doing these days?
- OK, I guess.

OK? She hasn't seemed upset?

I mean, she kind of cries sometimes.
But she seems OK.

Now, are you gonna strip
the lateral cartilage here?

- Crying seems fine?
- She's a girl. Girls cry.

But you don't know
what she's been upset about?

Not really any of my business.

- Yeah... What's next?
- Next, I finish up here

while you go find out
what's up with Lexie.

- I'm sorry?
- She's upset.

And you're gonna find out why. You want
to be on my service? Then serve.

- Use that Avery sparkle.
- Dr. Sloan...

I'm gonna do a couple more rhinoplasties
this afternoon. You do me this solid,

and I just might be persuaded
to let you take the lead on one.




What're you doing?


I looked it up.
And those caffeine studies

showed birth defects in rats.
And I'm not a rat, so...

- Tell her I'm not a rat.
- Let her have...

- We took a vote.
- Yeah, well,

I have to fix multiple fractures,
Arizona. That's major surgery.

OK, so that totally changes
the situation completely.

And Mark's not here, so it's your vote
against mine... I need caffeine.

OK. You want caffeine that badly,
Calliope, fine.

You're a grownup.
You can make your own decisions.

That's right. So...


[Frustrated groan]

Damn it! That is not fair.
You're not fair.

For someone who has a history
of ambivalence towards motherhood,

you got the whole
guilt thing down cold.

I'm entitled to an opinion.

I've been left out of too much
of the conversation already.

And I sure as hell did not
choose Mark Sloan to be the father.

So if I'm gonna do this, then,
you know what? I'm gonna have a voice.

Oh, God, that's good.

Holy crap! Your mom was smart.

Truck. Cabin. Spoon.

Three for three!

- Crap! This is so good!
- Is it better than this?

'Cause seriously, Mer, you'd have to
have died of Alzheimer's to fail this.

- I don't even know if I'm doing it yet.
- You have to.

"Motherldaughter surgeons
cure leading killer."

I'm so jealous, and I'm doing
a heart transplant on a baby

- that hasn't even been born yet.
- Will you shut up about that?

You're the one who needs
to keep his mouth shut, Cabbage Patch.

Screw this. I've been on this case for
a month. I'm not just gonna sit here.

- Meredith? You have to come see Dad.
- Does he want more organs?

He wouldn't say, he was too busy
lovin'-up on a tattooed 20-year-old.

Is that upsetting you?

- You wanna talk about it?
- No!

No worries. I have a surgery to get to.

- Meredith?
- I can't deal with my dad.

- I'm too busy with my mom.
- Let's go.

I wanna see your dad making out
with his tatted up fianc?e.

- They're not engaged.
- Are you sure?

- Meredith, please.
- Fine.

You're doing great, Sarah.

- I didn't hear her cry.
- Her lungs were junky.

- We had to intubate.
- She deteriorated fast.

- I'll call for an X-ray and ultrasound.
- Already ordered it.

What's her pH?
You'll need an ABG...

- Karev, we got it.
- Dr. Robbins, she's my patient.

Not anymore.

- You got something for me, Avery?
- I do, actually.

Her dad's here.
He might be rejecting his liver.

And he brought his
20-year-old girlfriend.

Yeah, that'll do it.
Lexie's probably going crazy.

Meredith's no help
when it comes to their father.

I'm not gonna be lead surgeon
on a rhinoplasty, am I?

- She just needs someone to talk to.
- We are not close.

- That is not something we do.
- Peanut butter cups.

- What?
- She's a stress eater.

You get her eating, you get her talking.

- She loves peanut butter cups.
- That's ridiculous.

Tomorrow, I'm doing a series
of cleft-palate surgeries

for the Nightingales Foundation.
Pro bono.

That sort of thing might look
fantastic on the r?sum?

of someone who's in
the running for chief resident.

- Might?
- Get some results... we'll talk.

- Get in there.
- And do what?

- Make it stop!
- There's no way she's 20.

- She's gotta be, like, 26, 27.
- I'm 27.


- Gross.
- [Disgusted groan]

[Pager beeping]

Tiny-baby-heart time.
Careful when you go in there, Mer.

You tangle with one Hells Angel,
you tangle with the whole gang.

- OK. You coming?
- I'm not going in there again.

- Seriously, Lexie?
- I can't.

- Well, then I'm going back to work.
- Meredith!

[Thatcher yelling]

- All right, hey. Move, please.
- I'm gonna page Bailey.

- This is what happened last time.
- Dad, is it the same pain?

- Where does it hurt?
- I'm telling you,

- I have seen this before.
- Will you please let him talk?

- He can't talk.
- It's here. [yelling]

- All right, just back up.
- Baby, it's gonna be OK.

- Back up.
- I need to do something. Tell me...

Back the hell up right now!

All right, all right, Dad.

The blood tests indicate
that your liver's fine.

Is there anything at all
that you've left out?

It's when he pees.
Just now. And then,

last Thursday, we had Mexican food,
and he drank all this water

because it was spicy and he went
to the bathroom as soon as we got home.

I was so freaked out
when he screamed later during the sex,

- I didn't even connect it.
- All right. Good, that helps.

- So what do you think it could be?
- It could be kidney stones.

- Or your prostate.
- Prostate? Are?

You're saying he could have cancer.
He can't have cancer.

That's what happens
when your boyfriend's an old man.

- Old men get cancer.
- Lexie...

But see, if you were a doctor,
like we are,

you'd realize that
when we use the word "prostate",

- it doesn't necessarily mean cancer.
- Dr. Grey.

No, see, freaking out and jumping
to conclusions like a little child

- isn't gonna do him any good.
- I am scared, OK?!

I am terrified over here,
and I've got questions.

You're terrified? We're his family.

- I'm his family, too!
- No, you're not his family!

- You're his midlife crisis!
- Lexie, Lexie!

That's enough. You're out of line.

- Fine.
- Lexie.

Cancer is one of
a hundred things it could be.

Dr. Bailey will run some more tests
just to rule it out.

It's far more likely
there's another explanation for this.

Are you the daughter
that gave him the liver?

- I am.
- Thank you.

- Say it again for the camera.
- No, no I don't think I will.

Kepner, talk to the camera
so we can get to the OR.

In my normal voice, or?

Randy has multiple fractures.

The most pressing problems
are his hip dislocations.

So we are going to reduce them
as soon as possible

- before they lose blood flow.
- Reduce?

- Pop 'em back into place.
- Oh, man!

Hold on, let me get up on this chair
for the wide angle.

Yeah. We're not doing it here.

He has to be sedated
and we have to fix his femur.

So we're just gonna
do everything in the OR.

What if we did the hips here,
while I'm awake?

And I can give the thumbs-up
to the camera.

You're really not grasping
how much this'll hurt.

- It's for the art, Dr. Torres.
- You know what?

That is a great idea.

- Dr. Hunt, I think that it's...
- Dr. Torres, it is for the art.


OK. OK. OK, yeah.

Marcus, hop on that chair.
Kepner, spot him. All right. Sure.

OK, you guys ready?


[Screaming] Please stop! Stop!

Stop! Turn the camera off! Stop!
Turn the camera off!

Marcus, turn the camera off!

- That totally cheered me up.
- Art has that effect.

Listen, I'm sorry
about the turnip thing.

I shouldn't have said it.
But doctor to doctor,

you over-reacted. That's my patient.

I deserve to be in there.

You deserve it? Huh.

You know, I have a patient, too.

You wanna know
what happened to my patient?

- Look, I'm sure it's tough...
- She had a 40-hour labor.

And then the baby was stuck
on an angle, wouldn't drop.

So my patient just had to push

and push and push.

And you want to know what you say
to a woman who's in that kind of pain?

You say, "One more, Jackie.

One more and you're gonna see that baby.

One more and you're
gonna have a beautiful baby boy.

I know it hurts, I know it does,
but give me one more, Jackie,

and you get a baby".

That's how you get a woman
to tear her own body apart.

You promise her a baby.

You make a promise and she hurts herself
because she trusts you,

and then when the baby comes out
and he's not...

...he's not...

You're the one that's gotta tell her
that you were...


Makes me kind of lose interest
in what you deserve,

Mr. Where's The Cabbage Patch.


Hey, Dad's got a kidney stone. Dr.
Bailey's taking him up to the OR now.

Well, she didn't just give him
a strainer? It's gotta be huge.

Well, he deserves it.

I never really got it before,
but this is how he operates.

He starts up new families,
stops talking to the old ones.

He'll go off and marry Dani,
The Tattooed Lady,

have six little mid-life crisis babies,
and I'll never hear from him again.

- It's exactly what he did to you.
- It is not exactly what he did to me.

- Of course it is.
- Lexie, my mother had an affair,

and then took his kid
across the country.

Your mother died and he was miserable.

And he started drinking
and he destroyed his liver.

This isn't about you.
He found someone who makes him happy.

Just give him your blessing.
Let him be happy.

What're you talking about?
Don't defend him.

- You hate him! Hate him with me!
- Lexie, I love you,

but you have to grow up.

- [Scoffing]
- [Door closes]

[Machine beeping]

We've got a strong heartbeat.
I think she likes her new heart.

Of course she does. It's delightful.

All right.
Let's take off the clamp, Dr. Yang.

- Why is her blood pressure so low?
- There's a low arterial pressure wave.

All right, let's check it. Maybe there's
a kink in the art line somewhere.

- [Alarm sounding]
- Damn it! Turn up the flow.

That aorta needs
a long diagonal anastomosis.

- That'll take at least 45 minutes.
- We don't have that.

We've gotta do it in 30, otherwise
we're gonna lose her. Scalpel!

Clamp it. Start the clock.

Son of a bitch.

I hate this. I hate this.

[Lucy] Come on... Come on...

- What time do you have, Yang?
- Twenty-seven minutes.

OK, I'm ready.

Clamp off.

We got this.

Robbins, Altman, they got this.

Yeah? Then why do you look sick?

- Pressure wave's coming back.
- Systolic's 57.



- Eighty-two.
- That's it! Yes!

- Yes!
- Yes!

Chief, I'm with a patient.

Did you get a chance
to look over the materials?

- I did. It's amazing.
- The next step is getting the funding

in place, and I can make two phone calls
and have that by midweek.

- So you're waiting for...
- You.

You have to sign on as co-investigator
so we can start moving forward.

- Chief, it's an amazing offer.
- It's not an offer, Meredith.

I can't offer something
that doesn't belong to me.

It was your mother's work, and it's
only right that you continue it.


- So you think that I owe it to her?
- Honestly?

I think she owes it to you.

She didn't give you a lot of love,
but she gave you her talent.

And her name.

And this.

This gift could change
the course of your career.

- I have to get back inside.
- Meredith.

It might change the way
you think about her.

It could be the greatest thing
the both of you ever did.

[Callie groaning]

How did it get to this?
How did four seconds of Internet fame

become worth breaking yourself
into a million pieces?

He did it...
because he thinks it's funny.

That's bull. You just don't put yourself
at that kind of risk.

- Well, it's his decision.
- His decision?

Idiots like this shouldn't be allowed
to make any...

It is his body, OK! And you don't get
to say what he can and can't do with it!

He is a person, he gets
to make his own damn choices!

I am going through the worst
caffeine withdrawal of my life

because someone thinks
that being pregnant means

- I'm no longer of sound frickin' mind!
- You're pregnant?

Shut up! I'm not endangering my baby.
I just want one damn cup of coffee!

OK. Kepner,
go get Dr. Torres a cup of coffee.

- OK.
- Run!


- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

Whatever. Just come around here
and help me with this hip!

Ready, one, two, three.

She doesn't seem so bad.


Screw you and your candy.

- She's terrible.
- All right.

Ever notice how my sister's a jerk?

- I...
- "Give him your blessing."

What a bunch of crap.
Let him be happy? What about me?

You know, everybody's making
these huge life decisions,

and they're not even considering
how it'll affect me. How I'll feel.

You know, I'm supposed to be such
a big part of their lives,

and yet they're leaving me out
of the conversation completely.

Starting up new families and springing
it on me when it's already a done deal.

"Hey, Lexie, guess what?

I found a tatted up skank
to be your new mommy.""Hey, Lexie,

I'm gonna have a baby and you're just
gonna have to be OK with that!"

Wait a second.
Your dad's having a baby?

No, not my dad. Mark.

Mark is having a baby,
and he didn't even ask my opinion.

He just clobbered me with it. Again.

And he's leaving me behind... again.

So we're done, you know?
We have to be.

But I miss him.



My dad's tatted up skank
isn't the bitch.

I am.

Probably a good start would be
to stop calling her a tatted up skank.



For listening.



I banned him from the NICU this morning.

Kinda want to go in there
and kick him out.

Yeah, punishing Karev is one
of my favorite pastimes, too.

He's harsh sometimes.
But he's also the guy

that gets thrown off a case
and then sits in the gallery

and watches an entire surgery
just to make sure his patient's OK.

I'll teach him to be less of an ass, but
I don't have to teach him how to care.

Do you even have the authority
to ban someone from the NICU?

I don't know.

Just in time, Avery.
Scrub in and take the lead.

That's OK. I just came by
to tell you that you were wrong.

Those peanut butter cups got me nowhere.

- You're kidding.
- Guess you overestimated

that Avery sparkle, huh?

- Where are you going? Scrub in.
- Really?

- I... I assumed no results, no surgery.
- I'm not a total bastard.

You gave it your best shot. Scrub in.


- I don't know.
- It's OK. Take your time.



Remember the third word, Mom?

We should have come earlier.

- She has a harder time in the evenings.
- She's doing fine.

We're just running some tests.

It's "spoon", Mom. Remember "spoon"?

I don't know why we're here.

Why are we here?

- It's such a little word.
- Can we go home now?

OK, Mom. OK.


He's gonna be sore for a while.

You'll need to make sure he drinks
plenty of water.

- Dr. Grey?
- Is he OK?

He's fine.



Will you please
just make sure that he calls me?

- Yes. Of course.
- Thank you.

I'm almost five years sober.

We support each other and...

...l'm good for him.

And he is really, really good for me.

That a hooker on your shoulder?

I was drunk.


There he is. How you feelin', buddy?

[Pained groaning]

I can't straighten it out
any more than that.

There's the surgeon!
You're the man, Dr. Hunt! How'd he do?

OK, Randy. Since there was
a tear in your joint capsule,

we needed to open up the hip
to reduce it. We put a rod and screws in

to the other femur to fix that
and reduce the other hip.

And this piece of hardware
is keeping your wrist fracture together.

That's intense. Is that, like,
some sort of record or something?

Like the worst case you've ever seen?

No. No, the worst case I ever saw

was a guy who had an ex fix
on his arm like this one,

but he also had a gaping hole with
exposed bone that needed to be covered.

He also had a matching hole
that ripped through his back

and tore his stomach apart. We did 11
surgeries to reconstruct his abdomen.

- He survived all that?
- No. No, he didn't.

But you know, come to think of it,
your situation, it is actually worse.

- How?
- That guy, he threw himself

in front of a grenade
to save six other soldiers.

He didn't launch himself into a brick
wall so the Internet could laugh at him.

Turn the camera off, Marcus.


I'd forgotten this about your mother.
She wrote everything down.

She didn't have a thought
or a fragment of a thought

that didn't get scribbled
in some journal. She was compulsive.

- Lucky for you that she did.
- Lucky for both of us.

No, for you.

You knew the woman who wrote them.
That's why I gave them to you.

I was happy to read them
and to understand her better,

but the woman I knew was different.

But I am starting to realize
how scared she must have been.

That had to be why she was
writing everything down.

- She must have been so scared.
- Meredith...

So, please, go ahead.

I think it's right
that you continue her work.

But I really just
want to cure her disease.

Good night, chief.

Good night.

So, what's your plan?


My plan for tonight is sleep.

I was gonna hit Joe's
before heading home.

- Want to come?
- I just need to crash.

Yeah. No, I get that.

Maybe tomorrow?

For sure, yeah.

[Bell dinging]

- Sorry about your patient.
- Thanks. I'm happy for yours.

[Bell dinging]

- Hey, you want to get a?
- No.


[Door opening]

- We made dinner... for you!
- What is it?

Grilled chicken breast
and some brown rice and broccoli.

- And... Is that coffee?
- Yes.

It is. And here's the thing.

I get that things
are gonna be different now.

And that's why
I'm gonna eat that chicken,

even though the only thing I want
right now is a peanut butter sandwich.

- Great...
- Oh, I'm not done.

If we're gonna do this whole
"everybody gets a vote" thing,

there's gonna be a new system.
We'll still each get one vote.

But, also, the baby gets a vote.

As I house the baby,
I'll be speaking for him-slash-her.

And since I'll be pushing this baby
out of a very small hole in my body,

I'll also get an
extra-special vagina vote.

So, that's three votes for us,
two votes for you guys.

Oh, we get the final say.
Now, I'll be using my many votes

to say that, once a day,
I will have one cup of regular coffee.

Which is perfectly fine
according to the studies that I've read.

At least until I begin breast-feeding.
Now, anybody want to argue

with my extra-special vagina vote?

- No.
- No, thank you.


Oh, we also vote that Mark
gives me a foot rub.

I'll go get the lotion.

OK, well, I guess that
a peanut butter sandwich is doable,

- if you eat the broccoli.
- Deal.

[Sighing happily]

[Door opening]

Surgery is a high-stakes game.

Did you decide?

[Sighing] I did.

- I choose you.
- [Chuckling] I'm glad.

I've been going over
the data you collected today.

And so far, it is 100 percent
consistent with the pre-trial phase.

- Which means what?
- It means that it's not not-working.

Oh, that's great news.

You wanna know what else
is great news?

- What?
- The kids aren't gonna be home

for another 20 minutes.

But no matter how high the stakes,
sooner or later

you're just gonna
have to go with your gut.

And maybe, just maybe,

that'll take you right where you were
meant to be in the first place.