Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Man kan ikke en gang stole på sine nærmeste-del 2 - full transcript

Blue layer, you have the stone
closest to the center of the nest.

That means
you get to meet in the shield room,-

- where you can win protection
against the traitors. In addition-

-you get the power to influence
the voting in the next council chamber.

Because the five of you will later
gather for a dagger dinner.

We are the first to go to the dagger
dinner. Really looking forward to it.

After doing the best
in curling-

-should the blue team meet
for the game's first dagger dinner.

Here they have to make an important choice that will
influence the voting in the council chamber.

- So majestic.

The team got what they wanted.
Being able to influence the game-

- with the dagger dinner,
I enjoy it.

-The best curling people.

-Very good.
-Or thanks to Matias.

I think both teams
were pretty unhappy.

They were a bitfeistyafterwards.

But one noticed that it was because they
would like to have the same opportunity.

The rest of the players are gathered
somewhere else in the fortress.

This was...

Is this a "last meal" dinner?

They are waiting to find out who
will get to play for the dagger.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

- Are you all right?
- Well, then.

-When I came in?
-Especially now.

In this dinner you will have
the opportunity to influence-

- who is banished
from tonight's council chamber.

In one of these boxes
is a dagger.

You will now invite two players
to play it.

The one of the two who wins the dagger,-

-gets a double vote
in tonight's council chamber.

- Understood?

It can be
a particularly important choice.

You can have a little discussion.
I'll be back in a bit.

Here we have to make a strategic choice.

The dagger allows us to
vote twice in the next council chamber.

It is a competitive advantage
that we simply have to ensure-

-not to fall
into the hands of traitors.

I'd like to get the dagger myself,
but I don't think it's realistic.

Too many people think
I'm a traitor-

- so that I have any chance
of getting the dagger.

I just hope the dagger doesn't go to-

-one of those who voted
for me in the council.

For example
Katrine, Evelina or Sero.

Right now I may have
a slightly defensive starting point.

There are dangers lurking around every corner.

And this dagger can also be-

-a very unpleasant surprise
for me in the council.

I trust Torstein, but since
so many people are so unsure of him...

I am influenced by others.

As it is now,
I trust Sero the most.

Everyone knows I'm loyal.

I am the most trustworthy person
in this building now.

So the smartest thing for the loyalists is
to give me the dagger. Because I am loyal.

If I get the dagger, I will hit.

But then I have to talk to everyone,
and everyone has to be honest.

I feel I am the most exposed.

The traitor can kill me
at any time.

I have to kill them. I have to find
the traitors or I'm out.

Sero cannot escape.
There is no game without me.

The two I have had a little more trust
in than others are Sero and Margrethe.

- Then it will be him.
- We agree on Sero.

But who the other person will be…

Would it have been an idea
to take Emilie and Sero?

To get Emilie a bit into this?

I am unfortunately
skeptical about Emilie.

There are some people in here...
I don't know what they're thinking.

Suddenly they take the dagger
and vote for one of us.

Matias proposed
Emilie completely out of the blue.

Which none of us have talked about.
I thought that was a bit strange.

But I've had a little
gut feeling about him for a little while.

But I think we try
to conspire as much as possible,-

- because we agreed
on who the dagger should go to.

- I think we just have to go for it.

I think we agree
on what we started with.

-Hello Hello.

-Did the food taste good?
- We haven't eaten.

- Have you had enough to talk about?

I want to bring two pieces.

Tarjei and Serhat.
You can come with me.


That one of them can get the dagger
is very scary.

Even harder
for us traitors.

Double voice
can be very decisive.

Tarjei has said
that I am in the danger zone,-

-but he's not sure. We will see.

In one of these boxes
is a dagger.

The dagger gives a double voice
in tonight's council chamber.

You, Serhat,
are allowed to look in your box.

You don't get to see in yours,
but in return-

-do you get the option to
switch boxes-

-if you think
the dagger is in that box.

So in other words,
for you, Serhat, it's all about lying.

And for you, it's
about seeing through.

The choice you have to make now is whether you want
to keep the boxes as they are, -

-or if you want to switch.
Are the rules understood?

The rules are understood.

-My brother.
- Yes, we'll see.

Serhat, then you can open
and look inside your box.

What do you see?

A dagger.

-You see a dagger?

As a poker player, I try
to look for nervousness.

People who are stressed
or very over-enthusiastic,-

-I would see as a sign of weakness.
You are uncomfortable in the situation.

I am completely honest.

Since I'm an actor,
I think I have an advantage,-

-but I don't like lying
to people I love.

He trusts me.
I have proven a lot.

- Do you believe him?

We are both loyal and think
to do the best for our team.

- I choose to stand. Sero can get it.
-You don't want a double vote?

No, Sero is loyal.
He deserves it.

I think it is unanimous
in the whole gang that Sero is loyal.

And I know that more people think that Sero
is loyal than that I am loyal.

So then I'd rather he have
it, so we can take out a traitor.

Then you can open your box
and see what's in there.

We'll see, then.

Here it's just... No dagger.

In the.

-Oi, oi.
- Herregud.

He was honest and said I deserved
it. It's my brother.

He shows me trust.

This one kills. Stay safe.

Someone is not safe tonight.
Use it well.

- I will put it to good use.
- See you soon in the council chamber.

Soon. Now we have to make the right choice here.

Everyone trusts me,
so now I have a lot of power here.

A scary position to be in, and
a lot of thoughts. Who is the traitor?

We missed Hkeem,
I don't want to miss the next one.

If I hit it right,
it will do good for the Loyalists.

In a short time
the group will meet in the council hall-

-and banish
another player from the game.

Serhat must use the time to find out
how the double voice-

-best should be used.

I'm very excited.
I think Matias.

-Me too.
- He's a bit like that...

I agree.
I've been thinking about Matias for a long time, -

-but haven't told that many people.
-Do not do it.

Because I think he's...
I think so.

You have to be tactical too.
I think Anne Marie.

Tarjei has put it in my head.

I don't think going to Anne
Marie is as dangerous as Matias.

And switch completely. Then it gets
scary. We have to do it right.

The ones I suspect now... I am
very skeptical about Anne Marie.

I will do research
on Matias as well.

That guy is slick.

I'll have to do some research there.
He is a bit mysterious.

-Who do you have in your sights?
-I suspect Lasse,-

-but I have to admit that I
also feel unsafe at Aslak.

- I haven't spoken to him.
-He is so analytical-

-and very good at keeping
calm. And that scares me.

I'm a bit suspicious of
Matias because Margrethe smoked.

And it could also
have been smart of him,-

- because he can say: "The last thing I
would do is take Margrethe."

I feel he is good at
throwing out ideas,-

- without having to bear
so much for it yourself.

But his ideas are not so precise.
He missed the Hkeem theory.

Maybe he did it on purpose to
get people to vote for Hkeem.

- Do you think he is that sick?
-Aslak is completely wild in this game.

Matias has been weird
ever since the first council chamber.

He chose Hkeem.
I didn't see it coming from him.

And he missed it.
And then there is the fact that...

I talked to Jennie
when they were planning the dagger.

Everyone said Sero and Tarjei,
but he said Sero and Emilie.

I think it's Matias.

Because you are very close allies,
so all three of us can talk.

- I trust him the most.
-And him on you. Bromance.

-Yes, it's klink bromance.
-I am coming.

I'm having coffee.
Can't we go in there?

-What are you thinking now?
-Anne Marie, of course.

Now I have even greater reasons
to vote for her.

There are some who say Matias...

It was he who set things in motion against
Hkeem, many say.

I have him in my sights,
but do you hear anything,-

- come to me with it.
I don't care about…

As long as I get the traitor out.
I thought you were.

I'm not one hundred percent into you.
You are not the first person to...

I don't suspect you
as much as before.

It was only margins
that kept me from being-

- the first eliminated
in this scheme.

It's strange that people don't
hold on to me any longer, -

-but I feel
the wind blowing in my direction.

It's like that...
Everyone circles in there.

My name is not at the top. Others are
now being talked about.

-But you keep Anne Marie?

Is Anne Marie sus for you?
It is important to know. And why.

I didn't see it myself, but I
understood that Margrethe had-

- made clear comments
after the council chamber...

-Against her?
- Against Anne Marie, yes.

The tactic now is to be
open to all possibilities.

So I absolutely have to admit-

- that I have opened that hatch
and that opportunity.

What I'm wondering now is whether I
should simply vote for-

-Anne Marie.
Even if she is a traitor too.

After all, this is
a merciless game.

Interesting to see
how Victor reacts.

Victor wants to be
in the same situation as me, -

- if there is a massive majority
for Anne Marie.

What do you think of her?

I am skeptical.

She is getting more and more sizzling.

But what I am a little afraid of
is that we will all vote for her.

And then we have no information
about who the traitors are.

Anne Marie has been thrown
a lot of suspicion.

And everything she continues to do
makes people even more suspicious.

-But do you think everyone votes for her?
-I do not know.

It depends on how certain
you are that there will be a majority.

You can't just
blindly defend your traitors.

Then you will be refreshed.
If I'm the one who:

"Are you guys sure?"

And she will be voted out tonight...
Then everyone will be like:

"Why did Victor protect her?"

It is difficult to say
what to do next.

You have gone in very hard
and gone to the front,-

- but many have talked
about this for a long time. Not just you.

So there are more people who have felt it.

I feel that we traitors
cannot trust each other either.

I wonder what Torstein thinks
about all this.

You have to make some difficult choices,
but it's wise.

High risk, high reward?

Or it could just come
right back at me, -

- and then I'm going to get my
ass out of here.

Because if I vote for one of them,
what do the others think?

Then they don't trust
me as a traitor either.

My God, now I'm going crazy.

It's so hard to be me!

-Who do you suspect?
- Aslak.

Yes, he is smart. I don't know
where I have him at all.

I don't suspect you.

I suspect more your wife.
What do you think of your wife?

- No, I don't suspect her.
- Is she like this usually?

I don't know
Anne Marie or you.

She is as usual.

-Have you spoken to her?
- No, not like that.

I have to admit that when someone started
casting suspicion on Anne Marie,-

-then I became a little unsure.

- Come and sit down, Lasse.
- You are loyal, Anne Marie?

- I am loyal. Are you loyal?
- I am loyal.

I'm sure
she's loyal.

I just see it in her eyes.

I know my partner very well.
We have been together for 37 years.

He claims he can see when I'm
juggling. I do not believe that.

It's perfectly fine to keep things
hidden from my husband.

I think I would have seen it
if she…

...had been on the wrong side.

This is a game we all went
into with our eyes open.

We know the rules of the game.

So you have to be
as brutal as you can.

It's time.

It is time to meet in the council chamber.

And this time the loyalists
are really on the trail of the traitors.

My name was mentioned
among the suspects.

It is important
to try to be yourself.

Be as it is natural
and convenient to be, -

- and as you would otherwise be.

I'm a little stressed.
I've been trying to go a little hard-

- against certain people.
It may seem a little suspicious.

I probably have to work a little.

I'm a little extra shaky today.
One of my mates is exposed today.

I've rambled and rambled.
I have no idea what to do.

It's a bit of a scary
position to be in.

Everyone trusts me. I don't want
that dagger to be taken for granted.

I actually want to vote for Matias,
but I feel there are divided opinions.

Very much between
Anne Marie and Matias.

I can really turn
this whole house upside down.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

We can start with the prize pool.
On today's mission you collected-

-six silver bars, which means-

- that there are now
14 silver bars in total. Good work.

It is allowed to clap.

But enough about that.

In the previous council chamber, you banished
Hkeem, a loyal player.

And with Margrethe killed
by the traitors last night,-

-you are now two less loyal votes.

Today I gave you the opportunity
to play about a dagger-

-which gives one extra vote.

Then we can only hope, for their part,
that that voice is loyal.

As always,
you decide-

-who will leave the game
in the council room.

You're welcome.

Aslak, I don't quite know
where I have you.

And then I feel you throw out-

-some suspicion and information
about others,-

-and then you pull back a little.

Do you think so?
I feel like I share pretty well.

At least in this setting, I feel
that I bring quite a lot-

- of what I have thought.
-I'm more afraid that you might-

-sits and plays a game
and lays out little red threads-

-which you want us to pick up.

I have my feelings on Aslak.

But that could be because I'm
afraid of him as a player.

I feel he is
so hard to read-

- and incredibly calculated.

Last time I voted for Anne
Marie. I was just saying that to you two.

And I understand that
not telling people can seem silly.

But from my point of view it is actually
the opposite. If you are a traitor, -

- is dependent on having a certain
idea of ​​what the others vote.

Aslak reasons incredibly effectively.

If we are not aware of
what everyone else is voting.-

-it becomes more difficult for
the traitors to throw themselves at something.

Then it becomes much more risky for them
to vote for their own.

He is a dangerous man,
Aslak Maurstad.

I'm worried
that he might turn on us,-

- if he is allowed to continue.

Matias, regarding Margrethe's death...
You checked in with her.

It came as a shock to me.
I didn't expect her to die.

What do you think it came from?

I believe that some, that is,
those who are traitors, think-

-that throwing Margrethe
under the bus raises suspicions-

-over three people: you, Jennie and
me. And for them it is gold.

I have received a number of questions
about Margrethe.

It's probably because people are trying to find
out if I sent her out.

I said I could
send out Margrethe,-

-but not so early in the game.
I think that choice was made-

-only to confuse us
and bring others under the spotlight.

Then you don't just throw
one under the bus, but three.

That's what they're trying for, right?

I believe
he is one of the traitors.

So I'm on the case. Project Matias.

I have been very clear about
what I think today.

I will vote
the same as I did yesterday.

Alas, you are a rough lady,-

-but there are so many things
pointing in your direction, that...

To me, you change your personality
when you talk about-

-usual things and games.
That's what I'm really puzzled by.

That I was different when
talking about the game? I know then father

You can't see yourself,
so I don't know.

I have to say I'm very unsure-

- on who is possibly
hiding what and how. Very.

So I've been very careful
to be firm-

- on suspicions and things like that, because
I don't feel I have cover for that.

This is getting very exciting now. I
think Anne Marie is in big trouble.

I have thought
that I must not stick out.

So that's why I stay calm
and try to shade the track completely.

I've locked into it today
and we'll see what happens.

Yes, I think it's
a real shame, then.

- Because I'm loyal.

It is a very intense boardroom.

I am not happy
that Anne Marie is so singled out.

In the...

At least it's not me yet.

I really want to be here.

You can vote exactly what you want,
but that's the way it is, anyway.

I think we can easily get carried away,
all of us,-

- because there are many who do not know.
Trying to find out.

So I just get…

I just have to
try to be myself-

- and be nice,
and we'll see how it goes.

You never know.

Then you have heard
what you have heard.

Now is the time to vote.

You write down the name of the
person you want to banish from the game.

You're welcome.

Anne Marie is very nice
as a person.

It hurts the heart to be
so adamant that she is a traitor.

But now I just have to
go for that feeling.

I have to make a tactical choice today
and just hope it's a traitor.

To make things clearer.

If I don't vote for Anne Marie
and she quits, -

-I will almost be sentenced to death
in the next round.

I'm in a bit of pain,-

- because it was Anne Marie and Victor
who saved me from falling out too.

I am in danger of becoming the most
merciless and ruthless player-

-this game, who is willing to
sacrifice other traitors-

-and what it should be,
in pursuit of the game.

And I vote for Anne Marie
and she still manages, -

- then I wonder how it will be
in the conclave when we meet.

It's going to be pretty horrible for me.

Now it's getting difficult.
I feel a little alone-

- because I know
that Torstein is so suspicious.

Anne Marie has stood out a lot.

And I'm not completely
"in the clear" either.

It feels like
my skull is starting to grow.

I think so much all the time.

I just have to take a chance tonight.

Maybe a big chance,
but I have to take it.

Aslak, we can start with you.

Defendant, Lasse,
men kona di er sus.

Sorry, Aslak, but you are looking
more and more suspicious.

I didn't know
who to vote for,-

- so I go for the same as yesterday.

It's Torstein.

I think someone really got into
my head and influenced me.

Anne Marie, unfortunately.

Anne Marie.

I chose to go with my initial
gut feeling. It was Lasse.

From my side, you become more of a victim
to get information.

So I want to unravel
some clues.

-Anne Marie.
-Yeah, okay.

I didn't realize
I was so vulnerable.

It is one of them
that has a double voice.

I don't know if they are sure
who to vote for.

Yes we'll see.

I have been convinced.

So I also vote for you,
Anne Marie.

I was not prepared to be
stabbed in the back by Torstein.

When the wild beasts
have decided on a victim,-

- they flock to it.

She has been very supportive
and is amazing…

Anne Marie.

Then there are six votes
for Anne Marie.

That means if you get
one more vote, you're out.



I also think
that man is very bad.

But I think there have been
some choices-

- and some remarks
that have been a bit strange.

So I'm sorry. Anne Marie.

I'm a little disappointed.
I have to admit that.

Being stabbed in the back by the other
traitors... Was very surprised.

I didn't realize
that I was so exposed, quite simply.

Anne Marie... From the first, Lasse?

- Yes, I was very surprised.
- Me too, but that's how it is.

That means, Anne Marie,
that you have received the most votes-

-and that you are banished,
but for the record-

- let's see
what the rest have voted too.

- You have two votes, Serhat.
-Yes, I think it is you.

You are a raw lady. Sorry.

I also think you are a traitor.

That means, Anne Marie,-

-that you
are unfortunately banished from the game.

Then you can be allowed to stand
here and talk about your role.

Be good, then you can tell
the others what role you played.

Very nervous about missing.
A very uncertain atmosphere.

Of course, one is stressed
that the theory is wrong-

- and that you have thought wrong.

When I asked her today
if she was loyal, she said yes.

I am very surprised that
most people had her on the block.

I am...



I do not have words. That's so nice.

Yes, yes, yes!

Guess we caught the traitor day 2!

The feeling of mastery it gave...

When it bombed just like that...

I really felt
like things were going in slo-mo.

Huge feeling of mastery.

It's a bit like
when you've lost a football match.

One team sits and laughs
and the other cheers.

I tried to play the game
my way, the best way possible,-

- and it was not entirely successful.
I have to say that.

At first I was surprised that the
other traitors voted for me.

But I understood why.

When they see
which way the wind blows,-

- they have to vote along.
They have to, or they will be exposed.

It has been great fun.
Now I just hope Lasse wins.

Although I will miss him for a long time
at home, I hope he wins.

All who are loyal here: applause.

- Yes, you guys, congratulations.
- Damn you.

You have exiled a traitor.

You traitors have
been pushed into a corner,-

- but if I know them right,
it could be bad for one of you tonight.

Good luck. I think
you need that. Sleep well.

- It's going to be good, and then crappy.
- We have to have some fun.

- Serhat, we have to enjoy ourselves tonight.
- We have to.

Yes, then I have lost
one of my traitors.

I could try... Or no.

I couldn't save this
situation if I tried.

I think she understands
why we voted for her too.

That's rather merciless
of a traitor-

-to vote for another traitor.

I had a good time
with her in the conclave,-

-and we were going to celebrate at the end with
all the wine bottles in the conclave room.

But at the same time it is
very beneficial for me-

-to have a vote for a traitor,
rather than being one of the few-

-who did not vote for the traitor
who went out.

I have gone from
an extremely vulnerable position.

I actually turned this around from
almost pulling out in the first second-

- to be fully involved
in the fight for victory.

-Are you OK?

There must have been some traitors
who voted her out too, then.

I thought there was a lot of unity
between the traitors.

Yes, but they won't
reveal themselves, you know.

I was very surprised.
"I don't believe anyone now."

You can't even trust those
closest to you. That's the way the game is.

I was absolutely sure
she was loyal.

But if you have talked a lot
with Anne Marie,-

- can you think a little about
who she has defended a little.

I have tried
to get to know all the others.

I thought
I knew my own wife.

-You were surprised?
- Properly.

For real? Because you are not a traitor
with your wife?


-I am just asking.
-Ask for a friend?

I just thought I'd take it.

-You are not?

Anne Marie and I voted the same.
We wanted Aslak out.

So that might strengthen the suspicion against me.

I feel
that this may be the last night.

The team that did the best
during the mission,-

-has also gained access
to the shield compartment.

Here one of them will get a shield-

-which protects against being killed
by the traitors the following night.

Welcome to the shield room.

We have agreed that no one will
know who gets the shield, -

-but it's super important to get a shield.
I thought at first-

- that the traitors did not dare
to take anyone into the shield room.

But they have an 80 percent chance
of hit-

-one who has no shield.

The shield will give me a hundred percent
chance of surviving the night,-

- and I need it.

Welcome. In one of these boxes
is a shield.

And that shield protects from
being killed by the traitors tonight.

It is your choice. You're welcome.

A box has been opened. Four are unopened.

You choose which one you want to open.

Five boxes.
Two are opened. Three are unopened.

You can open one of the three
and see if the shield is there.

-Hey Hey.
-Welcome to the shield room.

-Hello, hello.
- Gut feeling says it.

- Should you follow your gut feeling?

- I think it's the one.
- Then you open it.

I'll take the first one.

- No, Mads, have you hidden it?
- Unfortunately, it is empty.

-Was it fun?
- That... It was perfectly fine.

- I don't know what to expect.
-Right? Goodbye.

I choose the one that is not empty
and has the shield in it.

-That was wrong.
- You chose wrong there.

- Filler.

- The gut feeling was wrong.

I can tell by your face
that it's not empty.

Imagine that! Babe the lucky pig...

Everything goes my way.
I'm so lucky now.

This will pay off in the future.
This karma.

I will have to make up for it in the future.

There must be something horrible
in store for me since things are going so well now.

Paradoxically, you also have to
be a little suspicious of yourself.

If everyone agrees it's
a safe loyal, it's game over.

Then the sharp knives come
out at night.

If I were to put my money on
anyone now, it would be Torstein and Matias.

And that they are going to
try to murder someone.

It is a very
difficult situation,-

-especially because Jennie has said-

-that the traitors should
kill someone from the shield room.

Which I think is quite a crisis.

- Then the celebration was over.

This was good. What a start. 1-1.

Days left for the lojale.

For the traitors, however,
the evening is far from over.

Ai, ai, ai.

-We're missing one.

We had to sacrifice one of us
to strengthen ourselves.

But now we are
certainly not in a bad position.

No, it's not that bad.

"Good evening, dear traitors.
Tonight you will have a choice."

"Do you wish to kill
or do you wish to tempt?"

"Choose wisely. The game master."

He always says "choose wisely".

Nice that he gives us
the little tip.

Ai, ai, ai... But if we choose to
tempt someone today and get someone over,-

- there will be chaos, because then
no one can trust anyone.

Now there are some people here
who are really safe.

Tarjei, Aslak, Katrine and Serhat.

The four worked hard against Anne Marie.

There's something about the four of us that we have to do.
Kill or tempt them.

But I feel the one who is
the biggest threat,-

- because he is a trickster who
can figure things out, is Aslak.

- He thinks I'm dangerous.
- Extremely dangerous.

-Would you rather tempt or kill?
-It is very difficult.

- Because you like the killing?
-Yes I do.

You just want to knock them out.

I think it is the best choice.

It will be very exciting
to see the outcome of our actions.

-Are you writing?
-I do.

- That's how we are. We have to stand for that.
- Damn flat. We are so fucking awesome.

Mads was afraid of
revealing Anne Marie.