Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 14 - Game over - del 2 - full transcript

After six intense rounds of play
at Kongsvinger Fortress-

-we have finally reached
the grand finale.

What started as
8 pairs of trusting players...

If you were offered
to become a traitor,-

-what would you answer?

...has now boiled down
to five frayed finalists.

The two traitors: Victor and Aslak.

And the loyal ones:
Tarjei, Evelina and Emilie.

Who will soon find out
the role of one of the traitors.

This is the final round of play.

They are loyal to the traitors.

If there are traitors left in
the end, the traitors win.

Oh my God, it's so crazy
that I get the opportunity-

-to choose one person
whose identity I get to know.

-Anyone excited?

The one who will join me...

It's you, Victor.

Emilie is going to find
out that I'm a traitor.

And the others are going to believe it.
It's over. It's done.

Game over.


-Oh my god, I'm really nervous.

I'm so exhausted right now-

-that every second feels like an hour.

Do you trust Rob
one hundred percent in there?

-Can he trust you one hundred percent?


I really just want to
get out of here.

Out and be myself again
one hundred percent.

Stop lying and manipulating.

Are you happy
that I chose you, or?


Yes. Oh my god.

This is insane, really,
that I get to know your role.

And when I look at Emilie
sitting there with the envelope,-

-where it says inside
that I am a traitor...

I have actually given up.
There is nothing I can do.

I just have to sit there
and let her read it and then...

And then I am "done for".


To see her in the eyes
when she realizes I'm a traitor...

Oh my God.


Good job. Very good job.
I understand it's been tough.

-I'm so tired.
-Yes, I can imagine.

It actually feels pretty good, because
you feel pretty shitty-

-in the midst of all this.
This is actually the first time-

-it's been really nice
to sit with a loyal one,-

-as a traitor, just talking to them.
And they know I'm a traitor.

Damn, you've disguised it well.

Oh my God, I'm completely shocked.

-It's been absolutely terrible.
-I understand.

Emilie, who understands
that this has been a game-

-and says that I've played well...
It feels much better. It does.

It helps. Emilie is very nice.

-Wow, dinner with a traitor.

I genuinely feel sorry for him,-

-but it was a little satisfying to see
that it's been tough for him,-

-that it wasn't easy
playing the traitor role.

Unfortunately, that's what I feared,-

-But I will bring it up
in front of the others.

-Yes, of course you will.
-You understand that.

-Cheers, yes.

-Well played.
-Well played.

I found a traitor.
I'm very excited-

-to see the gang again later.

I'm curious about
which way it will go,-

-and if the other traitor will
play Victor and be left alone.

Emilie has revealed a traitor,-

-and holds information that
is critical for the rest of the game.

Before the players gather, the physical
evidence must be burned on the bonfire.

Yes, shall we burn
your little secret?

Yes, the quite big
secret, I would say.

Now I feel extremely relieved.

I don't really think I'm made
to be a traitor, I.

I actually think
I should have just been loyal.

If you were offered
to be a traitor,-

-what would you say?

With that role comes
the need to kill and betray the others.

-Would it have cost you anything?
-I am-

-conscientious, I would say.

But ultimately, it's just a game.

And games are what I can play.

Which role suits
your personality best?

I think maybe a traitor
because I swing hard.

And it will either break or hold.

This game is sick.

-Can I pick one up?
-Go ahead.

It's twisted. It's the sickest
psychological game I've played.

They are nice, though.

But I was a real traitor.

And I'm proud of it.

But I want the traitors to win.

Especially after all the crap today.

Me and Aslak have worked so hard
throughout the season.

And then everything falls apart
because she drew number 5?

Because we had to play a game
that no one could play?

So it was the fifth person
who just got the golden ball!

Emilie, you don't have to throw.

It feels so unfair.
That's why I really want to-

- Aslak and I will eventually get this done.

I just have to say that Emilie is lying.

It's not long until the game
will end in the council chamber.

But first, all the
players will gather,-

-and Emilie will share
the information she has.

Regardless of what happens,
you've played really well.

Thank you, same to you.

But I'm looking forward to
finally telling them.


-This is so cool.

-Very good.
-You can have a share.

Now you lay all the cards on the table.

As he walked in the door, he was-

-extremely nervous.

And a little red in the face.

So I already knew
what was in that envelope.

-What are you saying now?
-It's so crazy...

And it turned out
that he was a traitor.

Now I need to create some chaos here.
Tarjei has created so much chaos.

Now it's my turn.


-What? Are you kidding me?
-And that's what we talked about.

-And he's been really struggling.
-No, no...

Oh my god, what's happening now?

She opened the envelope.
It said that I was loyal.

I also asked you to look me in the eyes
and say that you were loyal.

Victor has definitely not given up.

He's in fifth or sixth gear,
and now he wants to win.

It's really uncomfortable, but
"bring it on". I'm going to win this.

He knows that I'm loyal,
because he's the traitor.

I did not sit and tell him
that I am loyal.

Victor... Poor thing.
Victor couldn't have done anything else.

You said it several times.
"I am loyal, Victor."

I never said that.

Yes, you did. Yes, you did!

What on earth
is happening now?

It was insane to sit there
and watch that discussion.

He is... He is good.

It's you who have been
deceiving me all along!

I was sure that it was
us against them now.

-I just don't understand...
-Oh my god. Is it possible?

You're just fooling me around.

-You're tricking me.
-Oh my god.

In my brain there are
many thoughts right now.

Victor's overacting
was completely ridiculous.

-I thought it was bad.

Victor is so excited.

If I had been
in his situation-

-and he had been loyal,
and this situation had happened,-

-I think I would have just
been taken aback, in a way.

And disappointed.

While he became...very angry.

And Emilie just sits there
and talks straight ahead...

It seems planned.

Maybe this is what we needed?

Maybe it was a brilliant move
from the game master-

-so that the loyal ones
would come together?

I think Emilie...
I could see it in her.

Holy crap,
what's happening now?

I can see it in her
that she's playing.

This is the most nerve-wracking
it has been. Absolutely insane.

The play they were doing in there
makes no sense in my head.

Now it's getting completely crazy here. Are you
following what's going on here at home,-

-what's happening now?

I feel completely certain
that it was a setup.

Because Emilie is playing so poorly.

-So you think it's both of them?


My heart rate is so high now. This is...

He has served a ball
that is completely insane.

It is highly unlikely
that they have the same role.

No, I see it as quite
likely that both are.

-Are you finally rid of the sus on me?
-Yes, I think so.

-Oh my god, so good.
-Yes, but I think so.

I just have to do it again... I said
so much crap about Tarjei earlier.

So I just have to emphasize
that Tarjei is a fantastic guy.

Now I just have to pull myself together
and keep this together-

-for a little while longer.

She contradicted herself a few times.

So it may be "staged".

If I were in that situation now,
I would do the same.

-That's really smart.
-If both are traitors.

-It could be both.
-Yes, I think we three are loyal.

You are so convincing.

If you are a traitor now,
you deserve it too.

I would have given up. I was about
to say, "Just take it, loyal."

But now there's an opportunity here,
a real chance to win!

I just want to get in there
and vote right away.

The faster the council chamber can come
now, before Tarjei has time to think,-

-the better.

The time has come.

For the last time,
the players shall gather,-

-and the final fates shall be sealed.

Will the loyal ones manage to unite
and banish the traitors in time?

Or have the traitors built enough trust
to remain standing in the end?

The hour of truth...

...has arrived.

I have never been so anxious
about a council chamber before.

We are as close to winning as the loyal ones.

It's 3 against 2 here, and we have the
greatest chance. We just need to hit the mark.

I am looking forward
to just getting it over with.

That we will find the answer,
just to...

I need to know now.

I don't feel safe at all.

The plan is to find
as many clues as possible-

-to try to catch him. I don't know
if I can pull this off,-

-but I will really
do my best.

This can still go either way,-

-but there is a glimmer of hope
in the distance.

What if... Just what if
I get the opportunity to stand there-

-and reveal my role to Tarjei.
It will be so fantastic.

I will live off that moment
for many years.

I'm rooting for Aslak, and I just
hope I've done something-

-that can make it a little easier
for Aslak to win today.

I don't want all the nonsense we've
done today-

-and throughout the game to be
for nothing. Aslak must win.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

It's the final.

But before we start...
You were on a mission today too.

You didn't come back
with a lot of silver, did you?

We didn't actually win any silver,
to be painfully precise.

Which means the prize pool ended up at-

-66 silver bars.

Equivalent to 132,000
Norwegian kroner.

The silver collection is over,-

-but the game is not quite over yet.

As I said in the council chamber
in the first round of the game,-

-the silver will be lost
for those loyal to you all,-

-if they fail to reveal
and expel all the traitors-

-before the game is over.

The game is almost over,

-but the final and perhaps
most difficult decision-

-lies ahead of you.

Are there traitors among you?

If so, how many?

That's what you need to find out
before the silver is distributed.

Now, one will be banished.

The floor is yours.

I can sense that people don't
trust me as much anymore-

-after the discussion with Victor
in the house earlier.

I can start by pointing out-

-the actual things
that have happened throughout.

I think
now it's all or nothing.

If I can't convince the others,-

-I will likely be voted out.
Now it's make it or break it.

It starts a bit
with our first council,

-where it was of course
between a traitor and a loyal.

And you are the only one left now
who was among those who first-

-to vote for Hkeem
instead of Torstein.

But you are the one among us
with the worst track record.

I must continue to point out.
You have voted out the most loyals.

You have voted out the fewest traitors.
Now you have gotten what you wanted.

I lost my partner.
Evelina lost her partner too.

And I think it's you
who simply planted it.

Now it's just a matter of going
full throttle. You have nothing to lose.

I saw your reaction yesterday.
You hadn't sent out Robin.

-I don't believe that.

Rob knows that too.
Rob and I came here and said...

This is great, Victor.
Keep it up.

Don't give up now.
Keep the forge hot,-

and I'll come and hammer away
like crazy.

Now I'm sure it's you.

-Well, I know it's you.
-I know it's you.

This is a traitor and a loyalist.
There's no doubt about it.

I don't believe you.

-I don't believe you.

You're overacting a bit, Victor,
and you're slipping up a bit, Emilie.

-Tarjei thinks-

-that both of you are traitors.

You think that the two of us are traitors
trying to play each other?


To get the role where I find out
who the traitor is...

Maybe it wasn't such
a great role to win after all.


That suddenly people start to believe-

-that it's both me and Emilie,
it's insane...

It's so crazy.

Aslak is "back on track".
He had given up earlier today.

But now I think he sees
that it can still work out.

-Seriously, Tarjei.
-Sorry, I want both of you out.

I don't know what to believe.
My strongest feeling is-

-that both Victor and Emilie
are traitors.

It would be so great.

I understand what you mean
that it could be both,-

-but would one do it
as a traitor?

I think so,
but would you vote for Emilie?

I'm starting to not believe
in either of them, almost.

But I trust Aslak.

What do you want, Aslak?


I'm in for it.

There's a small part of me
that says: "He's tricking you."

It could be Victor and Aslak
who are tricking me.

We must not lock ourselves
into this theory now,-

-but it would be the ultimate plot twist
if you're tricking us now, Aslak.

I'm not.

No, I don't think so either.

I just want to
scream, cry, and laugh.

Because now we're so close.

If you vote me out, you'll
lose another loyal teammate.

I know I haven't been in
this position before,

but you must not take Victor
with you any further,

because he is a traitor,
and I mean it!

Let me out, that's fine, but her
you can't trust either.

Yes, because I am
actually loyal. No.

But this doesn't really
go anywhere.

They vote for each other, and then
we three vote for who we think.

Without talking about it.

Is it to be understood
that we are ready to vote?


Then you can write down the name
of the person you want to exile.

The atmosphere in the council chamber
is very heavy and strange.

And I know
that much of it is my fault.

Poor Emilie
really didn't expect-

-that it would turn into them
thinking that she and I were collaborating.

Could it be that Evelina believes me
a little and votes for Victor?

And that Aslak, who is my partner,
might change his mind-

-and vote for Victor too?
It's tense.

I feel like I'm
going to an oral exam, almost.

The mood is...quite oppressive.

That's one way to put it.

We've agreed not to
vote for each other.

Shit, this is going
to be tough. Damn it.

Right now, this is the
only way I can win.

I don't see any other way.

I don't trust Aslak and Tarjei.

At the same time, I trust them
more than anyone in the world.

And it's so terrible. I can't
decide if I'm doing the right thing or not.

There's a small, uneasy feeling-
that I'm not doing the right thing.

-that Emilie is loyal.

I just want to get Victor out
of the council chamber now-

-because it's
either him or Emilie.

If he's a traitor,
then he should be out, obviously.

I never thought this
game would turn around so quickly-

-after one conversation.

All these days we've played,
suddenly led to this situation.

Which means everything, really.

And if we hit now,
it would be so cool.

It would be so awesome.

Then we can read out the votes.

I suggest we start with the two who
have become the main characters.

-We can start with you, Emilie.
-I think it's played really well.

I don't think I could have done it
as steadily all the way as a traitor.

And it's no secret that it's Victor.

Yes, well played.

Of course, I vote for you.
No surprise.


I want both of you out, but...

Emilie, if you get one more vote,
you're the one who's banished.


I stayed away until...

...the very last round.

We've said we won't
vote for each other,

-but that's the game.

We have to throw each other under the bus.
We have to show no mercy.

-Maybe I've been brainwashed-

-by these guys.

I'm sorry, Emilie.

It's okay.

Emilie, you've received the most votes.
You're eliminated from the game.

Victor was very convincing.

And even though Evelina
started to believe me a little bit,-

-I understand that for them
it's easier to vote me out,-

-to be completely sure
that they get rid of one traitor.

Since this is the finale,
we're doing things a little differently.

You can turn around.

And you can leave.
You are banished from the game.

It sucks, but at the same time
it's so fun to have come this far.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall
and see what happens next.

Right now, I think
it's Tarjei and Evelina-

-some are the loyal ones who remain.

And I think they are being fooled
completely by Aslak.

Poor Emilie didn't even get
to say that she was loyal.

Sorry, Emilie.
I know you're loyal.

The players must now decide whether
to continue the game or end it

If they choose to end it, and there
are still traitors among them,-

-the traitors are the ones who win.

If they choose to continue the game,
one player must be banished.

Yes, now there are four of you left.

And as the rules say, you can
end the game now if you want.

So I ask you. The one or ones
who want to exile a player,-

-raise your hand now.

It's clear.
You can now vote.

Write down the name
of the player you want to exile.

Tarjei, we can start with you.

Sorry, man.


Sorry, man.

That means, Evelina, that if
you also vote for Victor,-

-he will be exiled from the game. Now
you can reveal who you voted for.

Sorry, my man.

But there was too much
pointing towards you now.

We have to do it.

That means, Victor, you are banished.

And you will be allowed
to read out your vote.

I quickly realized where this was going,
but I vote for Evelina.

I thought you should get a little vote.

Victor, you can come over here.

Now I feel extremely relieved.

It will be extremely good
to leave this game.

I learned at least that I can
never become a skilled liar.

Now it's game on.

I've always felt that I've
played somewhat loyal,-

-even though I have been a traitor.
I think I have fooled myself-

-into believing that I played
as a loyal one,-

-but in reality, I've
always been a traitor.

Full team.

And ready for murder.

What went wrong for me was
that I couldn't get rid of-

-my own partner.

The fact that I couldn't
kill Rob at night -

-made me lose it.

It's okay, Victor.

Now I'm done with
being a traitor -

-and deceiving and lying to people
and being a "fool".

I went out with a bang,
created some chaos in there -

-so that Aslak could pull this off.

You can turn around now.

And you can leave.

And now I just want to go straight
to Rob and tell him everything.

Fuck, seriously.


Excuse me.

Now, Aslak, you need to pull this off.

After all the mess I caused
with poor Emilie,-

-you have to make this work.

Yes, now there are only three left.

And as after the last banishment,-

-it's up to you whether you
want to end the game now-

-or banish another player.

Then the question is:
Do you trust each other?

Once again, the players must decide
if they want to continue the game.

In order for the loyal ones to win,
Evelina and Tarjei must-

-banish Aslak in this round.

However, if they choose to end
the game, Aslak will win.

Now I just need to end the game.

Because they will win if they continue
the game and vote me out.

Because if they have been plotting
behind my back to take me out in the end,-

-it's over. I have put
all my eggs in one basket now.

I'm gambling everything
on the hope that they haven't planned it.

Are we sure that both Emilie
and Victor have been involved?

And if we end it now, are we
left only with the loyal ones?

I hope it was Emilie and Victor,
but there might be one left.

Aslak has been stressed and
hasn't quite met my gaze at the end.

I don't know if it's guilt,
but he's been acting off.

Tarjei has been playing chaotically.
Typical traitor behavior.

But he's been very convincing today.
So I have suspicions on both sides,

-while not having enough
to accuse either one.

Come on, whatever exists
between heaven and earth...

Let this go!

I am unsure about one thing.

I am unsure about one thing.
What I am wondering about is-

-that Evelina wanted to remove Victor
instead of Emilie in the beginning.

That is the only thing
I am unsure about now.

Your suspicion towards
it not being Emilie.

You asked: "Are you unsure
if it's both of them?"

All I said was:
"Are we sure it's both of them?"

Now I have voted for both,
and you shouldn't change your mind now.

That would make you
even more suspicious.

But I don't really have
any reason to change my mind.

We didn't agree
that it was the two of them, either.

We had to talk in the
council chamber and listen.

Yes, but I really want
you to be allowed to decide.

I would like to decide.

It's so crazy to say,
but right now-

-I trust Aslak
Maurstad the most.

I think we should end the game now.

-If you're completely sure about Evelina?
-Yes, I'm completely sure about Evelina.

And you're completely sure about Aslak
and you're completely sure about Tarjei?

Yes, for some strange reason,
I have become that way.

And that's it.

Okay, then we can end
this game.

What, did I win now?

I won! I mean,
that's insane! I won!

Poor all the other 15...

You have agreed
to end the game.

That means you share
the prize pool-

-if you all have the same role.

If you have different roles,-

-it's the one or ones who are
traitors, who win the whole pot.

Evelina, now you can reveal your role.

I am loyal.

First Evelina. That one is good.

Now I see a light at
the end of the tunnel.

Okay, Tarjei, now you can reveal your role.

Now I trust you. I am loyal.

Now I will lull them in a bit
with the fact that I am loyal,-

-before I strike and
take what I have!

And finally, Aslak, you can reveal your role.

Now it can happen.
We can celebrate together now.

I am...

I just hope he is loyal.
Now I just want to know.

All I need
is to know the truth.

Please, be loyal...
Please, be loyal...

I am...

...a traitor.

-Are you messing with me?

So close!

And here comes the little trickster.

Well played. Congratulations.

- Shit, seriously.
- Motherfucker.

It's so close. I had the plan,
and we had them.

Aslak, you sneaky bastard...

- You were tempted, weren't you?
- I was tempted.



I gladly accept this.

Of course I will!

- Yes!
- Victor?!

He deserves it,
because he has played so well.

He has been
so convincingly loyal.

He has sat there with his notebook-

-and cornered every person
in the council room.

Even his own.
When you play that well-

-that everyone believes in you, then...

Then you haven't deceived, not even once.
You've just played an insanely good game.

Someone tried to kill me last night.

-It's so good.
-I am "the boy who lived".

I never expected this.

I never would have won this
without Torstein and Victor,-

-who have done everything they can-

-to set us up for victory as a team.

This is so awesome.

So cool.

It was an honor
to play with you for so long.

-Same here.
-Aslak Maurstad,-

-I bow down to you.
-You played amazingly.

You played incredibly well, Aslak.

Yes, Aslak,
you are the winner.

-The prize pool is all yours.
-That's insane.

-Enjoy the silver.
-Thank you. Are you leaving?

Should I just stay here?

This has been so cool
to be a part of.

Very tiring and frustrating.

But it's so worth it.
It's so much fun.

Now I can retrieve
the feelings-

-that I have shut out for a while.

Back with conscience
and self-respect.

Back with all compassion.

Now I can finally start feeling
with other people again.

For real. I just have to go out,
now that everyone else has left.

This is... I just have to...

Hooray, hooray, hooray!

Aslak reveals
what he will do with the prize.