Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Man føler seg litt dum og lurt - full transcript
In the previous game round, Aslak
regained some of the trust in the group.
I had a pretty big crush on you.
I've gone back a bit.
They think they can read in my eyes
that I am not evil.
I'm a piece of shit!
But Heidi saw through his lies.
My best chance of survival
is to fly straight into Aslak's throat.
You think I'm a traitor?
She is right about everything!
Tarjei had singled out
a new suspect.
Now the Katrine Moholt project starts.
You know what, Tarjei?
Sit there and look stupid.
-But Torstein was banished.
-My journey is over,-
-and I'm a traitor!
It feels like a victory.
Tone Hauge
Game round 5 begins immediately. With a
traitor banished in the previous council chamber,-
-the night could contain
both murder and temptation.
But the traitors didn't get to choose.
They had to kill a loyal one.
Now there are only nine left. The web
is getting ever tighter together-
-around the players.
I'm first.
Then I can take a close look at-
-everyone who comes in,
and see if anyone has changed.
I didn't feel safe last night.
I feel like I'm very exposed-
- because I speak very loudly
about what I think and feel.
Now there are only nine of us left, so I
have to keep an extra close eye on everyone, -
- in case someone was forced last night.
I hope Evelina comes.
I just said,
"I hope Evelina comes."
-So cozy!
- Shall we have breakfast together?
I was excited when
I entered the breakfast room.
And then it was Christmas, New Year's Eve
and a birthday all at once.
Because that's where mother sits!
And then I was so happy,-
- because my security
was still here.
Shall we take the test on each other?
I was not tempted last night.
I am still 100 percent loyal.
I wasn't tempted last night either.
I am 100 percent loyal.
-I believe in you.
- I believe in you too.
But what do you think now? We can
talk a bit before the others arrive.
It has been very strange with Tarjei.
And then I had an epiphany last night.
There has been so much
that has not voted, -
-but I think he is loyal.
I think Tarjei is loyal,-
- but since Jennie
has had quite a bit of buzz on her, -
- maybe it was sad.
It doesn't matter what Tarjei
said about me being the main suspect.
What I saw was
a very stressed Katrine Moholt-
- which was sweaty and clammy. I've
never seen Katrine like that before.
I am loyal.
I think he has seen
that Jennie has been upset.
Jennie is one of the few who say
that it is difficult to be here.
But I think it might be
because it's tough to be a traitor.
So then I think Tarjei
was trying to get attention-
-over to himself and me,
to give Jennie a little break.
That she wouldn't have to have the spotlight
on her. I think Tarjei is loyal.
Thinking of voting for Jennie?
I have had that suspicion
since the first council chamber.
The order has been Anne Marie,
Torstein and Jennie.
Much has substantiated it.
And Anne Marie... The only two she
defended were Torstein and Jennie.
That gave me some peace of mind
when it came to Tarjei.
I think Tarjei is loyal, but we
should hold our cards a little tighter.
-Tarjei, our boy!
Perhaps it's no shock
that I'm alive today.
-And Robin is here!
-But I was very happy to see Rob.
- I thought he was exposed.
- I also feared that.
Last night I actually felt quite safe.
A lot because I went
out pretty hard yesterday.
And then it is a very strange murder
of the traitors to take me.
Which is certainly in danger of
being sent out in the next council chamber.
But what is a bit annoying
is who is the X.
It annoys me that I…
In a way, I think it's Jennie.
Jennie has been on my mind from the start.
I thought she was weird
the first night.
I think maybe she could be the X.
-Hello. Have you slept well?
Weird. I've felt safe tonight-
- because
a lot of fizz was thrown at me yesterday.
So I have not been afraid
of being killed,-
-but I haven't slept so well.
I thought it was
a bit uncomfortable yesterday.
We must remove this cancerous tumor from the group.
And I think his
accomplice is Jennie.
I find it very difficult
to let go of my feelings.
I thought I
should just be myself,-
-but it can be very painful-
- when people point fingers at you,
because you're just being yourself.
I have realized that I
do not deserve to be here.
- That I don't deserve it?
- Because I missed it.
But everyone has done that.
Nothing is right
or wrong in this game.
Regardless of who is sitting here,
one has played in a way-
- which makes you sit here.
Then you should rather be a little proud-
- who have managed to get this far.
But I'm curious to
see if there are other-
- who tries to hide
that it's a bit tough.
That they have a slightly hard shell
or if others also think that...
I feel Jennie with argu eyes.
And she appears suspicious. It's
a little hard to put into words-
-why is she so suspicious,-
- but it has to do with the way of being.
And a strong gut feeling.
-What do we think now?
-I'm excited about-
-which of Heidi and Emilie will come.
It will give some...
- You feel one of them won't come?
-Victor has the shield.
- But you think someone has smoked?
Heidi is dead.
- It could be that it will come...
- Yes, but what are the chances?
-Hey! God tomorrow.
-God tomorrow.
I have a feeling that Heidi is coming.
Do you think she is dead now?
I think she's dead,
because I believed in her.
Why haven't I,
Evelina or Katrine been caught?
I have already said
that one thing to note,-
-are those who are very safe,
who do not die.
I would say
we are a group of four.
It's me, Victor,
Evelina and Katrine.
We have feelings a little outside,
can't lie so easily.
And we have agreed that we are a
safe foursome that hunt down traitors.
That's also why I thought
it was one of us who went.
It doesn't make sense to me,-
someone in my group is a traitor.
A good day to be
a loyal traitor on... No...
Traitor-loyal? I don't know
what to call it anymore.
I am so confused
about what I really am.
Everything I show is fake.
It gets harder
and harder.
Now my conscience is starting
to catch up with me.
We are a great bunch. We're going to
enjoy ourselves on missions, at least.
But I hope Heidi will come.
Now someone is coming.
Oh, Heidi was loyal then.
God tomorrow.
What do you have for breakfast?
Paranoia and uncertainty?
- Does it taste good?
- Yes, very well.
As you probably understand...
Heidi was killed
by the traitors last night.
But it's not unknown to
everyone around the table, is it?
"The night calls for another kill.
Choose wisely."
- We must not tempt.
- No, it's murder.
But that is
what we should go for anyway.
And then we have Heidi,
who ended the day by saying-
- that she had a great theory.
She solved everything.
She understood our every step.
- She's sharp, that is.
- Pretty sharp.
So I think we should kill Heidi.
Although it is very stupid to me.
But we should gamble.
We continue to gamble.
I've been gambling all the time.
We play risky.
- She was too good.
- She was far too good.
Yes, there comes the proof.
I am killed.
Aslak, I take that
as a huge compliment.
I take that as confirmation
that I was right.
I have been eliminated without a doubt-
- because I had to
attack Aslak.
And then I hope the other loyal...
That they do not allow themselves
to be manipulated by Aslak.
Because he's probably good at it.
It feels cunning
to be a traitor.
Heidi has exposed me.
She has come to the conclusion
that I am the traitor.
And she has it all figured out.
Sorry, Heidi, you're too smart.
We can't have you here.
You are going to expose us.
But right now anything can happen.
Today, my friends, you will have
a slightly calmer day. Goodbye.
-I do not believe that.
Was that all we got to know?
There is no such thing as a quiet day here.
Always something happening.
I do not believe that we will have
a quieter day. Rather the opposite.
I hope for God's sake
we don't have to sit-
-in that house all day and walk around
and talk to each other.
We're getting absolutely nowhere.
The highlight is going out on a mission.
Then we get a short break.
We are a team.
But right now... No, I have to go out.
That was bad. Or
it was a fairly decent spread, then.
I can't
put Aslak down.
I understand
that people trust his story,-
-but he is good enough to
set this up with Torstein.
And I don't trust Jennie. Think
she and Aslak are a combination.
And that Jennie is the X right from the start.
Yes, it was such a rush
that she went right on.
Now Torstein is out,
so I think it's Aslak-
-and an X who is a traitor.
But who is the X?
In a way, I think it's Jennie.
Today I think she changed her
demeanor a bit when we were all together.
That she started taking up more space,
coming up with theories, -
-but it hasn't been
her game until now.
And then I start to wonder
if it could be her.
There is one here
who is being lied to in a couple.
But not all couples
trust each other completely.
I don't understand what you are doing.
Don't even bother to answer that.
I have not fully trusted you
at any point here.
I trust Tarjei,
but we went in thinking-
-that we should be different
players, and I think he-
- is better at remembering that
than I am.
I just think that Tarjei has not
realized whether I play or not.
That he finds it difficult to
interpret me too. Quite difficult.
-A quiet day. A little boring?
- Shall we try to win some silver?
-Did not hear?
Then I think
we should go on a mission. See you later!
The group places itself freely
in three cars on the way to the assignment.
With few players left,
the traitors begin to know-
-that the loyalists are on their trail.
Aslak uses every trick in the book-
-to wash oneself clean.
I was so surprised
that Heidi smoked. It's so weird.
But yesterday, at the very end
of the evening before the gong came,-
- Heidi came storming up
to me and said:
"You're a traitor.
Well, I've told the others."
"So if I die now,
they'll know it's you."
And that was the last thing that happened.
So I've thought this is
to throw a tantrum at me.
It's day by day. Now it's...
It's getting difficult.
It is becoming difficult
to hide one's tracks.
And it's very risky.
I am so anxious all the time
about being exposed.
But do you trust Victor? I
understand that I trust him, but..
-Yes I do.
- Yes, he has done good things.
He also voted for Torstein
with me the day before.
And he was disappointed
that me and Evelina didn't do it.
- I trust Victor.
-But it's the Heidi thing-
-which got me thinking.
Am I not killed-
- because Victor doesn't want me out
and because he likes me?
But he couldn't lie
like that. I refuse to believe it.
I think both me and Victor
know each other so well.
If Victor has been able to hide
these feelings for so long,-
-then I start getting serious... Then
I doubt everything I believe about him.
Because I'm going to get hurt.
Even though I know
it's just a game.
But Lasse, I would like to hear
the basis of your theory.
Of those who are left now,-
-I think you identify yourself
as the most suspect.
On the basis of?
In the...
I think... Yes...
I don't understand
what Lasse is doing.
Every time I ask Lasse something,
he doesn't bother to answer me.
"Lasse, do you have any thoughts?"
And then I say, "So what?"
"I will not say."
That's the response I get.
But who the other is,
I really wonder, that is.
You think Jennie
and that she is with someone else?
- Yes, they know about each other.
- Yes, they do.
Sitting in the car with Jennie
and saying she's number one-
-on my suspect list,
is part of the gameplay.
Jennie understands that too.
A very interesting road trip.
I sit between Lasse and Jennie.
Lasse suspects Jennie,
and he doesn't say much.
So it was a bit small.
I tried to keep the conversation going.
Yes... What else can we talk about?
Without saying too much about my thoughts
regarding gaming.
Today I just think "hell no".
Those urns represent death.
Yes, what do you think
you will do today?
-Shooting with a bow and arrow?
-What was it that revealed it?
The bows and arrows?
Today you are going to
-shoot at these urns
with a bow and arrow.
A little uncomfortable
to see his name there.
You suddenly feel
a little exposed.
Not pleasant to think of
someone shooting at it.
You shoot until three
urns remain. The three remaining urns-
-they represent
the names of the players-
-who get to meet in the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
And then we have the silver. Six of these
urns contain silver.
While three are empty.
For every urn you hit,-
-which contains silver, you get
three silver bars in the prize pool.
Then you might think:
Who has decided-
-which urns contain silver
and which are empty?
- That's what the traitors have.
- You're a jerk.
- I need three names from you.
The traitors must place the silver
so that it gives the best return-
-to the prize pool, and at the same time
keep the tracks hidden.
We cannot take everyone from one group.
We have to take something from these different
groups who have been quarreling a bit.
Perhaps they think that one of
the traitors has put himself there.
My God,
how to do this?
How to do this
without being suspicious,-
- and still get what you
want to get out of this here?
There are so many tactics
one can use here.
It is very difficult
to interpret and consider
-about where the traitors
have placed the silver.
Either they can place a bit
to confuse,-
-or they can do
what they think.
Whatever they've done,
I find it hard-
-to read something from it.
Then it remains to be seen which urns
the traitors have kept empty,-
- and who you want
to keep out of the shield room.
The group is divided into three teams. The teams
must shoot in random order.
They don't know who has shot before
them or who is shooting after them.
This way they can shoot without having to
reveal their tactics.
- We are shitting in the silver.
- Agreed. Shield space is more important.
If we can choose,
which three will be left in the end?
-Your daughter?
-Yes, I trust Evelina and Victor
That sounds like a good plan.
The first team
is ready to fire.
They must decide
for which players-
-they will keep outside the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
I think it is
most likely-
- for me to be shot by the others.
-Do you want to shoot first?
I wanted to ask
because I think maybe-
- that it is
my only chance to get shot.
-What do you want to aim for?
-I will aim at the one I mean-
- is most treacherous.
-Who do you think?
- Aslak.
-You want to shoot Aslak?
I realized
he was going to go for Aslak.
And I think more people
would too.
I can't help him.
I feel that the suspicion is
much greater then on me.
I'm fine with
you shooting first.
- Then you can pick up the bow and arrow yourself.
It's really only Aslak
that I think is good to get out, -
- because I don't want him to
have any special power today.
Because I think he is
one of the traitors.
And he is the one I look up to the most.
-Oh, oh, oh!
-And it was silver!
-Good work.
You get one from me too.
It was nice. Digg.
Three silver bars in the prize pool,
and Aslak is out of the mission.
And out of the discussion about shield space-
- and dagger dinner. Good work.
Tarjei managed to shoot him down
on the first try.
It's kind of a shame,
but I kind of don't think-
- it had so much to say
on the whole, really.
In the...
-You can just turn around.
- Shall I go again?
- Yes, your urn is broken. You are out.
- Have at it, you guys.
I was a bit sad,
because I wanted to shoot with a bow and arrow.
The shitty bow and arrow game.
Bully games, that's what it is!
I walked forward and then
it was just like, "Have it."
-Which one of you will shoot?
-First it's me.
That's not how we played Indians
and cowboys when I was a little boy.
Things were a little simpler.
The bow must be held,
pull the string back-
- and don't hold the arrow.
It's just up there.
And then you let go of the string,
and then the arrow goes at breakneck speed.
-Was it Robin you meant?
It almost was.
He survived for so long.
We have to shoot
those who are not supposed to be in the shield room.
I don't want Lasse there.
I don't want
Emilie or Tarjei there.
And I don't want Aslak,
but he's shot.
-Then we'll take Emilie.
I've never shot anything much
with a bow and arrow-
-except for
what I've seen on TikTok.
Now there is a lot of pressure.
Press in my name. RH.
My name is half of
Robin Hood's name. So I dig this.
I have faith in you.
- Oh, damn, that was good!
- It's close.
I miss, but I'm close.
-Someone has tried to meet Emilie.
I'm a bit shocked
because I really like shields.
And now
that dream is completely shattered-
-when I see that someone is aiming at me
already in the first round.
I don't understand who
targeted Emilie. Weird.
To me, she is not a traitor.
- Shall we go for Lasse?
-Yes do it.
For me it's perfectly fine.
- We have faith.
-Pull a little extra hard and aim.
I feel like I need to pull it a lot more.
- It was very close, Emilie.
- Good shot.
It's not bad.
The second time
I will aim in the middle.
I feel the pressure,
as I get two chances in a row.
I'm aiming for the middle of Emilie.
- And hits.
- There was silver.
You get one from me too.
Emilie is out of the assignment
and the opportunity-
-to get shield room and dagger dinner.
- It was so good. Damn it.
- It was so satisfying.
And it was silver.
This means that we
have at least six silver bars.
- They took you.
That means, Emilie,
that the assignment is over for you.
-Good luck.
I have a feeling
it's one of the traitors.
And now, of course, I stand
without a shield.
No, it was really sad.
I will continue
what Emilie tried.
I'm going to try Lasse.
- No silver?
- No silver. It was empty.
But it was a hit, at least.
Delicious. Now our group leads.
- Very good hit.
Sorry, Lasse, but the shield room...
You can do just fine without it.
- I'm out of the game.
You are out of the game.
Who shot me down?
I would like to know that.
There are
some people here who don't like me.
- We were good there.
Should I take the next shot?
If I'm not caught.
There is a probability
that I am killed.
But they are so bad.
-Who on the team will shoot now?
- Now it's a' mother again.
Today I ended up alone,
I who am so miserable-
-on precision sports.
And then will this one be
pulled up to the hook?
Oi, it wants to Jennie!
I see it when it tunes in.
- Oh, where did it end up?
- Right by yourself.
- Right by your own urn.
-Imagine if I had caught myself.
-Jennie is going to...
-I regret it now,-
- because you don't want to shoot
your partners.
I'm not going to shoot
Robin or Evelina.
Then it's just me
and my girlfriend left.
Take Tarjei.
It feels very uncomfortable.
And as Robin says,-
-then you have to think about yourself.
We are individual players.
Then you have to think about yourself first.
Then you should aim for Tarjei.
Do what you feel is right.
I was very afraid
that if I missed,-
-should it be used against me.
Come on, Jennie. You can do this.
-Damn it, it was good.
- Good shot.
- It was close.
-Very good.
Who will you take if I'm killed?
Then you take Jennie?
-Okay, then I'll take Rob-
-if I get to shoot. You are so
clear that you are taking my partner…
Yes, you know that,
but you are a little skeptical yourself.
Yes, one hundred percent.
- But now there is a beef between the parties.
-OK fine.
- They have tried to take me.
- They have tried so hard!
- Are they that bad?
-Who are you going to shoot at now?
- I want to shoot Jennie Sofie.
- We will take each other's partners.
-And who will shoot?
It's his turn.
In the!
Were you happy or was it stupid?
I'm actually a bit happy,
to be honest.
You won't take my partner
without a fight.
I get really happy
when he misses Rob.
I want Rob to go to the shield room.
-You went for Aslak?
- It looks like that.
It was so close.
-There is rest on the spot.
- That's it.
Drive, Victor.
-Der, ja.
-Hi Hi Hi!
-And it was silver.
So three new silver bars
in the prize pool, -
-and Jennie is then out of the mission-
-and out of the possibility of
getting shield room and dagger dinner.
There I got Jennie out. The only
right choice for me right now.
- No...
- It's going well.
Not surprised at all.
It was completely expected.
Make me proud.
Our purpose of the assignment is
to get either me, Evelina,-
-Katrine or Victor
into the dagger dinner-
-and get the option of a shield.
I see that several people have tried to meet
Tarjei. There are arrows around there.
Sorry, Tarjei.
Take the time you need.
- There they hit.
- It was probably me.
We'll see what happens.
- Perfect hit.
- Robin Hood.
- There was no silver.
- Alright, murdered there.
-And there was no silver, either.
- I hope you take Evelina.
There are four urns left:
Evelina, Katrine, Victor and Robin.
It is the names of
the urns that remain at the end,-
-which gets access to the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
And with that a big influence
on the game going forward.
This choice is very difficult.
And so annoying that it falls
on me in the end.
The worst position to be in.
I, who trust Katrine,
Evelina and Rob, -
-have to play like I want them to go
to the shield room and survive a night
This is difficult, Mads.
It is so difficult
when there are only four of us left,-
-because I could say
I shot myself-
- to save those I loved,
but that's not how we play now.
We play because we are afraid
of being killed at night.
If I take myself, it may seem
that I am not afraid of being killed.
I'm so afraid of the night.
So I can't make that choice.
And then I have to
try to shoot the others.
But I don't need to hit,
and I don't try too hard to hit.
Oh, no, I missed it. It was stupid.
I'm no body language expert,
but it seemed deliberate.
No, I tried my best.
-Better luck next time.
So yes...
Then there were the miserable archers.
Have to take matters into my own hands, say.
Four jars left. The four
I didn't want to be left behind.
The four of us who have
the most trust in each other.
It hurts extra to fire
the ones you've become so fond of-
- and trust.
I just know with myself
that I don't want to be well-
-if I take out one of the others.
You are a machine at archery
and it was silver.
- We got silver. Then I was happy.
-You are a hero. Damn it.
It's incredibly big of Robin
to sacrifice himself-
-and shoot himself
when there are four names left.
That says a lot about him.
I really appreciate it-
-and am grateful that
he gives us that trust-
-and wants to
save me, mum and Victor.
And now he puts us first.
I really appreciate that.
I was sad
when I saw that Rob had been taken.
And I saw that Rob was very upset.
I had hoped
one of them would shoot me.
I want Rob
to access the shield room.
And now I just have to try
to get Rob to get the dagger.
Congratulations on
a job well done.
You finally hit six urns.
Four of them had silver in them.
Two were empty.
This means that you have collected-
-12 silver bars for the prize pool.
Katrine, Victor and Evelina,
their urns remain, -
-which means you
get to meet in the shield room-
-and get to meet at the dagger dinner.
So it's up to you three to choose
which of the other players-
- who will fight for the dagger.
But if you were to vote now,
who would you vote for, then?
-It is difficult.
- I would prefer to vote for Aslak.
I feel there is more meat on the bone
there to vote for him.
I would have liked to follow a little more
on Aslak today, -
- but he is so stone-faced.
- He is so hard to read.
It's getting very difficult.
Now there are more people taking up
- the suspicion against Aslak.
And I can't sit there and say
that I believe one hundred percent in Aslak.
He plays very well as a traitor
if he survives this one as well.
Then he has played very well,
which has gained people's trust.
Based on the thin story
I believe it is.
I listen and offer
my thoughts to a certain extent.
What should I do? How
can I turn the suspicion away?
But my problem right now is
that I'm starting to believe more and more-
- that it is Jennie who is this
x. She has been very strange today.
At first it was difficult
to relate to her-
-because I had a slight suspicion,
but it wasn't strong enough-
- that I would work hard
to get her out.
It is with her that I have seen
the most change in demeanor today.
And then I start to wonder
if it could be her.
Now this game is
getting really hard.
The players must gather for dinner.
Since Robin sacrificed himself
during the mission,-
-is it Katrine, Evelina and Victor
who will meet at the dagger dinner.
But sacrificing yourself for others can
quickly punish you in this game.
But Rob, question.
Did you shoot yourself?
- Then Victor missed.
I suspect I'm done
because I shot myself.
I have been 3 times in dagger dinner
and it felt so ego-
-to force myself once more.
But all three have also
had the chance for the shield.
Maybe I shouldn't, but
I'd hated myself for it.
I think, if I had gone for
anyone but myself,-
- that I had felt greedy.
I had felt that I had failed
the other three who trusted me.
I try to keep my emotions in
check, but I'm a sensitive guy.
So I stand for what I did.
I've killed myself,
and you know what?
If I smoke,
at least I haven't been naughty.
Either I'm seen as super stupid,
who saved 1-2 traitors,-
-or as an eel-ridden guy. I hope
the latter. Maybe both.
Do you know who shot mine?
-Was it you?
- I missed first.
-Was it you who shot at mine?
It was a bit strange that Robin
was the one who had gone for my urn.
He knows very well that I
haven't had a shield room yet.
And I think it's a little plan that
he might have laid out for himself-
- and Victor.
That he will give Victor a shield-
- so that it doesn't look strange
if he doesn't smoke at night.
So now I'm getting
pretty suspicious of Robin.
regained some of the trust in the group.
I had a pretty big crush on you.
I've gone back a bit.
They think they can read in my eyes
that I am not evil.
I'm a piece of shit!
But Heidi saw through his lies.
My best chance of survival
is to fly straight into Aslak's throat.
You think I'm a traitor?
She is right about everything!
Tarjei had singled out
a new suspect.
Now the Katrine Moholt project starts.
You know what, Tarjei?
Sit there and look stupid.
-But Torstein was banished.
-My journey is over,-
-and I'm a traitor!
It feels like a victory.
Tone Hauge
Game round 5 begins immediately. With a
traitor banished in the previous council chamber,-
-the night could contain
both murder and temptation.
But the traitors didn't get to choose.
They had to kill a loyal one.
Now there are only nine left. The web
is getting ever tighter together-
-around the players.
I'm first.
Then I can take a close look at-
-everyone who comes in,
and see if anyone has changed.
I didn't feel safe last night.
I feel like I'm very exposed-
- because I speak very loudly
about what I think and feel.
Now there are only nine of us left, so I
have to keep an extra close eye on everyone, -
- in case someone was forced last night.
I hope Evelina comes.
I just said,
"I hope Evelina comes."
-So cozy!
- Shall we have breakfast together?
I was excited when
I entered the breakfast room.
And then it was Christmas, New Year's Eve
and a birthday all at once.
Because that's where mother sits!
And then I was so happy,-
- because my security
was still here.
Shall we take the test on each other?
I was not tempted last night.
I am still 100 percent loyal.
I wasn't tempted last night either.
I am 100 percent loyal.
-I believe in you.
- I believe in you too.
But what do you think now? We can
talk a bit before the others arrive.
It has been very strange with Tarjei.
And then I had an epiphany last night.
There has been so much
that has not voted, -
-but I think he is loyal.
I think Tarjei is loyal,-
- but since Jennie
has had quite a bit of buzz on her, -
- maybe it was sad.
It doesn't matter what Tarjei
said about me being the main suspect.
What I saw was
a very stressed Katrine Moholt-
- which was sweaty and clammy. I've
never seen Katrine like that before.
I am loyal.
I think he has seen
that Jennie has been upset.
Jennie is one of the few who say
that it is difficult to be here.
But I think it might be
because it's tough to be a traitor.
So then I think Tarjei
was trying to get attention-
-over to himself and me,
to give Jennie a little break.
That she wouldn't have to have the spotlight
on her. I think Tarjei is loyal.
Thinking of voting for Jennie?
I have had that suspicion
since the first council chamber.
The order has been Anne Marie,
Torstein and Jennie.
Much has substantiated it.
And Anne Marie... The only two she
defended were Torstein and Jennie.
That gave me some peace of mind
when it came to Tarjei.
I think Tarjei is loyal, but we
should hold our cards a little tighter.
-Tarjei, our boy!
Perhaps it's no shock
that I'm alive today.
-And Robin is here!
-But I was very happy to see Rob.
- I thought he was exposed.
- I also feared that.
Last night I actually felt quite safe.
A lot because I went
out pretty hard yesterday.
And then it is a very strange murder
of the traitors to take me.
Which is certainly in danger of
being sent out in the next council chamber.
But what is a bit annoying
is who is the X.
It annoys me that I…
In a way, I think it's Jennie.
Jennie has been on my mind from the start.
I thought she was weird
the first night.
I think maybe she could be the X.
-Hello. Have you slept well?
Weird. I've felt safe tonight-
- because
a lot of fizz was thrown at me yesterday.
So I have not been afraid
of being killed,-
-but I haven't slept so well.
I thought it was
a bit uncomfortable yesterday.
We must remove this cancerous tumor from the group.
And I think his
accomplice is Jennie.
I find it very difficult
to let go of my feelings.
I thought I
should just be myself,-
-but it can be very painful-
- when people point fingers at you,
because you're just being yourself.
I have realized that I
do not deserve to be here.
- That I don't deserve it?
- Because I missed it.
But everyone has done that.
Nothing is right
or wrong in this game.
Regardless of who is sitting here,
one has played in a way-
- which makes you sit here.
Then you should rather be a little proud-
- who have managed to get this far.
But I'm curious to
see if there are other-
- who tries to hide
that it's a bit tough.
That they have a slightly hard shell
or if others also think that...
I feel Jennie with argu eyes.
And she appears suspicious. It's
a little hard to put into words-
-why is she so suspicious,-
- but it has to do with the way of being.
And a strong gut feeling.
-What do we think now?
-I'm excited about-
-which of Heidi and Emilie will come.
It will give some...
- You feel one of them won't come?
-Victor has the shield.
- But you think someone has smoked?
Heidi is dead.
- It could be that it will come...
- Yes, but what are the chances?
-Hey! God tomorrow.
-God tomorrow.
I have a feeling that Heidi is coming.
Do you think she is dead now?
I think she's dead,
because I believed in her.
Why haven't I,
Evelina or Katrine been caught?
I have already said
that one thing to note,-
-are those who are very safe,
who do not die.
I would say
we are a group of four.
It's me, Victor,
Evelina and Katrine.
We have feelings a little outside,
can't lie so easily.
And we have agreed that we are a
safe foursome that hunt down traitors.
That's also why I thought
it was one of us who went.
It doesn't make sense to me,-
someone in my group is a traitor.
A good day to be
a loyal traitor on... No...
Traitor-loyal? I don't know
what to call it anymore.
I am so confused
about what I really am.
Everything I show is fake.
It gets harder
and harder.
Now my conscience is starting
to catch up with me.
We are a great bunch. We're going to
enjoy ourselves on missions, at least.
But I hope Heidi will come.
Now someone is coming.
Oh, Heidi was loyal then.
God tomorrow.
What do you have for breakfast?
Paranoia and uncertainty?
- Does it taste good?
- Yes, very well.
As you probably understand...
Heidi was killed
by the traitors last night.
But it's not unknown to
everyone around the table, is it?
"The night calls for another kill.
Choose wisely."
- We must not tempt.
- No, it's murder.
But that is
what we should go for anyway.
And then we have Heidi,
who ended the day by saying-
- that she had a great theory.
She solved everything.
She understood our every step.
- She's sharp, that is.
- Pretty sharp.
So I think we should kill Heidi.
Although it is very stupid to me.
But we should gamble.
We continue to gamble.
I've been gambling all the time.
We play risky.
- She was too good.
- She was far too good.
Yes, there comes the proof.
I am killed.
Aslak, I take that
as a huge compliment.
I take that as confirmation
that I was right.
I have been eliminated without a doubt-
- because I had to
attack Aslak.
And then I hope the other loyal...
That they do not allow themselves
to be manipulated by Aslak.
Because he's probably good at it.
It feels cunning
to be a traitor.
Heidi has exposed me.
She has come to the conclusion
that I am the traitor.
And she has it all figured out.
Sorry, Heidi, you're too smart.
We can't have you here.
You are going to expose us.
But right now anything can happen.
Today, my friends, you will have
a slightly calmer day. Goodbye.
-I do not believe that.
Was that all we got to know?
There is no such thing as a quiet day here.
Always something happening.
I do not believe that we will have
a quieter day. Rather the opposite.
I hope for God's sake
we don't have to sit-
-in that house all day and walk around
and talk to each other.
We're getting absolutely nowhere.
The highlight is going out on a mission.
Then we get a short break.
We are a team.
But right now... No, I have to go out.
That was bad. Or
it was a fairly decent spread, then.
I can't
put Aslak down.
I understand
that people trust his story,-
-but he is good enough to
set this up with Torstein.
And I don't trust Jennie. Think
she and Aslak are a combination.
And that Jennie is the X right from the start.
Yes, it was such a rush
that she went right on.
Now Torstein is out,
so I think it's Aslak-
-and an X who is a traitor.
But who is the X?
In a way, I think it's Jennie.
Today I think she changed her
demeanor a bit when we were all together.
That she started taking up more space,
coming up with theories, -
-but it hasn't been
her game until now.
And then I start to wonder
if it could be her.
There is one here
who is being lied to in a couple.
But not all couples
trust each other completely.
I don't understand what you are doing.
Don't even bother to answer that.
I have not fully trusted you
at any point here.
I trust Tarjei,
but we went in thinking-
-that we should be different
players, and I think he-
- is better at remembering that
than I am.
I just think that Tarjei has not
realized whether I play or not.
That he finds it difficult to
interpret me too. Quite difficult.
-A quiet day. A little boring?
- Shall we try to win some silver?
-Did not hear?
Then I think
we should go on a mission. See you later!
The group places itself freely
in three cars on the way to the assignment.
With few players left,
the traitors begin to know-
-that the loyalists are on their trail.
Aslak uses every trick in the book-
-to wash oneself clean.
I was so surprised
that Heidi smoked. It's so weird.
But yesterday, at the very end
of the evening before the gong came,-
- Heidi came storming up
to me and said:
"You're a traitor.
Well, I've told the others."
"So if I die now,
they'll know it's you."
And that was the last thing that happened.
So I've thought this is
to throw a tantrum at me.
It's day by day. Now it's...
It's getting difficult.
It is becoming difficult
to hide one's tracks.
And it's very risky.
I am so anxious all the time
about being exposed.
But do you trust Victor? I
understand that I trust him, but..
-Yes I do.
- Yes, he has done good things.
He also voted for Torstein
with me the day before.
And he was disappointed
that me and Evelina didn't do it.
- I trust Victor.
-But it's the Heidi thing-
-which got me thinking.
Am I not killed-
- because Victor doesn't want me out
and because he likes me?
But he couldn't lie
like that. I refuse to believe it.
I think both me and Victor
know each other so well.
If Victor has been able to hide
these feelings for so long,-
-then I start getting serious... Then
I doubt everything I believe about him.
Because I'm going to get hurt.
Even though I know
it's just a game.
But Lasse, I would like to hear
the basis of your theory.
Of those who are left now,-
-I think you identify yourself
as the most suspect.
On the basis of?
In the...
I think... Yes...
I don't understand
what Lasse is doing.
Every time I ask Lasse something,
he doesn't bother to answer me.
"Lasse, do you have any thoughts?"
And then I say, "So what?"
"I will not say."
That's the response I get.
But who the other is,
I really wonder, that is.
You think Jennie
and that she is with someone else?
- Yes, they know about each other.
- Yes, they do.
Sitting in the car with Jennie
and saying she's number one-
-on my suspect list,
is part of the gameplay.
Jennie understands that too.
A very interesting road trip.
I sit between Lasse and Jennie.
Lasse suspects Jennie,
and he doesn't say much.
So it was a bit small.
I tried to keep the conversation going.
Yes... What else can we talk about?
Without saying too much about my thoughts
regarding gaming.
Today I just think "hell no".
Those urns represent death.
Yes, what do you think
you will do today?
-Shooting with a bow and arrow?
-What was it that revealed it?
The bows and arrows?
Today you are going to
-shoot at these urns
with a bow and arrow.
A little uncomfortable
to see his name there.
You suddenly feel
a little exposed.
Not pleasant to think of
someone shooting at it.
You shoot until three
urns remain. The three remaining urns-
-they represent
the names of the players-
-who get to meet in the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
And then we have the silver. Six of these
urns contain silver.
While three are empty.
For every urn you hit,-
-which contains silver, you get
three silver bars in the prize pool.
Then you might think:
Who has decided-
-which urns contain silver
and which are empty?
- That's what the traitors have.
- You're a jerk.
- I need three names from you.
The traitors must place the silver
so that it gives the best return-
-to the prize pool, and at the same time
keep the tracks hidden.
We cannot take everyone from one group.
We have to take something from these different
groups who have been quarreling a bit.
Perhaps they think that one of
the traitors has put himself there.
My God,
how to do this?
How to do this
without being suspicious,-
- and still get what you
want to get out of this here?
There are so many tactics
one can use here.
It is very difficult
to interpret and consider
-about where the traitors
have placed the silver.
Either they can place a bit
to confuse,-
-or they can do
what they think.
Whatever they've done,
I find it hard-
-to read something from it.
Then it remains to be seen which urns
the traitors have kept empty,-
- and who you want
to keep out of the shield room.
The group is divided into three teams. The teams
must shoot in random order.
They don't know who has shot before
them or who is shooting after them.
This way they can shoot without having to
reveal their tactics.
- We are shitting in the silver.
- Agreed. Shield space is more important.
If we can choose,
which three will be left in the end?
-Your daughter?
-Yes, I trust Evelina and Victor
That sounds like a good plan.
The first team
is ready to fire.
They must decide
for which players-
-they will keep outside the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
I think it is
most likely-
- for me to be shot by the others.
-Do you want to shoot first?
I wanted to ask
because I think maybe-
- that it is
my only chance to get shot.
-What do you want to aim for?
-I will aim at the one I mean-
- is most treacherous.
-Who do you think?
- Aslak.
-You want to shoot Aslak?
I realized
he was going to go for Aslak.
And I think more people
would too.
I can't help him.
I feel that the suspicion is
much greater then on me.
I'm fine with
you shooting first.
- Then you can pick up the bow and arrow yourself.
It's really only Aslak
that I think is good to get out, -
- because I don't want him to
have any special power today.
Because I think he is
one of the traitors.
And he is the one I look up to the most.
-Oh, oh, oh!
-And it was silver!
-Good work.
You get one from me too.
It was nice. Digg.
Three silver bars in the prize pool,
and Aslak is out of the mission.
And out of the discussion about shield space-
- and dagger dinner. Good work.
Tarjei managed to shoot him down
on the first try.
It's kind of a shame,
but I kind of don't think-
- it had so much to say
on the whole, really.
In the...
-You can just turn around.
- Shall I go again?
- Yes, your urn is broken. You are out.
- Have at it, you guys.
I was a bit sad,
because I wanted to shoot with a bow and arrow.
The shitty bow and arrow game.
Bully games, that's what it is!
I walked forward and then
it was just like, "Have it."
-Which one of you will shoot?
-First it's me.
That's not how we played Indians
and cowboys when I was a little boy.
Things were a little simpler.
The bow must be held,
pull the string back-
- and don't hold the arrow.
It's just up there.
And then you let go of the string,
and then the arrow goes at breakneck speed.
-Was it Robin you meant?
It almost was.
He survived for so long.
We have to shoot
those who are not supposed to be in the shield room.
I don't want Lasse there.
I don't want
Emilie or Tarjei there.
And I don't want Aslak,
but he's shot.
-Then we'll take Emilie.
I've never shot anything much
with a bow and arrow-
-except for
what I've seen on TikTok.
Now there is a lot of pressure.
Press in my name. RH.
My name is half of
Robin Hood's name. So I dig this.
I have faith in you.
- Oh, damn, that was good!
- It's close.
I miss, but I'm close.
-Someone has tried to meet Emilie.
I'm a bit shocked
because I really like shields.
And now
that dream is completely shattered-
-when I see that someone is aiming at me
already in the first round.
I don't understand who
targeted Emilie. Weird.
To me, she is not a traitor.
- Shall we go for Lasse?
-Yes do it.
For me it's perfectly fine.
- We have faith.
-Pull a little extra hard and aim.
I feel like I need to pull it a lot more.
- It was very close, Emilie.
- Good shot.
It's not bad.
The second time
I will aim in the middle.
I feel the pressure,
as I get two chances in a row.
I'm aiming for the middle of Emilie.
- And hits.
- There was silver.
You get one from me too.
Emilie is out of the assignment
and the opportunity-
-to get shield room and dagger dinner.
- It was so good. Damn it.
- It was so satisfying.
And it was silver.
This means that we
have at least six silver bars.
- They took you.
That means, Emilie,
that the assignment is over for you.
-Good luck.
I have a feeling
it's one of the traitors.
And now, of course, I stand
without a shield.
No, it was really sad.
I will continue
what Emilie tried.
I'm going to try Lasse.
- No silver?
- No silver. It was empty.
But it was a hit, at least.
Delicious. Now our group leads.
- Very good hit.
Sorry, Lasse, but the shield room...
You can do just fine without it.
- I'm out of the game.
You are out of the game.
Who shot me down?
I would like to know that.
There are
some people here who don't like me.
- We were good there.
Should I take the next shot?
If I'm not caught.
There is a probability
that I am killed.
But they are so bad.
-Who on the team will shoot now?
- Now it's a' mother again.
Today I ended up alone,
I who am so miserable-
-on precision sports.
And then will this one be
pulled up to the hook?
Oi, it wants to Jennie!
I see it when it tunes in.
- Oh, where did it end up?
- Right by yourself.
- Right by your own urn.
-Imagine if I had caught myself.
-Jennie is going to...
-I regret it now,-
- because you don't want to shoot
your partners.
I'm not going to shoot
Robin or Evelina.
Then it's just me
and my girlfriend left.
Take Tarjei.
It feels very uncomfortable.
And as Robin says,-
-then you have to think about yourself.
We are individual players.
Then you have to think about yourself first.
Then you should aim for Tarjei.
Do what you feel is right.
I was very afraid
that if I missed,-
-should it be used against me.
Come on, Jennie. You can do this.
-Damn it, it was good.
- Good shot.
- It was close.
-Very good.
Who will you take if I'm killed?
Then you take Jennie?
-Okay, then I'll take Rob-
-if I get to shoot. You are so
clear that you are taking my partner…
Yes, you know that,
but you are a little skeptical yourself.
Yes, one hundred percent.
- But now there is a beef between the parties.
-OK fine.
- They have tried to take me.
- They have tried so hard!
- Are they that bad?
-Who are you going to shoot at now?
- I want to shoot Jennie Sofie.
- We will take each other's partners.
-And who will shoot?
It's his turn.
In the!
Were you happy or was it stupid?
I'm actually a bit happy,
to be honest.
You won't take my partner
without a fight.
I get really happy
when he misses Rob.
I want Rob to go to the shield room.
-You went for Aslak?
- It looks like that.
It was so close.
-There is rest on the spot.
- That's it.
Drive, Victor.
-Der, ja.
-Hi Hi Hi!
-And it was silver.
So three new silver bars
in the prize pool, -
-and Jennie is then out of the mission-
-and out of the possibility of
getting shield room and dagger dinner.
There I got Jennie out. The only
right choice for me right now.
- No...
- It's going well.
Not surprised at all.
It was completely expected.
Make me proud.
Our purpose of the assignment is
to get either me, Evelina,-
-Katrine or Victor
into the dagger dinner-
-and get the option of a shield.
I see that several people have tried to meet
Tarjei. There are arrows around there.
Sorry, Tarjei.
Take the time you need.
- There they hit.
- It was probably me.
We'll see what happens.
- Perfect hit.
- Robin Hood.
- There was no silver.
- Alright, murdered there.
-And there was no silver, either.
- I hope you take Evelina.
There are four urns left:
Evelina, Katrine, Victor and Robin.
It is the names of
the urns that remain at the end,-
-which gets access to the shield room
and the dagger dinner.
And with that a big influence
on the game going forward.
This choice is very difficult.
And so annoying that it falls
on me in the end.
The worst position to be in.
I, who trust Katrine,
Evelina and Rob, -
-have to play like I want them to go
to the shield room and survive a night
This is difficult, Mads.
It is so difficult
when there are only four of us left,-
-because I could say
I shot myself-
- to save those I loved,
but that's not how we play now.
We play because we are afraid
of being killed at night.
If I take myself, it may seem
that I am not afraid of being killed.
I'm so afraid of the night.
So I can't make that choice.
And then I have to
try to shoot the others.
But I don't need to hit,
and I don't try too hard to hit.
Oh, no, I missed it. It was stupid.
I'm no body language expert,
but it seemed deliberate.
No, I tried my best.
-Better luck next time.
So yes...
Then there were the miserable archers.
Have to take matters into my own hands, say.
Four jars left. The four
I didn't want to be left behind.
The four of us who have
the most trust in each other.
It hurts extra to fire
the ones you've become so fond of-
- and trust.
I just know with myself
that I don't want to be well-
-if I take out one of the others.
You are a machine at archery
and it was silver.
- We got silver. Then I was happy.
-You are a hero. Damn it.
It's incredibly big of Robin
to sacrifice himself-
-and shoot himself
when there are four names left.
That says a lot about him.
I really appreciate it-
-and am grateful that
he gives us that trust-
-and wants to
save me, mum and Victor.
And now he puts us first.
I really appreciate that.
I was sad
when I saw that Rob had been taken.
And I saw that Rob was very upset.
I had hoped
one of them would shoot me.
I want Rob
to access the shield room.
And now I just have to try
to get Rob to get the dagger.
Congratulations on
a job well done.
You finally hit six urns.
Four of them had silver in them.
Two were empty.
This means that you have collected-
-12 silver bars for the prize pool.
Katrine, Victor and Evelina,
their urns remain, -
-which means you
get to meet in the shield room-
-and get to meet at the dagger dinner.
So it's up to you three to choose
which of the other players-
- who will fight for the dagger.
But if you were to vote now,
who would you vote for, then?
-It is difficult.
- I would prefer to vote for Aslak.
I feel there is more meat on the bone
there to vote for him.
I would have liked to follow a little more
on Aslak today, -
- but he is so stone-faced.
- He is so hard to read.
It's getting very difficult.
Now there are more people taking up
- the suspicion against Aslak.
And I can't sit there and say
that I believe one hundred percent in Aslak.
He plays very well as a traitor
if he survives this one as well.
Then he has played very well,
which has gained people's trust.
Based on the thin story
I believe it is.
I listen and offer
my thoughts to a certain extent.
What should I do? How
can I turn the suspicion away?
But my problem right now is
that I'm starting to believe more and more-
- that it is Jennie who is this
x. She has been very strange today.
At first it was difficult
to relate to her-
-because I had a slight suspicion,
but it wasn't strong enough-
- that I would work hard
to get her out.
It is with her that I have seen
the most change in demeanor today.
And then I start to wonder
if it could be her.
Now this game is
getting really hard.
The players must gather for dinner.
Since Robin sacrificed himself
during the mission,-
-is it Katrine, Evelina and Victor
who will meet at the dagger dinner.
But sacrificing yourself for others can
quickly punish you in this game.
But Rob, question.
Did you shoot yourself?
- Then Victor missed.
I suspect I'm done
because I shot myself.
I have been 3 times in dagger dinner
and it felt so ego-
-to force myself once more.
But all three have also
had the chance for the shield.
Maybe I shouldn't, but
I'd hated myself for it.
I think, if I had gone for
anyone but myself,-
- that I had felt greedy.
I had felt that I had failed
the other three who trusted me.
I try to keep my emotions in
check, but I'm a sensitive guy.
So I stand for what I did.
I've killed myself,
and you know what?
If I smoke,
at least I haven't been naughty.
Either I'm seen as super stupid,
who saved 1-2 traitors,-
-or as an eel-ridden guy. I hope
the latter. Maybe both.
Do you know who shot mine?
-Was it you?
- I missed first.
-Was it you who shot at mine?
It was a bit strange that Robin
was the one who had gone for my urn.
He knows very well that I
haven't had a shield room yet.
And I think it's a little plan that
he might have laid out for himself-
- and Victor.
That he will give Victor a shield-
- so that it doesn't look strange
if he doesn't smoke at night.
So now I'm getting
pretty suspicious of Robin.