Forræder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Jeg kriger med meg sjæl ass... - full transcript
In the previous game round,
the last trønder disappeared from the game.
"You are hereby eliminated."
It was no surprise.
Emil, it was absolutely wonderful
to get to know you.
After losing another loyal
Arman tried new methods-
- to expose the traitors.
-Write who you think is a traitor.
At least I try something.
Something that bore fruit,
when the loyal finally managed-
- to banish a traitor: Jørn. -
I am a traitor.
But when a traitor is banished,
the remaining traitors get-
-the opportunity to tempt a loyal one.
The choice fell on Sander.
- He had a great time with us.
- I would have loved to have him here.
This smells like trouble.
Ragnhild Meyer
It is night, and Sander has woken up
to a letter from the traitors.
In the sealed envelope
is a choice he must now make.
Will he remain loyal, or
will the temptation to get answers-
-and influence too great?
Is it game over?
"Do you feel alone? You are wanted
by us traitors, Sander."
Now I got an evil laugh.
It wasn't even on purpose.
This is the most excited
I've been in this entire process.
"Do you feel alone?"
is the first thing that stands here.
I don't feel alone at
all. I have a solid gang.
I don't want to eliminate
him, but will if he says no.
If I say no now,
I feel like it's my last day.
Fuck father. Now I feel a little of
that nervousness and tension-
-which the loyal know about all the time.
I have made my choice.
I have made my choice.
And my choice is that I…
Sander's choice is important, and sets
the tone for the rest of the game.
He accepts and leaves
to meet the traitors,-
-will the loyalists have
another traitor to expose.
Men takker han nei, kan
forræderne eliminere nok en lojal.
Come in.
Fucking luck!
Sander, you stupid boy!
Sander, din forbannede idiot!
I will take every single traitor.
I will remain loyal. It's on.
Now I was incredibly disappointed.
- Now you can eliminate someone.
-We will.
It is more important for me
to win this as a loyalist.
I have to calm my mind first
so I don't eliminate him in anger.
Think about it,
and make a well-considered decision.
I'll see you tomorrow.
We have to take him. He can't go around
saying he was recruited.
Sander, din lille gnome!
I had imagined that we would
ride off into the sunset with Cathrine.
I can't look people in the eye
like a traitor tomorrow-
- when I have been loyal today.
- Sander!
- I was so disappointed!
It becomes unethical, in fact.
-The little friend.
- Sander!
I see that revenge shines
in Jonas' eyes right away.
I don't want to lose him.
What do we do now, then?
After the night before they finally
succeeded in banishing a traitor,-
-the loyal
face a different morning.
I don't know what
happened last night.
Have they lost enough of a loyal one, or
are they facing a new traitor?
Am I the only one here?
I came in first. I was
very afraid that I would smoke.
So I was very relieved.
I hope there will be more.
I was afraid the traitors would come
and force me to switch sides.
It was nice that I was there alone.
I don't understand anything.
I'm sitting here alone.
I thought I was going to die last night.
The only reason
I'm not dead is because I have…
It was Cathrine
who came in next.
She had been in the shield room.
- It was very nice to see you.
- I fear that Sander...
- That Sander has been taken away?
-That's what I thought.
- I think they have recruited him.
Not being manipulated
is very difficult in here.
But I just have to ask:
Do you still have full faith in Arman?
No, I don't have full faith.
I'm pretty sure about Kim.
The only thing on my mind...
What did he vote for?
He voted for Jonas, I think.
- He didn't vote for Jørn?
- They can stand outside.
- We have to speak lower.
We whispered, because we know that there
might suddenly be someone outside.
Kim seemed very strange. I could see that she was
not happy that Jørn quit.
That Kim seemed suspicious
was the reaction when Jørn came out.
Everyone else had a real joy.
Kim's reaction was a little more…
She pretended to be happy.
Immediately afterwards, I looked at Kim
and said, "Are you feeling exposed now?"
She didn't vote for him. They have never
voted for or suspected each other.
Now we feel pretty sure who
it is. We think it's Kim and Arman.
When people come in, we have to look a little
extra. There may be a new traitor.
- Just so that you... -
We didn't think there was anyone here.
It was completely quiet.
What we are most excited about,
since we caught a traitor yesterday,-
-is if everyone comes back,-
- and that the traitors
have then tempted someone over to their team.
Do you think so? It is very
risky to try to do that.
Then they have either bet on
someone biting, which I doubt, -
-or they've screwed someone over,
which I think is the most likely.
- You said you were nervous about Sandra.
-Yes very.
-For Sandra?
- That she won't come back?
- But why her?
Because she hasn't been to the shield
room, and I know she's loyal.
- That's my feeling.
- She is not a suspect either.
Me and Magnus
have decided overnight
-that we are quite sure
who the traitors are now.
It's Kim and Arman.
A lot points towards him now.
- Against...
- Arman.
He has been very keen to point out that...
- We have to whisper.
-...that he would never send Hina out.
He's said it a thousand times.
But remember:
There are three traitors.
It may well be that he has not
been in the front seat to get her out.
But still, it is to his advantage.
-Oi! Hey!
-How are you guys doing?
- Are you excited about today?
I am a little tired.
I feel it.
I played with high cards yesterday
and it resulted in-
-that we got the main traitor out.
I think Jonas is a traitor.
But the consequence will come today.
You can feel all these feelings.
People who are suspicious.
Magnus voted for Jørn,
Chris voted for Jørn.
He voted for me.
Sandra voted for Jørn.
-And Sander voted for Jørn.
- What are you left with then?
That people cannot see
that Jonas is a traitor.
It's sick how he has managed
to fool all these people.
You and I voted for Jonas yesterday.
We can read a
lot out of the mood yesterday, because it was so random.
I have spent an extremely large number of hours
and the night's sleep to bring up
-how the votes have been cast,
what it means,-
-how can I
draw lines between.
And then there are two very clear names
that stand out: Kim and Jonas.
It is difficult for us to understand
what it is like to play as a traitor.
I think it's completely different.
You get a crystal clear picture.
Think how stressed we have been.
The traitors must have
had it ten times worse.
They walk around in
constant fear of being exposed.
I think
they also had a lot of fun.
If you're a traitor,
I think you serve time.
"It's a game."
It's much easier to screw everything up.
Yeah sure.
But it is difficult to…
It seems very much like
today is going the way of the traitors.
I've never really been as sure
that things are going our way as I am today.
So incredibly embarrassing
if I have to eat those words.
Either one has been recruited,
or one has died.
I think one is dead.
I'm guessing Sander. Unfortunately.
I think so too.
I'm a survivor.
-Are you alone?
-I am alone.
-Is it Sandra?
-Sandra is gone.
Yes, I knew it!
I am eliminated.
We don't deserve to lose him.
What harm does it do us if he goes
around saying he was invited?
- It doesn't really hurt us.
- No, because he is ours anyway.
Sander is very likely to
be a safe vote somewhere we want.
- He's not pointing at you or me.
I think we should take Sandra out.
She knows we have no shield.
Jørn pointed at her.
He was a traitor.
Yes, she is safe
because she was pointed out by Jørn.
So we should take her out.
Maybe it was easy to catch me,
because my name was cleared yesterday.
I'm so glad I stuck
around long enough to catch a traitor.
-Sandra is very nice, then.
- No one doubts that.
Love you all.
It's been great fun.
So I hope
the good guys win in the end.
I've been eavesdropping a bit, and did
n't hear a loud Bergens in here.
When Sander comes in, I think:
My sister Sandra was killed."
Then I had a real meltdown, because she
has been very good in here with me.
Bare to sek.
I'm just a little tired.
You're something about having to go around
convincing people that you're loyal.
You know with yourself
that what you are trying to do for the group-
-is for the good of the group,
but the group is unable to see it.
I notice that Sandra is awake
that she actually trusted me.
I am at war with myself.
I wasn't supposed to cry
at all.
I thought that's not going
to happen in a game. That it's going well.
But I have felt a lot of feelings
since day 1 and that with Hina.
So it's been like that... yeah.
Are you last?
Do you think you were the last, or
maybe she'll come back-
- and that one of you is recruited?
-It's not possible.
I was planning to sit
on the info for a while to find out-
-how many are left,
who is left.
But I flirted a bit
with the traitors tonight.
- You're a jerk.
- They sent letters...
- Now I got goosebumps.
They wondered if I felt alone.
- They wanted me over.
- I had to consider it a bit.
- Why did you say no, Sander?
Because now... It's okay that there
are games and I love everyone here.
But now it is a personal matter to take
any traitor out of this game.
-Damn father!
- So there was thinking last night.
But I am very glad to see you.
I am quite surprised, because
Sander is the one who has expressed himself-
- that he didn't want to be a traitor.
One thing about the traitors sitting here:
very cute.
It was a small smiley face
with a devil sign on it.
It was so close because of that smiley face.
- It also sounds a bit scary.
- I'm getting used to it.
We are pen pals now.
God tomorrow.
Have you ever played the whisper game?
Yes I have.
You will get to do that today.
You will be divided into two teams.
Both teams will try
to find the silver.
The team that finds the silver gets to
visit the shield room later today.
You will be allowed to divide into teams yourself.
One tip: Try to get on team-
- with someone who remembers well and is able
to have several thoughts in their head at the same time.
- Four four, then.
- It's a tip.
-Equal numbers on each team.
- We can only split in the middle.
Then me and Arman switch,
and then we split in the middle.
It's me, Karina, Kim and Cathrine,
and Magnus, Chris, Jonas and Arman.
Good. The first part of the assignment is
to find a team leader for each team-
- which will set the
foundation for the assignment.
It should be someone with a good memory
and good communication skills.
Once you have found the two, they can
come into the office and get more info.
-Karina, you go.
I hardly slept at all
last night, but...
- I fell asleep later than planned.
- I could well be number 2.
I end up in a group with the three guys.
Chris didn't sleep last night.
Jonas has also slept badly.
Magnus says he doesn't know.
- Shall I go, then?
- That's perfectly fine with me.
I can take it.
There is no problem.
-Do you have a good memory?
-Not really. I experience...
- Why are you sitting here, then?
-Because the group has appointed me to-
- that I am good at remembering things.
- I only read this once.
- So now you have to listen.
- We have to help each other.
"The silver is locked in a safe."
"This one is inside a house."
"Third door from the right,
then first door on the left."
"In this room
you will find the safe."
"You can find out the code to the safe
on the way."
- Then you can go out. Good luck.
The players have 20 minutes
to find a safe in a house.
They find the safe by entering
the house and taking the third one from the right,-
-then first door on the left.
In this room they will find the safe.
But in order to open the safe
and gain access to the silver-
-they must enter a three-digit code.
They find the code by collecting
numbers along the road and calculating their way
-to the correct code. The first team
to manage to open the safe,-
-also gets access to the shield compartment.
Then we are here.
Let's get this done.
Yes, but we're going for the silver.
The silver is the most important thing now, -
- because that's what we need.
We can do this.
Shall we say that the silver is in the safe,-
-or is there unnecessary information
at the start?
Those who were chosen as team leaders
because of their good memory-
-have all forgotten that it pays
to find numbers along the way.
The first thing we do is almost
pass the logs.
"How many logs?"
-10. Do you agree?
-Remember 10.
"You can find the code on the way."
The code is 10.
10, yes.
So forget the rest.
Now we're underway!
This is fun.
Come on.
We will find a safe in a house.
You will go to the third door on the left.
And then the first one on the right.
First door on the right.
It goes well.
We'll do it again. Do not stress.
-Third door on the left?
It can easily happen that it can be
on the right at the very end, -
-when you get to that room.
I'm trying not to confuse you.
But you'll find the code along the way.
The first number in the code is 10.
- Then it might be that I also find...
- You find one more clue now.
- I find a code I have to remember.
-10 plus that.
-Where can you find a code?
The players are divided into two teams.
They must remember the directions
to where the safe is-
-and at the same time collect numbers on the road,
and hope for the last link in the series-
-manages to solve the math
which gives them the code to the safe.
But then it was
these numbers for the code, then.
We have to cooperate a little
or we won't find it.
-Where are the next people?
- We're looking for a code.
Could the chickens be a code?
Aren't they oddly placed?
I didn't think about it.
I don't know how chickens are kept.
"How many chickens?"
Okay, fine.
- Are they little hens or chickens?
- No, so...
-Say what you're up to after me.
-Seven white...
- 17.
-Same here.
10, 17.
First door on the right.
House, door 3, right.
-House, door 3, door right.
Then it's on the left.
There is a safe.
And the code...
You must find
the third numerical code for the safe.
The first two are 10, 17.
-First door on the right.
- No, you start at three.
-And the code until now is 10, 17.
You will most likely have to find
the next part of the code on the way here-
- before you pass it
on to the next person.
-Third door on the right.
House, door 3, door 3 left,
door 1 right...
-When you say door 3, door 3 left...
-It's a short way of saying-
- third door on the left.
- Because it is 1.
- It's 1?
- Enter the third door on the left. Only that.
Now I remember it. Third door
on the left, first door on the right...
-First door on the right.
- We think very differently.
I haven't even looked.
I walk with blinders right past everything.
I didn't see the sheep,
because I was looking straight ahead-
-and tried to remember what
I had been told.
When I realized I didn't have a
number, I thought maybe the dispute is-
- that it wasn't a number.
It's more Chris's fault than mine,-
- because he has already counted chickens...
I wouldn't say
"look for a number", but:
"You have to find a number.
We counted chickens."
I was told to look for a
number, and passed on the same message.
I didn't see the new code part,
but here is what I have now:
Either there is one door
to choose at the start, or several.
If there are more doors,
it is the third door.
This is very simple.
No stress.
Wait, I have to visualize.
There are either one or three doors.
-Where is your left hand?
- Do I walk like that?
-No. You get it on the third.
-Not on the ring finger?
- No, the third one, so you remember.
Now you know. Third door on the left.
That's the first thing you should remember.
Fifth door on the left
and first door on the right.
-10, 17.
-Messi, Sanches. 10, 17 sitter.
-What are you doing with the safe?
- The code I have is 10, 17.
I'm afraid I missed...
-Should I look for more?
-I do not know.
- Take care of the ring. It is expensive.
- I'll take care of it.
10, 17.
The code is Messi, Sanches.
I love you, Magnus, but I
'm keen to get into the shield room.
Should I be here?
A stick, chicken...
No, this is just…
10, 17...
Outside the door is a picture
of logs, chickens and sheep.
Even then I realize
that they have made a mistake.
Because there had to be three two-digit
numbers, i.e. six digits in total.
I open the door
and then I see a bunch of doors.
I think: "Third door on the left".
I search the whole room
and open all the hatches, all the cupboards.
In the!
Sander and the blue team have gained
a small lead over the others.
But finding the safe is a challenge.
I'm not keeping up.
Is the difference between a safe and a
cash register for children that small?
I search the whole room,
open all the hatches, all the cupboards.
Then I find the only thing in the room
that you can write a code on.
I write 10, 17, and am
steel-focused that it can go.
I fell into the trap.
It takes me a second to realize
how stupid I actually am.
It is not possible to do that there.
It's not possible.
I am so extremely ashamed!
That's so stupid!
Oh my God!
While Sander is looking for new
objects to try the code on,-
-has Magnus, despite a lot of
misinformation, found the safe.
Then all that remains is to get
a three-digit code out of four numbers.
10, 17, and then there were six numbers
outside. But I have tried that.
- We have received the wrong code.
-Did you also have 10, 17? It's wrong.
- We couldn't do it.
- So far no silver?
-We found the safe,-
-but 10, 17 did not agree.
It is most likely
six numbers, not four.
- You have missed somewhere on the road.
-Is someone missing a number?
Can I just say one thing?
Have you ever seen so many sheep
in such a small area without thinking:
"Is that how they do things here?"
What kind of animal vision do you have?
I realized it wasn't
free range sheep they were dealing with here.
That both manage to miss
that thing, I don't quite buy it.
I was so embarrassed!
Quite embarrassing.
I felt Karina's eyes on me:
"Didn't you realize that?"
It is an extremely simple task.
- You can stand with the others.
-How many chickens were there?
You were 17.
- It was 18.
- No! Fuck father.
I think the viewers are shaking their heads-
-and with good reason think that we are
a bunch of chickens. Chicken brains.
The bad news is
that you didn't get any silver.
But there is one more bad news: You
can't meet in the shield room either.
So it was a bad day at work.
It's stupid not to get the silver, but good
that no one was allowed to enter the shield room.
It's better than someone getting
into the shield room and not me.
For me personally, the most important thing is
to take the traitors.
After a failed mission with zero
silver and no visits to the shield room-
-are the players motivated to
reveal a traitor in the council chamber,-
-so the day can still have
a happy ending.
There is no shortage of theories about
where the traitors are hiding.
It's kind of good to know that we were
in the same booth, both teams.
There is not one who feels
"I sabotaged my team", -
-"but everyone else managed it".
It would have been much cooler.
It's Arman and Kim
on my block today.
Arman started a good initiative
yesterday, but to save his own skin.
The focus was on him and Jørn.
Everything says that both were traitors,-
-so they would try
to shift their focus elsewhere.
- Jonas and I are quite vulnerable today.
-Yes absolutely.
That is where we are today,
it seems.
-I think so.
-What do you think about Kim, then?
A bit unsure.
What do you think?
- I think she is exposed today too.
I feel that it is between Kim,
Jonas and me now.
I think the group has seen it now.
How bad would it have been
to meet another one today?
Slightly calmer atmosphere today.
What is difficult now and the reason why
the mood is starting to drop,-
-is that you realize that there is someone
you have had a close relationship with-
-who is most likely the sly,
sneaky traitor.
I'll get myself something to drink.
What do you think?
It seems that it is an overwhelming
probability for Kim.
I don't bother
deciding who will vote for me today.
-Now I want to follow it...
I follow what the group I've been
most proud of all along is doing.
I hope you will not be surprised
if your name is mentioned.
No, I won't be.
- There is a lot that points towards that.
-I know.
I get it,
but can't say enough-
-how extremely poor choice it is.
Then you're completely off track.
-If the goal is to catch a traitor,-
-and it is my name
that is on the boards today,-
-then it just looks so fucking rubbish.
- Where should we put the focus, then?
- At least not on me.
Arman and Kim
are the only ones I can think of-
-may be the last two traitors.
But it could be that I have too
much self-confidence after Jørn smoked.
Do you have any suggestions for who?
The one I voted for yesterday
is my hunch.
But that's the only thing I have.
I have no more to go on than you.
Sandra smoked last night.
If I were a traitor, I wouldn't get
rid of the one-
-who was 100% sure
I was loyal.
It's a bit strategically stupid, maybe.
Why on earth
would I do that?
All mine are killed.
Yes, it is the perfect alibi.
You're going to feel stupid.
-We'll see.
- Yes, you'll see. You will get that.
I mean,
and this is dangerous to say, -
-but I completely agree with Kim.
But I'm not... If you saw
yesterday who Kim voted for...
She voted for Arman. Yesterday there was
a battle between Arman and Jonas.
- I also think that is strange.
-That's why I'm not 100% sure-
-paragraph number 2. And then I
think we have to go for it.
-And the only sure thing is Kim.
I understand that there is a lot of doubt
about Arman, but I choose to see-
-that Kim voted for Arman in the previous round .
That she chose to vote for Arman
is a pretty sure sign of-
- that Arman is not a traitor.
Then we are left with Kim and Jonas.
The reason she votes for Arman
is to possibly get him out.
And she helps send out
a traitor. She washes herself.
I think Kim has done it.
Be strategic.
If we believe the voices,
it's not him.
Well played to the traitors.
But now it's game against
the traitors.
I want to see
loyal from day 1 in the final.
What spoke for Arman
to me yesterday,-
-is that he is trying
to save his own skin,-
-as Chris did to Cengiz.
It's a bit to shift the focus
away from him and Jørn.
It screams that both
were traitors.
Arman and Kim... It's hard
for me to avoid the word-
-"I know it's them",
but everything points towards them.
That the two are
the remaining traitors.
It seems that the traitors
have played very carefully.
If I had been a traitor,
Good that you pointed that out.
If I am, hypothetically,
why should I choose-
-to suddenly come up with
an unexpected thing when everything is going my way?
We have to do something new today.
Everyone writes down on paper who
they think is the biggest traitor in the game.
Then we can talk about it before everyone makes
a decision and goes into the council chamber.
Everything can be interpreted both ways,
no matter what you do.
My biggest hunch is
still on Jonas.
If there were no traitors
on the death list,-
-then it would be most logical
to kill Sander-
-and get Anne B. Ragde back.
But if you are
not very fond of Sander-
-and rather kill Anne
to get my friend back...
That is the only hold
I have on Jonas.
Is it possible to ask
where the stand is today?
No, we're a bit...
It rather towards...
-I think so. What do you think?
- I have a strong feeling for Jonas.
I still think so.
If you feel that I am,
then you must say so.
But for me who is loyal,
it is the two names that stand out.
And I think there are two left.
I notice that Jonas,
although I think he is a traitor...
They trust him more than me.
So I'm looking forward to that day-
- they actually realized that Arman
was right. I hope that happens.
It can't be Jonas.
I don't think it's possible.
None of the arguments I've heard
hold any ground.
If it turns out
that Arman is loyal,-
- then I go more in that direction.
- Because it's not you, Jonas?
- No, unfortunately it is not.
Then it must be Arman. Why does
he suddenly have a crush on you?
Why have people suddenly
got a gut feeling about you?
Cengiz mentioned it.
Karina spoke to me yesterday.
She almost regretted it.
She thought it was ridiculous,
since it was based on the first day.
Kim first, then.
I am most sure of her.
- I'm almost more sure of Arman.
-Me too.
-The others are the opposite.
- It doesn't matter to me.
All I've done in here
is do my part as best I can.
I think people would have been very
disappointed if they found out it was me.
I really trust everyone,
except Kim and Arman.
I'm pretty sure about both.
We are very sure of Kim in particular.
I have to judge the mood
in the council chamber today.
I need to see how many people think
they will vote for me.
Maybe I'll have to make a tactical choice then,
and vote for someone else who is mentioned-
- to save my own ass.
Sandra thinks she has found
a clue that will reveal the traitors.
The players are motivated to
continue yesterday's trend-
-and probably banish a traitor
from the game.
But then the innocent must
defend themselves well.
It is not easy with
suspicious eyes directed at you.
When the door to the council chamber opens,
the pulse rises, -
- you get clammy hands,
and you feel enormous stress.
I feel like it's between Kim,
Jonas and me at this point.
I think the group has seen it now.
Shall we unveil?
It is not huge.
To my untrained eye
, the stack looks pretty much the same as yesterday.
Something a little more cheerful: Last time
we were here, you finally managed-
- to banish a traitor.
And that resulted in
full cheers from everyone.
Have you finally cracked the code?
Do you realize now who
perhaps cheered louder on the outside -
-than they actually did on the inside?
What did you do that was so good yesterday?
It was just luck, really.
But we think that was the
first domino to fall.
What will it take to recreate that
to manage to banish another traitor?
To see who cheered louder
on the outside than on the inside.
-Do you have any theories?
My theory yesterday was Kim.
It looked like you were cheering more
on the outside than on the inside.
And then there is Arman.
It's just the gut feeling.
I think Kim seemed very strange
after Jørn was voted out.
It was as if she wasn't really
as happy as the rest of us.
I don't even know how
to cheer more on utsi...
This is a big cheer on the outside:
But not on the inside?
He must have seen something
I never saw.
-What do you think about that, Kim?
-It doesn't come as a shock-
- that more people have
that gut feeling inside.
It's just very frustrating
to know that if you vote for me,-
-then you don't
just send home a loyal one,-
-but one more of you
will be killed during the night.
That is the consequence of that.
And I am fully aware of that.
And it's not you.
For me, who
has also had a number of suspicions corrected-
-based on what happened yesterday...
-Who voted for Jørn?
There are already three pieces
for me that will be lost.
And then there are two names left:
Jonas and Kim.
If you're going to pick two
that you think are traitors...
I can't pick two,
I will vote for Arman
because I did yesterday,-
- and because that gut feeling,
which is so razor thin...
The only one I can
imagine is a traitor.
I can't imagine anyone
else. I have nothing to go on.
I have chosen
to put all emotions away.
The only thing I have done is go into
the previous round's voting.
The chance that those who are traitors
in here have been strategic-
-and voted for Jørn to free
himself... I don't think so.
Arman and Jonas,
you voted for each other.
If you two are traitors,
it's very easy game-
- to vote for each other.
I have told Cathrine many times
that I trust her so much.
Then there remains you, Kim,
which I am unable to account for.
I understand that very well,
but I'm just saying.
That then one of you dies.
Just so you guys are aware.
Then someone dies.
I feel like a person who
is basically pretty good at-
-to reassure and persuade, but now
I can't say anything else-
- than that I am loyal.
I have the impression
that many of you have made up your mind.
Is it the case that what happens in the next
few minutes has no significance?
- It sounds a bit like that.
-What worked so well yesterday,-
- was that someone caught on to what
was happening around the table.
Shouldn't you give it
a chance today too?
soon as a traitor is brought to light,-
-then it is easier to start
deciphering other things from people here.
My tactics have changed
quite drastically from the start.
At first it was just a rush
to find a traitor.
Then it was about forming
a group that I hold close-
- and feel that I trust enough. It
's Jonas, Chris, Cathrine and Magnus-
-which has been
since quite some time back.
- One of them might be a traitor.
-I may well be wrong,-
-but I feel that the trust
that has been built in that group,-
- trumps through the tiny little
thing that can go crazy today.
There are some people
you get close to.
But what has pulled me
in that direction today,-
-and I'm still unsure about you,
Arman, just to emphasize that...
But you were clear yesterday
about that with Kim.
And then Karina came to me today.
You have rarely been as clear
with me as you were today.
That makes me more certain
that it's you, Kim.
There was also more at stake: the
possibility of a visit to the shield room.
My impression when I informed
you about it in the breakfast room was-
- that it had nothing to say.
Does everyone feel safe
from being eliminated?
Think you
've caught all the traitors?
I'll back that up a bit.
I felt sure of-
- that we had a traitor at
breakfast. Now I'm more unsure.
If we don't take a traitor tonight,
I certainly don't feel safe.
We are so few
that all loyalists here are exposed.
But this morning
we felt a lot more secure about-
- that we were going to catch a traitor.
-Have you changed your mind?
After all, I said that I
shouldn't play on emotions today.
And so I
will continue to believe what I saw-
- based on the vote yesterday.
- I don't care about it.
But you are making a big mistake.
And it's fucking annoying.
As loyal,
when you've been so all along-
-and manage to have a euphoric
experience like the one we had yesterday...
Knowing that you are now going
to make such a sick mistake,-
-it bothers me.
It really bothers me.
That's why I'm so tired today.
I felt I sacrificed myself for the group.
And it had the exact opposite effect
than I had hoped for, -
- although I saw that it was a risk.
It's a bit crazy,
and it's been a hard day for me.
But I've also said that
if you're really that unsure about-
-that I am, it is almost better
that you take me today,-
-gets it done,
so the loyal can win.
We don't gain anything from
taking out a loyalist anyway.
If we take you out,
we are exactly the same.
In the council chamber, I become more and more
unsure whether it is Kim.
I am also unsure
whether it is Arman.
I'd rather go out here
than be killed at night.
Sorry, but it's actually
a dream to stand there-
-and tell you that you
're thick-skinned, all of you.
- We have become used to it.
- Me too, so I know the feeling.
We are not thick-skinned as long as
we have nothing better to do.
But if it's only me you have on the
block, we can just go to a vote.
The main point is that
suspicion is not directed elsewhere -
- than where we were already.
That you focus on Arman-
-just seems like a traitor
who wants to get further than the other.
I have not focused on Arman.
I voted for Arman yesterday too.
But the gut feeling is razor thin.
It's just a little hunch.
I have nothing to go on.
The talk in the council chamber... I don't know...
It's a bit like that...
We all think we should try
to talk and find out something.
But then everyone has actually decided
which direction to go.
It feels like you are a little closed off.
One is not open
to opening one's eyes.
Are we ready to vote,
or does anyone want to say any last words?
There is a different energy level,
tension level here than before.
I think people are mentally exhausted.
And that they feel the pressure.
Then the last word has been said.
Then it's time for voting.
I'm voting for Kim,
but I'm very unsure.
It is between me and Kim,
not between me and Jonas.
So then I have to go after Kim, because I
want to be, to that extent, me too.
Then I suggest that we start
with team leader Hollekim today.
It's hard to put the
feelings away, but I've chosen-
-to hold on to what I think I see.
I understand that.
That's okay.
As I said, I
don't have much else to go on-
-than a tiny little gut feeling.
So I choose you, Arman.
I recognize
many of the thoughts of everyone-
- who have been active
around the table today.
I have a little doubt because the person
argues extremely well for himself.
But I stand by what I thought
this morning. Unfortunately it will be Kim.
It is okay.
Not being emotionally affected
is impossible.
- That's it.
- But I vote for you.
I have also become much more insecure.
I think you seem very credible.
It's because I am.
I'm afraid we've been wrong,
but I've also gone for it-
-I originally thought,
and it's Kim.
For me, there has been a lot
between Jonas and Kim. Mostly Jonas.
But I've also realized
that it's between me and Kim.
And then I have to take Kim.
I also stand my ground.
Of course a heart
to indicate love.
Thank you a lot.
Unfortunately, I have no heart,
but I am very fond of you.
Thank you very much.
Equally, all of them.
And it's a game.
I don't need to say anything more?
Can I get up?
You can do that, because you can count.
Seven votes for you, one for Arman.
It means you
are banished from the game.
Then you can stand here
and say a few last words, -
-and once and for all reveal
what role you have played.
Dear go gang.
So cool, then.
Dear everyone.
What a party this has been.
I have eaten a lot
and learned a lot.
Had a great time, fun, exciting...
All in one.
But the big headline
I want to put on this stay, -
- it's only positive.
I'm terribly sorry
that you are so thick-skinned.
I've said it:
I'm loyal.
I have felt all day
that it was going to go this way.
Then I feel
an enormous gratitude for-
- that I am allowed to stand on that
staircase and call them fat.
Because they are.
I was completely convinced.
But I've also been in the thick of
it many times in that room.
And I don't think anyone in there
is bad, not even the traitors.
I just find them
a bit annoying right now.
I just have to say one thing:
The traitors around the table are absolutely raw.
For that...
We have walked in it
as we have done many times before.
That we are all together, but...
It seemed to me that you hardly
believed your voice.
-Among other things...
-I regretted it as soon as I...
Once we've written a name
and turned the board over, it's done.
I saw by her reaction
that it wasn't her.
It's incredibly embarrassing.
For people watching this at home, it must
seem incredibly easy. It is not.
Those who are traitors are
doing an incredibly good job.
They spend a lot of time together, but
manage to hide it from the rest of us.
We have to stop
listening to each other.
Quite frankly.
We have to end it.
- Haven't you said that many times?
- It's getting narrower.
When someone has thought something wise,
and everyone does the best they can, but...
We have to end it.
Quite frankly.
Take a look around the table.
Know that there are
traitors among you.
Sleep well if you can make it,
and we'll see what the night brings.
Fuck hell.
Today we have been
thoroughly manipulated.
Today we have been
thoroughly manipulated.
Never trust anyone.
I have to start setting my eyes on the
gang I've trusted all along.
Jonas, Chris, Cathrine...
My closest ones.
And it hurts so much!
But I don't think of those
who are left here...
They are so calculated, it seems.
Jørn was a bad liar.
Everyone here has had a finger pointed at them.
Me too.
Cathrine is perhaps
the only one no one has suspected.
Just think...
But then she has played...
But if she is... Damn,
she's played great.
Then I have to ask mum and dad
if they have been secret agents.
It is very difficult
to look up.
But for me, Jonas is a traitor.
And now I'm starting to be
very unsure about Cathrine.
- If it ends up being her...
- That would be completely insane.
No one has looked at her.
She has sailed all the way.
And if now she is a traitor,
then she has played insanely well!
Since everyone is extremely aware
that there are strong traitors…
People talk about Jørn.
He opened his mouth
and played himself, really.
The best I can do for the group,
which I love, -
-is to play as well as I can.
Come in.
- Hello!
-Thanks for last.
Can't you have a speech like in the
council chamber and say how good we are?
- We need some words of praise.
- That's what I was going to say.
Now it seems like you're on call,
but you're doing really well.
I am impressed.
From what I hear in the council chamber,-
- it seems like you are the one
who gets the most pride in here.
We are happy to receive a compliment.
Getting a little pat on the back
from Mads Hansen himself today, -
- it was good for the traitor gang.
Tonight you will not eliminate anyone.
Now the death list is in play.
As stated in the rules,
as the game master, I can-
- up to two times
ask you to set up a death list.
You guys know how to do it.
Choose three names that are then in danger.
You must eliminate
one of them the next night.
- See you at breakfast tomorrow.
- We do.
I knew something was up.
Last time we got a death list,-
- fortunately we thought a little longer
than what we initially concluded.
So what we're going to do in you
is to do the same.
Should I just throw out a suggestion?
Karina, Magnus and Arman.
Karina and Arman
are good candidates for the death list.
But what happens if Magnus is there?
What happens if Chris is there?
But look how naked we stand outside.
Sander, you and me.
Yes, that's a good point.
What about me, Karina and Arman?
This is hard.
- But then we have made up our minds.
-We have that.
It was a difficult choice,
but the wisest thing we could have done.
Difficult choice
of the worst option.
- I would like to liquidate someone.
- We'll have to wait for that.
Dear loyal.
I wish you win.
But I refuse
to make it easy for you.
But try, then, to find me.
the last trønder disappeared from the game.
"You are hereby eliminated."
It was no surprise.
Emil, it was absolutely wonderful
to get to know you.
After losing another loyal
Arman tried new methods-
- to expose the traitors.
-Write who you think is a traitor.
At least I try something.
Something that bore fruit,
when the loyal finally managed-
- to banish a traitor: Jørn. -
I am a traitor.
But when a traitor is banished,
the remaining traitors get-
-the opportunity to tempt a loyal one.
The choice fell on Sander.
- He had a great time with us.
- I would have loved to have him here.
This smells like trouble.
Ragnhild Meyer
It is night, and Sander has woken up
to a letter from the traitors.
In the sealed envelope
is a choice he must now make.
Will he remain loyal, or
will the temptation to get answers-
-and influence too great?
Is it game over?
"Do you feel alone? You are wanted
by us traitors, Sander."
Now I got an evil laugh.
It wasn't even on purpose.
This is the most excited
I've been in this entire process.
"Do you feel alone?"
is the first thing that stands here.
I don't feel alone at
all. I have a solid gang.
I don't want to eliminate
him, but will if he says no.
If I say no now,
I feel like it's my last day.
Fuck father. Now I feel a little of
that nervousness and tension-
-which the loyal know about all the time.
I have made my choice.
I have made my choice.
And my choice is that I…
Sander's choice is important, and sets
the tone for the rest of the game.
He accepts and leaves
to meet the traitors,-
-will the loyalists have
another traitor to expose.
Men takker han nei, kan
forræderne eliminere nok en lojal.
Come in.
Fucking luck!
Sander, you stupid boy!
Sander, din forbannede idiot!
I will take every single traitor.
I will remain loyal. It's on.
Now I was incredibly disappointed.
- Now you can eliminate someone.
-We will.
It is more important for me
to win this as a loyalist.
I have to calm my mind first
so I don't eliminate him in anger.
Think about it,
and make a well-considered decision.
I'll see you tomorrow.
We have to take him. He can't go around
saying he was recruited.
Sander, din lille gnome!
I had imagined that we would
ride off into the sunset with Cathrine.
I can't look people in the eye
like a traitor tomorrow-
- when I have been loyal today.
- Sander!
- I was so disappointed!
It becomes unethical, in fact.
-The little friend.
- Sander!
I see that revenge shines
in Jonas' eyes right away.
I don't want to lose him.
What do we do now, then?
After the night before they finally
succeeded in banishing a traitor,-
-the loyal
face a different morning.
I don't know what
happened last night.
Have they lost enough of a loyal one, or
are they facing a new traitor?
Am I the only one here?
I came in first. I was
very afraid that I would smoke.
So I was very relieved.
I hope there will be more.
I was afraid the traitors would come
and force me to switch sides.
It was nice that I was there alone.
I don't understand anything.
I'm sitting here alone.
I thought I was going to die last night.
The only reason
I'm not dead is because I have…
It was Cathrine
who came in next.
She had been in the shield room.
- It was very nice to see you.
- I fear that Sander...
- That Sander has been taken away?
-That's what I thought.
- I think they have recruited him.
Not being manipulated
is very difficult in here.
But I just have to ask:
Do you still have full faith in Arman?
No, I don't have full faith.
I'm pretty sure about Kim.
The only thing on my mind...
What did he vote for?
He voted for Jonas, I think.
- He didn't vote for Jørn?
- They can stand outside.
- We have to speak lower.
We whispered, because we know that there
might suddenly be someone outside.
Kim seemed very strange. I could see that she was
not happy that Jørn quit.
That Kim seemed suspicious
was the reaction when Jørn came out.
Everyone else had a real joy.
Kim's reaction was a little more…
She pretended to be happy.
Immediately afterwards, I looked at Kim
and said, "Are you feeling exposed now?"
She didn't vote for him. They have never
voted for or suspected each other.
Now we feel pretty sure who
it is. We think it's Kim and Arman.
When people come in, we have to look a little
extra. There may be a new traitor.
- Just so that you... -
We didn't think there was anyone here.
It was completely quiet.
What we are most excited about,
since we caught a traitor yesterday,-
-is if everyone comes back,-
- and that the traitors
have then tempted someone over to their team.
Do you think so? It is very
risky to try to do that.
Then they have either bet on
someone biting, which I doubt, -
-or they've screwed someone over,
which I think is the most likely.
- You said you were nervous about Sandra.
-Yes very.
-For Sandra?
- That she won't come back?
- But why her?
Because she hasn't been to the shield
room, and I know she's loyal.
- That's my feeling.
- She is not a suspect either.
Me and Magnus
have decided overnight
-that we are quite sure
who the traitors are now.
It's Kim and Arman.
A lot points towards him now.
- Against...
- Arman.
He has been very keen to point out that...
- We have to whisper.
-...that he would never send Hina out.
He's said it a thousand times.
But remember:
There are three traitors.
It may well be that he has not
been in the front seat to get her out.
But still, it is to his advantage.
-Oi! Hey!
-How are you guys doing?
- Are you excited about today?
I am a little tired.
I feel it.
I played with high cards yesterday
and it resulted in-
-that we got the main traitor out.
I think Jonas is a traitor.
But the consequence will come today.
You can feel all these feelings.
People who are suspicious.
Magnus voted for Jørn,
Chris voted for Jørn.
He voted for me.
Sandra voted for Jørn.
-And Sander voted for Jørn.
- What are you left with then?
That people cannot see
that Jonas is a traitor.
It's sick how he has managed
to fool all these people.
You and I voted for Jonas yesterday.
We can read a
lot out of the mood yesterday, because it was so random.
I have spent an extremely large number of hours
and the night's sleep to bring up
-how the votes have been cast,
what it means,-
-how can I
draw lines between.
And then there are two very clear names
that stand out: Kim and Jonas.
It is difficult for us to understand
what it is like to play as a traitor.
I think it's completely different.
You get a crystal clear picture.
Think how stressed we have been.
The traitors must have
had it ten times worse.
They walk around in
constant fear of being exposed.
I think
they also had a lot of fun.
If you're a traitor,
I think you serve time.
"It's a game."
It's much easier to screw everything up.
Yeah sure.
But it is difficult to…
It seems very much like
today is going the way of the traitors.
I've never really been as sure
that things are going our way as I am today.
So incredibly embarrassing
if I have to eat those words.
Either one has been recruited,
or one has died.
I think one is dead.
I'm guessing Sander. Unfortunately.
I think so too.
I'm a survivor.
-Are you alone?
-I am alone.
-Is it Sandra?
-Sandra is gone.
Yes, I knew it!
I am eliminated.
We don't deserve to lose him.
What harm does it do us if he goes
around saying he was invited?
- It doesn't really hurt us.
- No, because he is ours anyway.
Sander is very likely to
be a safe vote somewhere we want.
- He's not pointing at you or me.
I think we should take Sandra out.
She knows we have no shield.
Jørn pointed at her.
He was a traitor.
Yes, she is safe
because she was pointed out by Jørn.
So we should take her out.
Maybe it was easy to catch me,
because my name was cleared yesterday.
I'm so glad I stuck
around long enough to catch a traitor.
-Sandra is very nice, then.
- No one doubts that.
Love you all.
It's been great fun.
So I hope
the good guys win in the end.
I've been eavesdropping a bit, and did
n't hear a loud Bergens in here.
When Sander comes in, I think:
My sister Sandra was killed."
Then I had a real meltdown, because she
has been very good in here with me.
Bare to sek.
I'm just a little tired.
You're something about having to go around
convincing people that you're loyal.
You know with yourself
that what you are trying to do for the group-
-is for the good of the group,
but the group is unable to see it.
I notice that Sandra is awake
that she actually trusted me.
I am at war with myself.
I wasn't supposed to cry
at all.
I thought that's not going
to happen in a game. That it's going well.
But I have felt a lot of feelings
since day 1 and that with Hina.
So it's been like that... yeah.
Are you last?
Do you think you were the last, or
maybe she'll come back-
- and that one of you is recruited?
-It's not possible.
I was planning to sit
on the info for a while to find out-
-how many are left,
who is left.
But I flirted a bit
with the traitors tonight.
- You're a jerk.
- They sent letters...
- Now I got goosebumps.
They wondered if I felt alone.
- They wanted me over.
- I had to consider it a bit.
- Why did you say no, Sander?
Because now... It's okay that there
are games and I love everyone here.
But now it is a personal matter to take
any traitor out of this game.
-Damn father!
- So there was thinking last night.
But I am very glad to see you.
I am quite surprised, because
Sander is the one who has expressed himself-
- that he didn't want to be a traitor.
One thing about the traitors sitting here:
very cute.
It was a small smiley face
with a devil sign on it.
It was so close because of that smiley face.
- It also sounds a bit scary.
- I'm getting used to it.
We are pen pals now.
God tomorrow.
Have you ever played the whisper game?
Yes I have.
You will get to do that today.
You will be divided into two teams.
Both teams will try
to find the silver.
The team that finds the silver gets to
visit the shield room later today.
You will be allowed to divide into teams yourself.
One tip: Try to get on team-
- with someone who remembers well and is able
to have several thoughts in their head at the same time.
- Four four, then.
- It's a tip.
-Equal numbers on each team.
- We can only split in the middle.
Then me and Arman switch,
and then we split in the middle.
It's me, Karina, Kim and Cathrine,
and Magnus, Chris, Jonas and Arman.
Good. The first part of the assignment is
to find a team leader for each team-
- which will set the
foundation for the assignment.
It should be someone with a good memory
and good communication skills.
Once you have found the two, they can
come into the office and get more info.
-Karina, you go.
I hardly slept at all
last night, but...
- I fell asleep later than planned.
- I could well be number 2.
I end up in a group with the three guys.
Chris didn't sleep last night.
Jonas has also slept badly.
Magnus says he doesn't know.
- Shall I go, then?
- That's perfectly fine with me.
I can take it.
There is no problem.
-Do you have a good memory?
-Not really. I experience...
- Why are you sitting here, then?
-Because the group has appointed me to-
- that I am good at remembering things.
- I only read this once.
- So now you have to listen.
- We have to help each other.
"The silver is locked in a safe."
"This one is inside a house."
"Third door from the right,
then first door on the left."
"In this room
you will find the safe."
"You can find out the code to the safe
on the way."
- Then you can go out. Good luck.
The players have 20 minutes
to find a safe in a house.
They find the safe by entering
the house and taking the third one from the right,-
-then first door on the left.
In this room they will find the safe.
But in order to open the safe
and gain access to the silver-
-they must enter a three-digit code.
They find the code by collecting
numbers along the road and calculating their way
-to the correct code. The first team
to manage to open the safe,-
-also gets access to the shield compartment.
Then we are here.
Let's get this done.
Yes, but we're going for the silver.
The silver is the most important thing now, -
- because that's what we need.
We can do this.
Shall we say that the silver is in the safe,-
-or is there unnecessary information
at the start?
Those who were chosen as team leaders
because of their good memory-
-have all forgotten that it pays
to find numbers along the way.
The first thing we do is almost
pass the logs.
"How many logs?"
-10. Do you agree?
-Remember 10.
"You can find the code on the way."
The code is 10.
10, yes.
So forget the rest.
Now we're underway!
This is fun.
Come on.
We will find a safe in a house.
You will go to the third door on the left.
And then the first one on the right.
First door on the right.
It goes well.
We'll do it again. Do not stress.
-Third door on the left?
It can easily happen that it can be
on the right at the very end, -
-when you get to that room.
I'm trying not to confuse you.
But you'll find the code along the way.
The first number in the code is 10.
- Then it might be that I also find...
- You find one more clue now.
- I find a code I have to remember.
-10 plus that.
-Where can you find a code?
The players are divided into two teams.
They must remember the directions
to where the safe is-
-and at the same time collect numbers on the road,
and hope for the last link in the series-
-manages to solve the math
which gives them the code to the safe.
But then it was
these numbers for the code, then.
We have to cooperate a little
or we won't find it.
-Where are the next people?
- We're looking for a code.
Could the chickens be a code?
Aren't they oddly placed?
I didn't think about it.
I don't know how chickens are kept.
"How many chickens?"
Okay, fine.
- Are they little hens or chickens?
- No, so...
-Say what you're up to after me.
-Seven white...
- 17.
-Same here.
10, 17.
First door on the right.
House, door 3, right.
-House, door 3, door right.
Then it's on the left.
There is a safe.
And the code...
You must find
the third numerical code for the safe.
The first two are 10, 17.
-First door on the right.
- No, you start at three.
-And the code until now is 10, 17.
You will most likely have to find
the next part of the code on the way here-
- before you pass it
on to the next person.
-Third door on the right.
House, door 3, door 3 left,
door 1 right...
-When you say door 3, door 3 left...
-It's a short way of saying-
- third door on the left.
- Because it is 1.
- It's 1?
- Enter the third door on the left. Only that.
Now I remember it. Third door
on the left, first door on the right...
-First door on the right.
- We think very differently.
I haven't even looked.
I walk with blinders right past everything.
I didn't see the sheep,
because I was looking straight ahead-
-and tried to remember what
I had been told.
When I realized I didn't have a
number, I thought maybe the dispute is-
- that it wasn't a number.
It's more Chris's fault than mine,-
- because he has already counted chickens...
I wouldn't say
"look for a number", but:
"You have to find a number.
We counted chickens."
I was told to look for a
number, and passed on the same message.
I didn't see the new code part,
but here is what I have now:
Either there is one door
to choose at the start, or several.
If there are more doors,
it is the third door.
This is very simple.
No stress.
Wait, I have to visualize.
There are either one or three doors.
-Where is your left hand?
- Do I walk like that?
-No. You get it on the third.
-Not on the ring finger?
- No, the third one, so you remember.
Now you know. Third door on the left.
That's the first thing you should remember.
Fifth door on the left
and first door on the right.
-10, 17.
-Messi, Sanches. 10, 17 sitter.
-What are you doing with the safe?
- The code I have is 10, 17.
I'm afraid I missed...
-Should I look for more?
-I do not know.
- Take care of the ring. It is expensive.
- I'll take care of it.
10, 17.
The code is Messi, Sanches.
I love you, Magnus, but I
'm keen to get into the shield room.
Should I be here?
A stick, chicken...
No, this is just…
10, 17...
Outside the door is a picture
of logs, chickens and sheep.
Even then I realize
that they have made a mistake.
Because there had to be three two-digit
numbers, i.e. six digits in total.
I open the door
and then I see a bunch of doors.
I think: "Third door on the left".
I search the whole room
and open all the hatches, all the cupboards.
In the!
Sander and the blue team have gained
a small lead over the others.
But finding the safe is a challenge.
I'm not keeping up.
Is the difference between a safe and a
cash register for children that small?
I search the whole room,
open all the hatches, all the cupboards.
Then I find the only thing in the room
that you can write a code on.
I write 10, 17, and am
steel-focused that it can go.
I fell into the trap.
It takes me a second to realize
how stupid I actually am.
It is not possible to do that there.
It's not possible.
I am so extremely ashamed!
That's so stupid!
Oh my God!
While Sander is looking for new
objects to try the code on,-
-has Magnus, despite a lot of
misinformation, found the safe.
Then all that remains is to get
a three-digit code out of four numbers.
10, 17, and then there were six numbers
outside. But I have tried that.
- We have received the wrong code.
-Did you also have 10, 17? It's wrong.
- We couldn't do it.
- So far no silver?
-We found the safe,-
-but 10, 17 did not agree.
It is most likely
six numbers, not four.
- You have missed somewhere on the road.
-Is someone missing a number?
Can I just say one thing?
Have you ever seen so many sheep
in such a small area without thinking:
"Is that how they do things here?"
What kind of animal vision do you have?
I realized it wasn't
free range sheep they were dealing with here.
That both manage to miss
that thing, I don't quite buy it.
I was so embarrassed!
Quite embarrassing.
I felt Karina's eyes on me:
"Didn't you realize that?"
It is an extremely simple task.
- You can stand with the others.
-How many chickens were there?
You were 17.
- It was 18.
- No! Fuck father.
I think the viewers are shaking their heads-
-and with good reason think that we are
a bunch of chickens. Chicken brains.
The bad news is
that you didn't get any silver.
But there is one more bad news: You
can't meet in the shield room either.
So it was a bad day at work.
It's stupid not to get the silver, but good
that no one was allowed to enter the shield room.
It's better than someone getting
into the shield room and not me.
For me personally, the most important thing is
to take the traitors.
After a failed mission with zero
silver and no visits to the shield room-
-are the players motivated to
reveal a traitor in the council chamber,-
-so the day can still have
a happy ending.
There is no shortage of theories about
where the traitors are hiding.
It's kind of good to know that we were
in the same booth, both teams.
There is not one who feels
"I sabotaged my team", -
-"but everyone else managed it".
It would have been much cooler.
It's Arman and Kim
on my block today.
Arman started a good initiative
yesterday, but to save his own skin.
The focus was on him and Jørn.
Everything says that both were traitors,-
-so they would try
to shift their focus elsewhere.
- Jonas and I are quite vulnerable today.
-Yes absolutely.
That is where we are today,
it seems.
-I think so.
-What do you think about Kim, then?
A bit unsure.
What do you think?
- I think she is exposed today too.
I feel that it is between Kim,
Jonas and me now.
I think the group has seen it now.
How bad would it have been
to meet another one today?
Slightly calmer atmosphere today.
What is difficult now and the reason why
the mood is starting to drop,-
-is that you realize that there is someone
you have had a close relationship with-
-who is most likely the sly,
sneaky traitor.
I'll get myself something to drink.
What do you think?
It seems that it is an overwhelming
probability for Kim.
I don't bother
deciding who will vote for me today.
-Now I want to follow it...
I follow what the group I've been
most proud of all along is doing.
I hope you will not be surprised
if your name is mentioned.
No, I won't be.
- There is a lot that points towards that.
-I know.
I get it,
but can't say enough-
-how extremely poor choice it is.
Then you're completely off track.
-If the goal is to catch a traitor,-
-and it is my name
that is on the boards today,-
-then it just looks so fucking rubbish.
- Where should we put the focus, then?
- At least not on me.
Arman and Kim
are the only ones I can think of-
-may be the last two traitors.
But it could be that I have too
much self-confidence after Jørn smoked.
Do you have any suggestions for who?
The one I voted for yesterday
is my hunch.
But that's the only thing I have.
I have no more to go on than you.
Sandra smoked last night.
If I were a traitor, I wouldn't get
rid of the one-
-who was 100% sure
I was loyal.
It's a bit strategically stupid, maybe.
Why on earth
would I do that?
All mine are killed.
Yes, it is the perfect alibi.
You're going to feel stupid.
-We'll see.
- Yes, you'll see. You will get that.
I mean,
and this is dangerous to say, -
-but I completely agree with Kim.
But I'm not... If you saw
yesterday who Kim voted for...
She voted for Arman. Yesterday there was
a battle between Arman and Jonas.
- I also think that is strange.
-That's why I'm not 100% sure-
-paragraph number 2. And then I
think we have to go for it.
-And the only sure thing is Kim.
I understand that there is a lot of doubt
about Arman, but I choose to see-
-that Kim voted for Arman in the previous round .
That she chose to vote for Arman
is a pretty sure sign of-
- that Arman is not a traitor.
Then we are left with Kim and Jonas.
The reason she votes for Arman
is to possibly get him out.
And she helps send out
a traitor. She washes herself.
I think Kim has done it.
Be strategic.
If we believe the voices,
it's not him.
Well played to the traitors.
But now it's game against
the traitors.
I want to see
loyal from day 1 in the final.
What spoke for Arman
to me yesterday,-
-is that he is trying
to save his own skin,-
-as Chris did to Cengiz.
It's a bit to shift the focus
away from him and Jørn.
It screams that both
were traitors.
Arman and Kim... It's hard
for me to avoid the word-
-"I know it's them",
but everything points towards them.
That the two are
the remaining traitors.
It seems that the traitors
have played very carefully.
If I had been a traitor,
Good that you pointed that out.
If I am, hypothetically,
why should I choose-
-to suddenly come up with
an unexpected thing when everything is going my way?
We have to do something new today.
Everyone writes down on paper who
they think is the biggest traitor in the game.
Then we can talk about it before everyone makes
a decision and goes into the council chamber.
Everything can be interpreted both ways,
no matter what you do.
My biggest hunch is
still on Jonas.
If there were no traitors
on the death list,-
-then it would be most logical
to kill Sander-
-and get Anne B. Ragde back.
But if you are
not very fond of Sander-
-and rather kill Anne
to get my friend back...
That is the only hold
I have on Jonas.
Is it possible to ask
where the stand is today?
No, we're a bit...
It rather towards...
-I think so. What do you think?
- I have a strong feeling for Jonas.
I still think so.
If you feel that I am,
then you must say so.
But for me who is loyal,
it is the two names that stand out.
And I think there are two left.
I notice that Jonas,
although I think he is a traitor...
They trust him more than me.
So I'm looking forward to that day-
- they actually realized that Arman
was right. I hope that happens.
It can't be Jonas.
I don't think it's possible.
None of the arguments I've heard
hold any ground.
If it turns out
that Arman is loyal,-
- then I go more in that direction.
- Because it's not you, Jonas?
- No, unfortunately it is not.
Then it must be Arman. Why does
he suddenly have a crush on you?
Why have people suddenly
got a gut feeling about you?
Cengiz mentioned it.
Karina spoke to me yesterday.
She almost regretted it.
She thought it was ridiculous,
since it was based on the first day.
Kim first, then.
I am most sure of her.
- I'm almost more sure of Arman.
-Me too.
-The others are the opposite.
- It doesn't matter to me.
All I've done in here
is do my part as best I can.
I think people would have been very
disappointed if they found out it was me.
I really trust everyone,
except Kim and Arman.
I'm pretty sure about both.
We are very sure of Kim in particular.
I have to judge the mood
in the council chamber today.
I need to see how many people think
they will vote for me.
Maybe I'll have to make a tactical choice then,
and vote for someone else who is mentioned-
- to save my own ass.
Sandra thinks she has found
a clue that will reveal the traitors.
The players are motivated to
continue yesterday's trend-
-and probably banish a traitor
from the game.
But then the innocent must
defend themselves well.
It is not easy with
suspicious eyes directed at you.
When the door to the council chamber opens,
the pulse rises, -
- you get clammy hands,
and you feel enormous stress.
I feel like it's between Kim,
Jonas and me at this point.
I think the group has seen it now.
Shall we unveil?
It is not huge.
To my untrained eye
, the stack looks pretty much the same as yesterday.
Something a little more cheerful: Last time
we were here, you finally managed-
- to banish a traitor.
And that resulted in
full cheers from everyone.
Have you finally cracked the code?
Do you realize now who
perhaps cheered louder on the outside -
-than they actually did on the inside?
What did you do that was so good yesterday?
It was just luck, really.
But we think that was the
first domino to fall.
What will it take to recreate that
to manage to banish another traitor?
To see who cheered louder
on the outside than on the inside.
-Do you have any theories?
My theory yesterday was Kim.
It looked like you were cheering more
on the outside than on the inside.
And then there is Arman.
It's just the gut feeling.
I think Kim seemed very strange
after Jørn was voted out.
It was as if she wasn't really
as happy as the rest of us.
I don't even know how
to cheer more on utsi...
This is a big cheer on the outside:
But not on the inside?
He must have seen something
I never saw.
-What do you think about that, Kim?
-It doesn't come as a shock-
- that more people have
that gut feeling inside.
It's just very frustrating
to know that if you vote for me,-
-then you don't
just send home a loyal one,-
-but one more of you
will be killed during the night.
That is the consequence of that.
And I am fully aware of that.
And it's not you.
For me, who
has also had a number of suspicions corrected-
-based on what happened yesterday...
-Who voted for Jørn?
There are already three pieces
for me that will be lost.
And then there are two names left:
Jonas and Kim.
If you're going to pick two
that you think are traitors...
I can't pick two,
I will vote for Arman
because I did yesterday,-
- and because that gut feeling,
which is so razor thin...
The only one I can
imagine is a traitor.
I can't imagine anyone
else. I have nothing to go on.
I have chosen
to put all emotions away.
The only thing I have done is go into
the previous round's voting.
The chance that those who are traitors
in here have been strategic-
-and voted for Jørn to free
himself... I don't think so.
Arman and Jonas,
you voted for each other.
If you two are traitors,
it's very easy game-
- to vote for each other.
I have told Cathrine many times
that I trust her so much.
Then there remains you, Kim,
which I am unable to account for.
I understand that very well,
but I'm just saying.
That then one of you dies.
Just so you guys are aware.
Then someone dies.
I feel like a person who
is basically pretty good at-
-to reassure and persuade, but now
I can't say anything else-
- than that I am loyal.
I have the impression
that many of you have made up your mind.
Is it the case that what happens in the next
few minutes has no significance?
- It sounds a bit like that.
-What worked so well yesterday,-
- was that someone caught on to what
was happening around the table.
Shouldn't you give it
a chance today too?
soon as a traitor is brought to light,-
-then it is easier to start
deciphering other things from people here.
My tactics have changed
quite drastically from the start.
At first it was just a rush
to find a traitor.
Then it was about forming
a group that I hold close-
- and feel that I trust enough. It
's Jonas, Chris, Cathrine and Magnus-
-which has been
since quite some time back.
- One of them might be a traitor.
-I may well be wrong,-
-but I feel that the trust
that has been built in that group,-
- trumps through the tiny little
thing that can go crazy today.
There are some people
you get close to.
But what has pulled me
in that direction today,-
-and I'm still unsure about you,
Arman, just to emphasize that...
But you were clear yesterday
about that with Kim.
And then Karina came to me today.
You have rarely been as clear
with me as you were today.
That makes me more certain
that it's you, Kim.
There was also more at stake: the
possibility of a visit to the shield room.
My impression when I informed
you about it in the breakfast room was-
- that it had nothing to say.
Does everyone feel safe
from being eliminated?
Think you
've caught all the traitors?
I'll back that up a bit.
I felt sure of-
- that we had a traitor at
breakfast. Now I'm more unsure.
If we don't take a traitor tonight,
I certainly don't feel safe.
We are so few
that all loyalists here are exposed.
But this morning
we felt a lot more secure about-
- that we were going to catch a traitor.
-Have you changed your mind?
After all, I said that I
shouldn't play on emotions today.
And so I
will continue to believe what I saw-
- based on the vote yesterday.
- I don't care about it.
But you are making a big mistake.
And it's fucking annoying.
As loyal,
when you've been so all along-
-and manage to have a euphoric
experience like the one we had yesterday...
Knowing that you are now going
to make such a sick mistake,-
-it bothers me.
It really bothers me.
That's why I'm so tired today.
I felt I sacrificed myself for the group.
And it had the exact opposite effect
than I had hoped for, -
- although I saw that it was a risk.
It's a bit crazy,
and it's been a hard day for me.
But I've also said that
if you're really that unsure about-
-that I am, it is almost better
that you take me today,-
-gets it done,
so the loyal can win.
We don't gain anything from
taking out a loyalist anyway.
If we take you out,
we are exactly the same.
In the council chamber, I become more and more
unsure whether it is Kim.
I am also unsure
whether it is Arman.
I'd rather go out here
than be killed at night.
Sorry, but it's actually
a dream to stand there-
-and tell you that you
're thick-skinned, all of you.
- We have become used to it.
- Me too, so I know the feeling.
We are not thick-skinned as long as
we have nothing better to do.
But if it's only me you have on the
block, we can just go to a vote.
The main point is that
suspicion is not directed elsewhere -
- than where we were already.
That you focus on Arman-
-just seems like a traitor
who wants to get further than the other.
I have not focused on Arman.
I voted for Arman yesterday too.
But the gut feeling is razor thin.
It's just a little hunch.
I have nothing to go on.
The talk in the council chamber... I don't know...
It's a bit like that...
We all think we should try
to talk and find out something.
But then everyone has actually decided
which direction to go.
It feels like you are a little closed off.
One is not open
to opening one's eyes.
Are we ready to vote,
or does anyone want to say any last words?
There is a different energy level,
tension level here than before.
I think people are mentally exhausted.
And that they feel the pressure.
Then the last word has been said.
Then it's time for voting.
I'm voting for Kim,
but I'm very unsure.
It is between me and Kim,
not between me and Jonas.
So then I have to go after Kim, because I
want to be, to that extent, me too.
Then I suggest that we start
with team leader Hollekim today.
It's hard to put the
feelings away, but I've chosen-
-to hold on to what I think I see.
I understand that.
That's okay.
As I said, I
don't have much else to go on-
-than a tiny little gut feeling.
So I choose you, Arman.
I recognize
many of the thoughts of everyone-
- who have been active
around the table today.
I have a little doubt because the person
argues extremely well for himself.
But I stand by what I thought
this morning. Unfortunately it will be Kim.
It is okay.
Not being emotionally affected
is impossible.
- That's it.
- But I vote for you.
I have also become much more insecure.
I think you seem very credible.
It's because I am.
I'm afraid we've been wrong,
but I've also gone for it-
-I originally thought,
and it's Kim.
For me, there has been a lot
between Jonas and Kim. Mostly Jonas.
But I've also realized
that it's between me and Kim.
And then I have to take Kim.
I also stand my ground.
Of course a heart
to indicate love.
Thank you a lot.
Unfortunately, I have no heart,
but I am very fond of you.
Thank you very much.
Equally, all of them.
And it's a game.
I don't need to say anything more?
Can I get up?
You can do that, because you can count.
Seven votes for you, one for Arman.
It means you
are banished from the game.
Then you can stand here
and say a few last words, -
-and once and for all reveal
what role you have played.
Dear go gang.
So cool, then.
Dear everyone.
What a party this has been.
I have eaten a lot
and learned a lot.
Had a great time, fun, exciting...
All in one.
But the big headline
I want to put on this stay, -
- it's only positive.
I'm terribly sorry
that you are so thick-skinned.
I've said it:
I'm loyal.
I have felt all day
that it was going to go this way.
Then I feel
an enormous gratitude for-
- that I am allowed to stand on that
staircase and call them fat.
Because they are.
I was completely convinced.
But I've also been in the thick of
it many times in that room.
And I don't think anyone in there
is bad, not even the traitors.
I just find them
a bit annoying right now.
I just have to say one thing:
The traitors around the table are absolutely raw.
For that...
We have walked in it
as we have done many times before.
That we are all together, but...
It seemed to me that you hardly
believed your voice.
-Among other things...
-I regretted it as soon as I...
Once we've written a name
and turned the board over, it's done.
I saw by her reaction
that it wasn't her.
It's incredibly embarrassing.
For people watching this at home, it must
seem incredibly easy. It is not.
Those who are traitors are
doing an incredibly good job.
They spend a lot of time together, but
manage to hide it from the rest of us.
We have to stop
listening to each other.
Quite frankly.
We have to end it.
- Haven't you said that many times?
- It's getting narrower.
When someone has thought something wise,
and everyone does the best they can, but...
We have to end it.
Quite frankly.
Take a look around the table.
Know that there are
traitors among you.
Sleep well if you can make it,
and we'll see what the night brings.
Fuck hell.
Today we have been
thoroughly manipulated.
Today we have been
thoroughly manipulated.
Never trust anyone.
I have to start setting my eyes on the
gang I've trusted all along.
Jonas, Chris, Cathrine...
My closest ones.
And it hurts so much!
But I don't think of those
who are left here...
They are so calculated, it seems.
Jørn was a bad liar.
Everyone here has had a finger pointed at them.
Me too.
Cathrine is perhaps
the only one no one has suspected.
Just think...
But then she has played...
But if she is... Damn,
she's played great.
Then I have to ask mum and dad
if they have been secret agents.
It is very difficult
to look up.
But for me, Jonas is a traitor.
And now I'm starting to be
very unsure about Cathrine.
- If it ends up being her...
- That would be completely insane.
No one has looked at her.
She has sailed all the way.
And if now she is a traitor,
then she has played insanely well!
Since everyone is extremely aware
that there are strong traitors…
People talk about Jørn.
He opened his mouth
and played himself, really.
The best I can do for the group,
which I love, -
-is to play as well as I can.
Come in.
- Hello!
-Thanks for last.
Can't you have a speech like in the
council chamber and say how good we are?
- We need some words of praise.
- That's what I was going to say.
Now it seems like you're on call,
but you're doing really well.
I am impressed.
From what I hear in the council chamber,-
- it seems like you are the one
who gets the most pride in here.
We are happy to receive a compliment.
Getting a little pat on the back
from Mads Hansen himself today, -
- it was good for the traitor gang.
Tonight you will not eliminate anyone.
Now the death list is in play.
As stated in the rules,
as the game master, I can-
- up to two times
ask you to set up a death list.
You guys know how to do it.
Choose three names that are then in danger.
You must eliminate
one of them the next night.
- See you at breakfast tomorrow.
- We do.
I knew something was up.
Last time we got a death list,-
- fortunately we thought a little longer
than what we initially concluded.
So what we're going to do in you
is to do the same.
Should I just throw out a suggestion?
Karina, Magnus and Arman.
Karina and Arman
are good candidates for the death list.
But what happens if Magnus is there?
What happens if Chris is there?
But look how naked we stand outside.
Sander, you and me.
Yes, that's a good point.
What about me, Karina and Arman?
This is hard.
- But then we have made up our minds.
-We have that.
It was a difficult choice,
but the wisest thing we could have done.
Difficult choice
of the worst option.
- I would like to liquidate someone.
- We'll have to wait for that.
Dear loyal.
I wish you win.
But I refuse
to make it easy for you.
But try, then, to find me.