Godfather of Harlem (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Masters of War - full transcript

Striking back at the Italians, Bumpy exploits Chin's dark past; Mayme and Elise put aside their differences and Bumpy sees his wife and children reunited before his war explodes.

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The Families are very concerned

about the situation in Harlem.

After the riot atFidler's,
I was given permission

to buy junkfrom any Italian source.

I chose Bonanno.

But Bonannohad
to pay a tax to Chin.

He goes behind my back,
and he sells supply to Johnson.

There may be another
wayto settle this debt.

Can you please
tell this Committee

another person who can
further our knowledge

of the Five Families?

There's an inside man.

He's not Cosa Nostra.

- Who is he?
- Guapo Boricua.

Betrayal never comes
from your enemies.

You always know
where they stand.

Teddy Greene.
That's her boyfriend.

It's gonna be a great demo.

Your father ain't
gonna rest until he's dead.

You'll be killin' me, too, if you do it.

I need your help.

What are we gonna do
about Esther?

She could bankrupt you.

Margaret don't know
I'm her mama.

I'm her mama.

I don't know what brought me
back here.

I hate myself out there.

Who taught you to hate yourself

from the top of your headto
the soles of your feet?

My father.

Minister Malcolm tells me

that you are new
to the Sisterhood.

I am, Dear Holy Apostle.

I'd like you to be
my eyes and ears

within the wallsof Mosque Number Seven.

He mentioned my son Lorenzo.

It's been six years, Frank.

What did you do?

I hired a couple of guysto
make Lorenzo disappear.

I buried his body in the
basement at Fidler's store.

I know it wasn't easyto do what you did.

Easy to kill a snitch.

Not so easy to kill a friend.

Yeah. I know.

I appreciate yousettling your debt with me.

So do the other Families.

Show your appreciation.

I need more duji.

I can't go behind
Chin's back again.

If you want to sell drugsin
Harlem, I got to pay his tax.

I can move double what he does.

A thousand kilos a month.

You're not listening.
He's goingto know you got it from me.

You can smuggle it in
from Montreal.

Transfer it to me in Maine.

I can act like I got it
from the Corsicans

or the Chinks
on Delancey Street.

I'll say one thing...

You ain't lazy.


I'm not lazy.

You know my son was killedby
a nigger gang uptown.

Didn't know.


Never knew who did it.

I built this mausoleum,

but my wife refused
to have a funeral.

Every day she goes to St.
Mary'sand lights a candle,

prays for him to come home.

But I know he never will.

Sorry about that.


You know why I'd love to sella
ton of drugs in Harlem, Bumpy?

It's not'cause of the money.


'Cause every miserablestreet junkie,

every skinny kidwho goes to bed hungry

because his mamais looking for a fix,

every nigger baby
born with a habit

makes me happy,

makes my heart sing.

'Cause I wantyour people to suffer

like me and my wifehave been suffering.

But I'm not gonna go to warwith
Chin over drugs in Harlem.

And I don't think you want that, either.

Looks good, man. Velvet bar,

could've get that Pink Pussycat
lit up tonight.

Ohh! Better watch it, man.

Bonanno agrees
to keep selling us the duji?

He doesn't want a war with Chin.

The Chinese on Delancey
are bringing in some good shit.

But them motherfuckers,
they... they just want

to supply their own community.

They won't even meet with us.

Now, I might have a line on that
Lebanese source, "The Arab."

He's moving some big weight
from Turkey.

Yo, we need to score, fellas.

Our supply's about to run out.

Yeah, what... what
we gonna do, Bump?

I'm not lazy.

Bonanno may not
want a war, but...

maybe I do.

War against who?

Chin against Bonanno.

They go at each other,

Bonanno won't care aboutpaying Chin's tax.

He'll sell us the dope.

But how... how we gonna do that?

Gonna... plant the seeds.

I got Chin's daughter
in my camp.

Maybe I can get something
from that.


Bonanno told me that his kid
got killed by some Negroes

back in '57.

What about that?

Need you guys
to do some digging.

The Families want peace.

If they find out
you're involved,

you gonna haveall of them on your ass.

Fuck them. Fuck them!

If you only knew the shit
that they make me put up with.

Is this about Guapo?

Fuck Gua...
It's not about fucking Guapo!

It's about getting
these motherfucking guineas

to kill each other off.

This is our war of independence.

Only they're gonna do
all the fighting.

I told you this guy'soff his rocker.

The Bureau can't expect
any valid information

from this lunatic.

Thank you.

Oh, my God. What?

This robe smells like
cat piss, Vincent.

How long are you gonna
keep this up?

What? Uh, you know,
it keeps the Feds off my back.

It's my strategy.

It's your strat...

Your strategy? To what?

To embarrass me in front
of the whole neighborhood?

Because everybody is whispering
behind your back in bingo now.

That's just the way it is.

What, you want meto go to jail, right?

No. I don't want you
to go to jail.

In fact, you know what, Vincent?
You can do whatever you want.

You can walk around
the neighborhood like a strunz.

God bless you.

It's your life.

Do whatever you want.



I want to thank you for
all you done for me and Teddy.

Putting a guardat his momma's house?

That ain't no big deal to me.

If my father knew
you were helping me,

it'd be even worse
than me stealing his dope.


That's why I asked you here.

I got you.

You and Teddy gonna be fine.

I'm gonna put his contract,
uh, from Bobby Robinson

over to Royal Chord Records.


Joseph Bonanno is the
moneybehind that label.

Joseph Bonanno?

I spoke to him abouttaking
over Teddy's contract.

If Teddy's contract's
underBonanno, then he's protected,

and your father,
he can't touch him.

That's the way it works. You know that.

But you're gonna have to
explainthat to Teddy, alright?

My father hates Bonanno.

He may hate him,
but he can't touch his property.

Please don't involve Bonanno.

Why not?

Why not?

Bobby Robinson ain't gonna want
to give up that contract.

He thinks Teddy's a star.

Leave that to me.

What do you want
in return for helping me?

What are you after?


Nobody wants nothing.


I don't know, Father.

I been with a lot of girls,
but this is something different.

I mean, she is tough,

and I respect that.

You know, I want to settle down.
I want to have kids.

I never felt that way before.

Love is the language
through which our Lord speaks.

Her father's my boss.

He asked meto take care of something,

and she didn't want me to do it.

You see what I mean?

So I didn't take care of
itbecause she didn't want me to,

and now that puts me in dutchwith my boss.

I'm not sure I follow.

Have you been to see me before?

No, Father, no.

This is my first confessionin a long time.

It's about this...

Do I listen to my boss,
or do I listen to my heart?

You must listen
to the Lord our God.


Of course. That goes without saying, but...

He makes it hard.

He's testing your faith.

If you do good,

He will reward you with good.

But if you do bad,

you will reap a bitter harvest.

So, basically, you're saying

don't break anyof the Commandments.

Uh... yes.


That's what they told
melast time I was here.

Thanks, Father.

Being off the junk makesthe
truth that much more clear.

I'm grateful to you, Brother Minister.

No, be...

Be grateful to Allah, Sister.

You have completed
the Muslim Girl Training,

and today you will receive
your MGT uniform.

So, have you told Bumpy
about your commitment here?

I'm not ready to see him yet.

All in good time.

I haven't been fully honestwith
you, Brother Minister.

About what?

When I went on the visitlast month

with the Dear Holy Apostle,

he asked me to be his eyesand
ears here at the Temple,

concerning you and all.

Something about thatdon't
sit right with me.

Your task

is to follow the instructions
of the Messenger.

Been talking to folks,

and it seems there are people
inChicago who are jealous of you,

maybe even some
here in New York.

Sister, have faith in Allah.

Keep your mind right.

I'm fine.
I have nothing to hide.

Minister Malcolm,

I think you are the
mostinspiring, incredible man

I have ever met.

Trust me, Sister.

I have my flaws.

There are times I fear for
you, Brother Minister.

We're all going to die, Elise.

It's just a matter of when.

Good day, Sister.

That beautiful little
girlain't doing no drugs.

First thing I did
was call the school.

The nun said
she was absent today.

Absent? She's never cut school
in her life.

I'm sure Margaret is fine.

She's missing!

Oh, my God. I need something
to steady my nerves.

Have you told your husband?

No.Hadn't you ought to?

Absolutely not!

I shouldn't.

Uh, I mean...

Bumpy has got enough
on his mind.

And quite honestly, I'm afraid
of what his reaction would be.

How about going to the cops? Please.

You need someoneto help you find her.

I think you should tell Bumpy.

You know, Bumpy...

He has already lost
one daughter.

I can't let that
happen to him again.

I'm just an old woman.

Reverend Powellis like a movie star.

Once he said what he did,
my life was ruined.

You're referring to
Reverend Powell's appearance

on the "Lester Wolff Show"?

Yes, Your Honor.

I couldn't believe the
typeof slander I was hearing,

accusing me of beinga
"bag lady" for the mob?

That's exactly what you are!


I'm a God-fearing woman.

The ideathat I could be involved

in the types of things that hewas
talking about is ridiculous.

And how did this
affect your life, Mrs. James?

My life's been threatened.

I walk in fear and terror.

And the Oscar goes to
Esther James!


"A hypocrite with his
mouthdestroyeth his neighbor,

but through knowledge,
the just shall be delivered."

You're not the only one
that can quote Proverbs.

"As a golden jewel
in a swine's snout,

so is a woman
without discretion."

Reverend Powell,
I'm trying to arbitrate damages.

Snide comments
aren't helping your case.

I can't walk down 125th
Streetwithout being harassed.

I'm a senior citizen.

I've been spit upon,
called obscene names...

even shunnedby my friends at church.

His church.

Oh, Merciful Father.

I feel like David must have

up against ole Goliath.

She wants $200,000.

Bumpy Johnson says
he knows this woman.

I need him to set
this crazy Sapphire straight.

You hear him whispering over
there to his Step-and-Fetchit.

"Thou cometh to me with a
sword, a spear, and a shield,

but I cometh to youin
the name of the Lord!"

Are you kidding me?

Me, too.

Come on. We don't bite.

How can I help you?

I appreciate you seeing me,
Mr. Gigante.

I apologize
for taking up your time,

but everyone knows that you're
the man of influence in Harlem.

So, what's the problem?

A while back,
your daughter came to see me.

She wanted me to listen to
a musician named Teddy Greene.

He's special. So I signed him.

Your daughter has good taste,
Mr. Gigante.

Go on.

This morning, these two
Italian men came to my store,

beat me up, and forced me
to sign Teddy's contract

over to Royal Chord Records.

So, what the fuck
you want me to do about it?

Since Teddy's a friend
of your daughter,

I thought maybe that you could
help me get my artist back.

I'm telling you
he's gonna be big.

I could cut you in.

Of course.

Yeah, I'll look into it.

Y-You know wherethis Teddy Greene is?

Well, that's the thing.
I can't seem to find him.

I was thinking maybe
you could ask your daughter.

Alright, we'll get back to you.

Thank you, Mr. Gigante.

What the fuck was that about?

Joe Bonanno ownsRoyal Chord Records.

Not on paper, of course,
but he controls it.

So Bonanno's trying
to fuck with me?

Yeah. Maybe he's tryingto
rub it in your face

that your daughter'sfucking a Negro.

What are you doing? Turn around.

Turn aroundand get the fuck out! Get out!

And don't show your faceuntil
Teddy Greene is dead!

You did good.

Real good.

Teddy ever hits,

you'll get your piece.


I owe you, man.

Putting up the moneyfor my record shop,

helping out my mom
when my dad passed.

Took a lot of courage to
straight-up lie to Chin's face.

I appreciate it.

Well, to be honest,
I was ready to piss my pants.

That's one scary dude.

Sure hope it doesn't
blow back on me.

He ain't gonna touch you.

Tell Teddy?

Tell Teddy what?

That you moved his contractover to Bonanno.

I haven't moved it.
Got to talk to Bonanno about it.

But I'm sure he'll do it
just to aggravate Chin.

I thought you were doing
itto protect Teddy.

That, too.

It's all part of a bigger plan.

Thanks again.

I owe you one on this one.

Cecil, you find out anything

about those Negroes
who killed the Bonanno kid?

Del Chance, you ever
consideredinvesting in some footwear?

A lot can be said about a manby
what he puts around his toes.

How about I put my toes
up your ass

if you don't answer my question?

Let's see.

If I can remember correctly,

the white kid's namewas Lorenzo.

Yeah. Word has it

this Negro Percy in the
Savage Skulls was involved.

Percy. Yeah, Percy.

Spill it, Percy!

What do you know
about Lorenzo Bonanno, huh?!

I don't know... I don't know nothing, man!

And then there was Mackie.
He was yapping his gums

about how the Italian kidwent missing.


Get up! Get the fuck up!

What do you know, Mackie?!

What do you know, huh?!

Then there was Percy's sister.


She used to jaw about itall the time.

Percy's sister? Oh, yeah.

So thenwhat happened, baby?

Well, they say the Savage Skulls
shot the kid.

He was just buying reefer.
Why would they shoot him?

Heard they got paid

by some Italian gangster
whose daughter he was screwing.


I heard it was Chin Gigante.

Motherfucking Bonanno.
Rip that fucker's throat out.


Th... This is a house of worship.

Come on. You know he treats melike shit.
He always has, right?

He calls me Vito's driver.

I'm the fucking bossof the family.

Vincent, please.

Yeah, I know we're supposedto
turn the other cheek.

Yeah, well, it don't work that way.

Jesus managed to do it.

Yeah, look what happened to him.

Bonanno's laughing at me

'cause my daughter'swith a nigger.

I'm glad I killed his son.

Get out of this confessional.

What?! Parishioners are telling me

you're walking the streets
in a bathrobe,

muttering gibberish to the sky.

Yeah, it's to keepthe Feds off my back.

Are you mentally disturbed?

Of course I'm not!

You broke the First Commandment

out of a misguided desire
to protect your daughter,

and now you want to kill
the Negro she loves.

If that's not disturbed,
I'm not sure what is.

Jesus, I'm...

I'm trying.

You know? I'm trying to follow the Lord.

You know I love her so much.


All I want in lifeis for
my child to be happy.

Then let her go.

And all this violence
that goes with it.

I can tell
youthat, uh, President Kennedy

is 100% behindthe March in Washington.

Yeah, Jack Kennedy supports
theMarch now that he can't stop it.

Jack's agenda is to get a
CivilRights Bill through Congress.

Last I checked, it was your agenda, too.

Jack and I have
a substantial disagreement

as to what's in that Bill,

and we're not even close
to getting it passed.

Well, hello, young lady.

Hello, Congressman Powell.Hmm.

The point is, we would like
tosee you take a leadership role

in the March. Hmm?

We see this asa perfect opportunity

for you to show Dr. Kingand
the other Negro leaders

that you can play nice
in the sandbox.

If I wanted sand,
I'd go to the beach.

Kenny, the President needs
to understand the movement.

What good is a placeat the
white man's lunch counter

if you don't have a dollar
for a sandwich?

You have been organizing

since Dr. Kingwas still in diapers.

You are the grand old man
of Civil Rights.

And to not have a partof
leadership in this?

First of all, I'm not old.

And second, Jack Kennedy

is conning King
and Randolph and Rustin

into softening the purpose
of the March.


So any white man who cares
about the Negro situation

is a con artist?

That's utter bullshit.
No, what I am saying...

No, what I'msaying is who would
you rather see on that mall

giving the last speech?

Martin Luther King or you?

Alright. Alright.

I went to the
ConventSchool, to the playground,

the ice cream shop.
I can't find her.

I assume you haven't gone
to Bumpy yet

because you're fearful
about his reaction?

I am at a loss what to do.

Well, the Nation isn't a
detective agency, Mrs. Johnson.

Will you help me or not?

Sure, of course I will.

I'll send some Brothers out
to look.

But I think there's someone herewho
might be even more valuable.


What are you doing here?

Margaret is missing.


What did you do to my child?

Elise, I would encourage you

to put all personal
feelings aside

and recall the tenets
of your faith.

How is she going to help me?

She knows the streets.

I'll send some people out
to look,

but it would be wiseif the
two of you look together.

You might learn something
from each other.

You said a gang sold drugsoutside
of Margaret's school.

That's Copian territory.

What does that have to do
with Margaret?

She had 15 bags of duji.

Likely she's holding itfor someone.

She's not a drug dealer.
I'm not saying that she is,

but where else would she get it?

Oh, I forgot. Your husband's a dope dealer.

Bumpy doesn't keep that shit
anywhere near the house.

He would kill anyone who came
around his daughter with drugs.

He ain't do that for me.

Why, hello.


What do we have here?

Esther James is here.

She didn't bring her lawyer.
She brought a mediator.

Oh, well, uh,
I hope she'sin the mood to mediate.

Bumpy Johnson.

What? Bumpy Johnson?




Well, hello, Bumpy!

Esther's an old friend of mine.

Well, of course she is!

That Judgehas always hated me.

He hated you 200,000 ways.

Man, that's steep.

Miz James, you should know
we plan to appeal.

You won in state court, my dear.

Next up is Federal.

That's my domain.

Oh, and I'm sure you have
those judges in your pocket,

along with that silk

You could end up with nothing.

It's, uh...

Would you consider settling
for $125,000?

Hell, no.

I respect you, Bumpy.

That's why I asked
for your help.

But $125,000 ain't gon' cut it.

I'm being shaken downby a bag lady!

Reverend, somewhere along
the line, you started thinking

that the pulpit and the Halls
ofCongress made you what you are.

No. It's me

and all the other little people
in Harlem

who make you what you are.

I'll take $200,000
and not a penny less.

I ain't giving this bitcha dime.

That's not very
Christian of you.

And it's not Sunday.

Good day, y'all.

My dear listeners,
Icome to you today with bad news.

Now, you notice I didn't say
it was surprising news,

because I'm not surprised at all

that these so-called
Negro "leaders" of yours

have sold us out
to the highest bidder.

The March on Washington,
in all actuality,

has become nothing more
than the "Farce on Washington."

That's right. I said it.
The "Farce on Washington."

The original idea for this march

came from black men and women
in the ghettos

who were infuriated
by the atrocities

like the murder of Medgar Evers,

the blood bath in Birmingham.

They spoke of... of storming

the appropriately named
"White" House

and forcing Congress
to do something.

But as soon as these whites

heard about
this black steamroller,

they called a meeting
between the government

and all the nonviolent

Uncle Tom Negroes
they could find... Oh, brother.

Now I have to hear this shit?...to
turn this March into a one-day picnic

for integrationist Toms

and their self-satisfied
white "liberal" massas.

What do you want from me, Reverend?

My blessing for
yourparticipation in the Farce?

I have voiced to Kennedy's man

some of the same concerns
that you have...

That the Kennedy government
is trying to co-opt this March

and tamp down our anger.

So you must be aware that
aconsortium of white businessmen

gave the "Big Six" Negro leadersa
million and a half dollars

to buy their cooperation.

If that is true, is it possible

that they gave it because
they agree with our aims?

A bribe by any other nameis
still a bribe, Reverend.

What the fuck do you want to
do, Brother Minister?

Have Negroes have an
insurrection in the street?

Have thousands of black
brothersand sisters lying dead

when the National Guard mows us
down with their rifles?

I don't know about you,
but I'd rather die fighting

than to sell my soulto the devil.

I was asked by Kennedy
to participate.

And my initial instinct
was to say no.

But when I hear you prattling on

about fighting violence
with violence,

I am compelled to join,

if for no other reason
than to prove

that the loudest voice
isn't always the smartest.

Good day, Brother Minister.

Bobby, I just want you to
know that I didn't ask Bumpy Johnson

to sell my contract
to another label.

I mean, he's... he's... he's
protecting me from one mobster

by selling me to another?

That's show biz.

Look, I appreciate
all you done for me.

Look, you're a big talent, kid.

Bumpy knows what he's doing.

I hope so.

Listen, you get protectedfrom Chin,

and Bonanno's record
companyhas enough dough

to buy off those disc jockeys.

They'll put you on the radio.

Wait here. Listen.

Do not, under any circumstances, come out.

What's going on, man?

How are you, Bobby?
I'm good. And you?

What can I do for you?

Mr. Gigante wants to help you

get Teddy Greene
back on your label.

Well, that's great.

First, he needs to have
a conversation with him.

You know where I can find him?

I'm right here, motherfucker.

Give me that.

Keep moving, motherfucker.

You can't do this.

You'll be running
for the rest of your life.

I'm already running.

You ever kill anyone before?

No. Keep moving.

But I know you have.

Like my friend Lionel.

I got no idea who that is.

That poor motherfuckeryou thought was me?

Keep moving.

That's it. Come on. Come on.

Turn around. Put it in the back of my head.

I don't want to see it coming.

Turn around.

Fuck it.

Go ahead!

Do it!

She hates you, you know.

You thought she wantedto go out with you,

but it was just to keepher
fucking father off her back.

She hates her father.
That's whyshe goes out with you.

Bumpy Johnsonset me up with Bonanno

so you can't come after me
no more.

Stay away from my girl.

Well, you wanted to start a war.

And when Bonanno finds out

that Chin killed his kid,
you gonna have it.

We need proof.

We might find it in Fidler's basement.


I been with you
since I came out the Army.

And I've always respected

that you never make a decision
out of emotion.

And I rarely have had occasion

to question your judgment,

But this is oneof those rare occasions?

Have you thought
this thing through?

Down to a "T."

A battle between those Families
will be fought in Harlem.

Our folks...
Innocent folks are gonna die.

Do you want to be freeof the guineas?

Is that what this is about?

Or did they hurt your pride?

I spent three years
in a trench in Korea,

and I learned one thing
about war, Bump.

Nobody really wins.


"Stronger Together." I like it.

Alright, Kenny!

Count me in!

Adam. Hello.

What's the posters?

Pretty great, right?

"Jobs For All."

"Decent Pay Now."

"Freedom March"?
"Stronger Together"?

Oh, come on, Kenny!

How about one that says,
"I Love Puppies"?

Adam, please. For crissake, Kenny,

four little girls were blown up
in a church basement.

They're posters.

Okay. My first action

as part of
the leadership committee...

You. Fired.

Thank you, white folks.

You're fired! Fired!

This is a March
by Negroes for Negroes.

You're fired, too, Kenny.

We need to talk. Oh, come on.

Frankly, I am not
in agreement with this,

but the President
has spoken to the others,

and they have decided
to exclude you

from the leadership committee. What?

Yes, Martin and the others think

that this whole Esther James
slander suit makes you toxic.

Martin "Loser" King
thinks I'm toxic?

Jack does, too.

He's putting his money on King.

Now, we know Martin
does not have a way with words

like you do, but we are hoping

that he comes up
with a half-decent speech.


You sold me out, Kenny.

I know you lied,
talking to the President.

Jack! Fuck him, too!

Please, please, I'm begging you.

You must tell no one

I'm showing you this. Shut up!

Mr. Gigante owns
the building, yes,

and what he does is up to him.

I just lease the space.

Shut the fuck up!

I knew Chin had something
buried down here.

I always thought it was money.

Turns out it was Bonanno's son.

It's empty.

He moved the fucking body.

So much for proof.

I don't know
anything about a body!

Not a fucking word.

Shh. Okay. Okay.

This is it.

My Lord.

They sell spoons of dujiin here.

And also needles.

You've been.

Not in a while.

But sometimes I "fish"
herewith the Sisters.


Share the story of
mytransformation with other users.

They'll listen
to a former junkie.

How long you been clean?

Three months, 27 days.

I am sorry I gave you $100
for drugs

when you came by to see Margaretthat night.

That wasn't Christian of me.

Allah teaches we must forgive.

I'm still learning how.




Well, come on.

Come see what paid for
your fine jewelry

and the furniture
in that penthouse of yours.

This is where
the bills get sent.

They peddle in the back.

Get the fuckout of here, Sister.

We don't want no
crazy-assMuslims up in here.

Come on, get the fuck out.

You've been selling dope

near the Handmaids of Mary
Convent School?


What's Sugar Hill doingup in here?

Do you know who I am?

Should I?

My name is Mayme Johnson,

Bumpy Johnson's wife.

You can either talk to us,

or I can call him
to come and talk to you.

Miss... Mrs. Johnson.

I'm sorry.

You will answer
this woman's questions

and treat her religion
with respect.

Do you understand?

Yes, ma'am.

Any of your pushers tell you
they were short 15 spoons?

Police raided the block

where Ronnie Gaines was sellingyesterday.

He said he stashed a packagein
some girl's bag and ran.

I don't know what happenedafter that.

Well, do you know
where this girl is?

I have no idea.

Don't worry. We'll find her.

Tell me about Lorenzo Bonanno.

What about him?

Did your father have him killed?

How should I know?

Because you were seeing Lorenzo.



Makes no big differenceto him, does it?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I know it's hard to admitthat your father,

he's a monster...

That his love for you,
it's... it's so twisted

that he would killany man
who wanted to have you.

Come on, Stella.

Tell the truth.

I was 13, and he was 17.

We were in love, and...

And one day, he just dis...

Police came by, and ever...
Everybody was looking for him.

They never found the body.

For a long time,
I tried to convince myself

my father had nothing
to do with it.

But nowyou know better, right?

I hate him.


You love him.

That's why you buried itfor so long.

Look, if you want
to protect Teddy,

just do what I say, alright?

Well, you're here,
so that meansthat Teddy Greene is dead.


You fucked up again?

Boss, I-I, uh...

It's alright. You're off the hook.

Your lucky day.


I'm done with Stella.

What do you mean?

She will reap what she sows.

We'll all reap what we sow.

Teddy Greene is under
Bumpy Johnson's protection.

I bet he convinced
Bobby Robinson

to sell the kid's contract
to Royal Chord.

He's trying to stir the pot
with you and Bonanno.

I've had enough
of Bumpy Johnson.

There's something
I want you to do.

You better have a good
reasonfor getting me out here.

I asked you here because

I have a daughter.

And I don't know
whether she's dead or alive.

So I know the kind of pain
that you're in.

I'm here to talk to you
about your son

and who you blame
for his murder.

You found the niggersthat killed my son?

Give me their names. Name your price.

It was two Negroes
who killed your kid,

who were later killed
by the guy who hired them.


Vincent "Chin" Gigante.

I don't believe you.

You don't have to.

You can hear it
from his daughter.

Your rhetoricis quite inflammatory.

But you makesome very good points,

particularly aboutthe
co-option of the March

by the Kennedy government.

The Honorable Elijah
Muhammadis lucky to have you.

Elijah doesn't trust me anymore.

Why is it

when a Negro becomes successful,

his own peoplewant to pull him down?

I've given everything
to the Nation.

Sometimes everythingain't enough.

May I ask the nature
of your visit?

I came to ask you if
you're freeon August 28th.

If you are, perhapsyou would
accept, as my gift,

a ticket to Washington.


Let's raise some hell.

That's what I was
hoping you'd say.

We found a shallow grave in
the basement over at Fidler's.

Looks like the body'sjust been moved.

You sell Bumpy Johnson
all the junk he wants.

This is war.

Done? Yeah.


Look who I got.

I found her hiding out
in my office.

She wouldn't tell me why.

Oh, my God. Come over here.

Come here to me.

Where did you go?

Why did you do that?



What's going on?

Why you dressed like that?

This is how Muslims dress.

Are you surprised, Daddy?

Why is she calling you "Daddy"?

Are you my sister?

Yes, Margaret.

I'm your big sister.

She was a tremendous help to me.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Daddy! Daddy! Oh, no!

Oh, dear Lord. Oh, my God.

You're okay, baby.

Daddy. It's okay, baby.

Everything's gonna
be alright, baby.

Say something, Daddy. Okay?