Gold Rush: Dave Turin's Lost Mine (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 1 - Mountain of Gold - full transcript

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

This is a really big day
for me in my mining career.

All my hopes and dreams,
my life savings,

All wrapped up
in this wash plant.

It's going to give us gold.
It's going to give us freedom.

With the pandemic
and the economy down,
I'm willing to risk it,

-Because we have
- [men cheering]

...And we have a team
that works together.

Yeah, this is our dream.
This is what we do.

-[dave turin]
what do you think?
-This thing looks beautiful.

So I've called it the roach,
'cause, you know, a roach
crawls around on the ground.

This roach is gonna
make us some money, boys.

-[nathan clark] start her up.
-[engine starts]

-She has wings.
-Ready to fly.

-[clark] whoo!
-Way to go, dude.
Damn, this thing is neat.

[jesse goins] the off season
was pretty tough,

But the price of gold
is at its highest.

And this year
we're gonna kick some butt.

Let's go.

All right, chris.

Gold means my son's future.

I mean, that's what
I come here for.

[chris taylor]
come on, you can do it.

The american dream
is still attainable.

You just can't be afraid
to dream for it.

Don't let anybody
tell you "no."

-[turin] come on,
little roach.
-[clark laughs]

Oh, man.

My business
back home shut down.

I mean, the bills
just keep piling up,

And I need to hit it
here in colorado.

This is awesome.
We have something brand-new.

["kc" morgan] gold is a way
to freedom.

My five-year-old
tells his teachers that

My daddy's up in the mountains
looking for treasure.

[clark] y'all, it's gonna be
[bleep] this up.

That thing could flip over.

[man] oh.

-[man] whoa...
-[turin] easy.

-[man] whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa...
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[man] oh, boy.

[narrator] this season,
on dave turin's lost mine.

How do you measure success?

In gold, or in this team?

How far we've come.

There it is, baby!

I can smell the gold here.

Fire it up!

Damn that rock up.

Bring down the pan.

This is what
dreams are made of.


[all cheering]

It's our gold.
We beat the old-timers to it.

And we're gonna go get it.

Nothin' ever comes
easy for us.

Let's hit it.

-Come on.

I haven't seen
gold like this ever.

[all cheering]

That's a lot of money.

What if we turn it into
a million-dollar season?

Oh, [bleep] there's three
of them coming right now.

Is he okay?

Oh, my god.


There we go!

You ain't got nothing here.

Oh, my...

-Oh, my god! [laughs]

[opening theme music playing]


-[turin] we're ready
to get some gold.
-[man 1] yeah!

[man 2] all right.

-[man 3] all right!
-Good to see you, bro.

Good to see you, man.

-Hey, big fella!

I got something
to show you boys.

So, jason and I
have been prospecting
all the way along here.

Check that out.

[man] ooh!

[turin] welcome to box creek.

[man 2] I think
we can live with that.

You think you can
live with that?

[man 2] yeah, I can live
with that.

[turin] that's a good-sized
gold, right?


[turin] my goal, my dream,
it's really about my crew.

This is our big season.

I want to change
those guys' lives.

I would love to walk out
of here with a pile of gold.

Hey, guys, look around us.
We're in the rockies.

This is gonna be our home
for the next, you know,

Three, four months
until winter sets in.

We're back together as a team,

And I think this could be
our best season ever.

This isn't gonna be easy.

The last time
I mined here in colorado,
it didn't go well for me.

[narrator] four years ago,
dave and the hoffman crew

Discovered just how hard
it is to mine in colorado.

[man] you don't have
my consent to film here.

Their season in
nearby fairplay was tarnished

By battles with
the local authorities.

You are in violation of park
county land use regulations.

[man] we got
a cease and desist.

Now fairplay
has shut down for real.

[narrator] and tensions
with the community
reached a boiling point.

Dude, somebody just shot at us
out on the road.

Somebody pulled out a gun
and just started
shooting at us.

You're kidding.

You guys need to go.

[turin] when I was mining
with the hoffmans,
the community hated us.

It was a really
difficult, rough time.

So, this season means
a lot to me because
I want redemption.

I believe the gold right here
can give it to me.

[narrator] just 20 miles
from the disastrous season
at fairplay,

The lost mine at box creek
is where dave will
stake his reputation,

10,000 feet above sea level

And at the heart of
the legendary leadville
gold mining district.

Dave and jason found
high-value virgin ground

In a remote area
called the hummocks,

And a gold-rich strip of land
by the edge of the county road
that the old timers missed.

It's here dave plans
to begin mining

So he can dial-in
his operation

And put some gold
in the bank.

So, what I have planned is,
over the edge right down here,

We have a long strip,
and we got five-six weeks
of mining down there,

And we tested it.
It's good.

Next to where
the derry dredge went.

[narrator] the derry dredge
was one of america's

Most successful
gold-mining operations.

Starting in 1923,
it works this land
for three years.

In its lifetime it banks gold
worth almost $75 million
in today's money.

But dave is convinced
it left behind a lot more.

The derry dredge pulled
39,000 ounces.

-And our strip
is right next to it.

-[man 1] wow!
-[man 2] holy crap, dude.

[turin] but here's the deal.
They took almost
all the main channel,

But there's a lot of side pay.

And we're going
after the side pay.

We got to run that strip,
put some money in the bank,

And then that will help us
give us time to set up here

-On the hummocks.
-Got it.

I wholeheartedly believe,
you guys,

We're gonna see
some sluice boxes

With bigger gold and more gold
than we've ever seen.

The sun shines
on a dog's ass
every once in a while.

-We'll take it.
We'll take that.

-[man] amen.
-Also, enough talk. Let's get
some rocky mountain gold.

-[turin] you ready to go
get some gold?

-All right.
-Let's do it.


[all] all in.

[narrator] as 5% partners,
team turin need this season
to pay big.

[turin] I like winning.

And we're going to win
this season
no matter what it takes.

[narrator] first task,
build a pad for dave's
brand-new wash plant.

[man] a long time,
back in the days,

There were some tough

But tests show that they left
mineable, decent gold.

We got a hell of a lot
better equipment
than they used to have.

We can get what they couldn't.

First season,
found some good friends.

Second season, found family.

This third season
we gotta get gold.

It is make or break.

[narrator] morning,
and team turin's secret weapon
rolls into box creek.

An all-new
custom-built wash plant

That dave has christened
the roach.

-[man 1] look at this thing.
-[man 2 whoops]

-[man 1] dave!
-[man 2] yeah!

-I'm excited.
-She's pretty, brother.

[turin] this thing
was designed to, like,
set up in a day.

We can move quick.

Hit our spots,
move to next spot.

I want to see this thing
running into gold
at the end of the week.

-[clark] start her up.
-[engine starts]

All right, chris. We're
hitting the road now, boys!

[man] I'm going to
stand back a little bit

Because although there's only
two buttons to push.
But he is from kentucky.

Look at it,
moving all by itself.

[narrator] worth a quarter
of a million dollars,

Dave's ingenious new machine
is a compact gravel screener
on tracks

Designed for work
in an urban environment.

By adding spray bars,
an output shoot

And a custom-designed
sluice box,

Dave's modified it into
a gold-catching wash plant.

He believes it will give
team turin a huge advantage
this season.

-[man] come on, little roach.

I feel a lot better
when it's sitting up there.

now the 17-ton roach
must be carefully maneuvered

Onto the narrow concrete path.

[turin] we just got
so much riding on this.

Go ahead.

[clark] y'all, it's gonna be
[bleep] this up.

That thing could flip over.

It's not designed
for what we're gonna
make it do.

I mean, you hit one charger
just a little bit...

You see what it does there?
The whole damn thing.

You got to have
room to move it.

[turin] careful.

[man] you ready?

[turin] oh, boy.

Easy now.

[clark] I'm going to go ahead
and bump over, okay?

Just like that.
A little more.

-Easy, easy.
-[clark] whoa...


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

-Oh, my god!
-Now that's what
I'm talking about!

-La, la, la, la, la.

That's some [bleep]
right there, dog.

It scared the [bleep]
out of me.

[turin] it gave me
a damn heart attack.

Looks good. I like it.

[sanchez] oh, my gosh.

-Dead nuts?
-Dude, that's dead nuts.

Hey, nathan, nice job.

I want to see the wings.

-Yeah, let's make it fly.
-I gotta see it.

Bump it up.

That's probably good.
Now swing it out.

This thing is designed
to move real quick.

So these conveyors
just fold up in place

And then you can drive it
to the next spot.

You see this?

Ready to fly.

[clark] whoo!

The roach is
all one big piece,

So one motor runs
the whole thing.

Right here is where
all the gold come out.

Sluice box down there.

The roach looks good.

You know, I say it's like
buying a pair of
new shoes online.

Don't know how they're
gonna work out

Until you put them on
and do some walking in them.

So I look forward to the day
we start walking,

Putting rocks in the box
and gold across the table.

Well, nate...

[clark] what are you
trying to say, chris?

You're gonna have to
start talking.

What you are trying
to say, chris?

Looks like I'm gonna have to
get in the belly of this

-Because your belly
won't fit in it.
-[clark laughs]

[clark] the roach is
almost put together.

But we got to get everything
set up here,

Start working
on the sluice box.

It's a big day
for me and this team.

We own it,
and there's no royalties.

So, yeah, this is special.

[taylor] looks like
we got a visitor.

Dave, did you see
the white truck go by?

I'm looking at him right now.
He's filming us.

Just giving you a heads up.

He just flipped me off.

-[clark] for real?
-Yeah, he did.

[narrator] coming up...

If you mess up, it's on me.

[narrator] dave faces up
to the reality
of rocky mountain mining.

Whatever we do
is gonna be wrong.

It's just your [bleep], dude.

[turin] god dang it!

[clark] he's got
a lot of stress on him.

[narrator] and team turin...

Four, five...

[narrator] ...See the gold
they've staked
their future on.

[turin] ...Six.

[clark] it's going down!

[narrator] morning
at box creek, colorado.

With team turin's
new wash plant, the roach,
in position,

Dave and jason head
into their first cut
of the season

On the edge of where the
legendary derry dredge
worked the creek.

[turin] well, here we go.

Box creek.

We're gonna call it
the bank cut.

-Bank cut. I like that
-the bank cut.

We're gonna take
this money to the bank.

You know, it's kind of
important that
we dial in the plant,

But if we pull
good gold out of here...

You know, this could
be a huge payday.

And I think it's going
to make our season.

I think this is
where we start,
just working our way down

In four-foot sections
until we find
good enough gold.

And then that's
what's going to the plant.

[narrator] last week,
dave and jason found gold
in a strip of side pay,

Wedged between
the old tailings
and the county road.

The plan?

Open up a 200-foot long,
60-foot wide strip of land

And chase ancient
gold-bearing channels
missed by the old miners.

But it's a tight squeeze,
with little room to place

Hundreds of tons
of overburden.

Okay, here we go.

First push. Here we go!

Feels good to be back
in a dozer, pushing dirt.

I love it.

So what do you think, jason?

this area right here,
we got so much overburden.

But you know me, dave.
I love to dig.

What we're doing is,
as we cut down,

We're looking for
changes in the dirt.

Those changes are
what signify whether...

We're on pay or in
no gold-bearing overburden.

It's all about volume.
Just keep working at it.

Just keep chipping away.

But you know what?
I'm all right with that.

We're going to go pick up
the sluice front end.

Gotta hook this up.

Yeah. One at a time.

[narrator] across the claim,
nate and chris race
to get the roach ready

For the first load of paydirt
from the bank cut.

You know, I got
a new sluice box built,
so I'm pretty impressed.

The only thing
with new technologies, man,

It likes to malfunction
more than the old stuff.

It can be very bad for us
if things go south.

The way it looks right now,
it looks really good.

In the off season
I got married.

I, chris, take you, paige...

It was so tough to leave
my new wife and family.

I want to bring back
more gold than we ever mined
to make it worth my while.

I'm dead on.

You know, sluices are
crucial to the operation.

You know, it's what captures
all the gold.

Rocks in the box
go in the sluice.

But we got a [bleep] load
of work to do right now.

I'm hitting rock.

[narrator] at almost
20 feet deep in the bank cut,

Jason discovers signs
of ancient gold-bearing
river gravels.

Dave, I'm hitting rock
right now.

I'm at least clicking it
with my teeth.

[sanchez] I got to be
on top of this.

-I just clicked the rock.

I'll bring the quarter around.
We might as well test it.

[sanchez] okay.

[turin] we're trying to
figure out our depths.

How much more
overburden we have to move.

He's got big rocks down low,

And when you get into
the real gray,
almost silver-looking stuff,

It's usually pays on it,
and that's what
he's pulling up.

This looks good.

-Right on.

Well, I'd like to see
15-20 colors in here,
and we'd mine it.

It's in there.

-There's probably
15 in there, I bet.
-[sanchez] oh, hell.

[turin] it's good.

The bad news is,
we got 20 feet
of overburden there.

Our other problem is the
minimal amount of space we
have to put this overburden.

I push a big pile to you,
and then you get it
right next to that road.

-[sanchez] yeah.
-All right.

What are you standing here
and talking about it?

Why aren't you
digging, boy?

[sanchez] let's go.

[turin] I've got a lot of
overburden moved.

It's so tight.

When we get done
with this cut,
it's gonna be a big hole,

And there's a county road
right above us.

So I'm taking
the topsoil uphill

So that I build a burr
for safety.

The faster I can move
this overburden,

The faster we can get
to the pay.

Faster we get this pay
the hell out of here,

We're over there
to the money side.

[clark] kc, you about
ready for the push?

Yeah, nathan, I'm ready.

with dave's deadline

To run dirt
by the end of the week,

Team turin begin the build
of jesse's gold room.

[goins] the whole building
is pretty much falling apart.

There we go.

Get this in
before it slips out.

Gold prices are way up,
so our potential for profit
is huge.

I have real, real chance
of having enough gold

To come home
and making my wife
and son happy.

[turin] we're moving
the jigs over
to the gold rooms,

Getting ready to put
some gold in the pocket.

[clark] get them more
on the concrete. Pull it back.

I've got everything
I want in life,

I've done everything
I wanted to do.

Now I'll pass it on.

Grandson will be
four years old this year.

You know, get some gold
and make his life easier.

[clark] bring me down
a little more.

[goins] be gentle
with my baby.

Oh, it's in here.

Dave wants to be sluicing
by the end of the week,

So this is all got to be
set up and ready to roll.

[sanchez] feeling good.

Feeling good,
moving some dirt.

[narrator] in the bank cut,
dave and jason
make steady progress,

But to get to the goal,
they must trip 20 feet
of overburden

Across the entire cut.

[turin] it's all about
moving dirt right now.

And hopefully
we get down to pay
so we can start sluicing.

[taylor] dave, you got a copy?

Yeah, go ahead.

[taylor] a white truck's
sitting up there.

It's been up there
for a little while.

All right. Thanks, jason.

I feel like I'm working
under a microscope.


[cell phone chimes]


[bleep] kidding me?

The claim owner says
I'm putting the dirt
in the wrong spot.

Permit says I can put
the dirt right there.

Hey, jason.
Can you come up here a minute?

10-4. On my way.

I got a problem.

County regulations say
we can't get that close
to the road.

We have to stay 30 feet away.

[sanchez] you kidding me?

We move that
pile of dirt to here

And then we step off 30 feet.

It's all we got.

I lose half of my ground.
It's not worth it.

So we have no [bleep] ground.

We're already short
on ground anyways.

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

[turin] I've got to
figure this out.

I mean, there's just a lot
of people watching us,

And I keep getting
these texts and emails,

Telling me that
I'm doing something wrong.

Here's another one.
Another complaint.

Another issue.

Got one here on the topsoil.

Got another one
from the county.

I'm already fighting
an uphill battle

'cause I was part of
that group in fairplay,
and it didn't go well.

I have to do everything
twice as good.

Three times as good.

I have to be super careful
that I don't make
any mistakes,

Because it's tough.

And right now
I'm not making any money.

[narrator] coming up...

[sanchez] whoo!

I know that click.

[narrator] team turin
break into the bank...

I got pay, baby!

...And run their
first colorado paydirt.

[turin] roach is coming on.

[shouting and cheering]

[turin] we're mining gold.

[morgan] there's a nugget.

[men cheering]


[narrator] in box creek,

[morgan] I can hold it up
right here and we can...

...With mining preparations
nearly complete...

Go ahead and drop
to your side.

...Dave is under pressure.

Claim owner,
lance baller, arrives.

This morning county officials
plan to inspect the berm
on dave's new cut.

-[turin] hi, lance.
-Hey, can we go chat?


three weeks ago, when dave
was on the hunt for a mine...

-[turin] hello?
-[over phone] hey, dave.
This is lance baller.

[narrator] ...Lance offered
him the chance to prospect
at box creek.

Yeah, I've mined
in colorado before.

Lance was one of
the claim owners,

And he's very honest,
very straightforward.

[narrator] and with great gold
in the ground...

Pack your bags.
We're going to colorado.

...Dave secured the claim.

[turin] I think we got a deal.

Okay. Sounds good.

[narrator] but his contract
is already under threat.

[baller] just want to go
over it again with you

Because we don't want
another fairplay happen.

We're linked together here.

I can't put anything
in jeopardy.

-I got it. I get it.

I mean, I'm walking
on egg shells over there.

I'm trying to do
the best I can.

I believe in putting
the ground back.

I believe in, you know,
mining responsibly.

Stuff we have to deal with
every day, dave.

I know you feel like
you're under a microscope,

But you're
underneath my permit.

If you mess up, it's on me.


I'll do my best, and I'm
gonna go above and beyond.

Okay, above and beyond.

-That's the motto.
-All right. Good.

[turin] right now,
at this point, you know,
we're under a microscope.

I have never mined in a place
where I'm watched so much.

Lance is pretty nervous.

Anything I do
affects his operation.

If we make one mistake,
we're out of here.

[narrator] one hour later,
dave and lance
are summoned

To the berm inspection.

-[clark] what's up, dave?
-How's it going?

I don't know.
You tell me, man.

That was the county.

The berms are all right,
we're good to go,
so we can keep mining.

[bleep] man,
that's awesome.

[taylor] joy. Let's keep our
head up and keep doing

What we got to do
to get ready to run.

All right.

So far we are within
all the permits, all the laws.

But I can't control
what people complain about.

Every time somebody goes by
that doesn't like mining,
they turn us in.

And then we have to
respond to that.

-Let's go look at that pond.
-All right.

[clark] it's really
harder to work

When you turn over
your shoulder and
somebody's staring at you,

And they're trying to get you
kicked out of here.

All I know is
we get to keep mining
until we're told to stop.

after a 24-hour shut down...

So I'm definitely glad
to be back at it again.

[narrator] ...Jason digs deep
for paydirt in the reopened
bank cut.

[sanchez] we've got a lot of
overburden to move.

The whole length
of this cut right here,
but it's gonna be worth it.

[narrator] across the claim,
nathan and chris
search the tailings

For something just as
essential to success.

[clark] without water,
there is no gold-mining.

Look at this hole right there.

[taylor] I just don't know
what rate it's going
to fill back up.

That's the problem.

dave's new wash plant

Needs up to 1,400 gallons
of water every minute.

[clark] come on,
mountain goat chris.

Last season without
water all season long.

It was never good.
It was always bad.

We don't wanna go down
that road again.

About a foot.

We'll be sucking muck.

[clark] hey, dave,
if you get a chance,

Come over here
and look at this pond.

What's up, dave?

[turin] how's it going?

[clark] I mean,
it's not enough to run
a six-inch pump up there.

We're gonna suck it dry.

But we do have
water coming in.

[turin] I hope that, you know,
through all these tailings,

That water's kind of
just sitting in here.

We dig it deeper,
it'll open up
those passageways,

And all that water
will come in,
and I think we'll be okay.

You bring the 480.
Dig that pond out.

[narrator] the shallow pond
means the pump
will drain it dry

In a matter of hours.

Dave plans to dig
the pond deeper,

Forcing ground water
to flow in
and increase the refill rate

To have a constant
supply of water.

That's all we can do
right now.

If this pond doesn't
give us enough water,

We're gonna start
building ponds,
and that takes time.

But we got to have
enough water to run.

I didn't go in the water.
I just went deeper.

It was like three foot.
Now it's like 10 foot.

morning in the bank cut.

Five days into the new season,
dave and jason continue
to clear the overburden,

Stripping 20 feet of ground
to reach the gold-rich
pay layer.

[sanchez] I'll be damned
if the ground

Or any of the other issues
we've come up against,

They are going to beat us.

stripping the overburden has
just taken me way too long.

I told the guys
we'd be ready to sluice
by the end of the week.

It's dave. Go ahead.

[turin] all right.
I'll be right there.

I was trying to get
a little more water.

The superintendent
next door to us,
he spotted some turbid water.

What we did is
we stirred up
one of the ponds.

I thought it was
in ground water,
and it was trapped.

Well, little did I know that
that was connected

To that water
that comes out right here,

And then it eventually
gets out into the valley.

the old dredge tailings
at box creek

Form a maze of underground
channels that transport water.

Digging into the intake pond

Starts an unexpected
chain reaction,

Causing water and silt
from the pond

To seep through
the dredge tailings towards
the local water system.

Problem is, it's not
just me and my guys.

I mean, he's got
a multimillion dollar
operation over there,

And we're tied together.

It's lance's claims...

He's the claim owner.

So, if I mess this up,
there's two mines shut down.

I've got to fix it,
and I've got to fix it quick.

in box creek, colorado,

The richest ground
in dave's career
lies untouched,

And his mining operation
is shut down.

-[dave] morning, you guys.
-[goins] morning.

Morning, dave.

Until we figure out
what's going on
with the water system,

I don't want to move any dirt
until we start to figure out
next steps.

I have to face the music.

They may just stop all work.

We'll just have to
play it by ear and see
where we go from here.

Are you talking about
packing everything up and--

I don't know, case.
I don't know.

-Whatever we do
is going to be wrong.
-[sanchez] yeah.

You're right.

Dave, I do not blame you
for anything that has occurred

'cause we have done
everything by the book.

We've dotted every I,
we've crossed every t.

You wanna look at the map?

We're getting our ass kicked
all around colorado.

[morgan] we're under
the microscope.


Dang it!

[clark] he's got
a lot of stress on him.

[goins] we've been
behind the eight baller
since we got here.

But you know,
that's part of mining.
I feel for dave.

We're a team, but we
can't take the pressure

That he's feeling
and divide it out.

[turin] I know.

I'll figure it out.

Okay. Thanks, lance.

All right. See you. Bye.

So I just talked to lance.

The river cleared up.

Everything's good.

Our intake pond is fine
as long as we don't touch it
and stir things up.

But now I got
a bigger problem.

My sluice pond is
right next to the tailings.

And when I start
running and sluicing,

It could go
right through the tailings,
straight down to the river.

If it gets into the river,
we're done. I'm screwed.

Over here is the problem.

All these tailings...

This is just permeable...

Water goes
straight through this.

Somehow I've got to
seal these tailings off.

The only possibility I have
is with some clay.

If I can get this to
seal with the clay

And keep the water
from running through it,
that's my only shot.

[narrator] the sluice pond
sits right next
to old dredge tailings

That connect
to the local water system.

Dave's theory,
use the clay-filled

To line the pond
and create a watertight dam.

The clay wall should protect
the porous dredge tailings
from his dirty water.

It's a risk,
but it's one I have to take.

The water's clearing up,
and it sounds like
everything's fine.

We're in the clear.

But if I can build
that sluice pond
with silt and clay,

So that the sides
are protected
from any water leaving,

I think we can mine.

It's a risk. It could leak.

It's not just our season,
but our careers could be over.

I'm willing to take that risk.

If you think we can do it
and not get ourselves
in trouble, I'm all in.

I'm ready to run some gold.

Let's go mine
the bank cut, boys.

[taylor] all right.

-[turin] right here.
-[all] all in!

Come on.

The pressure is
really mounting up.

It's gonna be a little hard
to make a call home
to the wife again, like,

"I need more money.
I need more money."

[taylor] there's a lot
on the line here,
and I trust dave.

One thing he can do is
move dirt and build ponds,

But if it doesn't work,
we're out.

[narrator] with a huge amount
of dirt to move,

Lance provides dave
with some extra firepower.

A d11 bulldozer.

[turin] hey, jason,
I got us a big dozer
to move some dirt.


This thing looks like
frigging godzilla.

[narrator] dave pushes
clay-filled overburden
from the bank cut

To create a watertight seal
on the walls of his pond.

[turin] so, this soil
right here is perfect.

It's got a lot of clay.
It's very dense.

If I could get this
compacted and tight,

That water will
not go through it.

This will make
a good barrier
from any of the water

Escaping out of
my sluice pond.

That's it. That's all done.

[clark] you know, dave knows
what he's doing.

Everything's lined up.
It looks great.

But you don't know until
you actually start sluicing.

[taylor over radio]
I think you need
to come over here.

with the sluice pond

Now protected
with a wall of clay...

All right.
I'll be right there.

[narrator] ...Lance's foreman,
chris, returns to sign off
on dave's work.


[man] okay.

[chris] do we get a sluice
into there?

[turin] yes.

That's a game changer, dave.

We can sluice into here,
fill it up.

So we got a plan.

All right, man,
let's get to work.

Well, chris gave me
the thumbs up,
so we're ready to sluice.

I'm a little bit nervous
whether this is going to work.

[goins] everything's set up.

I'm ready to rock.

[narrator] box creek
is open for business,

But jesse still has
a last-minute adjustment
to the gold room.

Well, there's one last thing
I need to do to make
this gold room official.

Can't have a gold room
without a gold pan
above the door.

That's our horseshoe.

This is gonna travel with us
wherever we go.

All right.
Let's get some gold, baby.

There they are.

[narrator] seven days ago,
dave turin welcomed his crew
to box creek.

-[men cheering]
-[turin] check that out.

they faced intense scrutiny
from the local community.


And a leak in team turin's
intake pond...

[narrator] ...Shut down
the entire operation.

God dang it!

but dave built a dam
to save the season.

[turin] you just cannot
make a mistake.

[narrator] and now
team turin start the race

To run their first
rocky mountain paydirt.

[sanchez] it's been one hell
of a crazy week,

But at least
we're back to mining.

-I know that click.

You hear that?
Oh, you can hear it.
You can feel it.

That's what it feels like
when the t start clicking
the top of a pay zone.

[laughs] I got pay, baby!


We're in business.
Rock and roll.

All right, all right,
all right.

It's really nice to be
all paid again, huh, kc?

First load, hell yeah!
Now we're talking!


dave and his crew
are finally ready

To run dirt through
their new wash plant,
the roach.


Hopefully she runs
and runs and runs and
we start getting some gold.

-[sanchez] you firing
her up, dave?
-Ready to go.

How's the sluice look?

[bleep] gorgeous.

So, roach is coming on.

[engine starting]

[sanchez] there we go!

[morgan] look at that, dave.

[sanchez] I think
it's coming on.

[men cheering]

[turin over radio]
here we go!
Give me some water, chris!

[engine starting]

-[morgan] water's coming.
-[sanchez] we got
some water coming!

-We got water!
-[man laughs]

[morgan] now that's
a good sound!

[turin] all right, boys,
let's run some dirt.

First lot of the season,
jason! Let's go, guys!

I get to throw the first
bucket of the season, baby.

[clark] here we go.

[men laughing and whooping]

[sanchez] we got the rocks
going through the bar.

[clark] I believe
I've found new love.

You know, things could change,
but right now

She's doing what
she's supposed to be doing.

[narrator] now, with over
80,000 gallons of water
an hour

Running into
the new sluice pond,

Dave has one
final check to make.

[turin] well, it's working.

The water is holding,
and what I've seen,
it looks pretty good.

It's sealed.

I was worried
that these ponds
were going to leak.

It's been a tough few days,
but it's working.

This is a victory.

We've overcome
our water problem,
and I feel good.

It's time to mine
and keep moving forward.

how's the sluice wash?

Looks real good.

[sanchez] this day has been
a long time coming,

And with all the hurdles
and all the obstacles
we had to overcome,

It just gets sweeter
and sweeter every time
we throw a lever.

[morgan] everything's working.

There might have been
little adjustments,
but we're mining gold.

That's all
I give a [bleep] about.

We're gonna look
and see if there gold
in the sluice box.

So, yeah, I'm pretty happy.

That's it. Shut her down.

[chuckles] we ran some dirt.

Anybody see any gold?

[morgan] not yet.

Hey, there's a nugget.

Did you get it?

-[morgan] yeah.
Wire gold, baby.
-[turin] I'll be damned.

[morgan] wire gold nugget.

-[turin] yep.
-[morgan] lookit,
here's another one.

-Whoa! [bleep]

-[turin] damn!
-[clark] hell yeah, dude!

[morgan] dave's gonna sleep
with that one tonight.


That's cool.

-[morgan] hey, big money.
-Good day.

-[clark] good day,
right there.
-We got gold in the box.

[men whoop]

I am floating on cloud nine,
and we're pulling little
nuggies out of the carpet.

You know what?
That's the best damn gold
we've seen so far.

All the times
we've been mining.

And that reflects that big
off the bat.

morning at the gold room.

[goins] I'm excited.

First cleanup.
Everything's working good.

This is the first full day
of running the roach.

Couldn't ask for
anything better.

Everything is clicking.

[narrator] it's time
for team turin's
first gold weigh

Of the new season.

-[turin] how are you
doing, guys?
-Hi, guys.

-[goins] hello, guys.
-[turin] what does
it look like?


[sanchez] whoo, that's some

[all cheering]

One day of running,
570 yards.

Are you ready
to weigh it out?

-Are you ready?
-[sanchez] let's go.

[turin laughs]

[goins] that is
some pretty stuff.

-Four, six...
-[sanchez chuckles]
we're hitting double, baby.

-[turin] no way!
-[morgan] come on, baby.

-We got it.
-[turin] we got it!

-We're double figure!
-[men cheering]

11.47 ounces!

[all cheering]

[narrator] in just 10 hours
of running,

Team turin has mined
almost $22,000 in gold.

Their best ever start
to a season.

-That was our first day.
-First day! [laughs]

-[man whoops]

This week I thought
the rocky mountain dream
was over.

You know,
you can kick us around,
but we always get up.

And we always put
our boots on, and we always
go back to work.

And that's just
the way we are.

[clark] after the week we had,
I never thought
we'd get here at all.

You know, one day,
11.4 ounces.

Holy moly, man.
That's just...

It's incredible.

What a way to finish up
a week's worth of work.

I mean, it was troublesome
to even get here.

We stayed
and persevered, and...

Best first cleanup we've had.

Feeling pretty good.

Hey, last year,
remember, I said
400 ounces, right?

-And what do we get? 225?

I say 400 ounces
is doable this year.

Right here.

-Love you guys.
-[taylor] love you.

[all] team turin!

-[man 1] mmm.
-[man 2 whoops]

[turin] this year,
we're going to hit
a 400 ounces,

And I think
we're gonna go over that.

So, that's gold mining.

It changes in a heartbeat.

[turin] ten years
I've been mining for gold.

This is a tough business.

And this year the stakes
are high for me and my crew.

There's still gold out there.

I believe those old timers
didn't get it all.

They came with the spirit
of the american dream.

The gold was
going to set them free.

The gold was going
to make them rich.

We have that same spirit.

Our chance is right here.

And it's box creek.

And this is our season.

on the next episode...

That's where we get our money.

[sing-songy] money.

[narrator] in their first
full week of mining...

[turin] the deeper you go,
the harder everything becomes.

I mean, that keeps on dropping
down farther and farther.

[narrator] ...Team turin
faced triumph...

[man] this may channel,

[morgan] oh, my god.

[turin] we could be
sitting on 500 ounces
just in this one cut.

[narrator] and tragedy.

[crying] he did... He did not.

Oh, [bleep]

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.