Forræder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - D brusa i kroppen når æ fant ut det - full transcript

The previous game round was started with
that Anne, Erlend and Sander-

-landed on a death list.

I'm on a death list.

This cannot possibly bode well.

On a death list
it should be a traitor.

It created headaches for the loyalists,
who had to choose between two theories:

Either to complete Cengiz's theory
and banish Chris,-

-or to take someone off the death list.

-They ended up banishing Erlend.
-I'm loyal.

Fy faen, motherfuckers!

Ragnhild Meyer

It is ready for game round 5.

How have the traitors chosen
to complete their death list?

Is it Anne or Sander
who shows up for breakfast?

Is it just you here?

It's the worst thing I've ever experienced.

That it's just you?
It is no surprise that we are coming.

No, it's not a surprise,
but it was uncomfortable to be first.

As of now, I feel
like I've gotten used to faking it.

Are you curious
if your 100% will return?

Yes, I have to admit it.

It's awkward if Anne doesn't come, but
then I get confirmation that she's loyal.

It gives me more confidence
to trust what I believe and mean.

I am quite sure
that Anne is not a traitor,-

- but I'm not sure
if Sander is either.

Then it is better for the traitors
to send Sander home than Anne.

If both are loyal.

It would almost be too weird
if Anne was a traitor.

But still, I believe
that Anne will return.

I feel like we have
as much control as we can have as of now.

I don't feel we have a
particularly hard time yet.


I have a theory that we who are here,
we are honest.

I heard it was you guys outside.

I think Chris, I think Sandra
and I think Jørn are traitors.

If Jørn is not a traitor...
He has the best prerequisites-

-to find out who the traitors are.
He is a police detective.

What is a bit alarming is
that people are starting to talk about Jørn.

He does nothing.
He has no good theories.

I know it's not me,
and neither is Cathrine.

So around the table when we come in
there are only loyalists.

So I take the opportunity
to speak to those I believe to be loyal.

It's nice that someone comes in
and has a theory.

We have to try to align the voices more.

Voting for someone arbitrarily is
like voting blank.

-You are 100% sure about Chris.
-Yes, and people vote for Chris today,-

- then everyone knows I'm loyal.

If we take Chris out today,
you know I can be trusted.

And then we are guaranteed at least
three nights, if everyone here is loyal.


I think the traitors are accepting now.
Now a lot has gone their way.

Regardless of who returns,
the next step is pretty clear.

But we'll see.
Three pieces stand very strong...

Or four stands
very strongly against me.

And if you lose Anne there,
it's one less.

But at the same time it's easy
to point at me, -

- because then there is one less against me.
- I haven't thought about that.

It will be very interesting to see
where the chess game goes next.

I feel that there is someone
who controls the game and that...

I feel like I control a little,
but the traitors control it fiercely.

Then they control me too.

I know myself that I am loyal.
It's convenient for the traitors-

- to continue to focus on
another loyal.

Let's hope
it doesn't continue now.

Surprise, surprise.

There is no stormy cheer today,
because everyone knows who is coming-

- until the last two.

Now there are only two left.

With only two left on the death list
it's either Anne or Sander-

-which shows up for breakfast.

- It's Sander.

My stone.



"You are hereby eliminated."
Then it's Sander!

Everyone is trying to defend themselves here.
No one believes that Anne is a traitor.

I have suspected everyone as one.
And shot from the hip many times.

That's the name of the game.
That's life.

To kill Anne is
to bet on a duel-

- between Chris and Kim's theory again.
-I do not think...

If people were nervous wrecks today,
at least they will be tomorrow.

Imagine poor Sander tomorrow
when he is not sent home.

I have to play really happy
to see Sander.

I do not understand anything.
It is very nice to see you,-

-but I don't understand anything
at all.

It was very surprising
that Anne was eliminated.

Regardless of who the traitors are,
I don't understand the choice of Anne.

I know everyone
looks pretty darn surprised right now.

I'm so happy to see you, but
I didn't think I'd see you.

I am very happy to survive.

I was genuinely shocked
that Anne was the one who smoked.

And a little sad, because I had
a funeral to myself.

Anne did not get to
say goodbye to the others.

- Rest in peace, Anne.
-Can we toast Anne B. Ragde?

Legends Anne.

This one must be
in honor of Anne

She was the one I was most confident in
when Katarina came out.

At least it turned out to be true.

It was good, but does
n't make up for her being gone.

I'd rather have her here
and be 99.9% sure.

Now we are 100.
It's good, but we miss her.

The traitors have once again succeeded
with their strategy-

-og skapt forvirring
blant de lojale.

But now a joint effort is required
to raise the prize pool.

Together they are going out
on today's mission.

- Is everyone healthy and clear?

You should be.

It's nothing to laugh at, Jørn.

In today's mission you will, as always,
win silver for the prize pool.

But you also have to compete
against each other-

-for the opportunity
to meet in the shield room.

- This competition must take place in teams.
- Oh, that's sick.

It's sick, but in that regard
I need two team managers.

- You have to agree.

Cengiz agreed with himself,
so we go for him.

I can do this,
because I am not afraid to take up space.

Cengiz volunteers
quite quickly.

Now is my chance to show
that I stand-

- on the other side of him.

Now it's win or lose.
Now I have to turn things up a bit here.

I have to go straight on the offensive.

Cengiz is the one who put me
in danger. Therefore I must answer.

In today's competition, it's a good
idea to wear a rucksack, -

- because it will take place in the school yard.

I can give a hint:

Maybe it can pay off with someone
who is astute, good with words.

And like in the schoolyard,
we will choose a team.

You can agree between yourselves.
Who is the fool?

You can be a fool.
Here you go.

I would like to have Sander on the team.
Come here.

I choose a bit at random.

- I'll take Emil.
-Random, yes?

I already feel
like a team leader.

I feel that people
have quite a lot of confidence in me.

- Choose further, you.
-One who is good with words-

- is someone who writes books: Jørn.
- I felt called.

Someone who is good with words is also
someone who is a presenter: Cathrine.

Sandra, come on.

There are several people who are good with words.

- I can take Arman.
-"Can take?" What do you mean?

You weren't supposed to be
the last one chosen.

What if "good with words" is just bullshit,
that it's actually climbing?

- You think outside the box, so come.
- I'm just as smart.

-Then it's us again, then.
- We will be left standing in the end.

- Then I can take Karina.
-One of us will be last.

I was always chosen last in the gym,
so it's completely natural for me.

You will avoid
being chosen last this time.

- Then you have no choice.
- We can take you, Magnus.

-Chris, happy with your team?
-Yes very.

Is there anyone on the other team
you would like to have?

All of them could be useful.

-But you didn't choose them.
- No, these were in front.

I know that for Chris it is insanely
important that the task is solved well.

Because he feels very insecure
about his place in this game now.

So for him
it is very important to win.

Then you can take it as a compliment
that he wants to-

- to have me and the rest of us in his group.

-Cengiz, are you satisfied?
- Yes, very pleased.

I would have liked to have the others
here too, but that's how it has turned out.

Your team can sit
in the car on the left.

Chris' team can get
into the car on the right.

The team leaders can drive the car in the middle.

That me and Chris ended up in the same car...

I liked that he was brave enough
to jump into it,-

- because then we get alone time together and can
talk about our different theories.

Shall we just drive?
Then we get to do it.

Much of the reason why I went forward
is that I feel I am on borrowed time.

-And that's a lot thanks to you.
- I'll put that on my coat.

We are both unsure of
where we have each other,-

- so finding each other's point of view
is important to me, at least.

Who are you voting for now?
On me?

- You are in the block.
- You are welcome to vote for me.

Right now I have no idea
who to vote for.

But I know. That's what
's funny, because I know.

I said to him quite frankly,
"Who should I vote for?"

"Build trust in me.
Do like Erlend."

"Give me the trust I need from you and
you'll get it back."

But it doesn't work out for him.
I can't do it.

- You trust Cathrine?
- Yes, I trust Cathrine.

Let's look at Cathrine.

A grown lady,
very above average loyal.

I feel that when you hug
her and communicate with her.

When she chooses to trust Karina,-

-then she has such a strong
influence on me-

- with the loyal bond we have
that I also choose to trust Karina.

I choose to still
trust Sander and Jonas.

But then there's Magnus,
who I can't get out of my mind.

He reports on Magnus, which I...
Yes, he's a very quiet guy.

- He's just mysterious.

I know I am very
suspicious of him.

A lot of what he says doesn't
quite make sense to my ears.

So I feel more and more that I am sitting
in a car with a traitor.

But either we are working correctly,
or we are both working incorrectly.

Either both work correctly...
No, either both work wrong...

- Yes, maybe both are working incorrectly.
- Or both work correctly.

-Welcome to the school yard.

How is their IQ?

I have a fairly high IQ.

- Are there any Mensa members here?
- I am two in IQ from.

When it emerges that it is
an IQ task, Jonas is the first to

- to sign up almost a Mensa member.
So I have a lot of faith in him.

And then we have Jørn in our group.

At least there are two in which
I have a lot of faith.

Today's task is to find the right word
and hang it on the board.

As you can see,
you have no letters to work with.

You have to get them yourself.

Today's assignment is about
finding the correct solution word.

To get letters to puzzle
with one and one from each team must-

-solve a classic IQ task.

If they choose the correct answer option,
they get a bag of letters.

To win silver, both teams must
complete the word in a maximum of six attempts.

The team that uses the fewest attempts,
wins a place in the shield room.

Let's go.

I have a team that can be good
at this task, -

- so I think this
will go quite well.

-Ready Set Go!
- Go first.

We have to start closest to the road. I
think it will become more and more difficult.

Logic, logic, logic...

When I arrive and realize that
this is a difficult IQ task, -

- then just forget it.
I just don't get it.

I try to look at the drawings
and see if my brain can-

- to put together some kind of connection,
but it is just to forget.

So I just choose D.
Answer option D.

- If you feel you can do it, do it.

If they choose the wrong option,
there are no letters to retrieve.

Then the next person must attempt
the next task.

You have that mark there...
I'll take it.

I love tasks like this.
I quickly observed-

-that the first two tasks are the
most difficult, and then it gets easier.

It is difficult.
There are IQ tasks that are...

Fortunately, we have
almost Mensa member Jonas Lihaug with us.

We can bet on him carrying out this
task, because he reports that himself.

I want to win silver, and I know
I've done some IQ tests-

- where it has gone very well.
So I felt strong on IQ.

Come see what you have.

In the!

So... and.

It looks bad.

In the.

Go next.

I've never taken IQ tests, but
I've done a lot of exercise books-

-with a child-friendly version
of IQ tests.

Square there.
One two Three.

-Use the time. Don't stress, Magnus.
- They have missed twice now.

Of course it has to be the one.

Yes, come on!


I cracked the IQ test
pretty quickly, actually.

I was almost impressed
with myself.

Yes, those are words.

Here it is a J.

- The E must be there.
- Try it.

- I put it in the middle.
- No, at the top.

When the players have hung a word
on the board, they report "ready" to me.

I mark in green the letters
which are correctly placed in the correct place,-

-and blue on the letters
which are correct, but put in the wrong place.


- It's too obvious.
- Yes, it's too easy.

But we have tried it.
Then we'll get started.

He doesn't see any correct letters.

-That's OK.
- Everything is wrong.

The letters on the board
cannot be taken down again.

That is why they have to solve more tasks
to get more letters.

If someone is wondering... The teams
have different solution words.

It must be a word
that has a meaning in the game.

-Try writing "loyal".
-Yes, "loyal", for example.

-You can pick up more letters.

Everything is wrong.
We don't need those letters.

School can go away.

What about "True"?
We are at Sande school.

- Shall we test?
- Yes, we try.



My IQ task was some triangles
with a blue circle inside.

Then I only saw one option with a
blue circle inside. It had to be the one.

It wasn't, of course.

I missed there,
but it didn't come as a shock.

When I see my assignment,
it makes no sense.

But suddenly I see a pattern,
and then I quickly understand-

- that I can solve this.

- Yes, that's right.

Players solve IQ puzzles
to collect letters-

-and then arrive at
a solution word.

If the teams make it within six
attempts, they get silver in the prize pool.

The first team to clear the floor,
gets access to the shield room.

The most important thing is to solve the task
to win the silver.

"Grows", er det et ord?

Shall we just throw out a word?


I mark in green under letters
which are correct and correctly placed,-

-and blue under letters
which are correct but incorrectly placed.

It is correctly positioned.
So it ends on T.

I do not understand anything.
I just take it.

I suspect this is wrong.

No, I did it!

This is hard.

The most important thing is that I don't let myself
get stressed, manage to solve the task-

-and get letters back
so we have something to work with.

- The last one is correct, at least.

I can stand here and chill a bit.

Logical thinking.

Both teams are now
on the last task-

-and thus has only one opportunity
left to acquire letters.

It's not that one.

Maybe that's it.

I go for C.
I think I screwed up.

I think this is wrong,
but we're going for it.

It's just luck.
I won't take credit for that.

I managed to solve an IQ task.
Who would have thought?

Stood like an idiot for several days
in a row, but IQ has clearly...

The meat. I gambled. I had to
finish and took the most likely one.

Now we have to make words. I get
stressed by so many pieces.

-I think we need an A.
-A is here.

-Think about the game.
- It must be something that makes sense.

Should we just throw up
some random letters?

-Five random letters.
- Just take some.

At first it was difficult
to find a five-letter word.

Sander realized that we had to
get some letters up-

-so we could get a better handle on
which letters we could use.

So the one who was intelligent here
was actually Sander.

-That was clever.
- Then we have someone in play.

-Ta and A.

- Now it's a tough game here.
-It is fun.

-I understand that it is...
-Some correct letters.

- It is absolutely correct.
- An R is correct.

-R and G.

R is the correct letter
and correctly placed.

G is the correct letter,
but in the wrong place.


We are like a herd of... What
animals go in all directions? Chickens?

The last one is correct.

- Shall we try it?

We can go on while she does.
The A is out. We'll take it away.

And the E is out.

I look at the next task.

-L is correct.
-Two letters.

Cengiz's team now
has both L and T correctly placed.

-K is wrong.
- And Ø is wrong.

We don't have A's.
We must have an I or something.

Let's try this.

We can drop that one, because we know it.
Take an I or something.


I'll have to check the dictionary,
but I think it's absolutely correct.

- Then it is like that, at least.

Chris' team now has
R and G correctly placed.

What can come before L?
Think about it first.

-We take out letters we know that...
-Very clever.

We can go empty.

-Wait. We can run out.
- We have to set up those we don't have.


Could it be "green"?

- It could be. Of course.
-Take it. Hurry.

-Like that.
-Two N's.

Hurry up.
Where are they? There.

I'll be damn disappointed now
if it's not right. Clear!

Now I'll be really disappointed
if it's wrong.

-Damn, it's...
-Wait a minute.

- They are correct.


I won't hide
that being that person-

- who came up with the solution,
wasn't bad.

It didn't hurt my body.
I will say that.

It was very nice
to be today's rescue woman-

-and haul the shield compartment
ashore for the group.

It was me!
The color is green.

Chris's team has secured
a place in the shield room.

But if they are to secure the silverware,
Cengiz's team must also manage the solution.

We just raised letters.

Now we can help you.
We want silver now.

-We have another word.
- It's "blue".

Had it not been for
the others shouting "green",-

- we had never
even come up with the opposite.

-T. Her.

-Yes, it fits to a T.

-Don't we have T? We're missing a T.
-We don't have a T. Damn it.

-Have you solved all the tasks?
- We used them up in town.

- We need a T.
- It's game over.

Are you sure?

-We need a T.
-Couldn't it be another color?

We made a general mistake, and put
a T in the same place twice.

It was a mistake to set it up.

It should be possible to be smart enough
and suggest that it is not a good idea.

We failed the task. It was a bit
awkward not being able to get silver today.

It was very awkward.

-Your team did it.
-Good work.

You didn't make it.
It ended with zero silver.

And to you:
See you in the shield room soon.

We talk.

No silver in the prize pool.
But it is quickly forgotten, -

-because as soon as the car doors are closed,
it is business as usual.

Who will be banished
in the council chamber tonight?

What do you think about
who we will vote for tonight?

So, I follow Emil 100%.

You follow Emil, yes. I thought you said,
"I feel Emil." He sits in front.

Today I have given myself a little
to Emil and Cengiz's theory of-

-that it's Chris.

-But you are 100%?
-Yes, I am 100%.

Now I have actually managed
to expose him.

I don't trust anyone anymore.

Who has let you down
that you don't trust?

Who has lied?

He was unable
to answer the questions.

- They are the ones who...
- Why are you looking at them?

I try to get a look of agreement.

Damn, that's bad.

He got what he wanted.

Everyone he hangs out with
the most voted for the same person.

It was a very good moment.

If I can front that and get
people to trust me, it will be…

My body exploded
when I found out.

I was almost moved when I started
talking about it. I'm so excited-

- and have faith in this now.

Emil's quiet confidence
scares me.

And Cengiz's loud confidence
based on nothing scares me.

So for me that means
I have to vote Chris today.

I think it might be him,
but if it's not him,-

-then it must be Cengiz.

I feel well positioned,
but I can't help but-

- to stress about being busted anyway.

If you get comfortable in a
position... That's when it hits.

But what I do
in conversations is say-

-many general truths
about myself as loyal.

We're on a team with Chris.
I kind of forgot about that.

Can we think a little longer?
We vote for Chris and he is loyal,-

- what are we to believe then?
- Then it's Cengiz or Emil.

I also need
you to build trust in me-

-which might make me think,
"Chris is actually loyal. Maybe."

I hope you also manage
to convince me of that,-

-because right now I am convinced
that you are not loyal.

The only one I have looked
into now is Cengiz.

He must be a traitor, or
else we have nothing to go on.

Speaking of the shield room...
What do you think we're doing there?

Should we keep quiet about who
gets it? That whoever gets it keeps quiet?

- We keep it a secret to ourselves.
- I'm not telling anyone.

We don't say anything to anyone.

Then we have to promise
not to tell anyone.

It is important for me to get the shield.

Every other day, minus the night
with the death list, I feel unsafe.

-Sweet. Good talk.
-Good talk, guys.

- Then we will shut up completely.
- Okay.

The fact that I'm helping
to keep it a secret,-

-it builds up under my alibi.
And Jørn agrees.

Nice alibi.
Good job, Jørn.

The strategy talk has gone
as usual in the cars, -

-but once inside the house there is someone
who misses their best friend Anne.

- I wonder what she is doing.
- She's enjoying herself.

I would pay a lot of money,
we could have a small video greeting.

It is really so important
to have fun during the day too.

- I think we managed that well today.
- It was a haven from the gambling.

You only become more uncertain
the more you hear.

Yes I know.
I don't think you're a traitor.

I do not believe.
I have become confident in you.

-I was a little unsure of you...
-I trusted you so much-

-that you are not a traitor.

Unless Chris is a traitor...
All my theories are based on that.

I'm not stressed
because I know Chris is a traitor.

No one has rock-solid
credibility with each other.

But for the three of us
, this is another gift package.

It's like...

We don't really do that much.

If you trust me,
I would have voted Chris.

It may well be that I do, Emil.
It may well be.

If I'm here the day we find out that
he is, I'll get a star in the margin.

It would have been fun.
That would be better than a prize.

The winning team gets to go into the shield room,
where one of the players-

-will acquire protection
against elimination the following night.

-Hi. Oh, there was a lot of wine here.

You can choose according to your gut feeling.

The shield is not so careful for me
, because I think I will be voted out.

It was empty there.

But when I selected the team,
I tried to find as many as possible-

- who I think are loyal.

Hail, O great chief.

Is it safe to say that if you get
the shield, it's pearls for swine?

That's about it.

Is that what it looks like here?

The shield for me...

I don't know if it matters that much.
It may break or wear.

-Hi. There was nothing there.
- Then it wasn't you this time.

But it's fun to take the trip down, because I
've been wondering what it looks like there.

Have a good time, Mads.

My plan, if I get the shield, is
to do as I promised the group:

That I shouldn't tell anyone.

Then I take what
is right in front of me.

You have to practice the poker face, you
want to keep it hidden from the others.

I have never boasted
that I have a poker face.

I end up taking the right box.
This lady here got a shield.

I'll take care of it for you
until dark.

Poker pictures.

It is here.

Nice try.

I got no shield.
But the shield space is still important-

-as an alibi to avoid being caught
by the traitors at night.

- There weren't many options.
-You can choose between it.

- Then I'll take it.
-Does. Go ahead.

- No shield?
- It was disappointing.

Among us there must be a traitor.

That traitor
hopefully hasn't got a shield.

I get a little stressed.
Can't go for any of the rest of us.

It is a certainty
that no one has said that.

I don't care if I know who
has the shield or not.

It's not a good idea to kill someone
on the shield group anyway.

The shield protects at night,
but no one is safe in the council chamber.

The players in danger must use every
chance to get the suspicion reversed.

For me, the most important thing is
to show my innocence-

- and tell about the consequences
it will have when I am voted out.

But in addition, I want to shift the focus
towards those who have gone against me.

Now I answer in the same coin.

Say I get voted out
and I'm loyal.

The more people who vote for me,
the worse off the loyalists are.

Then the attention is
diverted to a new loyalist.

And I think it's Jonas.

On me?

What is his basis for it?

He then walks around the porridge.
I can't get anything tangible.

I get extremely skeptical
of people pointing at me.

Now I feel my skepticism about Cengiz
growing because of it.

I must ask Cengiz
why he has pointed at me-

-when I have made it clear
that I was willing to vote-

-which he hasn't got through
twice in a row now.

Yeah, it's not that strategic.

I can vote for him with a better conscience
, based on what I have experienced.

At least if he points at me.
He's got everyone on you.

If Chris is a traitor now,
he's playing extremely well.

But he isn't.

Now he is busy
mobilizing against Cengiz, -

- which is an absolutely beautiful thing.
Two who are not traitors.

I hear you've been sitting in the car
talking about me.

I have done it, yes.
I have to present something.

You have to present things you believe in.
I'm actually going to vote Chris-

-because of Cengiz.
So what does that make me think?

I tell him, "Convince me
to decide someone else."

"Who should I vote for?"

-Is that Jonas's?
-Han to: "Magnus".

"Why Magnus? Do you have any bonds?"
He did not come up with concrete things.

He's a bit of a whirlwind now.

The bottom line of what Cengiz is saying is
that he must suspect everyone.

That's it. So he talks a
lot about it today.

That makes him point to many
different ones, including me.

And that makes people doubt whether
they should vote for Chris or Cengiz.

I'm afraid to be wrong, because Chris
is a good person with good values.

So maybe I'll
shave his ass today.

- But it will be him tomorrow.
- I think it will be him today.

- I am very sure of Jonas too.
- Are you?

- I mean that 100%.
- Jonas?

I can stop accusing Chris
and focus on Jonas instead.

It's a good suggestion actually,
but not one that I want-

- to establish themselves in the group.

Today, with Emil...
I've never heard...

-Never heard anyone who is more secure.
- We are following you and Emil today.

We owe it to that theory.
That's my point.

I mean...
We do. We go for Chris.

My last hour has come.
Now I'm dead.

This is not going to go well.

Confusion has been created in the group,
and at the entrance to the council chamber-

-are the traitors apparently
once again safe-

-når defleste fingre
peker moth Chris.

Now I will have to go hard.
I must unfold my soul-

- and try to come up with strong arguments.

Now I've worked so hard
for that theory thing.

I am so afraid that I will make mistakes.

It's starting to empty here now.

We can take the prize pool first.
It is probably identical to yesterday.

This time I want to
talk a little to the traitors.

Because you have done
almost everything right so far.

You have the loyal ones
right around your little finger.

You have manipulated them.
You have confused them.

And that has resulted in
them banishing four of their own.

a brilliant piece of work.

Shall we applaud the traitors?

It's well played.

That is impressive.

So the question for you loyalists:

What is your plan tonight?

The plan is to catch a traitor tonight.
But that has been the plan every night.

It is not in my nature
to try to take a leadership position.

I did it because I know
you have mobilized people against me.

When we had to choose teams, I chose
based on who I trust the most.

Some I was a little more unsure about.
Jørn, I have spoken to you about it.

I chose you mostly because of your head.

But over the course of the day I feel
we have built more loyalty.

I don't think I should have been
in the car with Chris.

Because it had a bit of an impact.
In the cars, everyone is affected.

Everyone who gets out of a car
votes for almost the same name.

In that sense, I'm not
going to vote for myself-

-since we were in the same car.

But I said to Chris, "Okay, talk
me into voting for someone else."

"Vote for someone you think is right."

When Chris obviously fails
to convince me, I say:

"Okay, I can vote for Jonas."

"I am as sure of him
as a traitor." I saw that.

When I hear my name from Cengiz,
I just have to roll my eyes,-

- because it's ridiculous,
because I'm obviously loyal.

But there was one more...
It was irony, by the way.

I try my best to trust
you and gain mutual trust.

- But I can't build it up.
- No, the same.

Thank you, I was about to say.
But we are unable to build up there.

I was going to vote for Chris and he
for me. But then we talked.

I am convinced
that he is not a traitor.

Another argument is
that you were harsh towards Tonje.

A traitor will not
put his head on the block-

-to get one out
and be as burly as you were.

A bit like Emil is now
that you are a traitor.

Emil felt 100% yesterday.
And today.

- So it's Emil I want to hear...
- Yes, why is Emil so sure?

It's because I
caught Chris in a lie.

You say it.
I would like to hear which lie.

I asked him a question and he
realized it was stupid of him to say.

He couldn't give me an answer
and he looked very far away.

I don't think I could have lied.

If I had done that,
this is how I would have reacted.

Then I said, "Sorry,
I exposed you in a lie."

He did not reveal himself,
but he revealed himself.

Do you believe the same as him?

I can't convince you,
because you've already made up your mind.

It will be great fun, if I go out,
to look you in the eye and say I'm loyal.

-And damn me if you're a traitor.
- You don't get that opportunity.

I'll tell who else
I think it might be.

I've had that feeling for a long time.
I go back and forth, but I think:

Karina. Sorry.
Sander. Sorry.

Jonas. Sorry.

Those are the ones I think are the highest.

Then Arman also mentions my name.
He has mentioned it before.

It's just reacting to it
as if I was loyal.

But it turns to now.

Now I think it is important
to keep the focus on one of us.

We cannot come with empty votes,
because then there will be none of us.

And then it becomes completely random.

- Then take one of us.
-Do it, please.

Then we will vote.

Write the name of the person you want to banish.

Put the plate down when you are ready.

Everyone has voted?

Then I
suggest we start with you, Jonas.

-Who did you vote for?
-I've talked enough-

-about my reasoning around it.
I end up at Cengiz today.

I dig the guy.


If you are a traitor,
you have played completely insane.

Yes I have.
I can confirm that.

I also go for you today, Cengiz.

I'm not sure at all.

I hope we meet at the station, bro.
There is nothing more to say.

When it ultimately comes down to
a battle between the two of you,-

-so from day 1 Chris has given me
no reason to doubt him.

You have made me insecure.
I love you and admire you.

I know that.
We love each other.

- It's nothing personal.
- No, it's a game. Sorry.

I am in the same situation as the
others. You have two to choose from.

I don't think any of you are traitors,
so it's totally fucked up.

Pardon the expression. But I brought
a homie in here. You, Cengiz.

So therefore, Chris...
Sorry, I vote for you.

No one has spoken for themselves better in
here than Chris.

I'm sorry, Cengiz.

I am quite surprised
to see so much Cengiz's name.

That in fact what I have said
has resonated with many.

I've always had
a good feeling about you, Cengiz.

You were very strange today, I think.

I chose you, Chris,
and it hurts me too.

I don't think it's Chris.
Cengiz may also be telling the truth.

But it will be you today.

I have also written Chris.

I vote for Chris.
I stand by what I say.

I'm doing as I've been told all day.
I know he is a traitor.


That's six votes for Chris,
six for Cengiz.

Just as it is being equaled,
a small panic sets in, -

- for if it is equal
in the re-voting, -

- must one vote for someone else.

And I was one of the few other names
mentioned in the council chamber.

Now they will each have
a defense speech in one minute.

Then there is a new vote.

If there is still a tie,
there is a new vote.

Then it is not allowed
to vote for either of the two.

I have done nothing
but defend myself today.

-Do you want me to do it?
-You can start.

I didn't know the game
would go this far for me.

I spend my minute
in silence, almost.

I don't want to use grinning
because it's very bad play.

But I
sense difficult feelings.

I think I just gave up.

I couldn't take it anymore.
I just gave up.

She can,
I'm not 100% sure.

Maybe Chris isn't, but Jonas is.
Maybe I should push Jonas.

You don't want to say anything?

I know that Cengiz is not a traitor.

But I'm also unsure about Chris.
What shall we do?

What happens now?

Chris, one minute.

I have also felt
those feelings for a long time.

And now that I feel like I'm
on borrowed time, I'm a bit past that.

My goal has been to try to work
for the loyal, which I know I am.

And I'll say it again:

When I might break,
keep an eye on who's pulling the strings-

-and don't go straight for those
who are suspected.

I pulled myself together and sent
Tonje out and was very firm.

Because I was bombproof.
And that's exactly what Emil is now.

So I hope
people don't go after it afterwards.

I'm trying to convince those
who jump back and forth-

- and who are unsure of me
that I am loyal.

That is my task now. Just fire on
and be as aggressive as possible-

-to save myself,
but also to make it better-

-for the loyal
ones who are left after me.

Chris and Cengiz,
you can't vote now.

The rest of you...
Then you can vote.

Does anyone want to start
by telling who they voted for?

I can start.

I felt the right thing was
to stay the same.

I have kept my train of thought.

It pains me to say it,
but unfortunately so do I.

I too have kept it. Shit,
but I can trust Emil today.

I stand my ground, me too.
Unfortunately, it will be the same.

If no one changes their vote,
the two will be protected.

So I have no choice,
I feel.

I have three pieces in here
that I really trust.

Probably a couple more too,
but at least you, Karina.

And Magnus.

I did rationally
in that situation-

-what I realized I had to do.
But it cost me a lot,-

- because there are real relationships too.

I have no idea what...
I have no idea.

But it's their looks now
that make me change my mind.


Cathrine read the situation
exactly as I hoped she would.

I stand my ground.

I am also unchanged.


Four votes for Chris,
six for Cengiz.

It means, Cengiz,
that you have been banished from the game.

You can sit down here and tell us
what role you actually have.

-Well played.

This game fucked my head up.

Sorry for using swear words.

Building relationships is not easy.

But one thing I have done right
is to double check-

-and get people's trust back.

Not many of you have done that.
I am loyal.

-Damn father!
-I do not understand anything.

- It wasn't a shock.
- We knew that.

It wasn't a shock.

Chris did a great job.
He should have that.

If it's not him either,
then we've looked like jerks today.

We can confirm that.

Luckily it's just a game
so I don't take it personally.

You hang your head, but take
a look around the table. It sits...

- I've been sitting here for three days...
- If I'm killed tonight...

I am in the same group
and I have come up with a name, etc.

I've been sitting here for three days,
had the same name on the block.

Try not to go against the community.
I have said I am 100% sure.

I was hoping there would be a majority
against Chris, that I would get an answer to-

-what I have been saying so harshly
for two days now.

It would have been good.
But it didn't turn out that way.

You're going to be sorely disappointed.

You made up your mind a long time ago.

It's hard to talk to you
because I know you're a traitor.

You don't get a glory moment.
I'm just saying it.

Just so you prepare yourself mentally.

If you're a traitor
and get me out now...

You have stood in the front row
and called my name.

So all eyes are on you.

I just have a slightly different strategy,
but I'm getting nowhere.

The day you get proof that I'm
not, you'll be disappointed.

I get frustrated with
how much you've locked onto me.

It will be my best television moment
when you become a traitor.

I can't be here,
but I can watch it on TV.

I can either become the biggest
legend in this game,-

-or become the biggest idiot.
That's what I'm waiting for.

I have been waiting for two days now
and I am still waiting.

That's the only thing I'm waiting for.

I can not stand more.

I want to start by saying
that you two are sick in the head.

-What is wrong with us?
-You have no feelings.

You have feelings humanly speaking,
but what about you two?

I have a lot of feelings.
There are many I love.

But I know how to distinguish between
what is a game and reality.

-I realized that your tears were real.
- That's the worst...

-It's perfect.
- I don't want it to be.

It's absolutely terrible.
It was absolutely horrible.

It's no fun contributing to
so much furore and entanglement-

- that people get so upset. But
that's the job I've agreed to.

My thinking is that we need to pick someone
who wasn't in shield-

- and who voted for Chris.


- It's time for Emil...
- Yes, it is.

- It's all too clear.
- It is quite clear.

If there is anyone who has been 100%
on Chris, it is Emil.

The only one who surely
cannot be turned away-

- from the tank towards Chris, is Emil.
- And that's good for us.

Yes, but at the same time some may think
that it is good for us, -

-and thus it will be
even better if we take Emil.

Jørn suggested Emil. At first I thought
it wasn't such a good idea.

But Jørn is very clever.

The alternative is Arman.

I am now mentioned by Cengiz,
whom I voted out,-

- in addition to Arman.

- It's between Emil and Arman.
-Yes it does.

-Then do we have a decision?

-You wanted to write, didn't you?

I will never touch
that dirty pen again in my life.

Control is from day to day.

I think
tomorrow will be fine too.

Then we agree.
Let's go.

Cengiz has left a mark
for the other participants.