Grey's Anatomy (2005–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Who's Zoomin' Who? - full transcript

George discovers he has syphilis, and it soon emerges that the disease is rampant among the hospital staff. Suspicious about a patient's death, Izzie and Cristina perform an unauthorized ...

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Meredith] You know how when you were
a kid and you believed in fairy tales?

[? Nellie McKay: David]

That fantasy of what your life would be.

White dress, Prince Charming,

who'd carry you away
to a castle on a hill.

You'd lie in bed at night
and close your eyes,

and you had complete and utter faith.


Eight hours, 1 6 ounces of chocolate
and 32 cupcakes,

and they still don't taste right.

No, these are good.

Martha Stewart would be proud.

Yeah, look where it got her.

[Meredith] Santa Claus,
the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming,

they were so close, you taste them.

There's something missing,
some specific ingredient.

Why can't l remember?

But eventually, you grow up.

One day you open your eyes,
and the fairy tale disappears.

Look, just call her.
Call your mother and ask.

Most people turn to the things
and people they can trust.

l don't want to call my mother.

So let's go sleep at your house tonight.


Why are we always sleeping at my house?

- Do you even have one?
- One what?

A house. With a closet.

With your stuff in it.
Your personal stuff.

Do you even have one of those?


Good morning.

- [George] Hey. You guys want a cupcake?
- Oh, no.

lzzie made them.

l like it here.

You said yourself,
you liked having your things around,

sleeping in your own bed.

You're like a health nut.

You eat muesli every morning.

No, l don't.

OK, the muesli thing, you do.

The last seven days, at least.

Oh, come on.

l haven't been here for a whole week.

- Have l?
- See?

Even they think it's weird.

[Meredith] But the thing is,

it's hard to let go
of that fairy tale entirely.

Almost everyone still
has that smallest bit of hope,

of faith, that one day
they'll open their eyes

and it will all come true.

[door opens]

So l've checked the schedule.

l start ENT On the 9th.
lt's a light rotation.

Can you get me in then?

Oh, l'm afraid not.

We have openings on the 1 6th.

There are other options
besides termination, you know?


keeping the baby.

You think it over. Call me back.

- l'm here...
- Put me down for the 1 6th.

l'll confirm after
l rearrange my schedule.

l know this is a difficult decision.

- You know the talking part?
- Mm.

l'm not interested.

So, Devo, you just
had a root canal, correct?


l couldn't stop bleeding after,

Now l'm stuck with you guys.

Give me the bullet.

1 7-year-old female hospitalized
for excessive bleeding,

post root canal.
Also a significant new heart murmur

associated with fever.
Now afebrile on antibiotics.

lf l'm gonna die,
page my mom and dad?

You're not dying.
Where are your parents?

ln the cafeteria.
My freak father likes hospital food.

[Burke] You're in excellent hands.
Dr. Karev is gonna run some labs.

And l'll see you with your parents
in a little while.

Add a bleeding time to the coags.

So, what kind of name is Devo, anyway?

'80s rocker.
My parents did too much blow.

l call myself Esther.

Nice skirt. What are you, Amish?

Get a life. Haven't you
ever seen an Orthodox Jew?

This guy belongs in Psych.
What are you doing turfing him here?

My gift to you. Had a seizure two
days ago and another one this morning.

What are you talking about?
lt says, ''He talks to dead people,

family thinks he's dangerous.
They had him committed.''

That's Psych, not Neuro.

Didn't you go to med school?

Yes, unlike the correspondence
school you attended...

- Oh, that would be Stanford, right?
- l learned not to jump to conclusions.

Sorry, ladies. We can't take
him back until he's cleared.

You're dumping him on us?

He thinks his seizures are visions.

Hello! They're not seizures.
l'm psychic.

[Cristina] Of course you are,
and l'm a chicken.

Hey, genius.

OK, Mr. Duff.
We're gonna start our workup now.

Work me up, work me down, waste of time.

Well, humor us.
Can you grip my fingers, please?


Mr. Duff?

Mr. Duff, are you OK?

[breathes deeply] Someone...

Someone what?

Someone's gonna check out.


Oh, man, he's nuts.

l'm dizzy, not deaf, lady.

Someone on the fourth floor
is gonna die.

[man over PA] Code blue,
fourth floor. Code blue, fourth floor.

[man] Got a code.

[woman] Right away.

[man] Go get it.


[? Psapp: Nobody Knows]

Fourth floor, dead guy.

The psychic predicted
the fourth floor dead guy.

l need someone to cover me
on the 1 6th. You in?

l'm thinking about letting my hair grow.

And maybe l won't shave.
Go for the stubble effect.

What do you think?

The 1 6th, George.
Can you cover me or not?

Uh, yeah. l guess. Why?

lt's none of your business.

A thank-you would be nice.

lt's just that l hardly know
anything about you.

l'm from New York. l like ferry boats.

Enough with the ferry boats.
What about your friends?

- l'm a surgeon. l don't have friends.
- Everybody has friends.

l mean, who do you hang out with?

What do you do on your days off?
These are important questions.

Ah, important for who?

We're having sex every night.
l think l deserve details.

- You have more details than most.
- This is going somewhere weird.

l want facts, and until l get them,
my pants are staying on.

Or you could just roll with it.

Be flexible. See what happens.

l'm not flexible.

- [pager beeps]
- There l disagree.

Hmm. l've got to go.

[exhales deeply]

We'll find these things out.
That's the fun part.

That's the gravy.

That is what l'm talking about.
l don't want to be your gravy.


Your daughter needs
a valve replacement.

Tests indicate von Willebrand's disease,

which explains excessive
bleeding after the root canal.

And that means?

Devo can't take the blood thinners
to maintain a mechanical heart valve.

We're suggesting
a porcine valve instead.

Porcine? As in pig?

lt's the standard of care
for someone in this situation.

Pig, huh?

lt's the other white meat.

l don't care what you have
to do. Save my daughter's life.

[woman over PA]
Dr. Jennings to OR 7.

Dr. Jennings to OR 7.

[monitor beeping]

l'm removing the lump now.

Someone said you guys have
a psychic running around. ls that true?

l did not even hear you say that.

Predicted someone
would die on the fourth floor.

lCU's on the fourth floor.
People die all the time.

We're finishing up here, Mrs. Glass.

We'll take this down to Path

and get the results
of the frozen-section biopsy

and see you in a few hours.

The guy is just playing mind games.

l can see further
into the future than he can.

Why do you care about this, Stevens?

l don't.

OK, Mr. Walker. Does that hurt?

l can't feel anything
until you get to my thigh.

Try wiggling your toes.

Are they moving?

- No.
- Damn.

l could about ten minutes ago.

Well, your spine x-rays look clear.
You fell rock climbing?

ln Snohomish. Just a small drop.
l was belayed.

My wife and boys are on the way.

What's wrong with me, anyway?

Hold your legs up.

- Should l be scared now?
- Just try and relax.

Nurse, l need a stat MRl.

Send an intern with him.
Make it Meredith Grey.


[Karev] Ew. Thick, short neck.

That isn't good. lt's hard to intubate.

- You want me to do that?
- He's my patient. l'm fine.

l just can't see anything yet. Suction.

Don't break any teeth.

l know... Don't you think l know?

Pulse ox down 87 percent.

Bag him.

Sure you don't want me to do that?

No, damn it! Tube.

[rapid beeping]



Huh. Got it.

lt's in the esophagus. Don't you
know an esophagus from a trachea?

[George] Anatomy
is messed up in here.

You trying to kill
this patient, O'Malley?

Maybe we can send you
to practice on mannequins.

No, it's just l haven't done this much.

But when l have, it's... it's been good.

lt's just l-l haven't...

Let's review the concepts.

Never take your eyes away.

Always, always
know you can follow through.

Don't ever follow through
on one of my patients, O'Malley.

Botox would do wonders
for all those frown lines.

OK. Shut up.

You allowed to talk to me like that?


God, you're hot...
in a Mrs. Livingston kind of way.

See here?

These are spikes in your temporal lobe.

lt means you have epilepsy.
Not visions. Seizures.

You think l'm epileptic?
That is so not right.

l'm gonna order an MRl so l can
take a closer look at your brain.

Yeah, there's no way...

Mr. Duff?

Mr. Duff, can you see me?
Can you hear me?

Stay with me.

l wouldn't have picked you
for the mommy track, Nurse Betty.


l told you l know things.

This pregnancy thing,
you can't run away from it.

Dr. Bailey, l want off the psychic case.

l'll take whatever you got.
Can l switch?

Ask nicely.

Uh, well, this is me doing nicely.

Look, l know the type. These guys want
everybody to think they're a sideshow.

- Let me take him.
- l don't do switches.

l'll do your post-op notes for a month.

Fine. l can accept that.

lzzie, you get Psych guy.

Yang. This is your lucky day.

You get to be with me on breast cancer.

There's spotting. You'll need
to do a pelvic. She's pregnant.

See? This.

The guy's films are clear.

There's no reason l can see
for his creeping paralysis.

lt's just so surprising.

l expected an intrusion into the spinal
space or bony spur in the pulposus.

Well, you were wrong.

You don't always get
what you expect, do you?

What is your problem?

Give me something to go on.

Anything. What are
your grandparents' names?

- l don't have them.
- Where'd you grow up?

Your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Where'd you spend
your summer vacations?

Lighten up.

Oh, don't you tell me to lighten up.

l'll lighten up when l...

...feel light.

Don't we have treatment options? l-l
mean, aren't there always alternatives?

With this stage of invasive carcinoma,

surgery, chemo, radiation
and drug therapy are your only options.

Can l wait until the end
of my pregnancy?

The pregnancy hormones will likely
speed the growth of the cancer.

And the baby?

None of these treatments
will allow the baby to survive.

Mr. and Mrs. Glass,
l understand how difficult this is.

No disrespect, but like hell, you do.

You're going to have to make a decision
as to how you want to proceed.

You mean my baby's life or my own?


We'll have to evacuate the fetus.


[Derek] Any changes, Mr. Walker?

[Mr. Walker] l can't move
my legs at all.

He was moving his legs
when he came in.

- What's wrong with him?
- l don't know.

The paralysis is moving quickly,
and nothing in the MRl to explain it.

- Has Tommy been under stress lately?
- You know what's making me stressed?

Being in here
and not being able to move.

Dr. Grey.

Emotional trauma can be converted

- into something physical?
- Possible.

Like hysterical numbness or paralysis.

Maybe there is no physiological reason,
and he's having a conversion reaction.

- lt's psychosomatic?
- lt is not in your head, man.

- l believe you.
- [lzzie] Mr. Duff, please.

Who was that?

Psych sent him down. He has visions.

ls that it? Am l crazy?

No. No.

l'm gonna order a higher-level MRl.

We're gonna figure this out.

You know how important this is to me!

This is about saving your life.

You're not respecting it, or me.

You're letting them put a pig,
a freaking non-kosher, traif mammal,

into my chest, into my heart!

The very essence of my being!

lt's a porcine valve, actually.

l don't care what it is. lf you give
me a pig part, l might as well be dead.

[man] This Orthodox thing
was a mistake.

What was wrong with being
Reform like everyone else?

You guys don't even
light candles Friday nights.

You don't know
all the Passover plagues.

Boils, vermin, pestilence.
Even l know that.

Miss Friedman,

l appreciate your extreme
religious convictions.

Fire, hail...

Simply put,
without this procedure, you will die.

You're hotshot doctors.
You'll come up with something else.

As long as it doesn't answer
to Wilbur and say ''oink,''

l don't care what it is.

Your nostrils are flaring.

They are not.

You're into me. l can tell.

''Dr. Small and Angry''
was a hot appetizer,

but you, doc, are a smorgasbord of lust.

Mr. Duff, you're pressing your luck.

Would you press it for me?

l hope you're not claustrophobic.

You're staring at me. Stop it.

l'm looking at you, sweetheart,
but it's the strangest thing.

l'm hungry for a chocolate cupcake.

- What did you say?
- A chocolate cupcake.

One of those fudgey things with
the white squiggle on the frosting.

Could you oblige?

What, do l still have
some chocolate on my face

or in my hair or something?

- What are you talking about?
- You.

l know the drill, so keep it up.

Next you'll be reading my cards,
telling me my dead uncle is in the room.

- ls he?
- l don't have a dead uncle.

l'm watching you.



- lf that's turkey, can l have some?
- lt's soggy.

- lt'll kill you. Solve everything.
- l am good at intubations.

Why does everything in a hospital
smell like a hospital?

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Everybody makes mistakes.

l'm good at a lot of things.

l'm gonna tell you something.
You need to get laid.

See that nurse over there?

She's single.
She's got red hair. Go ask her out.

- l intubated an esophagus.
- Dude, you're tweaking.

- Maybe you should go see that psychic.
- Mr. Duff is not a psychic!

l am trying to help you.

Go buy her a latte
and freshen up your gonad, please.

Shut up.

lt's not too late to call her.

You know, moms like that,
surprises on their birthdays.

You know, it's very Hallmark.

l'm 47, you know?

l'm 47 and having a baby,
which is kind of a miracle,

and it kind of sucks,
if you see what l mean.


We'd given up
on the kid thing about a year ago.

You know, fertility treatments,
acupuncture needles in my eyes.

Well, not really, but it felt like it.

lt was like,
''Screw this. l want my life back.''

Then one awesome night on the beach
with a bottle of merlot...

l should have these labs back
in a couple hours.

You get it, right?

My hesitation?

This isn't an easy decision, l mean.

l'm having a baby.

You have advanced-stage carcinoma.

You're 47 years old,

so statistically you have
a good probability of survival.

Forego treatment, chances are you
won't see your baby go to kindergarten,

so whose life are you
interested in saving?

Excuse me.

[Mr. Walker] First my legs,
then stomach. God.

Doc! Doc, my hands can't move.

- Squeeze my fingers.
- l can't.

Right here. No?

Let me know if you feel this.

How about that? Here?

Anything here? Up here? OK.

Nothing on this side?
All right. l'll be right back.

Nurse, cancel the second MRl.

Call down and prep OR stat.

You're operating? On what?

lf there was something to fix,
wouldn't we see it?

The MRl missed
a clot in his upper spine.

l'm gonna cut him open. l'm going in.

What if you're wrong?

Couldn't unnecessary
spinal surgery do damage?

lf we wait longer and this expands we
have a paralyzed man who can't breathe.

l'm trusting my instincts.

Sometimes you've got to take
a chance to save a life.

[? Laura Veirs: Rapture]

Your mitral regurge is getting worse.

The valves are leakier than ever.

Are you hitting on me?

lf you want me to.

l hear they call you Dr. Evilspawn.

Well, only the people that like me.

l guess that explains
the lack of faith thing.

You know, l kind of think
of myself as a pagan,

but, hey, that's just me.

You know what it's like
being a teenager these days?

My friends spend most of their time
screwing around and getting wasted.

At least l have God.

Well, so God wants you to die, huh?

He wants me to be passionate
about what l believe in.

You don't believe in anything.


My mother used to pray
to Saint Jude for me.

How appropriate.

Patron saint of lost causes.

[laughs] Mmm.

l did an angio on my Psych case.

The MRl came out clean, but l saw
a ditzel. There's something here.

Yep, you're right. There's
an AVM on his left temporal lobe.

- l'll schedule the OR for tonight.
- Ohh, back up, girl.

There's high risk
of spontaneous hemorrhage.

The attending has to see films.
We need consent forms.

Believe it or not, Stevens,
we have to follow protocol.

But if the AVM looks like
it's gonna blow, we fix it, right?

lf the man needs to be fixed,
we'll fix him in time.

Why are you moving so quickly?

You get too involved
with your patients, lzzie.

Why do you make everything so personal?

lt's not personal.

lt's not.

Pulse ox, 98.

We've got to save this cord.

This guy's built like
the Rock of Gibraltar.

You want me to start?

l'm going to cut here from
the base of the neck to the rib cage.

l want you to hit the bleeders.

l still don't think
we should be doing this.

- Spinal hematoma.
- We don't know.

Left untreated are almost always fatal.

You're cutting blind.

Whatever happened to being practical?

l need to see more here. Retractor.


The spine.

There's no ''wow'' in ''practical.''

We have decided to go ahead
with the evacuation.

What the hell, right?

Maybe this is how it's supposed to be.

We need to start chemo right away.

We'll get everything ready.

Have you ever done a D and C before?

We learned at school.

OK, uh, go ahead.

l'll call an OB resident
down to supervise.

lf she needs anything, page me.

[woman] Dr. Grimm to ICU stat.

Dr. Grimm to ICU stat.

You're using up my oxygen, O'Malley.

How does a pompous,
cocky jackass like you

always have women all over him?

Little blue love pills, lots of them.

- Come on.
- [sighs]

Float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee.

There it is, a bovine xenograft.


O'Malley, you think too much.
Can't you see it?

You got to dance and jab.
Dance and jab. Like me.

l am the Ali of this place.

[praying in Hebrew]

[Karev clears throat]

Does the wall ever bow back?

lt's called davening, smartass.

This is me communing with God,
and you're interrupting.

l've found a transplant option.

At first, l thought maybe a cadaver,

but they're really hard to find.

And then l realized
Dr. Burke can transplant

a bovine mitral valve
instead of the pig.

She can get a cow valve?

- Why wasn't this mentioned before?
- Dr. Karev.

The bovine valve has only been
an option the last few years.

lt's a much more complicated procedure.

But the best part
is it's superior to the pig.

lt lasts longer.

What small fraction
of your brain were you using?

- What?
- Correct me if wrong,

but did you not present an alternative
without consulting your attending first?

- l thought you'd be...
- lmpressed? That's just stupid.

- Sorry...
- We're finished here, Karev.

You're off this case.

You need to sign these consent forms
so we can proceed with your surgery.

l'm not signing anything
unless it's got my name

followed by a whole bunch of zeros.

Look, the AVM is located
in this crucial part of the brain.

A tangle of blood vessels
that could burst

and affect speech, among other things.

- We know your visions are seizures.
- Do you?

- Do l what?
- Know they're seizures.

You're really good
at reading people, aren't you?

Telling them what they want to hear?

There's an unfortunate alignment
of Saturn in the house of Jupiter now.

OK. l know what you're doing.

You watch people,
read their body language.

Say ''chocolate cupcakes,''
l lean towards you,

so you think you're on the right track.

You know you're having seizures,
you're milking it.


Well, we'll just see about that,


What did you just call me?


[telephone rings]

l'm gonna do a quick pelvic exam.
The OB resident should be down soon.

lt's a short procedure.
Your husband can stay if he likes.

- We changed our minds.
- Excuse me?

We've decided to keep the baby.

You have cancer.

Can you tell me l'll survive
if l go through with this?

Having the procedure does not
necessarily improve the outcome.

You have quite the bedside manner.
You know that?

My mom died of breast cancer
when she was in her 40s.

l have that cancer gene.

My chances are pretty much lose-lose,
whichever way you look at it,

except for the baby.

We're keeping it.

l'll call down a Psych consult.

Don't bother.
l am going to get fat and happy

instead of skinny and bald.

- l'm at the end...
- lf you want to live...

Honey, that's what l'm doing.

Look, if you think you're gonna get any,
think again.

l'm not in the mood.

- l'm not in the mood, either.
- Good.

What do you want?

Nothing. l just
haven't seen you all day.

So l'm working.

l've never done
a bovine replacement before.

l don't know what l'm doing.

Look it up, research it
and get someone to assist you.


lt's not that easy.

This is a problem
that has a solution, Burke.

There are a lot of problems that don't.

[monitor beeping]

Third thoracic laminae. Nothing.

l think l see the dura pulsating here.

- No, it's not. Keep looking.
- We have been at this for four hours.

Maybe he just injured his spinal cord,
and there's nothing to fix.

Grey, when you read your books,
make sure you reference them correctly.

Progressive paralysis
implies a pressure lesion.

My books got me here...


Pressure's up to 1 80l1 1 1 .
The pulse is in the 40s.

What is it?

l'm pushing 70 milligrams Diazoxide.

- Autonomic dysreflexia.
- Damage to the nervous system?

BP and the heart rate are unstable.

- We're in trouble?
- We've got to find the clot.

l can see the cord below the dura.

Focus, Grey. We're gonna find the clot.

lt's there. Cleanup, please.

BP's still up. Heart rate's at 44.

Get on those bleeders.

Keep looking, Dr. Grey.


Dr. O'Malley?
Our patient's pulse ox is dropping.

She's agonal. She needs to be intubated.

ls there anyone else who can do this?

- You're here. l could find someone.
- No, that's... l got it.


- Sats down to 86 percent.
- Cric pressure, please.

OK. l see cords. Tube. Hurry.

Check for breath sounds.

Clear and equal.

CO2 detector mellow yellow.

Smooth moves, doctor.

Kicked ass.


Oh, Dr. Karev.

How long would it take
to get a cow valve?

Oh, about 60 minutes by messenger.

You're scrubbing in.

Thank you very much, sir.

This doesn't get you any points, Karev.

l'm the only one
with points around here, OK?

Oh, by the way,

Devo wants a rabbi
to bless her before surgery.

- Seriously?
- You came up with the cow,

you can find that girl a rabbi.

[man] lrrigation and suction,
have it ready.

[woman] Right away.

What is it?

See for yourself.
The second thoracic vertebrae.

[Meredith] Oh, my God.

- l see it. lt really is there.
- Of course it is.

Let's suction and pack this baby,
shall we?

[woman] Suction.

Here you go.

[woman] Dr. Burke to Oncology.

You were right.

- ls he gonna be OK?
- l think so.

But you don't know that.

We stopped the paralysis from advancing.

You don't know if the paralysis
he already has will be permanent.


You keep taking everything on faith.

How do you know
what's real and what's not?

You just do.

Some people
would call this a relationship.

The kind where you exchange keys,
leave your toothbrush over.

Who? Who would call it that?


l would.

- l'm supposed to believe you?
- Uh-huh.

- Show me something.
- [sighs]

Give me a reason to believe.

[? 78 Saab: No Illusions]

l have your discharge papers.

Oh, you're not happy with me, are you?

l'm your doctor.
lt's not my place to be happy.

My husband and child are going
to be together long after l'm gone.

We've talked about it.

lt's our decision, and that's OK.

- So why do you need my approval?
- l just want you to understand.

Well, l don't.

[thunder rumbles]

[knocking on door]

l brought the consent forms again.

You really need to sign them.

Your surgeon scheduled the OR.

Mr. Duff, are you all right?

Are you having another seizure?

Yeah. Yeah. [clears throat]

l think maybe l am.

What is it?

lt's me.

l think it's about to be over.

We know what we're doing, Mr. Duff.

You saw the angio results.
We're catching the AVM just in time.

You don't need to be nervous.
You're not gonna die.

l'm not talking about dying.

My whole life has been about what l see

and about believing in myself,
whatever people think.

You're telling me there's
a chance that will go away.

Look, you're a healthy guy.

You're gonna live a long, full life.

lf your psychic visions are real,

you've got to believe you'll have them
when you come out.

[thunder rumbles]

[woman praying in Hebrew]

[doctor] She's good.

This is Dr. Chesney
from the Cleveland Clinic.

He's an expert on bovine
valve replacement surgery.

He will be assisting via satellite.

Thank you, doctor.

After the sternotomy
and connection to bypass,

we're going to do
a transverse left atriotomy

to expose the valve.


l tried to talk Shepherd
out of that clot surgery.

What is wrong with me?

- Basically, you tried to kill the guy.
- Basically, you're an ass.

You know you want it.
Come to papi, baby.

This, uh, is George.

George has a hot date.

[laughing] Oh, that's great, George.


Left pocket of my lab coat, Georgie.

No glove, no love.

[sighs] My psychic had his surgery.


l wonder what happened with his... gift.

Come on. We all know he's crazy.

You said you didn't believe in that.

l grew up in a trailer park.

l waited tables, which was
supposed to put me through college,

but my mother was always calling these

psychics all the time.

The bills started piling up,
so l had to use my money to pay them.

When l turned 1 8,
l left and never went back.

But this guy has been
saying things to me,

things he couldn't possibly
know anything about.

So l just wonder.

Do you have sensation anywhere else?

Some feeling in my stomach
and feet, l guess.

- Bladder and bowels?
- Not so good still.

The pressure stockings
help relieve clots and bedsores?

[Grey] They do.

l wanted to thank you for everything.

Believing in me,
that l wasn't making it up.

Well, l'll come back tomorrow, then.

[Mr. Walker] l wanted
to show you something.

l wasn't sure it would last,
but now look.

l know it's hardly anything, but...

No, it's something.

lt's something really big.

[? Tegan and Sara: Fix You Up]

[Meredith] At the end
of the day, faith is a funny thing.

It turns up when
you don't really expect it.

Mr. Duff, you're still with us.

For your recipe... tablespoon coconut extract.

[Meredith] It's like one day
you realize that the fairy tale

may be slightly different
than you dreamed.

[car alarm beeping]

Where are we going?

Trust me.

[Meredith] The castle, well... may not be a castle.

Does it beat or moo?

And it's not so important
that it's happy ever after.

Just that it's happy right now.


Mom. lt's me. Cricket.

[Meredith] See, once in a while,

once in a blue moon,
people will surprise you.

l've been thinking about you a lot too.

Where are we?

Shh, shh. l'm gonna tell you.

All right.

My mother's maiden name, Maloney.

l have four sisters.

l have, uh, nine nieces.

Five nephews.

l like coffee ice cream,
single-malt scotch,

occasionally a good cigar.
l like to fly-fish.

l cheat when l do the
crossword puzzle on Sunday.

And l never dance in public.

Um, favorite novel, The Sun Also Rises.

Favorite band, The Clash.

My favorite color is blue.
l don't like light blue. lndigo.

The scar right here on my forehead,

that's why l don't ride
motorcycles anymore.

And l live in that trailer.

All this land is mine.

l have no idea
what l'm gonna do with it.

So that's it.

That's all you've earned for now.

The rest you're just...

...just gonna have to take on faith.

[Meredith] And once in a while...

...people may even take
your breath away.