Godfather of Harlem (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Our Day Will Come - full transcript
Bumpy unexpectedly finds himself at Elise's side when her shoplifting arrest and subsequent abuse is the catalyst for a protest where conflicting interests cause tensions to rise.
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I need the duji.
I can't control the streets
without drugs.
That mean there's more smackin that evidence room
than anywhere
by Pleasant Avenue.
Margaret don't know
I'm her mama.
Get out of here.
It's alright.
Look, Elise --
Get the fuck
out of here!
Frank Nunzi's son, he alwayshad the warms for you.
You want my forgiveness?
You let him take you out.
You were right.
She led me straightto that nigger boyfriend.
Took care of it.
He's gone.
I'll be in Harlemon the next bus back.
you can't do that.
Why don't you let me preachto your congregation,
see if your white man'sChristianity
can stand upfor the black man's nation.
When Hell freezes over.
What, is she gonna
show up here?
Want to be
some kind of mother?
I'll take care of that,
You keep her away
from Margaret.
Take it.
That one.
Time was, 30 keys
would last you six months.
Hey, there's a lot more junkiesthan when you went away, Bump.
We down to our last key.
Look, Gigante ain't backing downfrom blocking our supply,
and he'll kill any Guinea
who sells to us.
We need a steady source.
Hey, young lady.Hold on.
Hold on.
Hey, you!
Stop right there!
Get off me! Get off me!
Don't fucking touch me
like that.
I said
don't you fucking touch me.
What we got here?
Some track marks?
You're a junky,
Miss Rich Girl?
Let me go.
This junky
ain't gonna do shit.
How long's
this gonna take?
I know you're retired,but I got work to do.
I ain't retired.
I keep the peace.
Alright, so, how's the peace
going these days, Frank?
Not great.
You brought me down
to Harlem for this?
Yeah, because
it's about Harlem.
Oh, shit.
This here, who's this?
Sammy Mazucchelli,
I think.
And then -- and the dopethat was in the barrel?
I'll kill
that fucking Bonanno.
This is retributionfor the two soldiers you popped
last month up 156th Street.
Yeah, two soldiers who should've
never been on 156th Street
trying to push Bonanno's dope
in my territory.
You don't want to go to warwith Bonanno.
He didn't want Harlem.
You know that, right?
He didn't want Harlem.
He gave it to me, right?
Because I could see
the value in it.
You understand?
Joey fucking Bananas couldn't.
I ain't sharing Harlem.
Alright, do you want tosave Sammy for his mother,
or you want my guys to take him
and lose him out at sea?
I don't fucking care.Bon voyage.
Just give meone second, Kenny.
President Kennedy is gonna have
to reschedule the call.
What? Again?Ah, don't -- do not blow
your stack, Adam.
Mr. O'Donnell, I don't think
you need to be reminded
that Reverend Powell
was the first to get
significant Civil Rights
legislation through Congress.
He was a large reason the
President won New York City.
The onlyreason!
Oh, now, Adam,
that's not --
Now, if I'd backed
Richard Nixon --
and, given Kennedy's
complete disregard
for my work on the Civil Rights
bill, perhaps I should have --
we'd have a very different
national scenario right now.
Higher Education Bill.
The Minimum Wage Act.
The Fair Employment Committee
Practices Act.
My legislation.
What the congressman
is saying is --
He knows what I'm saying.
If the President
wants my support,
he's gonna have to do
a whole lot more.
I just wish Jack Kennedy
had as much regard
for my legislative agenda
as he does
for Marilyn Monroe's legs.
Ha. Pot calling the kettle
black, wouldn't you say?
Highest administration
treats us like the help.
Now, maybe my constituent
support will dissipate,
and good ol' Jack's second term
might disappear, as well.
Now, now, now hold on here,
Adam, alright?
Jack -- You know Jack has
the greatest respect for you,
and I am your biggest supporter
as far as your agenda.
I think it's brilliant.
Then why am I out herein the bleachers?
Well, things are
a little hot right now,
given your --
your travel debacle.
Travel deb--
Wh-What debacle?
Oh, apparently
you did not get the advance
on Drew Pearson's column
this morning.
"Rumored Powell Trystwith Miss Ohio in Paris."
Oh, my.
I missed you.
You know how stupid it is
that you came back,
Well, this is our chance,
to show Bobby Robinson
my stuff.
He said he wants a songwhite people can dance to.
I told himit's not your thing.
Well, hell,
I'll give him a song
your fucking father
could dance to, then, shit.
Did you miss me?
Of course I missed you.
I've been running downto Lionel at The Bitter End
every timeyou didn't answer that phone.
What is it?
got shot about a week ago
down in the Village.
Must've been the reefer he was
fronting and some other shit.
Oh, my God.
I just laid eyes
on my girl
for the first time
in I don't know how long,
and I can't be sad.
He might look
respectable now,
but this man here had the
flashiest red conk in Harlem.
Well, that was beforeI realized
I was turning my backon our God-given beauty.
I like your hair now.
Well, I don't know.
Looked pretty good
with that red conk
and a killer-diller coat
with a drape shape...
Drape shape reet pleat.
Damn, you was loud.
Oh, man.
Margaret, why don't you go over
to Ms. Albert at the counter?
See if she got
something sweet for you.
Yes, Daddy.
Maybe she got that pie
you like.
Spill it.
I know you told me
you was writing her off,
but one of them
junky boosters
is saying that Elise got busted
stealing at Fidler's.
Elise ain't my problem
I know it hurts,
brother, but...
addicts must fall
before they walk.
I got my family
to think about.
I'm done with Elise.
The thing is...
Ain't nothing your Elijah
gonna tell me
about my daughter getting raped
that don't end with me
killing the motherfucker
that did it.I hear you, brother.
But I've dealt with incidentslike this one
all overwhite-occupied Harlem.
Like this one? You ain't dealt
with one like this one.
Of course not.
My apologies.
But the Nation is equippedto handle it.
You done picked the
wrong time to hustle your
God damn religion, Mal.
Brother it's not --It's not a hustle, brother,
but I'm telling you that thereis a way to get justice
without getting your ass
sent back to prison
where you are of no helpto anyone.
Elise, Mal, Elise!I'm not just talking aboutElise.
There ain't enough pie in theworld to fix Margaret's heart
if her father
goes away again.
Give me a chance to show you thepower of the Nation of Islam.
Bumpy Johnson.
Welcome back.
Mr. Johnson is here
with me.
Who are you?
He's the one from Lifemagazine.
He's Malcolm X.
I'm here on behalfof the Nation of Islam.
We were informed thata Negro woman was assaultedhere in your store.
She's a-a shoplifter.
A-A thief who's cost me
hundreds of dollars
over the past month alone.
And that gives youjust cause to assault her?
Mr. X,
I know who you are.
I-I am Solomon Fidler.
Everyone calls me Sol.
I want you to know that
I've been a supporter of
the Negro race for many years.
Well, we give youour hard-earned money.
I'm not sureI call that support.
My people are not unfamiliar
with persecution.
I mean, I support
Dr. King completely.
I was the first store
to have a Negro Santa.
I'm gonna go inside
and see the girl.
Easy, Johnson.
Easy, Johnson.Hey, whoa,
don't touch me, man.
This is a police matter.
I need you to leave,
or I will call for backup.
I think you should,because mine just arrived.
"Powell and the fair-complexion
Negress, Miss Ohio,
were seen nuzzling arm-in-arm
along 'La Butt Mont-martyr.'"
Le Butte Monmartre.
And you were thinking what?
I was thinking what every manthinks when he's with Miss Ohio.
"They retreated to
a luxury suite at
La Chamber
du Marais..."
La Cham-- Eh.
"...where they did not reappear
until morning.
It was also reported that there
may have been a second woman
in their company?"
Oh, relax, Kenny.
It's a one-day story.
About a week ahead,
people will be talking about
whoever was on "Ed Sullivan."
I mean, come on,
half these white Dixiecrats
have pretty little secretaries
they escort on
fact-finding junkets
and always to a place
with a great wine list.
Nah, no,
this slander job won't work.
I got dirt on them, too.
Look, we may have a libel suit
against the Star.
Unless it's all true.
Well, of course it is.
Except for the threesome part.
That was wishful thinking.
See, r-right there.
That -- That is what Jack
is afraid of.
You can't come out
and just say things like this.
It's bad for your image.
You two seem to have forgotten
why my voters love me.
I get to do and say
what no other Negro gets to.
Brothers love me because I'm
waking up with beautiful women.
Women love
that I'm flying first-class,
but most of all, they know that
my foot was on the sidelines
when it comes to fighting
for their prosperity.
Among our people,
you are a boss, no question,
but their view of you
can shift, Adam.
Yes, you get to do all the shit
the white boys do,
and your people --
that makes them feel like
they have a place,
but those Dixiecrats
are looking at your playboy
image as a chink in your armor.
They're itching for you
to self-destruct.
Along with every piece
of legislation we fought for.
Fucking Kennedygets to fuck movie stars.
I can't even get some
from my secretary.
The Irish was niggers themselvestwo generations back.
Which is why
we understand each other.
All we are saying is
the people in Washington --
all of them -- they're
afraid of you for a reason,
and the reason is
is because you have the votes.
Are you willing to lose
all that over...
Oh, man.
I understand what you're saying,Kenny.
We have
an image problem.
Hey, Ernie.
Miss Gigante.
So, I gotta come find you to askif you're ever gonna call me?
How about you take me back downto The Bitter End on Friday.
I really want to seethat singer again.
Or if you'd rathergo someplace else --
How about we stay uptown?
Music was fun last time.
Let me buy you dinner.
We get to know
each other.
Hey, boss,
can I get a word?
Yeah, sure, sit down.Alright.
I, uh, wanted to ask yourpermission to take Stella out.
I figured I'd take hersomewhere nice uptown, dinner.
But isn't the reason
that I put you with Stella...
...was so that you could track
down that nigger boyfriend
and take him out?
And wasn't that reason
Yeah, it was.
what are we saying?
You saying
you asked her out for real?
I guess I did, yeah.
You thought that was okay
without asking me first?
I'm asking you now.
without my permission?
Alright, I got carried away.She's a beautiful girl.
I didn't mean nothing.Oh, you think you're worthy
of dating my daughter?
Boss --
I said
you think you're worthy?
This is 1010 WINS, local news
in Harlem this afternoon --
there's apparent protests...Since the fourth grade,boss,
she's been that girl for --Shut the fuck up.
...125th Street.
Civil Rights leader Malcolm X
and members of
the Nation of Islam
have surrounded
the upscale store.
The reason
for the demonstration
is unclear at this time,
but authorities are already
on the scene ready to...
What's the problem?
Moolies are protesting somethingevery other week.
Not in my building.
You own Fidler's?
Just the building.
Store owner pays the rent
and for protection.
Alright, so, what,a couple windows get smashed,
we collectthe insurance money.
What's the problem?Hey. Do me a favor.
Get that kike Fidler
on the phone, would you?
Uh, I'm so sorry.
But this has been
a misunderstanding.
I don't want to press
any charges.
I just spoke
to the building owner.
No charges.
So, we can all go home,
let everything
get back to normal.
Sergeant Hollis, I'm sorry
to have bothered you.You lost
your fucking mind, man?
Mr. Johnson.
It's been an honor, Mr. X.
All due respect,Mr. Fidler, but, uh,
this junky'sbeen in and out of two weeks.
We lost $300 worth ofmerchandise in that time.
You raped me.
I'm gonna kill you!
I didn't touch her!
Get off him, Johnson.
Let go.
I'll fucking kill
your fucking ass.Get off him!
Calm down, brother.
Easy, Bumpy.
What in the holy fuck
is going on here?
That's my daughter.
You're my daughter.
what's s-sorghum?
It's a kind of molasses,makes the cake your daddy likes.
Who's Elise?
Where'd you
hear that name from?
I heard Daddy talking.
Couldn't tell you.
Lots of Elises in Harlem.
Why don't you crack the eggs in.
Watch for the shells.
Daddy knows who she is,
and Mr. Xsays he should catch her.
What'd I say
about them eggs?
You got
any more questions?
Then stay out of
grown folks' business.
Hot dog. What a day, what a day,what a day, what a day. Stop.
How about
one for the road?
Maybe I don't need anymore.Maybe not.
Maybe not.
Oh, just a little taste,
little taste.
Fine, fine.
Hey, not too much.
I got to go.
I seen you down a whole bottle
of the finest French merlot.
Now, uh...
you know that I'm gonna need
you to make a public statement.
About what?About how we are not now
nor ever have been fucking.
But we fuck all the time.Yeah, and that's true,
but, for the public record,
this never happened.
Do I mean anything to you
besides a littlefun under the covers?
Baby, baby,
baby, baby, now.
I need to get this scandal
off the front page.
Sit down, talk to me.
You are the trifecta --
young, fair, beautiful.
You're Miss Ohio,
for God's sake.
Now, I'm gonna need you to come
forward at a press conference
and tell the world that there isnothing between us.
I am not your play thing, Adam,or your puppet.
You know how I feel about you
has nothing to do
with how
the public sees me.
Now, you know I care.
And you know I don't lie --
not to you,and not to the world.
So, unless you want meat a press conference
telling everybody
how good we fuck,
you gonna leave it alone.
So, what are you gonna do?
Well, I guess I'll have to just
throw some kid's cat up a tree
and hope the New York Times
is there when I save it.
...as over 100 demonstrators
have assembled...
Wait a minute. ...the detainment...
Wait, hold that thought.
...of what some in the crowd
are calling
a wrongfully accused
Solomon Fidler, owner of
Fidler's Department Store,
has declined comment.
The Dow Jones
Industrial Average
is risen for the third
consecutive day.
- Yeah, I don't understand.
- I told you no charges.
Everyone can just go home.
Apologies, Mr. Fidler,
but if there was a rape here,
we're talking about this young
woman's charges, not yours.
Okay, um, no charges.
Uh, I-I-I fire
both those men,
and I give you
and your father each
$100 dollars worth
of credit --
You'd give me $100?
Uh, cash, if you pref--Are you serious?
You think you can purchase ablack woman's dignity with $200?
I just --
I just -- I'm sorry,
but I don't want my property
Well,maybe it should be destroyed.
No one's
destroying anything.
You keep making inflammatory
statements, Mr. X,
I will charge you
for inciting a riot.
That's five years in the pen,
so tone it down, alright?
Mr. Fidler?
We'll need your statement,
Miss Johnson.
Don't worry.
I'll bring her right back.
My daughter being walked offwith a white policeman.
That look like justiceto you?
It's better than
you being walked off
with a white policeman
in chains.
My child was raped.
you want to take it as part ofyour God damn movement.
Look, Bumpy, if you think
that's why I'm here, I'm sorry.
But Elise is
a part of a bigger battle,
and I care for her soul
like I care for yours.
I hope you'll see that.
The Lord is my shepherd.I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.
He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
And yea,
though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil.
What's in your hands?
What's in your hands?Yes!
Hanging on the cross,
I got two nails in my hands.
I stretch my hands to Thee.
Only hope I know...
...and that man, with two nails
in his hands,
split history in half --
B.C. and A.D.
Hey, brother.
Who let him get up there?
What's in your hands today,
good people of Harlem?
You got God in your hands,
and with God in your hands,
you win,
so walk with him,
and talk with him.Yes!
And work with him, and fight
together, and stay together.
And I say unto you now,
God bless you all.
Yes, God bless you all.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Quite a performance,Reverend Powell.
Oh, I'm just warming them up
for you.
Reverend Powell,
a man who surely thinks his
heart is in the right place.
You see, a Christian man
will always tell you
that change
comes from the heart.
But my faith tells me that
change comes from the mind.
-That's true.
-Right on.
A Christian man will always tellyou to turn the other cheek,
but my faith tells me
that's how a man gets beat.
Please, please.
A Christian man
might even tell you
that our sister
locked inside that store
should submit to the rape
of a white man.
Just the way that our
grandmothers had to submit
to the rapes of their masters
in the fields.
So ask yourself.
Do you want
Christian forgiveness
or the justice of Islam?
I gotta
tell you something.
No, really,
it's serious.
I think my father
had Lionel killed.
So, while you were gone, I went
on a date with this guy --
Whoa, you --
you went on a date?Just to make my father
Did you -- Did he touch you?Did you sleep with him?No, no. No, Teddy.
No.Why the fuck would yougo on a date, Stella?
Just -- To prove
that we broke up, okay?
My dad wanted me to go out
with this guy, Ernie,
and I think that
that might've been the night
that Lionel was killed.
Why do you think that?
Because I went
to see Ernie, and...
I could see that he knew
that Lionel was dead,
and he didn't think
that I knew.
They thought he was you.
This is crazy.
You changing 'cause you got herwhite-girl smell all over you?
Mama.Don't "Mama" me, baby,
when all I'm doingis telling you the truth.
This girl don't understand you.
She don't love you.
She wants to
make her daddy mad,
and you just a tool
she using to do it.
Must bereal exciting for her
running all over the town
with a Negro man.
Must get her all hotand bothered and juicy.
Can you please stop?
I won't stop.This is serious, Teddy.
This is real.
I pray for your life every nightit's so real.
And you so caught upin this white girl
you can't even seewhat it is she doing to you.
"Daddy, I'm not
the best writer or speaker,
although you always encourage meto write down my feelings
and to say what it is
that my heart wants to say,
but this time words can't
explain how much I miss you.
Even though you're away,
I guess I'm just trying to say
that things just aren't the samewithout my superhero,
my friend, my dad.
I'll always love you, Daddy.
Love, Elise."
Cops treat you alright?
Why'd you ID
the white guy?
He didn't rape you.
The nigger did it.
When I went
at the white boy,
I could see in his eyesthat he didn't do it.
Ain't that what your friend
Malcolm's always saying?
We got to look out
for our own.
You feeling alright?
You hurt?
Ain't nothing funny
about this.
Yeah, there is.
You think
this is the first time
I had some dick
I didn't want in me?
I'm a junky, Daddy.
I've been raped
so many times
I can't even remember
half of them.
You tell me that
to hurt me?
Did it?
Hurt you?
More than you can know.
I can't watch you do this toyourself anymore.
You can't
or you just don't care to?
Why you thinkI don't care about you?
Because you don't.
The hell I don't.
I want to kill the guywho did this to you.
I want to -- I want tokill every guy
who's ever touched you,done this shit --
And what the fuck does any of
that got to do with me?
You know what, Daddy?
You don't want to do this
and neither do I.
So I'm gonna give you
what you always wanted.
I'm gonna set you free.
You were a shitty father.
We both know that.
But I'm a shitty daughter,
and I know that, too.
A junky, a whore,
begging you for money,
showing up at your house.
I'm a weight
around your neck,
and ain't none of that
ever gonna change,
so maybe we just decide
to let things be
and go our separate ways.
I love you, Elise.
I know.
And I forgive you,
So I want
to set you free.
When do we want it?Crowd: Now!
What do we want?Justice!
When do we want it?Now!
What do we want?Justice!
When do we want it?
Quite a party out there.Something like that.
We got word Frank Costellois asking to meet you.
Not right now.He said it was urgent.
He's waiting for youat Bamonte's.
Don't let her
out of your sight.
What's going on at Fidler'scould get very dangerous for you
if those cops
go down to the basement.
What's that
supposed to mean?
We've all done some things that
we wish we hadn't done, huh?
Something you need,
Have a seat.
It must be important
if Chin's here.
So, that's my building,the Fidler store is.
I don't want it damaged.
I want Malcolm and his people --I want them out of there.
And you can help me because yougot influence with these people.
Nobody wants
their buildings damaged.
But you don't really care
about a Negro protest.
Do you?
Right after I went to Alcatraz,
Mayme told me
about Fidler's getting
burnt down to the ground.
Got it rebuilt up in,
uh, '57.
You guys are in
the concrete racket, right?
Lots of concrete
in those buildings.
Makes a guy wonder
what else might be in there.
Who knows?
What do you want?
I want to buy heroin
from the Guineas.
A steady supply.
I'll keep
your building safe.
Thanks for setting this up,
You're witness on this.
We're good.
I got to get going.Yeah, go.
You just got to look up, baby,
and smile at the suits.
You know they like all that.
Just relax.
Can you just let me be?
You cango on ahead now, boy.
Go ahead, Teddy.
I'll sign you right nowif you cut that for me
as your first single.
Y-Yes, we say yes.
Teddy, what's going on?
I'm sorry, Mr. Robinson,
but if this
is what you want from me,
then I just can't.
I'll talk to him.Yeah, you do that.
Teddy, what the fuck was that?
What's going on?If you want the deal so bad,you go back and get it.
Hey. Hey, you said
you wanted this.
This is everything
that you wanted.
You said you'd make a songmy fucking father could sing.
Why are you with me?What?
Did you want me to write
that bubble gum music?
Do you even
know who I am?
I love you.You love me?
Yes, baby. I love you.
You love me, or you just love
fucking a nigger?
You knowI fucking hate that word.
You can't do that to me.I'm not nobody's boy,
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
You want to
disperse the crowd
by arresting a white guard?
That goes against just about
every policy the NYPD has.
You want these peopleto calm down?
Then that'swhat it's gonna take.
You can cut him loosewhen you get to the station.
Just wait for my signal,
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
You about ready to
call this thing off, man?
Send these folks home
before somebody gets killed?
We cannot capitulate.
Burning down our own
neighborhood is not bravery.
It's insanity.Reverend's right.
All this preacher man wantsis a new front page,
one that does not includehis sexual exploits.
And all you want is a platform
to gain new recruits.
It don't matter
now that we got this situation.
I can use you guys,
help me shut this down.
Shut it down?What's your angle, Bumpy?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
Hey, everybody!
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
Hey, everybody!
I'm the one
y'all showed up for.
Sister Elise.
But I got to ask,
why you all here?
It can't be for me.
Just another junky most of youpass up on the street every day.
Alright, sister, alright.
Why are you here?
You just want to throw shit
and make a scene?
Or did you realize that just
like you see me as a junky,
they see you as niggers?
But I'm not anybody's nigger.
I'm not anybody's junky.
I am not your disappointing
I'm not your project.
I'm not your headline.
I am so much more than
you have ever been able to see.
I'm taking myself back.
It's time for me to rise.
It's time for all of us
to rise.
Haven't y'all had enough?
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
All of y'all here --
you know who I am,
and we're gonna get this girl
her justice.
They're bringing him to jail
right now.
Right now.
It's a white man!
You can go home.
We've got our justice.
Go home.
Easy, boys. Easy, easy.
- Come on.
- Alright, it's over.
-Keep it moving.
-Let's go.
-Go home.
Do you really wantto take my daughter out, huh?
Yeah, I do.
I do, and I'd treat her right.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, that's okay.
President Kennedy
is on the line.
Oh, Patricia. My, my, my, I mustsay you look beautiful today.
Hello, Jack.
Yeah, I saw Miss Monroe
sing "Happy Birthday" to youon television.
I can't say much
about her voice,
but every other part of heris right on time.
Yes, now, before we get into mysuggestions on the amendment,
I just want to reiteratethe importance
of breaking this billinto sections.
I didn't -- I didn't knowit was your daughter.
I'm sorry.
Please don't kill me.Please.
Ain't gonna kill you.
You don't deserve that.
Say hello
to Big Dick Buster.
Please, don't.
I need the duji.
I can't control the streets
without drugs.
That mean there's more smackin that evidence room
than anywhere
by Pleasant Avenue.
Margaret don't know
I'm her mama.
Get out of here.
It's alright.
Look, Elise --
Get the fuck
out of here!
Frank Nunzi's son, he alwayshad the warms for you.
You want my forgiveness?
You let him take you out.
You were right.
She led me straightto that nigger boyfriend.
Took care of it.
He's gone.
I'll be in Harlemon the next bus back.
you can't do that.
Why don't you let me preachto your congregation,
see if your white man'sChristianity
can stand upfor the black man's nation.
When Hell freezes over.
What, is she gonna
show up here?
Want to be
some kind of mother?
I'll take care of that,
You keep her away
from Margaret.
Take it.
That one.
Time was, 30 keys
would last you six months.
Hey, there's a lot more junkiesthan when you went away, Bump.
We down to our last key.
Look, Gigante ain't backing downfrom blocking our supply,
and he'll kill any Guinea
who sells to us.
We need a steady source.
Hey, young lady.Hold on.
Hold on.
Hey, you!
Stop right there!
Get off me! Get off me!
Don't fucking touch me
like that.
I said
don't you fucking touch me.
What we got here?
Some track marks?
You're a junky,
Miss Rich Girl?
Let me go.
This junky
ain't gonna do shit.
How long's
this gonna take?
I know you're retired,but I got work to do.
I ain't retired.
I keep the peace.
Alright, so, how's the peace
going these days, Frank?
Not great.
You brought me down
to Harlem for this?
Yeah, because
it's about Harlem.
Oh, shit.
This here, who's this?
Sammy Mazucchelli,
I think.
And then -- and the dopethat was in the barrel?
I'll kill
that fucking Bonanno.
This is retributionfor the two soldiers you popped
last month up 156th Street.
Yeah, two soldiers who should've
never been on 156th Street
trying to push Bonanno's dope
in my territory.
You don't want to go to warwith Bonanno.
He didn't want Harlem.
You know that, right?
He didn't want Harlem.
He gave it to me, right?
Because I could see
the value in it.
You understand?
Joey fucking Bananas couldn't.
I ain't sharing Harlem.
Alright, do you want tosave Sammy for his mother,
or you want my guys to take him
and lose him out at sea?
I don't fucking care.Bon voyage.
Just give meone second, Kenny.
President Kennedy is gonna have
to reschedule the call.
What? Again?Ah, don't -- do not blow
your stack, Adam.
Mr. O'Donnell, I don't think
you need to be reminded
that Reverend Powell
was the first to get
significant Civil Rights
legislation through Congress.
He was a large reason the
President won New York City.
The onlyreason!
Oh, now, Adam,
that's not --
Now, if I'd backed
Richard Nixon --
and, given Kennedy's
complete disregard
for my work on the Civil Rights
bill, perhaps I should have --
we'd have a very different
national scenario right now.
Higher Education Bill.
The Minimum Wage Act.
The Fair Employment Committee
Practices Act.
My legislation.
What the congressman
is saying is --
He knows what I'm saying.
If the President
wants my support,
he's gonna have to do
a whole lot more.
I just wish Jack Kennedy
had as much regard
for my legislative agenda
as he does
for Marilyn Monroe's legs.
Ha. Pot calling the kettle
black, wouldn't you say?
Highest administration
treats us like the help.
Now, maybe my constituent
support will dissipate,
and good ol' Jack's second term
might disappear, as well.
Now, now, now hold on here,
Adam, alright?
Jack -- You know Jack has
the greatest respect for you,
and I am your biggest supporter
as far as your agenda.
I think it's brilliant.
Then why am I out herein the bleachers?
Well, things are
a little hot right now,
given your --
your travel debacle.
Travel deb--
Wh-What debacle?
Oh, apparently
you did not get the advance
on Drew Pearson's column
this morning.
"Rumored Powell Trystwith Miss Ohio in Paris."
Oh, my.
I missed you.
You know how stupid it is
that you came back,
Well, this is our chance,
to show Bobby Robinson
my stuff.
He said he wants a songwhite people can dance to.
I told himit's not your thing.
Well, hell,
I'll give him a song
your fucking father
could dance to, then, shit.
Did you miss me?
Of course I missed you.
I've been running downto Lionel at The Bitter End
every timeyou didn't answer that phone.
What is it?
got shot about a week ago
down in the Village.
Must've been the reefer he was
fronting and some other shit.
Oh, my God.
I just laid eyes
on my girl
for the first time
in I don't know how long,
and I can't be sad.
He might look
respectable now,
but this man here had the
flashiest red conk in Harlem.
Well, that was beforeI realized
I was turning my backon our God-given beauty.
I like your hair now.
Well, I don't know.
Looked pretty good
with that red conk
and a killer-diller coat
with a drape shape...
Drape shape reet pleat.
Damn, you was loud.
Oh, man.
Margaret, why don't you go over
to Ms. Albert at the counter?
See if she got
something sweet for you.
Yes, Daddy.
Maybe she got that pie
you like.
Spill it.
I know you told me
you was writing her off,
but one of them
junky boosters
is saying that Elise got busted
stealing at Fidler's.
Elise ain't my problem
I know it hurts,
brother, but...
addicts must fall
before they walk.
I got my family
to think about.
I'm done with Elise.
The thing is...
Ain't nothing your Elijah
gonna tell me
about my daughter getting raped
that don't end with me
killing the motherfucker
that did it.I hear you, brother.
But I've dealt with incidentslike this one
all overwhite-occupied Harlem.
Like this one? You ain't dealt
with one like this one.
Of course not.
My apologies.
But the Nation is equippedto handle it.
You done picked the
wrong time to hustle your
God damn religion, Mal.
Brother it's not --It's not a hustle, brother,
but I'm telling you that thereis a way to get justice
without getting your ass
sent back to prison
where you are of no helpto anyone.
Elise, Mal, Elise!I'm not just talking aboutElise.
There ain't enough pie in theworld to fix Margaret's heart
if her father
goes away again.
Give me a chance to show you thepower of the Nation of Islam.
Bumpy Johnson.
Welcome back.
Mr. Johnson is here
with me.
Who are you?
He's the one from Lifemagazine.
He's Malcolm X.
I'm here on behalfof the Nation of Islam.
We were informed thata Negro woman was assaultedhere in your store.
She's a-a shoplifter.
A-A thief who's cost me
hundreds of dollars
over the past month alone.
And that gives youjust cause to assault her?
Mr. X,
I know who you are.
I-I am Solomon Fidler.
Everyone calls me Sol.
I want you to know that
I've been a supporter of
the Negro race for many years.
Well, we give youour hard-earned money.
I'm not sureI call that support.
My people are not unfamiliar
with persecution.
I mean, I support
Dr. King completely.
I was the first store
to have a Negro Santa.
I'm gonna go inside
and see the girl.
Easy, Johnson.
Easy, Johnson.Hey, whoa,
don't touch me, man.
This is a police matter.
I need you to leave,
or I will call for backup.
I think you should,because mine just arrived.
"Powell and the fair-complexion
Negress, Miss Ohio,
were seen nuzzling arm-in-arm
along 'La Butt Mont-martyr.'"
Le Butte Monmartre.
And you were thinking what?
I was thinking what every manthinks when he's with Miss Ohio.
"They retreated to
a luxury suite at
La Chamber
du Marais..."
La Cham-- Eh.
"...where they did not reappear
until morning.
It was also reported that there
may have been a second woman
in their company?"
Oh, relax, Kenny.
It's a one-day story.
About a week ahead,
people will be talking about
whoever was on "Ed Sullivan."
I mean, come on,
half these white Dixiecrats
have pretty little secretaries
they escort on
fact-finding junkets
and always to a place
with a great wine list.
Nah, no,
this slander job won't work.
I got dirt on them, too.
Look, we may have a libel suit
against the Star.
Unless it's all true.
Well, of course it is.
Except for the threesome part.
That was wishful thinking.
See, r-right there.
That -- That is what Jack
is afraid of.
You can't come out
and just say things like this.
It's bad for your image.
You two seem to have forgotten
why my voters love me.
I get to do and say
what no other Negro gets to.
Brothers love me because I'm
waking up with beautiful women.
Women love
that I'm flying first-class,
but most of all, they know that
my foot was on the sidelines
when it comes to fighting
for their prosperity.
Among our people,
you are a boss, no question,
but their view of you
can shift, Adam.
Yes, you get to do all the shit
the white boys do,
and your people --
that makes them feel like
they have a place,
but those Dixiecrats
are looking at your playboy
image as a chink in your armor.
They're itching for you
to self-destruct.
Along with every piece
of legislation we fought for.
Fucking Kennedygets to fuck movie stars.
I can't even get some
from my secretary.
The Irish was niggers themselvestwo generations back.
Which is why
we understand each other.
All we are saying is
the people in Washington --
all of them -- they're
afraid of you for a reason,
and the reason is
is because you have the votes.
Are you willing to lose
all that over...
Oh, man.
I understand what you're saying,Kenny.
We have
an image problem.
Hey, Ernie.
Miss Gigante.
So, I gotta come find you to askif you're ever gonna call me?
How about you take me back downto The Bitter End on Friday.
I really want to seethat singer again.
Or if you'd rathergo someplace else --
How about we stay uptown?
Music was fun last time.
Let me buy you dinner.
We get to know
each other.
Hey, boss,
can I get a word?
Yeah, sure, sit down.Alright.
I, uh, wanted to ask yourpermission to take Stella out.
I figured I'd take hersomewhere nice uptown, dinner.
But isn't the reason
that I put you with Stella...
...was so that you could track
down that nigger boyfriend
and take him out?
And wasn't that reason
Yeah, it was.
what are we saying?
You saying
you asked her out for real?
I guess I did, yeah.
You thought that was okay
without asking me first?
I'm asking you now.
without my permission?
Alright, I got carried away.She's a beautiful girl.
I didn't mean nothing.Oh, you think you're worthy
of dating my daughter?
Boss --
I said
you think you're worthy?
This is 1010 WINS, local news
in Harlem this afternoon --
there's apparent protests...Since the fourth grade,boss,
she's been that girl for --Shut the fuck up.
...125th Street.
Civil Rights leader Malcolm X
and members of
the Nation of Islam
have surrounded
the upscale store.
The reason
for the demonstration
is unclear at this time,
but authorities are already
on the scene ready to...
What's the problem?
Moolies are protesting somethingevery other week.
Not in my building.
You own Fidler's?
Just the building.
Store owner pays the rent
and for protection.
Alright, so, what,a couple windows get smashed,
we collectthe insurance money.
What's the problem?Hey. Do me a favor.
Get that kike Fidler
on the phone, would you?
Uh, I'm so sorry.
But this has been
a misunderstanding.
I don't want to press
any charges.
I just spoke
to the building owner.
No charges.
So, we can all go home,
let everything
get back to normal.
Sergeant Hollis, I'm sorry
to have bothered you.You lost
your fucking mind, man?
Mr. Johnson.
It's been an honor, Mr. X.
All due respect,Mr. Fidler, but, uh,
this junky'sbeen in and out of two weeks.
We lost $300 worth ofmerchandise in that time.
You raped me.
I'm gonna kill you!
I didn't touch her!
Get off him, Johnson.
Let go.
I'll fucking kill
your fucking ass.Get off him!
Calm down, brother.
Easy, Bumpy.
What in the holy fuck
is going on here?
That's my daughter.
You're my daughter.
what's s-sorghum?
It's a kind of molasses,makes the cake your daddy likes.
Who's Elise?
Where'd you
hear that name from?
I heard Daddy talking.
Couldn't tell you.
Lots of Elises in Harlem.
Why don't you crack the eggs in.
Watch for the shells.
Daddy knows who she is,
and Mr. Xsays he should catch her.
What'd I say
about them eggs?
You got
any more questions?
Then stay out of
grown folks' business.
Hot dog. What a day, what a day,what a day, what a day. Stop.
How about
one for the road?
Maybe I don't need anymore.Maybe not.
Maybe not.
Oh, just a little taste,
little taste.
Fine, fine.
Hey, not too much.
I got to go.
I seen you down a whole bottle
of the finest French merlot.
Now, uh...
you know that I'm gonna need
you to make a public statement.
About what?About how we are not now
nor ever have been fucking.
But we fuck all the time.Yeah, and that's true,
but, for the public record,
this never happened.
Do I mean anything to you
besides a littlefun under the covers?
Baby, baby,
baby, baby, now.
I need to get this scandal
off the front page.
Sit down, talk to me.
You are the trifecta --
young, fair, beautiful.
You're Miss Ohio,
for God's sake.
Now, I'm gonna need you to come
forward at a press conference
and tell the world that there isnothing between us.
I am not your play thing, Adam,or your puppet.
You know how I feel about you
has nothing to do
with how
the public sees me.
Now, you know I care.
And you know I don't lie --
not to you,and not to the world.
So, unless you want meat a press conference
telling everybody
how good we fuck,
you gonna leave it alone.
So, what are you gonna do?
Well, I guess I'll have to just
throw some kid's cat up a tree
and hope the New York Times
is there when I save it.
...as over 100 demonstrators
have assembled...
Wait a minute. ...the detainment...
Wait, hold that thought.
...of what some in the crowd
are calling
a wrongfully accused
Solomon Fidler, owner of
Fidler's Department Store,
has declined comment.
The Dow Jones
Industrial Average
is risen for the third
consecutive day.
- Yeah, I don't understand.
- I told you no charges.
Everyone can just go home.
Apologies, Mr. Fidler,
but if there was a rape here,
we're talking about this young
woman's charges, not yours.
Okay, um, no charges.
Uh, I-I-I fire
both those men,
and I give you
and your father each
$100 dollars worth
of credit --
You'd give me $100?
Uh, cash, if you pref--Are you serious?
You think you can purchase ablack woman's dignity with $200?
I just --
I just -- I'm sorry,
but I don't want my property
Well,maybe it should be destroyed.
No one's
destroying anything.
You keep making inflammatory
statements, Mr. X,
I will charge you
for inciting a riot.
That's five years in the pen,
so tone it down, alright?
Mr. Fidler?
We'll need your statement,
Miss Johnson.
Don't worry.
I'll bring her right back.
My daughter being walked offwith a white policeman.
That look like justiceto you?
It's better than
you being walked off
with a white policeman
in chains.
My child was raped.
you want to take it as part ofyour God damn movement.
Look, Bumpy, if you think
that's why I'm here, I'm sorry.
But Elise is
a part of a bigger battle,
and I care for her soul
like I care for yours.
I hope you'll see that.
The Lord is my shepherd.I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.
He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
And yea,
though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil.
What's in your hands?
What's in your hands?Yes!
Hanging on the cross,
I got two nails in my hands.
I stretch my hands to Thee.
Only hope I know...
...and that man, with two nails
in his hands,
split history in half --
B.C. and A.D.
Hey, brother.
Who let him get up there?
What's in your hands today,
good people of Harlem?
You got God in your hands,
and with God in your hands,
you win,
so walk with him,
and talk with him.Yes!
And work with him, and fight
together, and stay together.
And I say unto you now,
God bless you all.
Yes, God bless you all.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Amen, brother Malcolm.
Quite a performance,Reverend Powell.
Oh, I'm just warming them up
for you.
Reverend Powell,
a man who surely thinks his
heart is in the right place.
You see, a Christian man
will always tell you
that change
comes from the heart.
But my faith tells me that
change comes from the mind.
-That's true.
-Right on.
A Christian man will always tellyou to turn the other cheek,
but my faith tells me
that's how a man gets beat.
Please, please.
A Christian man
might even tell you
that our sister
locked inside that store
should submit to the rape
of a white man.
Just the way that our
grandmothers had to submit
to the rapes of their masters
in the fields.
So ask yourself.
Do you want
Christian forgiveness
or the justice of Islam?
I gotta
tell you something.
No, really,
it's serious.
I think my father
had Lionel killed.
So, while you were gone, I went
on a date with this guy --
Whoa, you --
you went on a date?Just to make my father
Did you -- Did he touch you?Did you sleep with him?No, no. No, Teddy.
No.Why the fuck would yougo on a date, Stella?
Just -- To prove
that we broke up, okay?
My dad wanted me to go out
with this guy, Ernie,
and I think that
that might've been the night
that Lionel was killed.
Why do you think that?
Because I went
to see Ernie, and...
I could see that he knew
that Lionel was dead,
and he didn't think
that I knew.
They thought he was you.
This is crazy.
You changing 'cause you got herwhite-girl smell all over you?
Mama.Don't "Mama" me, baby,
when all I'm doingis telling you the truth.
This girl don't understand you.
She don't love you.
She wants to
make her daddy mad,
and you just a tool
she using to do it.
Must bereal exciting for her
running all over the town
with a Negro man.
Must get her all hotand bothered and juicy.
Can you please stop?
I won't stop.This is serious, Teddy.
This is real.
I pray for your life every nightit's so real.
And you so caught upin this white girl
you can't even seewhat it is she doing to you.
"Daddy, I'm not
the best writer or speaker,
although you always encourage meto write down my feelings
and to say what it is
that my heart wants to say,
but this time words can't
explain how much I miss you.
Even though you're away,
I guess I'm just trying to say
that things just aren't the samewithout my superhero,
my friend, my dad.
I'll always love you, Daddy.
Love, Elise."
Cops treat you alright?
Why'd you ID
the white guy?
He didn't rape you.
The nigger did it.
When I went
at the white boy,
I could see in his eyesthat he didn't do it.
Ain't that what your friend
Malcolm's always saying?
We got to look out
for our own.
You feeling alright?
You hurt?
Ain't nothing funny
about this.
Yeah, there is.
You think
this is the first time
I had some dick
I didn't want in me?
I'm a junky, Daddy.
I've been raped
so many times
I can't even remember
half of them.
You tell me that
to hurt me?
Did it?
Hurt you?
More than you can know.
I can't watch you do this toyourself anymore.
You can't
or you just don't care to?
Why you thinkI don't care about you?
Because you don't.
The hell I don't.
I want to kill the guywho did this to you.
I want to -- I want tokill every guy
who's ever touched you,done this shit --
And what the fuck does any of
that got to do with me?
You know what, Daddy?
You don't want to do this
and neither do I.
So I'm gonna give you
what you always wanted.
I'm gonna set you free.
You were a shitty father.
We both know that.
But I'm a shitty daughter,
and I know that, too.
A junky, a whore,
begging you for money,
showing up at your house.
I'm a weight
around your neck,
and ain't none of that
ever gonna change,
so maybe we just decide
to let things be
and go our separate ways.
I love you, Elise.
I know.
And I forgive you,
So I want
to set you free.
When do we want it?Crowd: Now!
What do we want?Justice!
When do we want it?Now!
What do we want?Justice!
When do we want it?
Quite a party out there.Something like that.
We got word Frank Costellois asking to meet you.
Not right now.He said it was urgent.
He's waiting for youat Bamonte's.
Don't let her
out of your sight.
What's going on at Fidler'scould get very dangerous for you
if those cops
go down to the basement.
What's that
supposed to mean?
We've all done some things that
we wish we hadn't done, huh?
Something you need,
Have a seat.
It must be important
if Chin's here.
So, that's my building,the Fidler store is.
I don't want it damaged.
I want Malcolm and his people --I want them out of there.
And you can help me because yougot influence with these people.
Nobody wants
their buildings damaged.
But you don't really care
about a Negro protest.
Do you?
Right after I went to Alcatraz,
Mayme told me
about Fidler's getting
burnt down to the ground.
Got it rebuilt up in,
uh, '57.
You guys are in
the concrete racket, right?
Lots of concrete
in those buildings.
Makes a guy wonder
what else might be in there.
Who knows?
What do you want?
I want to buy heroin
from the Guineas.
A steady supply.
I'll keep
your building safe.
Thanks for setting this up,
You're witness on this.
We're good.
I got to get going.Yeah, go.
You just got to look up, baby,
and smile at the suits.
You know they like all that.
Just relax.
Can you just let me be?
You cango on ahead now, boy.
Go ahead, Teddy.
I'll sign you right nowif you cut that for me
as your first single.
Y-Yes, we say yes.
Teddy, what's going on?
I'm sorry, Mr. Robinson,
but if this
is what you want from me,
then I just can't.
I'll talk to him.Yeah, you do that.
Teddy, what the fuck was that?
What's going on?If you want the deal so bad,you go back and get it.
Hey. Hey, you said
you wanted this.
This is everything
that you wanted.
You said you'd make a songmy fucking father could sing.
Why are you with me?What?
Did you want me to write
that bubble gum music?
Do you even
know who I am?
I love you.You love me?
Yes, baby. I love you.
You love me, or you just love
fucking a nigger?
You knowI fucking hate that word.
You can't do that to me.I'm not nobody's boy,
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
You want to
disperse the crowd
by arresting a white guard?
That goes against just about
every policy the NYPD has.
You want these peopleto calm down?
Then that'swhat it's gonna take.
You can cut him loosewhen you get to the station.
Just wait for my signal,
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
You about ready to
call this thing off, man?
Send these folks home
before somebody gets killed?
We cannot capitulate.
Burning down our own
neighborhood is not bravery.
It's insanity.Reverend's right.
All this preacher man wantsis a new front page,
one that does not includehis sexual exploits.
And all you want is a platform
to gain new recruits.
It don't matter
now that we got this situation.
I can use you guys,
help me shut this down.
Shut it down?What's your angle, Bumpy?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
-What do we want?
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
Hey, everybody!
-What do we want?
-When do we want it?
Hey, everybody!
I'm the one
y'all showed up for.
Sister Elise.
But I got to ask,
why you all here?
It can't be for me.
Just another junky most of youpass up on the street every day.
Alright, sister, alright.
Why are you here?
You just want to throw shit
and make a scene?
Or did you realize that just
like you see me as a junky,
they see you as niggers?
But I'm not anybody's nigger.
I'm not anybody's junky.
I am not your disappointing
I'm not your project.
I'm not your headline.
I am so much more than
you have ever been able to see.
I'm taking myself back.
It's time for me to rise.
It's time for all of us
to rise.
Haven't y'all had enough?
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
Take it back.
All of y'all here --
you know who I am,
and we're gonna get this girl
her justice.
They're bringing him to jail
right now.
Right now.
It's a white man!
You can go home.
We've got our justice.
Go home.
Easy, boys. Easy, easy.
- Come on.
- Alright, it's over.
-Keep it moving.
-Let's go.
-Go home.
Do you really wantto take my daughter out, huh?
Yeah, I do.
I do, and I'd treat her right.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, that's okay.
President Kennedy
is on the line.
Oh, Patricia. My, my, my, I mustsay you look beautiful today.
Hello, Jack.
Yeah, I saw Miss Monroe
sing "Happy Birthday" to youon television.
I can't say much
about her voice,
but every other part of heris right on time.
Yes, now, before we get into mysuggestions on the amendment,
I just want to reiteratethe importance
of breaking this billinto sections.
I didn't -- I didn't knowit was your daughter.
I'm sorry.
Please don't kill me.Please.
Ain't gonna kill you.
You don't deserve that.
Say hello
to Big Dick Buster.
Please, don't.