Godfather of Harlem (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - The Little Fruit Stand Riot - full transcript
When innocent black teenagers and bystanders are savagely beaten and arrested by police, the Harlem community rallies to free them. Adam Clayton Powell and Mayme Johnson use peaceful protest, but Bumpy Johnson and Malcolm X prefer street justice.
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The new world is here,
my brothers.
Alone, I'm just Harlem.
Together, we're 10 Harlems.
They would turn down
an order of 3,000 keys?
If we were to sell it
to a negro,
they'd skin us alive.
What if I had
an Italian partner?
He's got some kind of plan.
I know that fucker too well!
If the Sicilians don't
want to sell to you,
my hands are tied.
I don't need the Five Families
coming at me over heroin.
You could help me get
the big fish that I'm after.
That's snitching.
It's not snitching.
It's elimination
of the competition.
Chin ain't one
for diplomacy.
A real diplomat
is someone who can slice
his neighbor's throat
and he doesn't
see it coming.
I don't give a rat's ass
about your 10 Harlems.
I'm not gonna partner up
with you.
Not now, not ever.
I hate you, too, Chin.
But this is
in our mutual interest.
They say Liston's great,
but he must fall in eight,
Brother Minister.
Does Cassius know you intend
on using him
to get yourself
back into the Nation?
I am here for support.
I'm guilty, brother.
I've thought to use you
to convince the Dear Holy
Apostle to reinstate me.
I don't see him here,
do you?
Stella, we're gonna forget
about everything bad
that has happened.
I hate you!
My father said
he punished Benny.
Did he kill him?
He sent him to Florida.
You'll never fuckin'
see him again.
I'm selling out
of 10 Harlems,
and you're gonna get
a 20% cut.
I ought to kick
your ass!
Equal partners.
Yeah, thank you, my man.
Junie's around the corner.
Be safe, baby.
Had to make sure
nothing's missing.
Still got a dozen boxes
Maybe I'll buy
you dinner tonight.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.
Smothered chops
and some onion.
You got it, alright?
And a biscuit!
How about two?
And two!
Two biscuits
and some gravy.
And a piece
of red velvet?
Red velvet cake.
I'm mixing that up for you
right now.
Hi, Cecil.
Hey, Cecil.
Man: Come again.
There you go.
What's this mess?
I'm updating the Harlem voter
rolls for Congressman Powell.
Maybe I should get you
an office.
You know, there has been
a concerted effort
in this city
to make it harder
for Black, Hispanic,
and poor people to vote.
You surprised?
No. I'm angry.
They disqualify our votes
for the most
arbitrary reasons.
Making sure
our votes count
is Reverend Powell's
pet cause.
Well, I thought you were
his pet cause.
Here's my contribution
to the registration drive.
Oh, sorry.
It's slippery.
Here you go.Oh, would you go on?
This is...
10 grand.
This will fund
our whole operation.
I guess things are going well
with you and Mr. Gigante.
Let's hope it holds.
Since we've been back,
we've had dinner at home
every night,
and I have a relaxed
and happy man.
It better hold.
You were right.
This partnership
with Chin
makes it safe for us
in Harlem.
Praise Allah, we made it.
What's wrong?
You okay?
Come here.
White cops
came out of nowhere
and started beating
on a bunch of kids.
My friends.
This Black boy reaches
for an apple,
and they assume
that he's stealing it.
Man: Hey!
What are you doing?
What are y'all doing?
It's just an apple.
They busted him in his head,
like to break his skull.
It was horrible.
Why would they start beating
on a bunch of kids?
'Cause they were Black.
Leave him alone!
Like Malcolm said,
the police are at war
with our community.
They are
an occupying army.
A hundred years ago,
the Klan wore white sheets.
Well, in Harlem,
they dress in blue.
Did they touch
either one of you?
No, but they beat Cecil.
Hey, stop.
What's going on?
Daddy, Daddy,
you gotta do something.
Come on, baby.
I hear those damn racist
police beat those kids
and that old shoeshine man
half to death.
This police force was
not created to serve
Black Americans.
It was created to police
Black Americans
while serving
white Americans.
They at the hospital?
The hospital?
they were arrested
and taken
to the 27th Precinct.
What you gonna do,
I'd like to firebomb
their asses...
...but I'm already
on suspension.
This is the crux...
of my disagreement
with the Messenger.
We have an obligation
to respond
not only directly,
but even violently
to white oppression.
Brother Malcolm, I hope you
and the Dear Holy Apostle
can patch things up,
I truly do.
Well, it's funny
you say that, Cassius,
because he's in New York today
and we have a meeting.
Now, I am intending to say
I have your support.
I know you've been
getting calls, Cassius,
from Captain Henry
and the others
to stay away from me.
But here you are.
I can't shun the man who
gave me my chosen name.
Cassius X.
Cassius X.
what is this shit?
Enough, alright?
What's this about?
There's a million dollars
to be made here.
I mean, they got three
great natural resources
in Florida --
tits, ass, and oranges.
I brought you a bag.
Thank you.
They're called loops.
They're made on the cheap.
They run them day and night
with the peep shows.
Benny, come on.
That's not me.
I-I don't do this shit.
You do this kinda thing.
Our whole lives with the girls
and the fuckin' weird shit.
Come on.
That's not me.
I don't like pornography.
You know that.
It's a perversion.
Bonanno's gettin' richer
off this stuff,
and we're
on the sidelines.
What the fuck
do I care about Bonanno?
He's a fuckin'
What the fuck
is he doing here?
Hey, nice to see you,
too, asshole.
Ain't he meant
to be in Florida?
Well, he paid his debt,
and I needed him here.
He brought us beautiful oranges.
Can I talk to you a sec?
What about Stella?
What about her?
She ain't gonna be happy
he's back.
Hey, are you fuckin'
talkin' about me?
I'm sittin' right here.Easy.
Go fuck yourself.
No. You do not say that.
He's a made man.
You do not disrespect.
You understand me?
That's right.
You understand?
Hey, you're
on a short leash, too.
Look, I can get along
with Bumpy Johnson
and you guys
can't work this out?
Come on!
And this fuckin' thing.
You've been a nooch to me
since we were teenagers.
Look, you know what?
The two of you -- you --
you make these, uh...
You do it together.
The two of you.
Come on.
I mean, why not?
Anything that gets on
Bonanno's nerves is --
is alright by me.There you go.
Now take this
fuckin' thing down.
Come on.
Hold up.
The -- The best part's
coming up.
Come on.
Get outta here.
Pick it up!
Man over radio: 10-35
on New York registration...
Let me reiterate
that I am not
a criminal defense attorney.
Just follow my lead.
Come on.
What do you want?
We're here
about Cecil Bradley
and the kid
from the fruit stand.
This is Archie Gaines.
He's the attorney
in that matter.
Uh, yes. I am temporarily
of counsel for Mr. Bradley.
I can't help you.
He has the constitutional
right to an attorney.
Not if he hasn't been
charged yet.
He does if he's been held
for over two hours,
on the New York
civil penal code 25462.
I guess you'd know all
about the penal codes
in New York City, huh?
Heard a lot about you,
I'm hoping we can
keep everything civil.
Heard a lot about you,
too, Mills.
How can I help you?
We wanna see Cecil Bradley
and the kids.
I heard they got busted up
pretty badly.
Injured resisting arrest.
They're down
in the basement.
Can we see them?
Be my guest.
These are the arch-criminals
who started the riot?
They're part of
the Blood Brothers gang.
One of them just got
out of Wiltwyck
for assaulting
a 90-year-old lady.
Where's Cecil?
Gonna get you out of here.
Stay strong.
He needs
medical attention.
He's got a bandage.
What is he being
charged with?
Resisting arrest.
What was he arrested for?
Inciting a riot.
What does a shoeshine man
have to do with starting a riot?
He grabbed
an officer's baton.
He's gonna die if he doesn't
get help soon.
And if he does,
it's on you.
What did you say?
He dies...
it's on you.
Bumpy, please.
Let's go.
I had no idea.
You had no idea negroes
get their asses kicked
and thrown in jail
for doing nothing?
Cops up in Sugar Hill
don't do that, huh?
Olympia: Look at this.
Nice eggs over easy,
some beautiful
fresh bacon,
orange juice.
You're welcome.
See anything
you might want?
Personally, I think
the styles today --
they make all the women
look like whores.
But if you see
something you want,
maybe I take you shopping.
If I go shopping,
I can do it myself.
Your food's gonna
get cold, Stella.
Sorry, I just had
a bad dream last night.
Look, Stella, I'm not
the enemy here, okay?
I mean,
you can talk to me.
Your father and I, we just --
we want you to be happy,
but you're walking around
with this frown on your face,
and quite frankly,
it's getting goddamn depressing.
I dreamt Teddy was alive,
and I was dead.
W-Well, okay.
That is depressing.
That is horrible.
And I am sorry.
It's okay.
It was comforting.
'Cause it felt right.
I wish it were true.
when my mother died,
I was so depressed.
So depressed.
But you know how
I got myself out of it?
I focused on all
the little things.
You know, like...
I don't know.
Maybe I bought a dress
or a walk in the park.
And even something
like a nice glass of...
orange juice.
Just the little things.
Pull you right out.
Dear Holy Apostle,
I'm glad to see
you've made it safely
to New York.
I see you're doing well
for yourself.
Hobnobbing with leaders
of African nations,
with Cassius Clay on your arm
like a prized trophy.
Messenger, I'm preparing Cassius
to be on the world stage
to help
spread your message.
You say it's all for me,
but you're the one
with your picture
in the papers with Cassius.
Well, I believed in Cassius
when no one else did.
You yourself didn't think
he'd beat Liston.
And you bring him to me
like a gift?
How generous.
And what is the price
of this gift?
Dear Holy Apostle,
I am hoping...
...that you'd reinstate me
to my former position
at Temple Number Seven
to do your bidding
and to serve the Nation.
Cassius supports this,
I might add.
Are you willing
to renounce
the political nature
of your rhetoric?
This is what brought us
to this point
in the first place.
With all due respect,
Dear Holy Apostle,
how do we
as an organization
fight for justice
for the Black man?
Are you interested in rejoining
the Nation of Islam?
With all my heart.
Bring Cassius
this afternoon.
I want to welcome him
to the Nation.
And if you will cease and desist
from the politics,
I'll welcome you back
as well.
I've contacted the mothers
of the kids who were arrested,
and, of course,
Cecil's wife.
Those cops need to see
the faces of those women,
see the personal devastation
their brutality creates.
Now, I think we should --
Congressman Powell.
It's fine, Patricia.
Mr. Johnson's welcome.
Come on in, Bumpy.
Sorry for interrupting,
but there's a problem.
Bumpy, please have a seat.
Your wife is helping me
organize a sit-in
at the 27th Precinct.
We ain't got time for no sit-in.
Cecil's gonna die.
We gotta call somebody to get
him out of there right now.
Call who?
The Chief of Police?
The Mayor?
The -- The D.A.?
I already have,
and they all
tell me the same thing.
This is a police matter.
Which is why we need to activate
the entire community.
The city government
refuses to intercede
on account of the fact
that Harlem is
a "violent,
crime-infested neighborhood."
Haven't you seen the paper
this morning?
A fruit stand gets
knocked over in Harlem,
they call it a riot.
The fact is, if this were
a federal matter,
I might have some pull.
We don't got time
for no sit-ins, alright?
Bumpy, you
of all people know
justice looks differently
at the Black man
than it does
the White one.
There's also another
kind of justice.
Street justice.
Good luck with your sit-in.
You like orange juice?
This morning, my stepmom
made me a nice glass
of fresh-squeezed
orange juice.
What the fuck do you
want me to say, Stella?
You said
he was in Florida.
Your father
wanted him back.
So, that's his fuckin'
punishment for killing Teddy?
Is three months in Miami?
I don't make
the fuckin' rules.
I want you to kill him.
Oh, my God.
Hey. You've killed
people before.
You killed Lionel.
I'll pay you
whatever you want.
You talkin' like
a fuckin' crazy person.
You understand that?
You're fuckin' insane.
You're just
too chicken shit.
Maybe I'll do it myself.
Oh, you think it's easy
to kill someone, huh?
Must be,
if you can do it.
It ain't as simple as pulling
a trigger, Stell.
You gotta watch
someone's brains roll
all the way
over a fuckin' wall.
It gets in your nose,
it gets in your mouth.
At night, you relive it.
When you sleep,
you think about it.
It's a fuckin' nightmare.
You forget,
I'm my father's daughter.
Hey, sweetheart.
Come on, fucko.
We gotta get to work.
These Blood Brothers
are tearing apart
the neighborhood.
First of all, they're not
Blood Brothers.
They're kids
from my daughter's school
who stole an apple.
I hear one of them
raped and murdered
a 90-year-old lady.
That's bullshit.
One of them did a bit
at Wiltwyck for robbery.
My man Cecil -- he never
murdered nobody
and he's about to die.
My daughter almost got
attacked by this cop.
You know, I pay these guys
not to fuck with me.
That doesn't give me the right
to fuck with their business.
How much is the payoff
on Mills?
The pad's $1,000 a month.
Here's $2,000.
Get him to release Cecil
and the kids.
Nah. I can't.
What are you afraid of?
That they're gonna call you
a nigger-lover?
Is that what
you're afraid of?
I'm not afraid of that.
So, help me out, then.
Or this business arrangement's
gonna be over
before it even
gets started.
How's he doing?
Not good.
Pain in my ass.
How is she?
She's okay.
Still shaken up, though.
I may keep her home
from school tomorrow.
Of course.
Muslims don't drink.
No, but to be honest,
I could really use one.
Well, thank God you were
there to protect her.
You have been such a godsend
to Margaret.
It's just, I have seen
my share of violence.
I was so terrified they would
come after Margaret and me.
When they hit poor Cecil,
I covered her eyes
so she wouldn't see
the blood pouring from his head.
And as I held her,
I could feel her body shaking,
and she was crying,
"Momma, Momma,"
crying for her mother.
And I wanted to tell her,
"I'm right here.
Your momma's right here."
But I couldn't, could I?
You did the right thing.
By lying to her?
You think she wasn't
traumatized enough?
You want to add to it
by blowing up her world?
She's already seeing the world
for what it is.
Is it fair to let her live
with a lie?
Is that what you think
this is?
Well, then, fine.
Go ahead.
Walk in there.
Wake her up.
Tell her you were a drug addict
for 10 years,
and you couldn't
take care of her,
and you don't know
who her daddy is,
and everyone and everything
she thought she knew was a lie.
She's going to find out.
Because the truth
comes out eventually.
And when it does...
let's just hope she doesn't
end up hating us both.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
I need your help.
I need you to get some men
and make some noise
down by the Precinct.
Bumpy, I haven't
been reinstated,
though I expect that'll happen
by the end of the day.
We don't have till
the end of the day.
Cecil will be dead
by then.
Mr. Johnson,
the Dear Holy Apostle
forbids responding
with violence.
He wants people to understand
that Islam is peace.
We have to think carefully
about which battles
we focus on.
What you always
been sayin' about
if a dog bites you,
you gotta bite him back?
About defending ourselves
against white oppression?
This is self defense
we been talking about!
Calm down, brother.
No, you calm down!
Man, I know
what this shit is.
You don't wanna piss off
Elijah Muhammad.
He's more interested
in his money
than he is
about these people
getting beat up
in the streets.
The Messenger
is against provoking
the white power structure
only until we are truly ready.
When are we
gonna be ready?
How many negroes gotta die
before we take it
to these ofay motherfuckers?
The cops -- they're just
like Sonny Liston.
They underestimate us.
We're gonna make 'em pay.
One steak
for the world champion.
Thank you.
You been Elijah Muhammad's man
for a long time.
When you gonna have the guts
to be your own man?
Enjoy your steak.
Who is it?
Uncle Louie.
Come in.
Just came by to check in.
I'm doing fine.
Y-Your father asked me to drop
in every once in a while.
It's okay.
I'm not gonna kill myself.
I'm here so you have someone
to confide in.
Tell me
how you're doing.
You seem troubled.
Please, Stella.
I'm here to listen.
You really wanna know
what I'm thinking?
I'm gonna kill someone.
He works for my father.
He murdered my boyfriend
in cold blood,
and the police
won't do anything about it
because my father
owns the police.
Stella, I remind you
of the sixth Commandment.
Is that the one about not
screwing your neighbor's wife?
Thou shalt not kill.
How does that one work,
Or should I say "Uncle"?
'Cause we both know my father
has killed plenty of people.
Your father will
be judged by God
when it's his time,
and so will you.
In the end,
only God can administer
true justice.
Then I guess my father
will burn in Hell.
I don't know what
the big fuckin' deal is.
Just get the guy a doctor.
If I called a doctor
every time a nigger
came in
with a busted head,
they'd have to call the place
Saint Mary's.
These people
are savages, okay?
They're fuckin' animals.
Well, even animals
deserve medical attention.
I checked on him myself.
He's got a fucked-up eye,
but he's gonna be fine.
Every criminal tries
to play the victim.
They're all the same.
I'm not asking you.
I'm telling you to shut
your fuckin' mouth and do it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you gettin' all bent
out of shape about, huh?
I'm doing a favor
for a friend.
What the fuck business
is that of yours?
This is all starting
to make sense now.
Bumpy Johnson -- he came down
to the station
asking the same thing.
You're in business
No, we ain't.
It's you guys flooding
the streets
with all that dope,
isn't it?
There's fucking junkies
falling all over themselves
for that shit.
And you're getting
a piece of that,
you greedy
fuckin' bastard.
Now, are you gonna do this
for me or not?
I don't do favors
for your nigger friends.
But I will make sure I get
my cut when I see him.
I'll bet you fucking will.
Fuckin' piece of shit.
Benny: Here she comes.
Leopard skin, jacket,
We'll take that off.
Jacket off.
Take the jacket off.
Not too fast.
Yeah, nice.
Yeah, look at me.
Yeah, that's right.
You're thinking
of a gorgeous guy
you're gonna do.
A guy like me.
Ernie, get the fuckin' light
on her here!
What the fuck, man?
What are you, stupid?
Get the light on her.
Alright, yeah.
Now take off your bra.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Take it off.
Yeah, nice and slow.
Yeah, touch your ta-tas.
Get that -- Oh, yeah.
That's great.
That's great.
Ernie, get the fuckin' --
get the fuckin' light on her!
What the --It's on her.
It's on her.
What is wrong with you?!Oh, my God.
Get the light on her.Fuckin' light is on her,
Benny. Look.
Okay, baby. Alright.
Lick your lips.
Lick your lips.
You're a star.
You're a star.
Oh, god damn.
I ran out of fuckin' --
ran out of film.
Alright, let's take
a 5-minute break.
Ernie, why don't you
go get some sandwiches,
and bring me a fuckin' water,
you lazy piece of shit?
Why don't you get it yourself?
Excuse me?
I said, "Why don't you
get 'em yourself,"
you fuckin' asshole?
You disrespecting me
in front of her?
Benny, put the gun away.
I'll do whatever I want.
What are you gonna do
about it?
You're a made guy.
I got nothing to say.
That's right.
You know, 'cause of this
fuckin' guy, you know,
I spent three fuckin' months
in Florida
'cause I had
to clean up his mess.
Instead of kissing my ass,
he disrespects me.
And on top of that,
his girlfriend's
available now
because of me.
Isn't that right,
lover boy?
She ain't
my fuckin' girlfriend.
Everybody knows you got
the hots for Stella.
Otherwise, killing a jigaboo
wouldn't bother you at all.
Meeting you here
the last few weeks
has been good for my soul.
It's nice to be able
to talk about Teddy.
Can I get you any food?
Listen, Delia,
the man who killed him
is back in town.
He's walking around free,
and the cops won't do
anything about it.
My father --
he won't do anything.
Take a look.
My dad has 'em lying
all over the house.
What you gonna do
with that thing?
I'm gonna get justice
for your son.
Are you out
of your mind?
Enough people seem
to think so.
Why you showing this
to me?
I wanted you to know.
You asking
my permission?
I don't want to know
nothing about this.
You don't have to do this,
and certainly not for me.
Sometimes I feel like
I've been grieving
my whole life.
So many I know have died
or suffered,
including my own son.
But nothing would ever
prompt me
to take a life.
God will get justice.
It's in His hands,
not ours.
Daddy, I'm glad
you picked me up today.
Me too.
How's Cecil?
I'm working on it.
He's gonna be okay?
I saw him yesterday.
Bumpy Johnson.Captain.
Been looking all over
for you.
I hear you're in business
with Chin Gigante.
I don't discuss business
in front of my daughter.
Yeah, well,
here's the thing.
There's a pad for Chin,
and then
there's a nigger pad,
and that one's
a whole helluva lot more.
Get Cecil out of that cell,
then we can talk about that.
Yeah. That's not how
it works, Johnson.
Daddy, can we go?
I'm talking here.
Didn't your father ever tell you
it's rude to interrupt?
It's okay.
What's your name?
That's a white girl's name.
You don't talk to my daughter
like that!
Hey!What's wrong with you?!
Don't you get uppity with me.
Frisk him.
Possession of a weapon.
This'll get you
three to five.
That's a close shave,
You bring me my pad.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Let's go home, alright?
Let's go home.
Bumpy: Give me Mills.
I can't do that.
Come on.
Just -- Just his address.
Kill a cop over this?
I can't do it.
I ain't talking about
killing a cop.
Just making things even.
Look, the guy's
an asshole, okay?
He figured out that you and I
are doing business.
Is this -- What do you want?
He's a dirty cop.
Put yourself in my shoes.
You have a daughter.
You're walking down the street,
and a cop rolls up
and terrorizes you
in front of her.
How would that
make you feel?
For him to call you
a "filthy wop" in front of her
and run a blade
across your neck?
A Black man faces that
every time he walks
down the street.
Just for a minute,
can you put
your fuckin' self
in my fuckin' shoes?
Oh, my goodness.
Ring the bell.
The champion has arrived.
Dear Holy Apostle,
it is my great honor
to present to you
Cassius X.
I am so pleased
to have you with us.
Come now.
No need for that.
The privilege is mine,
Holy Apostle.
By Malcolm's council
and by my faith --
Calm yourself, son.
Come sit
and have some tea.
Ah, what perfect examples
both of you are.
Whenever you look
at a Black man,
you are looking at God.
Now, it's time to discard
your slave name.
Are you willing and ready
to accept one
of Allah's pure
and righteous names?
Brother Malcolm has bestowed me
with the name Cassius X.
Malcolm does not
choose your name.
I do.
And I have chosen...
"Muhammad Ali"...
which means
beloved of God,
most high champion.
It is a most worthy name,
Holy Apostle.
Muhammad Ali.
I like it.
How else can I help
guide you, my son?
Asking good questions
is half of learning.
Holy Apostle,
I've been struggling
about how to stand up
against the abuse
of the negro by police.
You see, I'm a fighter.
I want to fight back.
You have a hunger
for justice.
Those cops beating up those kids
at that fruit stand?
Makes me wanna scream.
I see Malcolm
has influenced you.
Brother Minister fails
to realize
that though it feels
good to scream
and yell
when atrocities are done,
those shouts
are distractions
that can do more harm
than good.
Malcolm, you've been
asked to atone
for your
disobedience once.
I am willing
to embrace you,
but you must silence yourself
on these issues.
You will either
follow my hand
or you will be out
on your own.
May I come in?
We missed you at dinner.
I wasn't hungry.
Everything okay?
You good?
What did you do today?
Met some girlfriends
for lunch.
Oh, yeah?
Is that it?
'Cause I heard you ran
into Benny at the clubhouse.
And I know --
I know that could upset you.
So, I wanted to explain.
He here's,
and he has a special job
to do for me,
and then when that's done,
I'm gonna send him
back to Florida, alright?
'Cause he must really hate
it there, right?
The best thing
for all concerned
is to put this thing
behind us, you know?
Of course.
I never even think
about Teddy anymore.
Is that true?
Yeah, one day, I'll meet
a nice Italian boy,
and I'll be happy.
You'll be happy.
We'll probably just laugh
about all this.
I don't know
if we'll laugh about it.
Did you talk
to Father Louis today?
'Cause he's very helpful
with things like this, you know?
God will punish the wicked,
he says, when we're dead.
I guess we'll both just
have to live with that.
Yeah, I've...
I just want you to be happy,
you know?
I know.
Alright, come on in.
Just gather
on each side here.
Thank you, Sister.
Thank you.
I'm here to see
the Captain.
That would be me.
Captain, we are here
to demand justice
for those
that you arrested
at the so-called riot
of the fruit stand.
We understand that some may be
in need of medical attention.
Congressman Powell,
they'll be released
when the prosecutor
has determined the charges.
I'm sorry, Captain,
that's not good enough.
We've gathered the mothers
of these boys
to protest this injustice,
and I've got a photographer
from "The New York Times"
to make sure
you play nice.
We're not leaving until
they get medical attention.
You have every legal right
to express your point of view,
but you can't get
in the way of police business.
Because if you do,
I'm gonna arrest you, too.
Oh, so be it.
Looks like we'll be in
for a long evening.
Lift your voices.
Hey. Whoa.
Come on. Sweetheart.
What -- What --
What is this?
What the fuck is this?
Baby doll, give me the --
give me the gun.
We're not gonna have
a fuckin' problem here.
This is for Teddy,
you fuckin' asshole.
What did you do to me,
you fuckin' bitch?!
You bitch!
What the fuck?
What the fuck
did you do?!
Shoot her!
You're a fuckin' witch,
you know that?!
Do you understand
what you just fuckin' did?!
Shoot her!
I'm ordering you
to shoot her!
What are you doing?
No! No!
God damn you, Stella.
Fuck! Fuck!
You gonna let these niggers
occupy our station?
I am sick of this
happy horseshit singing.
One more time.
Clear 'em out.
You here to sit in,
"Brother Malcolm"?
Oh, no, we're not here
to sit in.
We came to stand up.
You, too?
I'm just here
to bring you this.
Thank you.
What the fuck is this?
An eye for an eye,
Man #2: Hello, Captain.
Who the fuck is this?
I'm the nigger
Bumpy Johnson sent
to watch over
your wife and kids.
Heard enough?
I'll be babysitting.
I wanna see you back on your
street corner next week.
You're gonna be okay.
Thank you, Bumpy.
Okay, lift.
Thank you, Daddy.Of course, little one.
Bumpy, it seems our method
of peaceful protest
really got the job done.
I don't know what
was said in there,
but I want to thank you
for your support.
I guess moral persuasion
has its benefits.
Mm, yes, it does.
Brother Malcolm.
Moral persuasion, huh?
The new world is here,
my brothers.
Alone, I'm just Harlem.
Together, we're 10 Harlems.
They would turn down
an order of 3,000 keys?
If we were to sell it
to a negro,
they'd skin us alive.
What if I had
an Italian partner?
He's got some kind of plan.
I know that fucker too well!
If the Sicilians don't
want to sell to you,
my hands are tied.
I don't need the Five Families
coming at me over heroin.
You could help me get
the big fish that I'm after.
That's snitching.
It's not snitching.
It's elimination
of the competition.
Chin ain't one
for diplomacy.
A real diplomat
is someone who can slice
his neighbor's throat
and he doesn't
see it coming.
I don't give a rat's ass
about your 10 Harlems.
I'm not gonna partner up
with you.
Not now, not ever.
I hate you, too, Chin.
But this is
in our mutual interest.
They say Liston's great,
but he must fall in eight,
Brother Minister.
Does Cassius know you intend
on using him
to get yourself
back into the Nation?
I am here for support.
I'm guilty, brother.
I've thought to use you
to convince the Dear Holy
Apostle to reinstate me.
I don't see him here,
do you?
Stella, we're gonna forget
about everything bad
that has happened.
I hate you!
My father said
he punished Benny.
Did he kill him?
He sent him to Florida.
You'll never fuckin'
see him again.
I'm selling out
of 10 Harlems,
and you're gonna get
a 20% cut.
I ought to kick
your ass!
Equal partners.
Yeah, thank you, my man.
Junie's around the corner.
Be safe, baby.
Had to make sure
nothing's missing.
Still got a dozen boxes
Maybe I'll buy
you dinner tonight.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.
Smothered chops
and some onion.
You got it, alright?
And a biscuit!
How about two?
And two!
Two biscuits
and some gravy.
And a piece
of red velvet?
Red velvet cake.
I'm mixing that up for you
right now.
Hi, Cecil.
Hey, Cecil.
Man: Come again.
There you go.
What's this mess?
I'm updating the Harlem voter
rolls for Congressman Powell.
Maybe I should get you
an office.
You know, there has been
a concerted effort
in this city
to make it harder
for Black, Hispanic,
and poor people to vote.
You surprised?
No. I'm angry.
They disqualify our votes
for the most
arbitrary reasons.
Making sure
our votes count
is Reverend Powell's
pet cause.
Well, I thought you were
his pet cause.
Here's my contribution
to the registration drive.
Oh, sorry.
It's slippery.
Here you go.Oh, would you go on?
This is...
10 grand.
This will fund
our whole operation.
I guess things are going well
with you and Mr. Gigante.
Let's hope it holds.
Since we've been back,
we've had dinner at home
every night,
and I have a relaxed
and happy man.
It better hold.
You were right.
This partnership
with Chin
makes it safe for us
in Harlem.
Praise Allah, we made it.
What's wrong?
You okay?
Come here.
White cops
came out of nowhere
and started beating
on a bunch of kids.
My friends.
This Black boy reaches
for an apple,
and they assume
that he's stealing it.
Man: Hey!
What are you doing?
What are y'all doing?
It's just an apple.
They busted him in his head,
like to break his skull.
It was horrible.
Why would they start beating
on a bunch of kids?
'Cause they were Black.
Leave him alone!
Like Malcolm said,
the police are at war
with our community.
They are
an occupying army.
A hundred years ago,
the Klan wore white sheets.
Well, in Harlem,
they dress in blue.
Did they touch
either one of you?
No, but they beat Cecil.
Hey, stop.
What's going on?
Daddy, Daddy,
you gotta do something.
Come on, baby.
I hear those damn racist
police beat those kids
and that old shoeshine man
half to death.
This police force was
not created to serve
Black Americans.
It was created to police
Black Americans
while serving
white Americans.
They at the hospital?
The hospital?
they were arrested
and taken
to the 27th Precinct.
What you gonna do,
I'd like to firebomb
their asses...
...but I'm already
on suspension.
This is the crux...
of my disagreement
with the Messenger.
We have an obligation
to respond
not only directly,
but even violently
to white oppression.
Brother Malcolm, I hope you
and the Dear Holy Apostle
can patch things up,
I truly do.
Well, it's funny
you say that, Cassius,
because he's in New York today
and we have a meeting.
Now, I am intending to say
I have your support.
I know you've been
getting calls, Cassius,
from Captain Henry
and the others
to stay away from me.
But here you are.
I can't shun the man who
gave me my chosen name.
Cassius X.
Cassius X.
what is this shit?
Enough, alright?
What's this about?
There's a million dollars
to be made here.
I mean, they got three
great natural resources
in Florida --
tits, ass, and oranges.
I brought you a bag.
Thank you.
They're called loops.
They're made on the cheap.
They run them day and night
with the peep shows.
Benny, come on.
That's not me.
I-I don't do this shit.
You do this kinda thing.
Our whole lives with the girls
and the fuckin' weird shit.
Come on.
That's not me.
I don't like pornography.
You know that.
It's a perversion.
Bonanno's gettin' richer
off this stuff,
and we're
on the sidelines.
What the fuck
do I care about Bonanno?
He's a fuckin'
What the fuck
is he doing here?
Hey, nice to see you,
too, asshole.
Ain't he meant
to be in Florida?
Well, he paid his debt,
and I needed him here.
He brought us beautiful oranges.
Can I talk to you a sec?
What about Stella?
What about her?
She ain't gonna be happy
he's back.
Hey, are you fuckin'
talkin' about me?
I'm sittin' right here.Easy.
Go fuck yourself.
No. You do not say that.
He's a made man.
You do not disrespect.
You understand me?
That's right.
You understand?
Hey, you're
on a short leash, too.
Look, I can get along
with Bumpy Johnson
and you guys
can't work this out?
Come on!
And this fuckin' thing.
You've been a nooch to me
since we were teenagers.
Look, you know what?
The two of you -- you --
you make these, uh...
You do it together.
The two of you.
Come on.
I mean, why not?
Anything that gets on
Bonanno's nerves is --
is alright by me.There you go.
Now take this
fuckin' thing down.
Come on.
Hold up.
The -- The best part's
coming up.
Come on.
Get outta here.
Pick it up!
Man over radio: 10-35
on New York registration...
Let me reiterate
that I am not
a criminal defense attorney.
Just follow my lead.
Come on.
What do you want?
We're here
about Cecil Bradley
and the kid
from the fruit stand.
This is Archie Gaines.
He's the attorney
in that matter.
Uh, yes. I am temporarily
of counsel for Mr. Bradley.
I can't help you.
He has the constitutional
right to an attorney.
Not if he hasn't been
charged yet.
He does if he's been held
for over two hours,
on the New York
civil penal code 25462.
I guess you'd know all
about the penal codes
in New York City, huh?
Heard a lot about you,
I'm hoping we can
keep everything civil.
Heard a lot about you,
too, Mills.
How can I help you?
We wanna see Cecil Bradley
and the kids.
I heard they got busted up
pretty badly.
Injured resisting arrest.
They're down
in the basement.
Can we see them?
Be my guest.
These are the arch-criminals
who started the riot?
They're part of
the Blood Brothers gang.
One of them just got
out of Wiltwyck
for assaulting
a 90-year-old lady.
Where's Cecil?
Gonna get you out of here.
Stay strong.
He needs
medical attention.
He's got a bandage.
What is he being
charged with?
Resisting arrest.
What was he arrested for?
Inciting a riot.
What does a shoeshine man
have to do with starting a riot?
He grabbed
an officer's baton.
He's gonna die if he doesn't
get help soon.
And if he does,
it's on you.
What did you say?
He dies...
it's on you.
Bumpy, please.
Let's go.
I had no idea.
You had no idea negroes
get their asses kicked
and thrown in jail
for doing nothing?
Cops up in Sugar Hill
don't do that, huh?
Olympia: Look at this.
Nice eggs over easy,
some beautiful
fresh bacon,
orange juice.
You're welcome.
See anything
you might want?
Personally, I think
the styles today --
they make all the women
look like whores.
But if you see
something you want,
maybe I take you shopping.
If I go shopping,
I can do it myself.
Your food's gonna
get cold, Stella.
Sorry, I just had
a bad dream last night.
Look, Stella, I'm not
the enemy here, okay?
I mean,
you can talk to me.
Your father and I, we just --
we want you to be happy,
but you're walking around
with this frown on your face,
and quite frankly,
it's getting goddamn depressing.
I dreamt Teddy was alive,
and I was dead.
W-Well, okay.
That is depressing.
That is horrible.
And I am sorry.
It's okay.
It was comforting.
'Cause it felt right.
I wish it were true.
when my mother died,
I was so depressed.
So depressed.
But you know how
I got myself out of it?
I focused on all
the little things.
You know, like...
I don't know.
Maybe I bought a dress
or a walk in the park.
And even something
like a nice glass of...
orange juice.
Just the little things.
Pull you right out.
Dear Holy Apostle,
I'm glad to see
you've made it safely
to New York.
I see you're doing well
for yourself.
Hobnobbing with leaders
of African nations,
with Cassius Clay on your arm
like a prized trophy.
Messenger, I'm preparing Cassius
to be on the world stage
to help
spread your message.
You say it's all for me,
but you're the one
with your picture
in the papers with Cassius.
Well, I believed in Cassius
when no one else did.
You yourself didn't think
he'd beat Liston.
And you bring him to me
like a gift?
How generous.
And what is the price
of this gift?
Dear Holy Apostle,
I am hoping...
...that you'd reinstate me
to my former position
at Temple Number Seven
to do your bidding
and to serve the Nation.
Cassius supports this,
I might add.
Are you willing
to renounce
the political nature
of your rhetoric?
This is what brought us
to this point
in the first place.
With all due respect,
Dear Holy Apostle,
how do we
as an organization
fight for justice
for the Black man?
Are you interested in rejoining
the Nation of Islam?
With all my heart.
Bring Cassius
this afternoon.
I want to welcome him
to the Nation.
And if you will cease and desist
from the politics,
I'll welcome you back
as well.
I've contacted the mothers
of the kids who were arrested,
and, of course,
Cecil's wife.
Those cops need to see
the faces of those women,
see the personal devastation
their brutality creates.
Now, I think we should --
Congressman Powell.
It's fine, Patricia.
Mr. Johnson's welcome.
Come on in, Bumpy.
Sorry for interrupting,
but there's a problem.
Bumpy, please have a seat.
Your wife is helping me
organize a sit-in
at the 27th Precinct.
We ain't got time for no sit-in.
Cecil's gonna die.
We gotta call somebody to get
him out of there right now.
Call who?
The Chief of Police?
The Mayor?
The -- The D.A.?
I already have,
and they all
tell me the same thing.
This is a police matter.
Which is why we need to activate
the entire community.
The city government
refuses to intercede
on account of the fact
that Harlem is
a "violent,
crime-infested neighborhood."
Haven't you seen the paper
this morning?
A fruit stand gets
knocked over in Harlem,
they call it a riot.
The fact is, if this were
a federal matter,
I might have some pull.
We don't got time
for no sit-ins, alright?
Bumpy, you
of all people know
justice looks differently
at the Black man
than it does
the White one.
There's also another
kind of justice.
Street justice.
Good luck with your sit-in.
You like orange juice?
This morning, my stepmom
made me a nice glass
of fresh-squeezed
orange juice.
What the fuck do you
want me to say, Stella?
You said
he was in Florida.
Your father
wanted him back.
So, that's his fuckin'
punishment for killing Teddy?
Is three months in Miami?
I don't make
the fuckin' rules.
I want you to kill him.
Oh, my God.
Hey. You've killed
people before.
You killed Lionel.
I'll pay you
whatever you want.
You talkin' like
a fuckin' crazy person.
You understand that?
You're fuckin' insane.
You're just
too chicken shit.
Maybe I'll do it myself.
Oh, you think it's easy
to kill someone, huh?
Must be,
if you can do it.
It ain't as simple as pulling
a trigger, Stell.
You gotta watch
someone's brains roll
all the way
over a fuckin' wall.
It gets in your nose,
it gets in your mouth.
At night, you relive it.
When you sleep,
you think about it.
It's a fuckin' nightmare.
You forget,
I'm my father's daughter.
Hey, sweetheart.
Come on, fucko.
We gotta get to work.
These Blood Brothers
are tearing apart
the neighborhood.
First of all, they're not
Blood Brothers.
They're kids
from my daughter's school
who stole an apple.
I hear one of them
raped and murdered
a 90-year-old lady.
That's bullshit.
One of them did a bit
at Wiltwyck for robbery.
My man Cecil -- he never
murdered nobody
and he's about to die.
My daughter almost got
attacked by this cop.
You know, I pay these guys
not to fuck with me.
That doesn't give me the right
to fuck with their business.
How much is the payoff
on Mills?
The pad's $1,000 a month.
Here's $2,000.
Get him to release Cecil
and the kids.
Nah. I can't.
What are you afraid of?
That they're gonna call you
a nigger-lover?
Is that what
you're afraid of?
I'm not afraid of that.
So, help me out, then.
Or this business arrangement's
gonna be over
before it even
gets started.
How's he doing?
Not good.
Pain in my ass.
How is she?
She's okay.
Still shaken up, though.
I may keep her home
from school tomorrow.
Of course.
Muslims don't drink.
No, but to be honest,
I could really use one.
Well, thank God you were
there to protect her.
You have been such a godsend
to Margaret.
It's just, I have seen
my share of violence.
I was so terrified they would
come after Margaret and me.
When they hit poor Cecil,
I covered her eyes
so she wouldn't see
the blood pouring from his head.
And as I held her,
I could feel her body shaking,
and she was crying,
"Momma, Momma,"
crying for her mother.
And I wanted to tell her,
"I'm right here.
Your momma's right here."
But I couldn't, could I?
You did the right thing.
By lying to her?
You think she wasn't
traumatized enough?
You want to add to it
by blowing up her world?
She's already seeing the world
for what it is.
Is it fair to let her live
with a lie?
Is that what you think
this is?
Well, then, fine.
Go ahead.
Walk in there.
Wake her up.
Tell her you were a drug addict
for 10 years,
and you couldn't
take care of her,
and you don't know
who her daddy is,
and everyone and everything
she thought she knew was a lie.
She's going to find out.
Because the truth
comes out eventually.
And when it does...
let's just hope she doesn't
end up hating us both.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
I need your help.
I need you to get some men
and make some noise
down by the Precinct.
Bumpy, I haven't
been reinstated,
though I expect that'll happen
by the end of the day.
We don't have till
the end of the day.
Cecil will be dead
by then.
Mr. Johnson,
the Dear Holy Apostle
forbids responding
with violence.
He wants people to understand
that Islam is peace.
We have to think carefully
about which battles
we focus on.
What you always
been sayin' about
if a dog bites you,
you gotta bite him back?
About defending ourselves
against white oppression?
This is self defense
we been talking about!
Calm down, brother.
No, you calm down!
Man, I know
what this shit is.
You don't wanna piss off
Elijah Muhammad.
He's more interested
in his money
than he is
about these people
getting beat up
in the streets.
The Messenger
is against provoking
the white power structure
only until we are truly ready.
When are we
gonna be ready?
How many negroes gotta die
before we take it
to these ofay motherfuckers?
The cops -- they're just
like Sonny Liston.
They underestimate us.
We're gonna make 'em pay.
One steak
for the world champion.
Thank you.
You been Elijah Muhammad's man
for a long time.
When you gonna have the guts
to be your own man?
Enjoy your steak.
Who is it?
Uncle Louie.
Come in.
Just came by to check in.
I'm doing fine.
Y-Your father asked me to drop
in every once in a while.
It's okay.
I'm not gonna kill myself.
I'm here so you have someone
to confide in.
Tell me
how you're doing.
You seem troubled.
Please, Stella.
I'm here to listen.
You really wanna know
what I'm thinking?
I'm gonna kill someone.
He works for my father.
He murdered my boyfriend
in cold blood,
and the police
won't do anything about it
because my father
owns the police.
Stella, I remind you
of the sixth Commandment.
Is that the one about not
screwing your neighbor's wife?
Thou shalt not kill.
How does that one work,
Or should I say "Uncle"?
'Cause we both know my father
has killed plenty of people.
Your father will
be judged by God
when it's his time,
and so will you.
In the end,
only God can administer
true justice.
Then I guess my father
will burn in Hell.
I don't know what
the big fuckin' deal is.
Just get the guy a doctor.
If I called a doctor
every time a nigger
came in
with a busted head,
they'd have to call the place
Saint Mary's.
These people
are savages, okay?
They're fuckin' animals.
Well, even animals
deserve medical attention.
I checked on him myself.
He's got a fucked-up eye,
but he's gonna be fine.
Every criminal tries
to play the victim.
They're all the same.
I'm not asking you.
I'm telling you to shut
your fuckin' mouth and do it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you gettin' all bent
out of shape about, huh?
I'm doing a favor
for a friend.
What the fuck business
is that of yours?
This is all starting
to make sense now.
Bumpy Johnson -- he came down
to the station
asking the same thing.
You're in business
No, we ain't.
It's you guys flooding
the streets
with all that dope,
isn't it?
There's fucking junkies
falling all over themselves
for that shit.
And you're getting
a piece of that,
you greedy
fuckin' bastard.
Now, are you gonna do this
for me or not?
I don't do favors
for your nigger friends.
But I will make sure I get
my cut when I see him.
I'll bet you fucking will.
Fuckin' piece of shit.
Benny: Here she comes.
Leopard skin, jacket,
We'll take that off.
Jacket off.
Take the jacket off.
Not too fast.
Yeah, nice.
Yeah, look at me.
Yeah, that's right.
You're thinking
of a gorgeous guy
you're gonna do.
A guy like me.
Ernie, get the fuckin' light
on her here!
What the fuck, man?
What are you, stupid?
Get the light on her.
Alright, yeah.
Now take off your bra.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Take it off.
Yeah, nice and slow.
Yeah, touch your ta-tas.
Get that -- Oh, yeah.
That's great.
That's great.
Ernie, get the fuckin' --
get the fuckin' light on her!
What the --It's on her.
It's on her.
What is wrong with you?!Oh, my God.
Get the light on her.Fuckin' light is on her,
Benny. Look.
Okay, baby. Alright.
Lick your lips.
Lick your lips.
You're a star.
You're a star.
Oh, god damn.
I ran out of fuckin' --
ran out of film.
Alright, let's take
a 5-minute break.
Ernie, why don't you
go get some sandwiches,
and bring me a fuckin' water,
you lazy piece of shit?
Why don't you get it yourself?
Excuse me?
I said, "Why don't you
get 'em yourself,"
you fuckin' asshole?
You disrespecting me
in front of her?
Benny, put the gun away.
I'll do whatever I want.
What are you gonna do
about it?
You're a made guy.
I got nothing to say.
That's right.
You know, 'cause of this
fuckin' guy, you know,
I spent three fuckin' months
in Florida
'cause I had
to clean up his mess.
Instead of kissing my ass,
he disrespects me.
And on top of that,
his girlfriend's
available now
because of me.
Isn't that right,
lover boy?
She ain't
my fuckin' girlfriend.
Everybody knows you got
the hots for Stella.
Otherwise, killing a jigaboo
wouldn't bother you at all.
Meeting you here
the last few weeks
has been good for my soul.
It's nice to be able
to talk about Teddy.
Can I get you any food?
Listen, Delia,
the man who killed him
is back in town.
He's walking around free,
and the cops won't do
anything about it.
My father --
he won't do anything.
Take a look.
My dad has 'em lying
all over the house.
What you gonna do
with that thing?
I'm gonna get justice
for your son.
Are you out
of your mind?
Enough people seem
to think so.
Why you showing this
to me?
I wanted you to know.
You asking
my permission?
I don't want to know
nothing about this.
You don't have to do this,
and certainly not for me.
Sometimes I feel like
I've been grieving
my whole life.
So many I know have died
or suffered,
including my own son.
But nothing would ever
prompt me
to take a life.
God will get justice.
It's in His hands,
not ours.
Daddy, I'm glad
you picked me up today.
Me too.
How's Cecil?
I'm working on it.
He's gonna be okay?
I saw him yesterday.
Bumpy Johnson.Captain.
Been looking all over
for you.
I hear you're in business
with Chin Gigante.
I don't discuss business
in front of my daughter.
Yeah, well,
here's the thing.
There's a pad for Chin,
and then
there's a nigger pad,
and that one's
a whole helluva lot more.
Get Cecil out of that cell,
then we can talk about that.
Yeah. That's not how
it works, Johnson.
Daddy, can we go?
I'm talking here.
Didn't your father ever tell you
it's rude to interrupt?
It's okay.
What's your name?
That's a white girl's name.
You don't talk to my daughter
like that!
Hey!What's wrong with you?!
Don't you get uppity with me.
Frisk him.
Possession of a weapon.
This'll get you
three to five.
That's a close shave,
You bring me my pad.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Let's go home, alright?
Let's go home.
Bumpy: Give me Mills.
I can't do that.
Come on.
Just -- Just his address.
Kill a cop over this?
I can't do it.
I ain't talking about
killing a cop.
Just making things even.
Look, the guy's
an asshole, okay?
He figured out that you and I
are doing business.
Is this -- What do you want?
He's a dirty cop.
Put yourself in my shoes.
You have a daughter.
You're walking down the street,
and a cop rolls up
and terrorizes you
in front of her.
How would that
make you feel?
For him to call you
a "filthy wop" in front of her
and run a blade
across your neck?
A Black man faces that
every time he walks
down the street.
Just for a minute,
can you put
your fuckin' self
in my fuckin' shoes?
Oh, my goodness.
Ring the bell.
The champion has arrived.
Dear Holy Apostle,
it is my great honor
to present to you
Cassius X.
I am so pleased
to have you with us.
Come now.
No need for that.
The privilege is mine,
Holy Apostle.
By Malcolm's council
and by my faith --
Calm yourself, son.
Come sit
and have some tea.
Ah, what perfect examples
both of you are.
Whenever you look
at a Black man,
you are looking at God.
Now, it's time to discard
your slave name.
Are you willing and ready
to accept one
of Allah's pure
and righteous names?
Brother Malcolm has bestowed me
with the name Cassius X.
Malcolm does not
choose your name.
I do.
And I have chosen...
"Muhammad Ali"...
which means
beloved of God,
most high champion.
It is a most worthy name,
Holy Apostle.
Muhammad Ali.
I like it.
How else can I help
guide you, my son?
Asking good questions
is half of learning.
Holy Apostle,
I've been struggling
about how to stand up
against the abuse
of the negro by police.
You see, I'm a fighter.
I want to fight back.
You have a hunger
for justice.
Those cops beating up those kids
at that fruit stand?
Makes me wanna scream.
I see Malcolm
has influenced you.
Brother Minister fails
to realize
that though it feels
good to scream
and yell
when atrocities are done,
those shouts
are distractions
that can do more harm
than good.
Malcolm, you've been
asked to atone
for your
disobedience once.
I am willing
to embrace you,
but you must silence yourself
on these issues.
You will either
follow my hand
or you will be out
on your own.
May I come in?
We missed you at dinner.
I wasn't hungry.
Everything okay?
You good?
What did you do today?
Met some girlfriends
for lunch.
Oh, yeah?
Is that it?
'Cause I heard you ran
into Benny at the clubhouse.
And I know --
I know that could upset you.
So, I wanted to explain.
He here's,
and he has a special job
to do for me,
and then when that's done,
I'm gonna send him
back to Florida, alright?
'Cause he must really hate
it there, right?
The best thing
for all concerned
is to put this thing
behind us, you know?
Of course.
I never even think
about Teddy anymore.
Is that true?
Yeah, one day, I'll meet
a nice Italian boy,
and I'll be happy.
You'll be happy.
We'll probably just laugh
about all this.
I don't know
if we'll laugh about it.
Did you talk
to Father Louis today?
'Cause he's very helpful
with things like this, you know?
God will punish the wicked,
he says, when we're dead.
I guess we'll both just
have to live with that.
Yeah, I've...
I just want you to be happy,
you know?
I know.
Alright, come on in.
Just gather
on each side here.
Thank you, Sister.
Thank you.
I'm here to see
the Captain.
That would be me.
Captain, we are here
to demand justice
for those
that you arrested
at the so-called riot
of the fruit stand.
We understand that some may be
in need of medical attention.
Congressman Powell,
they'll be released
when the prosecutor
has determined the charges.
I'm sorry, Captain,
that's not good enough.
We've gathered the mothers
of these boys
to protest this injustice,
and I've got a photographer
from "The New York Times"
to make sure
you play nice.
We're not leaving until
they get medical attention.
You have every legal right
to express your point of view,
but you can't get
in the way of police business.
Because if you do,
I'm gonna arrest you, too.
Oh, so be it.
Looks like we'll be in
for a long evening.
Lift your voices.
Hey. Whoa.
Come on. Sweetheart.
What -- What --
What is this?
What the fuck is this?
Baby doll, give me the --
give me the gun.
We're not gonna have
a fuckin' problem here.
This is for Teddy,
you fuckin' asshole.
What did you do to me,
you fuckin' bitch?!
You bitch!
What the fuck?
What the fuck
did you do?!
Shoot her!
You're a fuckin' witch,
you know that?!
Do you understand
what you just fuckin' did?!
Shoot her!
I'm ordering you
to shoot her!
What are you doing?
No! No!
God damn you, Stella.
Fuck! Fuck!
You gonna let these niggers
occupy our station?
I am sick of this
happy horseshit singing.
One more time.
Clear 'em out.
You here to sit in,
"Brother Malcolm"?
Oh, no, we're not here
to sit in.
We came to stand up.
You, too?
I'm just here
to bring you this.
Thank you.
What the fuck is this?
An eye for an eye,
Man #2: Hello, Captain.
Who the fuck is this?
I'm the nigger
Bumpy Johnson sent
to watch over
your wife and kids.
Heard enough?
I'll be babysitting.
I wanna see you back on your
street corner next week.
You're gonna be okay.
Thank you, Bumpy.
Okay, lift.
Thank you, Daddy.Of course, little one.
Bumpy, it seems our method
of peaceful protest
really got the job done.
I don't know what
was said in there,
but I want to thank you
for your support.
I guess moral persuasion
has its benefits.
Mm, yes, it does.
Brother Malcolm.
Moral persuasion, huh?