Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Hvis jeg var dronningen, ville jeg myrdet på flekken-del 1 - full transcript
In the previous game round, Aslak played
a high game as a traitor.
- I was tried to kill.
-And you had a shield?!
It's risky business,
but right now it's going well.
Forræderne la en snedig plan
for sitt videre spill.
We will sacrifice each other. Victim game.
If we vote you out,
we'll get quite a bit out of it.
I secure my own alibi.
-They kept it going in the council hall
-I think you are a traitor.
There are a lot of things
pointing towards you right now.
I have voted for Torstein.
But the loyalists, with Serhat and Tarjei
in the lead, were still on the wrong track.
I have chosen to vote for Matias.
- Sorry.
-Because it was Matias who was banished.
- Because I am loyal.
-No no no...
Damn, we missed.
I was pretty sure.
I didn't understand.
He was so cool the whole way through.
I stand on thin ice
and live very much on the edge.
Tone Hauge
Game round 4 is underway.
I natt har forræderne drept
nok en lojal spiller.
Who doesn't come to lunch,
only the traitors know.
- Are we sitting next to each other?
Now it seemed like
I deliberately took one away from you.
The night has been fantastic. I have
slept very well with my shield.
That saved me until today.
Very nice.
I'm afraid Aslak.
I think he has been converted.
That he wants to kill me at night.
- Now I'm more into Torstein?
- He's at the top of the list?
-Yes. Are you "clear" on Torstein?
-Yes actually.
I trust Torstein. I think
he is a traitor but trust him.
We work for each other.
So now I'm making a plan-
- for how we can get rid
of Aslak tonight.
I think he needs to get out quickly,
without him noticing.
Then we must have enough votes
to get Aslak out.
And I don't know if I can do that.
There are so many people at Torstein.
-Good morning.
- Are you that few?
I have such a bad feeling about Victor.
He doesn't have shield room either.
I was really afraid
that he was going to die.
And it is important for me
to have Victor in here,-
- because we know each other so well.
I know he's not lying.
I have to say
I was very mad at you yesterday.
And the more I think about it,
I think…
There are probably some of those who
are not so calculated, who are traitors.
how you have progressed.
I don't feel
I have a lot of confidence in the group, -
-but I've gone from
being very hussy-
-to be like this: "We choose
to trust his theories."
Very interesting to see
if they have killed anyone.
-Hello Hello!
-Damn father.
And then I was very happy
to see Victor.
I was really afraid
that he was going to die.
I don't envy
those who have lost their partner.
I know it's getting
harder and harder-
-to pretend during breakfast,
- that I am also becoming more and more fond
of those sitting around the table.
Rob is worried
that I've been killed in the night.
It's great game-wise,
but a bit crap emotionally.
It hurts to look people you
genuinely love in the eyes,
-and don't say anything true, like.
Everything I show is just fake. It
gets harder and harder.
But who was first?
- It was Aslak and Heidi.
- Okay.
The three I was most confident
survived last night,-
-was you two and me.
I felt in my head.
It is a bit paradoxical that there is
so much suspicion about me.
I see you as a genius.
But I actually
worked a little last night.
I have grown so fond of you
that I have brought a present.
Today I came up with the idea of
making a form to hand out to everyone.
-Aslak, here is yours.
-What is this?
It is simply a table.
Apart from the fact that it is a table, I
of course have an ulterior motive with it.
Now we have to start
looking a little at the votes.
I believe it is beneficial
to me and the other traitors-
- that people concentrate more
on voting.
There is, of course, also
a point that betrays
-that one must be involved
in the detective work.
If it is felt that you do not
contribute and do not investigate anything, -
- you also get suspicion of yourself.
I felt it was hard facts that
allowed us to eliminate one.
So it might be good
to get back to it.
It seems so desperate.
I understand Torstein too.
He has nothing to lose.
But if I had been loyal,
it wouldn't have worked for me.
Are there any couples
who have voted exactly the same?
There is one pair. Katrine and Evelina.
Yes, they are one person.
Evelina and Katrine
are the only couple-
- who have voted
consistently the same way from the start.
And that is a bit interesting.
God tomorrow, Lasse!
Will there be three more? One two Three.
Who do we think may have been killed?
Now it's between
Evelina, Sero and Jennie.
- I think Evelina felt exposed.
- All three were extremely stressed yesterday.
Then I think mostly of Jennie,
my partner, whom I hope to see.
Whether she's a traitor or not...
She's still my partner.
Now someone is coming.
I was mostly happy for myself,
but also to see Tarjei.
I think he was glad I
wasn't killed. He seems sincere.
I'm not like the others and say that
I completely trust my partner,-
-but so far he hasn't done
anything that makes me suspicious.
When there are two left,
it's between Evelina and Sero.
But it is Sero
I fear most of them.
Because he is so obviously loyal-
-that it is so easy for the traitors
to send him out.
Incredibly nerve-wracking
sitting at breakfast.
Almost everyone had arrived,
but not Evelina.
And I just felt:
"No, no, don't take Evelina out."
- Now I think someone will come.
-Who is it?
Very nice to open that door today.
Now I thought the race was over.
I'm super happy that
I'm getting another chance-
-to quack a traitor.
Damn it, that is!
- Is it Sero, then?
- Yes, Sero is probably cranky.
And then Evelina enters.
I feel the head just...
Sero is out.
Disappointed that it was me who came?
-Yes, for Sero I believe 100%.
-Not on me?
No I do not.
I have said that openly.
Sero is the only one I fully believe in.
And he is dying now.
Then we know he is loyal.
I know I have no one
to fully trust now anymore.
And then it is even more difficult
to know what the next step is.
Are there any of those we are closest to
who could be?
And then I think of
Moholt times Moholt.
Because I suspect
one of them is deceiving the other.
Possibly that both are traitors.
God tomorrow.
- Wasn't it me you wanted to see now?
- No, by no means.
During breakfast today,
Sero does not come. I know why.
As you can see, it is Sero-
-who fell victim to
the traitors' bloody hobby last night.
In the...
He has been given the dagger every time and
has been the safest harbor for all.
That's the obvious choice.
Fascinating to see
how someone can go from killing-
- to enjoy breakfast,
in such a short time.
You yourselves know who you are.
- Zero.
- It has to be Sero.
- We have had too few murders.
- Time for us to toughen up a bit.
I knew it.
Hell, that is. Sero is killed.
But it is a miracle
that I have come this far,-
how obviously loyal I've been.
Now I think the traitors are Torstein,
Heidi and maybe Victor.
Yes, guys, it's been an honor
to play with you.
But I hope the loyal ones win.
And well played by the traitors.
There are more traitors.
Say that Torstein is the one.
Then there must be someone
playing on a team with Torstein.
And Katrine says that she was very keen
to send Torstein out yesterday.
But she also
agreed to send Matias out.
Now you have to pick out
the three you think are most at risk -
- to be killed by the traitors and
who thus need the shield the most.
The three will today have the opportunity
to secure the shield, -
-in addition to
meeting them at the dagger dinner,-
-where they choose which of you others
get to compete for the dagger.
So I need three names.
Around the table, we will discuss
who will be allowed to join-
-in a shield group.
I really want to join.
I'd like to have dagger dinner,
but I've been there twice.
So I'll be a gentleman
this time,-
- even if it is deep inside. Someone
else can get it, simply.
Immediately I think
that Heidi, Jennie and Victor-
- are most exposed.
-Why not me and mom?
It is because I am in no way
confident of you.
At one point or another
it had to emerge-
- that I didn't trust them completely.
Torstein has a point.
One couple voted the same all the way through.
-Me and Evelina?
Tarjei has changed.
He has become much more stressed.
Because there is a change.
I just have to point it out.
I have trusted Tarjei very much
from the first council chamber.
But there seems to have been a change
after breakfast yesterday.
Instead of behaving loyally,-
- then he has been
a bit more aggressive.
I also think
mom deserves the shield.
She is the one after Sero
who has been...
Jennie, why are you against it?
You wanted to give the shield to mom,-
-and when she says something wrong,
do you disagree?
Funny how the poor loyalists
suddenly just completely collapse.
Those who believed in each other
so strongly, as it were.
Who were so sure of each other.
And suddenly it just cracks.
As of now, I would say that Evelina
is definitely one of the vulnerable.
Victor is one of those exposed.
I think most people trust him.
I still trust
Evelina and Victor one hundred percent,-
-and think: drive them.
I also trust Robin.
As a loyalist, I think Robin is
most welcome in that room.
- Because I want to take the traitors.
- I'm thinking Robin or mom.
-Robin, yes.
Obviously, people trust
me so much that they chose me anyway.
Of course I'll be overjoyed.
- Then the three of you will stay with me.
-Thank you very much.
- I'm dressed for my funeral.
-Make us proud.
Super happy that several people wanted
me to get the shield today.
But I'm also afraid of
my mother's future, of course.
We were asked to send our
three most trustworthy people.
And then my father Victor is there.
That deception.
Evelina, Robin and Victor
are picked out of the group-
-to fight for the shield. In addition
they are going to the dagger dinner later, -
-where they get to control
the game about the dagger.
Your thoughts about the other players
are therefore highly relevant.
Yes, Tarjei is suspicious.
Of course, after all this here.
But then I also feel
that Tarjei has played like a loyalist.
But the way Tarjei and Jennie
reacted during breakfast...
They were very like…
They attacked right back. Snappy.
Yes, Jennie, among others.
I was really surprised.
Jennie has got the suspicion
against her. She has that.
And then I was
surprised by Tarjei.
I think he has
a very strong reaction.
If he's angry because he
's losing as a traitor-
-or because he does not
feel understood as loyal,-
- is not good to say,
but I probably lean towards the first.
The three players who will fight
for the shield have left.
But the rest of the group
will also be given a mission.
- Shall we give the silver a second chance?
Yes! Today you have the opportunity to
win lots of silver!
Exactly how
you won't know yet.
For the time being,
you can divide yourself between two cars.
And see you soon. Goodbye!
I would like to sit with Katrine,
just to talk to her.
No offense to you, Torstein,
but we should split car-wise.
-Then it will be the three of us and you, Emilie?
This will be an exciting day,
I think.
Do you feel there is
a rift between the two of us, Tarjei?
In my eyes, there is a rift
between me, you and Evelina,-
- because you
still blindly trust each other.
And you have not believed
that one has been tempted.
I'm sitting in the car with Katrine
to get up from breakfast -
-and show my point
that I am loyal.
If you think I have been loyal until
the night Aslak was tried to be killed,-
- then I'm not a traitor.
- No, that's right.
Because it doesn't work. It annoys me
with the argument during breakfast.
But that doesn't make her
any less suspect for that reason.
I don't really trust the car.
There is a lot there that is jarring.
Aslak or Katrine... The car is not
one hundred percent loyal, anyway.
Of them, I
probably trust Heidi the most.
There is something in
seeing what people vote for.
If it is a couple who vote
the same every time,-
- and it is exactly the same, then one can
rule over the other.
It is unclear who
will possibly smoke if I don't do it.
But I am glad
that Tarjei has invited to a duel-
- with Katrine and Evelina.
And during breakfast almost said:
"I think one of you is a traitor."
Oh, don't fall there.
Such cool cars!
I'm really excited. Think
there is something more that will happen.
It sounds a little strange
if we have to go this far-
-just to enter a shield room.
But I am very happy that I
will have the opportunity to get the shield,-
- and hope that this can be
a protection for all three.
Welcome to the shield game.
-The three of you are going today-
- compete in several games, -
- where whoever is left
as the winner gets the shield.
And with it is safe from being killed
by the traitors the next night.
Does it tempt you with a shield?
Yeah, but it feels kind of good-
- because no matter who gets the shield
today, I'll be happy. Actual.
The first game is Memento.
A kind of treacherous version
of Memory.
Where the goal is to find
two identical pieces.
Whoever is left with
the most pairs when the game is over, -
- goes to the finals.
The two who lose
must meet in a new game, -
-to determine the other finalist.
- Okay.
- Understood?
Here you will take turns
turning two pieces over.
If the pieces are the same,
you keep them and turn over two new ones.
If they are different, you turn them back,
and it is the next player's turn.
We're going to make it a little more difficult.
This is not Memory,
but Memento.
So after each player I'm going
to rotate the game board-
- in different directions.
Just to stir the pot a little more.
-Of course.
-Of course.
This could be
a nice task for me.
I have played a lot of Memory
with my little sister.
Now I actually have a good chance
to win this shield.
We have not forgotten the silver.
And the silver is up to you
to play for.
Hope you have settled
in well on the sofa.
Because now you can win silver.
Okay, the rest of the house is watching us now,
and will be watching the whole game.
I feel the pressure. You have to be
careful with everything you do,-
-everything you say
and how you play.
You will be allowed to
bet from the prize pool -
-on which of these
do you think will win the games.
And when I hear
that they are going to bet our silver away,-
-can it go straight west very fast.
Betting is not good, people.
In the first game,
you can bet one silver bar.
And you get three in odds. This means
that you bet on the correct winner, -
-you get three silver bars back.
I suggest you two have a chat,-
- and then you call me when
you have made up your mind. We talk.
I feel the best person
to win that game is Victor.
Because of the "all against one" thing say.
And that with thinking logically
in strategic games.
The first task they get,
then I say quite clearly-
- that I think
Victor is the right candidate.
Evelina has a bad memory.
Since she was little, we've had
something we call the pull-up game.
About finding two alike.
The cards are spread out on the table.
I found a lion
and will find another lion.
- She beats me anyway.
- Have you done this many times?
Then, of course, mother Moholt shows
motherly love for her daughter.
- Shall we take a vote?
-We think Evelina nails this.
-So one silver bar on that player?
-Good luck.
-Thanks thanks.
-Come on, Evelina.
-It goes well.
Here I sit
and wait for my child, as it were.
Who has the other group in there
bet silver on?
Now Mads looked sly.
I'm pretty sure they'll
bet on me this round.
If I had lost and they had bet
on me, I would have felt guilty.
Then we can start. Who starts?
-Then you can turn over two pieces.
- They are not the same.
Then you can turn them back again.
Your turn, Rob. Think carefully.
It says about shields.
I had a good memory there.
-And he managed a couple at once.
- It doesn't bode well.
- Then it's up to you.
Dont like.
All these twists and turns...
You see and remember...
V1, 1V.
It's four, five, four, five...
-Come on, Evelina.
-You're welcome.
And then I think that now I have it.
And then you have thought completely wrong.
Very frustrating feeling.
- It is still possible.
- There were a couple, that.
- Stupid for us.
- I remember better than I think.
So I have memory and luck
with me in this game.
Oi, did he hit again?
Two pairs on Victor, one on Rob.
Zero on you for now, Evelina.
It wasn't a couple.
- Then you also have two pairs.
-Rob, this could go your way.
Damn. That was wrong.
-Come on!
- Now you just have to drive. Come on.
- There it was.
Very disappointing that I was
so put out of that rotation.
Now I have started to get
a proper overview of the table.
No matter how Mads
tries to "twist and turn",-
- he doesn't fool me anymore.
Now I understand the pattern.
There you have 5, Victor. That means
if you get another pair,-
- have you won Memento
and are through to the final.
-Very good.
-Well played.
- Damn it, he's sharp.
- Impressive by Victor.
- Well deserved.
- A clear victory.
I think: "What did I say?"
Victor, you are the winner of Memento.
You are through to the final.
And then to you,
who bet one silver bar...
You bet on Evelina.
- That means you are one down.
But the good news is
that more opportunities are coming.
Mum knows we're good at draw
games. She probably sold me on there
But I
really believed in Evelina.
But then you feel a little guilty
when you, as a mother, have said:
"I think my child will make it."
The conclusion is that it doesn't help
to have played a lot of pull-up games.
Evelina and Rob,
then it will be decided-
-which of you will get to meet
Victor in the final-
-and the battle for the shield.
And to top it off-
-will you prepare yourself for
the "Tower of Hanoi" challenge.
Simply explained, it's all about
getting all the discs moved -
-from the closest stick
to the furthest.
You can only move
one tile at a time.
And a disc cannot
be placed on top of a smaller disc.
And then to the silver, then.
Now you will be allowed to bet
up to three silver bars -
-on who you think will win.
Rob or Evelina.
There are two participants,
two possible outcomes, -
-but you still get 3 in odds.
So this is an offer
you should jump on.
-What do you think?
-3 on Rob.
-Go ahead.
-Evelina doesn't have much practical sense.
-Hello, my friends.
-In game number two-
-we bet on Robin.
This is a bit of a gamer task.
I imagine
he's been through it before.
I think this will work. Evelina
and I had struggled with this.
We are not that kind of people.
There is a bit at stake,
but don't feel the pressure.
I feel pressure on me
when I'm going into the next task.
I really want to
win it.
At least manage something.
Feel a little sense of mastery.
Ready Set Go!
Robin probably has the best odds here.
So now I don't have to think about him,
just think about myself.
Come on, come on.
It's wrong. You must have one...
Come on, Rob!
And then I feel the pressure enormously
because I want the shield.
So the heart rate is high above the ceiling.
- Did he do the right thing, Tarjei?
- No, he has to start over.
Robin, can you just calm down
and make this right? Win!
I'm trying to see a pattern here.
I see that it is Evelina
who is on the right track.
Why doesn't she put
it in the middle?
There, yes. There she gets the longest...
And suddenly it comes loose!
Mother's golden cub.
There... Now she'll
make it, and we'll lose again.
-Yes! Is that correct?
- That's right, Evelina.
- Shit!
I didn't think I was going to win.
Was sure you were going to take it.
Yes, I did it!
It feels like the only
time I've won anything.
It is an absolutely indescribable feeling.
And against Robin!
Congratulations, you will face Victor
in the grand final for the shield.
You, Rob, are unfortunately out.
You don't get shields today.
Damn father,
that was a good idea of hers.
I would never have made it.
Katrine was so proud. I wish
her that, even if it cost us silver.
That 'mother and daughter'
sense of pride cannot be bought with silver.
Things aren't going so brilliantly with
the prize pool. You put-
-three silver bars
for Rob to win.
- Sorry.
-That means you have now lost-
- four silver bars so far today.
-Jesus Christ.
Two out of two mistakes.
Good job guys...
Evelina and Victor,
now we will soon find out-
-which one of you wins the shield.
And the shield is
under the dome here.
Which is held down by this weighing bowl.
To lower the balance bowl,
and thus raise the dome,-
-must you transport balls
from the bottom of the grid-
-over the obstacle in the middle
and down into the weight bowl.
The first of you
to gain enough weight in the scales-
- until the dome is raised all the way up,
the shield wins.
And then you might think:
What is enough weight?
It is either one big ball,-
-two medium-sized balls
or three small ones.
Those were the rules,
but then there's the silver lining, then.
You guys have been
a bit unlucky so far.
You are four silver bars down,
but now you can-
-win it again and well then it.
It's the final,-
- and I turn on the bass drum.
Now you can win lots of silver.
You can bet
up to six silver bars.
If you hit, you get
five times your bet back.
Here you have to have a chat.
Call me when you're ready.
It is not such a thinking task.
It stresses me out a bit.
Of the two, I definitely hope
Victor gets the shield.
I don't think Victor is a traitor.
But could it be
that they think we're going for Victor, -
- since there is so much silver at stake?
- I think so too.
Do you think
Victor should get this one?
But the question is whether they don't just
do their best and try to win.
-I think both will do their best
-We go all in-
-with the 6 we can use.
He who dares nothing, wins nothing.
You bet six silver bars
on which player?
I really want to
win it.
I hope the rest of the gang
have bet silver on me.
Yes, then someone has
placed silver bars on this final.
Although I say I don't care
who gets the shield,-
-I feel the pressure
in this game. I want to win.
Ready Set Go.
-Okay, Victor goes for a smaller one.
It's easy to lose a big one.
I thought Evelina
would also choose the small balls.
When I saw that she was doing the
medium, I got a little nervous.
After all, she only needed two of them,
while I had to have three.
Oh, those are
two completely different tactics.
I got a good grip around the silver ball
and worked my way up.
Now I have a good strategy here.
I think they will be really angry.
I would have been so upset about that.
It's this kind of tinkering
that pisses me off so much...
- Damn flat.
- I understand that very well.
-Can you get cramps in your fingers?
Now he's got the hang of it.
It goes very fast with the fingers.
If she's going to have two and he's going to have three,
he leads a lot.
But then it is important not to lose it.
- Note...
- Damn it, it's so smooth.
There are links...
- You can do that, Victor.
Then Victor has one small ball in it.
- Shit.
-He just took a break with it.
I feel
that my hands are getting much more shaky,-
- but in addition, the hands are sweaty.
- Damn flat.
That's what I
didn't need to happen.
- Now he's starting to stress.
-Calm down, start over.
Consider that there is someone sitting somewhere
cheering for one of you.
The! Yes there!
Now I have to pick up the pace. I hear
he is about to finish his 2nd bullet.
He is so fast. And then he is fast
on the third as well.
My god, it's so smooth.
Of course I hoped that Evelina
would win and get the shield,-
- because she is absolutely exposed.
Now I just have to pick up the pace.
And I hurry and hurry.
And I...
- Were you stressed, Evelina?
-Yes, you can say that.
But I'm not giving up. Victor
can lose the little ball too.
It would have been so nice
to get the shield.
I was so close!
-Don't give up, Evelina.
- You get sweatier and sweatier.
I can't bear to watch, even.
The competitive instinct kicks in.
It sure is adrenaline-
-and the fact that you want to
win this game.
Now it's coming!
Evelina, you were so close.
Thank you very much.
- Good job.
-Well deserved.
-Victor, congratulations.
You have the visible proof
that you are safe-
-from being killed by the traitors
the next night.
I got hold of this, then.
And I don't need that
at all.
And then we have
something else to address as well.
The silver.
Because all I can say
is congratulations!
30 silver bars in the pot in the final.
You won when it really mattered.
In total, you are then
20 silver bars in plus!
-Damn it, it's absolutely sick.
-Congratulations. Well played.
See you for dinner.
And that's you.
Both for the silver and because I
don't want her to have the shield.
By the way, the three of you will all
meet for a dagger dinner.
You must choose which of the others
will compete for the dagger.
See you for dinner.
I have lived with
this suspicion against me.
All the players know that I
am high on the list every time.
It will be very exciting to see
who ends up in a dagger duel-
-and who gets the dagger,
because that could decide my fate.
We were proven that Katrine
can be wrong about her daughter.
And that Tarjei is pretty good
at guessing, at least.
The only thing of substance
I might get out of the car trip,-
-is that Jennie very directly
tries to cast doubt-
-about Katrine,
and through her Evelina.
There may be something
to play on.
- I trust what Torstein says.
-Yes, right, because you do.
I'm pretty sure
Aslak is a traitor.
Most likely together with Torstein.
- You're really mad at me?
I'm not mad at
any of you, really.
I don't say everything I think.
Trying to play dumber than I am.
But Aslak sees through it.
He is fishing for
whether I suspect him,-
-and I say that I don't,
because I never want to in the world-
-tell Aslak that I suspect him.
If one is going to kill Aslak,
it must be assassination.
He must believe he is safe
and then at night you have to-
-stab the knife in his back.
If he suspects something is coming,
it won't go well.
a high game as a traitor.
- I was tried to kill.
-And you had a shield?!
It's risky business,
but right now it's going well.
Forræderne la en snedig plan
for sitt videre spill.
We will sacrifice each other. Victim game.
If we vote you out,
we'll get quite a bit out of it.
I secure my own alibi.
-They kept it going in the council hall
-I think you are a traitor.
There are a lot of things
pointing towards you right now.
I have voted for Torstein.
But the loyalists, with Serhat and Tarjei
in the lead, were still on the wrong track.
I have chosen to vote for Matias.
- Sorry.
-Because it was Matias who was banished.
- Because I am loyal.
-No no no...
Damn, we missed.
I was pretty sure.
I didn't understand.
He was so cool the whole way through.
I stand on thin ice
and live very much on the edge.
Tone Hauge
Game round 4 is underway.
I natt har forræderne drept
nok en lojal spiller.
Who doesn't come to lunch,
only the traitors know.
- Are we sitting next to each other?
Now it seemed like
I deliberately took one away from you.
The night has been fantastic. I have
slept very well with my shield.
That saved me until today.
Very nice.
I'm afraid Aslak.
I think he has been converted.
That he wants to kill me at night.
- Now I'm more into Torstein?
- He's at the top of the list?
-Yes. Are you "clear" on Torstein?
-Yes actually.
I trust Torstein. I think
he is a traitor but trust him.
We work for each other.
So now I'm making a plan-
- for how we can get rid
of Aslak tonight.
I think he needs to get out quickly,
without him noticing.
Then we must have enough votes
to get Aslak out.
And I don't know if I can do that.
There are so many people at Torstein.
-Good morning.
- Are you that few?
I have such a bad feeling about Victor.
He doesn't have shield room either.
I was really afraid
that he was going to die.
And it is important for me
to have Victor in here,-
- because we know each other so well.
I know he's not lying.
I have to say
I was very mad at you yesterday.
And the more I think about it,
I think…
There are probably some of those who
are not so calculated, who are traitors.
how you have progressed.
I don't feel
I have a lot of confidence in the group, -
-but I've gone from
being very hussy-
-to be like this: "We choose
to trust his theories."
Very interesting to see
if they have killed anyone.
-Hello Hello!
-Damn father.
And then I was very happy
to see Victor.
I was really afraid
that he was going to die.
I don't envy
those who have lost their partner.
I know it's getting
harder and harder-
-to pretend during breakfast,
- that I am also becoming more and more fond
of those sitting around the table.
Rob is worried
that I've been killed in the night.
It's great game-wise,
but a bit crap emotionally.
It hurts to look people you
genuinely love in the eyes,
-and don't say anything true, like.
Everything I show is just fake. It
gets harder and harder.
But who was first?
- It was Aslak and Heidi.
- Okay.
The three I was most confident
survived last night,-
-was you two and me.
I felt in my head.
It is a bit paradoxical that there is
so much suspicion about me.
I see you as a genius.
But I actually
worked a little last night.
I have grown so fond of you
that I have brought a present.
Today I came up with the idea of
making a form to hand out to everyone.
-Aslak, here is yours.
-What is this?
It is simply a table.
Apart from the fact that it is a table, I
of course have an ulterior motive with it.
Now we have to start
looking a little at the votes.
I believe it is beneficial
to me and the other traitors-
- that people concentrate more
on voting.
There is, of course, also
a point that betrays
-that one must be involved
in the detective work.
If it is felt that you do not
contribute and do not investigate anything, -
- you also get suspicion of yourself.
I felt it was hard facts that
allowed us to eliminate one.
So it might be good
to get back to it.
It seems so desperate.
I understand Torstein too.
He has nothing to lose.
But if I had been loyal,
it wouldn't have worked for me.
Are there any couples
who have voted exactly the same?
There is one pair. Katrine and Evelina.
Yes, they are one person.
Evelina and Katrine
are the only couple-
- who have voted
consistently the same way from the start.
And that is a bit interesting.
God tomorrow, Lasse!
Will there be three more? One two Three.
Who do we think may have been killed?
Now it's between
Evelina, Sero and Jennie.
- I think Evelina felt exposed.
- All three were extremely stressed yesterday.
Then I think mostly of Jennie,
my partner, whom I hope to see.
Whether she's a traitor or not...
She's still my partner.
Now someone is coming.
I was mostly happy for myself,
but also to see Tarjei.
I think he was glad I
wasn't killed. He seems sincere.
I'm not like the others and say that
I completely trust my partner,-
-but so far he hasn't done
anything that makes me suspicious.
When there are two left,
it's between Evelina and Sero.
But it is Sero
I fear most of them.
Because he is so obviously loyal-
-that it is so easy for the traitors
to send him out.
Incredibly nerve-wracking
sitting at breakfast.
Almost everyone had arrived,
but not Evelina.
And I just felt:
"No, no, don't take Evelina out."
- Now I think someone will come.
-Who is it?
Very nice to open that door today.
Now I thought the race was over.
I'm super happy that
I'm getting another chance-
-to quack a traitor.
Damn it, that is!
- Is it Sero, then?
- Yes, Sero is probably cranky.
And then Evelina enters.
I feel the head just...
Sero is out.
Disappointed that it was me who came?
-Yes, for Sero I believe 100%.
-Not on me?
No I do not.
I have said that openly.
Sero is the only one I fully believe in.
And he is dying now.
Then we know he is loyal.
I know I have no one
to fully trust now anymore.
And then it is even more difficult
to know what the next step is.
Are there any of those we are closest to
who could be?
And then I think of
Moholt times Moholt.
Because I suspect
one of them is deceiving the other.
Possibly that both are traitors.
God tomorrow.
- Wasn't it me you wanted to see now?
- No, by no means.
During breakfast today,
Sero does not come. I know why.
As you can see, it is Sero-
-who fell victim to
the traitors' bloody hobby last night.
In the...
He has been given the dagger every time and
has been the safest harbor for all.
That's the obvious choice.
Fascinating to see
how someone can go from killing-
- to enjoy breakfast,
in such a short time.
You yourselves know who you are.
- Zero.
- It has to be Sero.
- We have had too few murders.
- Time for us to toughen up a bit.
I knew it.
Hell, that is. Sero is killed.
But it is a miracle
that I have come this far,-
how obviously loyal I've been.
Now I think the traitors are Torstein,
Heidi and maybe Victor.
Yes, guys, it's been an honor
to play with you.
But I hope the loyal ones win.
And well played by the traitors.
There are more traitors.
Say that Torstein is the one.
Then there must be someone
playing on a team with Torstein.
And Katrine says that she was very keen
to send Torstein out yesterday.
But she also
agreed to send Matias out.
Now you have to pick out
the three you think are most at risk -
- to be killed by the traitors and
who thus need the shield the most.
The three will today have the opportunity
to secure the shield, -
-in addition to
meeting them at the dagger dinner,-
-where they choose which of you others
get to compete for the dagger.
So I need three names.
Around the table, we will discuss
who will be allowed to join-
-in a shield group.
I really want to join.
I'd like to have dagger dinner,
but I've been there twice.
So I'll be a gentleman
this time,-
- even if it is deep inside. Someone
else can get it, simply.
Immediately I think
that Heidi, Jennie and Victor-
- are most exposed.
-Why not me and mom?
It is because I am in no way
confident of you.
At one point or another
it had to emerge-
- that I didn't trust them completely.
Torstein has a point.
One couple voted the same all the way through.
-Me and Evelina?
Tarjei has changed.
He has become much more stressed.
Because there is a change.
I just have to point it out.
I have trusted Tarjei very much
from the first council chamber.
But there seems to have been a change
after breakfast yesterday.
Instead of behaving loyally,-
- then he has been
a bit more aggressive.
I also think
mom deserves the shield.
She is the one after Sero
who has been...
Jennie, why are you against it?
You wanted to give the shield to mom,-
-and when she says something wrong,
do you disagree?
Funny how the poor loyalists
suddenly just completely collapse.
Those who believed in each other
so strongly, as it were.
Who were so sure of each other.
And suddenly it just cracks.
As of now, I would say that Evelina
is definitely one of the vulnerable.
Victor is one of those exposed.
I think most people trust him.
I still trust
Evelina and Victor one hundred percent,-
-and think: drive them.
I also trust Robin.
As a loyalist, I think Robin is
most welcome in that room.
- Because I want to take the traitors.
- I'm thinking Robin or mom.
-Robin, yes.
Obviously, people trust
me so much that they chose me anyway.
Of course I'll be overjoyed.
- Then the three of you will stay with me.
-Thank you very much.
- I'm dressed for my funeral.
-Make us proud.
Super happy that several people wanted
me to get the shield today.
But I'm also afraid of
my mother's future, of course.
We were asked to send our
three most trustworthy people.
And then my father Victor is there.
That deception.
Evelina, Robin and Victor
are picked out of the group-
-to fight for the shield. In addition
they are going to the dagger dinner later, -
-where they get to control
the game about the dagger.
Your thoughts about the other players
are therefore highly relevant.
Yes, Tarjei is suspicious.
Of course, after all this here.
But then I also feel
that Tarjei has played like a loyalist.
But the way Tarjei and Jennie
reacted during breakfast...
They were very like…
They attacked right back. Snappy.
Yes, Jennie, among others.
I was really surprised.
Jennie has got the suspicion
against her. She has that.
And then I was
surprised by Tarjei.
I think he has
a very strong reaction.
If he's angry because he
's losing as a traitor-
-or because he does not
feel understood as loyal,-
- is not good to say,
but I probably lean towards the first.
The three players who will fight
for the shield have left.
But the rest of the group
will also be given a mission.
- Shall we give the silver a second chance?
Yes! Today you have the opportunity to
win lots of silver!
Exactly how
you won't know yet.
For the time being,
you can divide yourself between two cars.
And see you soon. Goodbye!
I would like to sit with Katrine,
just to talk to her.
No offense to you, Torstein,
but we should split car-wise.
-Then it will be the three of us and you, Emilie?
This will be an exciting day,
I think.
Do you feel there is
a rift between the two of us, Tarjei?
In my eyes, there is a rift
between me, you and Evelina,-
- because you
still blindly trust each other.
And you have not believed
that one has been tempted.
I'm sitting in the car with Katrine
to get up from breakfast -
-and show my point
that I am loyal.
If you think I have been loyal until
the night Aslak was tried to be killed,-
- then I'm not a traitor.
- No, that's right.
Because it doesn't work. It annoys me
with the argument during breakfast.
But that doesn't make her
any less suspect for that reason.
I don't really trust the car.
There is a lot there that is jarring.
Aslak or Katrine... The car is not
one hundred percent loyal, anyway.
Of them, I
probably trust Heidi the most.
There is something in
seeing what people vote for.
If it is a couple who vote
the same every time,-
- and it is exactly the same, then one can
rule over the other.
It is unclear who
will possibly smoke if I don't do it.
But I am glad
that Tarjei has invited to a duel-
- with Katrine and Evelina.
And during breakfast almost said:
"I think one of you is a traitor."
Oh, don't fall there.
Such cool cars!
I'm really excited. Think
there is something more that will happen.
It sounds a little strange
if we have to go this far-
-just to enter a shield room.
But I am very happy that I
will have the opportunity to get the shield,-
- and hope that this can be
a protection for all three.
Welcome to the shield game.
-The three of you are going today-
- compete in several games, -
- where whoever is left
as the winner gets the shield.
And with it is safe from being killed
by the traitors the next night.
Does it tempt you with a shield?
Yeah, but it feels kind of good-
- because no matter who gets the shield
today, I'll be happy. Actual.
The first game is Memento.
A kind of treacherous version
of Memory.
Where the goal is to find
two identical pieces.
Whoever is left with
the most pairs when the game is over, -
- goes to the finals.
The two who lose
must meet in a new game, -
-to determine the other finalist.
- Okay.
- Understood?
Here you will take turns
turning two pieces over.
If the pieces are the same,
you keep them and turn over two new ones.
If they are different, you turn them back,
and it is the next player's turn.
We're going to make it a little more difficult.
This is not Memory,
but Memento.
So after each player I'm going
to rotate the game board-
- in different directions.
Just to stir the pot a little more.
-Of course.
-Of course.
This could be
a nice task for me.
I have played a lot of Memory
with my little sister.
Now I actually have a good chance
to win this shield.
We have not forgotten the silver.
And the silver is up to you
to play for.
Hope you have settled
in well on the sofa.
Because now you can win silver.
Okay, the rest of the house is watching us now,
and will be watching the whole game.
I feel the pressure. You have to be
careful with everything you do,-
-everything you say
and how you play.
You will be allowed to
bet from the prize pool -
-on which of these
do you think will win the games.
And when I hear
that they are going to bet our silver away,-
-can it go straight west very fast.
Betting is not good, people.
In the first game,
you can bet one silver bar.
And you get three in odds. This means
that you bet on the correct winner, -
-you get three silver bars back.
I suggest you two have a chat,-
- and then you call me when
you have made up your mind. We talk.
I feel the best person
to win that game is Victor.
Because of the "all against one" thing say.
And that with thinking logically
in strategic games.
The first task they get,
then I say quite clearly-
- that I think
Victor is the right candidate.
Evelina has a bad memory.
Since she was little, we've had
something we call the pull-up game.
About finding two alike.
The cards are spread out on the table.
I found a lion
and will find another lion.
- She beats me anyway.
- Have you done this many times?
Then, of course, mother Moholt shows
motherly love for her daughter.
- Shall we take a vote?
-We think Evelina nails this.
-So one silver bar on that player?
-Good luck.
-Thanks thanks.
-Come on, Evelina.
-It goes well.
Here I sit
and wait for my child, as it were.
Who has the other group in there
bet silver on?
Now Mads looked sly.
I'm pretty sure they'll
bet on me this round.
If I had lost and they had bet
on me, I would have felt guilty.
Then we can start. Who starts?
-Then you can turn over two pieces.
- They are not the same.
Then you can turn them back again.
Your turn, Rob. Think carefully.
It says about shields.
I had a good memory there.
-And he managed a couple at once.
- It doesn't bode well.
- Then it's up to you.
Dont like.
All these twists and turns...
You see and remember...
V1, 1V.
It's four, five, four, five...
-Come on, Evelina.
-You're welcome.
And then I think that now I have it.
And then you have thought completely wrong.
Very frustrating feeling.
- It is still possible.
- There were a couple, that.
- Stupid for us.
- I remember better than I think.
So I have memory and luck
with me in this game.
Oi, did he hit again?
Two pairs on Victor, one on Rob.
Zero on you for now, Evelina.
It wasn't a couple.
- Then you also have two pairs.
-Rob, this could go your way.
Damn. That was wrong.
-Come on!
- Now you just have to drive. Come on.
- There it was.
Very disappointing that I was
so put out of that rotation.
Now I have started to get
a proper overview of the table.
No matter how Mads
tries to "twist and turn",-
- he doesn't fool me anymore.
Now I understand the pattern.
There you have 5, Victor. That means
if you get another pair,-
- have you won Memento
and are through to the final.
-Very good.
-Well played.
- Damn it, he's sharp.
- Impressive by Victor.
- Well deserved.
- A clear victory.
I think: "What did I say?"
Victor, you are the winner of Memento.
You are through to the final.
And then to you,
who bet one silver bar...
You bet on Evelina.
- That means you are one down.
But the good news is
that more opportunities are coming.
Mum knows we're good at draw
games. She probably sold me on there
But I
really believed in Evelina.
But then you feel a little guilty
when you, as a mother, have said:
"I think my child will make it."
The conclusion is that it doesn't help
to have played a lot of pull-up games.
Evelina and Rob,
then it will be decided-
-which of you will get to meet
Victor in the final-
-and the battle for the shield.
And to top it off-
-will you prepare yourself for
the "Tower of Hanoi" challenge.
Simply explained, it's all about
getting all the discs moved -
-from the closest stick
to the furthest.
You can only move
one tile at a time.
And a disc cannot
be placed on top of a smaller disc.
And then to the silver, then.
Now you will be allowed to bet
up to three silver bars -
-on who you think will win.
Rob or Evelina.
There are two participants,
two possible outcomes, -
-but you still get 3 in odds.
So this is an offer
you should jump on.
-What do you think?
-3 on Rob.
-Go ahead.
-Evelina doesn't have much practical sense.
-Hello, my friends.
-In game number two-
-we bet on Robin.
This is a bit of a gamer task.
I imagine
he's been through it before.
I think this will work. Evelina
and I had struggled with this.
We are not that kind of people.
There is a bit at stake,
but don't feel the pressure.
I feel pressure on me
when I'm going into the next task.
I really want to
win it.
At least manage something.
Feel a little sense of mastery.
Ready Set Go!
Robin probably has the best odds here.
So now I don't have to think about him,
just think about myself.
Come on, come on.
It's wrong. You must have one...
Come on, Rob!
And then I feel the pressure enormously
because I want the shield.
So the heart rate is high above the ceiling.
- Did he do the right thing, Tarjei?
- No, he has to start over.
Robin, can you just calm down
and make this right? Win!
I'm trying to see a pattern here.
I see that it is Evelina
who is on the right track.
Why doesn't she put
it in the middle?
There, yes. There she gets the longest...
And suddenly it comes loose!
Mother's golden cub.
There... Now she'll
make it, and we'll lose again.
-Yes! Is that correct?
- That's right, Evelina.
- Shit!
I didn't think I was going to win.
Was sure you were going to take it.
Yes, I did it!
It feels like the only
time I've won anything.
It is an absolutely indescribable feeling.
And against Robin!
Congratulations, you will face Victor
in the grand final for the shield.
You, Rob, are unfortunately out.
You don't get shields today.
Damn father,
that was a good idea of hers.
I would never have made it.
Katrine was so proud. I wish
her that, even if it cost us silver.
That 'mother and daughter'
sense of pride cannot be bought with silver.
Things aren't going so brilliantly with
the prize pool. You put-
-three silver bars
for Rob to win.
- Sorry.
-That means you have now lost-
- four silver bars so far today.
-Jesus Christ.
Two out of two mistakes.
Good job guys...
Evelina and Victor,
now we will soon find out-
-which one of you wins the shield.
And the shield is
under the dome here.
Which is held down by this weighing bowl.
To lower the balance bowl,
and thus raise the dome,-
-must you transport balls
from the bottom of the grid-
-over the obstacle in the middle
and down into the weight bowl.
The first of you
to gain enough weight in the scales-
- until the dome is raised all the way up,
the shield wins.
And then you might think:
What is enough weight?
It is either one big ball,-
-two medium-sized balls
or three small ones.
Those were the rules,
but then there's the silver lining, then.
You guys have been
a bit unlucky so far.
You are four silver bars down,
but now you can-
-win it again and well then it.
It's the final,-
- and I turn on the bass drum.
Now you can win lots of silver.
You can bet
up to six silver bars.
If you hit, you get
five times your bet back.
Here you have to have a chat.
Call me when you're ready.
It is not such a thinking task.
It stresses me out a bit.
Of the two, I definitely hope
Victor gets the shield.
I don't think Victor is a traitor.
But could it be
that they think we're going for Victor, -
- since there is so much silver at stake?
- I think so too.
Do you think
Victor should get this one?
But the question is whether they don't just
do their best and try to win.
-I think both will do their best
-We go all in-
-with the 6 we can use.
He who dares nothing, wins nothing.
You bet six silver bars
on which player?
I really want to
win it.
I hope the rest of the gang
have bet silver on me.
Yes, then someone has
placed silver bars on this final.
Although I say I don't care
who gets the shield,-
-I feel the pressure
in this game. I want to win.
Ready Set Go.
-Okay, Victor goes for a smaller one.
It's easy to lose a big one.
I thought Evelina
would also choose the small balls.
When I saw that she was doing the
medium, I got a little nervous.
After all, she only needed two of them,
while I had to have three.
Oh, those are
two completely different tactics.
I got a good grip around the silver ball
and worked my way up.
Now I have a good strategy here.
I think they will be really angry.
I would have been so upset about that.
It's this kind of tinkering
that pisses me off so much...
- Damn flat.
- I understand that very well.
-Can you get cramps in your fingers?
Now he's got the hang of it.
It goes very fast with the fingers.
If she's going to have two and he's going to have three,
he leads a lot.
But then it is important not to lose it.
- Note...
- Damn it, it's so smooth.
There are links...
- You can do that, Victor.
Then Victor has one small ball in it.
- Shit.
-He just took a break with it.
I feel
that my hands are getting much more shaky,-
- but in addition, the hands are sweaty.
- Damn flat.
That's what I
didn't need to happen.
- Now he's starting to stress.
-Calm down, start over.
Consider that there is someone sitting somewhere
cheering for one of you.
The! Yes there!
Now I have to pick up the pace. I hear
he is about to finish his 2nd bullet.
He is so fast. And then he is fast
on the third as well.
My god, it's so smooth.
Of course I hoped that Evelina
would win and get the shield,-
- because she is absolutely exposed.
Now I just have to pick up the pace.
And I hurry and hurry.
And I...
- Were you stressed, Evelina?
-Yes, you can say that.
But I'm not giving up. Victor
can lose the little ball too.
It would have been so nice
to get the shield.
I was so close!
-Don't give up, Evelina.
- You get sweatier and sweatier.
I can't bear to watch, even.
The competitive instinct kicks in.
It sure is adrenaline-
-and the fact that you want to
win this game.
Now it's coming!
Evelina, you were so close.
Thank you very much.
- Good job.
-Well deserved.
-Victor, congratulations.
You have the visible proof
that you are safe-
-from being killed by the traitors
the next night.
I got hold of this, then.
And I don't need that
at all.
And then we have
something else to address as well.
The silver.
Because all I can say
is congratulations!
30 silver bars in the pot in the final.
You won when it really mattered.
In total, you are then
20 silver bars in plus!
-Damn it, it's absolutely sick.
-Congratulations. Well played.
See you for dinner.
And that's you.
Both for the silver and because I
don't want her to have the shield.
By the way, the three of you will all
meet for a dagger dinner.
You must choose which of the others
will compete for the dagger.
See you for dinner.
I have lived with
this suspicion against me.
All the players know that I
am high on the list every time.
It will be very exciting to see
who ends up in a dagger duel-
-and who gets the dagger,
because that could decide my fate.
We were proven that Katrine
can be wrong about her daughter.
And that Tarjei is pretty good
at guessing, at least.
The only thing of substance
I might get out of the car trip,-
-is that Jennie very directly
tries to cast doubt-
-about Katrine,
and through her Evelina.
There may be something
to play on.
- I trust what Torstein says.
-Yes, right, because you do.
I'm pretty sure
Aslak is a traitor.
Most likely together with Torstein.
- You're really mad at me?
I'm not mad at
any of you, really.
I don't say everything I think.
Trying to play dumber than I am.
But Aslak sees through it.
He is fishing for
whether I suspect him,-
-and I say that I don't,
because I never want to in the world-
-tell Aslak that I suspect him.
If one is going to kill Aslak,
it must be assassination.
He must believe he is safe
and then at night you have to-
-stab the knife in his back.
If he suspects something is coming,
it won't go well.