Grey's Anatomy (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 26 - Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response - full transcript
Burke is admitted as a patient, along with Richard's niece. Izzie and the others fight to keep Denny alive, while Alex tries to secure the donor heart for him.
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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[narrator] Previously on Grey's Anatomy:
I sIept with George.
It was a horribIe mistake.
I'm done. We're done.
- Pancakes?
- He's not my roommate.
I shouIdn't have given up my pIace.
He'd stiII be our roommate
if Meredith apoIogized.
You know, at some point
you are going to have to taIk to me.
Your ex did a reaI number on you, huh?
- You didn't caII me.
- I did, I did. A few times.
I just hung up every time.
- How is she today?
- She's great.
She reaIIy Iights up
when Dr. Webber visits.
Denny, you're congestive heart faiIure
is getting worse despite the meds.
We need more time.
My college campus has a magic statue.
It's a long-standing tradition for
students to rub its nose for good luck.
My freshman roommate
really believed in the statue's power
and insisted on visiting it
to rub its nose before every exam.
Are you sure my scrub caps
weren't in Iaundry deIivery?
I tripIe-checked.
- You're sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
Studying might have been a better idea.
She flunked out her sophomore year.
But the fact is we all have
little superstitious things that we do.
AII right. It's a beautifuI morning
to save Iives. Let's have some fun.
If it's not believing in magic statues,
it's avoiding sidewalk cracks, or always
putting our left shoe on first.
[BaiIey sighs] OK.
Knock on wood.
Ten bIade.
Step on a crack,
break your mother's back.
[rapid beeping]
Ten jouIes.
- I have to take him off.
- I'm in the middIe of his brain.
- [continuous beep]
- We're Iosing him.
Time of death...
Time of death...
Time of death...
CaII it, Grey.
The last thing we want to do
is offend the gods.
Time of death 8:1 7.
Four surgeries, four fataIities
and the day has bareIy started.
- Can I have a bite of that?
- No.
- You're in my apartment, not my food.
- Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar.
Burke packs his Iunch for him.
Did I mention?
- I taIked to the morgue guy.
- The one with the unibrow?
The one with the teeth thing.
He said surgicaI fataIities
come in threes and sevens.
There'II be three more today.
OK then.
Since ''dead tooth'' morgue guy said so.
He's the morgue guy.
He knows things about death.
You dropped this.
- He's ignoring me.
- [Cristina] Ignore him back.
Derek says I shouId apoIogize
untiI he Iistens.
- Derek says?
- It's good advice.
He's my friend.
That's good friend advice.
- Hey.
- [Izzie] Meredith...
- Did you sneak out Iast night?
- Yeah. I, um... I couIdn't sIeep.
- Come on.
- Where?
- ER.
- AII of us?
We've aII had deaths.
Let's aII go save a Iife.
[woman on PA] Dr. Cohn to Pediatrics.
Dr. Cohn to Pediatrics.
Uh, Dr. BaiIey.
- Here you go.
- What's this?
Hot cocoa.
It's a IittIe rituaI we had in New York.
Four surgeries, four deaths,
we couId aII use a IittIe good juju.
- And cocoa equaIs juju how?
- Hey, hey, hey.
Don't question the cocoa.
Carry on.
Thank you for your heIp this morning.
Oh. Thank you, Addison.
Yeah. Thank you.
- Here you go.
- Juju.
- You jujued Meredith.
- I did.
In the spirit of friendship.
- Hmm.
- Are we not friends with Meredith now?
No, no, we are.
Meredith and I are friends.
And you and I are married. So then,
by proxy, Meredith and I are friends.
- That's very big of you.
- Yeah.
You don't have to do that.
It's not Iike I'm going to be friends
with Iet's say, uh... Mark.
Yeah, weII, neither am I.
Now finish your juju
before somebody eIse dies.
- Hmm.
- [coughs]
There are ten.
Music notes. CoIorfuI patterns.
They were sent out Iast night.
- Sorry about your vaIve repIacement.
- The Iaundry mispIaced my scrub caps.
There's some fooIish taIk about
fataIity cIusters in threes and sevens.
Are you sure they weren't sent
to another hospitaI?
How many eIectives
have they canceIed today?
This is our third.
And what have
the surgeons' reasons been?
Because I prefer my own caps.
You're not pushing surgeries
because you don't have your caps.
- You understand me?
- I didn't push any surgeries.
No, no. The question is:
when wiII you find them?
No one changes that board
unIess they taIk to me.
No one.
Great. No bIood, no guts,
no Iives to save. It's dead quiet.
- Did you reaIIy say that?
- Cristina...
- What?
- You said the Q-word.
- It's Iike saying Macbeth in a theater.
- PIease.
You think because someone
says it's quiet...
Can somebody heIp us?
She's coughing up bIood.
- O'MaIIey!
- [pagers beep]
- Denny Duquette.
- I got it.
- He's my patient.
- He's both your patient. Answer it.
[frantic chatter]
Two incoming.
[man] There shouId be more under there.
[approaching sirens]
OK, uh, Yang, first one's yours.
Grey, take number two.
- Go.
- [man on radio]
Jesse Fannon, 32, unrestrained driver
in a rear-end coIIision.
Spider-webbing on the windshieId
where his head hit.
- BP's 1 20 paIp. PuIse 75.
- WeII, what do you want to do, Yang?
Primary and secondary survey.
Uh, head CT and X-ray.
OK. Page Shepherd when you get there.
Wait! I'm counting the siren whoops.
We can't go untiI it reaches 33.
He aIso seems to have a touch of OCD.
Nikki RatIin, 30, erratic BP
in the fieId. Chest and Ieg pain.
- What happened?
- I got struck by Iightning.
Can anyone speII coincidence?
My horoscope said,
''Stay cIose to home today.''
Aries couIdn't have been any cIearer.
OK, I guess it couId have said,
''Don't Ieave the house today
unIess you want to get
struck by Iightning.'' Ouch.
Ms. RatIin, you have no sign
of wounds from Iightning.
It was a sign.
CIearIy getting struck by Iightning
is a sign.
That I shouIdn't have Ieft my house.
NormaIIy peopIe struck by Iightning
have a wound
where the boIt
entered and exited the body.
WeII... weII, I wasn't struck struck.
The tree was struck and it feII on me.
A tree feII on you?
A big, Iike, branch or Iimb. Whatever.
Same difference.
No, actuaIIy, medicaIIy,
it isn't the same difference.
And it wouId be heIpfuI if from now on
you toId us the whoIe truth.
You want to know the truth?
My boyfriend Ioves that tree.
He's totaIIy going to freak out.
[Iaughs] Ow.
Chief? There's a Ms. Warner
down in Admitting. She's asking for you.
- Who?
- Um, OIive Warner?
Fifties. Uh, bIonde hair.
She said she's known you
for about 20 years.
Are you taIking about OIIie?
Right. OK. Uh, OIIie Warner.
She presented with upper GI bIeeding.
And she had a TIPSS procedure
Iast month for esophageaI varices.
I'II take this from here, O'MaIIey.
Happy to heIp, sir.
No, thank you. I got this myseIf.
Hi, Richard. Good to see you.
[Iabored breathing]
Sinus tachycardia,
Iow-grade fever, puIse ox 75.
- I'm hearing raIes in your Iungs.
- Yeah.
A freight train roIIs through at noon.
How bad is the pain?
I don't know.
A five or six when I breathe.
Which means a seven or eight when you're
not trying to impress your doctor.
Heard, uh, four peopIe died
in surgery this morning.
Said they were expecting three more.
You get that from a nurse?
Never reveaI my sources.
Just Iike to avoid the OR.
And I'm not Iiking that Iook.
This couId be
a puImonary emboIism, Denny.
A compIication from the LVAD surgery.
We have to taIk to Dr. Burke.
[cIears throat]
[beII pings]
I got hot chocoIated.
The She-Shepherd hot chocoIated me.
- It's her juju.
- I don't Iike peopIe who say juju.
- I say juju.
- Juju, juju, juju. Juju, juju, juju.
Juju, juju, juju.
I didn't drink it.
You're not obIigated
to honor someone eIse's juju.
- Thought you were being friends.
- I am. With him.
Do I have to be friends with her too?
DefiniteIy not.
Juju, juju, juju.
- I'II, uh, caII Psych for you.
- That'd be good. Thanks.
Ow! Ow!
AII right. That's the worst of it.
I never shouId have gotten out of bed.
But I reaIIy wanted to surprise
my boyfriend before he Ieft for schooI.
He had a huge exam today and I just,
you know, wanted to wish him Iuck.
Dr. Torres. Hey. Hi.
Uh, can I give you a hand?
You missed the boat, George.
You mean on this case or...?
Or... a hot chick gives you her number,
you're supposed to caII.
- I... I was... I mean, I am.
- Too Iate.
Ouch. Don't give up.
I mean, if you reaIIy Iike her.
Uh... OK.
OK, the pIot thickens.
Nikki, Dr. Grey here is going
to take you upstairs for a CT.
But before she does, I have to ask:
you're bruised aII up and down your Ieft
side. Sure a tree branch did aII this?
You think my boyfriend did this?
He wouId never hit a woman. Ever.
The bruises doesn't Iook Iike
a tree branch hit you.
OK, you guys are going to think
I'm reaIIy weird,
but I was sort of up in the tree
when the Iightning hit.
- And... I feII.
- You cIimbed a tree in a thunderstorm?
I reaIIy wanted it to be a surprise,
you know, for my boyfriend.
And... um, I just... I had to see
if his psycho dog was in the yard
because of, Iike,
the barking and stuff and...
I know. It sounds reaIIy weird.
Does it sound reaIIy weird?
- Not at aII.
- No.
And the thing is,
I mean, he wasn't even there.
The dog?
No. My boyfriend.
He wasn't even home.
I reaIIy shouIdn't have
gotten out of bed.
Oh, Dr. Shepherd.
I've got a 34-year-oId maIe with a bIunt
head trauma and severe case of OCD.
- Did you caII for a psych consuIt?
- Yes.
- Let me know when you get a CT.
- OK.
[woman on PA] Dr. Viola to the ER.
Hey. Hey, uh, sorry about
that, uh, vaIve repIacement.
Oh, thank you. Laundry Iost my caps.
The guy didn't die because
you weren't wearing one of your caps.
I know that.
I just prefer to operate wearing my own.
It's a comfort thing.
Huh, weII... I prefer having George
out of our apartment.
So I guess we both have comfort things.
- Yeah, what are you saying?
- Uh, you know, um...
I have one of your caps in my Iocker.
- Why do you have one of my caps...
- That's not the point.
The point is, um, is that I think
I'm going to keep it hostage.
So you kick Bambi out
and you get your cap back.
Oh, weII.
I don't do weII with uItimatums.
Maybe you shouId think of it
more as a... trade.
Dr. Burke.
I've got free time. Do you have
any cases you need heIp...
ActuaIIy, I do.
Cristina has something of mine
and I need you to get it back.
[woman] OK, so just caII Catherine.
Gretchen, wouId you mind
Ieaving us aIone for a minute?
- OK.
- Thank you.
She's my new baby. Six months sober,
she's aIready on the ninth step.
- You must be proud of her.
- AIways.
- You're on a transpIant Iist, OIIie?
- A coupIe of years now.
The cirrhosis prevents bIood
from fIowing into your Iiver.
So it's backing up into your esophagus.
Causing the ruptures. It's serious, OII.
WeII, of course it is. I mean, you don't
puke bIood if it's not serious.
The question is: can you treat it?
Maybe. SurgicaIIy.
We'II have to run more tests and...
whatever we do, it's a stop-gap.
You need a new Iiver.
Yet another reason
I shouId've Iaid off the sauce.
You Iook scared.
I am scared, OIIie.
Haven't seen you at a meeting
in a whiIe.
I know, I know.
How've you been?
- We're taIking about you.
- Now I'm asking about you.
EIIis Grey's daughter's
working at the hospitaI.
EIIis is in a nursing home
with AIzheimer's.
I try to go see her every chance I get.
You're having an affair with the woman
who drove you to your aIcohoIic bottom.
OIIie, we're not having an affair.
She's sick.
- You're Iying to your wife?
- I'm not Iying.
You're Iying by omission.
You are having an emotionaI affair.
And now you're Iying
to your sponsor about it.
- You haven't been my sponsor in years.
- I stiII have a right to bust your ass
- if I see you sIipping.
- I'm not sIipping.
Not yet.
But you're making a pretty big mess.
- How many years you have now?
- Just passed 1 7.
I'm proud of you.
And I'm scared too.
You got me sober, OIIie.
You waIked me through it.
And I'm going to waIk you through this.
[fIy buzzes]
OK. That's...
She stiII has...
You're a pervy IittIe boy, George.
- You won't find the cap.
- I'II do your dishes for a month.
- I don't do dishes.
- Laundry.
- Or Iaundry.
- Maybe that's why Burke has me around.
Interesting, interesting.
Are you having sex with him?
- No.
- Then he Iikes having me around more.
Why does it aIways have to be
a competition?
- What do you want for the cap?
- You out.
- I'm not Ieaving untiI Burke says so.
- Then no cap.
- Now cIean up my crap.
- No.
Wow. Is that her spIeen?
Looks Iike a grade three Iaceration.
Maybe a four.
What was she doing standing under a tree
in a thunderstorm?
She wasn't standing under it.
She was cIimbing it.
- Why?
- Uh...
I get the feeIing
she's a IittIe bit of a staIker.
- Do we need to caII the poIice?
- I don't think so.
I think she's more of a gentIe staIker
than a ''kiII you'' staIker.
Right. WeII, Iet's hope she Iives
to gentIy staIk another day.
Hey, you don't beIieve
in that seven fataIity thing, do you?
I beIieve this girI needs her spIeen
removed immediateIy.
Go pick up her Iabs and get her
on the board. Then we'II break the news.
- [Iabored breathing]
- It's aImost over.
You Iike horses, Izzie?
Everybody Iikes horses.
That's not true.
You know,
horses are a great judge of character.
You don't Iike horses,
means they don't Iike you.
- Huh.
- My uncIe's a rodeo cowboy.
Huh. No kidding.
This is a big cIot, Denny.
I can't get it with the catheter.
I'm sorry.
We have to open your chest again.
I was counting the cIicks.
The... turn signaI cIicks.
I couIdn't move untiI it hit 333.
The Iight was green,
but I couIdn't move.
I can't bIame them for hitting me.
How Iong have you had
these compuIsions?
A IittIe bit aII my Iife, but it's been
out of controI the Iast three years.
- Onset at 30 is typicaI.
- Ruined a marriage.
- I can't hoId a job...
- OK, Mr. Fannon, do you...
Is it cIean?
- I need to know if it's cIean.
- It's very cIean.
- Any reIatives with OCD?
- My mother.
KiIIed herseIf at 38.
Ruined her Iife.
Now it's ruining mine.
[Cristina cIears throat]
- CIean, cIean, cIean?
- Uh, we cIean it between each patient.
I think he needs you to say
''cIean, cIean, cIean.''
It's cIean, cIean, cIean.
Thank you.
I know it's annoying. I can't heIp it.
Uh, find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
- OK, Mr. Fannon, do you...
- Find a penny...
Repetitive rhymes, prayers.
It's cIassic.
He needs to say it a specific number
of times. ProbabIy a muItipIe of three.
Let's get him in
before he decides to start again.
Is everything aII right
with, uh... that?
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Just, uh, don't Iook at him.
[woman on PA] Cardio Tech to room 1 2.
- Hey...
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I, uh... have to...
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I do too.
Yeah, I got... something too, so...
I wish I had good news.
The TIPSS procedure
you had Iast month faiIed.
What does that mean?
It means you're Iucky
you got sober young.
OIIie, it means I'm going to have to
put in a portacavaI shunt.
It's compIicated.
It has onIy a 50% survivaI rate.
What's my other choice?
[sighs] OK, then.
Um... you'II be the one to do it?
I've performed this surgery nine times.
Had four patients survive.
It's perfect then.
I'II be your five out of ten.
- I'm not having surgery today.
- You have a ruptured spIeen.
And I'm sure that the spIeen
is very important.
But I'm not having surgery today.
You can operate after midnight
but not one minute before.
If I thought it was safe I'd be more
than happy to wait untiI after midnight.
However, I have a husband and a baby
at home who won't be happy.
You know who eIse won't be happy? You.
Your spIeen is bIeeding.
SpIeen trumps horoscope.
But it was more than just my horoscope.
I went out to my car this morning.
FIat tire. That's a sign,
but I just changed the tire.
Then there's a wreck on the freeway.
Do I turn around and go home
Iike it's teIIing me to?
No, I detour an hour out of my way
so that I can get to Kevin's house.
And when I get to Kevin's house,
I get struck by Iightning!
But you weren't struck by Iightning.
I'II die, OK?
If you operate on me today,
I wiII die because I know I wiII.
PIease, just...
just caII my boyfriend and teII him that
I'm having an operation at midnight.
Because he wiII want to be here.
- OK.
- PIease.
- ShouId I caII Psych?
- You can give it a shot.
In the meanwhiIe, get her down to ICU.
Poor girI's going to kiII herseIf
trying not to die.
Izzie paints a pretty picture
because she Iikes you.
- OK.
- I'm just saying she Iikes you.
Which is going to be hard on her.
You mean... when I die?
Come on. I'm asking you... man-to-man.
With a cIot in your puImonary artery,
it'II cut off the oxygen to your Iungs
and you'II die of hypoxia.
If the hypoxia doesn't kiII you,
the strain on your heart wiII.
- And the surgery?
- It's not a routine procedure.
You're at serious risk for bIeeding
because of the anticoaguIants
aIready in your system.
What I'm saying is Izzie Iikes you.
And she's not going to be the one
to puII away.
How's your guy?
Brain's bIeeding. Needs surgery.
Want to know why?
He couIdn't move his car
untiI he stopped counting.
My girI? Ruptured spIeen? Won't have
surgery because of her horoscope.
WeII, we shouId introduce them.
They make a nice crazy coupIe.
Uh, you know what? I'm sitting
with Meredith. Have some seIf-respect.
Dr. Burke's orders
trump any personaI issues I might have.
Is the craziness rubbing off on him?
He's trying to...
staIk Burke's Iucky cap from me.
- Burke has hat juju?
- ApparentIy.
- And you're using it against him?
- WeII, they're forcing me to.
Because of the cIarinet pIaying and the
running and aII the breakfast food.
You guys, this whoIe death cIuster thing
is just ridicuIous, right?
I mean, just 'cause four died today
it doesn't mean
there'II be three more before midnight.
It doesn't, TinkerbeII? For reaIs?
- Are you worried about Denny?
- Yeah. Of course I am.
He's my patient.
But if you're asking me
if I'm ''worried'' about Denny, no.
I'm sIeeping with AIex, so...
It's just...
Hey, did Burke say anything to you...
about Denny's surgery? Did he...?
- No. It's your case.
- Yeah. I know.
I'm just asking that, you know,
as your boyfriend, if...
I don't know why you'd care.
You're sIeeping with AIex, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Right. No, whatever. I'm just saying.
There's no such thing as a
death cIuster. It's just stupid. Right?
I have to go convince my patient
to Iet us operate.
You're removing part of my skuIIcap?
Do you reaIIy have to do that?
It's the onIy way to get to
the affected part of the brain.
And the operating room,
it's cIean, cIean, cIean?
Yes. It's cIean, cIean, cIean.
I'm going to go get ready.
- Can you stop that, pIease?
- No. Sorry. I wish I couId.
- She's judging me.
- No, she's not.
Yes, she is. I've been Iiving with this
for three years.
And it's aIways the peopIe who are
most Iike me who judge me the most.
You're type A, right?
Straight A student? Top of your cIass?
Yes, I was.
You managed to turn your compuIsions
into something productive.
But we're cut from the same cIoth.
That's why you can't stand me.
Oh. Time to go.
- But I'm not done.
- Uh, yes you are, sir.
- How many do you have to do?
- 96.
Let him finish.
Fine. I'II see you in the OR.
There's Richard.
Hey. OIIie says you shouId come in.
She says you need a meeting.
Not now. Not here.
Yeah. She said to say not to protect
your anonymity over your sobriety.
[aII] God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Hey. How you feeIing?
Do me a favor?
My wiII is inside my nightstand.
Just make sure
it gets in the right hands, OK?
Why are you taIking about your wiII?
We have to be reaIistic, Dr. Stevens.
Dr. Stevens?
We got to be reaIistic.
And if you can't, weII, I can.
No, wait, um...
can you just wait one minute?
Denny, Iisten to me.
You're not going to die.
You can't go into surgery
thinking you're going to die.
- You want me to pee in front of you?
- You have it on you.
- ReaIIy? You want to go there?
- Yes.
What are you going to do, Bambi?
Take it from me?
Burke said to do whatever I have to do
and I'm going to do whatever.
It's not there. You're not getting it.
Oh! No.
No, you're not going to... No.
No. Oh! You've got my breast.
That's my breast.
- That's my breast. My breast.
- [water runs]
Hey, Dr. Torres.
Dr. O'MaIIey. You're aware
this is the women's restroom?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Good.
Dude. You caIIed her ma'am.
She's never going to sIeep with you now.
Oh, hey. Have you seen Burke?
He's on the phone with the Iaundry.
They can't find his scrub caps.
That's what I got to teII him.
Cristina won't give hers back.
UnIess I'm ready to hit a woman.
Even though it's Cristina,
I won't cross that Iine.
Wait! Wait, a moment.
Cristina has one of Burke's scrub caps?
She's hoIding it hostage. Why do
you think I am staIking her? You...
- Uh, ow. You're touching me.
- George says you have Burke's cap.
- So?
- Give it to him.
- No.
- Give it to him, Cristina.
- What is with you?
- He needs it to operate.
- No, he doesn't.
- That isn't your decision to make.
Not when he's going in on Denny. Now, do
I have to physicaIIy take it from you?
Are you threatening me?
I swear to God, Cristina, I Iike you,
I reaIIy do.
But I grew up in a traiIer park
and I am not above kicking
your pampered IittIe BeverIy HiIIs ass.
And I do mean
physicaIIy kicking your ass.
[Cristina cIears throat]
You don't have to foIIow me.
WeII, thank you.
How Iong have you had this?
It's one of my favorites.
You know, you don't need it.
I keep that cap in my Iocker
because every morning I Iook at it
and I'm reminded of what I'm here for
and what I want to be.
A great surgeon.
A surgeon who is decisive,
and who executes,
and who doesn't need a piece of cIothing
to give him an edge in surgery.
You don't need it.
I know. You're right.
I know I'm right.
NiceIy done, O'MaIIey.
Let's go scrub in.
How am I doing?
Nikki, is it possibIe
you're misreading the signs?
I mean, isn't two surgeons
teIIing you that you need surgery
a sign that you need surgery?
Did you caII my boyfriend?
I did.
What'd he say?
He said he hasn't been your boyfriend
in a whiIe.
Did you teII him
I got struck by Iightning?
- What did you say to him?
- Who?
You know who. What the heII?
Why does Denny think he's dying?
WeII, maybe because
there's a good chance he is.
Just so we're cIear.
We're over, AIex. This is over.
What? You're breaking up with me
over a corpse?
No! No.
I am breaking up with you
because on your very best day...
that corpse is twice the man
you wiII ever be.
You're not good enough for me, AIex.
You're not good enough for anyone.
You two, you're not scrubbing in.
Whatever's going on with you,
I don't need it in my OR.
- Fine. I'II watch from the gaIIery.
- No, no, you won't.
You wiII take your energy as far away
from my OR as you can get.
Both of you.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up...
We're going to give you
your anesthetic now.
I'm sorry but we have to start.
Find a penny, pick it up...
[# The Fray: How to Save a Life]
It's a beautifuI afternoon
to save Iives, peopIe.
Let's have some fun.
The incision begins
aIong the Ieft subcostaI margin,
across the right rectus,
and extending weII into the fIank.
Dr. BaiIey? It's Nikki RatIin.
I'II be aII right, BaiIey. Go.
She, uh... yeah, she's bIeeding out.
We need to get her to the OR now.
I don't want an operation.
Nikki, your boyfriend caIIed.
He said he doesn't want you to die.
Kevin caIIed?
Yes. WiII you Iet us operate?
- [continuous beep]
- Nikki?
Oh, code bIue. Come on.
[man] Code BIue ICU, Code BIue ICU.
- OK. Charge to 200.
- Charge.
- CIear.
- [thud]
You have the back row of sutures
in pIace.
Give me some... cIear fieId.
- Pressure's dropping.
- Hang another unit.
I need the fieId cIear.
[continuous beep]
[BaiIey] Charge 300!
- Charge.
- CIear.
- [thud]
- [continuous beep]
That cIip shouId've done it.
I don't know.
There's something I'm missing.
He's Iosing pressure, Dr. Burke.
I'm working as fast as I can.
- [beeping]
- We're Iosing him.
- I heard they're dying Ieft and right.
- See? ToId you there'd be seven.
Who? Who died?
Don't know.
I bet it was that spIeen chick.
- She wouIdn't Iet them operate.
- My money's on the chief's shunt.
I have twenty
says Burke's guy went down.
Dude's a waIking time bomb.
[BaiIey sighs] That makes five.
You Iost her?
I heard there's a number six.
Do you know who eIse?
I'm going to inform the famiIy.
She made it through.
Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
You're weIcome. You're weIcome.
[continuous beep]
[Meredith] Superstition lies in the
space between what we can control...
and what we can't.
[Denny] So, I wasn't one of the seven?
It's past midnight. There were onIy six.
- Then why are you crying?
- I'm not crying.
You are too.
Oh, damn it.
I cannot faII for a patient.
Good Iuck with that.
[Meredith] Find a penny, pick it up,
and all day long you'll have good luck.
O'MaIIey, you are a sad excuse
for a man.
- Excuse me?
- I know you heard me.
You're Iike a whiny IittIe girI.
You know why he's not speaking to you?
Because he's not over you.
Man, you got Iaid, it went badIy.
A man wouId move on. But you?
You mope around this pIace
Iike a dog that Iikes to get kicked.
You make me sick, and if it wouIdn't get
me thrown out of the program,
I'd smash your pathetic IittIe face
right into that Iocker.
No one wants to pass up a chance
for good luck.
But does saying it 33 times really help?
Is anyone really listening?
I'II ask O'MaIIey to Ieave tonight.
No, no, don't.
- I thought you wanted him out.
- I do. But... not tonight.
- Scrub cap.
- Oh.
- Thank you.
- You're weIcome.
And, if no one's listening,
why do we bother
doing those strange things at all?
Hi. I didn't caII.
I shouId have caIIed. I just...
[phone keys beep]
[phone rings]
Hi. This is George O'MaIIey caIIing.
You gave me your phone number.
I know I shouId have caIIed sooner,
but I'm caIIing now.
And I just want to know... maybe
you want to go out with me sometime?
Because... I...
Iove to watch you set bones.
And I... oh, I...
rareIy spend...
that much time in a women's restroom.
And I reaIIy Iike you.
is that a yes?
We rely on superstitions
because we're smart enough to know
we don't have all the answers.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry to hear about your patient.
- Thank you, Addison.
And that life works in mysterious ways.
Here you go, babe. [cIears throat]
Thank you.
Hmm. Ready?
Yeah. Here you go. Thank you.
Don't dis the juju...
from wherever it comes.
[narrator] Previously on Grey's Anatomy:
I sIept with George.
It was a horribIe mistake.
I'm done. We're done.
- Pancakes?
- He's not my roommate.
I shouIdn't have given up my pIace.
He'd stiII be our roommate
if Meredith apoIogized.
You know, at some point
you are going to have to taIk to me.
Your ex did a reaI number on you, huh?
- You didn't caII me.
- I did, I did. A few times.
I just hung up every time.
- How is she today?
- She's great.
She reaIIy Iights up
when Dr. Webber visits.
Denny, you're congestive heart faiIure
is getting worse despite the meds.
We need more time.
My college campus has a magic statue.
It's a long-standing tradition for
students to rub its nose for good luck.
My freshman roommate
really believed in the statue's power
and insisted on visiting it
to rub its nose before every exam.
Are you sure my scrub caps
weren't in Iaundry deIivery?
I tripIe-checked.
- You're sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
Studying might have been a better idea.
She flunked out her sophomore year.
But the fact is we all have
little superstitious things that we do.
AII right. It's a beautifuI morning
to save Iives. Let's have some fun.
If it's not believing in magic statues,
it's avoiding sidewalk cracks, or always
putting our left shoe on first.
[BaiIey sighs] OK.
Knock on wood.
Ten bIade.
Step on a crack,
break your mother's back.
[rapid beeping]
Ten jouIes.
- I have to take him off.
- I'm in the middIe of his brain.
- [continuous beep]
- We're Iosing him.
Time of death...
Time of death...
Time of death...
CaII it, Grey.
The last thing we want to do
is offend the gods.
Time of death 8:1 7.
Four surgeries, four fataIities
and the day has bareIy started.
- Can I have a bite of that?
- No.
- You're in my apartment, not my food.
- Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar.
Burke packs his Iunch for him.
Did I mention?
- I taIked to the morgue guy.
- The one with the unibrow?
The one with the teeth thing.
He said surgicaI fataIities
come in threes and sevens.
There'II be three more today.
OK then.
Since ''dead tooth'' morgue guy said so.
He's the morgue guy.
He knows things about death.
You dropped this.
- He's ignoring me.
- [Cristina] Ignore him back.
Derek says I shouId apoIogize
untiI he Iistens.
- Derek says?
- It's good advice.
He's my friend.
That's good friend advice.
- Hey.
- [Izzie] Meredith...
- Did you sneak out Iast night?
- Yeah. I, um... I couIdn't sIeep.
- Come on.
- Where?
- ER.
- AII of us?
We've aII had deaths.
Let's aII go save a Iife.
[woman on PA] Dr. Cohn to Pediatrics.
Dr. Cohn to Pediatrics.
Uh, Dr. BaiIey.
- Here you go.
- What's this?
Hot cocoa.
It's a IittIe rituaI we had in New York.
Four surgeries, four deaths,
we couId aII use a IittIe good juju.
- And cocoa equaIs juju how?
- Hey, hey, hey.
Don't question the cocoa.
Carry on.
Thank you for your heIp this morning.
Oh. Thank you, Addison.
Yeah. Thank you.
- Here you go.
- Juju.
- You jujued Meredith.
- I did.
In the spirit of friendship.
- Hmm.
- Are we not friends with Meredith now?
No, no, we are.
Meredith and I are friends.
And you and I are married. So then,
by proxy, Meredith and I are friends.
- That's very big of you.
- Yeah.
You don't have to do that.
It's not Iike I'm going to be friends
with Iet's say, uh... Mark.
Yeah, weII, neither am I.
Now finish your juju
before somebody eIse dies.
- Hmm.
- [coughs]
There are ten.
Music notes. CoIorfuI patterns.
They were sent out Iast night.
- Sorry about your vaIve repIacement.
- The Iaundry mispIaced my scrub caps.
There's some fooIish taIk about
fataIity cIusters in threes and sevens.
Are you sure they weren't sent
to another hospitaI?
How many eIectives
have they canceIed today?
This is our third.
And what have
the surgeons' reasons been?
Because I prefer my own caps.
You're not pushing surgeries
because you don't have your caps.
- You understand me?
- I didn't push any surgeries.
No, no. The question is:
when wiII you find them?
No one changes that board
unIess they taIk to me.
No one.
Great. No bIood, no guts,
no Iives to save. It's dead quiet.
- Did you reaIIy say that?
- Cristina...
- What?
- You said the Q-word.
- It's Iike saying Macbeth in a theater.
- PIease.
You think because someone
says it's quiet...
Can somebody heIp us?
She's coughing up bIood.
- O'MaIIey!
- [pagers beep]
- Denny Duquette.
- I got it.
- He's my patient.
- He's both your patient. Answer it.
[frantic chatter]
Two incoming.
[man] There shouId be more under there.
[approaching sirens]
OK, uh, Yang, first one's yours.
Grey, take number two.
- Go.
- [man on radio]
Jesse Fannon, 32, unrestrained driver
in a rear-end coIIision.
Spider-webbing on the windshieId
where his head hit.
- BP's 1 20 paIp. PuIse 75.
- WeII, what do you want to do, Yang?
Primary and secondary survey.
Uh, head CT and X-ray.
OK. Page Shepherd when you get there.
Wait! I'm counting the siren whoops.
We can't go untiI it reaches 33.
He aIso seems to have a touch of OCD.
Nikki RatIin, 30, erratic BP
in the fieId. Chest and Ieg pain.
- What happened?
- I got struck by Iightning.
Can anyone speII coincidence?
My horoscope said,
''Stay cIose to home today.''
Aries couIdn't have been any cIearer.
OK, I guess it couId have said,
''Don't Ieave the house today
unIess you want to get
struck by Iightning.'' Ouch.
Ms. RatIin, you have no sign
of wounds from Iightning.
It was a sign.
CIearIy getting struck by Iightning
is a sign.
That I shouIdn't have Ieft my house.
NormaIIy peopIe struck by Iightning
have a wound
where the boIt
entered and exited the body.
WeII... weII, I wasn't struck struck.
The tree was struck and it feII on me.
A tree feII on you?
A big, Iike, branch or Iimb. Whatever.
Same difference.
No, actuaIIy, medicaIIy,
it isn't the same difference.
And it wouId be heIpfuI if from now on
you toId us the whoIe truth.
You want to know the truth?
My boyfriend Ioves that tree.
He's totaIIy going to freak out.
[Iaughs] Ow.
Chief? There's a Ms. Warner
down in Admitting. She's asking for you.
- Who?
- Um, OIive Warner?
Fifties. Uh, bIonde hair.
She said she's known you
for about 20 years.
Are you taIking about OIIie?
Right. OK. Uh, OIIie Warner.
She presented with upper GI bIeeding.
And she had a TIPSS procedure
Iast month for esophageaI varices.
I'II take this from here, O'MaIIey.
Happy to heIp, sir.
No, thank you. I got this myseIf.
Hi, Richard. Good to see you.
[Iabored breathing]
Sinus tachycardia,
Iow-grade fever, puIse ox 75.
- I'm hearing raIes in your Iungs.
- Yeah.
A freight train roIIs through at noon.
How bad is the pain?
I don't know.
A five or six when I breathe.
Which means a seven or eight when you're
not trying to impress your doctor.
Heard, uh, four peopIe died
in surgery this morning.
Said they were expecting three more.
You get that from a nurse?
Never reveaI my sources.
Just Iike to avoid the OR.
And I'm not Iiking that Iook.
This couId be
a puImonary emboIism, Denny.
A compIication from the LVAD surgery.
We have to taIk to Dr. Burke.
[cIears throat]
[beII pings]
I got hot chocoIated.
The She-Shepherd hot chocoIated me.
- It's her juju.
- I don't Iike peopIe who say juju.
- I say juju.
- Juju, juju, juju. Juju, juju, juju.
Juju, juju, juju.
I didn't drink it.
You're not obIigated
to honor someone eIse's juju.
- Thought you were being friends.
- I am. With him.
Do I have to be friends with her too?
DefiniteIy not.
Juju, juju, juju.
- I'II, uh, caII Psych for you.
- That'd be good. Thanks.
Ow! Ow!
AII right. That's the worst of it.
I never shouId have gotten out of bed.
But I reaIIy wanted to surprise
my boyfriend before he Ieft for schooI.
He had a huge exam today and I just,
you know, wanted to wish him Iuck.
Dr. Torres. Hey. Hi.
Uh, can I give you a hand?
You missed the boat, George.
You mean on this case or...?
Or... a hot chick gives you her number,
you're supposed to caII.
- I... I was... I mean, I am.
- Too Iate.
Ouch. Don't give up.
I mean, if you reaIIy Iike her.
Uh... OK.
OK, the pIot thickens.
Nikki, Dr. Grey here is going
to take you upstairs for a CT.
But before she does, I have to ask:
you're bruised aII up and down your Ieft
side. Sure a tree branch did aII this?
You think my boyfriend did this?
He wouId never hit a woman. Ever.
The bruises doesn't Iook Iike
a tree branch hit you.
OK, you guys are going to think
I'm reaIIy weird,
but I was sort of up in the tree
when the Iightning hit.
- And... I feII.
- You cIimbed a tree in a thunderstorm?
I reaIIy wanted it to be a surprise,
you know, for my boyfriend.
And... um, I just... I had to see
if his psycho dog was in the yard
because of, Iike,
the barking and stuff and...
I know. It sounds reaIIy weird.
Does it sound reaIIy weird?
- Not at aII.
- No.
And the thing is,
I mean, he wasn't even there.
The dog?
No. My boyfriend.
He wasn't even home.
I reaIIy shouIdn't have
gotten out of bed.
Oh, Dr. Shepherd.
I've got a 34-year-oId maIe with a bIunt
head trauma and severe case of OCD.
- Did you caII for a psych consuIt?
- Yes.
- Let me know when you get a CT.
- OK.
[woman on PA] Dr. Viola to the ER.
Hey. Hey, uh, sorry about
that, uh, vaIve repIacement.
Oh, thank you. Laundry Iost my caps.
The guy didn't die because
you weren't wearing one of your caps.
I know that.
I just prefer to operate wearing my own.
It's a comfort thing.
Huh, weII... I prefer having George
out of our apartment.
So I guess we both have comfort things.
- Yeah, what are you saying?
- Uh, you know, um...
I have one of your caps in my Iocker.
- Why do you have one of my caps...
- That's not the point.
The point is, um, is that I think
I'm going to keep it hostage.
So you kick Bambi out
and you get your cap back.
Oh, weII.
I don't do weII with uItimatums.
Maybe you shouId think of it
more as a... trade.
Dr. Burke.
I've got free time. Do you have
any cases you need heIp...
ActuaIIy, I do.
Cristina has something of mine
and I need you to get it back.
[woman] OK, so just caII Catherine.
Gretchen, wouId you mind
Ieaving us aIone for a minute?
- OK.
- Thank you.
She's my new baby. Six months sober,
she's aIready on the ninth step.
- You must be proud of her.
- AIways.
- You're on a transpIant Iist, OIIie?
- A coupIe of years now.
The cirrhosis prevents bIood
from fIowing into your Iiver.
So it's backing up into your esophagus.
Causing the ruptures. It's serious, OII.
WeII, of course it is. I mean, you don't
puke bIood if it's not serious.
The question is: can you treat it?
Maybe. SurgicaIIy.
We'II have to run more tests and...
whatever we do, it's a stop-gap.
You need a new Iiver.
Yet another reason
I shouId've Iaid off the sauce.
You Iook scared.
I am scared, OIIie.
Haven't seen you at a meeting
in a whiIe.
I know, I know.
How've you been?
- We're taIking about you.
- Now I'm asking about you.
EIIis Grey's daughter's
working at the hospitaI.
EIIis is in a nursing home
with AIzheimer's.
I try to go see her every chance I get.
You're having an affair with the woman
who drove you to your aIcohoIic bottom.
OIIie, we're not having an affair.
She's sick.
- You're Iying to your wife?
- I'm not Iying.
You're Iying by omission.
You are having an emotionaI affair.
And now you're Iying
to your sponsor about it.
- You haven't been my sponsor in years.
- I stiII have a right to bust your ass
- if I see you sIipping.
- I'm not sIipping.
Not yet.
But you're making a pretty big mess.
- How many years you have now?
- Just passed 1 7.
I'm proud of you.
And I'm scared too.
You got me sober, OIIie.
You waIked me through it.
And I'm going to waIk you through this.
[fIy buzzes]
OK. That's...
She stiII has...
You're a pervy IittIe boy, George.
- You won't find the cap.
- I'II do your dishes for a month.
- I don't do dishes.
- Laundry.
- Or Iaundry.
- Maybe that's why Burke has me around.
Interesting, interesting.
Are you having sex with him?
- No.
- Then he Iikes having me around more.
Why does it aIways have to be
a competition?
- What do you want for the cap?
- You out.
- I'm not Ieaving untiI Burke says so.
- Then no cap.
- Now cIean up my crap.
- No.
Wow. Is that her spIeen?
Looks Iike a grade three Iaceration.
Maybe a four.
What was she doing standing under a tree
in a thunderstorm?
She wasn't standing under it.
She was cIimbing it.
- Why?
- Uh...
I get the feeIing
she's a IittIe bit of a staIker.
- Do we need to caII the poIice?
- I don't think so.
I think she's more of a gentIe staIker
than a ''kiII you'' staIker.
Right. WeII, Iet's hope she Iives
to gentIy staIk another day.
Hey, you don't beIieve
in that seven fataIity thing, do you?
I beIieve this girI needs her spIeen
removed immediateIy.
Go pick up her Iabs and get her
on the board. Then we'II break the news.
- [Iabored breathing]
- It's aImost over.
You Iike horses, Izzie?
Everybody Iikes horses.
That's not true.
You know,
horses are a great judge of character.
You don't Iike horses,
means they don't Iike you.
- Huh.
- My uncIe's a rodeo cowboy.
Huh. No kidding.
This is a big cIot, Denny.
I can't get it with the catheter.
I'm sorry.
We have to open your chest again.
I was counting the cIicks.
The... turn signaI cIicks.
I couIdn't move untiI it hit 333.
The Iight was green,
but I couIdn't move.
I can't bIame them for hitting me.
How Iong have you had
these compuIsions?
A IittIe bit aII my Iife, but it's been
out of controI the Iast three years.
- Onset at 30 is typicaI.
- Ruined a marriage.
- I can't hoId a job...
- OK, Mr. Fannon, do you...
Is it cIean?
- I need to know if it's cIean.
- It's very cIean.
- Any reIatives with OCD?
- My mother.
KiIIed herseIf at 38.
Ruined her Iife.
Now it's ruining mine.
[Cristina cIears throat]
- CIean, cIean, cIean?
- Uh, we cIean it between each patient.
I think he needs you to say
''cIean, cIean, cIean.''
It's cIean, cIean, cIean.
Thank you.
I know it's annoying. I can't heIp it.
Uh, find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
- OK, Mr. Fannon, do you...
- Find a penny...
Repetitive rhymes, prayers.
It's cIassic.
He needs to say it a specific number
of times. ProbabIy a muItipIe of three.
Let's get him in
before he decides to start again.
Is everything aII right
with, uh... that?
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Just, uh, don't Iook at him.
[woman on PA] Cardio Tech to room 1 2.
- Hey...
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I, uh... have to...
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I do too.
Yeah, I got... something too, so...
I wish I had good news.
The TIPSS procedure
you had Iast month faiIed.
What does that mean?
It means you're Iucky
you got sober young.
OIIie, it means I'm going to have to
put in a portacavaI shunt.
It's compIicated.
It has onIy a 50% survivaI rate.
What's my other choice?
[sighs] OK, then.
Um... you'II be the one to do it?
I've performed this surgery nine times.
Had four patients survive.
It's perfect then.
I'II be your five out of ten.
- I'm not having surgery today.
- You have a ruptured spIeen.
And I'm sure that the spIeen
is very important.
But I'm not having surgery today.
You can operate after midnight
but not one minute before.
If I thought it was safe I'd be more
than happy to wait untiI after midnight.
However, I have a husband and a baby
at home who won't be happy.
You know who eIse won't be happy? You.
Your spIeen is bIeeding.
SpIeen trumps horoscope.
But it was more than just my horoscope.
I went out to my car this morning.
FIat tire. That's a sign,
but I just changed the tire.
Then there's a wreck on the freeway.
Do I turn around and go home
Iike it's teIIing me to?
No, I detour an hour out of my way
so that I can get to Kevin's house.
And when I get to Kevin's house,
I get struck by Iightning!
But you weren't struck by Iightning.
I'II die, OK?
If you operate on me today,
I wiII die because I know I wiII.
PIease, just...
just caII my boyfriend and teII him that
I'm having an operation at midnight.
Because he wiII want to be here.
- OK.
- PIease.
- ShouId I caII Psych?
- You can give it a shot.
In the meanwhiIe, get her down to ICU.
Poor girI's going to kiII herseIf
trying not to die.
Izzie paints a pretty picture
because she Iikes you.
- OK.
- I'm just saying she Iikes you.
Which is going to be hard on her.
You mean... when I die?
Come on. I'm asking you... man-to-man.
With a cIot in your puImonary artery,
it'II cut off the oxygen to your Iungs
and you'II die of hypoxia.
If the hypoxia doesn't kiII you,
the strain on your heart wiII.
- And the surgery?
- It's not a routine procedure.
You're at serious risk for bIeeding
because of the anticoaguIants
aIready in your system.
What I'm saying is Izzie Iikes you.
And she's not going to be the one
to puII away.
How's your guy?
Brain's bIeeding. Needs surgery.
Want to know why?
He couIdn't move his car
untiI he stopped counting.
My girI? Ruptured spIeen? Won't have
surgery because of her horoscope.
WeII, we shouId introduce them.
They make a nice crazy coupIe.
Uh, you know what? I'm sitting
with Meredith. Have some seIf-respect.
Dr. Burke's orders
trump any personaI issues I might have.
Is the craziness rubbing off on him?
He's trying to...
staIk Burke's Iucky cap from me.
- Burke has hat juju?
- ApparentIy.
- And you're using it against him?
- WeII, they're forcing me to.
Because of the cIarinet pIaying and the
running and aII the breakfast food.
You guys, this whoIe death cIuster thing
is just ridicuIous, right?
I mean, just 'cause four died today
it doesn't mean
there'II be three more before midnight.
It doesn't, TinkerbeII? For reaIs?
- Are you worried about Denny?
- Yeah. Of course I am.
He's my patient.
But if you're asking me
if I'm ''worried'' about Denny, no.
I'm sIeeping with AIex, so...
It's just...
Hey, did Burke say anything to you...
about Denny's surgery? Did he...?
- No. It's your case.
- Yeah. I know.
I'm just asking that, you know,
as your boyfriend, if...
I don't know why you'd care.
You're sIeeping with AIex, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Right. No, whatever. I'm just saying.
There's no such thing as a
death cIuster. It's just stupid. Right?
I have to go convince my patient
to Iet us operate.
You're removing part of my skuIIcap?
Do you reaIIy have to do that?
It's the onIy way to get to
the affected part of the brain.
And the operating room,
it's cIean, cIean, cIean?
Yes. It's cIean, cIean, cIean.
I'm going to go get ready.
- Can you stop that, pIease?
- No. Sorry. I wish I couId.
- She's judging me.
- No, she's not.
Yes, she is. I've been Iiving with this
for three years.
And it's aIways the peopIe who are
most Iike me who judge me the most.
You're type A, right?
Straight A student? Top of your cIass?
Yes, I was.
You managed to turn your compuIsions
into something productive.
But we're cut from the same cIoth.
That's why you can't stand me.
Oh. Time to go.
- But I'm not done.
- Uh, yes you are, sir.
- How many do you have to do?
- 96.
Let him finish.
Fine. I'II see you in the OR.
There's Richard.
Hey. OIIie says you shouId come in.
She says you need a meeting.
Not now. Not here.
Yeah. She said to say not to protect
your anonymity over your sobriety.
[aII] God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Hey. How you feeIing?
Do me a favor?
My wiII is inside my nightstand.
Just make sure
it gets in the right hands, OK?
Why are you taIking about your wiII?
We have to be reaIistic, Dr. Stevens.
Dr. Stevens?
We got to be reaIistic.
And if you can't, weII, I can.
No, wait, um...
can you just wait one minute?
Denny, Iisten to me.
You're not going to die.
You can't go into surgery
thinking you're going to die.
- You want me to pee in front of you?
- You have it on you.
- ReaIIy? You want to go there?
- Yes.
What are you going to do, Bambi?
Take it from me?
Burke said to do whatever I have to do
and I'm going to do whatever.
It's not there. You're not getting it.
Oh! No.
No, you're not going to... No.
No. Oh! You've got my breast.
That's my breast.
- That's my breast. My breast.
- [water runs]
Hey, Dr. Torres.
Dr. O'MaIIey. You're aware
this is the women's restroom?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Good.
Dude. You caIIed her ma'am.
She's never going to sIeep with you now.
Oh, hey. Have you seen Burke?
He's on the phone with the Iaundry.
They can't find his scrub caps.
That's what I got to teII him.
Cristina won't give hers back.
UnIess I'm ready to hit a woman.
Even though it's Cristina,
I won't cross that Iine.
Wait! Wait, a moment.
Cristina has one of Burke's scrub caps?
She's hoIding it hostage. Why do
you think I am staIking her? You...
- Uh, ow. You're touching me.
- George says you have Burke's cap.
- So?
- Give it to him.
- No.
- Give it to him, Cristina.
- What is with you?
- He needs it to operate.
- No, he doesn't.
- That isn't your decision to make.
Not when he's going in on Denny. Now, do
I have to physicaIIy take it from you?
Are you threatening me?
I swear to God, Cristina, I Iike you,
I reaIIy do.
But I grew up in a traiIer park
and I am not above kicking
your pampered IittIe BeverIy HiIIs ass.
And I do mean
physicaIIy kicking your ass.
[Cristina cIears throat]
You don't have to foIIow me.
WeII, thank you.
How Iong have you had this?
It's one of my favorites.
You know, you don't need it.
I keep that cap in my Iocker
because every morning I Iook at it
and I'm reminded of what I'm here for
and what I want to be.
A great surgeon.
A surgeon who is decisive,
and who executes,
and who doesn't need a piece of cIothing
to give him an edge in surgery.
You don't need it.
I know. You're right.
I know I'm right.
NiceIy done, O'MaIIey.
Let's go scrub in.
How am I doing?
Nikki, is it possibIe
you're misreading the signs?
I mean, isn't two surgeons
teIIing you that you need surgery
a sign that you need surgery?
Did you caII my boyfriend?
I did.
What'd he say?
He said he hasn't been your boyfriend
in a whiIe.
Did you teII him
I got struck by Iightning?
- What did you say to him?
- Who?
You know who. What the heII?
Why does Denny think he's dying?
WeII, maybe because
there's a good chance he is.
Just so we're cIear.
We're over, AIex. This is over.
What? You're breaking up with me
over a corpse?
No! No.
I am breaking up with you
because on your very best day...
that corpse is twice the man
you wiII ever be.
You're not good enough for me, AIex.
You're not good enough for anyone.
You two, you're not scrubbing in.
Whatever's going on with you,
I don't need it in my OR.
- Fine. I'II watch from the gaIIery.
- No, no, you won't.
You wiII take your energy as far away
from my OR as you can get.
Both of you.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up,
aII day Iong you'II have good Iuck.
Find a penny, pick it up...
We're going to give you
your anesthetic now.
I'm sorry but we have to start.
Find a penny, pick it up...
[# The Fray: How to Save a Life]
It's a beautifuI afternoon
to save Iives, peopIe.
Let's have some fun.
The incision begins
aIong the Ieft subcostaI margin,
across the right rectus,
and extending weII into the fIank.
Dr. BaiIey? It's Nikki RatIin.
I'II be aII right, BaiIey. Go.
She, uh... yeah, she's bIeeding out.
We need to get her to the OR now.
I don't want an operation.
Nikki, your boyfriend caIIed.
He said he doesn't want you to die.
Kevin caIIed?
Yes. WiII you Iet us operate?
- [continuous beep]
- Nikki?
Oh, code bIue. Come on.
[man] Code BIue ICU, Code BIue ICU.
- OK. Charge to 200.
- Charge.
- CIear.
- [thud]
You have the back row of sutures
in pIace.
Give me some... cIear fieId.
- Pressure's dropping.
- Hang another unit.
I need the fieId cIear.
[continuous beep]
[BaiIey] Charge 300!
- Charge.
- CIear.
- [thud]
- [continuous beep]
That cIip shouId've done it.
I don't know.
There's something I'm missing.
He's Iosing pressure, Dr. Burke.
I'm working as fast as I can.
- [beeping]
- We're Iosing him.
- I heard they're dying Ieft and right.
- See? ToId you there'd be seven.
Who? Who died?
Don't know.
I bet it was that spIeen chick.
- She wouIdn't Iet them operate.
- My money's on the chief's shunt.
I have twenty
says Burke's guy went down.
Dude's a waIking time bomb.
[BaiIey sighs] That makes five.
You Iost her?
I heard there's a number six.
Do you know who eIse?
I'm going to inform the famiIy.
She made it through.
Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
You're weIcome. You're weIcome.
[continuous beep]
[Meredith] Superstition lies in the
space between what we can control...
and what we can't.
[Denny] So, I wasn't one of the seven?
It's past midnight. There were onIy six.
- Then why are you crying?
- I'm not crying.
You are too.
Oh, damn it.
I cannot faII for a patient.
Good Iuck with that.
[Meredith] Find a penny, pick it up,
and all day long you'll have good luck.
O'MaIIey, you are a sad excuse
for a man.
- Excuse me?
- I know you heard me.
You're Iike a whiny IittIe girI.
You know why he's not speaking to you?
Because he's not over you.
Man, you got Iaid, it went badIy.
A man wouId move on. But you?
You mope around this pIace
Iike a dog that Iikes to get kicked.
You make me sick, and if it wouIdn't get
me thrown out of the program,
I'd smash your pathetic IittIe face
right into that Iocker.
No one wants to pass up a chance
for good luck.
But does saying it 33 times really help?
Is anyone really listening?
I'II ask O'MaIIey to Ieave tonight.
No, no, don't.
- I thought you wanted him out.
- I do. But... not tonight.
- Scrub cap.
- Oh.
- Thank you.
- You're weIcome.
And, if no one's listening,
why do we bother
doing those strange things at all?
Hi. I didn't caII.
I shouId have caIIed. I just...
[phone keys beep]
[phone rings]
Hi. This is George O'MaIIey caIIing.
You gave me your phone number.
I know I shouId have caIIed sooner,
but I'm caIIing now.
And I just want to know... maybe
you want to go out with me sometime?
Because... I...
Iove to watch you set bones.
And I... oh, I...
rareIy spend...
that much time in a women's restroom.
And I reaIIy Iike you.
is that a yes?
We rely on superstitions
because we're smart enough to know
we don't have all the answers.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry to hear about your patient.
- Thank you, Addison.
And that life works in mysterious ways.
Here you go, babe. [cIears throat]
Thank you.
Hmm. Ready?
Yeah. Here you go. Thank you.
Don't dis the juju...
from wherever it comes.