Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Jeg ble forsøkt drept i går kveld - full transcript
In the previous game round
Anne Marie had a lot of eyes on her.
There are so many things
pointing in your direction.
Her fellow traitors saw no other
option but to betray her.
That means, Anne Marie,
that you are banished.
Aslak got the shield and was with it
protected against the traitors last night.
I can tell by your face
that it's not empty.
In the conclave, Victor and Torstein
had an important choice.
Would you rather tempt or kill?
-You like the killing?
-Yes I do.
Tone Hauge
It's ready for the third game round.
The players must immediately
meet for breakfast.
There is great uncertainty in the group
whether the traitors have chosen to kill-
-or tempt a player.
There was no one here.
This was a bit disgusting. Strange feeling
to be sitting there alone.
If I'm first in,
I'll have some fun with that too.
-Oh God!
My God, how I slopped,
but so nice to see you.
I really squealed.
Very funny invention, then.
Very happy to have survived
the night. Never feel completely safe.
I'm actually
one hundred percent sure-
- that the traitors are
Torstein and Matias.
I'm excited to see
who comes to breakfast,-
- and excited about what the two say and do.
What do you think happened last night?
- I think someone has been tempted.
-And that they have said yes or no?
It really depends
on who is being tempted.
Tarjei might have said no.
-While Aslak had said yes.
- My God, there was hardly anyone here.
- So nice.
I have not experienced that before.
I also tend
to be one of the last to arrive.
I didn't understand anything
since it was completely silent.
He did it to me too.
It's a bit of fun afterwards.
It's going well.
But now that the night is gone,
did you have a shield?
-No. Had you?
-Me neither.
-Then it's either Aslak or Robin.
There are so many opportunities today.
Otherwise, they have tried to hit
someone with a shield and failed.
Or they killed someone.
Or they've tried
to tempt someone and managed to-
-or didn't get it.
Four possibilities.
- Are there two?
-My God, such a cool sweater.
-Is it going well?
Lovely. Hello!
-So good.
-Good morning.
I'm actually in very good shape.
Good mood-
- and settle into my role
and enjoy it.
Water? Yes...
But that does not mean
that the Oscar is within reach.
I have a feeling
that someone still,-
-and perhaps not entirely unjustly,
have a nagging doubt-
- about my sincerity
as a loyal citizen.
-We are living.
- Cheers to two more days of life.
Really. Cheers.
- Good morning, Torstein.
-God tomorrow.
-Fin genser.
- Thanks, mum knitted it.
-What are your theories?
-You think temptation?
- That's all I can say now.
Then you can join and follow along.
- I was attempted to be killed last night.
-You're kidding!
-It is so good!
-And you had a shield!
- But I had a shield.
You're kidding?
They tried to go for the shield group?
Yes, and I didn't tell anyone
I had a shield.
There are some here now who are
very surprised that I am alive.
Because I don't think
they'll know until now.
"Good evening, dear traitors."
"Tonight you will have a choice."
"Do you wish to kill,
or do you wish to tempt?"
"Choose wisely."
-Would you rather tempt or kill?
-It is very difficult.
- Because you like the killing?
-Yes I do.
You want to start knocking them out.
We have been so many for a long time.
But I feel
the one who is the biggest threat,-
-both now
and also because he's a trickster-
- who manages to investigate things,
is Aslak.
- He thinks I'm dangerous.
- Extremely dangerous.
I'm a little disappointed
that I wasn't tempted.
I had made it quite
clear that I was going to say yes.
He seemed credible
when he told it.
But it doesn't have to be true.
But I believed in him.
-You were killed, but had a shield?
-And survived.
At first I thought,
"Wow, that was random."
Afterwards I started thinking like this:
"Is it a coincidence?"
Jeg er "the boy who lived".
I'm going to
tattoo a scar here now.
Or you have the ultimate
alibi, who got the shield.
- And then you report it here.
Then everyone
from the blue group will support you.
I have the ultimate alibi, so it
can be a "brain play" too.
I think it's a nice story.
We were in the group
that had shield rooms.
No one said who had the shield,
so there was a 20 percent chance-
- because Aslak had it.
In my eyes, Tarjei is
-and perhaps Sero equally worthy
candidates to be killed.
So the fact that they choose
to go for Aslak...
I think it's very strange.
I have survived an assassination attempt.
-No? Look?
-Last night.
-But you know you survived?
- Yes, I was told about it.
But imagine they took that chance.
Yes, and that makes me
believe one more thing.
I think the only reason why one
would choose murder over temptation,-
- it was certain that you were not
on the trail of both of them.
Aslak, you little liar.
I know that hasn't happened.
It is not kjang's for-
-that they have tried to kill him
when he potentially has a shield.
I think they tried to tempt him.
And Aslak cannot say no if
he is asked to be a traitor.
So he goes over to that page.
And I think Matias had the shield.
And then he either says
that he has used his own shield,-
-or he pretends he
got the shield Matias got,-
- if it was Matias who got it.
Ha ha, am I not clever?
The boss!
This was a nice welcome.
Good morning.
Everyone, everyone. It is almost
impossible to get rid of any of you.
-Are you the traitor?
-No comment.
-Want to win some silver today?
Today's assignment is based on trust.
-And gives you the opportunity-
- to get to know those
you don't trust one hundred percent better.
And who you share a car with
is up to you. See you soon.
- So there will be five in one of the cars.
- I haven't talked to you much.
I haven't spoken
to Aslak and Lasse that much.
I think I need to talk to those
I haven't talked to much.
And there were, among others,
Victor and Torstein.
Very happy that I end up
in a car with Torstein and Matias.
Then I can listen to what they say
and how they talk about Aslak, -
-and try to find a sign in what they
say, which confirms what I believe.
You voted the same
as Anne Marie, Lasse.
Was it because you talked about it
the night you met?
I was probably
a bit influenced by her, yes.
-In the traitor room?
I am dead serious. Are you a traitor?
I am loyal.
The voices!
Maybe that's
the way I say it.
That I lower my voice a little
and say: "I am loyal."
Can you say it once like the beast?
No, I don't remember what the beast
was like. It's been a hundred years.
-"I am loyal!"
Today's mission
takes place at Vardefort,-
-a cannon position
outside Kongsvinger.
Here the players must
perform a confidence exercise,-
-which will show if they really
can trust each other.
-Welcome to Vardefortet.
In this assignment, you will put
the group's trust to the test.
How is the trust in the group?
Think it's better today.
We will have that tested now.
Around this cannon position
there are eight posts.
There are two cards on each post.
And of the two cards you must choose
one to take back with you.
To win the silver,
at least five of the cards must-
- you bring back,
symbolize silver.
You choose
which direction you want to go, -
-and who goes with whom.
If you pass,
you win 20 silver bars,
-corresponding to NOK 40,000,
in the prize pool.
But in order to do that,
you are dependent on-
- to put the community
ahead of one's own profit. Good luck.
I can go south of Kristiansand.
I can take east.
Are you going to go together?
I end up in pairs
like I often do.
I stand again at the end and ask
if anyone wants to go with me.
Anyone feel free to come with me!
Torstein also stayed at the end,
so I was happy to go with him.
Welcome, Southeast.
I wanted to check
if I can still trust him.
It's probably the choice between
silver or the shield room.
Because they talked about
what we should go for.
Interesting assignment.
I would think that the traitors will want
to rake in as much money as possible.
Which they can
take with them further into the pot.
And then I think
that the loyal ones who feel exposed,-
-will try to go for shield.
Who feels vulnerable
and needs a shield?
- There were quite a few.
I think that if everyone is exposed,-
-isn't it just as well
that everyone takes silver?
Then we don't trust each other,
as we said we did at the start.
Okay, once everyone's at
their posts, we'll reconvene here.
-Good trip!
The group is divided
on the eight posts.
On each post they must choose one card.
To secure the silver for the prize pool
at least 5 of the cards they choose must,-
-symbolize silver.
They themselves choose how they distribute
themselves to cover all the items.
That means some go in pairs,
while others have to go alone.
It's a little creepy to walk here alone.
The fact that I have to go alone
seems a bit uncomfortable.
I feel that many people
have the spotlight on me.
I'd rather go with someone, so
I can lean on someone-
- in case it was
a difficult choice.
Is it down here?
You don't see any notes?
Yes, come on. Here.
This is a trust assignment.
If we show trust now,
it might give us something too.
-A hundred percent.
- We can be deceived here too.
Here is something.
-Open it and read.
-Are you ready?
"Choose one of two cards. The card that is
not chosen is burned at the stake."
"The shield room card also gives you
space in the dagger dinner,"-
-"where you choose
who plays for the dagger."
"The shield card only applies
to one of the players on the post."
Lets see.
Silver or shield room.
-You go for silver?
We burn the shield room.
I do what's best for the group
and be done with it, sort of.
-What do you think? The gut feeling?
-Me too.
-I am very obvious,-
- and you are with me and Katrine.
-If I die,-
- have I at least done
something for the community.
You know what? We go back
and say we chose silver,-
- because that was what the majority
of the group agreed on.
We think of the team, the loyal ones.
We have to put it in their brains.
Me and Evelina were a team
and went for silver.
We thought about building trust in the team,
but now I'm very exposed.
-Thank you and goodbye, shield room.
-Thank you and goodbye.
Can you give
a little farewell sermon for it?
- After skin.
If one were to choose to take shield,-
- say that you are the only one who does
it, then you really stand out.
And then you burn yourself badly if
you are one of those who don't take a shield.
Yes, then you have made a fool of yourself.
I sincerely feel
that Heidi has great confidence in me.
She may be leading me
astray, but I don't think so.
And thus it is
a comfortable situation-
-to go with someone you have great confidence in
and in whom I also have great confidence.
And then we still get
this twisted choice.
What shall we do?
Shall we go for the silver?
Or should we go for the shield?
I think a lot of people go for the shield,
so if we go for silver,-
-we stand there like no
because everyone else has taken the shield.
I'm actually set on
taking the silver bars.
Because we have actually told
the rest of the group that we are going to do that.
If we had confidence
that everyone took the silver,-
-I agree that it is strange to
stand out by taking the shield.
But even then it is easy to say:
"Okay, you feel so exposed"-
-"sum and sikker lojal"-
-"that you felt
you had to have the shield."
"Sorry Mac,
derfor måtte de barrene ofres."
-You think I should take the shield room?
- I think so, yes.
Torstein persuades me
to take the shield,-
- because Torstein thinks
I'm very exposed at night.
And he is afraid of
himself in the council chamber,-
-and he wants me
to be at the dagger dinner-
- to make sure that he does not end up
with many votes in the council chamber.
- You don't need silver when you're dead.
-Correct. Get it away.
In any case, there will be no silver here.
It's just stupid to take the silver-
-while all the others
are going to go for the shield anyway.
I actually kind of regret
that we took the shield.
-I'm afraid of-
- that if many of the others
take the silver, I seem exposed.
Then you stick out, but
I think everyone will choose the shield.
Let's hope you get the shield.
You're just going to the room.
There may be many people in the room.
Is it as I think,-
-must be 8 in the shield room,
so the chance is small.
I have worked so hard for you.
When you get to see this,-
- are you going to send me
a bouquet of flowers?
I will place the order
now with Blomster-Finn.
"Choose one of two cards. The card that is
not chosen is burned at the stake."
"The shield room card is only valid
for one of the players on the post."
Me and Katrine decided
in advance to go for the silver.
- Don't we want to go for silver?
- Yes, we have to collect the pot.
Shield compartment...
In the...
There are two cards
with "shield space" on them.
As Jennie and Katrine have discovered,
there is a twist in the mission.
All the records do not contain
the same choice.
Okay, northwest.
There are two shield rooms.
Today's assignment is therefore not
as simple as first thought.
It can be both an advantage
and a disadvantage to go alone.
I really didn't
want to go alone.
Silver or silver?
So there is no shield room here?
It also means that it is important
to have trust in the group-
-when to
present your choice.
Now I got goosebumps,
such horror inside me. Oh no.
Then we have to choose shield room and hope-
- that the rest of the group
believes that we got two.
Then only one of us
gets it.
The choice depends more on which of us
gets shield room and dagger dinner.
I've experienced it before,
so I treated Katrine to it.
You have not been in shield room.
I would also like to have that,-
- but I will give it to you.
-Very nice.
I slightly regretted
that we didn't take rock, scissors, paper.
Because if what Aslak says is true, -
-that he was tried to be killed
and had a shield,-
-then the traitors took a big risk.
They didn't know who
had the shield, and missed.
Now I don't think they dare to do
it again. So they'll go wild on-
-those they know don't have shields,
such as me.
- We'll manage that.
I have a choice there. Or two choices,
but it's the same choice.
Very simple.
Then I burn the shield room.
Then I was relieved, because I would
probably have taken the shield room anyway, -
- and then I would have felt guilty.
But now I actually got two shield rooms
I have to burn a silver anyway
to keep a silver.
When I get two silver cards,
it's not so much fun.
I wanted the shield to pretend
I would be protected at night.
But I can pretend that I
chose the silver over the shield,-
- so it seems like
I'm doing something for the group.
Then everyone was back. Then we'll see
how things stand with the trust.
Are you a group
that puts the community first, -
-or is own gain paramount?
As mentioned, you must have returned
with at least five cards-
-which symbolizes silver,
to win the silver bars.
We can start with you, Matias.
Which card do you have with you?
Thyroid compartment card.
No, I brought silver.
One silver card, four missing. Evelina
and Serhat, what do you have with you?
Then we have two cards with silver,
three are missing.
Katrine and Jennie, you went together.
What do you have with you?
We have included...
Shield compartment.
We decided in advance
that we would choose silver,-
-but when we got there
and opened the envelope,-
- was it just shield cards.
-Two shield cards.
I was very happy to hear
that you only got shield cards,-
- because I did too.
I got quite stressed,-
- because I was afraid of
not being believed.
-I have a shield card.
-That means you also get to meet-
-in shield room and dagger dinner.
Lasse and Aslak?
We have included...
It was simple.
We agreed to go for silver.
- Three, then?
-Three silver cards, two missing.
- Heidi and Torstein.
-Yes, we had the choice-
-between silver and shield.
And we thought there would be many
who ended up with shields.
So we didn't trust the group, -
- so that's why we ended up
choosing shields.
Here it turns out that I have a
cynical view of human nature.
I clearly believe that we are all
frauds, in one way or another.
Perhaps I have been influenced
by my role here as a traitor.
According to my calculations,
there are two records left.
Then you are dependent on both
of them coming back with silver-
- for you to win
20 silver bars.
When I get two silver cards,
I think like this:
"How can I use this
to my advantage?"
I chose
to trust the group and took silver.
I could pretend that
I chose to trust the group-
-by choosing the silver, so it seemed
as if I did something for the group.
Then it's up to you.
Have you chosen silver, -
- there will be
more than a doubling of the prize pool.
If you come back with shield room
cards, there will be zero silver bars.
What kind of cards do you have?
Do you want to..?
It looks like shield.
We become the big, bad wolf.
-Tarjei needed it.
- We have the shield here.
Shield compartment.
I really feel like I need it,-
- but I don't want
to go against the group either.
Today's mission was to show
that we had trust in each other.
Something that we obviously don't have.
- Fine.
- Then I choose shield room.
- Then we burn the silver.
Something that Torstein and Heidi
were into.
We thought many would choose shields,
and that there was no hope for silver.
But I see
that we could do the opposite.
You feel a bit stupid for having gone
for the shield and thought of your own gain.
We thought a little more about
what would benefit us loyalists.
Actually, what would benefit Tarjei.
So it's a bit small
to come back to the group-
- and report it.
Then there will be
exactly zero silver bars today.
The fact that we lost 40,000 kroner -
-because of Tarjei and Heidi,-
- obviously feels a bit sad.
you owe me NOK 40,000!
You let us down on Vardefjell.
Damn, that was kind of annoying.
I asked you, before we started
, how the trust in the group was.
Then you said it was good.
How do you think it is going?
Rob, Katrine, Heidi and Tarjei,-
- you will meet in the shield room.
You also get to meet at the dagger dinner.
Ok, see you for dinner.
Sorry, guys.
I knew you were going to say silver.
I told Lasse.
Victor is, in almost all cases,
Unfortunately, not
everyone thought the same way as Victor.
Victor missed the shield room
and I don't want him to die.
I regret it a little now, of course,
because when others haven't,-
you had chosen the shield room.
Now I can pretend I chose
the silver over the shield room.
Pretending to be worried
and afraid of being exposed at night.
And it seemed to work.
-You did the right thing.
-Not for my game.
No, but you did the right thing
from a more moral perspective.
All the kids watching you on TV
will think-
- that you have good morals and are a good
role model. It is very important.
It works so well
that kind, sweet Heidi says-
- that I can show all the children out there
that I have good morals.
I'm pretty sure
you're loyal.
Heidi, you are so beautiful.
It's not good morals...
There's no morals here!
There is no morality, period.
She really thinks I'm worried
about being killed at night.
Worth its weight in gold for me.
Players must return
home empty-handed from missions.
In the cars, speculation continues
about the history of Aslak-
-is too good to be true.
What happened to Aslak
is too good to be true.
Yes, and did you have the courage
to tell so early?
I felt very confident
in him yesterday,-
-but it's only the story now
that puts him a bit in the spotlight.
- I just don't get it.
-Neither do I.
It is incredibly dangerous to claim-
- that he has been tried to be killed,
if he is a traitor.
The traitors want
the best player, who is Aslak.
If he was a traitor, it is
very risky to say it out loud.
Matias believes in Aslak, and I am
one hundred percent sure of-
- that the traitors are
Torstein and Matias.
And that they have also managed
to bring Aslak with them.
It's a bit funny that Heidi
suddenly changed her morals.
-Yes very.
-It's probably a good idea to find out-
- whether Torstein has influenced her,
and hear from Heidi...
At least I have become, if not
wiser, then more confused, perhaps.
There are so many theories
floating around,-
- and there are so many angles.
And there are so many people who see so many
strange reactions and signs,-
-and everyone has their theories.
We go and grind
on the same thing all the time.
It can easily become a mass psychosis.
But Lasse, you are the
quietest of all in the game.
Yes, but if I start talking
a lot, I think it will be a lot.
It is often the case
that the people you sit in a car with, -
-tend to
agree on certain things.
I might be inclined
to support Aslak.
Whether Aslak is telling the truth or not,
so far few know.
But the uncertainty
that follows such a claim,-
-makes several people start
to doubt each other.
I just have to ask you something.
Just look at what I'm doing now.
Were you tempted last night?
I think Tarjei was a bit shocked
that I went for silver. I saw:
I was not tempted. I swear
on everything I own. I am loyal.
And I just: "Have you been tempted?"
And then he said, "No, I'm loyal."
And I trust him.
Tarjei is my brother.
And Evelina too.
Right now there is chaos in the house.
Alliances have begun to turn against
each other and suspect each other.
And why did it happen?
Yes, during breakfast Aslak said:
I was assassinated last night.
But he had a shield, obviously.
Can I believe it?
I'm still unsure,-
- because I have heard a lot.
Aslak may have been tempted.
I don't believe in Aslak.
That story is so thin.
When Aslak tells
that he has had the shield-
-and been attempted to kill,
all my warning lights are flashing.
This is very strange.
If they went
from three traitors to two,-
-why on earth should they gamble
on killing someone from the blue group?
There are three options:
Aslak has been a traitor all along.
Or so Aslak was tempted last night.
Either Aslak
or Matias has the shield.
Which I think is also a traitor.
Or Aslak is telling the truth.
I don't want to take Aslak now. I'd
rather continue with the plan-
-which we have,
and there I feel Matias is next.
Matias has once again excelled strangely.
He is far too comfortable.
I suspect
Matias, Torstein and Aslak.
I imagine
there are two variants here now.
One is that they may
have had the opportunity to tempt, -
-but opted it out to kill.
And it is, for me,
a very strange choice.
I know the trouble, I try-
- to reason
with what you said this morning.
Is that right? Isn't that right?
It has been a difficult day.
It's a somewhat unbelievable story, -
-but Serhat is very confident in me.
Robin too, I think.
Katrine, Evelina...
I think that they believe in me,
along with Emzia.
To choose murder
and then go for something so risky,-
-they must have a very big
and ambitious plan with it.
For now, I don't think there is an
imminent danger of me smoking, -
- but it's very difficult to know.
What do you think about breakfast today?
-With respect to?
- The one big thing that happened.
Aslak? I'll buy it. I'm doing it.
I have been to
Matias and Torstein a lot.
Now I'm also quite on Aslak.
That story this morning...
I don't quite buy it.
But what is the reason for
Aslak to say it out loud?
It casts a great deal of suspicion
on him as well.
Then he takes away the thing that
people think there is a third traitor.
I just don't see, considering
how Aslak is as a player...
I feel it is so stupid
to do so early in the game.
There is risk.
I feel
the risk is far too great.
It is so big.
I trusted Aslak very much.
Because I totally buy his story
about him being attempted to be killed.
Aslak is a crazy good player.
Maybe the best player here.
Very sneaky.
If I'm going to get rid of traitors,
Aslak has to get out, and quickly.
Because that man is dangerous.
Very dangerous.
Either he is so incredibly clever that
he is staging that play.
It is of course
very random.
Chances are everything he says
has happened...
I don't understand why
the traitors would do that,-
- but in any case, I think
that Matias knows more than what he says.
I also think so.
Basically, I trust
Aslak, but what has happened,-
- whether he has been tempted or
vice versa during the night, -
- that's what I can't quite make up
my mind about.
Who is telling the truth and
who is not?
I was attempted to be killed last night...
"Tonight you will have a choice."
"Do ye wish to kill,"-
-"or do you want to tempt?"
I feel the one who is
the biggest threat is Aslak.
- He is dangerous.
- Extremely dangerous.
- I think that's right.
- I think it is the best choice.
And then it will be very exciting
to see the outcome of our campaign.
"You would have been a perfect fit
with us. Would you like an answer"-
-"and someone to play with, you are
welcome. Greetings traitors."
I happily agree to this.
If I want!
I don't have the slightest doubt.
Are you crazy?
"You are wanted
because you are calculated and whimsical."
I am going into the holy room.
Where they sit and laugh at us
and point at us and accept-
- that we are so wrong.
And now I become a part of it.
And I'm so excited to
see who it is!
That's so damn typical.
Of course it was you!
-Victor has gone completely under the radar.
-That you have.
- He has been completely raw.
-So it's not Jennie?
I thought it was going to
be you and Jennie.
- Good thing I got a hold of you.
- I'm so glad you said yes.
- Here you have sat and been evil.
-Welcome to the League of Evil!
So lovely.
This is so good!
This is so good.
This is crap,
because I also have the shield.
-I got a shield.
-You did, yes?
So what I have considered is to say
that you tried to kill me.
- Yes, that's smart.
- Pretty slick.
I was assassinated last night.
I'm a little disappointed
that I wasn't tempted.
I had made it quite clear
that I was going to say yes.
And it's not that unrealistic.
You are a threat.
And we could take that chance
to try and assassinate you.
Calculated risk.
And then we made a fool of ourselves,-
-because it happened to be
you who got the shield.
It feels like most people just
buy it and are happy with it.
I don't know
how long it will last.
But right now it's going well.
Anne Marie had a lot of eyes on her.
There are so many things
pointing in your direction.
Her fellow traitors saw no other
option but to betray her.
That means, Anne Marie,
that you are banished.
Aslak got the shield and was with it
protected against the traitors last night.
I can tell by your face
that it's not empty.
In the conclave, Victor and Torstein
had an important choice.
Would you rather tempt or kill?
-You like the killing?
-Yes I do.
Tone Hauge
It's ready for the third game round.
The players must immediately
meet for breakfast.
There is great uncertainty in the group
whether the traitors have chosen to kill-
-or tempt a player.
There was no one here.
This was a bit disgusting. Strange feeling
to be sitting there alone.
If I'm first in,
I'll have some fun with that too.
-Oh God!
My God, how I slopped,
but so nice to see you.
I really squealed.
Very funny invention, then.
Very happy to have survived
the night. Never feel completely safe.
I'm actually
one hundred percent sure-
- that the traitors are
Torstein and Matias.
I'm excited to see
who comes to breakfast,-
- and excited about what the two say and do.
What do you think happened last night?
- I think someone has been tempted.
-And that they have said yes or no?
It really depends
on who is being tempted.
Tarjei might have said no.
-While Aslak had said yes.
- My God, there was hardly anyone here.
- So nice.
I have not experienced that before.
I also tend
to be one of the last to arrive.
I didn't understand anything
since it was completely silent.
He did it to me too.
It's a bit of fun afterwards.
It's going well.
But now that the night is gone,
did you have a shield?
-No. Had you?
-Me neither.
-Then it's either Aslak or Robin.
There are so many opportunities today.
Otherwise, they have tried to hit
someone with a shield and failed.
Or they killed someone.
Or they've tried
to tempt someone and managed to-
-or didn't get it.
Four possibilities.
- Are there two?
-My God, such a cool sweater.
-Is it going well?
Lovely. Hello!
-So good.
-Good morning.
I'm actually in very good shape.
Good mood-
- and settle into my role
and enjoy it.
Water? Yes...
But that does not mean
that the Oscar is within reach.
I have a feeling
that someone still,-
-and perhaps not entirely unjustly,
have a nagging doubt-
- about my sincerity
as a loyal citizen.
-We are living.
- Cheers to two more days of life.
Really. Cheers.
- Good morning, Torstein.
-God tomorrow.
-Fin genser.
- Thanks, mum knitted it.
-What are your theories?
-You think temptation?
- That's all I can say now.
Then you can join and follow along.
- I was attempted to be killed last night.
-You're kidding!
-It is so good!
-And you had a shield!
- But I had a shield.
You're kidding?
They tried to go for the shield group?
Yes, and I didn't tell anyone
I had a shield.
There are some here now who are
very surprised that I am alive.
Because I don't think
they'll know until now.
"Good evening, dear traitors."
"Tonight you will have a choice."
"Do you wish to kill,
or do you wish to tempt?"
"Choose wisely."
-Would you rather tempt or kill?
-It is very difficult.
- Because you like the killing?
-Yes I do.
You want to start knocking them out.
We have been so many for a long time.
But I feel
the one who is the biggest threat,-
-both now
and also because he's a trickster-
- who manages to investigate things,
is Aslak.
- He thinks I'm dangerous.
- Extremely dangerous.
I'm a little disappointed
that I wasn't tempted.
I had made it quite
clear that I was going to say yes.
He seemed credible
when he told it.
But it doesn't have to be true.
But I believed in him.
-You were killed, but had a shield?
-And survived.
At first I thought,
"Wow, that was random."
Afterwards I started thinking like this:
"Is it a coincidence?"
Jeg er "the boy who lived".
I'm going to
tattoo a scar here now.
Or you have the ultimate
alibi, who got the shield.
- And then you report it here.
Then everyone
from the blue group will support you.
I have the ultimate alibi, so it
can be a "brain play" too.
I think it's a nice story.
We were in the group
that had shield rooms.
No one said who had the shield,
so there was a 20 percent chance-
- because Aslak had it.
In my eyes, Tarjei is
-and perhaps Sero equally worthy
candidates to be killed.
So the fact that they choose
to go for Aslak...
I think it's very strange.
I have survived an assassination attempt.
-No? Look?
-Last night.
-But you know you survived?
- Yes, I was told about it.
But imagine they took that chance.
Yes, and that makes me
believe one more thing.
I think the only reason why one
would choose murder over temptation,-
- it was certain that you were not
on the trail of both of them.
Aslak, you little liar.
I know that hasn't happened.
It is not kjang's for-
-that they have tried to kill him
when he potentially has a shield.
I think they tried to tempt him.
And Aslak cannot say no if
he is asked to be a traitor.
So he goes over to that page.
And I think Matias had the shield.
And then he either says
that he has used his own shield,-
-or he pretends he
got the shield Matias got,-
- if it was Matias who got it.
Ha ha, am I not clever?
The boss!
This was a nice welcome.
Good morning.
Everyone, everyone. It is almost
impossible to get rid of any of you.
-Are you the traitor?
-No comment.
-Want to win some silver today?
Today's assignment is based on trust.
-And gives you the opportunity-
- to get to know those
you don't trust one hundred percent better.
And who you share a car with
is up to you. See you soon.
- So there will be five in one of the cars.
- I haven't talked to you much.
I haven't spoken
to Aslak and Lasse that much.
I think I need to talk to those
I haven't talked to much.
And there were, among others,
Victor and Torstein.
Very happy that I end up
in a car with Torstein and Matias.
Then I can listen to what they say
and how they talk about Aslak, -
-and try to find a sign in what they
say, which confirms what I believe.
You voted the same
as Anne Marie, Lasse.
Was it because you talked about it
the night you met?
I was probably
a bit influenced by her, yes.
-In the traitor room?
I am dead serious. Are you a traitor?
I am loyal.
The voices!
Maybe that's
the way I say it.
That I lower my voice a little
and say: "I am loyal."
Can you say it once like the beast?
No, I don't remember what the beast
was like. It's been a hundred years.
-"I am loyal!"
Today's mission
takes place at Vardefort,-
-a cannon position
outside Kongsvinger.
Here the players must
perform a confidence exercise,-
-which will show if they really
can trust each other.
-Welcome to Vardefortet.
In this assignment, you will put
the group's trust to the test.
How is the trust in the group?
Think it's better today.
We will have that tested now.
Around this cannon position
there are eight posts.
There are two cards on each post.
And of the two cards you must choose
one to take back with you.
To win the silver,
at least five of the cards must-
- you bring back,
symbolize silver.
You choose
which direction you want to go, -
-and who goes with whom.
If you pass,
you win 20 silver bars,
-corresponding to NOK 40,000,
in the prize pool.
But in order to do that,
you are dependent on-
- to put the community
ahead of one's own profit. Good luck.
I can go south of Kristiansand.
I can take east.
Are you going to go together?
I end up in pairs
like I often do.
I stand again at the end and ask
if anyone wants to go with me.
Anyone feel free to come with me!
Torstein also stayed at the end,
so I was happy to go with him.
Welcome, Southeast.
I wanted to check
if I can still trust him.
It's probably the choice between
silver or the shield room.
Because they talked about
what we should go for.
Interesting assignment.
I would think that the traitors will want
to rake in as much money as possible.
Which they can
take with them further into the pot.
And then I think
that the loyal ones who feel exposed,-
-will try to go for shield.
Who feels vulnerable
and needs a shield?
- There were quite a few.
I think that if everyone is exposed,-
-isn't it just as well
that everyone takes silver?
Then we don't trust each other,
as we said we did at the start.
Okay, once everyone's at
their posts, we'll reconvene here.
-Good trip!
The group is divided
on the eight posts.
On each post they must choose one card.
To secure the silver for the prize pool
at least 5 of the cards they choose must,-
-symbolize silver.
They themselves choose how they distribute
themselves to cover all the items.
That means some go in pairs,
while others have to go alone.
It's a little creepy to walk here alone.
The fact that I have to go alone
seems a bit uncomfortable.
I feel that many people
have the spotlight on me.
I'd rather go with someone, so
I can lean on someone-
- in case it was
a difficult choice.
Is it down here?
You don't see any notes?
Yes, come on. Here.
This is a trust assignment.
If we show trust now,
it might give us something too.
-A hundred percent.
- We can be deceived here too.
Here is something.
-Open it and read.
-Are you ready?
"Choose one of two cards. The card that is
not chosen is burned at the stake."
"The shield room card also gives you
space in the dagger dinner,"-
-"where you choose
who plays for the dagger."
"The shield card only applies
to one of the players on the post."
Lets see.
Silver or shield room.
-You go for silver?
We burn the shield room.
I do what's best for the group
and be done with it, sort of.
-What do you think? The gut feeling?
-Me too.
-I am very obvious,-
- and you are with me and Katrine.
-If I die,-
- have I at least done
something for the community.
You know what? We go back
and say we chose silver,-
- because that was what the majority
of the group agreed on.
We think of the team, the loyal ones.
We have to put it in their brains.
Me and Evelina were a team
and went for silver.
We thought about building trust in the team,
but now I'm very exposed.
-Thank you and goodbye, shield room.
-Thank you and goodbye.
Can you give
a little farewell sermon for it?
- After skin.
If one were to choose to take shield,-
- say that you are the only one who does
it, then you really stand out.
And then you burn yourself badly if
you are one of those who don't take a shield.
Yes, then you have made a fool of yourself.
I sincerely feel
that Heidi has great confidence in me.
She may be leading me
astray, but I don't think so.
And thus it is
a comfortable situation-
-to go with someone you have great confidence in
and in whom I also have great confidence.
And then we still get
this twisted choice.
What shall we do?
Shall we go for the silver?
Or should we go for the shield?
I think a lot of people go for the shield,
so if we go for silver,-
-we stand there like no
because everyone else has taken the shield.
I'm actually set on
taking the silver bars.
Because we have actually told
the rest of the group that we are going to do that.
If we had confidence
that everyone took the silver,-
-I agree that it is strange to
stand out by taking the shield.
But even then it is easy to say:
"Okay, you feel so exposed"-
-"sum and sikker lojal"-
-"that you felt
you had to have the shield."
"Sorry Mac,
derfor måtte de barrene ofres."
-You think I should take the shield room?
- I think so, yes.
Torstein persuades me
to take the shield,-
- because Torstein thinks
I'm very exposed at night.
And he is afraid of
himself in the council chamber,-
-and he wants me
to be at the dagger dinner-
- to make sure that he does not end up
with many votes in the council chamber.
- You don't need silver when you're dead.
-Correct. Get it away.
In any case, there will be no silver here.
It's just stupid to take the silver-
-while all the others
are going to go for the shield anyway.
I actually kind of regret
that we took the shield.
-I'm afraid of-
- that if many of the others
take the silver, I seem exposed.
Then you stick out, but
I think everyone will choose the shield.
Let's hope you get the shield.
You're just going to the room.
There may be many people in the room.
Is it as I think,-
-must be 8 in the shield room,
so the chance is small.
I have worked so hard for you.
When you get to see this,-
- are you going to send me
a bouquet of flowers?
I will place the order
now with Blomster-Finn.
"Choose one of two cards. The card that is
not chosen is burned at the stake."
"The shield room card is only valid
for one of the players on the post."
Me and Katrine decided
in advance to go for the silver.
- Don't we want to go for silver?
- Yes, we have to collect the pot.
Shield compartment...
In the...
There are two cards
with "shield space" on them.
As Jennie and Katrine have discovered,
there is a twist in the mission.
All the records do not contain
the same choice.
Okay, northwest.
There are two shield rooms.
Today's assignment is therefore not
as simple as first thought.
It can be both an advantage
and a disadvantage to go alone.
I really didn't
want to go alone.
Silver or silver?
So there is no shield room here?
It also means that it is important
to have trust in the group-
-when to
present your choice.
Now I got goosebumps,
such horror inside me. Oh no.
Then we have to choose shield room and hope-
- that the rest of the group
believes that we got two.
Then only one of us
gets it.
The choice depends more on which of us
gets shield room and dagger dinner.
I've experienced it before,
so I treated Katrine to it.
You have not been in shield room.
I would also like to have that,-
- but I will give it to you.
-Very nice.
I slightly regretted
that we didn't take rock, scissors, paper.
Because if what Aslak says is true, -
-that he was tried to be killed
and had a shield,-
-then the traitors took a big risk.
They didn't know who
had the shield, and missed.
Now I don't think they dare to do
it again. So they'll go wild on-
-those they know don't have shields,
such as me.
- We'll manage that.
I have a choice there. Or two choices,
but it's the same choice.
Very simple.
Then I burn the shield room.
Then I was relieved, because I would
probably have taken the shield room anyway, -
- and then I would have felt guilty.
But now I actually got two shield rooms
I have to burn a silver anyway
to keep a silver.
When I get two silver cards,
it's not so much fun.
I wanted the shield to pretend
I would be protected at night.
But I can pretend that I
chose the silver over the shield,-
- so it seems like
I'm doing something for the group.
Then everyone was back. Then we'll see
how things stand with the trust.
Are you a group
that puts the community first, -
-or is own gain paramount?
As mentioned, you must have returned
with at least five cards-
-which symbolizes silver,
to win the silver bars.
We can start with you, Matias.
Which card do you have with you?
Thyroid compartment card.
No, I brought silver.
One silver card, four missing. Evelina
and Serhat, what do you have with you?
Then we have two cards with silver,
three are missing.
Katrine and Jennie, you went together.
What do you have with you?
We have included...
Shield compartment.
We decided in advance
that we would choose silver,-
-but when we got there
and opened the envelope,-
- was it just shield cards.
-Two shield cards.
I was very happy to hear
that you only got shield cards,-
- because I did too.
I got quite stressed,-
- because I was afraid of
not being believed.
-I have a shield card.
-That means you also get to meet-
-in shield room and dagger dinner.
Lasse and Aslak?
We have included...
It was simple.
We agreed to go for silver.
- Three, then?
-Three silver cards, two missing.
- Heidi and Torstein.
-Yes, we had the choice-
-between silver and shield.
And we thought there would be many
who ended up with shields.
So we didn't trust the group, -
- so that's why we ended up
choosing shields.
Here it turns out that I have a
cynical view of human nature.
I clearly believe that we are all
frauds, in one way or another.
Perhaps I have been influenced
by my role here as a traitor.
According to my calculations,
there are two records left.
Then you are dependent on both
of them coming back with silver-
- for you to win
20 silver bars.
When I get two silver cards,
I think like this:
"How can I use this
to my advantage?"
I chose
to trust the group and took silver.
I could pretend that
I chose to trust the group-
-by choosing the silver, so it seemed
as if I did something for the group.
Then it's up to you.
Have you chosen silver, -
- there will be
more than a doubling of the prize pool.
If you come back with shield room
cards, there will be zero silver bars.
What kind of cards do you have?
Do you want to..?
It looks like shield.
We become the big, bad wolf.
-Tarjei needed it.
- We have the shield here.
Shield compartment.
I really feel like I need it,-
- but I don't want
to go against the group either.
Today's mission was to show
that we had trust in each other.
Something that we obviously don't have.
- Fine.
- Then I choose shield room.
- Then we burn the silver.
Something that Torstein and Heidi
were into.
We thought many would choose shields,
and that there was no hope for silver.
But I see
that we could do the opposite.
You feel a bit stupid for having gone
for the shield and thought of your own gain.
We thought a little more about
what would benefit us loyalists.
Actually, what would benefit Tarjei.
So it's a bit small
to come back to the group-
- and report it.
Then there will be
exactly zero silver bars today.
The fact that we lost 40,000 kroner -
-because of Tarjei and Heidi,-
- obviously feels a bit sad.
you owe me NOK 40,000!
You let us down on Vardefjell.
Damn, that was kind of annoying.
I asked you, before we started
, how the trust in the group was.
Then you said it was good.
How do you think it is going?
Rob, Katrine, Heidi and Tarjei,-
- you will meet in the shield room.
You also get to meet at the dagger dinner.
Ok, see you for dinner.
Sorry, guys.
I knew you were going to say silver.
I told Lasse.
Victor is, in almost all cases,
Unfortunately, not
everyone thought the same way as Victor.
Victor missed the shield room
and I don't want him to die.
I regret it a little now, of course,
because when others haven't,-
you had chosen the shield room.
Now I can pretend I chose
the silver over the shield room.
Pretending to be worried
and afraid of being exposed at night.
And it seemed to work.
-You did the right thing.
-Not for my game.
No, but you did the right thing
from a more moral perspective.
All the kids watching you on TV
will think-
- that you have good morals and are a good
role model. It is very important.
It works so well
that kind, sweet Heidi says-
- that I can show all the children out there
that I have good morals.
I'm pretty sure
you're loyal.
Heidi, you are so beautiful.
It's not good morals...
There's no morals here!
There is no morality, period.
She really thinks I'm worried
about being killed at night.
Worth its weight in gold for me.
Players must return
home empty-handed from missions.
In the cars, speculation continues
about the history of Aslak-
-is too good to be true.
What happened to Aslak
is too good to be true.
Yes, and did you have the courage
to tell so early?
I felt very confident
in him yesterday,-
-but it's only the story now
that puts him a bit in the spotlight.
- I just don't get it.
-Neither do I.
It is incredibly dangerous to claim-
- that he has been tried to be killed,
if he is a traitor.
The traitors want
the best player, who is Aslak.
If he was a traitor, it is
very risky to say it out loud.
Matias believes in Aslak, and I am
one hundred percent sure of-
- that the traitors are
Torstein and Matias.
And that they have also managed
to bring Aslak with them.
It's a bit funny that Heidi
suddenly changed her morals.
-Yes very.
-It's probably a good idea to find out-
- whether Torstein has influenced her,
and hear from Heidi...
At least I have become, if not
wiser, then more confused, perhaps.
There are so many theories
floating around,-
- and there are so many angles.
And there are so many people who see so many
strange reactions and signs,-
-and everyone has their theories.
We go and grind
on the same thing all the time.
It can easily become a mass psychosis.
But Lasse, you are the
quietest of all in the game.
Yes, but if I start talking
a lot, I think it will be a lot.
It is often the case
that the people you sit in a car with, -
-tend to
agree on certain things.
I might be inclined
to support Aslak.
Whether Aslak is telling the truth or not,
so far few know.
But the uncertainty
that follows such a claim,-
-makes several people start
to doubt each other.
I just have to ask you something.
Just look at what I'm doing now.
Were you tempted last night?
I think Tarjei was a bit shocked
that I went for silver. I saw:
I was not tempted. I swear
on everything I own. I am loyal.
And I just: "Have you been tempted?"
And then he said, "No, I'm loyal."
And I trust him.
Tarjei is my brother.
And Evelina too.
Right now there is chaos in the house.
Alliances have begun to turn against
each other and suspect each other.
And why did it happen?
Yes, during breakfast Aslak said:
I was assassinated last night.
But he had a shield, obviously.
Can I believe it?
I'm still unsure,-
- because I have heard a lot.
Aslak may have been tempted.
I don't believe in Aslak.
That story is so thin.
When Aslak tells
that he has had the shield-
-and been attempted to kill,
all my warning lights are flashing.
This is very strange.
If they went
from three traitors to two,-
-why on earth should they gamble
on killing someone from the blue group?
There are three options:
Aslak has been a traitor all along.
Or so Aslak was tempted last night.
Either Aslak
or Matias has the shield.
Which I think is also a traitor.
Or Aslak is telling the truth.
I don't want to take Aslak now. I'd
rather continue with the plan-
-which we have,
and there I feel Matias is next.
Matias has once again excelled strangely.
He is far too comfortable.
I suspect
Matias, Torstein and Aslak.
I imagine
there are two variants here now.
One is that they may
have had the opportunity to tempt, -
-but opted it out to kill.
And it is, for me,
a very strange choice.
I know the trouble, I try-
- to reason
with what you said this morning.
Is that right? Isn't that right?
It has been a difficult day.
It's a somewhat unbelievable story, -
-but Serhat is very confident in me.
Robin too, I think.
Katrine, Evelina...
I think that they believe in me,
along with Emzia.
To choose murder
and then go for something so risky,-
-they must have a very big
and ambitious plan with it.
For now, I don't think there is an
imminent danger of me smoking, -
- but it's very difficult to know.
What do you think about breakfast today?
-With respect to?
- The one big thing that happened.
Aslak? I'll buy it. I'm doing it.
I have been to
Matias and Torstein a lot.
Now I'm also quite on Aslak.
That story this morning...
I don't quite buy it.
But what is the reason for
Aslak to say it out loud?
It casts a great deal of suspicion
on him as well.
Then he takes away the thing that
people think there is a third traitor.
I just don't see, considering
how Aslak is as a player...
I feel it is so stupid
to do so early in the game.
There is risk.
I feel
the risk is far too great.
It is so big.
I trusted Aslak very much.
Because I totally buy his story
about him being attempted to be killed.
Aslak is a crazy good player.
Maybe the best player here.
Very sneaky.
If I'm going to get rid of traitors,
Aslak has to get out, and quickly.
Because that man is dangerous.
Very dangerous.
Either he is so incredibly clever that
he is staging that play.
It is of course
very random.
Chances are everything he says
has happened...
I don't understand why
the traitors would do that,-
- but in any case, I think
that Matias knows more than what he says.
I also think so.
Basically, I trust
Aslak, but what has happened,-
- whether he has been tempted or
vice versa during the night, -
- that's what I can't quite make up
my mind about.
Who is telling the truth and
who is not?
I was attempted to be killed last night...
"Tonight you will have a choice."
"Do ye wish to kill,"-
-"or do you want to tempt?"
I feel the one who is
the biggest threat is Aslak.
- He is dangerous.
- Extremely dangerous.
- I think that's right.
- I think it is the best choice.
And then it will be very exciting
to see the outcome of our campaign.
"You would have been a perfect fit
with us. Would you like an answer"-
-"and someone to play with, you are
welcome. Greetings traitors."
I happily agree to this.
If I want!
I don't have the slightest doubt.
Are you crazy?
"You are wanted
because you are calculated and whimsical."
I am going into the holy room.
Where they sit and laugh at us
and point at us and accept-
- that we are so wrong.
And now I become a part of it.
And I'm so excited to
see who it is!
That's so damn typical.
Of course it was you!
-Victor has gone completely under the radar.
-That you have.
- He has been completely raw.
-So it's not Jennie?
I thought it was going to
be you and Jennie.
- Good thing I got a hold of you.
- I'm so glad you said yes.
- Here you have sat and been evil.
-Welcome to the League of Evil!
So lovely.
This is so good!
This is so good.
This is crap,
because I also have the shield.
-I got a shield.
-You did, yes?
So what I have considered is to say
that you tried to kill me.
- Yes, that's smart.
- Pretty slick.
I was assassinated last night.
I'm a little disappointed
that I wasn't tempted.
I had made it quite clear
that I was going to say yes.
And it's not that unrealistic.
You are a threat.
And we could take that chance
to try and assassinate you.
Calculated risk.
And then we made a fool of ourselves,-
-because it happened to be
you who got the shield.
It feels like most people just
buy it and are happy with it.
I don't know
how long it will last.
But right now it's going well.