Golden Kamuy (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 1 - To Karafuto - full transcript

I wasn't the one who killed the Ainu.

Tell Asirpa that.

The gold-


We're here.


(Golden Kamuy)


It's about 40 kilometers from
the northern most point in Hokkaido.

And we got here in an instant.

It's a little smaller than Hokkaido, right?


After the Russo-Japanese War,

(Japanese Territory Russian Territory)
southern Karafuto became Japanese territory.

At the time,

in addition to the fishers who'd
lived here since it was Russian territory,

(Southern Karafuto)

around 12,000 Japanese had moved into
the area to develop it into farmland.

Odomari is the entrance to Karafuto.

If Kiroranke and his friends came here,

they likely landed in this city.

Lieutenant Koito, we can't carry all of this.

Leave it.

This is the bare minimum!

Who are these filthy things?


The kid Tanigaki had with him?

Put him aboard a ship heading
to Hokkaido and send him back.

There's no home for me in Hokkaido.

I'm not playing babysitter anymore.

He's helped me many times.

Let's take them.

There are Ainu in Karafuto, they say.

They may be more inclined to trust us
when we ask questions if he's here.

You take responsibility for them.

(Episode Twenty-Five To Karafuto)
Okay, let's start asking questions.

Have you seen the girl in this photo?

Wow, cute.

Huh? Isn't that them?

No way!

Wait. Wrong photo.

Was Inkarmat's info right?

Is Asirpa-san really here in Karafuto?

In Hokkaido, it wouldn't be
snowing for another month.

Karafuto's crazy.

Lieutenant Koito's gone.

(Hurep Wines)

You don't know about hurep, Mr. Soldier?

It's lingonberry!

The swamps here are covered
with lingonberries in summer.

Hurep wine is a Karafuto specialty.

Lt. Koito, don't wander off on your own.

It's got a great sweet-and-sour taste.

Try some, Sergeant Tsukishima.

We're not here as tourists, brat.

Don't put your fun ahead of our job.

Don't let it get on your clothes.

Hurep red doesn't wash out.

Oh. I see.

Calm down, Sugimoto.

Can I have a glass, too, miss?

(Hurep Wines)

Sugimoto, you ass! What was that for?

Another Ainu child I've never seen before.

You're the second one today.

Tell me more-

There's an old Ainu man who always
comes to town to sell his fish.

There was a girl on the back of his
sled that I'd never seen before.

W-Was this her?

Not quite.

Was this her?

Yes, that was her!

Really? You're sure?


They just left for the Ainu village.

(Hurep Wines)

She is here!

Asirpa-san is here in Karafuto!

The village where the old Ainu man lives
is several kilometers up this way.


Wow, he can speak Russian?


Yes, I'm sure.

Let's go!

He says he just saw the Ainu girl!

He tried to stop her because she
was going into the forest alone,

but lost her.

The bears aren't in hibernation yet.

And he said that this time of year,

there are animals more dangerous
than bears in this forest.

What kind of animal is that?


A child's footprints.

This way.

It's not Asirpa-san.

A Karafuto Ainu girl?

That hurep seller led us on a wild goose chase.

Well, I guess it's hard for
Japanese to tell Ainu apart.

Why are you alone?

Henke hears bad.

I fall from nuso.

I go back to kukotanuhu.

My kukotanuhu is right this way!

She fell off her sled,

but her grandpa can't hear
her and left her behind.

So she took a shortcut through the forest.

Are you a Hokkaido Ainu?

I met an Ainu girl who came from Hokkaido.

Wait, was that girl...

Get the kids back.

Something's wrong.

It's bleeding!

Is it hurt?

Did that attack a bear?

Get away, Lieutenant Koito.

Is that what you were saying
was more dangerous than a bear?

Looks kinda weak to me.

It's got cute round eyes!

Ryu recognizes it.

The wolverine.

The largest and most dangerous
member of the Mustelidae family.

Locals say it scares them more than
bears because of its fierce nature.

Damn it!

It's fast!

Well done, Cikapasi!

Take care of her!

She's got info on Asirpa-san!

I'm going to throw it!


Did we get it?

I don't know.

Just run!

Let's go!

It's coming, damn it!

Shoot! It'll catch up!

I can't hit it!



Get on, Sugimoto!

Toh! Toh! To!

Toh! Toh! To!

Looks like it gave up.


He says it's too heavy!

You'll exhaust the dogs.

Private Tanigaki, this is your fault.

You've gotten fat as a sow.

That's right.

You're too fat.

Run to work off the weight, Private Tanigaki!


There's no sign of Hijikata's forces.

Nor their corpses.

No surprise there.

He's a tough old man.

There's no hurry.

He'll show up again eventually.


I'm glad you're safe.

I've been watching the chapel daily,
thinking that if he was alive,

Nopperabo may have been hidden here.

We have information on the prisoners.

We're heading to Kushiro.

Let's go, Nagakura.

The prisoners and guards are all dead.

Did we have to do all this
just to get some gold?

It's not the gold we want.

It's what lies beyond it.

They are no different.

Everybody believes what they're doing is right.

(Golden Kamuy)

There are three major Ainu groups:

the Chishima Ainu,

the Hokkaido Ainu,

and the Karafuto Ainu.

At the time, the Karafuto Ainu lived along
the rivers and coast of southern Karafuto,

making their living mostly by fishing.

Henke and I live here.

But this is our summer home.

When we get cold we go to
the winter home, over there.

Karafuto Ainu have two houses?

This is our winter home.

Karafuto is even further north than Hokkaido.

The Ainu who lived here created their own

unique way of living,
to adapt to its extreme cold.

I-It stinks!

What are you putting on me?

Bear fat is good for wounds.

Thanks for saving me.

What's your name?

I'm Cikapasi!

It means "when you get a boner!"


I'm Enonoka! It means "hurep"!

I got it because I ate a bunch
of hurep and barfed it all up!

There was nothing else you did
that could make for a good name?

The Hokkaido Ainu girl ate
hurep at our home, too.


This girl!

Were there any men with her?


Was he one of them?

He was.

They said they were going north.


How did the girl seem to you?

Was she well?

No. Very sad.

She didn't say a word.

But she ate the salted hurep.

It's salty... and sour... and sweet.

Eating a lot of hurep cheered her up!

She smiled a lot. And said, "Hinna!"

That's her. I'm sure that's Asirpa-san.

She was here in this village.

She did come to Karafuto!

He says the Ainu girl and the men with her

were asking about the Russian
village beyond ours.

What are they doing?

Negotiating pay.

Lieutenant Koito doesn't want to walk,

so he's negotiating with Enonoka's
grandpa to get a ride.

She's got an abacus out.

She's really mature for a kid her age.

Is it a dick? No, it's boobs!

Turn left. Stick the left kawre down!

Toh! Toh! To!

What do you say to stop?


That's the only tavern in the village.

Don't let your guard down because
the village seems peaceful.

There were several Russian
prisons in southern Karafuto.

But all of them closed when
Japan took over after the

Russo-Japanese War.

Where do you think those prisoners went?

Most of them ran when the
Japanese army arrived.

Have you seen this man?


What about the rest of you?

What does a Japanese soldier want in our village?


I don't understand a word
you're saying, drunk.

Tell him if he lays a finger on me, I'll beat
the shit out of him, Sergeant Tsukishima.

This place is a dead end.

Nothing but drunks.

Let's go ask the locals.

What would cause Kiroranke's
group to stop here?

What's wrong?

They took our dog!

A Russian came and talked to us!

They talked a whole lot.

When they left, the ropes on
the isohseta's leash were cut.


The lead dog.

It wears a decoration on its head.

Dogs are like our family.

The chatty Russian worked with them, probably.

It's a common trick for thieves.

It's the chatty Russian!


Follow me.

If you want the dog back, enter the stenka.


What's that? What is he saying?

It appears that the man Sugimoto hit
was participating in some form of bet.

He can't enter with that black eye,
so he wants us to take responsibility.

The owner of this bar bet a lot on him.

So if we want the dog back,
you're going to have to take his place.

Tell him he either gives the
dog back, or I tear down his shop,

rip off his limbs, and leave him
to drown in the Soya Strait,

Sergeant Tsukishima.

I'm paying an awful lot to feed that dog.

Tell him in Russian that
if he doesn't give it back,

I'll slice his balding head off and filet
it like a fish, Sergeant Tsukishima.

I cannot translate such difficult expressions.

The man you're looking for sought men
with tattoos who'd come from Hokkaido.


He says that the man we're
looking for, that is, Kiroranke,

was searching for tattooed
men who'd come from Hokkaido.

And that's why he came here?

The man with tattoos might come to the stenka.

He says the man with the tattoos
might come to the stenka.

So the escaped prisoners
made it as far as Karafuto?

The stenka is held here.

What the hell is a stenka, anyway?

Such heat... and such manly smells!

What is the stenka?

Its official name is Stenka na Stenku.

Wall vs. Wall!

A Russian traditional sport
where several naked men

face off against each other and fight!

It gets its name from the wall of muscled men!

That is the stenka!

The stenka got its start as part of a
festival competition held between villages.

But one day, a man came and
began to bet on it.

He was Japanese, with a strange tattoo.

There seem to be a lot of Japanese.

Rich people come from Odomari
and Toyohara to bet.

Is that prisoner here?

He only fights the strong.

Some days, he doesn't enter if
there's no one to entertain him.

So I have to win to drag him out?

If he gets out there, we can
see if he's got the tattoos.

Did Kiroranke's group give up and go on?

They may intend to meet up with
their fellows and come back.

That prisoner is the kind of guy

who'd come all the way to
Karafuto and still pick fights.

It must be someone like Nihei
Tetsuzou or Henmi Kazuo.

Someone who isn't interested in the gold.

Guys like that are trouble if they get away.

Anyway, tell him we'll win the stenka,

so if he doesn't give back the dog,
I'll rip out what little hair he has left,

Sergeant Tsukishima.

Why is it "we"?

Can't you enter on your own?

It's your fault for hitting the guy.

Huh? But it's everybody's fault.

Only he fights. I know he's strong.

"I just need to fill the hole that you made."

"You Japanese could never
beat Russians on your own."

That right?

This bald bastard...

He seems to have forgotten how we
kicked the Russians' ass in the war.

Get 'em, Japanese soldiers!

You're tiny. It's past your bedtime, kid.

Are you ready for your
first stenka bout?

This is war.

I could take them all on myself.

Russians are strong.

Their frames are much bigger.

But I've got more heart.

The time's come, right?



They're strong!

The Japanese soldiers are strong!

Don't mess with us!

Wow! The Japanese won!


Next Time "Stenka"