Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Jeg ble forsøkt drept i går kveld-del 2 - full transcript

Tone Hauge

It is dinner time for the players.

Aslak must settle
in his new role as a traitor.

It is reasonably nice
to have become a traitor.

- This looked nice.

It is absolutely sick to be
part of the inner circle.

Now I have a bunch.
This is so extremely scary.

And everything balances
on a thin, thin thread.

You were tried to kill
and then you had the shield.

But you considered
not telling, somehow?

No, I didn't consider
not telling.

I feel it is typical of you
to say that and lay the facts on the table-

-at once, but you didn't see
it as scary at all?

I see it
as scary for me,-

-when it comes to being voted out,-

- but beyond that, I see it
as collectively good to know.

I have to be able to play as loyal
all the way through now.

Shit, this is going to be hard.

My biggest acting role

"White boys"? Forget it.
The National Theater is then a no-brainer, -

-but this...
We really need acting here.

Either you're telling the truth
or you're not.

I'm starting to think:
Is he just smart now,-

-or is he genuine and loyal?

You can never be one hundred percent
safe in this game.

In the mission it was Tarjei,
Katrine, Robin and Heidi-

-which ended up with
dagger dinner and shield rum.

They will soon choose
who will play for the dagger.

A choice that can have big
consequences for the game going forward.

I have one thing I want to talk about
before we discuss-

- who will be stabbed.

Do you think Aslak
has been a traitor from the start?

I feel pretty sure-

-that Aslak was converted by the traitors.

I think it is
Torstein, Matias and Aslak.

Can't you also say... Do you think
that Torstein is "in the clear"?

Don't you suspect him?
Because you know him best.

He looks me in the eye and says
he is loyal and I trust him.

I think Torstein is a traitor,
but I don't tell anyone this.

Ryker Torstein, I'm going to
die very quickly within one night.

Because I can't imagine
any of the other traitors-

-has some reason to
try to look after me.

My main goal is
for Torstein to survive the council chamber.

Because there are many people
who want to vote Torstein out.

I was about to pass out
after five minutes,-

- so I'm actually happy
that I'm where I am now.

I have suspected Torstein from day
1, but at the top of the list is Matias.

Everyone is searching and investigating and trying
to find out who these traitors are.

And he just chills
and eats food, sort of.

He sits and eats these
meatballs. Don't say a word.

-And then suddenly he breaks in.
- I have to interrupt for a second, just.

Then I thought:
Now he's going to say something smart.

- Should people have food?
- No, eat.

Send me all the meatballs
if you don't want them.

"Does anyone want food?
If not, I'll take it."

And then he just keeps eating
and doesn't say a word about the game.

I didn't get much
out of that dinner.

I'm just thinking
that I'm going to have food,-

- and then everyone else gets to talk
about what they want.

I have retreated somewhat
from all these conspiracies.

Good evening. Are you all fine?

-You have gained power-

- to influence the voting
in tonight's council chamber.

Only the four of you have it.

In one of these two boxes
is a dagger.

You will now invite two players
to compete for that dagger.

The winner gets
a double vote in tonight's council chamber.

You guys are going to have a little discussion,
and then I'll be back in a bit.

-Bon Appetit.

I think Sero should get the dagger.
If everyone agrees?

Yes, I agree.

There is no doubt
that we all love Serhat.

He is a good boy
and we trust him.

We also know that where we want the
vote to go, he votes with it.

But then we have to discuss
who number two is.

The one I feel on the warpath
after me is Evelina.

I'm worried that
the dagger at Evelina's-

-ends up between my shoulder
blades. Not comfortable for me.

If I get the dagger, I get two votes.

And then I will benefit.

Hello Hello.

The two who will join me...


And Evelina.

I'm a little worried now.
I feel like I'm very thin.

- You can come with me.
-See you later.

Evelina and Sero, in one of
these boxes is a dagger.

Only Sero is
allowed to look in his box.

Evelina, you're not allowed to do that,
but you-

-are allowed, if you want,
to change boxes.

For you, Sero,
it's all about deception.

For you, it's
about seeing through.

-Good luck.
-Good luck.

Sero should get the dagger,
because he wants to vote for-

-someone other than Torstein.

Of course, I trust
Evelina the most, -

- because I have scanned my child
and see that she is loyal.

Okay, Sero, you can open your box then.

The dagger is very important to me,
because it is a decisive vote.

What do you see?

And Tom Boxing.

And I would like to switch.

You see an empty box
and would like to exchange?

I'm the only one
I can trust here.

So I know that what had
been one hundred percent certain,-

-is whether I get the dagger myself.

I choose that we switch boxes.


Then you can be allowed to open the box.

There was no dagger there.
It was empty there.


You tricked Evelina.

Very delicious.
Starting to become a habit. 2 of 2.

Two dagger games. I have won
both times. Delicious.

That means you have the dagger
and thus a double voice-

- in tonight's council chamber.

See you in the council chamber.

I feel I have a big influence
on the group. They trust me.

As we talked about,
we cannot afford to miss out.

It will take a toll on us.

It's Torstein and Aslak
that I'm sussing the most right now.

After Matthias. Matias is "sus 1".

I think a lot about...
I really want to hit.

I don't want to lose loyal.

There are many thoughts.
I'm in the thinking box right now.

Suddenly Matias says:
"Excuse me, shall we eat, shall we?"

He is so absent.

Serhat has got the dagger
and with it great power in the council chamber.

At the same time, Aslak is
preoccupied with appearing loyal.

And what is the most loyal
one can do?

Jo, å caste and forræder
under buses.

To play as a good loyalist,
I think I have to continue-

-pointing out the same things
I would point out if I were loyal.

So the plan is
to throw a fit at Torstein.

I feel
loyal Aslak would do that.

I was going to take this
in the council chamber, but can take it now-

- if it suits.

I think
that if we vote you out,-

-we get quite a lot out of it.

I feel I proved in the first two
days that I am a good loyalist.

So now I have that image
to uphold.

And point to things and patterns and stuff like that.

So I just have to get on with it.
If not, it's very busy.

You are the choice we get... Seen from
a purely analytical perspective,-

- we get the most out of
knowing your role, of course.

Is that what you think?
Is that your plan?

To vote you out? I will not
say who I will vote for.

-You almost said it.
- No, I haven't said that.

Torstein has a bit of a buzz
already, -

-so I can't
pretend it's gone.

He just needs to understand
that I want to secure my own alibi.

Even you have to agree with that
from an analytical perspective.

Oi, oi, I notice
that Torstein is a bit put out-

- because Aslak points things out
so directly.

I sit there as the third traitor
and don't know how to react

I just sit there quietly.
There is nothing I can do.

These two just have to hold on for a while.

-What do you find out?
-Let's say you're a traitor-

-and is voted out, then we can get
a lot of information from the first vote.

I might be inclined
to support Aslak,-

-that we may have to weed out Torstein,-

- to see if we don't get
a lot of new information.

- It was quite exciting.
-Nice dinner?


-Nice dinner for you?

In a short time
the group will meet in the council chamber, -

-and banish
another player from the game.

Serhat must find out how
the double voice should best be used.

If we hit, it's the jackpot.

If we miss,
it can lead to something else.

There's not much else
going on in my head-

-than thinking about
who is the traitor.

Just come. I am confused now.

I'm all over the house trying
to find information and clues.

Actually, I'm afraid of Aslak.
He is way too smart. It is dangerous.

Hello, Sero. We haven't been able
to talk much together.

Torstein was my crush from the start,
ever since Hkeem.

You become a dagger specialist.

I just don't believe him.

group clamp

has again excelled very strangely,-

that he is far too comfortable.

- Matias is behaving so strangely.
-So comfortable too.

- He is too laid back.
-He just eats and chills.

I've actually been thinking about Matias
for quite some time now.

He has actually behaved
strangely from day 1, -

-and after Margrethe smoked.

If I know Matias' role, I feel that
I can at least get an explanation.

Your top three are Lasse, Emilie
and... Who is the third?

-Can't figure it out.
-Why didn't you want the shield?

Because I know
people suspect me a little.

So I know I probably
won't get killed.

I feel in a good position now.
I think many people suspect me.

But not many enough for me
to be voted out in the first place.

But aren't you afraid that
things will run like wildfire, -

-and suddenly you're out?

Both in terms of council chambers and murder,
I feel quite safe.

I don't think that many people will vote
for me so that I quit.

My heart rate is so high.

180 plus.

I'm just afraid
someone will touch me-

- and feel that my hand is shaking.

I had "the time of my life"
after we took Anne Marie, -

- because then I felt a trust
I have never felt before.

Not even from my boyfriend.

But now it is legally
completely gone, -

-so I'm kind of
a dead piece now.

I don't feel so safe.
I have come with-

- a very bold claim here.

I was assassinated last night.

-You're kidding!
-And you had a shield?!

I'll be surprised
if there aren't quite a few people-

-who doubts the story,
because only I can verify it.

It has cracked so much.
I've thought...

You are a player
who could have been a traitor.

And then you happened to get the shield
and thought:

"We can say
that I was attempted to be killed."

Yeah right? Absolutely.
Carry that theory with you.

You can't trust me
because I can't verify it.

Confidence has been very weak.

I have to be able to convince everyone
that I am loyal.

My plan in the council chamber... I
really want to get Torstein involved in the plan.

That we accuse each other.

Then I have to try to talk to him

- We can play a game of chess.
-A game of chess, yes?

I have a bit of a crush on you.

Which I will
go through later.

I have some things on you
that I suss-er.

But are you going to try to get me out?

I can't say anything. I
'm not going to say who I'm voting for.

Just so that you are
prepared for it. And...

Torstein has had a chess club
named after him. It's called...


What we are going to do now is a big
game of sacrifice. We sacrifice each other.

I have a bit of a crush on you too,
as you know.

It is very bold,
the tactic Aslak sets out.

No matter which of us
breaks out, we must watch out-

- to be very suspicious
of the other.

After your incredible story.

It is almost unbelievable.

But thats how it is.

If I cast a lot of suspicion
on Aslak,-

- and Aslak votes me out,
it will be very good for Aslak.

And the other way: If Aslak follows
me and I vote him out, -

-of course everyone will think
that I am obviously loyal,-

- who have both voted out
Anne Marie and Aslak.

And not only that: Aslak
obviously tried to pick on me.

I think Torstein picked up
on the need for this.

He and I have understood the mission now.

Torstein and Aslak sit one to one
and talk up there...

Let's listen…

But just so you know,-

- I admire you as a person.

You are my chess hero.

Here you have to follow your instincts.

-Hey, Sero.

-Should we have a quick chat?
-Come on.

-What is the mastermind thinking?
-Since you have the dagger,-

-I think it's a bit cowardly
to say that to you,-

- because then it seems as if I want to get
you to vote for the same person.

I haven't quite decided,
but I'm juggling between two names.

I think that Serhat
will vote out Torstein.

This is so damn hard.
And very cool.

This is how
I could dream of playing.

This is how I play chess.
I sacrifice pieces here and there-

-to gain a positional advantage.

And right now
Torstein is my farmer.

Hope both choices are correct.
For the loyal.

Tonight my fate is decided.

It's make it or break it
right now.

It is time to gather in the council chamber.

Another player to be banished.

And with potential victim play
among the traitors anything can happen.

I have a thought
that maybe I can get my name-

- written up today.
I think many people suspect me.

On the way to the council chamber,
I think of Matias and Torstein.

And then I am very afraid of
Aslak, at the same time as I believe in him.

He is way too smart.

Now I have an insane job to do.

Everything depends on
how I play this.

As I understand it, it is
between Aslak, Matias and Torstein.

Sero can decide anything with that dagger.

I feel very unsafe. I have
a very hard time picturing-

- that Aslak and I can
stand this race, both of us.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

This is a game between two teams.

The loyal on one side
and the traitors on the other.

And around this table sit
representatives from both teams.

The challenge is to find out
who is who.

In the last council chamber
you managed to reveal-

-and banish a traitor.

So the question is: What will it take
to do the same tonight?

The word is theirs.

Now I'm going to rummage through the books
to look for things-

-which I can use against Torstein.
He's a lot sassier than me.

I would like to start.

I feel like he's the one who has to go
because it gives me a better alibi-

-than it gives him, if I have to go.

So then... Torstein.

From an analytical point of view,
do you agree that we as a group

-do you get the most out of voting?

I don't agree at all,
but I understand that you are trying,-

-certainly to save
your own skin,-

- to set up such a mindset.

My assumption is that Aslak
is very vulnerable in this council, -

-because he has this
really incredible story-

- about what should have happened to him.
If the traitors-

-have tried their hand at this murder,
they must be extremely eager to-

- to get rid of you, Aslak.

I enjoy this and my
role. Doesn't give me right yet.

It appears to me that there are
many other good candidates-

- who could also have been killed
and who were not in the shield group.

For example Sero,
Katrine, Evelina, Tarjei.

It's a bit unpleasant
to argue with Torstein, actually.

It feels so real. It
sometimes feels like he's like this:

"You've forgotten that we're in layers,
haven't you?" Because he's so good at it.

He is exactly what we need.
Now we have the conflict going on.

You haven't really
sussed me out before this.

What I think you are doing now is exactly
the same thing you did with Hkeem.

When you realize that it is
between you and another,-

- you are very hard
on that person.

That is not correct at all.

I notice that there is
an "Aslak and Torstein" case here, -

-where they both throw things
at each other.

I think Torstein
answers very well for himself.

If we now try to vote out-

-the one most likely
to be a traitor,-

- I feel we must vote for
Aslak today.

I think it is very strange
that Aslak and Torstein-

-goes so hard on each other.

Because I think they are traitors,
both of them.

I think you are a traitor.
That is my conclusion.

I'm pretty sure
they've agreed on-

-that one should sacrifice himself
for the other.

Because they understand that Torstein wants to
quit. Everyone knows he's a traitor.

And if Aslak goes really hard
against him,-

-no one will ever suspect Aslak.

I think to vote what I think.
I can get back to that-

-after you come up with
your 6-7 points about Matias.

Yes, there aren't that many.
Matias, when Margrethe died...

Sero pointed out that it was he who
gave the toast to Margrethe.

-Cheers, guys. Cheers to Margrethe.

Didn't you feel like you should
, who was her duo?

No I did not do that.
I have to admit I was a bit…

I felt a little lost
when Margrethe left.

So that bowl itself
just didn't strike a chord with me.

I also think it's a bit strange
that Matias has been so-

-little curious to try to figure
it out. That's what I think.

But you don't feel like
saying something like:

"Now you're making a mistake.
I'm loyal."

But what good does it do?
I can sit here and say-

- that I am loyal.
But I know it won't help-

-if people suspect me anyway.
Everyone here will say they are loyal.

What annoys me a bit... No one
has asked me anything before.

Everything was thrown
into the council chamber today.

-You are loyal?

Do you want the loyalists to win?

It became a lot at once
instead of me being able to try-

-to defend myself during the day.
They ganged up on me.

There are many who may feel
that I have not been of much help.

I see that, and I can honestly say
that I have seen myself a little blind-

-on my suspicions against Lasse.
Because I still suspect Lasse.

If you become so narrow-minded
that you only see one person, -

-when it is clear
that there are more traitors,-

-you become blind
and then you don't help anyone.

Heidi, you have been quiet.
Something you want to share?

- I want to vote.
- Then I think we should do it.

Then we can vote. Write down the name-

- on the one you want to banish,
on the board in front of you.

I don't feel safe. Hope
not too many votes Torstein,-

-but just so many
that he goes out,-

- because it will give us strong confidence
in those of us who voted for Torstein.

I have no doubts about
who I will vote for today.

I have the dagger.
A bit scary position to be in,-

- because I don't want to lose loyal ones.

I know for sure
who they intend to vote out.

I hope it's not me, but I
'm afraid it is.

We can start with you, Victor.
Who did you vote for and why?

From everything that I
have observed and seen...

And I've asked you about it
every single time, Torstein.

And I don't always feel
you have such good answers,-

- so I have voted for Torstein.

I am voting for Torstein today.
No hard feelings, Torstein,-

-but there are too many eyes on you.
It's too dangerous.

Sero, you have a dagger by the way,-

-which means that your vote counts
twice. Who did you vote for?

First of all, I have taken
several laps with myself.

I just don't want this dagger
to be in vain.

I don't want to waste it, so
I hope we loyal hit today.

So I have chosen to vote for Matias.


I will continue the theory.

I'm just going to cross
out one letter.

It is Matias, without H.

Yes, I also have
that sus on you, Matias.

-I am very fond of you.

You are my chess hero,
so don't take it personally, -

-but I think there are a lot of
things pointing towards you. Torstein.

-Yes I...

I have turned 180 degrees.

Aslak had
a very good reasoning.

It made me turn 180 degrees.

Because I had
a lot of trust in Torstein.


Then we have four votes for Matias-

-and three on Torstein. Emily?

I just have way too many questions
in my head about you,-

-so sorry.
You're a great guy.

It's not personal, but my
vote goes to Matias. Sorry.

My vote goes to
someone I really like,-

-but who I believe is a traitor.


This was more difficult
than one would think,-

- but I have also become suspicious.
There is something not quite right.

So I'm sorry, Matias.

- Well, that's perfectly fine.
- Sorry.

I went in here
and had decided on Lasse.

But after the little discussion
between you and Aslak, Torstein... was you.

Then there are four votes for Torstein.

And seven votes for you, Matias.

That means if you get one
more vote, you're banished from the game.


The person I'm voting for today
is someone who behaved suspiciously.

Doesn't seem genuine.

And then it's going to
dissolve into several questions.


-Thanks for now.
- Sorry.

That means you're banished,
but for the record-

also hear the voices of Torstein and Jennie.

Presumably a rather
unsurprising vote.

And finally you, Jennie.


Matias, you have received the most votes
and have been banished from the game.

Then you can stand here
and reveal your role to the others.

Matias is surprisingly calm.

I understand that what he says has
a lot to say.

Then you can give a final greeting,
and then reveal your role.

First of all, it has been
incredibly fun to play with everyone here.

It's been an insane game with
a rollercoaster of emotions.

Perhaps most right now.

And then it's very nice
that so many people think-

- that I'm such a good liar.

- Because I am loyal.

No, no, no!

Talking. Enjoy yourselves. Thank you!

I feel really guilty-

- because I didn't give him a chance
to defend himself before the council chamber.

It is difficult not to
be influenced by the emotions.

Stab in the heart.

I just thought: Is it possible?
Have we missed that badly?

Fy fader...

You have exiled a loyalist. There
are traitors around this table.

Who is cheering inside now.

But if I know them correctly,
they are not resting on their laurels tonight.

Sleep well, then.

Hell, that is.
Listen, loyal, we've missed.

We cannot afford to lose any more.

So there are some around this table
who are traitors.

Damn, we missed.
I was pretty sure.

I didn't understand.
He was so cool the whole way through.

I stand on thin ice
and live very much on the edge.

It was a landslide for me.

No, that plan to be suspected
backfired pretty hard.

I think I played a bit stupid.
It's like that, simply.

I should just continue
to seem more loyal.

No, I only have myself to thank.

Aslak is more believable now,
I feel.

Yes, he has won me over a lot.
Much more.

He speaks well for himself,
and what he says is logical.

I'm building
a more and more solid alibi here.

It's really starting
to look like something.

There are so many other people
who are crazy now than me.

This was surprising.
I was sure-

- that Torstein or I smoked now,
but neither of us did.

And this is such a good alibi, because almost
everyone else was at Matias.

Matias suss-et Emilie.

And it may well be
them too.

People throw a hissy fit at everyone
but us. It is so beautiful!

- I don't think Lasse is stupid.
- No, I don't think so either.

What I appreciate most,-

-that now I get to talk
to Torstein afterwards.

How nerve-wracking it was!

Tarjei, Katrine, Robin and Heidi-

-chosen access to the shield room
during the mission.

Here they can win a shield that
protects them against the traitors tonight.

In the shield group, we have agreed not to
say who has received the shield.


- Could a shield be tempting?
-Yes, I would like a shield.

The shield is important to me.
I will join tomorrow.

So I would really like
to have that shield.

What does your gut feel?

I go for
the one closest to your heart.


I want it so badly.
I feel a bit exposed.

Hell, that is.

It would have been nice
to get a shield today.

Just give me two seconds. I have to look completely
normal. We'll keep it under wraps.

But Mads gave me
the same as last time: nothing.

Come on in. These two are opened.
You can choose between these two.

Then I take it right in front of me.

No, no shield.

- Will it ruin the night's sleep?

It's entirely up to you, but may I
recommend this box?

- No shield.

-I'll take that.
-You're welcome.

Oh my god...
Mads, I love you.

I was very happy
that I got the shield in the shield room.

Congratulations. Then you have to pull yourself together.

I just have to get rid of the smile.

We have agreed not to tell
anyone who gets the shield.

So I won't tell anyone.

But your mother voted
for Matias too, didn't she?

Yes, but we've been talking
about Torstein the whole time.

And then the name Matias was mentioned
at the last minute.

And then someone has probably
brainwashed us into it.

What I've got to think about
now after the council chamber...

Now I have a slight suspicion
as to who has tricked me.

Who has brainwashed me.
A bit scary to say that for sure,-

- but unfortunately I think
it is Tarjei Svalastog.

Tarjei started
spreading that case about Matias.

When Mads came in, I hardly looked
at Mads. Only at Matias.

Mathias. It's Matthias.

Why should we go after him first
when we suspected Torstein the most?

-What do you think?
- That I will die tonight.

- But I don't want to.
-I don't want to die either,-

-but we are vulnerable as hell. Everyone who
is not in the shield room is exposed.

What feels good is that I was
believed in. Everyone knows I'm loyal.

The bad thing is
that I am always exposed.

I feel like I could smoke every night.

Damn father, that is.

What I think about at night
is that I am terrified.

And I don't want to die. I get even more
motivation to kill the traitors.

Father, I knew it.

Folks, if any of us die,
you are wonderful people.

Nice to meet you.

It is bedtime for the loyal.

But that does not necessarily mean
that they get peace of mind.

Under the cover of night, the traitors gather
to choose another victim.

- Complete.

And ready for murder.

Yeah, but I just have to say-

- that what happened today was the
best thing that could have happened to us.

None of us voted out a loyalist.

And we start accusing each other,
so we have no ties to each other.

- I think we were good.
- I was really scared.

I was afraid that you
had forgotten that we were on a team.

No, I thought
that if I am voted out now,-

-do I have to be hard on Aslak.
It gives him the maximum alibi.

The atmosphere between the traitors
is actually very good.

I am very glad
that Torstein understood

-why me and Aslak voted for him.
He knows he is living on borrowed time.

And it seems
he has accepted it.

You are our gambit piece.

You live up to
your victim game naming.

-We will see.

"Good evening, dear traitors."

"The night calls for another kill.
Choose wisely. The game master.

Who are the candidates? I think
that Heidi is a candidate.

I really want to kill Heidi.
I can use that against Torstein.

We cannot stab
someone who can have a shield.

according to you, we probably do.

Heidi has been in the shield room,
and I don't think it's a good idea-

-trying to take someone who has been there.

I definitely think we should
take the one who always gets the dagger.

Sorry, I love Sero,
but he has to go.

Sero is clearly a possibility.
Evelina is a possibility.

-Is Jennie a possibility?

So then we can choose between
Jennie, Sero and Evelina.

This is only our second
victim, mind you.

- We have had too few murders.

See Matias' reaction when he learns
the truth about the traitors-