Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Game over - del 1 - full transcript
The previous round of the game
took a surprising turn.
-I've also turned around.
It was Robin who was banished.
I am loyal.
And Victor's strong reaction
aroused suspicion among several.
I suspect Victor.
The way he reacted today...
In the conclave, the traitors
had to carry out one last murder.
I think we both understand
who we have to kill now.
Tone Hauge
It's the final and
decisive round of the game.
Only five players will enter the final:
two traitors and three loyal ones.
Who has survived the night,
remains to be seen.
Hi. No...
I haven't been here first.
It's a bit exciting.
I decided last night
what I was going for today,-
-depending on
who showed up for breakfast.
Last day. This is going to be weird.
My only hope today is
to vote out Victor and Aslak.
Before the council, I was
very sure about Robin and Victor,-
-but I still had Aslak there.
Aslak has been there-
-since that morning someone
tried to murder him.
-We have managed to reach the final.
This is actually the craziest.
This was the only thing
that was not going to happen.
-That we would stand here together?
I will come for breakfast.
My arch-nemesis will be there.
My worst enemy
in the whole world right now.
He is my absolute worst enemy
that I have ever had-
-in any context.
And it is
Tarjei Mac Duncan Dansefot.
This is probably
the only chance we have -
- to talk, just you and me.
-Yes, who do you think will die?
-I guess Evelina or Katrine.
-It's strange if Katrine survives.
If both of them are here,
at least one of them is it.
And the reaction to Victor
yesterday suggests that he is it.
He started crying
even before Rob had stood up.
Yes, but...
I should have just taken out Tarjei
right away. He is the strongest player.
He is our biggest threat.
We are a bit vulnerable here now.
There is a small battle
that needs to be fought.
My body is shaking, because it
takes so much to pull this off.
I have to try, but it's
going to be absolutely terrible.
But I think it's you and Victor.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good to see you.
Thank you, same to you.
It doesn't feel great
to be a traitor in the final now.
I hardly have
any motivation left.
I got a shock
after Rob left yesterday,-
-and all the crap we've done,-
-and all the lying
to his best friend.
And look him in the eyes
and be a complete asshole.
And for no good reason either.
-Have you slept well?
-No, not at all.
No, I slept pretty poorly.
At least there's a crappy
atmosphere during breakfast.
You feel that you've
reached the end,-
-and no one really trusts anyone.
-Hi, hi.
-Hi! Oh...
I come in for breakfast
and notice that the atmosphere-
-is not as usual, where people
give each other high-fives and hugs.
It's a tense, weird,
and a little sad atmosphere, I think.
What are your theories now, Emilie?
I'm still a little skeptical of Tarjei.
-I understand that.
-Especially after yesterday.
And I feel like it could be
Victor or Aslak too, but...
-Especially after your reaction yesterday.
-Yes, but that was because-
- He was my safety here.
- Yes, I understand.
I feel a little extra pressure
now that I've voted out Victor's partner.
So I understand that
he's disappointed in me.
And now you have the worst
record of all of us here.
You've voted out the fewest traitors
and the most loyal of all.
I voted for Torstein three times.
The first three times.
I know, but... I don't know.
You're still the one who has...
Do you really think I would throw
my own traitor under the bus-
-on the first night, when people
weren't even planning to vote him out?
It's possible, because it could
be a good strategy from the start-
- One starts early.
That's when you can catch traitors.
There is no bond with them.
We haven't played together much.
Yes, I understand.
You have the worst track record.
You have voted out the most loyal-
-and the fewest traitors.
I'm just pointing it out.
I feel like he's treating me
as if I've been unfaithful to him-
-by getting rid of his partner.
I can guarantee that I wouldn't
have been a good enough actor-
-to be a traitor at all.
But regardless of who it is,
it's well played.
-Same to you.
-Thank you.
Then it's one of the Moholts.
Come in!
-It's Evelina.
-Do you see who we're missing?
-Yes, I figured.
I quickly realize
that I'm the last one to come in.
And mom's loud
and lovely laughter and voice-
-can't be heard in the breakfast room.
So I'm looking directly at
two traitors and two loyal ones,-
-and have a golden opportunity
to see who will be surprised.
But I couldn't manage that.
What does one think after this night?
We need to start looking at
people we haven't seen much before.
In addition to those we already
have some suspicion about.
Tonight I've believed that everyone is
a traitor and everyone is loyal.
I can't put extra
suspicion on one.
And it's three against two.
We must not forget that.
-We just have to...
-Yes, that's true.
We really need to trust
the right person in here.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
- Sorry to disturb you.
- It's okay.
As you can see,
there's one person missing.
An empty chair next to you,
Evelina. You can play now.
Katrine was killed
by the traitors last night.
I think we both understand
who we have to kill now.
- No point in discussing it, really.
- It'll be Katrine.
- Because she's the good, kind one.
- She thinks everyone is loyal, she does.
And everyone thinks she's loyal.
And we can't let her and Evelina
stand together in the final.
- They're too strong together.
- Yes.
-Should I just write it?
-Do it.
"Katrine, you are hereby killed.
The traitors."
I understand that very well.
What I think is very nice about it,-
-is that I have been able to participate
in six rounds as loyal.
And most importantly, I got to be
exactly who I was.
After playing this game
and seeing what it does to all of us,-
-I actually believe
that being honest-
-and keeping your path clean
is a good tip.
Actually, both here
and in life in general.
I think it's Tarjei and Emilie
who killed me tonight.
Isn't it nice to have breakfast
with someone you trust 100%?
Losing mom is incredibly tough.
She was the one I
could truly rely on.
The one I could be completely myself with
and tell everything to.
Now I stand much more alone.
Which makes it extra difficult.
You five are the last remaining
players in this game.
And now everything will be decided.
Because today is the
final round of the game.
Can the loyal ones come together
and banish the traitors in time,-
- Or will the traitors continue to
control the game until the very end?
We will find out today.
First, you will go on a mission-
-to try to increase the
prize pool one last time.
But today, you will play for
more than just silver.
What it is, I will
come back to later.
For now, you can
split into two cars.
Take the good vibes
with you on the mission.
- Yeah, damn.
- Should we draw for the cars?
Yes, for once.
If we take two red grapes
and three green ones?
I want to sit in the car
with anyone but Victor.
For once, I feel like I've said
everything I need to to Victor.
But just then, I get a red grape.
Will it be my downfall?
The red grape?
-Who's riding in which car now?
-I'm with the girls and you're with Victor.
-We can switch. It doesn't matter.
-No, it's fair to draw straws.
Fate, the green and
the red grape wanted-
-that the traitors would ride
in one car and the loyal ones in another.
It's a bit silly, really. I could
have played harder and said:
"No, I don't want Tarjei
to sit and manipulate."
But we had decided that
the grapes should decide.
And then it just had to be that way.
I just want to continue
to hold a hard line.
I think we are three
loyal ones here now.
Yes, because they seemed stressed
that we were going to sit together.
-I was thinking the same thing.
Aslak was fidgeting with his legs
the whole time we were waiting.
To sit with Evelina and Emilie was
absolutely ideal for me.
So my goal is just to say: "I
play honestly. I have played hard."
"Those two in the other car
are the traitors."
I feel like Victor
is so into me today.
"I'm completely sure it's Victor."
"Seriously, he's so into me."
But Victor's reaction yesterday
when Rob was voted out...
He started crying
before Rob even stood up.
Robin didn't understand.
It made it extra painful
for Victor if he's the traitor.
What if those two are
sitting there now conspiring?
Something else strange is that Victor and Aslak
never talk to each other.
No, it's true.
And they obviously haven't played-
-Very harsh with each other either.
And they didn't vote the same yesterday.
Victor never actually points at Aslak,
and Aslak never points at Victor.
It dawns on me that there is
a reason why I am still alive.
If Aslak and Victor are traitors,
it's gold to have me there,-
-who trusts them, right?
So right now I have to say that I am
a little unsure about Aslak and Victor.
This day would have been so much
easier if Rob had been here.
-That was stupid. Really stupid.
-Yeah, it was stupid.
Yesterday I was completely blind
and couldn't think about it,-
-but now I have thought about it...
Rob would have been so great to have here now.
- And not Tarjei.
- Absolutely.
I regret so much that I voted for
Robin yesterday. How stupid I am.
I lost this game yesterday.
I alone lost "Traitor"-
-by voting out Robin yesterday. It
was just that one mistake that was enough.
It's the biggest mistake
I've made in the game.
Voting for Rob
instead of Tarjei yesterday.
But, well, then we have
a challenge ahead.
-It will be an exciting finale.
I hope I can participate and
fight for some power today,-
-but I'm curious about
what we're actually going to do.
- Good day.
- Welcome to the final mission.
You will soon find out
what it's about -
- but before that, we need to
establish an order -
- that will be crucial
for parts of the mission.
You will each choose
an envelope with a number -
- that will determine
your place in the order.
Evelina, which of
these envelopes?
- I'll take number two.
- Let's see what number you get.
It's a one.
- That means you're number one.
- Yes.
So let's see if it's an advantage
or a disadvantage.
-Which envelope, Aslak?
-The one all the way in the back.
-That's 3.
I'll go for
the one at the back now.
Number 5 for you.
Victor, number 4.
Tarjei, you'll be number 2,-
-but we can just check
that everything has gone correctly.
Number two for you.
What's happening now? I'm very curious
about what the number one means.
I think we have a task
where one can gain an advantage.
The final task is based on
something that should fit perfectly-
-with the current state of the group,
namely cooperation.
Loyals and traitors
in beautiful harmony.
Behind me here
we have today's game board.
The task is simple,
at least on paper.
For every silver ball you get
in the container, you win silver.
In the final task, the goal is
to maneuver the silver balls-
-through the hole in the game board
and into the red container.
The game board is attached
with five ropes,-
-and is controlled by
all five players working together.
To get the ball into the container,
good teamwork is needed-
-and clear communication.
The game board looks cool,
but it seems really difficult.
This is a sick cool task,-
-but in this group, I'm not sure
how good their teamwork skills are.
You have five silver balls,-
-and each ball is worth 6 silver bars.
That means if you
work together well,-
-you can win 60,000 kroner.
-Are the rules understood?
Then you can find your own
pole, and we'll get started.
-Is everyone ready?
You can choose which ball
to start with. Good luck.
-I can start.
But I think we should move
it a little closer there.
So it needs to be more
towards your side.
Yes, I'm with you and I'll
loosen on my side now.
-Emilie needs to tighten a bit.
-Evelina and Emilie, pull now.
It's not...
It needs to be closer to you.
Closer to Aslak.
Aslak and I need to pull a bit.
Now it got very
high up, suddenly.
This group is generally
pretty bad at cooperation.
We just shake a bit to get
some balance. If everyone just...
-Then it's going to...
-Is there anything else we can try?
What do you think?
We need to make a good throw.
Then we'll at least get something.
Since the players are struggling
to maneuver the game board,-
- they go for a different tactic: to
throw the ball and hope for the best.
Just let me hit it now.
With a value of 12,000 Norwegian kroner
per ball, it could cost them dearly.
-Okay, should I go?
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
-Well, well.
-I'm too scared to throw that hard.
Is that the most expensive
throw you've ever had?
I think it's the most
expensive throw, yes.
-What did you say it cost? 12,000?
I threw it and it went straight west.
And I realized that, actually.
-Should I throw mine?
-Yes, give it a try.
-I'm not good at throwing.
-Throw harder than you think.
-But she did it.
-She threw harder, yes.
I'll try,
and see how it goes.
-That was close!
-That was so insanely close.
I was pretty close to
getting it in. Pretty cool.
-Have we wasted 30,000 kr now?
-Not 30,000, but 36,000.
-Yes, that's true.
-Credit where credit is due.
I really want to achieve
something, at least.
Feel a sense of accomplishment.
Everyone slackens and tries
to save it as I throw.
...set, go!
Yes! No!
It was so close.
It went straight down the drain. Darn it.
There's only one silver ball left,-
-and with that the players' last chance
to secure silver in the prize pool.
-Should I try to throw?
I feel quite
-so I feel like this is
something I can do easily.
Easy now. Let it lie there.
-Now it's very good.
-There, yes. Now it's nice.
-Come on.
-Now it's happening!
-Now, now...
-No, more towards Aslak!
-Now it's too high!
-Come on. Good.
It needs to be closer to Aslak.
It's not now.
-Come on.
It's crooked...
-That was so close!
We missed the target!
No silver. We missed every single
silver bar, unfortunately.
-That was 60,000, right?
-Yes, now you can secure-
-your ropes,
and then we'll do a summary.
We didn't manage to hit any balls.
It was damn difficult, you know.
It was difficult to see, aim, and hit.
It was a tough game.
We can count the silver
bars. What is 6 times 0?
-That's 6, right?
-Almost, it's zero.
That means the final prize pool-
-will be 132,000 Norwegian kroner.
That's 66 silver bars.
Now we're done with the prize pool.
Now we're going to play for-
-something that's worth its
weight in gold, potentially.
The prize now, I would argue-
-is the best and most prestigious prize
in this game.
It's a prize that potentially
can change the entire outcome of the game.
And the prize is-
-that the winner gets to come
into my office later today,-
-choose one of the other players,-
-and have the role of that player
revealed to them.
-That's the craziest plot twist.
-So fun.
Holy crap, that's insane!
How are we going to play around this?
It's so insanely difficult.
This is the craziest thing that could
have happened right now, I think,-
-but it could also backfire pretty hard.
Ok, great, what should we do?
It's going to be difficult.
If I were loyal, I would be
very happy for the opportunity.
If I were a traitor,
I would be terrified.
In the second round of the mission,
the players will play with gold balls-
-in the order they
drew before the mission.
The first player to get
their gold ball in the container,-
-will learn the role
of one of the other players.
If no one gets their ball in the container,-
-the last player in the lineup,
Emilie, gets this advantage.
So it's important to cooperate.
Or not. It's up to each and every one of you.
Good luck. We'll start with
you and your golden ball, Evelina.
When Mads talks about the golden ball,
I become extremely happy-
-that I am the first one
to try, and I feel-
-that most people in the group trust me.
We drew the order earlier.
Evelina, you're number 1. Good luck.
Okay, guys, I sincerely believe
that I am loyal,-
-so if you want me
to check out Mads' office,-
- I hope you'll help me now.
-I'll help you.
Of everyone here, it's mostly Evelina
that I want to have the golden ball.
I don't think anyone
will try to sabotage you-
-because you are the one
that people trust the most.
I have to be like:
"Yes, Evelina should get this."
Because I trust Evelina the most.
What else can I do?
I can't sabotage. That's shady.
I just have to hope-
-that we as a team can't achieve it.
-This throw can decide the game.
Now I look into your eyes
and hope that you trust me.
One, two, three.
-We can do it.
-No, it's crooked.
If you pull a little now, Evelina...
Holy shit. Can we lower it
a bit more, everyone?
-Come on.
It's so over now. Now...
-Yes, there...
No! Fuck, that was close.
Crazy close.
And we were so
close to hitting that bucket.
It's annoying me now. If only
I had gotten that golden ball up...
-There will be no visit to my office.
-No, unfortunately.
Tarjei, you're number two in line.
I'm going to drop the ball, because
I'll never let Aslak have it.
I'll never let Victor have it.
So Emilie will get it.
So I'll drop the ball and do everything
in my power to prevent you from getting it.
I decided, before this
started, that the only thing-
-that can't happen is for Aslak
and Victor to get the task.
They want me out and will use
this task to get me out.
But have you thought
about dropping the ball, Tarjei?
Yes, they won't want me to come there.
-So you want to ruin it for everyone else?
-I'm ruining it for the two of you, yes.
I want everyone to think about that. You
have been completely wrong up until now.
Are we just supposed to trust
that we should listen to you now?
No way, I'm just saying
that I'm not going for it.
And I'm doing everything in my power
to make sure the two of you don't get it.
I understand why Tarjei
is playing like that.
He's standing there like a little brat:
"No, I'm going to ruin it for you."
-Not on you either, Tarjei.
-No, it's okay.
-Aslak, number three in line.
- With someone who is going to sabotage.
What should we say about Tarjei?
Party pooper!
"Air is for everyone" guy.
But everyone should have
a chance to throw.
So everyone can be fair now
to set it up right.
He's not doing that.
Look at how he's standing.
It's impossible
to do anything about it.
It wasn't surprising
that Tarjei would sabotage.
I thought everyone would have
a fair chance, but no.
Tarjei tied the rope
and wouldn't help those two.
If I get it underneath, so that it
doesn't go through the top plateau...
All that's measured is whether
the ball goes into the container.
Holy crap,
are you going to try to throw it underneath?
Yeah, let's try that. Then everyone can
tighten their grip as much as they can.
Except for Tarjei.
I'll just have to try.
-Shit, that was close.
-Holy crap.
-Good throw, Aslak.
What should I do? Every time
I throw something at something,-
-it's almost good enough.
But not quite.
Victor, number four.
If your ball doesn't go
in the container now,-
-it means Emilie has won.
And then she gets to come to my office-
-and choose one of you others
whose role she will reveal.
I guess I have to use the same tactic.
I have to take off my jacket.
I'm getting nervous for you now.
Well, it's either me or you.
I was so nervous
when I had to try the throw.
This must be the most important thing
that has happened during the entire stay.
Who of the two will get it.
Just throw it away then.
Imagine if this ends up
in the wrong hands.
When you're nervous,
you know you'll be even more nervous.
I knew it was going to hell.
It was a miss.
Emilie, that means
you don't have to throw.
You have won.
You get to come to my office-
-and choose
one of these other players.
And have their role revealed.
It goes without saying-
- It can be
a very important decision.
So I would recommend
that you think carefully about it.
And the rest of you, see you at dinner.
Oh my god, is it possible?!
Then it was over. GG.
- An honor to have been a traitor with you.
- Thank you, likewise.
Did you see Tarjei's grin?
He was so pleased with himself.
I just have to emphasize that I am
very dissatisfied with Tarjei.
He's a little brat.
- He's a little brat, you know.
- Yes, he certainly is.
But he's playing damn right
for the loyal ones now.
But it took seven rounds.
Tarjei is a brown-noser!
He is a pushover!
He is a manipulator
and he is a...bopp!
It's so undeserved that someone
who has made so many mistakes...
-He has made so many wrong moves!
-I know.
And he's the one who's going to win?
What's happening?!
-I know.
-It's so unfair.
I actually like him, but in this
game I can't stand him.
And then he is... No...
No, I can't take
any more Tarjei now.
-Oh my god, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-A bit of a different vibe in this car.
-I feel like I have golden hair up my ass.
Now you have the chance
to win the whole thing.
Oh my god, it's so crazy
that I get that opportunity-
-to choose a person
to find out the identity of.
But then I quickly start to realize-
-that with that
comes a lot of responsibility.
But if we're loyal now,-
-we have sick power. And the fact
that you've gotten this now...
Then we just have to trust
that what you're saying is true.
My only hope today is
to support Emilie and Evelina,-
-and vote out Victor and Aslak.
Emilie will soon choose which
player she wants to see the role of.
Victor and Aslak feel exposed,-
-and use every trick in the book
to avoid being exposed.
Hey, dude. Congratulations on the ball.
Thanks. Can you believe I won something?
It's the first time.
I haven't visited the shield room
or anything like that before.
I think it's insane.
It's a big decision.
My wish is for you to check me.
And I want you to check me.
Now I'm trying to confuse Emilie.
I'm trying to get her
not to choose me,-
-by being insistent
that she should choose me.
But this is your choice
and you have to think about-
-who you need to know.
Everyone here will
try to influence you anyway.
So I'll say it once, just once.
Check me, and then we'll
take the final together.
-That's the only...
-It would be great fun,-
- But at the same time...
It's so difficult!
I feel like several people in the group
are really curious about Victor.
But when Aslak says
that I should check him out,-
-I also really want to do it.
If she checks me or Tarjei,
all hope is lost.
If she checks Victor,
most of the hope is lost.
If she checks Evelina,
we still have a chance.
But I can't understand
if Evelina is a traitor.
What would be smart
is to check Evelina,-
-because we've been
so sure about her all along.
And just to exclude any doubt,
we could just look at Evelina -
-because then we'll know...
Then we'll know it's the three of us.
If there are two people here,
it's Victor and Tarjei.
I just have to create as
much confusion as possible.
I have to play both sides
of the fence.
Victor and I have to throw
each other under the bus.
I have to come down hard on Tarjei.
Fuck Tarjei, seriously.
I know it's Tarjei...
Now I really feel like
checking you out, just to...
Yes, by all means do that too,
but then we won't know about Evelina.
I wouldn't say that all
hope is lost, but...
Most of the hope is gone.
The final phase of the game has begun.
Emilie is going to meet me at my office.
Here, she will choose which player
she wants to reveal the role of.
The rest of the players
gather for dinner,-
-and wait to find out
who Emilie has chosen.
The last supper.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
-Congratulations on your victory.
-Thank you. It feels good.
And you have received a prize
that is completely unique,-
-which I believe
everyone else envies you for.
You will have the opportunity
to see the role of one of these four.
And the one whose role you want to see,
you will meet for dinner.
This is the final round of the game.
It's the loyal ones against the traitors.
If there are traitors left in the end,
the traitors win.
I have thought a lot
and find it difficult-
-because it's between three people:
Aslak, Victor, and Evelina.
What is the reason
that it's between those three?
I want to check Evelina
because I want to see if-
-the gut feeling is actually
right that she is loyal.
I want to check Aslak
because I have had my doubts.
If he is a traitor,
he plays fantastically well.
He is one hundred percent himself now.
And Victor... I thought that he
and Robin might be traitors.
And it's still strange that he
voted for Hkeem in the first round-
-when it was between
Torstein, a traitor,-
-and Hkeem, a loyal one.
It's so difficult.
I think I'll go for...
-That one? Are you sure?
Okay, then you can take this envelope.
As you can see, it's sealed.
You wait to open it-
-until you're at dinner.
And when dinner is finished,
before you meet the others,-
-the proof must be burned.
It's such a big responsibility.
I'm actually really nervous.
I'm leaving my office now.
There I just met Emilie.
She has chosen-
-which one of you four
she wants to reveal the role to.
She has received the answer in a sealed
envelope that has not been opened yet.
Because that envelope
will be opened face to face-
- with the one she has chosen.
-Are you excited to know who she chose?
I would say the chance of Emilie
choosing me is quite high.
I think maybe I'm 40%
and it's 50% for Victor.
And 10% for Evelina.
That's what I think.
The one who is going to join me...
Now I hope with all my heart
that she chooses Evelina.
It's you, Victor.
-Come on.
It's over. It's done.
Emilie is going to find out
that I'm a traitor,-
-and the others are going
to believe it.
Game over.
took a surprising turn.
-I've also turned around.
It was Robin who was banished.
I am loyal.
And Victor's strong reaction
aroused suspicion among several.
I suspect Victor.
The way he reacted today...
In the conclave, the traitors
had to carry out one last murder.
I think we both understand
who we have to kill now.
Tone Hauge
It's the final and
decisive round of the game.
Only five players will enter the final:
two traitors and three loyal ones.
Who has survived the night,
remains to be seen.
Hi. No...
I haven't been here first.
It's a bit exciting.
I decided last night
what I was going for today,-
-depending on
who showed up for breakfast.
Last day. This is going to be weird.
My only hope today is
to vote out Victor and Aslak.
Before the council, I was
very sure about Robin and Victor,-
-but I still had Aslak there.
Aslak has been there-
-since that morning someone
tried to murder him.
-We have managed to reach the final.
This is actually the craziest.
This was the only thing
that was not going to happen.
-That we would stand here together?
I will come for breakfast.
My arch-nemesis will be there.
My worst enemy
in the whole world right now.
He is my absolute worst enemy
that I have ever had-
-in any context.
And it is
Tarjei Mac Duncan Dansefot.
This is probably
the only chance we have -
- to talk, just you and me.
-Yes, who do you think will die?
-I guess Evelina or Katrine.
-It's strange if Katrine survives.
If both of them are here,
at least one of them is it.
And the reaction to Victor
yesterday suggests that he is it.
He started crying
even before Rob had stood up.
Yes, but...
I should have just taken out Tarjei
right away. He is the strongest player.
He is our biggest threat.
We are a bit vulnerable here now.
There is a small battle
that needs to be fought.
My body is shaking, because it
takes so much to pull this off.
I have to try, but it's
going to be absolutely terrible.
But I think it's you and Victor.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good to see you.
Thank you, same to you.
It doesn't feel great
to be a traitor in the final now.
I hardly have
any motivation left.
I got a shock
after Rob left yesterday,-
-and all the crap we've done,-
-and all the lying
to his best friend.
And look him in the eyes
and be a complete asshole.
And for no good reason either.
-Have you slept well?
-No, not at all.
No, I slept pretty poorly.
At least there's a crappy
atmosphere during breakfast.
You feel that you've
reached the end,-
-and no one really trusts anyone.
-Hi, hi.
-Hi! Oh...
I come in for breakfast
and notice that the atmosphere-
-is not as usual, where people
give each other high-fives and hugs.
It's a tense, weird,
and a little sad atmosphere, I think.
What are your theories now, Emilie?
I'm still a little skeptical of Tarjei.
-I understand that.
-Especially after yesterday.
And I feel like it could be
Victor or Aslak too, but...
-Especially after your reaction yesterday.
-Yes, but that was because-
- He was my safety here.
- Yes, I understand.
I feel a little extra pressure
now that I've voted out Victor's partner.
So I understand that
he's disappointed in me.
And now you have the worst
record of all of us here.
You've voted out the fewest traitors
and the most loyal of all.
I voted for Torstein three times.
The first three times.
I know, but... I don't know.
You're still the one who has...
Do you really think I would throw
my own traitor under the bus-
-on the first night, when people
weren't even planning to vote him out?
It's possible, because it could
be a good strategy from the start-
- One starts early.
That's when you can catch traitors.
There is no bond with them.
We haven't played together much.
Yes, I understand.
You have the worst track record.
You have voted out the most loyal-
-and the fewest traitors.
I'm just pointing it out.
I feel like he's treating me
as if I've been unfaithful to him-
-by getting rid of his partner.
I can guarantee that I wouldn't
have been a good enough actor-
-to be a traitor at all.
But regardless of who it is,
it's well played.
-Same to you.
-Thank you.
Then it's one of the Moholts.
Come in!
-It's Evelina.
-Do you see who we're missing?
-Yes, I figured.
I quickly realize
that I'm the last one to come in.
And mom's loud
and lovely laughter and voice-
-can't be heard in the breakfast room.
So I'm looking directly at
two traitors and two loyal ones,-
-and have a golden opportunity
to see who will be surprised.
But I couldn't manage that.
What does one think after this night?
We need to start looking at
people we haven't seen much before.
In addition to those we already
have some suspicion about.
Tonight I've believed that everyone is
a traitor and everyone is loyal.
I can't put extra
suspicion on one.
And it's three against two.
We must not forget that.
-We just have to...
-Yes, that's true.
We really need to trust
the right person in here.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
- Sorry to disturb you.
- It's okay.
As you can see,
there's one person missing.
An empty chair next to you,
Evelina. You can play now.
Katrine was killed
by the traitors last night.
I think we both understand
who we have to kill now.
- No point in discussing it, really.
- It'll be Katrine.
- Because she's the good, kind one.
- She thinks everyone is loyal, she does.
And everyone thinks she's loyal.
And we can't let her and Evelina
stand together in the final.
- They're too strong together.
- Yes.
-Should I just write it?
-Do it.
"Katrine, you are hereby killed.
The traitors."
I understand that very well.
What I think is very nice about it,-
-is that I have been able to participate
in six rounds as loyal.
And most importantly, I got to be
exactly who I was.
After playing this game
and seeing what it does to all of us,-
-I actually believe
that being honest-
-and keeping your path clean
is a good tip.
Actually, both here
and in life in general.
I think it's Tarjei and Emilie
who killed me tonight.
Isn't it nice to have breakfast
with someone you trust 100%?
Losing mom is incredibly tough.
She was the one I
could truly rely on.
The one I could be completely myself with
and tell everything to.
Now I stand much more alone.
Which makes it extra difficult.
You five are the last remaining
players in this game.
And now everything will be decided.
Because today is the
final round of the game.
Can the loyal ones come together
and banish the traitors in time,-
- Or will the traitors continue to
control the game until the very end?
We will find out today.
First, you will go on a mission-
-to try to increase the
prize pool one last time.
But today, you will play for
more than just silver.
What it is, I will
come back to later.
For now, you can
split into two cars.
Take the good vibes
with you on the mission.
- Yeah, damn.
- Should we draw for the cars?
Yes, for once.
If we take two red grapes
and three green ones?
I want to sit in the car
with anyone but Victor.
For once, I feel like I've said
everything I need to to Victor.
But just then, I get a red grape.
Will it be my downfall?
The red grape?
-Who's riding in which car now?
-I'm with the girls and you're with Victor.
-We can switch. It doesn't matter.
-No, it's fair to draw straws.
Fate, the green and
the red grape wanted-
-that the traitors would ride
in one car and the loyal ones in another.
It's a bit silly, really. I could
have played harder and said:
"No, I don't want Tarjei
to sit and manipulate."
But we had decided that
the grapes should decide.
And then it just had to be that way.
I just want to continue
to hold a hard line.
I think we are three
loyal ones here now.
Yes, because they seemed stressed
that we were going to sit together.
-I was thinking the same thing.
Aslak was fidgeting with his legs
the whole time we were waiting.
To sit with Evelina and Emilie was
absolutely ideal for me.
So my goal is just to say: "I
play honestly. I have played hard."
"Those two in the other car
are the traitors."
I feel like Victor
is so into me today.
"I'm completely sure it's Victor."
"Seriously, he's so into me."
But Victor's reaction yesterday
when Rob was voted out...
He started crying
before Rob even stood up.
Robin didn't understand.
It made it extra painful
for Victor if he's the traitor.
What if those two are
sitting there now conspiring?
Something else strange is that Victor and Aslak
never talk to each other.
No, it's true.
And they obviously haven't played-
-Very harsh with each other either.
And they didn't vote the same yesterday.
Victor never actually points at Aslak,
and Aslak never points at Victor.
It dawns on me that there is
a reason why I am still alive.
If Aslak and Victor are traitors,
it's gold to have me there,-
-who trusts them, right?
So right now I have to say that I am
a little unsure about Aslak and Victor.
This day would have been so much
easier if Rob had been here.
-That was stupid. Really stupid.
-Yeah, it was stupid.
Yesterday I was completely blind
and couldn't think about it,-
-but now I have thought about it...
Rob would have been so great to have here now.
- And not Tarjei.
- Absolutely.
I regret so much that I voted for
Robin yesterday. How stupid I am.
I lost this game yesterday.
I alone lost "Traitor"-
-by voting out Robin yesterday. It
was just that one mistake that was enough.
It's the biggest mistake
I've made in the game.
Voting for Rob
instead of Tarjei yesterday.
But, well, then we have
a challenge ahead.
-It will be an exciting finale.
I hope I can participate and
fight for some power today,-
-but I'm curious about
what we're actually going to do.
- Good day.
- Welcome to the final mission.
You will soon find out
what it's about -
- but before that, we need to
establish an order -
- that will be crucial
for parts of the mission.
You will each choose
an envelope with a number -
- that will determine
your place in the order.
Evelina, which of
these envelopes?
- I'll take number two.
- Let's see what number you get.
It's a one.
- That means you're number one.
- Yes.
So let's see if it's an advantage
or a disadvantage.
-Which envelope, Aslak?
-The one all the way in the back.
-That's 3.
I'll go for
the one at the back now.
Number 5 for you.
Victor, number 4.
Tarjei, you'll be number 2,-
-but we can just check
that everything has gone correctly.
Number two for you.
What's happening now? I'm very curious
about what the number one means.
I think we have a task
where one can gain an advantage.
The final task is based on
something that should fit perfectly-
-with the current state of the group,
namely cooperation.
Loyals and traitors
in beautiful harmony.
Behind me here
we have today's game board.
The task is simple,
at least on paper.
For every silver ball you get
in the container, you win silver.
In the final task, the goal is
to maneuver the silver balls-
-through the hole in the game board
and into the red container.
The game board is attached
with five ropes,-
-and is controlled by
all five players working together.
To get the ball into the container,
good teamwork is needed-
-and clear communication.
The game board looks cool,
but it seems really difficult.
This is a sick cool task,-
-but in this group, I'm not sure
how good their teamwork skills are.
You have five silver balls,-
-and each ball is worth 6 silver bars.
That means if you
work together well,-
-you can win 60,000 kroner.
-Are the rules understood?
Then you can find your own
pole, and we'll get started.
-Is everyone ready?
You can choose which ball
to start with. Good luck.
-I can start.
But I think we should move
it a little closer there.
So it needs to be more
towards your side.
Yes, I'm with you and I'll
loosen on my side now.
-Emilie needs to tighten a bit.
-Evelina and Emilie, pull now.
It's not...
It needs to be closer to you.
Closer to Aslak.
Aslak and I need to pull a bit.
Now it got very
high up, suddenly.
This group is generally
pretty bad at cooperation.
We just shake a bit to get
some balance. If everyone just...
-Then it's going to...
-Is there anything else we can try?
What do you think?
We need to make a good throw.
Then we'll at least get something.
Since the players are struggling
to maneuver the game board,-
- they go for a different tactic: to
throw the ball and hope for the best.
Just let me hit it now.
With a value of 12,000 Norwegian kroner
per ball, it could cost them dearly.
-Okay, should I go?
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
-Well, well.
-I'm too scared to throw that hard.
Is that the most expensive
throw you've ever had?
I think it's the most
expensive throw, yes.
-What did you say it cost? 12,000?
I threw it and it went straight west.
And I realized that, actually.
-Should I throw mine?
-Yes, give it a try.
-I'm not good at throwing.
-Throw harder than you think.
-But she did it.
-She threw harder, yes.
I'll try,
and see how it goes.
-That was close!
-That was so insanely close.
I was pretty close to
getting it in. Pretty cool.
-Have we wasted 30,000 kr now?
-Not 30,000, but 36,000.
-Yes, that's true.
-Credit where credit is due.
I really want to achieve
something, at least.
Feel a sense of accomplishment.
Everyone slackens and tries
to save it as I throw.
...set, go!
Yes! No!
It was so close.
It went straight down the drain. Darn it.
There's only one silver ball left,-
-and with that the players' last chance
to secure silver in the prize pool.
-Should I try to throw?
I feel quite
-so I feel like this is
something I can do easily.
Easy now. Let it lie there.
-Now it's very good.
-There, yes. Now it's nice.
-Come on.
-Now it's happening!
-Now, now...
-No, more towards Aslak!
-Now it's too high!
-Come on. Good.
It needs to be closer to Aslak.
It's not now.
-Come on.
It's crooked...
-That was so close!
We missed the target!
No silver. We missed every single
silver bar, unfortunately.
-That was 60,000, right?
-Yes, now you can secure-
-your ropes,
and then we'll do a summary.
We didn't manage to hit any balls.
It was damn difficult, you know.
It was difficult to see, aim, and hit.
It was a tough game.
We can count the silver
bars. What is 6 times 0?
-That's 6, right?
-Almost, it's zero.
That means the final prize pool-
-will be 132,000 Norwegian kroner.
That's 66 silver bars.
Now we're done with the prize pool.
Now we're going to play for-
-something that's worth its
weight in gold, potentially.
The prize now, I would argue-
-is the best and most prestigious prize
in this game.
It's a prize that potentially
can change the entire outcome of the game.
And the prize is-
-that the winner gets to come
into my office later today,-
-choose one of the other players,-
-and have the role of that player
revealed to them.
-That's the craziest plot twist.
-So fun.
Holy crap, that's insane!
How are we going to play around this?
It's so insanely difficult.
This is the craziest thing that could
have happened right now, I think,-
-but it could also backfire pretty hard.
Ok, great, what should we do?
It's going to be difficult.
If I were loyal, I would be
very happy for the opportunity.
If I were a traitor,
I would be terrified.
In the second round of the mission,
the players will play with gold balls-
-in the order they
drew before the mission.
The first player to get
their gold ball in the container,-
-will learn the role
of one of the other players.
If no one gets their ball in the container,-
-the last player in the lineup,
Emilie, gets this advantage.
So it's important to cooperate.
Or not. It's up to each and every one of you.
Good luck. We'll start with
you and your golden ball, Evelina.
When Mads talks about the golden ball,
I become extremely happy-
-that I am the first one
to try, and I feel-
-that most people in the group trust me.
We drew the order earlier.
Evelina, you're number 1. Good luck.
Okay, guys, I sincerely believe
that I am loyal,-
-so if you want me
to check out Mads' office,-
- I hope you'll help me now.
-I'll help you.
Of everyone here, it's mostly Evelina
that I want to have the golden ball.
I don't think anyone
will try to sabotage you-
-because you are the one
that people trust the most.
I have to be like:
"Yes, Evelina should get this."
Because I trust Evelina the most.
What else can I do?
I can't sabotage. That's shady.
I just have to hope-
-that we as a team can't achieve it.
-This throw can decide the game.
Now I look into your eyes
and hope that you trust me.
One, two, three.
-We can do it.
-No, it's crooked.
If you pull a little now, Evelina...
Holy shit. Can we lower it
a bit more, everyone?
-Come on.
It's so over now. Now...
-Yes, there...
No! Fuck, that was close.
Crazy close.
And we were so
close to hitting that bucket.
It's annoying me now. If only
I had gotten that golden ball up...
-There will be no visit to my office.
-No, unfortunately.
Tarjei, you're number two in line.
I'm going to drop the ball, because
I'll never let Aslak have it.
I'll never let Victor have it.
So Emilie will get it.
So I'll drop the ball and do everything
in my power to prevent you from getting it.
I decided, before this
started, that the only thing-
-that can't happen is for Aslak
and Victor to get the task.
They want me out and will use
this task to get me out.
But have you thought
about dropping the ball, Tarjei?
Yes, they won't want me to come there.
-So you want to ruin it for everyone else?
-I'm ruining it for the two of you, yes.
I want everyone to think about that. You
have been completely wrong up until now.
Are we just supposed to trust
that we should listen to you now?
No way, I'm just saying
that I'm not going for it.
And I'm doing everything in my power
to make sure the two of you don't get it.
I understand why Tarjei
is playing like that.
He's standing there like a little brat:
"No, I'm going to ruin it for you."
-Not on you either, Tarjei.
-No, it's okay.
-Aslak, number three in line.
- With someone who is going to sabotage.
What should we say about Tarjei?
Party pooper!
"Air is for everyone" guy.
But everyone should have
a chance to throw.
So everyone can be fair now
to set it up right.
He's not doing that.
Look at how he's standing.
It's impossible
to do anything about it.
It wasn't surprising
that Tarjei would sabotage.
I thought everyone would have
a fair chance, but no.
Tarjei tied the rope
and wouldn't help those two.
If I get it underneath, so that it
doesn't go through the top plateau...
All that's measured is whether
the ball goes into the container.
Holy crap,
are you going to try to throw it underneath?
Yeah, let's try that. Then everyone can
tighten their grip as much as they can.
Except for Tarjei.
I'll just have to try.
-Shit, that was close.
-Holy crap.
-Good throw, Aslak.
What should I do? Every time
I throw something at something,-
-it's almost good enough.
But not quite.
Victor, number four.
If your ball doesn't go
in the container now,-
-it means Emilie has won.
And then she gets to come to my office-
-and choose one of you others
whose role she will reveal.
I guess I have to use the same tactic.
I have to take off my jacket.
I'm getting nervous for you now.
Well, it's either me or you.
I was so nervous
when I had to try the throw.
This must be the most important thing
that has happened during the entire stay.
Who of the two will get it.
Just throw it away then.
Imagine if this ends up
in the wrong hands.
When you're nervous,
you know you'll be even more nervous.
I knew it was going to hell.
It was a miss.
Emilie, that means
you don't have to throw.
You have won.
You get to come to my office-
-and choose
one of these other players.
And have their role revealed.
It goes without saying-
- It can be
a very important decision.
So I would recommend
that you think carefully about it.
And the rest of you, see you at dinner.
Oh my god, is it possible?!
Then it was over. GG.
- An honor to have been a traitor with you.
- Thank you, likewise.
Did you see Tarjei's grin?
He was so pleased with himself.
I just have to emphasize that I am
very dissatisfied with Tarjei.
He's a little brat.
- He's a little brat, you know.
- Yes, he certainly is.
But he's playing damn right
for the loyal ones now.
But it took seven rounds.
Tarjei is a brown-noser!
He is a pushover!
He is a manipulator
and he is a...bopp!
It's so undeserved that someone
who has made so many mistakes...
-He has made so many wrong moves!
-I know.
And he's the one who's going to win?
What's happening?!
-I know.
-It's so unfair.
I actually like him, but in this
game I can't stand him.
And then he is... No...
No, I can't take
any more Tarjei now.
-Oh my god, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-A bit of a different vibe in this car.
-I feel like I have golden hair up my ass.
Now you have the chance
to win the whole thing.
Oh my god, it's so crazy
that I get that opportunity-
-to choose a person
to find out the identity of.
But then I quickly start to realize-
-that with that
comes a lot of responsibility.
But if we're loyal now,-
-we have sick power. And the fact
that you've gotten this now...
Then we just have to trust
that what you're saying is true.
My only hope today is
to support Emilie and Evelina,-
-and vote out Victor and Aslak.
Emilie will soon choose which
player she wants to see the role of.
Victor and Aslak feel exposed,-
-and use every trick in the book
to avoid being exposed.
Hey, dude. Congratulations on the ball.
Thanks. Can you believe I won something?
It's the first time.
I haven't visited the shield room
or anything like that before.
I think it's insane.
It's a big decision.
My wish is for you to check me.
And I want you to check me.
Now I'm trying to confuse Emilie.
I'm trying to get her
not to choose me,-
-by being insistent
that she should choose me.
But this is your choice
and you have to think about-
-who you need to know.
Everyone here will
try to influence you anyway.
So I'll say it once, just once.
Check me, and then we'll
take the final together.
-That's the only...
-It would be great fun,-
- But at the same time...
It's so difficult!
I feel like several people in the group
are really curious about Victor.
But when Aslak says
that I should check him out,-
-I also really want to do it.
If she checks me or Tarjei,
all hope is lost.
If she checks Victor,
most of the hope is lost.
If she checks Evelina,
we still have a chance.
But I can't understand
if Evelina is a traitor.
What would be smart
is to check Evelina,-
-because we've been
so sure about her all along.
And just to exclude any doubt,
we could just look at Evelina -
-because then we'll know...
Then we'll know it's the three of us.
If there are two people here,
it's Victor and Tarjei.
I just have to create as
much confusion as possible.
I have to play both sides
of the fence.
Victor and I have to throw
each other under the bus.
I have to come down hard on Tarjei.
Fuck Tarjei, seriously.
I know it's Tarjei...
Now I really feel like
checking you out, just to...
Yes, by all means do that too,
but then we won't know about Evelina.
I wouldn't say that all
hope is lost, but...
Most of the hope is gone.
The final phase of the game has begun.
Emilie is going to meet me at my office.
Here, she will choose which player
she wants to reveal the role of.
The rest of the players
gather for dinner,-
-and wait to find out
who Emilie has chosen.
The last supper.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
-Congratulations on your victory.
-Thank you. It feels good.
And you have received a prize
that is completely unique,-
-which I believe
everyone else envies you for.
You will have the opportunity
to see the role of one of these four.
And the one whose role you want to see,
you will meet for dinner.
This is the final round of the game.
It's the loyal ones against the traitors.
If there are traitors left in the end,
the traitors win.
I have thought a lot
and find it difficult-
-because it's between three people:
Aslak, Victor, and Evelina.
What is the reason
that it's between those three?
I want to check Evelina
because I want to see if-
-the gut feeling is actually
right that she is loyal.
I want to check Aslak
because I have had my doubts.
If he is a traitor,
he plays fantastically well.
He is one hundred percent himself now.
And Victor... I thought that he
and Robin might be traitors.
And it's still strange that he
voted for Hkeem in the first round-
-when it was between
Torstein, a traitor,-
-and Hkeem, a loyal one.
It's so difficult.
I think I'll go for...
-That one? Are you sure?
Okay, then you can take this envelope.
As you can see, it's sealed.
You wait to open it-
-until you're at dinner.
And when dinner is finished,
before you meet the others,-
-the proof must be burned.
It's such a big responsibility.
I'm actually really nervous.
I'm leaving my office now.
There I just met Emilie.
She has chosen-
-which one of you four
she wants to reveal the role to.
She has received the answer in a sealed
envelope that has not been opened yet.
Because that envelope
will be opened face to face-
- with the one she has chosen.
-Are you excited to know who she chose?
I would say the chance of Emilie
choosing me is quite high.
I think maybe I'm 40%
and it's 50% for Victor.
And 10% for Evelina.
That's what I think.
The one who is going to join me...
Now I hope with all my heart
that she chooses Evelina.
It's you, Victor.
-Come on.
It's over. It's done.
Emilie is going to find out
that I'm a traitor,-
-and the others are going
to believe it.
Game over.