Giuliani: What Happened to America's Mayor? (2023): Season 1, Episode 4 - The Madman - full transcript
The final chapter of Giuliani's life and career is covered in this documentary to the current moment.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ladies and gentlemen,
America's mayor,
Rudy Giuliani.
I am officially announcing
my withdrawal as a
candidate for president
of the United States.
Very difficult night
for Rudy Giuliani.
We are going to make
our country great again.
Giuliani sees one thing, opportunity.
Trump is clearly
the best choice.
He thought, this will put
me back in the spotlight.
What I did for
New York, Donald Trump
will do for America!
[cheers and applause]
Oh, my god.
I moved on her, actually.
You know, she was
down in Palm Beach.
I moved on her, and I failed.
I'll admit it.
- Whoa.
I did try and [bleep] her.
She was married.
That's huge news there.
Some breaking news right now.
David Fahrenthold
of The Washington Post
got his hands on a tape.
How are you?
- Hi, Mr. Trump.
How are you?
- Nice seeing you.
- Pleasure to meet you.
When the Access Hollywood
tape dropped, I was on air.
Donald Trump and Billy
Bush had something
of a raunchy conversation.
And when you're a star,
they let you do it.
You can do anything.
Whatever you want.
Grab 'em by the [bleep].
He's bragging about
committing sexual assault.
So I was just stunned,
absolutely stunned.
There is a political
storm that has erupted.
Already a parade
of Republicans
has either condemned
Trump's comments,
withdrawn their
support completely,
or called on him to step down.
Any truth that
he's dropping out?
Kellyanne Conway,
Reince Priebus, others,
were scheduled to be
on the Sunday shows.
All of them canceled
their appearances.
And the one person who went on
to defend him in wake of that
was Rudy Giuliani.
Joining me now
is former New York City
mayor and Donald Trump
supporter, Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy Giuliani,
top advisor to Donald Trump.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me back.
That was a moment
for Rudy Giuliani
to really step up
and show that was
willing to be Donald Trump's
number one defender,
number one attack dog.
Men at times, talk like that.
I don't know how much
he was exaggerating.
I don't know how much is true.
He's a different man
now than he was then.
Men say stupid things
in locker rooms.
We should move on.
Rudy Giuliani
bet on Trump when
very few people were doing so.
He stuck with Trump after
the Access Hollywood tape.
Shameful, but like, you know,
you do this because you're
expecting a reward.
I guess there are
a few perfect people.
But in my view,
there's only been one.
And that was Jesus Christ.
CNN can report that Hillary
Clinton has called
Donald Trump
to concede the race.
I'm enormously
excited for the country.
I believe Donald Trump will
be a truly great president.
[dramatic music]
This is probably
one of the greatest
victories for the people of
America since Andrew Jackson.
The election of Donald
Trump to the White House
shocks the country
from coast to coast.
[all cheering]
I'm so proud to
call him the president
of the United States.
Even people who are
pulling for Donald Trump
are amazed that he won.
It felt like this incredible
period of uncertainty.
Who that is that?
Is that the mayor
that showed up?
Morning after the 2016
presidential election,
if you're Rudy Giuliani,
and Donald Trump had just
been elected president
of United States,
you're feeling that there's
tons of opportunity ahead.
What's your role
expected to be?
I have no expectation.
All I do is give my advice.
Donald's been my
friend for 28 years.
All of my work on behalf of him
has been out of great loyalty
and friendship to him.
Whatever Rudy wants,
Rudy gets, because he was
the guy who stood by Trump.
Whatever he said,
Bill Clinton did much worse.
His top pick
is secretary of state.
So is this true?
You want to be
secretary of state?
[laughs] Whatever I
want to be, I'll discuss
with the president-elect.
Rudy has developed a network
of contacts in countries
across the world
in the wake of 9/11
and his geopolitical
rock star status where
he's treated almost like
an ex-president as he
travels around the world.
I think he thought
being secretary of state
would be a good way
to stay in the game.
You're not president.
You're not vice president.
Secretary of state is
the most prestigious job
in the cabinet.
And I think that he saw
that as-- as an alternate
to the presidential
ambitions that were
never going to be fulfilled.
John would be
a very good choice.
Is there anybody better?
Maybe me.
I don't know.
He gets a little too far
out ahead of himself on this.
And what was really
happening behind the scenes
was that there was actually
some concerns about Rudy and--
and whether he was up
for the challenge here.
Trump confidante, Rudy
Giuliani, former New York
mayor, may not actually now
be a lock for the position
of secretary of state.
There's one moment in Trump
Tower where Jason Miller,
one of the top communication
advisors for Trump,
comes out of the bullpen
of his team and says,
we need someone to go in there
and just lob questions at Rudy
to see what he says.
Everybody scatters.
The aide who does get picked
goes in behind closed doors
and is horrified
by what he hears,
a question about when
is the last time you've
traveled to the Middle East.
That question comes
with enough stammering
that they have
a follow-up meeting.
The aide asks Giuliani,
you told me
yesterday that you hadn't been
to the Middle East for a year.
Are you sure about that?
Are there any other
trips you can remember?
Giuliani's face goes blank.
Turns out,
his secretary had said
Rudy had just been in the
Middle East a month ago.
If you talk to people
who were talking to Trump
at the time, they say he was
never seriously considered
for it, which is probably more
revealing in and of itself
of the dynamic of
the relationship
between the two of them.
The relationship
between Trump and Rudy
is really a fraught one.
It's one where
Trump really values
Giuliani's defense of him.
He was the best
mayor in the history
of the city of New York.
He's a great person
who loves our country.
But shows his appreciation,
shows his love for Rudy
with backhand and criticisms.
In Donald Trump eye's,
part of Giuliani's record.
Like, he ran for
the presidency,
and it totally
went up in flames.
So to Donald Trump,
he's a loser.
There was a moment after
Trump had been elected,
Steve Mnuchin his new
treasury secretary
is getting married
in Washington,
and Giuliani is very
excitedly talking.
And Trump stops him.
Says, Rudy,
you're spitting all over.
Go stand over there.
And Rudy does.
Rudy thought Trump
was going to appoint
him secretary of state.
And that didn't work.
So he keeps around the
margins in any way he can,
trying to get back to
the center of the action.
One has to really
appreciate to understand
the arc of Rudy Giuliani,
how intoxicating
fame and power are.
For a politician to lose relevance
is gutting.
What happens to political
and media figures when they
fear irrelevance and
go off the deep end
to become relevant again.
I don't think he
really got over losing
the race for president.
He misses the action.
He wants to be a player.
[dramatic music]
We've got some
major news that we're
still absorbing
as we speak right now
that broke overnight.
A bombshell report from
The New York Times,
claiming that the FBI
launched an investigation
into President Trump to see
if he was working for Russia
and against the United States.
Most of Trump's first
two years in office
are overshadowed
by allegations of colluding
with Russia to try to
tilt the 2016 election.
And those eventually land in
the lap of the special counsel
Robert Mueller.
I said, you know, this
Russia thing with Trump
and Russia is a made-up story.
President needs a fighter.
He needs somebody who
he thinks will push back
against this investigation,
against the press
obsession with
the investigation,
with the same zeal
that he would.
And that is why he calls up
his old friend Rudy Giuliani
and says, I need you
to fight for me here.
It's divorce number
three for Rudy Giuliani,
New York City's former mayor.
And at a hearing today,
it became clear that things
are taking a nasty turn.
Since 2016,
you see him without any
of the tethers that guided him
in more productive directions.
Peter Powers was
Rudy's closest confidant
since their boyhood days.
If anyone could center him,
it was Peter.
If there was anyone who could
calm him down, it was Peter.
And when Peter died
during the Trump campaign,
Rudy lost his lifeline.
And I think that's
what happens to him.
He's more alone
than early Rudy was.
Rudy Giuliani is
finally an official member
of the Trump team.
The former New York
mayor now joining
the president's legal team.
He wants to do battle the
way he knows how to do battle,
which is on Twitter and on TV.
I have no problem with that.
He is treated
differently and unfairly.
- I have no problem with that.
- He's innocent.
He wants Giuliani,
the prosecutor,
to prosecute the press, to
prosecute the prosecutors.
You've got a hysteria
going on in the media
that interprets everything
against Donald Trump.
There's no hysteria here.
And that is what takes
Giuliani all the way
through the Trump years.
- Wait.
- His father-in-law--
Jake-- Jake, we are so--
we are so distorting
the system of justice
just to get Donald Trump.
It's going to hurt us.
He was spending a lot
of time in the West Wing.
He was somebody
who was constantly
on call for the former
president to reach out to.
And I think this kind
of brought back together
this on-again, off-again
longstanding bromance
between the two of these tough
of a certain era New York men.
He has this direct
access, without any
of the responsibility or
any of the accountability.
As a skilled professional
who figured out
how to climb his way
up in the legal world,
and then up in the political
world, that he figured OK,
now I'm in the Trump world.
What do I need to do to
succeed in this world?
And in this world, loyalty
is 100% obedience, is 100%.
And he just decided,
well, this is
the world I'm going to be in,
and I'm just going to do this.
Almost immediately,
as Giuliani
joins the team in a formal
way, he's doing a lot of press.
When you tell
me that you know,
he should testify because
he's going to tell the truth
and he shouldn't
worry, well, that's so
silly because it's
somebody's version
of the truth, not the truth.
He didn't have a
conversation about--
The truth is truth.
I don't mean to go, like, I--
- No!
It isn't truth.
Truth isn't truth.
The president of the United
States says, I didn't.
Truth isn't truth.
Mr. Mayor, do you
realize what, I mean.
There's a moment
inside the White House
where Trump aides start
criticizing what Giuliani has
said on air, and Trump
barks at them all and says,
at least Rudy's out
there defending me.
When you do find out?
I'll tell you what.
Rudy knows it's a witch hunt.
He started yesterday.
He'll get his facts straight.
He's a great guy.
In 2018, Joe Biden
is clearly gearing up
for a presidential
run and is widely
perceived as the front-runner.
Remember, in 2007,
when Joe Biden was making
his second run
for the presidency
and Rudy Giuliani
was making his first,
Joe Biden famously in
a Democratic debate
just dismissed Giuliani.
There's only three things
he mentions in a sentence,
a noun, and a verb, and 9/11.
I mean, there's nothing else.
There's nothing else.
Giuliani never has
gotten over that, ever.
Rudy Giuliani
called former vice
president Joe Biden a moron
and mentally deficient idiot.
I believe that he
always needs to define
himself through anatomy.
So, Catholic school
he was good and there
were other kids who were bad.
And then he's a
prosecutor and he's
gonna lock up the bad guys.
And then he's mayor
and he's gonna
lock up the squeegee
guys and jaywalkers,
and now it's Biden.
Rudy starts kind
of from what I
can best say, fancying himself
as like the new Roger Stone.
Opposition research is as
old as the game of politics,
but it's the
lengths he went to.
This is the former
mayor of New York,
this rah-rah
pro-America kind of guy
who was looking
for dirty tricks
to try to harm an American
political opponent
of his friend, Donald Trump.
Giuliani's been doing
business all around the world.
And one of the
places on the map
where he started developing
relationships is Ukraine.
And who was the Obama
administration point person
for dealing with Ukraine?
It was Joe Biden.
Just think about how
rich an opportunity
that is for Rudy Giuliani,
who wants to prove
himself for Donald Trump.
Giuliani had one
aim and one aim only.
And that was how to
[bleep] up Joe Biden.
You can't make this stuff up.
Joe Biden's son,
Hunter Biden,
was making money off of a company
owned by a Ukrainian oligarch.
If Giuliani could somehow find
a connection between Joe Biden
taking official action to
help his son enrich himself
in Ukraine, he thinks that's
going to be a golden moment
for Donald Trump.
Over the beginning of 2019,
I start getting texts from Rudy
about Ukraine, texts
about how Hunter
Biden was corrupt
and Ukraine, and
people need to look into this.
At this point,
Giuliani has really left
truth and facts to the side.
He has fully joined the
conspiratorial mentality
of President Trump and
his administration,
totally signed on to that.
Rudy wants to build a case.
So he goes to get evidence.
Now one of the problems is,
is he falls into this murky
world of Russia and
Ukraine and all sorts
of competing agendas.
And he demonstrates
very little discernment
as to who is a reliable
source and who isn't.
The problem is, this wasn't
some backroom deal in Queens.
This was about democracy
in Ukraine surviving.
As Rudy is ramping up
this campaign in Ukraine
to try and get these investigations,
he starts feeling like he's
running into this roadblock.
And that is the US ambassador
to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.
I heard very, very
bad things about her
for a long period of time.
Not good.
Yovanovitch was recalled
by President Trump
because Rudy Giuliani accused
her of hampering efforts
to dig up dirt on Joe Biden.
Rudy Giuliani was saying that
she was the corrupt one, even
though she was
there pushing back
on corrupt figures in Ukraine.
The taking down, the smearing
and the attempt to destroy
the career of a career foreign
service official for this
obscure political
personal errand,
it was the early
warning signal,
it was the shocking moment of
clarity that should have been,
but wasn't.
The idea that Rudy is this
powerful international wheeler
dealer and that he was going to
go over to Ukraine and he was
going to pull the
strings of power,
this whole thing was shambolic,
it was crapulous, it was just,
it was going to be exactly
the [bleep] show it turned
into from the beginning.
When you make your
decisions based on your pride
or based on your
ego, you can do very
damaging things to yourself.
And so Rudy took that
to the fourth power.
The New York Times reporting
that the president's personal
lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is
pressing a foreign country,
Ukraine, to take
actions to help
Trump get re-elected in 2020.
This is Giuliani talking.
"We're not meddling
in an election,
we're meddling in
an investigation."
There's nothing
illegal about it.
What Giuliani and
Trump want to happen here
is an investigation
into Hunter Biden.
Both of them view
an investigation
as politically advantageous.
It doesn't really matter
what the outcome is, as long
as they can use that as
a as a political cudgel
against the son of Joe
Biden, who at this point,
is clearly the biggest threat
to a second term
for President Trump.
He's running around
representing himself
as sort of an arm of the State
Department, a representative
of the president.
Giuliani and the people who
are trying to help him started
building relationships with
the people they thought
would be in power.
In the meantime, Ukraine
elects a new president.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy,
an actor best known
for playing the
president of Ukraine,
was elected to
lead that country.
I think at this
time, President
Zelenskyy was a
relatively unknown
player on the world stage.
He had won this
election in Ukraine,
but he had this background
as a popular comedian.
[non-English speech]
Zelensky parlayed this role,
in which a kind of naive,
but well-intentioned
becomes the president of
Ukraine, into becoming
the president of Ukraine.
This throws a wrench into the
interests of Rudy Giuliani.
That election creates
a whole new dynamic
that Giuliani then tries
to navigate and game out.
This is in fragile
new government.
Obviously, recent
events show that
there is an external
danger to Ukraine
that they cannot ignore.
The dangle from Rudy
is, we could offer you
a public show of support to
get a meaningful investigation
of Hunter Biden.
Rudolph Giuliani
was not a diplomat.
Rudolph Giuliani was
not an ambassador.
Rudolph Giuliani was not
the secretary of state.
Rudolph Giuliani was
a hired political gun
working to advance
Donald Trump's
partisan electoral interests.
This scandal is a scandal
of major proportions.
Now, was I--
- Are you done now?
No, I'm not done now?
Because you haven't
said anything.
You can't just
talk the whole time.
Mueller, that July, testifies
in a very clearly lackluster
performance to Congress.
The finding indicates that
the president was not, uh.
Trump not only felt
this sense of exoneration,
he also had this
sense of vengeance.
I think Robert Mueller did
a horrible job both today
and with respect to
the investigation.
He did nothing wrong and he
wasn't involved in collusion,
and he wasn't involved
in obstruction.
And it's in this
mindset, where
that morning, Trump picks
up the phone for a call
with President Zelensky.
The President
says, "There's a lot
of talk about Biden's son,
so if you can look into it,
it sounds horrible to me."
Trump spends the
call asking Zelensky
very specifically to help
him investigate Hunter Biden.
White House notes of that
call show that when Zelensky
asked for a shipment
of anti-tank missiles,
Trump countered with
these words, "I would like
you to do us a favor though."
What Zelensky doesn't realize
is, that inside the White
House, Trump has put a hold on
several million dollars of aid
to Ukraine in
anticipation of Zelensky
agreeing to these investigations.
Many of those who are
close to Donald Trump
think that none of this
would have happened
without Rudy Giuliani.
Ukraine was Giuliani's deal.
These were his connections,
these were his sources,
this was his rogue
foreign policy.
I don't know that I think the
average American at that time
understood why it
was so important
that we give the security
assistance to the Ukrainians.
I think now in 2022 when
Russia is invading Ukraine
and slaughtering innocent
Ukrainian civilians,
our longstanding ally, we
understand why we had a role
and an obligation to do that.
Zelenskyy held firm.
And it was a weird preview
that this young guy who they
thought was a trifle, they
thought, oh, he's a punk,
he's nobody, he's
a comedian, you
know, he just an
accidental president,
he's turned out to
be a greater leader
in a time of terrible,
terrible crisis
than either Trump or Rudy.
[non-English speech]
The curtain was
lifted today on
an anonymous whistleblower's
explosive complaint
against President
Trump, detailing
his ask for political help
from Ukraine's president.
Giuliani is mentioned in
the whistleblower complaint
more than 30 times.
Pointing to that
July phone call
between President Trump
and Ukraine's President.
That was a perfect call.
An absolutely perfect call.
You know it, they all know it.
I'm announcing the
House of Representatives
moving forward with an
official impeachment inquiry.
And everybody's attention
started turning to one man,
and that was Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's influence led
to Trump's impeachment
over these Ukraine issues.
Again, this
moment of everybody
working to sort of
contain the Rudy influence
and keep him away
from the president
and yet, the president
keeps seeking him out.
Rudy Giuliani is not
a guy who backs down.
Rudy is a guy who doubles down.
Whenever Giuliani was on the
defensive when he was mayor,
his response was to attack.
I don't remember
him ever apologizing,
saying, I shouldn't have
said that or I overreacted.
And you see that throughout
the impeachment process.
What you just said
is totally wrong!
It's not what--
It's completely wrong!
This was a period where
all his friends were kind
of begging him to lay
low, to stop going on TV
and pressing this case,
and he couldn't do it.
I've got the documents,
I've got the proof,
and I've got the witnesses.
One person I spoke to who
met with him around that time
described driving around
in a cab with Rudy,
and Rudy on two occasions
during the same drive
rolled down his window to
high five construction workers
who were waving at him.
Even at the height of
the Ukraine investigation
when you were having all
these administration officials
testify about how horrified
they were by what Rudy had
been doing abroad,
he just seemed to be
having the time of his life.
About 10 days before
the 2020 election,
this clip gets released
of the Borat movie.
You can give me your phone
number and your address.
Put down your phone!
She's 15, she too old for you.
It's sort of another blow to
Rudy and to his credibility.
I had to take off the
electronic equipment.
And when the electronic
equipment came off
and I tucked my
shirt in, I assure
you that's all I was doing.
I realize now that
this is a setup.
And then all of a sudden,
crazy Sacha Baron Cohen
runs in with a cape on and
he's yelling and screaming
all kinds of stupid stuff.
I do recall
thinking at some point
as things went along, that
this was not the person I knew.
Many of the things that he
was doing were just baffling.
It's election night in
America and a nation in crisis
is at a crossroads.
Rudy Giuliani
was one of Donald
Trump's most trusted advisors
on election night 2020.
To get there, you had
to be somebody that
told Donald Trump what
he wanted to hear,
not telling him the truth.
The first exit
polls just coming
in tonight, President Trump at
the White House this evening.
Rudy Giuliani understood
something on election night
2020, which many of Donald
Trump's other advisors
did not, which is that
Donald Trump meant it
when he said he
wasn't going to accept
the results of the election.
Trump's second election
night goes much differently
than his first one.
This one, for starters,
is inside the White House.
It's a who's who
of Trump world,
and that guest list, of
course, includes Rudy Giuliani.
For the early portion of the
evening, some fairly prominent
reporters were
texting me saying,
wow, it looks like
he might do it again.
I can't wait to
get the results in.
And if he doesn't win?
That's not even an option.
I think he's going
to win by a lot.
That's my interpretation.
all: Four more years!
Four more years!
I was in the East Wing
when the Arizona call came.
Fox News called Arizona, and
that angered all the people
around the president.
And the mood
changed fundamentally.
Giuliani is furiously
scrambling to figure
out how to help the president.
All of the people
yelling suggestions,
Trump not knowing what
to do until one moment
when Rudy Giuliani pipes up
and says, just say you won.
Giuliani once said a
pretty remarkable thing.
He said, you could
throw a fake.
And what he means is, in
politics, you can embellish,
exaggerate, maybe
just throw something
out there that you don't have
any real basis to believe
is true.
And that's what he did.
We were getting ready
to win this election.
Frankly, we did
win this election.
[all cheering]
We did win this election.
Make no mistake
about it, Donald
Trump himself is delusional.
Rudolph Giuliani helped to
contribute to those delusions
of grandeur that
exists within Donald
Trump's head about the
election being stolen from him.
I think that he
felt like the 1989
election was stolen from
him, that the voting
system was rigged.
A few of my advisors
and other people
that actually came
to see us to urge
me to contest the election.
And they presented us with they
regarded as evidence of voter
tampering, voter fraud.
We see an early
premonition of what we're
going to see years later.
We're living
through I believe,
the worst voter fraud scandal
in the history of our country.
They steal elections
in Detroit.
you'll have an opportunity--
And they steal
elections in New York.
President Trump has
put his personal lawyer,
Rudy Giuliani, in charge of his
campaign's election lawsuits.
Giuliani becomes a real
central figure for Trump
as Trump is beginning
to devise any strategy
to hold on to power.
Giuliani, who's been on
the road in four states,
leading the president's
election challenge.
His team has already
filed lawsuits in Michigan,
Georgia, and Pennsylvania.
We are going to
continue the lawsuit here.
We're going to
bring a second one,
and then we're going to
bring a federal lawsuit.
I don't think he believed
that Trump won the election.
I don't think he believes that
Trump was a great president
or a lousy one.
I think this is
immaterial to him.
What's material, is
that he's standing
up there talking
about Donald Trump
before thousands of people.
Giuliani, he's on
television constantly,
he's holding bizarre
press conferences,
like the never to be forgotten
Four Seasons Landscaping
press conference.
Trump tweets
that there's going
to be a press conference by his
attorneys at the Four Seasons.
Two minutes after that,
he deleted the first tweet
and started over,
quote, "Big press
conference today in
Philadelphia at Four
Seasons Total Landscaping."
Oh, that Four
Seasons, of course.
He means Four Seasons Total
Landscaping, located just
down the block from
Fantasy Island adult books
and video store, and across
the street from the Delaware
Valley Cremation Center.
It's so embarrassing,
you couldn't even write it.
700,000 votes
that disappeared.
Giuliani is insisting that
they will continue to fight
when a reporter interrupts
him and tells him
that the election
had been called.
Who was it called by?
- All of them.
- All of them!
Oh, my goodness!
All the networks!
All the networks!
Of course, it would end up
like this, with Rudy Giuliani
making an ass of
himself while Donald
Trump officially
loses the presidency
and is on the golf course.
This legal team, a.k.a.
the clown car of incompetence,
has now lost close to 50 cases
in a month.
Most of them,
I mean, basically
laughed out of court.
Inside courtrooms,
nearly every single attempt
from Trump, the Trump
campaign and his allies
are rebuked by judges, who want
to see some measure of proof
that simply doesn't exist.
Dismissals in Michigan,
Georgia, Nevada, Arizona,
and I'll tell you, it's rare
to see courts throw out cases
this quickly.
We're going to
stick with this,
we're going to
win this election.
We've actually won it.
And I believe Biden and his
crew tried to steal the votes.
I believe it is totally fraud.
I'm just not
believing that Biden
won in any way, shape or form.
Everybody knows
they stole it.
Recount, recount, recount!
There's this drumbeat coming
from Trump, coming from Rudy,
coming from a lot
of their supporters,
of this election is
fake, we need to stand up
for voters and for the
integrity of our elections
and we need to stop
this from happening.
Stop the steal,
stop the steal.
One of the clearest
inflection points in that post
election period for Giuliani
is that famous press
conference at the Republican
National Committee.
Good afternoon.
I mean, this is I think,
the clearest picture
Americans have gotten
of Rudy Giuliani
totally detached from reality.
This to me, is
the button to that
rise and fall that we
talk about over Giuliani's
public life.
Did you all watch
My Cousin Vinny?
You know, the movie?
It's one of my
favorite law movies,
because he comes from Brooklyn.
I don't like to mock
people or anything like that.
I actually do remember
thinking in that moment,
why is his family
letting him do this?
I prosecuted some of the
most dangerous criminals
in the world.
I know crimes.
I can smell them.
This is a man who is a
student of American history,
who could have
given you lectures
about our democracy
and the need
for a peaceful
transfer of power.
You know, we use largely
Venezuelan voting machine
in essence to count our vote.
We let this happen, we're
going to become Venezuela.
He's too smart to believe
some of the nonsense
that he's been spouting.
You know, the monkey
business with the ballots
and Venezuela being involved.
I mean, this is
just nutty stuff.
Fast forward to hair
dye running down his face.
So the only evidence
that Rudy has uncovered,
is that he's not a
natural brunette.
I could tell you the second
he saw that line of makeup
or hair gel or
whatever the hell
it was oozing off
of Rudy's head,
that Donald Trump, a man
with a more than passing
acquaintance with makeup,
immediately wrote Rudy off.
You know your legal
strategy is [bleep] up,
when even your hair
starts crying about it.
He's lost capacity for shame.
And shame as a
self-regulating function.
In Giuliani's case,
earlier in his career
I think this actually
served the public interest
fairly well.
That moment is now long
gone, and he's just
a man with lots and lots
of pie in his face to go
with the dripping hair dye.
And you know, the
general sense of like,
a corroded and
decayed human being.
The menace gets lost
in the clown show.
He's standing
there perpetrating
a big lie about
our most sacrosanct
thing, which is our democracy.
Yet, it actually is
the genesis of what
came closer to an American
coup than we've ever had.
We are the majority!
And Trump won!
Trump won!
Trump won!
The night before
January 6, rally
goers had started assembling.
And I can tell
you to this day,
Donald Trump won the election.
They were so loud, that Trump
could hear them in the Oval
Office that evening.
[all cheering]
Trump opened the doors on
this chilly January evening
and started calling
aides into his office.
Can you hear them
outside, he'd ask.
Can you hear how
excited they are?
I woke up that
morning and you know,
there was a sense of real
menace in Washington,
and there had been
for a couple days.
[all cheering]
There is a new Republican
Party on the rise.
We're coming for
you, and we're going
to have a good time doing it.
This is the greatest group
of patriots ever put together.
What does Giuliani
do on January 6?
Please welcome
America's mayor, Rudy.
He takes the stage at
the Stop the Steal rally
on the ellipse.
Just south of the
White House, you
can see the White
House in the distance,
and he fires up this crowd.
This has been a year in
which they have invaded
our freedom of speech,
our freedom of religion,
our freedom to move,
our freedom to live.
I'll be darned if
they're going to take
away our free and fair vote!
And we're going to
fight to the very end
to make sure that
doesn't happen.
Over the next 10 days, we
get to see the machines that
are crooked, the ballots
that are fraudulent,
and if we're wrong,
we will be made fools of.
But if we're right, a lot
of them will go to jail.
So let's have trial by combat!
Rudy Giuliani arguing that
he wasn't literally advocating
for insurrection when
he spoke at a pro-Trump
rally in Washington just before
rioters stormed the Capitol.
When I heard him
say, trial by combat,
that was decisive for me.
He absolutely enabled an
attack on our democracy
and tried to
overturn an election.
And that's just a
civic sin that's
completely unforgivable.
all: Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.
When you see him being
one of the speakers leading
into January 6, look at the
footage of the police riot
when Dave Dinkins was mayor.
That's who Rudy was.
He's just not able to
finesse it like he used to.
But that's Rudy.
We're going to walk
down to the Capitol.
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
Trump and Giuliani showed,
as the whole Trump presidency
showed, that a small, smaller
than you think minority,
could wreak absolute havoc
with the American system.
[all shouting]
They're protecting her.
Not if he wants in!
all: We want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump.
For somebody who once
championed the rule of law
and tried his cases in court,
for him to be the instrument
of--of essentially
undermining the system of law
and having people lose
faith in our democracy
is a horrible way
to end your career.
Because of the damage
that you have already
done to our system and
even greater danger
that may lie ahead.
[all shouting]
Hey, Giuliani, [bleep] you!
Yeah, [bleep] you.
He's just fallen so
far, and he keeps falling.
So the only thing
that kind of ties
it all together is that people
are still talking about him.
Whether he's going up
or he's going down,
he's in the conversation.
And maybe that's what
it's all about for him.
Now he once told a
reporter, you know,
whatever, whatever
they say about me,
I'll be dead one
day, I don't care.
And that may be true.
But he's still alive and he
still has to think about it.
My father would
say to me, when
you make a decision, the
most important thing you've
got to think about is, can
you shave the next morning
and look at yourself
in the mirror
and feel good about yourself.
I do not think that
Rudy Giuliani understands
that there has been
a tremendous erosion
of his reputation that
he has caused at all.
He looks in the mirror and
he sees the hero of 9/11.
And those of us
who are here have
to defend freedom by going
about our lives unafraid.
I saw him walking down
the street about two weeks
after they raided his house.
I looked out the side
of the car and I said,
here's Giuliani.
I didn't even roll
the window down.
It would have been beyond even
me to be able to predict he'd
end up the way he's ended up.
Here's a man now who got
there with divisiveness
and polarizing,
and by some luck,
was able to resurrect himself
to being the nation's mayor.
Got a second chance,
and then he erodes it all.
It is almost unthinkable.
At the end of the
day, Rudy Giuliani
was not brought down by
those of us that opposed him.
He was not brought
down by his critics.
Rudy Giuliani was brought
down by Rudy Giuliani.
[somber piano music]
If Rudy had left public life
either after 9/11
or after 2008,
when he
dies in a few years,
they would name high
schools after him.
They would rename LaGuardia
Airport after him.
He would go down as a complex,
weird, funny, strange,
highly accomplished guy,
who at two key inflection
points in history, stood up and
offered powerful leadership.
That man's gone, unfortunately.
It's tragic.
Ladies and gentlemen,
America's mayor,
Rudy Giuliani.
I am officially announcing
my withdrawal as a
candidate for president
of the United States.
Very difficult night
for Rudy Giuliani.
We are going to make
our country great again.
Giuliani sees one thing, opportunity.
Trump is clearly
the best choice.
He thought, this will put
me back in the spotlight.
What I did for
New York, Donald Trump
will do for America!
[cheers and applause]
Oh, my god.
I moved on her, actually.
You know, she was
down in Palm Beach.
I moved on her, and I failed.
I'll admit it.
- Whoa.
I did try and [bleep] her.
She was married.
That's huge news there.
Some breaking news right now.
David Fahrenthold
of The Washington Post
got his hands on a tape.
How are you?
- Hi, Mr. Trump.
How are you?
- Nice seeing you.
- Pleasure to meet you.
When the Access Hollywood
tape dropped, I was on air.
Donald Trump and Billy
Bush had something
of a raunchy conversation.
And when you're a star,
they let you do it.
You can do anything.
Whatever you want.
Grab 'em by the [bleep].
He's bragging about
committing sexual assault.
So I was just stunned,
absolutely stunned.
There is a political
storm that has erupted.
Already a parade
of Republicans
has either condemned
Trump's comments,
withdrawn their
support completely,
or called on him to step down.
Any truth that
he's dropping out?
Kellyanne Conway,
Reince Priebus, others,
were scheduled to be
on the Sunday shows.
All of them canceled
their appearances.
And the one person who went on
to defend him in wake of that
was Rudy Giuliani.
Joining me now
is former New York City
mayor and Donald Trump
supporter, Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy Giuliani,
top advisor to Donald Trump.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me back.
That was a moment
for Rudy Giuliani
to really step up
and show that was
willing to be Donald Trump's
number one defender,
number one attack dog.
Men at times, talk like that.
I don't know how much
he was exaggerating.
I don't know how much is true.
He's a different man
now than he was then.
Men say stupid things
in locker rooms.
We should move on.
Rudy Giuliani
bet on Trump when
very few people were doing so.
He stuck with Trump after
the Access Hollywood tape.
Shameful, but like, you know,
you do this because you're
expecting a reward.
I guess there are
a few perfect people.
But in my view,
there's only been one.
And that was Jesus Christ.
CNN can report that Hillary
Clinton has called
Donald Trump
to concede the race.
I'm enormously
excited for the country.
I believe Donald Trump will
be a truly great president.
[dramatic music]
This is probably
one of the greatest
victories for the people of
America since Andrew Jackson.
The election of Donald
Trump to the White House
shocks the country
from coast to coast.
[all cheering]
I'm so proud to
call him the president
of the United States.
Even people who are
pulling for Donald Trump
are amazed that he won.
It felt like this incredible
period of uncertainty.
Who that is that?
Is that the mayor
that showed up?
Morning after the 2016
presidential election,
if you're Rudy Giuliani,
and Donald Trump had just
been elected president
of United States,
you're feeling that there's
tons of opportunity ahead.
What's your role
expected to be?
I have no expectation.
All I do is give my advice.
Donald's been my
friend for 28 years.
All of my work on behalf of him
has been out of great loyalty
and friendship to him.
Whatever Rudy wants,
Rudy gets, because he was
the guy who stood by Trump.
Whatever he said,
Bill Clinton did much worse.
His top pick
is secretary of state.
So is this true?
You want to be
secretary of state?
[laughs] Whatever I
want to be, I'll discuss
with the president-elect.
Rudy has developed a network
of contacts in countries
across the world
in the wake of 9/11
and his geopolitical
rock star status where
he's treated almost like
an ex-president as he
travels around the world.
I think he thought
being secretary of state
would be a good way
to stay in the game.
You're not president.
You're not vice president.
Secretary of state is
the most prestigious job
in the cabinet.
And I think that he saw
that as-- as an alternate
to the presidential
ambitions that were
never going to be fulfilled.
John would be
a very good choice.
Is there anybody better?
Maybe me.
I don't know.
He gets a little too far
out ahead of himself on this.
And what was really
happening behind the scenes
was that there was actually
some concerns about Rudy and--
and whether he was up
for the challenge here.
Trump confidante, Rudy
Giuliani, former New York
mayor, may not actually now
be a lock for the position
of secretary of state.
There's one moment in Trump
Tower where Jason Miller,
one of the top communication
advisors for Trump,
comes out of the bullpen
of his team and says,
we need someone to go in there
and just lob questions at Rudy
to see what he says.
Everybody scatters.
The aide who does get picked
goes in behind closed doors
and is horrified
by what he hears,
a question about when
is the last time you've
traveled to the Middle East.
That question comes
with enough stammering
that they have
a follow-up meeting.
The aide asks Giuliani,
you told me
yesterday that you hadn't been
to the Middle East for a year.
Are you sure about that?
Are there any other
trips you can remember?
Giuliani's face goes blank.
Turns out,
his secretary had said
Rudy had just been in the
Middle East a month ago.
If you talk to people
who were talking to Trump
at the time, they say he was
never seriously considered
for it, which is probably more
revealing in and of itself
of the dynamic of
the relationship
between the two of them.
The relationship
between Trump and Rudy
is really a fraught one.
It's one where
Trump really values
Giuliani's defense of him.
He was the best
mayor in the history
of the city of New York.
He's a great person
who loves our country.
But shows his appreciation,
shows his love for Rudy
with backhand and criticisms.
In Donald Trump eye's,
part of Giuliani's record.
Like, he ran for
the presidency,
and it totally
went up in flames.
So to Donald Trump,
he's a loser.
There was a moment after
Trump had been elected,
Steve Mnuchin his new
treasury secretary
is getting married
in Washington,
and Giuliani is very
excitedly talking.
And Trump stops him.
Says, Rudy,
you're spitting all over.
Go stand over there.
And Rudy does.
Rudy thought Trump
was going to appoint
him secretary of state.
And that didn't work.
So he keeps around the
margins in any way he can,
trying to get back to
the center of the action.
One has to really
appreciate to understand
the arc of Rudy Giuliani,
how intoxicating
fame and power are.
For a politician to lose relevance
is gutting.
What happens to political
and media figures when they
fear irrelevance and
go off the deep end
to become relevant again.
I don't think he
really got over losing
the race for president.
He misses the action.
He wants to be a player.
[dramatic music]
We've got some
major news that we're
still absorbing
as we speak right now
that broke overnight.
A bombshell report from
The New York Times,
claiming that the FBI
launched an investigation
into President Trump to see
if he was working for Russia
and against the United States.
Most of Trump's first
two years in office
are overshadowed
by allegations of colluding
with Russia to try to
tilt the 2016 election.
And those eventually land in
the lap of the special counsel
Robert Mueller.
I said, you know, this
Russia thing with Trump
and Russia is a made-up story.
President needs a fighter.
He needs somebody who
he thinks will push back
against this investigation,
against the press
obsession with
the investigation,
with the same zeal
that he would.
And that is why he calls up
his old friend Rudy Giuliani
and says, I need you
to fight for me here.
It's divorce number
three for Rudy Giuliani,
New York City's former mayor.
And at a hearing today,
it became clear that things
are taking a nasty turn.
Since 2016,
you see him without any
of the tethers that guided him
in more productive directions.
Peter Powers was
Rudy's closest confidant
since their boyhood days.
If anyone could center him,
it was Peter.
If there was anyone who could
calm him down, it was Peter.
And when Peter died
during the Trump campaign,
Rudy lost his lifeline.
And I think that's
what happens to him.
He's more alone
than early Rudy was.
Rudy Giuliani is
finally an official member
of the Trump team.
The former New York
mayor now joining
the president's legal team.
He wants to do battle the
way he knows how to do battle,
which is on Twitter and on TV.
I have no problem with that.
He is treated
differently and unfairly.
- I have no problem with that.
- He's innocent.
He wants Giuliani,
the prosecutor,
to prosecute the press, to
prosecute the prosecutors.
You've got a hysteria
going on in the media
that interprets everything
against Donald Trump.
There's no hysteria here.
And that is what takes
Giuliani all the way
through the Trump years.
- Wait.
- His father-in-law--
Jake-- Jake, we are so--
we are so distorting
the system of justice
just to get Donald Trump.
It's going to hurt us.
He was spending a lot
of time in the West Wing.
He was somebody
who was constantly
on call for the former
president to reach out to.
And I think this kind
of brought back together
this on-again, off-again
longstanding bromance
between the two of these tough
of a certain era New York men.
He has this direct
access, without any
of the responsibility or
any of the accountability.
As a skilled professional
who figured out
how to climb his way
up in the legal world,
and then up in the political
world, that he figured OK,
now I'm in the Trump world.
What do I need to do to
succeed in this world?
And in this world, loyalty
is 100% obedience, is 100%.
And he just decided,
well, this is
the world I'm going to be in,
and I'm just going to do this.
Almost immediately,
as Giuliani
joins the team in a formal
way, he's doing a lot of press.
When you tell
me that you know,
he should testify because
he's going to tell the truth
and he shouldn't
worry, well, that's so
silly because it's
somebody's version
of the truth, not the truth.
He didn't have a
conversation about--
The truth is truth.
I don't mean to go, like, I--
- No!
It isn't truth.
Truth isn't truth.
The president of the United
States says, I didn't.
Truth isn't truth.
Mr. Mayor, do you
realize what, I mean.
There's a moment
inside the White House
where Trump aides start
criticizing what Giuliani has
said on air, and Trump
barks at them all and says,
at least Rudy's out
there defending me.
When you do find out?
I'll tell you what.
Rudy knows it's a witch hunt.
He started yesterday.
He'll get his facts straight.
He's a great guy.
In 2018, Joe Biden
is clearly gearing up
for a presidential
run and is widely
perceived as the front-runner.
Remember, in 2007,
when Joe Biden was making
his second run
for the presidency
and Rudy Giuliani
was making his first,
Joe Biden famously in
a Democratic debate
just dismissed Giuliani.
There's only three things
he mentions in a sentence,
a noun, and a verb, and 9/11.
I mean, there's nothing else.
There's nothing else.
Giuliani never has
gotten over that, ever.
Rudy Giuliani
called former vice
president Joe Biden a moron
and mentally deficient idiot.
I believe that he
always needs to define
himself through anatomy.
So, Catholic school
he was good and there
were other kids who were bad.
And then he's a
prosecutor and he's
gonna lock up the bad guys.
And then he's mayor
and he's gonna
lock up the squeegee
guys and jaywalkers,
and now it's Biden.
Rudy starts kind
of from what I
can best say, fancying himself
as like the new Roger Stone.
Opposition research is as
old as the game of politics,
but it's the
lengths he went to.
This is the former
mayor of New York,
this rah-rah
pro-America kind of guy
who was looking
for dirty tricks
to try to harm an American
political opponent
of his friend, Donald Trump.
Giuliani's been doing
business all around the world.
And one of the
places on the map
where he started developing
relationships is Ukraine.
And who was the Obama
administration point person
for dealing with Ukraine?
It was Joe Biden.
Just think about how
rich an opportunity
that is for Rudy Giuliani,
who wants to prove
himself for Donald Trump.
Giuliani had one
aim and one aim only.
And that was how to
[bleep] up Joe Biden.
You can't make this stuff up.
Joe Biden's son,
Hunter Biden,
was making money off of a company
owned by a Ukrainian oligarch.
If Giuliani could somehow find
a connection between Joe Biden
taking official action to
help his son enrich himself
in Ukraine, he thinks that's
going to be a golden moment
for Donald Trump.
Over the beginning of 2019,
I start getting texts from Rudy
about Ukraine, texts
about how Hunter
Biden was corrupt
and Ukraine, and
people need to look into this.
At this point,
Giuliani has really left
truth and facts to the side.
He has fully joined the
conspiratorial mentality
of President Trump and
his administration,
totally signed on to that.
Rudy wants to build a case.
So he goes to get evidence.
Now one of the problems is,
is he falls into this murky
world of Russia and
Ukraine and all sorts
of competing agendas.
And he demonstrates
very little discernment
as to who is a reliable
source and who isn't.
The problem is, this wasn't
some backroom deal in Queens.
This was about democracy
in Ukraine surviving.
As Rudy is ramping up
this campaign in Ukraine
to try and get these investigations,
he starts feeling like he's
running into this roadblock.
And that is the US ambassador
to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.
I heard very, very
bad things about her
for a long period of time.
Not good.
Yovanovitch was recalled
by President Trump
because Rudy Giuliani accused
her of hampering efforts
to dig up dirt on Joe Biden.
Rudy Giuliani was saying that
she was the corrupt one, even
though she was
there pushing back
on corrupt figures in Ukraine.
The taking down, the smearing
and the attempt to destroy
the career of a career foreign
service official for this
obscure political
personal errand,
it was the early
warning signal,
it was the shocking moment of
clarity that should have been,
but wasn't.
The idea that Rudy is this
powerful international wheeler
dealer and that he was going to
go over to Ukraine and he was
going to pull the
strings of power,
this whole thing was shambolic,
it was crapulous, it was just,
it was going to be exactly
the [bleep] show it turned
into from the beginning.
When you make your
decisions based on your pride
or based on your
ego, you can do very
damaging things to yourself.
And so Rudy took that
to the fourth power.
The New York Times reporting
that the president's personal
lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is
pressing a foreign country,
Ukraine, to take
actions to help
Trump get re-elected in 2020.
This is Giuliani talking.
"We're not meddling
in an election,
we're meddling in
an investigation."
There's nothing
illegal about it.
What Giuliani and
Trump want to happen here
is an investigation
into Hunter Biden.
Both of them view
an investigation
as politically advantageous.
It doesn't really matter
what the outcome is, as long
as they can use that as
a as a political cudgel
against the son of Joe
Biden, who at this point,
is clearly the biggest threat
to a second term
for President Trump.
He's running around
representing himself
as sort of an arm of the State
Department, a representative
of the president.
Giuliani and the people who
are trying to help him started
building relationships with
the people they thought
would be in power.
In the meantime, Ukraine
elects a new president.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy,
an actor best known
for playing the
president of Ukraine,
was elected to
lead that country.
I think at this
time, President
Zelenskyy was a
relatively unknown
player on the world stage.
He had won this
election in Ukraine,
but he had this background
as a popular comedian.
[non-English speech]
Zelensky parlayed this role,
in which a kind of naive,
but well-intentioned
becomes the president of
Ukraine, into becoming
the president of Ukraine.
This throws a wrench into the
interests of Rudy Giuliani.
That election creates
a whole new dynamic
that Giuliani then tries
to navigate and game out.
This is in fragile
new government.
Obviously, recent
events show that
there is an external
danger to Ukraine
that they cannot ignore.
The dangle from Rudy
is, we could offer you
a public show of support to
get a meaningful investigation
of Hunter Biden.
Rudolph Giuliani
was not a diplomat.
Rudolph Giuliani was
not an ambassador.
Rudolph Giuliani was not
the secretary of state.
Rudolph Giuliani was
a hired political gun
working to advance
Donald Trump's
partisan electoral interests.
This scandal is a scandal
of major proportions.
Now, was I--
- Are you done now?
No, I'm not done now?
Because you haven't
said anything.
You can't just
talk the whole time.
Mueller, that July, testifies
in a very clearly lackluster
performance to Congress.
The finding indicates that
the president was not, uh.
Trump not only felt
this sense of exoneration,
he also had this
sense of vengeance.
I think Robert Mueller did
a horrible job both today
and with respect to
the investigation.
He did nothing wrong and he
wasn't involved in collusion,
and he wasn't involved
in obstruction.
And it's in this
mindset, where
that morning, Trump picks
up the phone for a call
with President Zelensky.
The President
says, "There's a lot
of talk about Biden's son,
so if you can look into it,
it sounds horrible to me."
Trump spends the
call asking Zelensky
very specifically to help
him investigate Hunter Biden.
White House notes of that
call show that when Zelensky
asked for a shipment
of anti-tank missiles,
Trump countered with
these words, "I would like
you to do us a favor though."
What Zelensky doesn't realize
is, that inside the White
House, Trump has put a hold on
several million dollars of aid
to Ukraine in
anticipation of Zelensky
agreeing to these investigations.
Many of those who are
close to Donald Trump
think that none of this
would have happened
without Rudy Giuliani.
Ukraine was Giuliani's deal.
These were his connections,
these were his sources,
this was his rogue
foreign policy.
I don't know that I think the
average American at that time
understood why it
was so important
that we give the security
assistance to the Ukrainians.
I think now in 2022 when
Russia is invading Ukraine
and slaughtering innocent
Ukrainian civilians,
our longstanding ally, we
understand why we had a role
and an obligation to do that.
Zelenskyy held firm.
And it was a weird preview
that this young guy who they
thought was a trifle, they
thought, oh, he's a punk,
he's nobody, he's
a comedian, you
know, he just an
accidental president,
he's turned out to
be a greater leader
in a time of terrible,
terrible crisis
than either Trump or Rudy.
[non-English speech]
The curtain was
lifted today on
an anonymous whistleblower's
explosive complaint
against President
Trump, detailing
his ask for political help
from Ukraine's president.
Giuliani is mentioned in
the whistleblower complaint
more than 30 times.
Pointing to that
July phone call
between President Trump
and Ukraine's President.
That was a perfect call.
An absolutely perfect call.
You know it, they all know it.
I'm announcing the
House of Representatives
moving forward with an
official impeachment inquiry.
And everybody's attention
started turning to one man,
and that was Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's influence led
to Trump's impeachment
over these Ukraine issues.
Again, this
moment of everybody
working to sort of
contain the Rudy influence
and keep him away
from the president
and yet, the president
keeps seeking him out.
Rudy Giuliani is not
a guy who backs down.
Rudy is a guy who doubles down.
Whenever Giuliani was on the
defensive when he was mayor,
his response was to attack.
I don't remember
him ever apologizing,
saying, I shouldn't have
said that or I overreacted.
And you see that throughout
the impeachment process.
What you just said
is totally wrong!
It's not what--
It's completely wrong!
This was a period where
all his friends were kind
of begging him to lay
low, to stop going on TV
and pressing this case,
and he couldn't do it.
I've got the documents,
I've got the proof,
and I've got the witnesses.
One person I spoke to who
met with him around that time
described driving around
in a cab with Rudy,
and Rudy on two occasions
during the same drive
rolled down his window to
high five construction workers
who were waving at him.
Even at the height of
the Ukraine investigation
when you were having all
these administration officials
testify about how horrified
they were by what Rudy had
been doing abroad,
he just seemed to be
having the time of his life.
About 10 days before
the 2020 election,
this clip gets released
of the Borat movie.
You can give me your phone
number and your address.
Put down your phone!
She's 15, she too old for you.
It's sort of another blow to
Rudy and to his credibility.
I had to take off the
electronic equipment.
And when the electronic
equipment came off
and I tucked my
shirt in, I assure
you that's all I was doing.
I realize now that
this is a setup.
And then all of a sudden,
crazy Sacha Baron Cohen
runs in with a cape on and
he's yelling and screaming
all kinds of stupid stuff.
I do recall
thinking at some point
as things went along, that
this was not the person I knew.
Many of the things that he
was doing were just baffling.
It's election night in
America and a nation in crisis
is at a crossroads.
Rudy Giuliani
was one of Donald
Trump's most trusted advisors
on election night 2020.
To get there, you had
to be somebody that
told Donald Trump what
he wanted to hear,
not telling him the truth.
The first exit
polls just coming
in tonight, President Trump at
the White House this evening.
Rudy Giuliani understood
something on election night
2020, which many of Donald
Trump's other advisors
did not, which is that
Donald Trump meant it
when he said he
wasn't going to accept
the results of the election.
Trump's second election
night goes much differently
than his first one.
This one, for starters,
is inside the White House.
It's a who's who
of Trump world,
and that guest list, of
course, includes Rudy Giuliani.
For the early portion of the
evening, some fairly prominent
reporters were
texting me saying,
wow, it looks like
he might do it again.
I can't wait to
get the results in.
And if he doesn't win?
That's not even an option.
I think he's going
to win by a lot.
That's my interpretation.
all: Four more years!
Four more years!
I was in the East Wing
when the Arizona call came.
Fox News called Arizona, and
that angered all the people
around the president.
And the mood
changed fundamentally.
Giuliani is furiously
scrambling to figure
out how to help the president.
All of the people
yelling suggestions,
Trump not knowing what
to do until one moment
when Rudy Giuliani pipes up
and says, just say you won.
Giuliani once said a
pretty remarkable thing.
He said, you could
throw a fake.
And what he means is, in
politics, you can embellish,
exaggerate, maybe
just throw something
out there that you don't have
any real basis to believe
is true.
And that's what he did.
We were getting ready
to win this election.
Frankly, we did
win this election.
[all cheering]
We did win this election.
Make no mistake
about it, Donald
Trump himself is delusional.
Rudolph Giuliani helped to
contribute to those delusions
of grandeur that
exists within Donald
Trump's head about the
election being stolen from him.
I think that he
felt like the 1989
election was stolen from
him, that the voting
system was rigged.
A few of my advisors
and other people
that actually came
to see us to urge
me to contest the election.
And they presented us with they
regarded as evidence of voter
tampering, voter fraud.
We see an early
premonition of what we're
going to see years later.
We're living
through I believe,
the worst voter fraud scandal
in the history of our country.
They steal elections
in Detroit.
you'll have an opportunity--
And they steal
elections in New York.
President Trump has
put his personal lawyer,
Rudy Giuliani, in charge of his
campaign's election lawsuits.
Giuliani becomes a real
central figure for Trump
as Trump is beginning
to devise any strategy
to hold on to power.
Giuliani, who's been on
the road in four states,
leading the president's
election challenge.
His team has already
filed lawsuits in Michigan,
Georgia, and Pennsylvania.
We are going to
continue the lawsuit here.
We're going to
bring a second one,
and then we're going to
bring a federal lawsuit.
I don't think he believed
that Trump won the election.
I don't think he believes that
Trump was a great president
or a lousy one.
I think this is
immaterial to him.
What's material, is
that he's standing
up there talking
about Donald Trump
before thousands of people.
Giuliani, he's on
television constantly,
he's holding bizarre
press conferences,
like the never to be forgotten
Four Seasons Landscaping
press conference.
Trump tweets
that there's going
to be a press conference by his
attorneys at the Four Seasons.
Two minutes after that,
he deleted the first tweet
and started over,
quote, "Big press
conference today in
Philadelphia at Four
Seasons Total Landscaping."
Oh, that Four
Seasons, of course.
He means Four Seasons Total
Landscaping, located just
down the block from
Fantasy Island adult books
and video store, and across
the street from the Delaware
Valley Cremation Center.
It's so embarrassing,
you couldn't even write it.
700,000 votes
that disappeared.
Giuliani is insisting that
they will continue to fight
when a reporter interrupts
him and tells him
that the election
had been called.
Who was it called by?
- All of them.
- All of them!
Oh, my goodness!
All the networks!
All the networks!
Of course, it would end up
like this, with Rudy Giuliani
making an ass of
himself while Donald
Trump officially
loses the presidency
and is on the golf course.
This legal team, a.k.a.
the clown car of incompetence,
has now lost close to 50 cases
in a month.
Most of them,
I mean, basically
laughed out of court.
Inside courtrooms,
nearly every single attempt
from Trump, the Trump
campaign and his allies
are rebuked by judges, who want
to see some measure of proof
that simply doesn't exist.
Dismissals in Michigan,
Georgia, Nevada, Arizona,
and I'll tell you, it's rare
to see courts throw out cases
this quickly.
We're going to
stick with this,
we're going to
win this election.
We've actually won it.
And I believe Biden and his
crew tried to steal the votes.
I believe it is totally fraud.
I'm just not
believing that Biden
won in any way, shape or form.
Everybody knows
they stole it.
Recount, recount, recount!
There's this drumbeat coming
from Trump, coming from Rudy,
coming from a lot
of their supporters,
of this election is
fake, we need to stand up
for voters and for the
integrity of our elections
and we need to stop
this from happening.
Stop the steal,
stop the steal.
One of the clearest
inflection points in that post
election period for Giuliani
is that famous press
conference at the Republican
National Committee.
Good afternoon.
I mean, this is I think,
the clearest picture
Americans have gotten
of Rudy Giuliani
totally detached from reality.
This to me, is
the button to that
rise and fall that we
talk about over Giuliani's
public life.
Did you all watch
My Cousin Vinny?
You know, the movie?
It's one of my
favorite law movies,
because he comes from Brooklyn.
I don't like to mock
people or anything like that.
I actually do remember
thinking in that moment,
why is his family
letting him do this?
I prosecuted some of the
most dangerous criminals
in the world.
I know crimes.
I can smell them.
This is a man who is a
student of American history,
who could have
given you lectures
about our democracy
and the need
for a peaceful
transfer of power.
You know, we use largely
Venezuelan voting machine
in essence to count our vote.
We let this happen, we're
going to become Venezuela.
He's too smart to believe
some of the nonsense
that he's been spouting.
You know, the monkey
business with the ballots
and Venezuela being involved.
I mean, this is
just nutty stuff.
Fast forward to hair
dye running down his face.
So the only evidence
that Rudy has uncovered,
is that he's not a
natural brunette.
I could tell you the second
he saw that line of makeup
or hair gel or
whatever the hell
it was oozing off
of Rudy's head,
that Donald Trump, a man
with a more than passing
acquaintance with makeup,
immediately wrote Rudy off.
You know your legal
strategy is [bleep] up,
when even your hair
starts crying about it.
He's lost capacity for shame.
And shame as a
self-regulating function.
In Giuliani's case,
earlier in his career
I think this actually
served the public interest
fairly well.
That moment is now long
gone, and he's just
a man with lots and lots
of pie in his face to go
with the dripping hair dye.
And you know, the
general sense of like,
a corroded and
decayed human being.
The menace gets lost
in the clown show.
He's standing
there perpetrating
a big lie about
our most sacrosanct
thing, which is our democracy.
Yet, it actually is
the genesis of what
came closer to an American
coup than we've ever had.
We are the majority!
And Trump won!
Trump won!
Trump won!
The night before
January 6, rally
goers had started assembling.
And I can tell
you to this day,
Donald Trump won the election.
They were so loud, that Trump
could hear them in the Oval
Office that evening.
[all cheering]
Trump opened the doors on
this chilly January evening
and started calling
aides into his office.
Can you hear them
outside, he'd ask.
Can you hear how
excited they are?
I woke up that
morning and you know,
there was a sense of real
menace in Washington,
and there had been
for a couple days.
[all cheering]
There is a new Republican
Party on the rise.
We're coming for
you, and we're going
to have a good time doing it.
This is the greatest group
of patriots ever put together.
What does Giuliani
do on January 6?
Please welcome
America's mayor, Rudy.
He takes the stage at
the Stop the Steal rally
on the ellipse.
Just south of the
White House, you
can see the White
House in the distance,
and he fires up this crowd.
This has been a year in
which they have invaded
our freedom of speech,
our freedom of religion,
our freedom to move,
our freedom to live.
I'll be darned if
they're going to take
away our free and fair vote!
And we're going to
fight to the very end
to make sure that
doesn't happen.
Over the next 10 days, we
get to see the machines that
are crooked, the ballots
that are fraudulent,
and if we're wrong,
we will be made fools of.
But if we're right, a lot
of them will go to jail.
So let's have trial by combat!
Rudy Giuliani arguing that
he wasn't literally advocating
for insurrection when
he spoke at a pro-Trump
rally in Washington just before
rioters stormed the Capitol.
When I heard him
say, trial by combat,
that was decisive for me.
He absolutely enabled an
attack on our democracy
and tried to
overturn an election.
And that's just a
civic sin that's
completely unforgivable.
all: Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.
When you see him being
one of the speakers leading
into January 6, look at the
footage of the police riot
when Dave Dinkins was mayor.
That's who Rudy was.
He's just not able to
finesse it like he used to.
But that's Rudy.
We're going to walk
down to the Capitol.
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
Trump and Giuliani showed,
as the whole Trump presidency
showed, that a small, smaller
than you think minority,
could wreak absolute havoc
with the American system.
[all shouting]
They're protecting her.
Not if he wants in!
all: We want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump,
we want Trump.
For somebody who once
championed the rule of law
and tried his cases in court,
for him to be the instrument
of--of essentially
undermining the system of law
and having people lose
faith in our democracy
is a horrible way
to end your career.
Because of the damage
that you have already
done to our system and
even greater danger
that may lie ahead.
[all shouting]
Hey, Giuliani, [bleep] you!
Yeah, [bleep] you.
He's just fallen so
far, and he keeps falling.
So the only thing
that kind of ties
it all together is that people
are still talking about him.
Whether he's going up
or he's going down,
he's in the conversation.
And maybe that's what
it's all about for him.
Now he once told a
reporter, you know,
whatever, whatever
they say about me,
I'll be dead one
day, I don't care.
And that may be true.
But he's still alive and he
still has to think about it.
My father would
say to me, when
you make a decision, the
most important thing you've
got to think about is, can
you shave the next morning
and look at yourself
in the mirror
and feel good about yourself.
I do not think that
Rudy Giuliani understands
that there has been
a tremendous erosion
of his reputation that
he has caused at all.
He looks in the mirror and
he sees the hero of 9/11.
And those of us
who are here have
to defend freedom by going
about our lives unafraid.
I saw him walking down
the street about two weeks
after they raided his house.
I looked out the side
of the car and I said,
here's Giuliani.
I didn't even roll
the window down.
It would have been beyond even
me to be able to predict he'd
end up the way he's ended up.
Here's a man now who got
there with divisiveness
and polarizing,
and by some luck,
was able to resurrect himself
to being the nation's mayor.
Got a second chance,
and then he erodes it all.
It is almost unthinkable.
At the end of the
day, Rudy Giuliani
was not brought down by
those of us that opposed him.
He was not brought
down by his critics.
Rudy Giuliani was brought
down by Rudy Giuliani.
[somber piano music]
If Rudy had left public life
either after 9/11
or after 2008,
when he
dies in a few years,
they would name high
schools after him.
They would rename LaGuardia
Airport after him.
He would go down as a complex,
weird, funny, strange,
highly accomplished guy,
who at two key inflection
points in history, stood up and
offered powerful leadership.
That man's gone, unfortunately.
It's tragic.