Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - London Fashion Week - full transcript

Style and precision matter when the players paint under pressure for a runway show and produce makeup palettes to complement a designer collection.

[Stacey] It's time to Glow Up.

[Belinda] Good morning, everyone!

[all] Good morning!

[phone rings]

[Stacey] Whilst the MUAs
are still getting ready,

Glow Up judge Val Garland
has a message for them.


I am very busy at London Fashion Week,

and in exactly one hour, you will be too.

Your show starts at six pm.

You have a lot of models
to get through before that time.

Good luck and don't let me down.

-[Nikki] That's all?

[Stacey] London Fashion Week
showcases over 250 designers

to a global audience of
influential media and retailers.

I need another ombre lip.

Each runway show has
a team of people working together,

from designers to hairstylists
and makeup.

She ain't bringin' it, babe.

The lead makeup artist in
the backstage team is called the key.

Working with a key artist
can be really intense.

You have to just be listening
for everything,

the style of the makeup,
the nuances of the color,

then replicate the look that is
demoed by the key.

They need to be super polished.

[Val] As the key, you're responsible
for coming up with the look,

and making sure your team execute it.

But, for me, being backstage at the shows,

I believe you're only
as good as your team.

[Stacey] I'm about to introduce our team
of MUAs to their key and guest judge.

Welcome, welcome. Organized chaos.

-Hi. Hello.
-Nice to see you.

-Thank you for having us.
-You're welcome.

-So, here are your five assistants.
-Hi, guys, hello.

Welcome. My name is Lan
and I'm the key artist here.

Lan Nguyen-Grealis has not only
keyed shows for big names

such as William Tempest and Pam Hogg...

Brush, brush. Please.

...she's also the makeup go-to
for regular fashion pro Paloma Faith.

The makeup artists are gonna
have to be adaptable, on the ball,

willing to take instructions when needed.

You have to really listen to
the key artist. It's working as a team.

They have to be confident. Even if
they're panicking, they don't show it.

Today, she's the key
for fashion label Starsica.

There is 12 models.
Don't worry, please don't panic.

-You know, you're gonna have half in hair,

half in makeup, that gives you
time to do the makeup.

And I'll come round
and check and guide you, okay?

You need to really bring your A game.

Deliver exactly what Lan is after.

She'll be doing a demo at the beginning.

I'm glad you've got your notebooks.
Make notes.

It's about speed, it's about accuracy
and it's about precision.

[Stacey] A key demo usually lasts
between 45 minutes and an hour.

-They look so nervous.

The MUAs have to memorize it
and then repeat,

refining it for each model's outfit,
skin tone and facial features.

The one thing I've learned
from doing Fashion Week is

if you feel that it's wrong or
something doesn't look beautiful,

it's definitely wrong.

Just don't... don't bring him to me, okay?

[Dominic] What's different about today
is our MUAs are gonna have to

replicate a look from
a live demonstration.

You're basically copying what I do.

So they're gonna have to really look at
the brushes that are being picked up,

look at the products that are being used,

how the brushstroke is
working on that skin.

All these things are gonna really
help them to replicate that look.

After applying a light foundation,

Lan wants a bold but natural look.

Get it right into the lash.

See, you've already got the eyeball,
when she opens up...

There. Know what I mean?
It looks straight. Do you understand?

Drama is added with a flash
of either pink,

blue or green eyeshadow,

depending on the outfit.

It's not about plastering
makeup all over the face.

You really do have to be quite delicate,
because it's beauty.

Not only does it have to
look good close-up,

but it has to look amazing
for on the catwalk as well.

So you've gotta follow the bow
and underneath.

Yeah, so if you follow this way,
if someone's got really big lips,

really small lips, you can't go wrong.

Give me a kiss?

Can you see the shape?

-Circular motion keeps that little pout.
-[all] Yeah.

Okay, is everyone happy?

You've got under two hours,

that's including the hair, nails
and everything that's going on.

So, off you go.
All your stations are ready.

Oh, my God.

[Stacey] With 12 models
and just five MUAs,

Lan's plan is for each artist
to do two looks,

and then work as a team on the final two.

-I've only got green.

I might have to use some of yours.

Time management is key today, so...

I'll be able to manage it, it'll be fine.
I'm confident.

I took pages of notes.

I can just go through my checklist and
I'm, like, "One, two, three, done, done."

So that's just how I'm gonna be working.

Have you had a good day?

-Busy day, busy day.

-Yes. Fashion Week is always busy.

To make sure the MUAs keep on track,
the key must give constant feedback.

If you look in her eye,
it's too thin, yeah?

Shall I do thickness all the way around or
just have a triangle of thickness?

-What do you think?
-I'd say triangle of thickness, kind of...

-Exactly, yeah.
-That way. Yeah?

-Remember, just go with your instinct.
-Trust myself.

-Trust yourself, yes. Something like that.
-[laughs] Thank you, Lan.

-Okay, how are you getting on here?
-Okay, I think.

That's fine,
you've gone straight across,

-but connect it to her eye, yeah?

-Okay, cool. Just go for it.
-Don't be scared, whack it on.

-Whack it on, we haven't got time.
-Thank you.

It is so scary when the
makeup artist come round,

because she's such a perfectionist.

Tiff, which bit are you on? Just gauging
where I'm supposed to be with you.

-I'm just on eyes.
-Yeah, okay, cool.

Having a look at Tiff
will just give me a bit of an idea

as to whether I'm falling behind or not.

-How you doing?
-Just trying to fix the liner.

-You look worried. Are you panicking?
-I'm just not sure...

It needs to be straight brow, and bring it
down and this should connect here.

So, that means you're missing
the pink as well.

Nikki sort of seems to be
a little bit behind,

more than the others, so I just
have to keep an eye on her

and keep pushing her to move a bit faster.

Okay, so now you've got it,
push it through.

-'Cause we need to be quick.

The time goes so quickly.

It really goes really quickly.

At home, time management has
never been a problem for Nikki.

She takes all the time she needs.

On a day-to-day basis,
I create videos myself at home,

and then I put them out on social media.

Hi, guys, and welcome back
to my YouTube channel.

I would describe my makeup style as

full-on glamour, full beat...

slay makeup. [laughs]

Slay is just, like, when you slay. Like...

everything's on point.

When I'm creating a look,
I take, like, four to five hours,

'cause I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

I always have to give that bit extra.

[Stacey] After 45 minutes,
the first model should almost be ready,

but not until they've been
signed off by Lan.

-I think I'm done.
-Oh, you think you're done?

-Okay, are you sure?
-I think so.

Okay, so I can still see...
What's this? What are the...

Oh, I think you must've put your hand
on her face.

-You've got...

...lipstick traveling around.

Red, red, red, red, red, red, red.

Oh, my gosh. Okay, sorry.

Do that quickly, I need you
to start on someone else.

-Do you wanna check her? She's done.
-Yes, brilliant, okay.

[Leigh] Jesus!

It's so important. I have to keep checking
and checking until I'm absolutely happy.

-Yes. Good.
-Yeah? Is she good?

Yes. Can you have her name ticked off?

I'll get her ticked off
and start a model...

Tick her off and then
grab another model, please.

-Do you wanna follow me to the top?

This looks great. Yeah.

-Do you like it? What do you think?
-Oh, yeah, I love it.

There's your biggest tip for you.
If your model loves it,

-you know you're doing well.
-Oh, good!

Get her ticked off, please, and then
we'll clean your brushes and everything

-and then we'll grab you a model.
-Thank you.

[Tiffany] How's she looking now?

Yeah. So, I'm happy for you to send her
in to hair

-and get another model.
-Amazing. Let's get you in hair, lovely.

15 minutes after his false alarm,
Leigh is also ready to go.

-She could've gone ages ago, but, no.
-I know, sorry.

We had to keep her.

I'm sure you're gonna be quick on
the next one, right?

Okay. I will. [chuckles]

With an hour gone, Nikki has yet to finish
her first model.

I've spent most of my time on my liner...

and getting it right and angular.

-[woman] Are you ready for another model?
-No, I haven't finished with her.

Sorry, we just have to take her for
a fitting. So, come in for a fitting.

-[model] Okay.
-[Nikki] Christ.

My model's been taken for a fitting.

I've just gotta do her contour
and then her blusher

and highlighter,
and then I was done with her.

I was just gonna check with Lan
to see if it was okay.

I'm a bit nervous,
as she's been taken for a fitting

and I don't know when she's coming back.


The catwalk doesn't wait.

Makeup competes with other demands
of fittings, rehearsals and hair.

The designer needs to get the models
in their clothes,

do checks, so Nikki, that was working
on her model, was a little bit slower,

so now she's got an unfinished model.

So, I've had to just pull her out
and start a new one.

How you getting on?

I finished my first one,
waiting for the next one.

My model got taken into a fitting.
I had blush left.

-So you've gotta do your next one?


Other MUAs are starting
their second models.

As you can see, your model here has
already the hair done,

so you cannot touch the hair.

-If it wasn't hard enough, it is now.
-But now you know what you're doing?

-I'm ready to fly. Alright, thank you.
-Yeah, thank you.

Honestly, people are just saying, "Jump"
and I'm just saying, "Where to?"

Backstage can be unpredictable.

Any delay in hair or fittings can leave
an MUA without a model to work on.

[Lan] 'Cause you two are free,
let's utilize the time.

We have a model there in hair
and she's got loads of makeup on.

I need you to cleanse it, yeah?

So work together, please, just until I can
find a model for you guys to work on.

It's getting really late and, obviously,
we have to try and get this look done

and they have to work alongside hair
and the nails,

so everyone is on top of each other,
so they have to be quite adaptable,

and I think they're doing really well.

-Do you wanna come this side?
-Yeah, let me come round this side.

You got enough room?

Look down for me.

After 90 minutes,
four more models are completed.


I think she's asleep.

I'm trying to be gentle
to not wake her up. [chuckles]

Have ten minutes' chill
while I do her face.

I'm doing a concealer under her eyes.
Can you press the pink into the lip?

Pink into the lip, perfect.

Everyone's working with each other,
they're working on each other's models,

everyone's doing finishing touches
on one or another,

and that's what it needs to be.

My model needs her full face doing,
so, yeah, time is of the essence.

With five minutes to go,

Dominic arrives to check up
on how the MUAs are performing.

[woman] Trial models, very quick.

Has anyone impressed?

Tiffany has been a good team player.

Running around,
picking up where other people left off.

[Dominic] Good to know.

Everyone's, like, really
working as a team, but,

we still have two models
that are not done.

I need those girls done.

There, and now she's done.

Tiny bit more concealer,
it looks flawless,

and just a bit here and then
powder her T-zone.

Did you put the shimmer

-through the ears and the neck?

Out front, the fashionistas are arriving.

Just fix that lip. It must've smudged
when she got changed.

-Okay, guys, if I can have all the girls?
-Um, I'll do legs.

Girls, we need to get down
to the catwalk now.

-Trial models are dressed.
-We've got the show to start.

-Come on!
-[Lan] No loose powder.

It'll go over the clothes.
Just pressed powder.

As Dom and I take our seats
on the front row,

the MUAs are in the wings...

-Can we have a look at you?
-...applying the final touches.

She needs a tidy-up here.

She needs powder here.

Go like this for me.

And just like that, it's showtime.

I'm really happy. We've done it.

If you can do Fashion Week,
you can do anything.

There is nothing in the world
that can faze you now,

because you've dealt with the stress
of working backstage.

[audience cheering]

They just delivered such an amazing job.

I, honestly... They have totally surpassed
my expectations.


The next morning at Glow Up HQ,

the judges have the difficult job
of deciding

which makeup artist performed
best yesterday

and which two did the worst,

meaning they'll find themselves
in the Face Off chairs.

-Bit nerve-wracking at first.

I didn't know what their skill sets were.

-But I was quite impressed in the end.
-Oh! Excellent.

This week, the MUAs will be judged
not only on their makeup skills,

but how valuable they were
as part of Lan's team.

Tiffany actually worked quite quick,
which I was impressed with.

And the only notes I gave her was
her lines. I just let her get on with it.

-[Val] She did really well.
-[Lan] Really good.

She was very proactive. Great team player.

-That's what you need backstage, isn't it?

So, next we have Belinda.


Belinda, she was a dark horse.

You know, she... I didn't feel
her presence, she was very quiet,

and I actually forgot about her. [laughs]

Until I came and looked at her makeup
and went, "Wow, it's all there."

-[Val] She quietly delivers.

Nikki, I felt she took her time.

-[tuts] She always does.
-Um, every time I came back,

there wasn't much going on.

It's interesting, because she does
her own makeup so well.

If she was just a little bit faster,
I could've utilized her a lot more,

because she was so,
like, clean and very, um, light,

-you know, and I loved that.

And a, a good lip.

-[Lan] Yeah.
-[Dominic] I mean, that's a good lip.

So, now we have Ellis.

[Lan] Yes. He was always thinking ahead
and communicating,

which I think it takes experience,
to be the person

to communicate with a key artist to say,
"What else would you like me to do?

I've already done this," you know?

So, I was really impressed
with his attitude.

Okay, so now we have Leigh.

So, Leigh, from far away,
when I was looking, it looked perfect.

When I looked really close, uh,
he had spread lipstick all over the cheek.

He ended up being one
of the last ones to finish.

He's so new to this,
but he's such a fast learner.

It's gonna be really difficult
to find two MUAs

to go in those Face Off chairs
this morning.

I... I... I wonder, is there two?


-I think there's just one, you know.

Okay, let's go.

So, you know the score, guys.
Find your chairs, please.

If an MUA's name is on a red chair,

they'll go into the elimination Face Off
at the end of the day.

I think this is the first week
where I've genuinely

not been able to tell who'll
start in the red chairs.

We all came together as a team

and we worked really hard, and we had fun.

So, I guess it's just up to
the judges now.

There's only one way to get out
of a red chair.

Impress the judges in today's brief
and hope another MUA underperforms.

MUAs, as you can see,
for the first time ever,

we only have one makeup artist
in a Face Off chair.

Nikki, the only reason you're there
is your timing.

As you know, this chair does
come with a time penalty.


So, Nikki, you'll have 15 minutes
less than everyone else.

Yesterday, you worked
with a key makeup artist.

Your brief for today is that
you are the key makeup artist.

You will each be given
a collection of clothing

with a note from the designer

saying what they wish to see
in their makeup brief.


Now, you impressed Lan
and her team so much yesterday,

you get to choose which collection

and which designer's brief
you want to work with.

-Congratulations, well done.
-Thank you.

You can go and have a look.

Make sure you take time,
read through the briefs

and pick one that you really respond to.

Well done!

You will have two and a quarter hours
to plan and execute your look.

What I'm looking for is,
do I believe your look?

I want this one.

Does your look work with the designer
that you're representing?

[Dominic] So, are you ready?

Bring in the models!

Apart from Belinda,

the MUAs have all been
randomly allocated models,

already dressed in their
designer's clothes.

Oh, yes.

A bit older.

Guys, so, read your brief,

get a feel for the collection.

Good luck. Off you go.

Usually, the MUAs can prepare
for their creative brief.

Today will be a true test of their
ingenuity under time pressure.

I'm really happy with
my collection, actually.

Tiffany's designer is asking for a look

which sees the adult world
through a child's eyes...


...playing with color and memories.

After excelling yesterday,

Belinda had the luxury
of choosing her brief.

An Arctic explorer-inspired collection
that draws on Inuit art and culture.

With my brief, there was a few words
that really stood out to me,

so I loved that it said "shapes."

That's what drew me to these clothes in
the first place, all the amazing shapes.

So I really wanna bring that
into my look.

Of all the designer briefs,
Ellis's is the least prescriptive,

asking for a confrontational look

that can either complement
or clash with the clothing.

I'm just kind of riding with
my gut instinct,

which is, I do loud makeup, so I need
to go even louder than I normally do.

But at the same time, I've always been
challenged that sometimes I go too far,

so I'm trying to make it, like, bold
and impactful, but not be too much.

Only one MUA has still
to start their brief.

15 minutes is a long time, you know?

I didn't think it was,
but 15 minutes is a long time.

Despite her time penalty,
Nikki must wow the judges

if she wants to beat the seat
and avoid the Face Off elimination.

It's kind of made me a little bit angry,

and I'm a bit, like,
"Well, I'll have to show 'em."

It's kind of got...
Like, I've got a fire in my belly

where I'm like, "I'm better than this."

Aah! He beautiful.

Nikki's 15-minute time penalty is over.

Hi, you're beautiful! Thank you,
take a seat for me, I'm Nikki.

When I first got the collection, I said,
"Thank God," 'cause I was looking at it.

Leigh's designer is inspired
by industrial clothing

and wants makeup that could be
a by-product of the clothes themselves.

I can do something really
interesting with the textures...

um... and the colors, and I love working
with black and yellow, so...

Of all the briefs,
Nikki's is the most specific,

demanding a skater boy look, complete with
tanned, sweaty skin and a bruised cheek.

I'm thinking fresh skin,
quite glossy, gloss-like skin,

really perfected, rosy cheeks, rosy eyes.

But I want it to really fit with the brand
and I want to be able to create that feel.

I'm just priming the eyelid now,

so I'm just trying to get the base
as flawless as possible,

because the colors I'm using are
quite bold, I want them to really pop.

I've taken all the discoloration away.

It's just a nice base to work on top of,
it's like working on a plain canvas.

Tutorials by Belinda.

MUAs, your first hour has gone.

You have an hour and a quarter left.

That went quickly.

Okay, can we talk about Leigh?

I don't know what he's creating,
the beard or...

I don't know where he's going,
but I hope he does.

So, Tiffany I was quite excited about,
because I love the collection

that she's working with,
such my cup of tea,

it's supposed to be pretty and stuff.

What I'm noticing now, I don't know
if she's gonna overkill the beauty of it.

The brief is...

-a sort of a childlike memory.
-[Dominic] Mm. Mm.

What we've got going on over there
is Cinderella's ugly sister.


I think it's too much blue.
It's a hard one.

It's hard, 'cause it's got... I don't know
if I should take it off and strip it back.

Yours looks good.

Yeah, no, let's take it off.

I'm taking it all off
and I'm gonna start again, I think.

With less than an hour to go,

Tiffany is starting again.

I'm really worried about Ellis.
I think it's far too much.

I'm looking forward to seeing

-how it looks with the clothes.
-[Val] Yeah.

[Dominic] I'm excited with Belinda,

and where she's going with this
is really interesting.

[Val] The clothes are so outrageous.

-I hope she keeps it simple.
-[Dominic] Yeah.


-Hello, Nikki.

What was your makeup brief?

It was more of a youthful face,
he's part of a tribe.

He's brandishing a scuffed,
bruised cheek

from recently falling off his skateboard.

I didn't wanna take that
too literally, though.

Sometimes, designers give you really
specific notions

-of what they want.
-They want.

Read through the brief again.

Think about a skateboarder

and think about how much time
you've got left.



Hmm. I need to take this to skater boy.

I think this looks a lot more childlike
to me. This looks a bit more playful.

I think I'm much happier with it
at the moment than I was,

you know, say, an hour ago with it.

I think I know what I wanna do,

whether it's skater-ish or not.

I've never hung out at a skate park.

MUAs, you have 30 minutes.

I definitely think I've made him look

a little bit more edgier
than what he looked like before,

because he looked too romantic.

I hope she's going to deliver
something from the brief.

[whispers] Oh, you need something more,
but I don't know what it is right now.

But you do need something more.

Get a scar on there, give him a bruise.

Like, just a cut lip.

-A cut lip would be great.

The last three seconds,
she could just give him a good slap

and that would be enough.

I think I'm gonna stop here,
but that makes me more nervous,

because everyone else is still working.

I think if I keep working,
I'm gonna ruin what I've designed.

She's got, like, another 15 minutes
left and she's just stopped.

I mean, that's confidence.

I dunno, like...

Yeah, I think I'm gonna leave it now.


MUAs, you have ten minutes left.

On that note, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna walk away...

and stop adding.

I'm scared.

I don't like this, I don't think.

MUAs, you have four minutes.

Well, I ain't changing it now.

I feel like I need to go
and handcuff myself to something,

so I don't do any more.

-You've got amazing bone structure.
-Oh, ain't she gorge?

-I look like... I look like a potato.
-As soon as she sat down I was like, damn.

Do you know what? Close your eyes for me.

MUAs, time is up. Down brushes.

[sighs] Jesus Christ.

Please take your models next door
to be photographed.

Let's go.

Leigh, please come forward.

[Leigh] I used black
because he was wearing it.

The yellow and the arrows
is on every single piece.

That flecky, speckly texture
that looks like a paint splat, I love.

So, yeah.
It definitely represents my style.

[Lan] He does look very edgy.

However, I think we were, sort of,

discussing about these crystal accents
that you did.

I wasn't quite sure about it.

I... No, I didn't like the crystals.

I thought it was one step too far.

I love the fluoro yellow,

I love the black line down the side,
and then I would've said, "Stop."

I love it.

I really do. I love it.
I love this... for so many reasons.

I could totally see this during menswear.

And that arrow
on the lip is really cool.

I'm loving it. I really do.

-Good job. Thank you.
-Thank you.


[Nikki] I knew that I wanted to do
youthful, I knew I wanted to do fresh,

and then I suddenly realized that it was
looking too romantic and too soft.

That's when the angles came in,
and I wanted a bit of edginess.

[Val] I was watching you working,

you had his hair up in... in a topknot,

you did this incredible lip

and you had this incredible skin.

But, for me, you haven't filled the brief.

In the brief,
there are some really easy wins.

The bruise, the tanned skin, the sweat.

And in this, I'm not seeing that.

I'm seeing someone
with one slick bit of contour.

Overall, he looks like a pretty boy
rather than a skater boy.


He looks cute, though.

Tiffany, you're next. Come up.

[Tiffany] My initial idea was, like,
a kid's gone in their mum's makeup bag,

they've put products on their face,

but when I stood back it looked
quite angry, it looked quite harsh.

So, I had to, you know, take that off
and then had to think a bit more simply.

So, I just wanted to make it look as fresh
or as young as I could, really,

and keep it playful.

[Lan] The ideas you've got in there,

they're nice,

but on a catwalk, if, you know...
if I was a designer seeing that,

the freckles, you know,
which is a young statement,

it doesn't stand out.

You can just barely
see it on your photographs,

let alone down the catwalk
with strong lights,

so, for me,
it's not, maybe, strong enough.

[Dominic] This is ready salted,

and week on week you've
delivered us, like, paprika.

To me, it looks like

textbook beauty,

-it looks old-fashioned.

You've actually made it look ordinary,

-not extraordinary.

Belinda, would you like to come forward?

[Belinda] I think
my designer's work is very graphic,

and I wanted
to get that across in my work,

so I've gone for a graphic liner,

and I think if I was to go messy

or throw more makeup on,
I think it would've taken away from that.


I wrote down two numbers

and two words.

Ten out of ten

and totally believable.

Ding dong, darling, you nailed it!

Amazing! Amazing! You know what?

It doesn't have to be always big
or go home, it can be quite subtle.

The clothes were really, really loud

and you just did a very simple thing

that is so catwalk clever,

really believable,

very editorial...


[Dominic] Well done.

[Belinda whispers] Oh, my God.

Ellis, please come forward.

[whispers] We're live.

[Dominic] Okay.

I have to say, I don't get this.

I feel like there's too much going on.

She looks a little scary,
she almost looks a bit voodoo,

like she's a witch doctor,
and I feel like I would see her in a wood

with some wicker baskets,
but not on a catwalk.

On a catwalk, I think it does translate...

something quite big
and it does make an impact,

so for that,
I think it's really, really good.

On the beauty side,
I'm just not sure if it's enough.

Well, I don't care what they think,
I love it.

Yes, it's loud, it's proud,

it's out there, um... and I love that.

And why shouldn't a mature woman
wear war paint? I... I love that.

-I could see this on a catwalk.
-Look at her.

Well, Ellis, I mean, it says to be
visually confrontational in your brief

and I think that's what you've done.

You've given us something
to really discuss.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

[Lan] Thank you.

MUAs, if you could please go next door

whilst we deliberate
on who will be in the Face Off?

[Stacey] Thank you, judges.

It's just so basic,
and that's not what Tiff is.

It should've been Alice in Wonderland.
It's boring.

It's just not strong enough.

-Sweaty upper lip, she's done it again.
-I don't mind that.

-No, no, no, no.

-No, no. I disagree there. If you...
-I like it.

If you look at the brief,
it calls for sweat.

But that's not sweat, that's snot.

There's an idea there,

but I think he's just added
a bit too much to the overall look.

The brief was to be confrontational

and he certainly is confrontational.

[Stacey] So, Nikki, it was a big day
for you today, right?

The first time we've seen one MUA
in a Face Off chair.

The question is,
have you done enough today

to convince our judges, "You know what,
I don't deserve to be there?"


you did not fulfill your brief,

so you will be in the Face Off.

The other MUA in the Face Off is...


Your look was just too safe.

-Thank you, judges.

[Ellis] Come on.


[Nikki] This will be the third Face Off
that I'm in.

I don't think anyone makes it
third time lucky.

Nikki, Tiff, I'm gonna have to ask
you to say your goodbyes,

because one of you
will not make the semi-finals.

To come this far and then get so close

and then not make the semi-finals
is just absolutely heartbreaking.

[Leigh] Nikki's, like,
a Face Off assassin.

Tiff is really strong, both their skills
are equally matched. It'll be a tough one.

[whispers] It's okay.

[Stacey sighs] Okay...

Judges, here we go again.

For your Face Off today,

we will be testing your ability

to replicate exact details.

This Face Off challenge requires
both MUAs

to copy and complete,
with precision and accuracy,

the eye makeup
on the identical Face Off models,

in just 15 minutes.

What we'll be looking for

is perfect placement,

a mirror image.

And we'll be scrutinizing every detail.

Your last chance to show the judges
what you're made of

and secure that place in the semi-finals.

Good luck to both of you.

Your 15 minutes

start now.

[Dominic] Replication is a huge skill
for a makeup artist,

because many times during fashion shows,

TV and film, you are recreating
someone else's look.

The key elements here are observation,
deconstruction and rebuilding.

Our MUAs should go in
with the pink and purple first

to create that lovely soft smoke,

then go in with the gold,
to get that solid color.

What I don't wanna see
is their interpretation,

because it's not about them, it's
about creating a perfect mirror image.

[whispers] Tiffany needs to get that gold
on and she needs to get it on now.

Nikki's being methodical.

-Well, she's desperate.

Five minutes left.

She's been blending and blending
and blending.

I think she runs the risk
of over blending.

Girls, can you put your
brushes down, please?

-Oh, God... It's so hard.
-I know it's hard.

[Dominic] But, I mean it's so close.

On Tiffany's eye the yellow
is almost white yellow,

and it needed to be more golden.

[Stacey] Tiff's always so... [laughs]


So, are we ready?


No. [laughs]

This is a hard one.

After all that hard work.


This was truly, truly
one of the hardest decisions

and we wanna commend you for
actually just stepping up to the plate,

and delivering one of the best
Face Offs we've seen.

[Val] You both took it to the wire.


we'll see you next week.


[whispers] Well done, babe.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.


I'm so sorry.

Why are you sorry? Well done, babe.

Nikki, congratulations.

You've secured your place
in the semi-finals.

Thank you.

Tiff, I'm gutted for you.

I'm so gutted.
You've been such a sweetheart.

-Good luck with everything going forward.
-Thank you.

I really mean that.

Oh, it's gutting.

Guys. I'm so sorry.

Don't be stupid.


I can't believe it. I don't, I can't...

Well done.

[Nikki] I don't even have any words.

I didn't think I'd be here.
I'd psyched myself up to go home.

Bring it, babes. Oh, you did so well.

Before I came into this, I didn't think
it was gonna be this difficult.

Knowing that you were
so close to not going home

and then still going home is really hard.

Such a tough decision,
it really, really was.

I put my heart and soul
into every brushstroke and...


I've absolutely loved every minute
of this experience, it's been incredible.

I'm now stood here looking
at the semi-finalists.

There's only one assignment
and one creative brief

separating you from the final.