Game of Thrones (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - A Golden Crown - full transcript
While recovering from his battle with Jaime, Eddard is forced to run the kingdom while Robert goes hunting. Tyrion demands a trial by combat for his freedom. Viserys is losing his patience with Drogo.
(Gulls cawing)
Your pardon, Your Grace.
I would rise, but. . .
Do you know what your wife has done?
- She did nothing I did not command.
- Who'd have thought she had it in her?
By what right dare you lay hands
on my bIood?
- l am the King's Hand. . .
- You were the King's Hand!
You shall now be held accountable.
Oh, will both of you shut your mouths?
CateIyn wiII reIease Tyrion
and you'll make your peace with Jaime.
He butchered my men.
Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel
when his men attacked Jaime.
- Quiet, woman.
- Jaime has fled the city.
Give me leave to bring him back to justice.
I took you for a king.
Hold your tongue.
He's attacked one of my brothers
and abducted the other.
I should wear the armor
and you the gown.
I shall wear this like a badge of honor.
Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.
(Door slams)
See what she does to me?
My loving wife.
I should not have hit her.
That was not. . .
That was not kingly.
If we don't act. . .
there will be a war.
So teII your wife to return
that little shit of an Imp to King's Landing.
She's had her fun, now put an end to it.
You hear me?
Send a raven and put an end to it.
And what about Jaime Lannister?
What about Jaime?
I'm half a kingdom in debt
to his bloody father.
l don't know what happened
between you and those yellow-haired shits.
l don't want to know.
This is what matters -
l can't ruIe the Kingdoms
if the Starks and the Lannisters
are at each other's throats, so enough.
As you command, Your Grace.
With your leave. . .
I will return to Winterfell
and set matters straight.
Piss on that. Send a raven.
I want you to stay.
I'm the king. I get what I want.
I never loved my brothers.
A sad thing for a man to admit, but it's true.
You were the brother I chose.
We'll talk when I return from the hunt.
The hunt?
Killing things clears my head.
You'll have to sit on the throne
while I'm away. (Chuckles)
You'll hate it more than I do.
- The Targaryen girl. . .
- Seven hells!
Don't start with her again!
The girl will die and I'll hear no more of it.
Put on the badge.
And if you ever take it off again,
I swear to the mother I'll pin the damned thing
on Jaime Lannister.
(Door slams)
(Horse whinnies, distant)
Oh, Khaleesi!
You're hurt.
(Raven caws)
(Pounding footsteps, door slams)
(Bran whooping joyously)
- Not too fast.
- Come on, Dancer.
When are you gonna tell him?
Not now.
- Blood for blood.
- (Bran) Come on!
You need to make the Lannisters pay
for Jory and the others.
- (Robb) You're talking about war.
- l'm taIking about justice.
Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in
the bannermen and raise an army.
A Lannister put his spear
through your father's Ieg.
The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock
where no one can touch him. . .
You want me to march on Casterly Rock?
- You're not a boy anymore.
- (Bran) Come on.
They attacked your father.
They've already started the war.
It's your duty to represent your House
when your father can't.
And it's not your duty,
because it's not your House.
(Birds chirping)
Where's Bran?
I don't know.
It's not my House.
(Horse nickering)
All alone in the deep, dark woods.
l'm not aIone.
My brother is with me.
I don't see him.
Got him hidden under your cloak?
Ooh, that's a pretty pin.
We'll take the pin and the horse.
Get down.
Be quick about it.
I can't.
The saddle. . . The straps.
What's wrong with you?
You some kind of cripple?
I'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell.
If you don't let me be, I'll have you all killed!
Cut his IittIe cock off
and stuff it in his mouth.
The boy's worth nothing dead.
Benjen Stark's own blood?
Think what Mance would give us.
Piss on Mance Rayder
and piss on the North.
We're going as far south as south goes.
There ain't no white walkers down in Dorne.
(Robb) Drop the knife!
Let him go and I'll let you live.
- Robb.
- Shut up.
Drop the blade!
- No, don't.
- Do it.
(Arrow thuds)
Are you all right?
Yes. It doesn't hurt.
Tough little lad.
In the Iron Islands, you're not a man
until you've killed your first enemy.
Well done.
Have you lost your mind?
What if you'd missed?
He would have killed you
and cut Bran's throat.
- You don't have the right. . .
- To save your brother's life?
It was the only thing to do, so I did it.
What about her?
(Gasping) Give me my life, my lord,
and l'm yours.
We'll keep her alive.
(Sigh of relief)
(Wind blowing)
Turnkey! Mord!
Dwarf man making noise!
How would you like to be rich?
Dwarf man still making noise.
My family is rich.
We have gold, lots of gold.
I'm prepared to give you lots of gold in. . .
No gold!
Well, I don't have it here.
No gold! (Grunts)
Fuck off.
(Door slams)
I don't want to practice today.
They killed Jory.
My father is hurt.
I don't care about stupid wooden swords.
You are troubled.
- Yes.
- Good!
Trouble is the perfect time for training.
When you are dancing in the meadow
with your dolls and kittens,
this is not when fighting happens.
I don't like dolls and k. . .
You're not here.
You're with your trouble.
If you are with your trouble
when fighting happens. . .
. . more trouble for you.
(Tuts) Just so.
How can you be quick as a snake. . .
. .or as quiet as a shadow. . .
. .when you are somewhere else?
You are fearing for your father, hmm?
That is right.
- Do you pray to the gods?
- The old and the new.
There is only one god. . .
and his name is death.
And there is only one thing we say to death -
"Not today."
(Dothraki chanting)
(Priestess chants)
(Dothraki chanting)
(Chanting continues)
She has to eat the whole heart?
I hope that wasn't my horse.
She's doing well.
She'll never keep it down.
(Chanting continues)
(Chanting intensifies)
(Chants in Dothraki)
Tell me what she's saying.
"The prince is riding.
"I have heard the thunder
of his hooves.
"Swift as the wind he rides.
"His enemies will cower before him. . .
". .and their wives will weep tears of blood."
She's going to have a boy.
He won't be a real Targaryen.
He won't be a true dragon.
(Chanting stops)
(Daenerys sobs)
(Speaks Dothraki)
"The stallion who mounts the world."
The stallion is the khal of khals.
He shall unite the people
into a single khalasar.
All the people of the world will be his herd.
(Speaks Dothraki)
A prince rides inside me!
And he shall be called Rhaego!
(Chanting) Rhaego! Rhaego!
Rhaego! Rhaego!
Rhaego! Rhaego. . .
They love her.
Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego. . .
(Chanting continues)
She truly is a queen today.
Don't let them see you carrying a sword
in Vaes Dothrak.
You know the law.
It's not my law.
They don't belong to you.
Whatever is hers is also mine.
Once, perhaps.
lf l seII one egg,
I'll have enough to buy a ship.
Two eggs - a ship and an army.
- And you have all three.
- I need a large army.
I'm the last hope of a dynasty, Mormont.
The greatest dynasty
this world has ever seen
on my shoulders
since I was five years old,
and no one has ever given me
what they gave to her in that tent. Never.
Not a piece of it.
How can I carry
what I need to carry without it? Hmm?
Who can rule without wealth or fear or love?
Oh, you stand there, all nobility and honor.
You don't think I see you
looking at my little sister, hmm?
Don't think I know what you want?
I don't care. You can have her.
She can be queen of the savages
and dine on the finest bloody horseparts,
and you can dine
on whichever parts of her you like.
But let me go.
You can go.
You can't have the eggs.
You swore an oath to me.
Does loyalty mean nothing to you?
It means everything to me.
And yet here you stand.
And yet here I stand.
- (Wind roaring)
- Mord!
Noise again!
- About the gold. . .
- No gold!
- No gold.
- Listen to me! Listen to me.
Sometimes possession. . .
is an abstract concept. . .
When they captured me, they took my purse,
but the gold is still mine.
Where? I don't know where,
but when they free me. . .
You want free?
Go be free.
Have you ever heard the phrase. . .
"Rich as a Lannister"?
Of course you have!
You're a smart man.
You know who the Lannisters are.
I am a Lannister.
Tyrion, son of Tywin!
And of course,
you have also heard the phrase,
"a Lannister always pays his debts."
If you deliver a message from me. . .
to Lady Arryn, I will be in your debt.
I will owe you gold.
If you deliver the message. . .
and I live,
which I very much intend to do.
What message?
Tell her I wish to confess my crimes.
(Metal tapping, courtiers murmuring)
You wish to confess your crimes?
Yes, my lady. I do, my lady.
The sky cells always break them.
Speak, Imp.
Meet your gods as an honest man.
Where do I begin, my lords and ladies?
I'm a vile man, I confess it.
My crimes and sins are beyond counting.
I have lied and cheated. . .
gambled and whored.
I'm not particularly good at violence, but. . .
I'm good at convincing others
to do violence for me.
You want specifics, I suppose.
When I was seven, I saw a servant girl. . .
bathing in the river.
I stole her robe.
She was forced to return to the castle
naked and in tears.
lf l cIose my eyes,
I can still see her tits bouncing.
When I was 1 0,
I stuffed my uncle's boots with goatshit.
When confronted with my crime,
I blamed a squire.
Poor boy was flogged and. . .
l escaped justice.
When I was 1 2 I milked my eel
into a pot of turtIe stew.
- (Gasps)
- I flogged the one-eyed snake.
I skinned my sausage.
I made the bald man cry
into the turtle stew,
which I do believe my sister ate.
At least I hope she did.
l once brought a jackass
and a honeycomb into a brothel. . .
What happened next?
What do you think you're doing?
Confessing my crimes.
Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man
to slay my son Bran in his bed,
and of conspiring to murder
my sister's husband -
Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.
Oh, I'm very sorry.
I don't know anything about all that.
You've had your little joke.
I trust you enjoyed it.
Mord, take him back to the dungeon.
But this time find a smaller cell. . .
with a steeper floor.
Is this how justice is done in the Vale?
You accuse me of crimes,
I deny them,
so you throw me into a cell
to freeze and starve?
Where is the king's justice?
I am accused and demand a trial!
(Courtiers murmuring)
If you're tried and found guilty, then by the
king's own Iaws you wiII pay with your Iife.
I understand the law.
We have no executioner in the Eyrie.
Life is more elegant here.
Open the Moon Door.
(Wind howling)
(Robin giggling)
(Lysa) You want a trial, my Lord Lannister.
Very well.
My son wiII Iisten
to whatever you have to say,
and you will hear his judgment.
Then you will leave. . .
by one door or the other.
(Tyrion) No need to bother Lord Robin.
- I demand a trial by combat.
- (Laughter)
You have that right.
My lady, I beg the honor.
Let me be your champion.
The honor should be mine.
For the love I bore your lord husband. . .
let me avenge his death.
- I'll fight for you, my lady.
- It'll be my honor.
- The honor should be mine.
- Make the bad man fly!
Ser Vardis. . .
you're quiet.
Don't you want to avenge my husband?
With all my heart, my lady.
But the Imp is half my size.
It would be shameful to slaughter such a man
and call it justice.
You demanded a trial by combat.
Now I demand a champion.
I have that right, same as you.
My lady,
I will gladly fight the Imp's champion for you.
I wouldn't be too glad, ser.
I name my brother, Jaime Lannister.
The KingsIayer
is hundreds of miles from here.
Send a raven for him. I'm happy to wait.
The trial will be today.
Do I have a volunteer?
- Anyone?
- (Giggling)
I think we can assume that no one is willing. . .
I'll stand for the dwarf.
(Lancel) More wine, Your Grace?
- What was l saying?
- (Renly) Simpler time.
It was! It was.
You're too young to remember.
Wasn't it simpler, Selmy?
- lt was, Your Grace.
- The enemy was right there in the open,
vicious as you like,
all but sending you a bloody invitation.
Nothing like today.
- It sounds exhilarating.
- Exhilarating, yes.
Not as exhiIarating as those baIIs
and masquerades you like to throw.
You ever fuck a Riverlands girl?
Once. I think.
You think? I think you'd remember.
Back in our day, you weren't a real man
untiI you'd fucked one girI
from each of the Seven Kingdoms
and the Riverlands.
- We used to call it "making the eight."
- Those were some lucky girls.
You ever make the eight, Barristan?
I don't believe so, Your Grace.
(Laughs) Those were the days.
Which days, exactly?
The ones where half of Westeros
fought the other half and millions died?
Or before that, when the Mad King
slaughtered women and babies
because the voices in his head
toId him they deserved it?
Or way before that, when dragons burned
whole cities to the ground?
Easy, boy.
You might be my brother,
but you're speaking to the king.
I suppose it was all rather heroic.
lf you were drunk enough
and had some poor Riverlands whore
to shove your prick inside
and make the eight.
More wine, Your Grace?
(Man) They burned most everything
in the Riverlands -
our fields, our granaries,
our homes.
They took our women,
then they took 'em again.
When they was done, they butchered them
as if they was animals.
They covered our children in pitch. . .
and lit them on fire.
Brigands, most likely.
They weren't thieves.
They didn't steal nothing.
They even left something behind, Your Grace.
It's the King's Hand you're addressing,
not the king.
The king is hunting.
Fish. The sigil of House Tully.
(Whispers) Isn't that your wife's House - Tully -
my Lord Hand?
These men, were they flying a sigil?
- A banner?
- None, your. . . Hand.
The one who was leading them. . .
Taller by a foot
than any man I've ever met,
saw him cut the blacksmith in two,
saw him take the head off a horse
with a singIe swing of his sword.
That sounds like someone we know.
The Mountain.
You're describing Ser Gregor Clegane.
Why should Ser Gregor turn brigand?
The man is an anointed knight.
I've heard him called
Tywin Lannister's mad dog.
I'm sure you have as well.
(Hushed) Can you think of any reason
the Lannisters might possibly have
for being angry with your wife?
lf the Lannisters were to order attacks
on villages under the king's protection,
- it would be. . .
- That would be almost as brazen
as attacking the Hand of the King
in the streets of the capital.
Well. . .
I cannot give you back your homes
or restore your dead to life,
but perhaps I can give you justice
in the name of our king, Robert.
Lord Beric Dondarrion.
You shall have the command.
AssembIe 1 00 men
and ride to Ser Gregor's keep.
As you command.
In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon,
the First of his Name,
King of the Andals and the First Men,
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
and Protector of the ReaIm,
I charge you to bring the king's justice
to the false knight Gregor Clegane
and all those who shared in his crimes.
I denounce him and attaint him.
I strip him of all ranks and titles. . .
of all lands and holdings. . .
and sentence him to death.
My lord. . .
This. . . This is a drastic action.
It would be better to wait
for King Robert's return.
- Grand Maester Pycelle.
- My lord.
Send a raven to Casterly Rock.
lnform Tywin Lannister
that he has been summoned to court
to answer for the crimes of his bannermen.
He wiII arrive within the fortnight,
or be branded an enemy of the Crown
and a traitor to the realm.
(Softly) A bold move, my lord, and admirable.
But is it wise to yank the lion's tail?
Tywin Lannister is the richest man
in all the Seven Kingdoms.
Gold wins wars, not soldiers.
Then how come Robert is king
and not Tywin Lannister?
(Wind howling)
- (Crowd shouting)
- (Man) HoId!
- Attack! Attack!
- Come on, Ser Vardis!
- Attack!
- (Roaring)
(Lysa) Stand and fight, coward!
- (Gasps)
- Yes!
- (Panting)
- Enough, Ser Vardis! Finish him.
(Woman) What are you doing? Get up!
Get up, get up, get up!
Raise your sword. Raise it!
Get up, man!
- On your feet!
- Get up! Get up and fight, Ser Vardis!
(Crowd shouting)
(Woman) No! Have mercy!
(Groans and gasps)
Is it over?
You don't fight with honor!
He did.
(Crowd muttering)
Can I make the little man fly now?
Not this little man.
This little man is going home.
I believe you have something of mine.
(Coins jingle)
A Lannister always pays his debts.
You wear your hair Iike
a real southern lady now.
Well, why shouldn't I?
We're in the South.
It's important to remember
where you come from.
l'm not sure your mother
would like these new styles.
My mother isn't from the North.
I'm aware of that.
Why do you care?
Do you even have hair under there?
Yes. I have hair.
I've never seen it.
Would you like to?
Where are you from anyway?
The North or the South?
- I come from a very small village in. . .
- Oh, wait.
I just realized. . . I don't care.
- Sansa. . .
- Septa.
- (Door closes)
- Now you are being rude.
(Septa) My prince.
My prince.
My lady.
I fear I have behaved monstrously
the past few weeks.
With your permission?
It's beautiful,
like the one your mother wears.
You'll be queen someday.
It's only fitting you should look the part.
Will you forgive me for my rudeness?
There's nothing to forgive.
You're my lady.
One day we'll be married
in the throne room.
Lords and Iadies from aII over
the Seven Kingdoms will come,
from the last hearth in the North
to the salt shore in the South.
And you will be queen over all of them.
I'll never disrespect you again.
I'll never be cruel to you again.
Do you understand me?
You're my lady now. . .
from this day. . .
until my last day.
- Stop!
- Whoa.
- What are you doing?
- Going to King's Landing.
In a turnip cart?
I'll find a ship heading south in White Harbor.
And you can afford that?
Some of my friends
are more generous than others.
There's a thousand girls like you
in King's Landing.
So I'll have lots of company.
Yes, you'll be very popular. . .
until some fat lord comes to visit
with a big beIIy and a IittIe prick
and he can't get it up
so he knocks all your teeth out.
And what will happen to me if I stay here?
Will I become Lady Greyjoy,
Mistress of the Iron Islands?
Don't be a fool.
I hear Jaime Lannister attacked Lord Stark
in the streets of King's Landing.
Every man for a hundred miles
will be marching off to war soon
and most of them will never come back.
There's nothing left for me here.
Let's go, Steffon.
Giddy up.
Let me see it one more time!
See what?
(Coin clinks)
I'm going to miss you!
I know.
I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.
- What?
- Listen. . .
- What about Joffrey?
- Are you dying because of your leg?
- Is that why you're sending us home?
- What? No.
- Please, Father. Please don't.
- You can't.
I've got my lessons with Syrio.
l'm finaIIy getting good.
This isn't a punishment. I want you back
in WinterfeII for your own safety.
Can we take Syrio back with us?
Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher?
I can't go.
l'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey.
I love him and I'm meant to be his queen
- and have his babies.
- Seven hells.
When you're old enough, I'll make you a match
with someone who's worthy of you,
someone who's brave
and gentle and strong. . .
l don't want someone brave
and gentle and strong. I want him!
He'll be the greatest king that ever was,
a goIden Iion,
and l'II give him sons
with beautiful blond hair.
(Arya) The lion's not his sigil, idiot.
He's a stag, like his father.
He is not.
He's nothing like that old drunk king.
Go on, girIs.
Get your septa and start packing your things.
- Wait!
- Come on.
But it's not fair!
(Door slams)
"Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair."
"Axel Baratheon, black of hair."
"Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair."
"Steffon Baratheon, black of hair."
"Robert Baratheon, black of hair."
"Joffrey Baratheon. . .
(Drums playing, laughter)
(Drunkenly) Where's my sister?
Stop him.
(High-pitched) Where is she? Hmm?
Where is she?
I'm here for the feast.
The whore's feast?
- Come.
- Get your hands off me!
No one touches the dragon!
(Speaks Dothraki)
(Speaks Dothraki)
Khal Drogo!
I'm here for the feast.
(Speaks Dothraki)
Khal Drogo says there is a place for you.
Back there.
That is no place for a king.
You are no king.
- Keep away from me!
- (Drumming stops)
Viserys, please.
(Dothraki hissing)
There she is.
Put the sword down. They'll kill us all.
They can't kill us. (Chuckles)
They can't shed blood in their sacred city.
But I can.
I want what I came for.
I want the crown he promised me.
- He bought you.
- (lrri transIating)
But he never paid for you.
Tell him I want what was bargained for
or l'm taking you back.
He can keep the baby.
I'll cut it out and leave it for him.
(Speaks Dothraki)
What's he saying?
He says yes.
You shall have a golden crown. . .
. .that men shall tremble to behold.
That was all I wanted.
W-What was promised.
(Speaks Dothraki)
- (Bone cracks)
- (Screams) No!
No! You cannot touch me.
l am the dragon.
I am the dragon!
I want my crown! Ahh!
(Viserys screams)
(Speaks Dothraki)
- Look away, Khaleesi.
- No.
(Viserys) No, Dany.
Dany, tell them.
Make them!
Dany, make them. . .
No, you can't!
Just. . . Please!
Dany, please!
A crown for a king.
He was no dragon.
Fire cannot kill a dragon.
Your pardon, Your Grace.
I would rise, but. . .
Do you know what your wife has done?
- She did nothing I did not command.
- Who'd have thought she had it in her?
By what right dare you lay hands
on my bIood?
- l am the King's Hand. . .
- You were the King's Hand!
You shall now be held accountable.
Oh, will both of you shut your mouths?
CateIyn wiII reIease Tyrion
and you'll make your peace with Jaime.
He butchered my men.
Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel
when his men attacked Jaime.
- Quiet, woman.
- Jaime has fled the city.
Give me leave to bring him back to justice.
I took you for a king.
Hold your tongue.
He's attacked one of my brothers
and abducted the other.
I should wear the armor
and you the gown.
I shall wear this like a badge of honor.
Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.
(Door slams)
See what she does to me?
My loving wife.
I should not have hit her.
That was not. . .
That was not kingly.
If we don't act. . .
there will be a war.
So teII your wife to return
that little shit of an Imp to King's Landing.
She's had her fun, now put an end to it.
You hear me?
Send a raven and put an end to it.
And what about Jaime Lannister?
What about Jaime?
I'm half a kingdom in debt
to his bloody father.
l don't know what happened
between you and those yellow-haired shits.
l don't want to know.
This is what matters -
l can't ruIe the Kingdoms
if the Starks and the Lannisters
are at each other's throats, so enough.
As you command, Your Grace.
With your leave. . .
I will return to Winterfell
and set matters straight.
Piss on that. Send a raven.
I want you to stay.
I'm the king. I get what I want.
I never loved my brothers.
A sad thing for a man to admit, but it's true.
You were the brother I chose.
We'll talk when I return from the hunt.
The hunt?
Killing things clears my head.
You'll have to sit on the throne
while I'm away. (Chuckles)
You'll hate it more than I do.
- The Targaryen girl. . .
- Seven hells!
Don't start with her again!
The girl will die and I'll hear no more of it.
Put on the badge.
And if you ever take it off again,
I swear to the mother I'll pin the damned thing
on Jaime Lannister.
(Door slams)
(Horse whinnies, distant)
Oh, Khaleesi!
You're hurt.
(Raven caws)
(Pounding footsteps, door slams)
(Bran whooping joyously)
- Not too fast.
- Come on, Dancer.
When are you gonna tell him?
Not now.
- Blood for blood.
- (Bran) Come on!
You need to make the Lannisters pay
for Jory and the others.
- (Robb) You're talking about war.
- l'm taIking about justice.
Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in
the bannermen and raise an army.
A Lannister put his spear
through your father's Ieg.
The Kingslayer rides for Casterly Rock
where no one can touch him. . .
You want me to march on Casterly Rock?
- You're not a boy anymore.
- (Bran) Come on.
They attacked your father.
They've already started the war.
It's your duty to represent your House
when your father can't.
And it's not your duty,
because it's not your House.
(Birds chirping)
Where's Bran?
I don't know.
It's not my House.
(Horse nickering)
All alone in the deep, dark woods.
l'm not aIone.
My brother is with me.
I don't see him.
Got him hidden under your cloak?
Ooh, that's a pretty pin.
We'll take the pin and the horse.
Get down.
Be quick about it.
I can't.
The saddle. . . The straps.
What's wrong with you?
You some kind of cripple?
I'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell.
If you don't let me be, I'll have you all killed!
Cut his IittIe cock off
and stuff it in his mouth.
The boy's worth nothing dead.
Benjen Stark's own blood?
Think what Mance would give us.
Piss on Mance Rayder
and piss on the North.
We're going as far south as south goes.
There ain't no white walkers down in Dorne.
(Robb) Drop the knife!
Let him go and I'll let you live.
- Robb.
- Shut up.
Drop the blade!
- No, don't.
- Do it.
(Arrow thuds)
Are you all right?
Yes. It doesn't hurt.
Tough little lad.
In the Iron Islands, you're not a man
until you've killed your first enemy.
Well done.
Have you lost your mind?
What if you'd missed?
He would have killed you
and cut Bran's throat.
- You don't have the right. . .
- To save your brother's life?
It was the only thing to do, so I did it.
What about her?
(Gasping) Give me my life, my lord,
and l'm yours.
We'll keep her alive.
(Sigh of relief)
(Wind blowing)
Turnkey! Mord!
Dwarf man making noise!
How would you like to be rich?
Dwarf man still making noise.
My family is rich.
We have gold, lots of gold.
I'm prepared to give you lots of gold in. . .
No gold!
Well, I don't have it here.
No gold! (Grunts)
Fuck off.
(Door slams)
I don't want to practice today.
They killed Jory.
My father is hurt.
I don't care about stupid wooden swords.
You are troubled.
- Yes.
- Good!
Trouble is the perfect time for training.
When you are dancing in the meadow
with your dolls and kittens,
this is not when fighting happens.
I don't like dolls and k. . .
You're not here.
You're with your trouble.
If you are with your trouble
when fighting happens. . .
. . more trouble for you.
(Tuts) Just so.
How can you be quick as a snake. . .
. .or as quiet as a shadow. . .
. .when you are somewhere else?
You are fearing for your father, hmm?
That is right.
- Do you pray to the gods?
- The old and the new.
There is only one god. . .
and his name is death.
And there is only one thing we say to death -
"Not today."
(Dothraki chanting)
(Priestess chants)
(Dothraki chanting)
(Chanting continues)
She has to eat the whole heart?
I hope that wasn't my horse.
She's doing well.
She'll never keep it down.
(Chanting continues)
(Chanting intensifies)
(Chants in Dothraki)
Tell me what she's saying.
"The prince is riding.
"I have heard the thunder
of his hooves.
"Swift as the wind he rides.
"His enemies will cower before him. . .
". .and their wives will weep tears of blood."
She's going to have a boy.
He won't be a real Targaryen.
He won't be a true dragon.
(Chanting stops)
(Daenerys sobs)
(Speaks Dothraki)
"The stallion who mounts the world."
The stallion is the khal of khals.
He shall unite the people
into a single khalasar.
All the people of the world will be his herd.
(Speaks Dothraki)
A prince rides inside me!
And he shall be called Rhaego!
(Chanting) Rhaego! Rhaego!
Rhaego! Rhaego!
Rhaego! Rhaego. . .
They love her.
Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego! Rhaego. . .
(Chanting continues)
She truly is a queen today.
Don't let them see you carrying a sword
in Vaes Dothrak.
You know the law.
It's not my law.
They don't belong to you.
Whatever is hers is also mine.
Once, perhaps.
lf l seII one egg,
I'll have enough to buy a ship.
Two eggs - a ship and an army.
- And you have all three.
- I need a large army.
I'm the last hope of a dynasty, Mormont.
The greatest dynasty
this world has ever seen
on my shoulders
since I was five years old,
and no one has ever given me
what they gave to her in that tent. Never.
Not a piece of it.
How can I carry
what I need to carry without it? Hmm?
Who can rule without wealth or fear or love?
Oh, you stand there, all nobility and honor.
You don't think I see you
looking at my little sister, hmm?
Don't think I know what you want?
I don't care. You can have her.
She can be queen of the savages
and dine on the finest bloody horseparts,
and you can dine
on whichever parts of her you like.
But let me go.
You can go.
You can't have the eggs.
You swore an oath to me.
Does loyalty mean nothing to you?
It means everything to me.
And yet here you stand.
And yet here I stand.
- (Wind roaring)
- Mord!
Noise again!
- About the gold. . .
- No gold!
- No gold.
- Listen to me! Listen to me.
Sometimes possession. . .
is an abstract concept. . .
When they captured me, they took my purse,
but the gold is still mine.
Where? I don't know where,
but when they free me. . .
You want free?
Go be free.
Have you ever heard the phrase. . .
"Rich as a Lannister"?
Of course you have!
You're a smart man.
You know who the Lannisters are.
I am a Lannister.
Tyrion, son of Tywin!
And of course,
you have also heard the phrase,
"a Lannister always pays his debts."
If you deliver a message from me. . .
to Lady Arryn, I will be in your debt.
I will owe you gold.
If you deliver the message. . .
and I live,
which I very much intend to do.
What message?
Tell her I wish to confess my crimes.
(Metal tapping, courtiers murmuring)
You wish to confess your crimes?
Yes, my lady. I do, my lady.
The sky cells always break them.
Speak, Imp.
Meet your gods as an honest man.
Where do I begin, my lords and ladies?
I'm a vile man, I confess it.
My crimes and sins are beyond counting.
I have lied and cheated. . .
gambled and whored.
I'm not particularly good at violence, but. . .
I'm good at convincing others
to do violence for me.
You want specifics, I suppose.
When I was seven, I saw a servant girl. . .
bathing in the river.
I stole her robe.
She was forced to return to the castle
naked and in tears.
lf l cIose my eyes,
I can still see her tits bouncing.
When I was 1 0,
I stuffed my uncle's boots with goatshit.
When confronted with my crime,
I blamed a squire.
Poor boy was flogged and. . .
l escaped justice.
When I was 1 2 I milked my eel
into a pot of turtIe stew.
- (Gasps)
- I flogged the one-eyed snake.
I skinned my sausage.
I made the bald man cry
into the turtle stew,
which I do believe my sister ate.
At least I hope she did.
l once brought a jackass
and a honeycomb into a brothel. . .
What happened next?
What do you think you're doing?
Confessing my crimes.
Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man
to slay my son Bran in his bed,
and of conspiring to murder
my sister's husband -
Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.
Oh, I'm very sorry.
I don't know anything about all that.
You've had your little joke.
I trust you enjoyed it.
Mord, take him back to the dungeon.
But this time find a smaller cell. . .
with a steeper floor.
Is this how justice is done in the Vale?
You accuse me of crimes,
I deny them,
so you throw me into a cell
to freeze and starve?
Where is the king's justice?
I am accused and demand a trial!
(Courtiers murmuring)
If you're tried and found guilty, then by the
king's own Iaws you wiII pay with your Iife.
I understand the law.
We have no executioner in the Eyrie.
Life is more elegant here.
Open the Moon Door.
(Wind howling)
(Robin giggling)
(Lysa) You want a trial, my Lord Lannister.
Very well.
My son wiII Iisten
to whatever you have to say,
and you will hear his judgment.
Then you will leave. . .
by one door or the other.
(Tyrion) No need to bother Lord Robin.
- I demand a trial by combat.
- (Laughter)
You have that right.
My lady, I beg the honor.
Let me be your champion.
The honor should be mine.
For the love I bore your lord husband. . .
let me avenge his death.
- I'll fight for you, my lady.
- It'll be my honor.
- The honor should be mine.
- Make the bad man fly!
Ser Vardis. . .
you're quiet.
Don't you want to avenge my husband?
With all my heart, my lady.
But the Imp is half my size.
It would be shameful to slaughter such a man
and call it justice.
You demanded a trial by combat.
Now I demand a champion.
I have that right, same as you.
My lady,
I will gladly fight the Imp's champion for you.
I wouldn't be too glad, ser.
I name my brother, Jaime Lannister.
The KingsIayer
is hundreds of miles from here.
Send a raven for him. I'm happy to wait.
The trial will be today.
Do I have a volunteer?
- Anyone?
- (Giggling)
I think we can assume that no one is willing. . .
I'll stand for the dwarf.
(Lancel) More wine, Your Grace?
- What was l saying?
- (Renly) Simpler time.
It was! It was.
You're too young to remember.
Wasn't it simpler, Selmy?
- lt was, Your Grace.
- The enemy was right there in the open,
vicious as you like,
all but sending you a bloody invitation.
Nothing like today.
- It sounds exhilarating.
- Exhilarating, yes.
Not as exhiIarating as those baIIs
and masquerades you like to throw.
You ever fuck a Riverlands girl?
Once. I think.
You think? I think you'd remember.
Back in our day, you weren't a real man
untiI you'd fucked one girI
from each of the Seven Kingdoms
and the Riverlands.
- We used to call it "making the eight."
- Those were some lucky girls.
You ever make the eight, Barristan?
I don't believe so, Your Grace.
(Laughs) Those were the days.
Which days, exactly?
The ones where half of Westeros
fought the other half and millions died?
Or before that, when the Mad King
slaughtered women and babies
because the voices in his head
toId him they deserved it?
Or way before that, when dragons burned
whole cities to the ground?
Easy, boy.
You might be my brother,
but you're speaking to the king.
I suppose it was all rather heroic.
lf you were drunk enough
and had some poor Riverlands whore
to shove your prick inside
and make the eight.
More wine, Your Grace?
(Man) They burned most everything
in the Riverlands -
our fields, our granaries,
our homes.
They took our women,
then they took 'em again.
When they was done, they butchered them
as if they was animals.
They covered our children in pitch. . .
and lit them on fire.
Brigands, most likely.
They weren't thieves.
They didn't steal nothing.
They even left something behind, Your Grace.
It's the King's Hand you're addressing,
not the king.
The king is hunting.
Fish. The sigil of House Tully.
(Whispers) Isn't that your wife's House - Tully -
my Lord Hand?
These men, were they flying a sigil?
- A banner?
- None, your. . . Hand.
The one who was leading them. . .
Taller by a foot
than any man I've ever met,
saw him cut the blacksmith in two,
saw him take the head off a horse
with a singIe swing of his sword.
That sounds like someone we know.
The Mountain.
You're describing Ser Gregor Clegane.
Why should Ser Gregor turn brigand?
The man is an anointed knight.
I've heard him called
Tywin Lannister's mad dog.
I'm sure you have as well.
(Hushed) Can you think of any reason
the Lannisters might possibly have
for being angry with your wife?
lf the Lannisters were to order attacks
on villages under the king's protection,
- it would be. . .
- That would be almost as brazen
as attacking the Hand of the King
in the streets of the capital.
Well. . .
I cannot give you back your homes
or restore your dead to life,
but perhaps I can give you justice
in the name of our king, Robert.
Lord Beric Dondarrion.
You shall have the command.
AssembIe 1 00 men
and ride to Ser Gregor's keep.
As you command.
In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon,
the First of his Name,
King of the Andals and the First Men,
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
and Protector of the ReaIm,
I charge you to bring the king's justice
to the false knight Gregor Clegane
and all those who shared in his crimes.
I denounce him and attaint him.
I strip him of all ranks and titles. . .
of all lands and holdings. . .
and sentence him to death.
My lord. . .
This. . . This is a drastic action.
It would be better to wait
for King Robert's return.
- Grand Maester Pycelle.
- My lord.
Send a raven to Casterly Rock.
lnform Tywin Lannister
that he has been summoned to court
to answer for the crimes of his bannermen.
He wiII arrive within the fortnight,
or be branded an enemy of the Crown
and a traitor to the realm.
(Softly) A bold move, my lord, and admirable.
But is it wise to yank the lion's tail?
Tywin Lannister is the richest man
in all the Seven Kingdoms.
Gold wins wars, not soldiers.
Then how come Robert is king
and not Tywin Lannister?
(Wind howling)
- (Crowd shouting)
- (Man) HoId!
- Attack! Attack!
- Come on, Ser Vardis!
- Attack!
- (Roaring)
(Lysa) Stand and fight, coward!
- (Gasps)
- Yes!
- (Panting)
- Enough, Ser Vardis! Finish him.
(Woman) What are you doing? Get up!
Get up, get up, get up!
Raise your sword. Raise it!
Get up, man!
- On your feet!
- Get up! Get up and fight, Ser Vardis!
(Crowd shouting)
(Woman) No! Have mercy!
(Groans and gasps)
Is it over?
You don't fight with honor!
He did.
(Crowd muttering)
Can I make the little man fly now?
Not this little man.
This little man is going home.
I believe you have something of mine.
(Coins jingle)
A Lannister always pays his debts.
You wear your hair Iike
a real southern lady now.
Well, why shouldn't I?
We're in the South.
It's important to remember
where you come from.
l'm not sure your mother
would like these new styles.
My mother isn't from the North.
I'm aware of that.
Why do you care?
Do you even have hair under there?
Yes. I have hair.
I've never seen it.
Would you like to?
Where are you from anyway?
The North or the South?
- I come from a very small village in. . .
- Oh, wait.
I just realized. . . I don't care.
- Sansa. . .
- Septa.
- (Door closes)
- Now you are being rude.
(Septa) My prince.
My prince.
My lady.
I fear I have behaved monstrously
the past few weeks.
With your permission?
It's beautiful,
like the one your mother wears.
You'll be queen someday.
It's only fitting you should look the part.
Will you forgive me for my rudeness?
There's nothing to forgive.
You're my lady.
One day we'll be married
in the throne room.
Lords and Iadies from aII over
the Seven Kingdoms will come,
from the last hearth in the North
to the salt shore in the South.
And you will be queen over all of them.
I'll never disrespect you again.
I'll never be cruel to you again.
Do you understand me?
You're my lady now. . .
from this day. . .
until my last day.
- Stop!
- Whoa.
- What are you doing?
- Going to King's Landing.
In a turnip cart?
I'll find a ship heading south in White Harbor.
And you can afford that?
Some of my friends
are more generous than others.
There's a thousand girls like you
in King's Landing.
So I'll have lots of company.
Yes, you'll be very popular. . .
until some fat lord comes to visit
with a big beIIy and a IittIe prick
and he can't get it up
so he knocks all your teeth out.
And what will happen to me if I stay here?
Will I become Lady Greyjoy,
Mistress of the Iron Islands?
Don't be a fool.
I hear Jaime Lannister attacked Lord Stark
in the streets of King's Landing.
Every man for a hundred miles
will be marching off to war soon
and most of them will never come back.
There's nothing left for me here.
Let's go, Steffon.
Giddy up.
Let me see it one more time!
See what?
(Coin clinks)
I'm going to miss you!
I know.
I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.
- What?
- Listen. . .
- What about Joffrey?
- Are you dying because of your leg?
- Is that why you're sending us home?
- What? No.
- Please, Father. Please don't.
- You can't.
I've got my lessons with Syrio.
l'm finaIIy getting good.
This isn't a punishment. I want you back
in WinterfeII for your own safety.
Can we take Syrio back with us?
Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher?
I can't go.
l'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey.
I love him and I'm meant to be his queen
- and have his babies.
- Seven hells.
When you're old enough, I'll make you a match
with someone who's worthy of you,
someone who's brave
and gentle and strong. . .
l don't want someone brave
and gentle and strong. I want him!
He'll be the greatest king that ever was,
a goIden Iion,
and l'II give him sons
with beautiful blond hair.
(Arya) The lion's not his sigil, idiot.
He's a stag, like his father.
He is not.
He's nothing like that old drunk king.
Go on, girIs.
Get your septa and start packing your things.
- Wait!
- Come on.
But it's not fair!
(Door slams)
"Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair."
"Axel Baratheon, black of hair."
"Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair."
"Steffon Baratheon, black of hair."
"Robert Baratheon, black of hair."
"Joffrey Baratheon. . .
(Drums playing, laughter)
(Drunkenly) Where's my sister?
Stop him.
(High-pitched) Where is she? Hmm?
Where is she?
I'm here for the feast.
The whore's feast?
- Come.
- Get your hands off me!
No one touches the dragon!
(Speaks Dothraki)
(Speaks Dothraki)
Khal Drogo!
I'm here for the feast.
(Speaks Dothraki)
Khal Drogo says there is a place for you.
Back there.
That is no place for a king.
You are no king.
- Keep away from me!
- (Drumming stops)
Viserys, please.
(Dothraki hissing)
There she is.
Put the sword down. They'll kill us all.
They can't kill us. (Chuckles)
They can't shed blood in their sacred city.
But I can.
I want what I came for.
I want the crown he promised me.
- He bought you.
- (lrri transIating)
But he never paid for you.
Tell him I want what was bargained for
or l'm taking you back.
He can keep the baby.
I'll cut it out and leave it for him.
(Speaks Dothraki)
What's he saying?
He says yes.
You shall have a golden crown. . .
. .that men shall tremble to behold.
That was all I wanted.
W-What was promised.
(Speaks Dothraki)
- (Bone cracks)
- (Screams) No!
No! You cannot touch me.
l am the dragon.
I am the dragon!
I want my crown! Ahh!
(Viserys screams)
(Speaks Dothraki)
- Look away, Khaleesi.
- No.
(Viserys) No, Dany.
Dany, tell them.
Make them!
Dany, make them. . .
No, you can't!
Just. . . Please!
Dany, please!
A crown for a king.
He was no dragon.
Fire cannot kill a dragon.