Forræder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Jeg vil heller være forsiktig og smart enn kjedelig og kul - full transcript
Lastly, Sander was tried to be tempted
by the traitors to switch sides,-
- but declined.
-Sander, you damn idiot!
I stedet eliminerte de Sandra.
The mission failed completely,-
-and there was no silver
for the prize pool.
Kim realized that she was
in danger of being banished,-
-and did everything in his power
to try to stop it.
-But to no avail.
-I am loyal.
The traitors could not eliminate
anyone last night, but set up-
- three players on the death list.
-I would like to liquidate someone.
Ragnhild Meyer
It is ready for game round 8,
and there is uncertainty about-
-what happened last night.
There aren't any.
-It was delicious. Now I was happy.
- Is it delicious, or...
-It is good. It gives us time.
- Yes, it actually does.
Now we can relax.
It is a relief to be allowed
to sit there with Cathrine, -
- because I trust
Cathrine so much.
It has been important for me
to have a point of reference, -
-have a straw that I hold on to
in the storm we are in.
If we're going down, we'll go down
with the flag at the top.
- We will fight to the end.
Karina is very keen to talk
about games. She feels pressured,-
-she's trying to figure it out.
And I support her in that.
It is completely natural.
Of course.
Let's say it's Jonas,
just to play it out.
Who does he collaborate with?
Our feelings, our perception, have been shown
to be wrong very often.
At least in retrospect
, we have learned…
In the name of hindsight,
we might have voted a little differently.
My suspicion of Jonas
began on the very first day.
There was high stress readiness, high stress
That raised a big red flag.
I'm concerned
that she doesn't go out.
But it stands between
her and Jonas,-
-I get a terrible task.
For me to vote for Karina...
I don't think I can do that.
She knows it, the hunch is
right. I will follow up more there.
-Just don't lock yourself up.
-Are you coming alone?
- I'm coming alone, yes.
The fewer we become, the more skeptical
we become of each other.
Now it looks like we've all
lifted our eyes a bit more-
- and tried
to think a little outside the box.
Hello, beautiful people.
-How should we interpret this now?
- There are only two missing.
Arman and Magnus.
Then one of them is hasta la vista.
-Then I think they will take Magnus.
- Which one takes out?
I think there is the greatest chance of
Magnus being caught.
At breakfast, I pretend I don't
know anything, take in the information-
-and then reacts as loyal.
There is a common understanding among
everyone that the traitors are doing just fine, -
- so it doesn't help me anymore.
If Arman is taken out…
After all, Arman was the one
who had the spotlight on him.
- So it doesn't make sense.
-Not at all.
Yesterday I was very focused on
the fact that Arman must be a traitor.
But the more you think about it…
He has delivered many persuasive
speeches, a lot of good commitment.
I'm struggling to get it to go up.
- It's Arman.
-What's up?
-Hello, man!
- You didn't think I was going to die.
-It was good.
-Nice to see you.
-I didn't think so-
-when it was between you and Magnus.
There was no logic in
Arman breaking out.
Now Magnus is eliminated.
It wasn't a huge surprise.
Because Magnus is also one of those
who is relatively quiet.
Not many people suspect him.
So that he was gone
was not terribly surprising.
Now we are so close that we have kjangs
to smoke out the last people-
-and stand there as winners.
Now we just have to up-e it.
-Damn it, I snapped.
We thought you were dead.
I have never been received so well.
Sander was lying on the floor, and people were screaming.
I understood nothing.
I think they expected me
to storm out and then I came in.
"You are not eliminated."
That was a relief.
I didn't understand
why you snapped like that.
Magnus is not eliminated.
What the hell is going on?
Everyone is here.
Oh my god, I squealed!
When Magnus entered the door, I realized
that there must be another traitor here.
If not, someone would have died.
The cockroach in here
that has gone over to the traitors...
Know that you are a cockroach.
When we've fought so much in the game...
You're a cockroach.
It's so damn bad.
I react, I hope, like
the others with shock and disbelief.
A slightly tired
but well-functioning term.
Good morning.
Everyone in place? Good.
Someone around the table knows why
everyone showed up for breakfast.
The traitors didn't
eliminate anyone last night.
They've put three of you
on a death list.
-Oi! Okay.
- It was delicious, actually.
If I'm being completely honest,
I was a little happy to-
- that it was a death list and not
that one of us had been tempted.
But that means
that only the three
- who are in danger of being eliminated
in the coming night.
Here are three envelopes
from the traitors.
The first name
on the death list:
Shockingly, my name was on it.
Name Number 2:
- Magnus.
- It is expected.
I was absolutely sure
that my name was on the death list,-
- because I've gone under the radar.
No one has suspected me.
I don't think I got
my name on the block even once.
And the third name in danger
of being eliminated next night is:
-Yes, I understood that.
We thought of splitting up the group,
focusing on the ladies-
- and hope that the main focus
fell on Karina.
Magnus, Karina and Cathrine,
the race is not over for you.
You have one day to try
to secure yourselves.
Use it well. It is
a mercy that the traitors-
-rarely show their victims.
But you can't be here.
So you can go.
I'd rather be on a death list
and risk being eliminated,-
- than to suddenly realize that
someone has changed sides voluntarily.
The rest of you...
You are going to enjoy yourself today.
You have earned it.
Another guy's day?
Is it meat?
It is alcohol-free.
It is alcohol-free, because you will be
driving. But the atmosphere is the important thing.
You will have a dream day.
Enjoy yourselves. See you soon.
-Look everyone in the eye, and you drink.
Now grandma will be proud of me.
Your grandmother will be proud of me too.
The players divide into two cars
on their way to the mission.
In one car are those who will
fight for their continued existence.
One of us will win another shield,
if anyone wins a shield.
In the other car
there is zero concern to track.
-What do you think we should do today?
-I'm so excited.
They're going to have a hell of a time,
we're going to have a hell of a lot of fun.
This is the day of the guys, and
the most delicious drinks must be consumed.
Those on the death list, on the other hand,
should go into these boxes-
-and put on earmuffs. Because
now the guys are secretly going to-
-trying to increase the prize pool
in my little casino.
-Is it a casino?
- Sit down.
It is Hallvard Flatland
who should have been there.
Welcome to a day
you will never forget.
You should relax,
enjoy yourself and bet.
What you should bet on,
my friends, is these.
Oh my God!
This room
oozes psychopath vibes.
These must compete
against each other for a shield-
-which ensures the person in question from
being eliminated by the traitors tonight.
They will face each other
in several challenges.
Whoever wins the most challenges
wins the shield.
Of course, I hope
that Cathrine gets a shield.
It's the easiest thing for us
to deal with.
You must bet on who will win
each of the respective challenges.
And what should you bet?
The silver that you have earned.
-Oh my God.
So while you focus on the silver,
they will fight for their existence.
You don't have to worry about that.
You just have to make this one grow.
It's their day.
I'm kind of like that...
-So we can lose silver too?
- Yes, but that is not the focus now.
Shall we start
the first game?
In the first game
, they have to solve the Rubik's Cube.
I speak softly, because they won't
hear it. They must solve one page.
It is the side that has a color
that corresponds to their color.
You can bet one silver bar.
The odds are 3.
If you win,
you get two silver bars in addition.
I haven't bet much. There was
a time when I tried an online casino.
Then I quickly lost NOK 500.
So I never did that again.
Who do we think of the three
is best at solving the Rubik's cube?
I think Karina doesn't
have the patience for that.
She has said consistently that she
has no patience for petty things.
Magnus has the monkey grip.
He has his hands like that all the time.
I think he can be cold and quick
in stressful situations.
- I may have faith in Magnus.
-I think Magnus of them-
-is most keen on shields.
He is obsessed with making it happen.
Should we go for Magnus?
We are unanimous Magnus.
-Blue? So blue participant?
- Blue participant.
Blue player.
I know I'm getting pretty sweaty
at the thought of us four-
-must decide on the pot
everyone has participated in and built up.
Then you can remove the boxes.
What you see in front of you
is Rubik's cube.
You must solve one of the sides.
You must solve the side that has a
color corresponding to the box you are standing in.
First person to finish
wins this challenge.
Ready Set Go!
I have never solved a Rubik's cube.
I have a husband who has been
very strategic about it.
I've never been interested. There
is so much I can spend my time on.
- I know it's a system.
- The world's best takes five seconds.
I've never solved a Rubik's cube,
but solving one side-
-can't possibly be very complicated.
I don't think any of them
have done much with the Rubik's cube.
What I was most excited about was whether we
would stay until it got dark outside.
I can reveal that you have spent
more than five seconds.
-Magnus, congratulations.
You are the winner of the first challenge.
It was very nice
to win the Rubik's Cube.
Then I thought I should win
the whole thing, really.
It was a victory for the blue player.
That went really well.
Magnus solved it, as we thought.
And then...
Two extra silver bars.
Now I know we can afford
to lose a little, so now we can gamble.
Now we are ready for game number 2.
Now they will make a tower of nuts.
It is about making the highest.
When one of the players is satisfied with
his tower, he calls out "time".
Then everyone has ten seconds
to finish building.
The tower must remain
until I have measured all three towers.
This time you can bet
up to two silver bars.
-But one too?
- I'm almost two.
- It goes to my head.
-Who are you so sure about?
I like betting.
Shall not engage in any solicitation,-
- because it can quickly go crazy.
Who are you sure about here?
There's something about
Magnus' finger coordination.
But I also see Karina's calmness...
Did you see how impatient she was now?
Then she gives up.
Magnus is the one who doesn't give up,
I would say.
Let's run one now,
so we have one extra if we lose.
-Let's do it.
-Blue player?
And as last time: The odds are therefore 3.
Blue player wins, -
- the two of you go in plus once again.
Then you can lift the boxes away.
In this challenge
you have to make a tower of nuts.
Whoever builds
the tallest tower wins.
You have as much time as you want,
but when the first man shouts "time",-
-all three have ten seconds left.
Ready Set Go!
There are incredibly smooth nuts, so
building towers was extremely difficult.
You just shivered.
- My hand is shaky.
-I am shaking.
I see quite early on that I build
different towers than the other two.
I build based on three nuts
and not five, like the others.
It looks like Magnus is creating
a thicker foundation at the bottom.
Catherine does the same.
I think we shouldn't stress.
I just have to say that.
I feel that I have started smartly
and created a foundation.
and I had thought quite alike there.
I don't think the grip has much to say.
They are so small,
so there is motor skills in the fingers.
I have a lot of cartilage and very stiff
fingers. It doesn't help, unfortunately.
Since I build on three
and the other five, I build faster.
But there was a limit to
how high I could build too,-
- and still keep calm.
So I thought, "I'm cutting now."
If, in...
Then I panicked.
I should have looked at her rook, but
was preoccupied with hitting on someone else.
...four, three, two, one.
Let go.
4,5 cm.
- Shall we say 2.5?
-Yes it's okay.
2 cm.
Karina, you built the tallest
tower and thus won the challenge.
- Then it goes to the house.
-It goes well.
- We are still in the red.
- For so long.
Now it's time for the third
and final challenge.
They must now throw
a deck of cards into the air.
When they land on the ground, they will
be told three cards to find.
Save ace, queen of hearts
and the traitor card.
Get on the podium as quickly as possible.
And now, gentlemen, we're off to a bit.
Now you can bet
up to six silver bars.
Four grown men
running YouTube.
You can't hold them
responsible for gambling.
Let's think a little.
Who is the fastest to search?
If we bet two on each, we are
guaranteed to make a profit from here on out.
But it's a bit more fun to...
I'd rather be careful
and smart than boring and cool,-
- to be completely honest.
-What did you say now?
I'd rather be careful
and smart than boring and cool.
Shall we take a chance
and take three on Magnus?
Then we can win a lot.
- Here is the chance to earn a lot.
-Fuck it. Take three. I'm going blank.
- Let's gamble.
-Three on blue, Mads.
- Only three? You can win more.
- We can, yes.
-Here, here, here.
You have to gamble with the money you have,
and then we already have...
Then we may go down by two,
and that's fine.
-Three silver bars on blue player?
- Yes.
We took three on Magnus again.
We have faith in him.
Arman is most keen on gambling.
That's a point I can take up.
Then you can remove the boxes
in front of you.
What you see here is a deck of cards.
Karina, you can take the deck,-
-throw it over your head
so it lands on the floor.
Magnus, then you can do the same.
Why are you laughing at that?
You are about to start the
third and final challenge.
If Karina or Magnus wins it,
that person gets shield.
If Cathrine wins, it's 1-1-1.
Then there will be a replay.
This competition involves finding
three cards and placing them on the pedestal.
First person to do so wins.
The cards you will find are:
Save ace,
queen of hearts and the traitor card.
The traitor card
has the traitor logo on it.
Now I compete
against two sports minds.
The odds are against me.
I just have to shut it out.
We've worked our way out.
My first contribution is of course the
joker, but no, it's not.
I don't have ace of spades.
Then the traitor card reveals itself to me.
-I have. Here.
I think I even looked
away and thought, "He took the joker."
I think I
just finished first.
- I told you "bet more".
- I check if they have the right cards.
He has been wrong.
- The joker is not the traitor card?
- No.
I thought
the traitor card was the joker.
I should have realized
there was a dispute.
That it wasn't as simple
as it sounded.
We have a winner.
Magnus, you said "finished" first,-
-but you didn't have the traitor card.
It was the card with the traitor logo.
That means that the person who was number 2 to
finish, which was you, Cathrine.
-It was delicious!
Bra, Cathrine.
It also means
that you have one win each,-
- and that we are going into a rematch
for the shield.
Wear hearing protection.
That was three silver bars, boys.
Regardless of whether those up there
are traitors or not,-
- then I think we are in a bad position.
-Fucking gambling... -The
house always wins.
The house always wins.
It looked good, but a mix
-up of the joker and the traitor card makes-
- that these belong to me.
Now we will find out
who wins the shield.
The competition consists of
them each having their own cane-
- as they have to balance a ball on top.
They must hold onto the black field and
hold onto the ball until I say "start".
Then they drop the bullet. Whoever has the ball
on the stick the longest wins.
We can bet.
I want you to enjoy yourselves,-
-so now we're going to make it interesting.
You can bet up to three silver bars
left. The odds are 3, you bet one.
If you bet two, you get 4 in odds.
If you bet three, you get 5 in odds.
No, no, no!
It's their day.
When we get the offer of 5 in odds,
you have to start thinking a bit.
Especially when you have three
choices, you start to…
- You know who will take this one.
- It is not certain.
- I think Karina.
-Me too.
- Shall we take 5 on Karina?
- It could be Cathrine too.
- I don't have faith in Magnus anymore.
- No, he's finished.
Cathrine can also
be steady on the hand.
But Karina is a calmer person
who stresses less than Cathrine.
-Boys, three on Karina.
-Totally agree.
How angry do you think they'll be if they
find out we've lost all this?
- It's going well.
- They are the ones who lost it.
It's their fault, right?
Fuck it, I'm into gambling.
-What are you doing?
- We gamble three on Karina.
Red player.
And, to...
Then it's ready for a replay.
Whoever wins this
challenge wins the shield-
-and is therefore safe from being
eliminated by the traitors tonight.
Then you can remove the box.
Here you have a stick and a ball.
The competition
involves balancing the ball on top of the stick.
You hold the ball
until I say "ready, done, go".
Then you must leave immediately.
I'm good at balancing
a glass on my head.
I can walk and balance a glass
on my head. I figured it out now.
The one who manages to balance his orb
furthest on the stick wins.
Then you can line up.
I tried to balance it
before we were allowed to start.
I realized that it would be impossible.
Damn, that is!
I will be so happy!
It was actually a lot of fun.
Although it was very short.
I think I heard humming, and I
felt that they had no faith in me,-
- the sullen gang who sat there
and were supposed to enjoy themselves.
Yes, yes, the gang...
Did you see it coming?
I hope so, so to speak.
I don't think it matters much
that they didn't see us,-
- because I think they heard us
when it mattered.
I think they have some idea
that it didn't go our way, -
- because it was only once that we cheered.
Damn it, that is!
- I will be so happy.
-You are secured from being eliminated-
-of the traitors last night.
Cathrine gets a shield,
which was well deserved.
But there was no silver.
There was less silver.
-Hush, don't tell mum.
- We just have to wait until tonight.
Look, so little.
We have seven silver bars.
It's pretty embarrassing.
Good work.
Then you can go out the back here.
- They don't notice it.
- No, certainly not.
This is what you have left.
You have worked hard
for quite a few days.
The prize pool is now seven silver bars.
- Now you can go back.
-Did you have fun?
-Thank you for asking.
Look at his face. He is the one
who has eaten today, not us.
We had to hear.
I'll see you tonight.
Do you have many wonders here?
Father, you have many silver bars!
You can't say that now, when...
- No, that one... -
So embarrassing!
With a significantly reduced prize pool
not everyone has the same straight back.
I haven't felt so stupid
since I lost at poker in Las Vegas.
But when Mads gives us 5 in odds,
you have to go for it.
It would have been different if we won
it back. Then we would have won a lot.
But financial concerns
must be put on hold.
There are more important things to discuss.
I feel that Chris, Sander and Jonas
are extremely loyal to each other.
- But they have to stop doing that.
- They probably won't stop yet.
It was said several times today
that the probability is high for
- that it is a traitor among Chris,
Jonas and Sander.
And then it is in my interest
that more people also see
- that Sander and Chris
can be one of them.
-But you are sure about Chris?
- No, I'm not sure.
The way he has voted
strongly suggests that it is not him.
I'm probably trying to divert
attention away from Jonas.
-Jonas, do you trust Cathrine?
- I don't trust anyone.
It is so difficult today.
The players are at a loss, and
sometimes one is urged to think for themselves.
What I have learned so far
is to think for myself.
Separate games and emotions. I think
that may be the solution today.
We can also think a little today.
We haven't thought that well ourselves,
any of us, until now.
But it is important that...
We cannot give up now.
We must endure the race
and fight to the end.
-Does anyone want a sausage?
-No thanks.
I just grilled for the sake of grilling.
Damn, that looked nasty.
There are two reasons
why I trust Sander.
It's that we've gone
the same way several times-
-when it comes to first trying
to get Tonje away,-
- and that he also ended up
voting for Jørn.
It is strange that Sander refuses to
be given a leading role in this game.
It's a bit strange.
But Chris... He didn't seem
to think it was that weird.
He also had full faith in Jonas.
The damn thing after yesterday... I
have less faith in Arman than yesterday.
Yesterday I would rather
vote for Arman than Kim.
But I think less
that it is Arman today, -
-or do I just hope less
that it's Arman today?
What I think...
I know that I myself am loyal.
So it's either Karina and Arman,
or you and Chris or Sander.
One of the YouTubers.
I can't imagine Cathrine still being.
I rule her out a bit, and am
left with the two possibilities.
What has spoken against you, Jonas,
is that everyone who knows you has said-
- that you get nervous when you have to lie.
You can't lie.
I guess they just said
I get nervous in general.
I'm terribly worried
that I'm not saying it enough.
That I don't say enough
that of course I am 100% loyal.
But everyone can say that.
I completely agree.
I've been thinking about it lately.
Why haven't I been standing on the chair-
-and did people scream in the face
when they accuse me of things?
I can't stand it,
and I feel it is implicit.
I have a gut feeling about Jonas.
I kind of hope that Jonas is, -
-so I play with high cards now.
Do I continue to pitch Jonas-
- and he cheats and is a traitor,
then I'm 100% safe.
Then everyone is sure that I am loyal.
But if I push against Jonas-
- and he is loyal, I will finish
tomorrow around the table. 100% safe.
So I'm on the gamble today too.
But I'm willing to take the chance.
It is approaching
a new round in the council chamber.
It seems that Arman's risky play
against Jonas has influenced Sander.
If it ends up that Jonas smokes,
I know I'm safe.
- But I won't influence you.
- No, I see it.
You have to start
looking at all possibilities.
Everyone, regardless of whether they have
been banished now, has asked me:
"Do you trust Jonas?"
I have been consistent in saying:
"Yes, I have zero doubt.
Jonas is like this."
But he can also camouflage
those feelings into something else.
There could be different reasons
why he reacts the way he does.
I have to start
paying more attention to it.
I have been very
"those who are with me are loyal".
And then it hasn't worked.
Now you can see it, since there are fewer of us.
So far I have been shocked
every time it has gone my way.
I have survived tight situations,
been sure to be sent home.
I don't
know how I got here-
-without anyone wanting
to use me as an alibi.
That's because as a traitor
you also have to have some loyal-
- who can trust you
and think you are loyal.
There, one of you will come in
very well by keeping you here.
I have been used as a pawn.
Saying that I trust Jonas
is a great plan-
-for him as a traitor. It's brilliant
that I act as an alibi for him.
I have to dig. I have to look him
in the eye and see if he's lying.
Can we have a chat, Jonas?
Me and you?
I do.
- Shall we go upstairs?
- Yes, isn't that the best?
If I have experienced a lot here,
Sander has experienced four times as much.
He has had an emotional
rollercoaster of dimensions.
So if he is at the point where
he is able to vote for me today, -
-then I have to applaud him.
We've been on a team since day 1.
Do you think someone in our car
is playing a sick double game?
Because some people are being manipulated.
I know Arman
has you at the top of his list today.
Do you have a job war
that doesn't exist?
Did someone else pull the strings
so you two loyalists go against each other?
The position war between me and Arman
can be two loyal to each other.
I think so.
I have always trusted you,-
- because I had been able to see
if you were lying.
That's why
I'm completely blown away.
Yes, but just to take it first...
What I feel is difficult today,-
-when you suddenly have me at the top
of the block, is that...
I never asked for your trust.
As a traitor I would have used it.
But I never sent your voice
in a single direction.
Arman has your name on the block. But
I don't think it's Arman either.
- That's my problem.
- That's why I think Karina, maybe.
- It could be Cathrine too.
- Yes, it can be.
Arman mentioned Cathrine
right after the last council chamber.
"That would have been the sickest thing.
But it's possible."
Everyone mentions everyone today,
and everyone talks about everyone.
That's what's a bit exciting.
- You seem dead genuine.
- I just want to win.
So, as loyal.
But I have a stronger
feeling about Karina.
The council chamber today
will probably be my worst.
Painful as it is, his name
is at the top of my list today.
There is a good chance
that this will be my last council chamber.
But much depends on
what is said in the council chamber today.
I will try to send the voices
away from me as best I can.
I haven't decided.
It is only what is said around
the table that determines my vote.
I've gambled a lot in here.
Either you lose, or you win big.
That's the way to play.
The only thing I can defend voting
for is either Arman or Karina.
The chance of me being pointed at
in the council chamber by the traitors is high.
I don't decide what
I'm going to vote for until I'm sitting there.
Anything can happen in there.
På vei inn i rådssalen
er ingenting destined.
The arguments around the table become
decisive in saving their fate.
Thank you for today.
-First of all, congratulations on the shield.
-Thank you very much.
It ensures you against
being eliminated by the traitors,-
-but not against
being banished to the council chamber.
But it wasn't just a
battle for shields.
You also had the opportunity
to increase the prize pool.
Today you had the opportunity
to double it and well done.
But damn…
It did not work.
So, gamblers!
- He was so convincing!
- That's what I knew.
- It was 5 to 1 odds.
-5 in odds.
Apart from the one with the Rubik's cube,
did you miss them all?
The odds rose each time.
"Now we have to be more careful."
When that bonus round came,
we hadn't lost that much.
Then we could bet three again.
But then the odds were 1 to 5.
- Shall we look ahead?
We started this game
with 20 players.
Now we are left with the seven of you.
That means someone around this table
is going to win the game.
You loyalists, if you want to win,
you depend on-
- to expose and banish
all the traitors.
You only have the opportunity to
do that here in the council chamber.
So the question is:
How are you going to achieve it?
Now we don't play for silver,
but for glory, because all the silver is gone.
We have tried many
strategies in here,-
- and we have failed
extremely many times.
But what I feel we have done
differently this time,-
- is that we have tried to provide
blank sheets, we have tried...
I don't know
how blank sheets there are today.
I agree, Jonas.
It is bordering on impossible
to ask with blank sheets.
What I meant to say
was that we were concerned with-
- that we shouldn't color each other
so that we went into groups again.
So blank sheets
are hard to come by.
Nor should we,
because we have a history.
speaks in our favor.
Otherwise it will be wild guesswork. It
's a guess, but we have to bring something.
Karina I think I'm on me because of the way
I behaved the first day-
-when I was about to pee myself
from excitement.
I think I said it in here yesterday
too, that actually daring today-
-to stand in oneself...
If we're going to be able to go
one step further and take a traitor,-
-then we have to think for ourselves, and we have to stop
letting ourselves be moved in all directions.
And then it does, e.g. on me...
I feel more vulnerable.
And I think there are several
people around the table who do that.
And that is completely natural.
But we also have to think for ourselves.
We have often said,
"We must put aside our feelings."
But I think the feelings are an
important key to finding the loyal ones.
You can't just go by the feelings,
because there are concrete things-
-which also proves
that people are loyal and traitors,-
- but that you weigh those aspects a little.
Do you have anything concrete?
Concrete facts you can work from?
Who speaks the loudest
in the different groups?
In our car it was... It is Karina
who talks the most, perhaps,-
-even if everyone gets away with it.
I know that you, Cathrine,
listen to Karina a lot.
I have chosen
to believe in Karina all the way.
Karina has great influence.
And in our group, which has been Sander,
Chris and Jonas, I don't know.
I can't tell who
spoke the loudest.
Sander, Chris and half Jonas,
I'm leaning towards Jonas right now.
I lean slightly towards Jonas and Karina.
But they don't play in teams.
If it's Jonas, it's not Karina.
If it's Karina, then not Jonas.
I feel extremely exposed today.
I know there will be two voices here.
Or I feel it.
What's nice if it's Jonas
is that no one defends him.
I kind of don't know... I don't
know what I could have done differently.
All I've done
is try to catch traitors.
I wasn't even there when
we made it happen.
Maybe it looked stupid.
But I can say it.
I am not a traitor.
So it is said, at least.
If I go out today, none
of the votes came because they are absolutely certain.
And then I have done my part.
Then I interpret
that to mean that we are ready to vote.
This is an important choice.
Think carefully.
Typing the wrong name
can be fatal.
Then we can vote. Write the name
of the person you want to banish, -
-and put the disc down
when you've done it.
I never asked for your trust.
Had I been a traitor,
I would have used it.
But I never sent your voice
in one direction.
We start with Arman.
I have to continue to follow my
gut, so it will be Yonæs.
Thanks for the urbanization.
I've been working hard today
just to repeat myself-
- with what I have said before.
And... don't say anything
about my new thoughts.
Because at least I wanted there
to be no doubt about-
- that it comes from me.
Because I think that's what
has bitten me in the ass here.
That it has seemed as if it
has come from other places.
I think it's really cool,
but from my thoughts in my head-
-over the course of a long night,
I vote for-
As I saw
that Jonas wrote "Cathrine",-
- then my pulse popped
up in my throat.
At the same time, I think it's
something I have to use to my advantage.
A pressed man who in desperation
threw out a name.
Jonas is so smart that I
actually think that by doing that-
-actually tried to help me.
I feel that Magnus and Karina,
that you might have-
-the greatest emotional
distance to the game.
We have never voted anything the same,
we have never walked the same paths.
Magnus and I have that, so...
Then I ended up with you.
- I hope I'm wrong.
-You do.
Either there is a small conspiracy
against me today, -
-and you have all been deceived,-
- or it's a hair's breadth
that we'll be able to beat it.
I've really tried today
to allow myself to be open.
I've tried to consider
and I couldn't come up with any other way-
- than going by the feeling that...
The only emotion I've seen
that I think was clear.
And the experience of the importance
of justifying-
- that you didn't vote for Jørn, Jonas.
I didn't vote for Jørn either,
just so it's said.
- So I'm holding on to Jonas.
- Sander?
Today, as Chris says,
I have put a lot of effort into emotions-
-and looked both Jonas
and Cathrine deep into the eyes.
And I can't
imagine them lying.
I also complain
that those who voted for Jørn, -
-they lucked into
a correct result.
And then I'm left with two people.
The one I ended up with today
is unfortunately you, Karina.
This is without a doubt the most difficult
vote, I think.
I was trying to have
a little chat with you, Chris.
Because of you, I
hardly talked to you.
The fact that you are so sure
of your friends in here,-
-reinforces my suspicion of you again.
So that's why it says Chris on this one.
I have also been
back and forth a lot.
I can't read the
body language of any of you.
I have looked everyone in the eye
and asked if you are traitors.
I can't read anything.
I've tried to think independently-
-and don't listen to anyone.
So my choice fell on Jonas.
There was one vote for Chris,-
-one on Cathrine,-
-two on Karina-
-and three on you, Jonas.
It means you
are banished from the game.
Then you can go over there,
say goodbye and reveal to the others-
-what role you have had.
First let me just say
that I thought it was going to feel like shit-
- to get up from the table and leave here.
But it lifted my shoulders.
I've been saying that a lot lately when
fingers started pointing at me,-
- that this is damned difficult.
How to prove his innocence?
It is incredibly difficult.
But maybe that's just as well,
because I've been a very naughty boy.
-I'm a traitor.
-You are a traitor! Yes!
What did I say?
What did I say?
Pardon. I love you.
Sander, I especially apologize to you.
I have lied to you in the face
every single day.
Damn, Jonas!
You're not going to say sorry to me?
Apologies to you too.
It went well, but it wasn't
the outcome I had hoped for, -
-considering who
turns out to be a traitor.
-Good bye!
Very good job.
Jonas turns out to be a traitor.
This is a family program,
so you must censor this:
That bastard!
He has played the game
to such an extent,-
-and in the end
I haven't been able to read the guy.
The best thing about lying is admitting
what the truth actually is.
Congratulations, you found me.
I'm sure I didn't
make it easy for you.
I hope you had fun.
Is it fair to say that the tone
is different here now-
- than a day ago?
- It's safe to say.
-Congratulations to the loyal.
- It was bittersweet.
You have banished
your fellow traitors.
It also means that there is a fire under the
feet of someone around this table.
Sleep well
and we'll see what the night brings.
It was delicious.
- Cheers to his acting.
- I don't understand why I...
We have all been wrong,
many times. It's ok.
- I just feel so damn stupid.
-No no no.
- Remember that he has had that role.
-Yes I know.
It's just...
You're so...
-I wasn't supposed to...
-I know.
I have been so convinced
that Jonas has been good.
And now I feel so incredibly stupid.
It is very difficult
to disconnect personal feelings-
- and that it is a game.
-That is it.
- I feel very stupid now.
- You mustn't do that.
That's the way the game is set up.
That's how we see you, bro.
No, then.
But look like that...
Can we enjoy this a bit,-
- and not continue digging?
- You have been absolutely enormous.
Let's enjoy today and sleep well.
Let the traitor sleep badly today.
You know what I mean?
Let's make sure of that.
- A football speech.
- Now it's 2-2.
- Now it's 2-2, guys!
-We made it.
-And it's absolutely fantastic.
- It's not over.
No, and we live in the night,
all night through. And it's delicious.
The game is not over, but we must be able to
enjoy and celebrate good moments in life.
Don't just rush it and move on to the next one.
When something good happens,
enjoy it and enjoy it.
And then you take everything else afterwards.
When they talk about
the traitors deserving to lose...
To stand in it for so long,
at least when it contradicts-
- everything I stand for as a human being...
It deserves a win.
I mean that 100%.
Therefore, I will now drive on
and do everything I can.
It's so nice to finally
feel that feeling.
I'm just going to buckle down
and play this game eventually.
When a traitor is banished
and there is only one left,-
trumps this death list.
It no longer applies.
The traitor's remaining task
will be to choose which of the loyal-
-which must be forced over
to the other side.
Then it's the two of us.
I know you would like to see Jonas
here. You can thank me.
The good news is that you can now
bring in a replacement for Jonas.
If you know the rules, then you can now
not tempt, but force another.
And by can I mean must.
You must force one of the loyalists
over to your team.
It's very fun. Now I have experienced
a lot these cruel days.
But I have also known joy.
And I have known a hellish
violence that I have never known before.
When it happened today, I rejoiced.
For real.
The loyal now are so loyal.
And they start talking about how
to hint at each other and sabotage-
-and drive on if they...
No one
wants to go to this page.
- But they have to.
-Everyone plays for their own chances,-
-so I would think that whoever you force
over will not reveal their new role.
That person can't do that, and so
I've started to think a little about-
-who can best play me
and that person through to the final.
- There is not much time left.
- It dawned on me today.
My competitive instinct
came during the Count's time.
I have never been
so close to winning anything in my life.
And the finish line is right there.
So I must at least do everything
in my power to make it to the finish line.
The most important thing for me is actually someone
who I think is strong enough-
-to not change behavior based on
suddenly having a different role.
And also how we can
use each other tomorrow-
- to go all the way to the final.
It sounds like you've
decided on a name?
I have decided.
Jonas has made an agreement
with one of the other players.
by the traitors to switch sides,-
- but declined.
-Sander, you damn idiot!
I stedet eliminerte de Sandra.
The mission failed completely,-
-and there was no silver
for the prize pool.
Kim realized that she was
in danger of being banished,-
-and did everything in his power
to try to stop it.
-But to no avail.
-I am loyal.
The traitors could not eliminate
anyone last night, but set up-
- three players on the death list.
-I would like to liquidate someone.
Ragnhild Meyer
It is ready for game round 8,
and there is uncertainty about-
-what happened last night.
There aren't any.
-It was delicious. Now I was happy.
- Is it delicious, or...
-It is good. It gives us time.
- Yes, it actually does.
Now we can relax.
It is a relief to be allowed
to sit there with Cathrine, -
- because I trust
Cathrine so much.
It has been important for me
to have a point of reference, -
-have a straw that I hold on to
in the storm we are in.
If we're going down, we'll go down
with the flag at the top.
- We will fight to the end.
Karina is very keen to talk
about games. She feels pressured,-
-she's trying to figure it out.
And I support her in that.
It is completely natural.
Of course.
Let's say it's Jonas,
just to play it out.
Who does he collaborate with?
Our feelings, our perception, have been shown
to be wrong very often.
At least in retrospect
, we have learned…
In the name of hindsight,
we might have voted a little differently.
My suspicion of Jonas
began on the very first day.
There was high stress readiness, high stress
That raised a big red flag.
I'm concerned
that she doesn't go out.
But it stands between
her and Jonas,-
-I get a terrible task.
For me to vote for Karina...
I don't think I can do that.
She knows it, the hunch is
right. I will follow up more there.
-Just don't lock yourself up.
-Are you coming alone?
- I'm coming alone, yes.
The fewer we become, the more skeptical
we become of each other.
Now it looks like we've all
lifted our eyes a bit more-
- and tried
to think a little outside the box.
Hello, beautiful people.
-How should we interpret this now?
- There are only two missing.
Arman and Magnus.
Then one of them is hasta la vista.
-Then I think they will take Magnus.
- Which one takes out?
I think there is the greatest chance of
Magnus being caught.
At breakfast, I pretend I don't
know anything, take in the information-
-and then reacts as loyal.
There is a common understanding among
everyone that the traitors are doing just fine, -
- so it doesn't help me anymore.
If Arman is taken out…
After all, Arman was the one
who had the spotlight on him.
- So it doesn't make sense.
-Not at all.
Yesterday I was very focused on
the fact that Arman must be a traitor.
But the more you think about it…
He has delivered many persuasive
speeches, a lot of good commitment.
I'm struggling to get it to go up.
- It's Arman.
-What's up?
-Hello, man!
- You didn't think I was going to die.
-It was good.
-Nice to see you.
-I didn't think so-
-when it was between you and Magnus.
There was no logic in
Arman breaking out.
Now Magnus is eliminated.
It wasn't a huge surprise.
Because Magnus is also one of those
who is relatively quiet.
Not many people suspect him.
So that he was gone
was not terribly surprising.
Now we are so close that we have kjangs
to smoke out the last people-
-and stand there as winners.
Now we just have to up-e it.
-Damn it, I snapped.
We thought you were dead.
I have never been received so well.
Sander was lying on the floor, and people were screaming.
I understood nothing.
I think they expected me
to storm out and then I came in.
"You are not eliminated."
That was a relief.
I didn't understand
why you snapped like that.
Magnus is not eliminated.
What the hell is going on?
Everyone is here.
Oh my god, I squealed!
When Magnus entered the door, I realized
that there must be another traitor here.
If not, someone would have died.
The cockroach in here
that has gone over to the traitors...
Know that you are a cockroach.
When we've fought so much in the game...
You're a cockroach.
It's so damn bad.
I react, I hope, like
the others with shock and disbelief.
A slightly tired
but well-functioning term.
Good morning.
Everyone in place? Good.
Someone around the table knows why
everyone showed up for breakfast.
The traitors didn't
eliminate anyone last night.
They've put three of you
on a death list.
-Oi! Okay.
- It was delicious, actually.
If I'm being completely honest,
I was a little happy to-
- that it was a death list and not
that one of us had been tempted.
But that means
that only the three
- who are in danger of being eliminated
in the coming night.
Here are three envelopes
from the traitors.
The first name
on the death list:
Shockingly, my name was on it.
Name Number 2:
- Magnus.
- It is expected.
I was absolutely sure
that my name was on the death list,-
- because I've gone under the radar.
No one has suspected me.
I don't think I got
my name on the block even once.
And the third name in danger
of being eliminated next night is:
-Yes, I understood that.
We thought of splitting up the group,
focusing on the ladies-
- and hope that the main focus
fell on Karina.
Magnus, Karina and Cathrine,
the race is not over for you.
You have one day to try
to secure yourselves.
Use it well. It is
a mercy that the traitors-
-rarely show their victims.
But you can't be here.
So you can go.
I'd rather be on a death list
and risk being eliminated,-
- than to suddenly realize that
someone has changed sides voluntarily.
The rest of you...
You are going to enjoy yourself today.
You have earned it.
Another guy's day?
Is it meat?
It is alcohol-free.
It is alcohol-free, because you will be
driving. But the atmosphere is the important thing.
You will have a dream day.
Enjoy yourselves. See you soon.
-Look everyone in the eye, and you drink.
Now grandma will be proud of me.
Your grandmother will be proud of me too.
The players divide into two cars
on their way to the mission.
In one car are those who will
fight for their continued existence.
One of us will win another shield,
if anyone wins a shield.
In the other car
there is zero concern to track.
-What do you think we should do today?
-I'm so excited.
They're going to have a hell of a time,
we're going to have a hell of a lot of fun.
This is the day of the guys, and
the most delicious drinks must be consumed.
Those on the death list, on the other hand,
should go into these boxes-
-and put on earmuffs. Because
now the guys are secretly going to-
-trying to increase the prize pool
in my little casino.
-Is it a casino?
- Sit down.
It is Hallvard Flatland
who should have been there.
Welcome to a day
you will never forget.
You should relax,
enjoy yourself and bet.
What you should bet on,
my friends, is these.
Oh my God!
This room
oozes psychopath vibes.
These must compete
against each other for a shield-
-which ensures the person in question from
being eliminated by the traitors tonight.
They will face each other
in several challenges.
Whoever wins the most challenges
wins the shield.
Of course, I hope
that Cathrine gets a shield.
It's the easiest thing for us
to deal with.
You must bet on who will win
each of the respective challenges.
And what should you bet?
The silver that you have earned.
-Oh my God.
So while you focus on the silver,
they will fight for their existence.
You don't have to worry about that.
You just have to make this one grow.
It's their day.
I'm kind of like that...
-So we can lose silver too?
- Yes, but that is not the focus now.
Shall we start
the first game?
In the first game
, they have to solve the Rubik's Cube.
I speak softly, because they won't
hear it. They must solve one page.
It is the side that has a color
that corresponds to their color.
You can bet one silver bar.
The odds are 3.
If you win,
you get two silver bars in addition.
I haven't bet much. There was
a time when I tried an online casino.
Then I quickly lost NOK 500.
So I never did that again.
Who do we think of the three
is best at solving the Rubik's cube?
I think Karina doesn't
have the patience for that.
She has said consistently that she
has no patience for petty things.
Magnus has the monkey grip.
He has his hands like that all the time.
I think he can be cold and quick
in stressful situations.
- I may have faith in Magnus.
-I think Magnus of them-
-is most keen on shields.
He is obsessed with making it happen.
Should we go for Magnus?
We are unanimous Magnus.
-Blue? So blue participant?
- Blue participant.
Blue player.
I know I'm getting pretty sweaty
at the thought of us four-
-must decide on the pot
everyone has participated in and built up.
Then you can remove the boxes.
What you see in front of you
is Rubik's cube.
You must solve one of the sides.
You must solve the side that has a
color corresponding to the box you are standing in.
First person to finish
wins this challenge.
Ready Set Go!
I have never solved a Rubik's cube.
I have a husband who has been
very strategic about it.
I've never been interested. There
is so much I can spend my time on.
- I know it's a system.
- The world's best takes five seconds.
I've never solved a Rubik's cube,
but solving one side-
-can't possibly be very complicated.
I don't think any of them
have done much with the Rubik's cube.
What I was most excited about was whether we
would stay until it got dark outside.
I can reveal that you have spent
more than five seconds.
-Magnus, congratulations.
You are the winner of the first challenge.
It was very nice
to win the Rubik's Cube.
Then I thought I should win
the whole thing, really.
It was a victory for the blue player.
That went really well.
Magnus solved it, as we thought.
And then...
Two extra silver bars.
Now I know we can afford
to lose a little, so now we can gamble.
Now we are ready for game number 2.
Now they will make a tower of nuts.
It is about making the highest.
When one of the players is satisfied with
his tower, he calls out "time".
Then everyone has ten seconds
to finish building.
The tower must remain
until I have measured all three towers.
This time you can bet
up to two silver bars.
-But one too?
- I'm almost two.
- It goes to my head.
-Who are you so sure about?
I like betting.
Shall not engage in any solicitation,-
- because it can quickly go crazy.
Who are you sure about here?
There's something about
Magnus' finger coordination.
But I also see Karina's calmness...
Did you see how impatient she was now?
Then she gives up.
Magnus is the one who doesn't give up,
I would say.
Let's run one now,
so we have one extra if we lose.
-Let's do it.
-Blue player?
And as last time: The odds are therefore 3.
Blue player wins, -
- the two of you go in plus once again.
Then you can lift the boxes away.
In this challenge
you have to make a tower of nuts.
Whoever builds
the tallest tower wins.
You have as much time as you want,
but when the first man shouts "time",-
-all three have ten seconds left.
Ready Set Go!
There are incredibly smooth nuts, so
building towers was extremely difficult.
You just shivered.
- My hand is shaky.
-I am shaking.
I see quite early on that I build
different towers than the other two.
I build based on three nuts
and not five, like the others.
It looks like Magnus is creating
a thicker foundation at the bottom.
Catherine does the same.
I think we shouldn't stress.
I just have to say that.
I feel that I have started smartly
and created a foundation.
and I had thought quite alike there.
I don't think the grip has much to say.
They are so small,
so there is motor skills in the fingers.
I have a lot of cartilage and very stiff
fingers. It doesn't help, unfortunately.
Since I build on three
and the other five, I build faster.
But there was a limit to
how high I could build too,-
- and still keep calm.
So I thought, "I'm cutting now."
If, in...
Then I panicked.
I should have looked at her rook, but
was preoccupied with hitting on someone else.
...four, three, two, one.
Let go.
4,5 cm.
- Shall we say 2.5?
-Yes it's okay.
2 cm.
Karina, you built the tallest
tower and thus won the challenge.
- Then it goes to the house.
-It goes well.
- We are still in the red.
- For so long.
Now it's time for the third
and final challenge.
They must now throw
a deck of cards into the air.
When they land on the ground, they will
be told three cards to find.
Save ace, queen of hearts
and the traitor card.
Get on the podium as quickly as possible.
And now, gentlemen, we're off to a bit.
Now you can bet
up to six silver bars.
Four grown men
running YouTube.
You can't hold them
responsible for gambling.
Let's think a little.
Who is the fastest to search?
If we bet two on each, we are
guaranteed to make a profit from here on out.
But it's a bit more fun to...
I'd rather be careful
and smart than boring and cool,-
- to be completely honest.
-What did you say now?
I'd rather be careful
and smart than boring and cool.
Shall we take a chance
and take three on Magnus?
Then we can win a lot.
- Here is the chance to earn a lot.
-Fuck it. Take three. I'm going blank.
- Let's gamble.
-Three on blue, Mads.
- Only three? You can win more.
- We can, yes.
-Here, here, here.
You have to gamble with the money you have,
and then we already have...
Then we may go down by two,
and that's fine.
-Three silver bars on blue player?
- Yes.
We took three on Magnus again.
We have faith in him.
Arman is most keen on gambling.
That's a point I can take up.
Then you can remove the boxes
in front of you.
What you see here is a deck of cards.
Karina, you can take the deck,-
-throw it over your head
so it lands on the floor.
Magnus, then you can do the same.
Why are you laughing at that?
You are about to start the
third and final challenge.
If Karina or Magnus wins it,
that person gets shield.
If Cathrine wins, it's 1-1-1.
Then there will be a replay.
This competition involves finding
three cards and placing them on the pedestal.
First person to do so wins.
The cards you will find are:
Save ace,
queen of hearts and the traitor card.
The traitor card
has the traitor logo on it.
Now I compete
against two sports minds.
The odds are against me.
I just have to shut it out.
We've worked our way out.
My first contribution is of course the
joker, but no, it's not.
I don't have ace of spades.
Then the traitor card reveals itself to me.
-I have. Here.
I think I even looked
away and thought, "He took the joker."
I think I
just finished first.
- I told you "bet more".
- I check if they have the right cards.
He has been wrong.
- The joker is not the traitor card?
- No.
I thought
the traitor card was the joker.
I should have realized
there was a dispute.
That it wasn't as simple
as it sounded.
We have a winner.
Magnus, you said "finished" first,-
-but you didn't have the traitor card.
It was the card with the traitor logo.
That means that the person who was number 2 to
finish, which was you, Cathrine.
-It was delicious!
Bra, Cathrine.
It also means
that you have one win each,-
- and that we are going into a rematch
for the shield.
Wear hearing protection.
That was three silver bars, boys.
Regardless of whether those up there
are traitors or not,-
- then I think we are in a bad position.
-Fucking gambling... -The
house always wins.
The house always wins.
It looked good, but a mix
-up of the joker and the traitor card makes-
- that these belong to me.
Now we will find out
who wins the shield.
The competition consists of
them each having their own cane-
- as they have to balance a ball on top.
They must hold onto the black field and
hold onto the ball until I say "start".
Then they drop the bullet. Whoever has the ball
on the stick the longest wins.
We can bet.
I want you to enjoy yourselves,-
-so now we're going to make it interesting.
You can bet up to three silver bars
left. The odds are 3, you bet one.
If you bet two, you get 4 in odds.
If you bet three, you get 5 in odds.
No, no, no!
It's their day.
When we get the offer of 5 in odds,
you have to start thinking a bit.
Especially when you have three
choices, you start to…
- You know who will take this one.
- It is not certain.
- I think Karina.
-Me too.
- Shall we take 5 on Karina?
- It could be Cathrine too.
- I don't have faith in Magnus anymore.
- No, he's finished.
Cathrine can also
be steady on the hand.
But Karina is a calmer person
who stresses less than Cathrine.
-Boys, three on Karina.
-Totally agree.
How angry do you think they'll be if they
find out we've lost all this?
- It's going well.
- They are the ones who lost it.
It's their fault, right?
Fuck it, I'm into gambling.
-What are you doing?
- We gamble three on Karina.
Red player.
And, to...
Then it's ready for a replay.
Whoever wins this
challenge wins the shield-
-and is therefore safe from being
eliminated by the traitors tonight.
Then you can remove the box.
Here you have a stick and a ball.
The competition
involves balancing the ball on top of the stick.
You hold the ball
until I say "ready, done, go".
Then you must leave immediately.
I'm good at balancing
a glass on my head.
I can walk and balance a glass
on my head. I figured it out now.
The one who manages to balance his orb
furthest on the stick wins.
Then you can line up.
I tried to balance it
before we were allowed to start.
I realized that it would be impossible.
Damn, that is!
I will be so happy!
It was actually a lot of fun.
Although it was very short.
I think I heard humming, and I
felt that they had no faith in me,-
- the sullen gang who sat there
and were supposed to enjoy themselves.
Yes, yes, the gang...
Did you see it coming?
I hope so, so to speak.
I don't think it matters much
that they didn't see us,-
- because I think they heard us
when it mattered.
I think they have some idea
that it didn't go our way, -
- because it was only once that we cheered.
Damn it, that is!
- I will be so happy.
-You are secured from being eliminated-
-of the traitors last night.
Cathrine gets a shield,
which was well deserved.
But there was no silver.
There was less silver.
-Hush, don't tell mum.
- We just have to wait until tonight.
Look, so little.
We have seven silver bars.
It's pretty embarrassing.
Good work.
Then you can go out the back here.
- They don't notice it.
- No, certainly not.
This is what you have left.
You have worked hard
for quite a few days.
The prize pool is now seven silver bars.
- Now you can go back.
-Did you have fun?
-Thank you for asking.
Look at his face. He is the one
who has eaten today, not us.
We had to hear.
I'll see you tonight.
Do you have many wonders here?
Father, you have many silver bars!
You can't say that now, when...
- No, that one... -
So embarrassing!
With a significantly reduced prize pool
not everyone has the same straight back.
I haven't felt so stupid
since I lost at poker in Las Vegas.
But when Mads gives us 5 in odds,
you have to go for it.
It would have been different if we won
it back. Then we would have won a lot.
But financial concerns
must be put on hold.
There are more important things to discuss.
I feel that Chris, Sander and Jonas
are extremely loyal to each other.
- But they have to stop doing that.
- They probably won't stop yet.
It was said several times today
that the probability is high for
- that it is a traitor among Chris,
Jonas and Sander.
And then it is in my interest
that more people also see
- that Sander and Chris
can be one of them.
-But you are sure about Chris?
- No, I'm not sure.
The way he has voted
strongly suggests that it is not him.
I'm probably trying to divert
attention away from Jonas.
-Jonas, do you trust Cathrine?
- I don't trust anyone.
It is so difficult today.
The players are at a loss, and
sometimes one is urged to think for themselves.
What I have learned so far
is to think for myself.
Separate games and emotions. I think
that may be the solution today.
We can also think a little today.
We haven't thought that well ourselves,
any of us, until now.
But it is important that...
We cannot give up now.
We must endure the race
and fight to the end.
-Does anyone want a sausage?
-No thanks.
I just grilled for the sake of grilling.
Damn, that looked nasty.
There are two reasons
why I trust Sander.
It's that we've gone
the same way several times-
-when it comes to first trying
to get Tonje away,-
- and that he also ended up
voting for Jørn.
It is strange that Sander refuses to
be given a leading role in this game.
It's a bit strange.
But Chris... He didn't seem
to think it was that weird.
He also had full faith in Jonas.
The damn thing after yesterday... I
have less faith in Arman than yesterday.
Yesterday I would rather
vote for Arman than Kim.
But I think less
that it is Arman today, -
-or do I just hope less
that it's Arman today?
What I think...
I know that I myself am loyal.
So it's either Karina and Arman,
or you and Chris or Sander.
One of the YouTubers.
I can't imagine Cathrine still being.
I rule her out a bit, and am
left with the two possibilities.
What has spoken against you, Jonas,
is that everyone who knows you has said-
- that you get nervous when you have to lie.
You can't lie.
I guess they just said
I get nervous in general.
I'm terribly worried
that I'm not saying it enough.
That I don't say enough
that of course I am 100% loyal.
But everyone can say that.
I completely agree.
I've been thinking about it lately.
Why haven't I been standing on the chair-
-and did people scream in the face
when they accuse me of things?
I can't stand it,
and I feel it is implicit.
I have a gut feeling about Jonas.
I kind of hope that Jonas is, -
-so I play with high cards now.
Do I continue to pitch Jonas-
- and he cheats and is a traitor,
then I'm 100% safe.
Then everyone is sure that I am loyal.
But if I push against Jonas-
- and he is loyal, I will finish
tomorrow around the table. 100% safe.
So I'm on the gamble today too.
But I'm willing to take the chance.
It is approaching
a new round in the council chamber.
It seems that Arman's risky play
against Jonas has influenced Sander.
If it ends up that Jonas smokes,
I know I'm safe.
- But I won't influence you.
- No, I see it.
You have to start
looking at all possibilities.
Everyone, regardless of whether they have
been banished now, has asked me:
"Do you trust Jonas?"
I have been consistent in saying:
"Yes, I have zero doubt.
Jonas is like this."
But he can also camouflage
those feelings into something else.
There could be different reasons
why he reacts the way he does.
I have to start
paying more attention to it.
I have been very
"those who are with me are loyal".
And then it hasn't worked.
Now you can see it, since there are fewer of us.
So far I have been shocked
every time it has gone my way.
I have survived tight situations,
been sure to be sent home.
I don't
know how I got here-
-without anyone wanting
to use me as an alibi.
That's because as a traitor
you also have to have some loyal-
- who can trust you
and think you are loyal.
There, one of you will come in
very well by keeping you here.
I have been used as a pawn.
Saying that I trust Jonas
is a great plan-
-for him as a traitor. It's brilliant
that I act as an alibi for him.
I have to dig. I have to look him
in the eye and see if he's lying.
Can we have a chat, Jonas?
Me and you?
I do.
- Shall we go upstairs?
- Yes, isn't that the best?
If I have experienced a lot here,
Sander has experienced four times as much.
He has had an emotional
rollercoaster of dimensions.
So if he is at the point where
he is able to vote for me today, -
-then I have to applaud him.
We've been on a team since day 1.
Do you think someone in our car
is playing a sick double game?
Because some people are being manipulated.
I know Arman
has you at the top of his list today.
Do you have a job war
that doesn't exist?
Did someone else pull the strings
so you two loyalists go against each other?
The position war between me and Arman
can be two loyal to each other.
I think so.
I have always trusted you,-
- because I had been able to see
if you were lying.
That's why
I'm completely blown away.
Yes, but just to take it first...
What I feel is difficult today,-
-when you suddenly have me at the top
of the block, is that...
I never asked for your trust.
As a traitor I would have used it.
But I never sent your voice
in a single direction.
Arman has your name on the block. But
I don't think it's Arman either.
- That's my problem.
- That's why I think Karina, maybe.
- It could be Cathrine too.
- Yes, it can be.
Arman mentioned Cathrine
right after the last council chamber.
"That would have been the sickest thing.
But it's possible."
Everyone mentions everyone today,
and everyone talks about everyone.
That's what's a bit exciting.
- You seem dead genuine.
- I just want to win.
So, as loyal.
But I have a stronger
feeling about Karina.
The council chamber today
will probably be my worst.
Painful as it is, his name
is at the top of my list today.
There is a good chance
that this will be my last council chamber.
But much depends on
what is said in the council chamber today.
I will try to send the voices
away from me as best I can.
I haven't decided.
It is only what is said around
the table that determines my vote.
I've gambled a lot in here.
Either you lose, or you win big.
That's the way to play.
The only thing I can defend voting
for is either Arman or Karina.
The chance of me being pointed at
in the council chamber by the traitors is high.
I don't decide what
I'm going to vote for until I'm sitting there.
Anything can happen in there.
På vei inn i rådssalen
er ingenting destined.
The arguments around the table become
decisive in saving their fate.
Thank you for today.
-First of all, congratulations on the shield.
-Thank you very much.
It ensures you against
being eliminated by the traitors,-
-but not against
being banished to the council chamber.
But it wasn't just a
battle for shields.
You also had the opportunity
to increase the prize pool.
Today you had the opportunity
to double it and well done.
But damn…
It did not work.
So, gamblers!
- He was so convincing!
- That's what I knew.
- It was 5 to 1 odds.
-5 in odds.
Apart from the one with the Rubik's cube,
did you miss them all?
The odds rose each time.
"Now we have to be more careful."
When that bonus round came,
we hadn't lost that much.
Then we could bet three again.
But then the odds were 1 to 5.
- Shall we look ahead?
We started this game
with 20 players.
Now we are left with the seven of you.
That means someone around this table
is going to win the game.
You loyalists, if you want to win,
you depend on-
- to expose and banish
all the traitors.
You only have the opportunity to
do that here in the council chamber.
So the question is:
How are you going to achieve it?
Now we don't play for silver,
but for glory, because all the silver is gone.
We have tried many
strategies in here,-
- and we have failed
extremely many times.
But what I feel we have done
differently this time,-
- is that we have tried to provide
blank sheets, we have tried...
I don't know
how blank sheets there are today.
I agree, Jonas.
It is bordering on impossible
to ask with blank sheets.
What I meant to say
was that we were concerned with-
- that we shouldn't color each other
so that we went into groups again.
So blank sheets
are hard to come by.
Nor should we,
because we have a history.
speaks in our favor.
Otherwise it will be wild guesswork. It
's a guess, but we have to bring something.
Karina I think I'm on me because of the way
I behaved the first day-
-when I was about to pee myself
from excitement.
I think I said it in here yesterday
too, that actually daring today-
-to stand in oneself...
If we're going to be able to go
one step further and take a traitor,-
-then we have to think for ourselves, and we have to stop
letting ourselves be moved in all directions.
And then it does, e.g. on me...
I feel more vulnerable.
And I think there are several
people around the table who do that.
And that is completely natural.
But we also have to think for ourselves.
We have often said,
"We must put aside our feelings."
But I think the feelings are an
important key to finding the loyal ones.
You can't just go by the feelings,
because there are concrete things-
-which also proves
that people are loyal and traitors,-
- but that you weigh those aspects a little.
Do you have anything concrete?
Concrete facts you can work from?
Who speaks the loudest
in the different groups?
In our car it was... It is Karina
who talks the most, perhaps,-
-even if everyone gets away with it.
I know that you, Cathrine,
listen to Karina a lot.
I have chosen
to believe in Karina all the way.
Karina has great influence.
And in our group, which has been Sander,
Chris and Jonas, I don't know.
I can't tell who
spoke the loudest.
Sander, Chris and half Jonas,
I'm leaning towards Jonas right now.
I lean slightly towards Jonas and Karina.
But they don't play in teams.
If it's Jonas, it's not Karina.
If it's Karina, then not Jonas.
I feel extremely exposed today.
I know there will be two voices here.
Or I feel it.
What's nice if it's Jonas
is that no one defends him.
I kind of don't know... I don't
know what I could have done differently.
All I've done
is try to catch traitors.
I wasn't even there when
we made it happen.
Maybe it looked stupid.
But I can say it.
I am not a traitor.
So it is said, at least.
If I go out today, none
of the votes came because they are absolutely certain.
And then I have done my part.
Then I interpret
that to mean that we are ready to vote.
This is an important choice.
Think carefully.
Typing the wrong name
can be fatal.
Then we can vote. Write the name
of the person you want to banish, -
-and put the disc down
when you've done it.
I never asked for your trust.
Had I been a traitor,
I would have used it.
But I never sent your voice
in one direction.
We start with Arman.
I have to continue to follow my
gut, so it will be Yonæs.
Thanks for the urbanization.
I've been working hard today
just to repeat myself-
- with what I have said before.
And... don't say anything
about my new thoughts.
Because at least I wanted there
to be no doubt about-
- that it comes from me.
Because I think that's what
has bitten me in the ass here.
That it has seemed as if it
has come from other places.
I think it's really cool,
but from my thoughts in my head-
-over the course of a long night,
I vote for-
As I saw
that Jonas wrote "Cathrine",-
- then my pulse popped
up in my throat.
At the same time, I think it's
something I have to use to my advantage.
A pressed man who in desperation
threw out a name.
Jonas is so smart that I
actually think that by doing that-
-actually tried to help me.
I feel that Magnus and Karina,
that you might have-
-the greatest emotional
distance to the game.
We have never voted anything the same,
we have never walked the same paths.
Magnus and I have that, so...
Then I ended up with you.
- I hope I'm wrong.
-You do.
Either there is a small conspiracy
against me today, -
-and you have all been deceived,-
- or it's a hair's breadth
that we'll be able to beat it.
I've really tried today
to allow myself to be open.
I've tried to consider
and I couldn't come up with any other way-
- than going by the feeling that...
The only emotion I've seen
that I think was clear.
And the experience of the importance
of justifying-
- that you didn't vote for Jørn, Jonas.
I didn't vote for Jørn either,
just so it's said.
- So I'm holding on to Jonas.
- Sander?
Today, as Chris says,
I have put a lot of effort into emotions-
-and looked both Jonas
and Cathrine deep into the eyes.
And I can't
imagine them lying.
I also complain
that those who voted for Jørn, -
-they lucked into
a correct result.
And then I'm left with two people.
The one I ended up with today
is unfortunately you, Karina.
This is without a doubt the most difficult
vote, I think.
I was trying to have
a little chat with you, Chris.
Because of you, I
hardly talked to you.
The fact that you are so sure
of your friends in here,-
-reinforces my suspicion of you again.
So that's why it says Chris on this one.
I have also been
back and forth a lot.
I can't read the
body language of any of you.
I have looked everyone in the eye
and asked if you are traitors.
I can't read anything.
I've tried to think independently-
-and don't listen to anyone.
So my choice fell on Jonas.
There was one vote for Chris,-
-one on Cathrine,-
-two on Karina-
-and three on you, Jonas.
It means you
are banished from the game.
Then you can go over there,
say goodbye and reveal to the others-
-what role you have had.
First let me just say
that I thought it was going to feel like shit-
- to get up from the table and leave here.
But it lifted my shoulders.
I've been saying that a lot lately when
fingers started pointing at me,-
- that this is damned difficult.
How to prove his innocence?
It is incredibly difficult.
But maybe that's just as well,
because I've been a very naughty boy.
-I'm a traitor.
-You are a traitor! Yes!
What did I say?
What did I say?
Pardon. I love you.
Sander, I especially apologize to you.
I have lied to you in the face
every single day.
Damn, Jonas!
You're not going to say sorry to me?
Apologies to you too.
It went well, but it wasn't
the outcome I had hoped for, -
-considering who
turns out to be a traitor.
-Good bye!
Very good job.
Jonas turns out to be a traitor.
This is a family program,
so you must censor this:
That bastard!
He has played the game
to such an extent,-
-and in the end
I haven't been able to read the guy.
The best thing about lying is admitting
what the truth actually is.
Congratulations, you found me.
I'm sure I didn't
make it easy for you.
I hope you had fun.
Is it fair to say that the tone
is different here now-
- than a day ago?
- It's safe to say.
-Congratulations to the loyal.
- It was bittersweet.
You have banished
your fellow traitors.
It also means that there is a fire under the
feet of someone around this table.
Sleep well
and we'll see what the night brings.
It was delicious.
- Cheers to his acting.
- I don't understand why I...
We have all been wrong,
many times. It's ok.
- I just feel so damn stupid.
-No no no.
- Remember that he has had that role.
-Yes I know.
It's just...
You're so...
-I wasn't supposed to...
-I know.
I have been so convinced
that Jonas has been good.
And now I feel so incredibly stupid.
It is very difficult
to disconnect personal feelings-
- and that it is a game.
-That is it.
- I feel very stupid now.
- You mustn't do that.
That's the way the game is set up.
That's how we see you, bro.
No, then.
But look like that...
Can we enjoy this a bit,-
- and not continue digging?
- You have been absolutely enormous.
Let's enjoy today and sleep well.
Let the traitor sleep badly today.
You know what I mean?
Let's make sure of that.
- A football speech.
- Now it's 2-2.
- Now it's 2-2, guys!
-We made it.
-And it's absolutely fantastic.
- It's not over.
No, and we live in the night,
all night through. And it's delicious.
The game is not over, but we must be able to
enjoy and celebrate good moments in life.
Don't just rush it and move on to the next one.
When something good happens,
enjoy it and enjoy it.
And then you take everything else afterwards.
When they talk about
the traitors deserving to lose...
To stand in it for so long,
at least when it contradicts-
- everything I stand for as a human being...
It deserves a win.
I mean that 100%.
Therefore, I will now drive on
and do everything I can.
It's so nice to finally
feel that feeling.
I'm just going to buckle down
and play this game eventually.
When a traitor is banished
and there is only one left,-
trumps this death list.
It no longer applies.
The traitor's remaining task
will be to choose which of the loyal-
-which must be forced over
to the other side.
Then it's the two of us.
I know you would like to see Jonas
here. You can thank me.
The good news is that you can now
bring in a replacement for Jonas.
If you know the rules, then you can now
not tempt, but force another.
And by can I mean must.
You must force one of the loyalists
over to your team.
It's very fun. Now I have experienced
a lot these cruel days.
But I have also known joy.
And I have known a hellish
violence that I have never known before.
When it happened today, I rejoiced.
For real.
The loyal now are so loyal.
And they start talking about how
to hint at each other and sabotage-
-and drive on if they...
No one
wants to go to this page.
- But they have to.
-Everyone plays for their own chances,-
-so I would think that whoever you force
over will not reveal their new role.
That person can't do that, and so
I've started to think a little about-
-who can best play me
and that person through to the final.
- There is not much time left.
- It dawned on me today.
My competitive instinct
came during the Count's time.
I have never been
so close to winning anything in my life.
And the finish line is right there.
So I must at least do everything
in my power to make it to the finish line.
The most important thing for me is actually someone
who I think is strong enough-
-to not change behavior based on
suddenly having a different role.
And also how we can
use each other tomorrow-
- to go all the way to the final.
It sounds like you've
decided on a name?
I have decided.
Jonas has made an agreement
with one of the other players.