Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Jeg er villig til å dolke min egen bror for å vinne - full transcript

Finding someone to trust, that's
the most important thing in this game.

Here loyalists and traitors must fight
side by side towards a common goal:

To build the prize pool
as big as possible.

All the players
have something irreplaceable with them.

Namely the trust of
one they are particularly fond of.

I have with me one of them that
I am most fond of.

-My wife.
- He is one of my closest friends.

Would you be able to betray
the one you love?

I might have stabbed someone
in the back to win.

That doesn't sound good.

16 players. All with different
points of departure for success.

I've played a lot of games, done
plays and worked with a lot of people.

You should be good at all of these
to be good at "Traitor".

There are experienced actors here.

I think it is an advantage, if one
becomes a traitor, to be an actor.

I'm damn good at
keeping the mask.

-And icy tricks.
-I'm a creep one hundred percent.

Whatever you want. I can bet anything.

I'm not here on vacation, like.

In a short time some of them
will be assigned the role of traitor.

A role they must play
and to the greatest extent hide.

If you were offered to become
a traitor, what would you say?

Then I would have answered yes!

Can the loyalists band together
and expose the traitors-

-before it's too late,
they win all the silver themselves.

But one traitor remains
among them at the end of the game,-

-all will be in vain.

I am loyal.

We must remove this cancerous tumor from the group.

I am deceived. I promise you.

I'm tricked into rolling around.

Are you getting bored?
You mustn't be sad.

- We cannot afford to lose more.
- This is absolutely sick.

I feel like a psychopath.

Tone Hauge

It's just before the game starts
at Kongsvinger fortress,-

-and all the players are
so far loyal.

It says Mads Hansen.

Now it suddenly felt very real!

This is PST stuff like that.

The fact that the game will take place
in this old fortress,-

- and that we will live and sleep here... I
think it will be a special atmosphere.

Who knows? Maybe people have been
betrayed or killed here before?

It may well happen.
I can feel it in the walls.

Each player enters the game with
a partner they know well from before.

But right now the couples are divided
and the partners are hidden.

No one has revealed
who they are coming here with.

For now, it's a secret.

-Welcome to the game!

This game is about
finding out who you can trust.

And more importantly:
who can't be trusted.

We start with a task, now that we
can still trust each other.

-Is it too early?

No, oh my god, I'm ready.

You have all been allowed to bring
one person in here.

A person with whom you have trust
and a strong relationship.

But as you can see, they are not here.

They are there.

You can start by dividing yourself
into standing teams: men and women.

The players are divided into two teams:
men and women. They must find out-

-if the other team is telling the truth
about what relationship they have-

-to his hidden partners.
Are they husband and wife? Friends?

Colleagues? Boyfriends?

The teams must ask each other
questions to find this out.

For each correct relation
a team manages to guess,-

-they win a silver bar worth
2,000 kroner for the prize pot.

But can you keep a secret
from the other team-

-whoever you have brought in,
you can win-

- a trip to the shield room
already this evening.

In the shield room
you can secure a shield-

-which protects against being killed
by the traitors the following night.

We could between collecting
as much silver as possible-

-or to get the opportunity to
go into the shield room.

It would have been very nice
to have a shield.

Will the players tell the truth
to win silver for the community?

Or will they lie to ensure
possible safety for themselves and their partner?

Guri malla.

God, so scary.

- No, this was strange.
-So exciting.

I saw it.

Quite happy with the colors. Artist.

Now I base it on what kind of energy
I get from each one.

I talk a little with everyone.

Have you broken up with the girl?
You looked a little sad.

Hello. What's up bro?


So I'm just trying to get a little familiar
and scan them, really.

Seriously, people are mad today.

Should we go for that tactic
of team against team, -

-the boys against the girls, in here?

Or should we go for
the gentle start?

I wouldn't have turned down
a shield room,-

-but you don't want
to stand out at the start-

- as someone who is good at lying
or who lies a lot.

I think... We have no idea
who will become traitors anyway.

The tactic of my team
is simply to be loyal.

Because we are all loyal, so why
should we play any other way then?

So we do what is best for the whole
group, which is to tell the truth.

Victor knows you, me and Katrine.

So if he realizes I'm lying,
he thinks everyone's lying.

If I'm honest and you're lying...

Jennie was quite early on
that we should go for the shield room.

She looks really innocent
and kind,-

-but I think there is quite a lot of tactics hiding
under the surface.

In everyday life, I avoid
lying as much as I can.

But this is a game, and
the rules are not the same.

I won't lie, because then
you'll get a big cross on your back-

- until the next vote,
because then you have already lied.

Agreed, and then I think
it's the first day.

It's kind of nice that we all become
a nice group. Don't you agree?

I didn't think
for a second about the shield room.

Now everyone is loyal and a cozy
bunch who like each other well.

Now we have to show
that we can cooperate as loyal.

Because if we can't do that when we know that
everyone is loyal, it will be quite tough

Do you have
a family member with you?

As soon as I saw Katrine,
I realized-

- that she brought her daughter with her.
I was so sure!

-So it's yours..?

And I am good friends with the person.

- I have my wife with me.
-So cozy. It must be nice.

I don't usually lie. I
prefer to keep my mouth shut.

The teams have
asked each other questions-

-and decided which
relationship the two opponents have-

-to their hidden partners.
Are you ready to answer?

Then it remains to be seen
if everyone has told the truth,-

-which gives the most possible silver
to the pot,-

-or if someone has lied to
secure a place in the shield room.

Then we will see if any of you have
chosen to prioritize your own safety-

- than the community.
Heidi, what relation-

- have you told
your partner that you have?

- That we are colleagues.
- Do you trust Heidi?

- Then you can take off your mask.

There I am!

My partner.

-Torstein, welcome to the game.
-Thank you very much.

-What is your relationship with Heidi?
- We are colleagues.

One silver bar in the pot.

I am an avid player
and like to win too.

So I'm prepared to do
the things that need to be done-

-to win, and will
have no qualms about it.

Victor, what have you told
is your relationship?

I have my best friend with me.

We've done
a lot of YouTube and TV together.

We do everything together.

We call each other
"work husbands".

- I have a family member with me.


-Then I'll take you as the point here.
-Just right. It's my daughter.

Very special to be in a
room with you and maybe have to lie,-

-and maybe you're lying to me. We are
so close and talk about everything.

But it's also exciting.

- It's my wife.

Then you can take off the mask.

-Anne Marie, welcome.
-Thank you very much.

In front of me, she doesn't have
such a good chance of lying,-

- because I often see
when she comes up with white lies.

He thinks.

- Jenny?
-I have with-

- my roommate and lover Tarjei.

-Hey Hey.

My player is a good friend.
Please welcome-


-Thank you very much.

I said I have a friend with me.
The whole of Norway

- Margaret!

- Emily?
- I said I have a friend with me

Take off the mask.

-Aslak, welcome.

Now before the game, I have
one hundred percent confidence in Emilie.

I can say that about Aslak too.

It was full pot. Eight silver bars
in the prize pool. Congratulations.

But now, my friends…

You have arrived in pairs,
but you will not play as a pair.

You are all individual players.

Loyal players so far.

Because soon
a very select few of you will-

-get an offer for an advantage in the game.

Who the traitors are is of course kept
a secret from the loyalists.

So the loyal must do their utmost
to expose the traitors.

I suggest you enjoy
the little time you have left,-

- because trust will soon be
very difficult to build up.

-Hey, forresten!

Der er Karl Johan.

I recognize Karl Johan.

- Difficult to make a plan.
- We haven't made any plans.

But we also see
that we are among the older people here.

Amongthe elderly?

I don't know you very well,
but are you married?

-Yes. Lasse.
-Tarjei. Nice.

- I'm a dancer.
-Guess if I saw you.

I am a passionate
"Shall we dance" viewer.

- Did you recognize me?

- But I've been there, too.
-Have you been there? When?

I 2010.

- I got the whole thing.
- Luck.

- Three whole! Hat trick!
-Just nonsense.

-Best to be loyal?
- I think so for me.

I get so weird when I get...
More weird than usual.

Being loyal is almost worse.
Then there is only despair.

"I'm innocent,
but I don't have an alibi."

The fact that I have worked
for so long in children's television,

-hope I can be an advantage.

- You are my childhood hero.
-Oh, you...


And you look exactly the same. I have
a lot of respect for what you do.

My mother, everyone.
You are doing a good job.

- Thank you, so nice.
-You were our childhood hero.

So cool. So good.

Maybe they feel
so confident in me-

-that they think I
can never be a traitor.

Or the opposite, that they think
I might be a traitor...

-Hkeem said he calls you Sero.
-Sero is what everyone calls me.

- Is that seriously what we're going to say?
-Yes, even directors say that.

Do you like being called
"Ashlak" or "Aslak"?

-Tonemmessig is it really "Aslak"

- Yes, good, you caught on quickly.
- Thank you...

Liker du å bli kalt "Eveliina"...

Now I'm very excited about
all the variations you can come up with.

"Evelinaa" could also be it.

Eller "Eevelina"?

The last one! Then I know
it's you talking to me!

I don't feel like I've become
best friends with anyone here yet.

We have become
so familiar on the surface.

It's a bit dangerous if I go there.

Then I get exposed and threatened there.

But it was sickening
to play against Torstein Bae.

All of Norway's Torstein Bae.
The Fork Man!

I think
I might have to move it there.

Now I sit and watch
the chess experts here.

The chess player is probably used to
wearing the mask.

You can't really beat it
because you have to look after it.

Fuck... Yes sheet.

Well, it was
a sad story.

You tried to fool a fool.

But in this game we're not
fools, Aslak. We are loyal.

- Untruthful persons.

- Just so it's clear.
- Yes, there must be no doubt about that.

Now it's nice to be here.
Calm before the storm.

I think you enjoy
what time you have,-

- where you can
really get to know each other.

And then things will go wrong.

The players are on their way to the council chamber,
the very heart of the game,-

-where some of them will be given
an exclusive role.

From that moment
they will be traitors.

I'm pretty much arms and legs
and chatter a lot.

I thought: Should I be a bit calm
and not be so much me?

But now I have already been
a lot in the meeting with them, -

- so then I have to continue
to be me a lot, I think.

Hkeem knows me all too well.
If I become a traitor and he loyal,-

- must I be able to lie. He knows...
He knows all my grimaces.

Although I am quite sensitive,
I think I keep it well under control.

If I go into a role,
I think I can-

- to put the feelings aside.

It's like
we're going to a funeral.

It's like someone has died,
only worse.

That someone will become a murderer,
a mass murderer.

I feel like a prime minister who
is going to discuss the country's progress.

-I got some Freemasonry vibes.
-Understands that the game has started.

Game of Thrones vibes. That room
is dangerous. Felt it in the air.

Welcome to the Council Chamber,
the heart of the game.

Here, the truths will emerge
one by one.

Here the majority decides.

And that's a big advantage
for the loyal.

So if you manage to find together,-

-and even more important: stick together,-

-will you be able to share
all the silver you collect.

But then it was these traitors.

I have spoken to each and every one
of you and asked if you would like-

- to betray the others.

And the faces of some of you…

...lit up.

If you were offered to become
a traitor, would you have accepted?

- I would probably have answered yes.

- I had answered yes.
-Without thinking?

I'm used to playing.
I have lived by it for a long life.

When you're a traitor,
you have an advantage.

The fact that you can calculate your features based
on an open image suits me well.

I've been playing a lot of bluffing

And I have won very often in them.

You all have one here
that you know very well.

And you have already built up a trust

But how well do you
really know each other?

Do you trust Anne Marie?
In the game?

- He can't trust me.
- Do you trust him?

In the.

You have your daughter with you.
Can she trust you?

No not at all.

And I'll be proud of her
if she manages to fool me.

And I think she thinks it's cool
if I manage to fool her.

I am willing to stab my own
mate, my own brother, to win.

And when I am, I'm willing to
stab everyone else too.

Let the game begin.

Feel the gut feeling.

Know how trust feels
on the body.

Isn't that delicious?

But now that will change.

Because now it's time
to draw traitors.

Now you can write your name
on the note in front of you.

I'm so excited to see
who will be the traitor-

- and if I notice a difference.
What if I turn traitor?

I think I have
an advantage as an actor-

- if I had been given the role of traitor.

But the role I have played the most
in my career is Klatremus, -

-so I don't know if he can
help me in this game here.

Or yes, actually!

Climbing mouse is
a very cunning character.

Maybe I'll use
a bit of Klatremus, actually.

And the names
that are at the top of the pile-

-when I'm done shuffling,
I'll be chosen as a traitor.

Now you must all look down at the table.

Close your eyes.

And keep them closed.

I will now put my hand
on the shoulder of some of you.

If you feel
that hand on your shoulder...

...have you been given the role
of traitor.

When I sit there and Mads
walks around, I get a little nervous, yes.

I was terrified to
feel a hand on my shoulder,-

-so I tried to think,
"This is just a game."

And suddenly I felt
the blow on my shoulder.

I wanted to be a traitor.
It felt more challenging.

I had zero nerves.
I wasn't even a little nervous.

Because I wanted to be a traitor.

Now it's game on.
Now I just have to turn on-

-everything that is of acting
inside my body.

Now the whole game changes for me.

Before we continue, I want to quiet-

-those who felt a hand on their shoulder,
some questions.

Do you want to betray
those around you?

Do you want
to kill the others at night?

Then I remind you that this is
their choice and their choice alone.

When I give notice now,
the traitors may open their eyes-

- and look at each other.

Traitors, you can open your eyes.

When I opened my eyes,
I looked across the table.

And there I saw Victor. I thought
it was very exciting.

I see Anne Marie and am actually
very happy and think: "Cool."

And then I try to look
around a little more. I don't see anyone.

There may be someone sitting
on the same side as me,-

-but I don't dare
to move any more.

Then you can close your eyes.

I count down from three.

When I have counted down from three,
everyone can open their eyes,-

-and the game is on.

Three, two, one...

Then you can open your eyes.

The game is on.
There are traitors among us.

They want to betray you
and keep all the silver for themselves.

And if at least one of the traitors
remains until the end of the game,-

- is the silver lost for you.

- Is the atmosphere a little different here?
-Only slightly.

The word is theirs.

Now I'm disappointed.
I would be a traitor,-

- but I wasn't.

My tactic now is just
to be a bit calm and scan.

And try to look for clues.

We can do as we did last time,
that everyone says they are loyal.

-One after another.
- Oh, it's fun.

Should I start? I am loyal.

I am loyal.

- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.

- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.

- I, Hkeem, am loyal.
- I am loyal.

I am loyal.

I am loyal.

I am loyal.

- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.

- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.

I am loyal.

Don't kill me, please.
I believe in you.

Very strange to think
that someone was lying now.

- Very surreal.

One thing I thought too...
When Mads said:

"You loyal ones can win..." That was
some thing he told us.

Then someone sat like that
and nodded: "Yes, we are loyal."

- They were busy nodding.
-Who was it?

I saw you do it, but I
actually did it myself too.

I thought it was not a good idea.
Then it seems like...

- You talk a lot.
- Yes, but I always do.

And I said I would continue
with it. Otherwise, it's very strange.

When Margrethe started talking,
I thought: "No, be quiet."

"You mustn't draw attention
to yourself."

There was something about them
looking at each other and nodding.

Or it was before that. You had to
decide whether you wanted to kill the loyal ones

And then I heard something creaking...

Be quiet!

But you are touching yourself all the time.

I did that too. I cleared my throat,
so it's not a stopgap.

But we have to start talking.

Can I throw
the first whistle of the game?

-I sus-are you a little.
-What a pity.

- Sorry, Jennie.

-What does "sus-e" mean?
-To suspect. Sorry.

Can I cast
the first suspicion of the game?

Then you can cut it back.

"Sus" is short for "suspicious"
which means "suspicious".

And if one says "suspicious",
four syllables,-

-can you say "sus",
one syllable instead.

Then you are four times as productive
when you say that word.

I sus-er you a little.
I'm not saying it's you,-

-but if I die,
know that I hus-et her a little.

You know what? It feels really
bad to be the first to get it.

It was because you nodded unnaturally
a lot when you said you were loyal.

"I am loyal." As if
you did it on instructions.

But it doesn't have to mean anything.

Everyone here is terrified of
being killed and voted out.

But it's only
one percent of you.

I think that will do for now.

One last tip:

Lock the door tonight.

Sleep well!

-Was it uncomfortable?

If I could get his eyes on me right

-I think I had been...

So I understand that.

I really feel
completely "shaken up".

I think the body reacted in
a completely different way than expected, -

- to be pointed at
at once.

Don't over think.

Of course it's uncomfortable
to sit and watch-

-that your girlfriend starts laughing-

-of Aslak going
so directly at one person,-

- and she is the first
to be nominated.

And then I can't
do anything special-

- because I'm sitting in that chair.

It's a bit painful to feel
that you are playing against each other, -

-and how to react
to the fact that the other party-

-not feeling well,
I think it's a bit difficult.

I really don't think this
has anything to do with the game going forward.

So you don't have to think about that.

I think everyone makes up
their own mind,-

- then just breathe out.

I have a bit of a guilty conscience,
but I just have to shake it off.

It was a very mild accusation
I made against Jennie.

Am I allowed to quote Shakespeare
here? It goes as follows.

"Clarence er her.
Den sleske, svikefulle Clarence,"-

-"who stabbed me in the back
at Tewksbury."

"Grip ham, furier!
Pin ham i all evighet!"

I was relieved.

I don't want to be
a traitor and a betrayer.

I will be among the loyal ones.

I suspect Robin and Victor.

They became very quiet and passive,
in a way.

Anne Marie seemed completely as usual.

I think I would have seen it
if she had been on the crazy side.

We must remember this situation when we
once learn who the traitors are.

That we sat like that
and enjoyed ourselves around a table.

I quickly noticed
that when we mingled a bit afterwards, -

-people started to chat a little more.

It is very interesting to see
where they lead their suspicion.

It may actually be a couple
where both are traitors.

It is completely random who
was lying next to whom in the pile, -

- but it could actually be a couple.

I'm pretty sure
Torstein is a traitor.

98 percent sure.

His gaze strayed very far from me.
He was a little red in the face.

But I don't tell anyone this,-

- because I want to play Torstein
as a traitor.

And then I hope that makes
him want to spare me-

-when the traitors are going to liquidate
some of us loyal ones.

So we come back to the living room,-

-and I hope that I see
something in Victor that gives a hint.

When you have nothing
else to do...

Nobody has anything to go by now,
but we'll do more tomorrow.

I will look him deep in the eyes,
and ask: "Are you a traitor?"

Shall we try to say it
to each other sometime?

I'm not loyal... No!

- I am loyal!

Is that possible, Rob?

It's every time.
I screw up every time!

"I'm not loyal!"

I am loyal!

I genuinely believe that you are loyal,-

- because I think you had
lost your way long before...

Feel like Victor saved me a little by
saying, "This happens every time, Rob."

You always tend to freak out.

It's so stupid. Only Rob
can do such things.

And Victor wasn't asked,
so I'm on the same page with him.

The clock rings for bedtime,
and the evening is over for the loyal.

- Then it's night.
- It was creepy.

But the traitors
can't go to bed just yet.

-Sleep well, guys.
- If we see each other.

- No, don't say that.

- I said: "Good night, if we see each other."

De lojale har gått nervøse
inn i natten,-

-and the traitors will meet
for the first time.

Tonight, and every night to come,
the traitors gather-

-to find out which
of the loyalists should be killed-

-and with it disappear from the game.

-Fy fader.
- Ai, ai, ai.

When I saw you, I thought,
"Is it just us?"

Yes, I thought so too.
I just saw you.

- But it's just us, obviously.

Well, here we sit
and will hunt, betray and kill.

-Are you ready for it?
- I'm ready for it, then.

Me too.

Sitting in the conclave with Anne Marie-

-and talk about who we're going to fuck,-

-with her I saw in
"Amalie's Christmas" and on children's TV.

It's a very bizarre thing.
Really weird.

-Hey Hey.

Welcome to us.
Sit down.

At first I was very surprised
to see only Anne Marie.

- Did you expect to see more?
- Yes, one more.

That is partly why I come.
Now you will have a choice-

- which is going to have a big
impact on the game going forward.

Either, tonight, you can…

...kill someone. Or if you
want to strengthen the team, -

-can you choose
to tempt someone tonight.

Mads says that we can
either choose to kill someone,-

-or to choose to tempt someone
over to our team.

And then, in a way, everything changes.

- So this is an important choice.

You will be allowed to discuss among yourselves.
Think carefully.

-Good luck.


- A rather fierce choice we have to make.
- A fierce choice, but...

I find tempting seems
much more tempting than killing.

But imagine if they say no.

Then we have a night where we haven't
killed anyone or got anyone on the team.

Yes, that's right,
a wasted opportunity.

But it would have been nice
to be one more.

-I have a feeling-

-that quite a few could imagine
becoming a traitor.

I think so.

Then we agree. After all, it's just
the two of us who decide.

- Shall we write it down?

Like that.

And we have all the power.