Forræder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Ja, jeg er forræder! - full transcript

In the previous game round, Cathrine had to
force a loyalist to switch sides.

-The choice fell on Karina.
-I don't want that job.

The group finally managed to collect
a lot of silver during the mission,-

-and a slim prize pot grew
from seven to 23 silver bars.

Magnus got a shield and thus could
not be eliminated during the night.

In the council chamber, Chris and Sander got
three votes each, -

-and it had to be voted on again.
Cathrine and Magnus switched sides,-

-and thus Sander was
banished from the game.

Chris later reacted to
that Cathrine changed her voice,-

-and is now sure
that Cathrine is a traitor.

Ragnhild Meyer

It is the 10th and last game round.

Det er klart for finalen
av "Forræder".

Yes, this is rough.

But now it's the last day.

One day left.

Game face on.

And I have to remind myself
that this is fun.

Magnus pointed a bit at me yesterday.

I think it's Chris,
and I think it's you, Karina.

And I'm willing to...
It's all or nothing now.

I get it. I feel
like I've been pretty constant,-

- but it can be interpreted either way.
- I think you have been forced over.

I look you in the eye.
It hasn't happened. I promise you.

So I'm quite clear...
He's not sure about me.

-God tomorrow.
-Love your shirt.

Thank you.

Sitting with Chris
is both good and bad.

It's good
because I really like Chris.

I feel that we have built up
a trust over time.

That is who we base
our relationship on now.

At the same time, there has
been a change-

-which I can't show Chris.
And I can't tell.

I tried to watch all of them yesterday.
See if there was any change.

- It's like nothing.
- I thought I was going to see something.

Maybe especially at breakfast yesterday.

For breakfast was the first meeting.

And then I thought that now there are some
who want to behave differently.

I can only
take myself as a starting point.

I have not been converted

No, and I believe that.

I know that I have chosen
to trust some people more than others.

But deep down I know that only
my own truth matters.

And it is that I am loyal.

- I haven't seen anything.
-Neither do I.

Who do you think went out today?

I hope we have missed the mark. There is
a chance that someone missed it.

That we will all return.
One had a shield.

The shield, yes.
It is true. Shit!

I think if anyone,
then either Magnus or Arman.

- Which has leaked out?

I also believe in one of the two.

I didn't
consider that the traitors might actually have missed.

-Yes, it's a shield.
- Shit.

-God tomorrow.

-Good morning.
-God tomorrow.

Here we sit.

There you two fools sit.

It's always horrible
to go to breakfast.

Right now it's mainly Cathrine
that I have in my sights.

I have given Cathrine a free pass.
I won't do that anymore.

I have assumed that there
are two, and that one has been enlisted.

And because I know
it doesn't apply to me-

- and because I still hold onto it,
there have been three names on the block.

That includes you, Karina.

There are three names on the block.
It must be, mathematically speaking.

I can tell you:
I have not been drafted.

- I have not been recruited.
- I see... Yes.

-I mean it.
- I know you mean it.

-Have you been enlisted?

I wouldn't have thought so much
about this either if I had known.

It doesn't work.
This is driving me crazy.

You are not alone in that.
It is what it is... We just have to...

Magnus, for me,
is kind of the bank now.

If Arman smokes,
then it's a perfect occasion-

- to point at me too.



Sorry there's no thunderous
cheers when you enter.

I didn't expect that either.
I snuck in a bit.

There is a chance
that Arman will also come.

That someone has tried on
the one who has the shield.

I feel like we know
who the traitors are.

Although we have said it
a lot here.

We have no guarantees, but I feel
very confident this time.

Not much has changed
since yesterday, as far as I'm concerned.

I still
think it's Karina and Chris.

But it's a long day, and there
will probably be a drive today too.

So I can change my mind.

If Arman doesn't show up,-

- so that's where I land,

And it is for me...

...the only possibility
I can see then.

Unless something else suddenly

I think you're a traitor,
but I also think-

- that being such a person in
that role must be absolutely terrible.

You have to point in one
direction or another when there are so few left.

And unfortunately the nice thing Chris
that I've had to point out-

- and stick to it.
It wasn't me who pointed first.

The atmosphere is palpable.

It's a pretty... not amp,
but a pretty tense vibe.

I think this has been
a lot of bad times, -

-and many painful moments
in the hall-

- when one
after the other has expired.

Then it's listening to your gut feeling,
trying to clear your own head.

We sit here and wait.
It looks like there is someone outside.

If Arman comes in now….

- My father.

-Disappointed to see me?
-Hope to see Arman.

It was me, unfortunately.

"You are hereby eliminated."

We were all
in the shield room today.

Magnus whispered to me
that he got the shield.

- Oh... -
He trusts me.

Now I feel guilty again.
But this is a game.

He said that?

There is no doubt
that we are served by-

- to be four tomorrow.

Since the traitors knew
that Magnus had a shield,-

-they could safely eliminate another.

We have to trust
that we will be able to pull it off.

We go for Arman.

If Cathrine is a traitor and you have
played so insanely well as a traitor,-

- then I wish you the victory.

God tomorrow.

Here you sit and sense peace,
but a little danger, perhaps?

Quite a lot of danger, actually.

Hope you enjoy the last meal.

Do you think there is
a traitor among you?

We're pretty
sure it does.

But something a little more cheerful:

You have won
23 silver bars so far.

Today it is ready for
the last mission.

It consists of four tasks.

On each you can win
up to four silver bars.

This means that it can become quite a
handsome prize pool eventually.

The prize pool goes to the one
or those of you-

- which will remain until the end
in the council chamber tonight.

So there is a bit at stake.

As always, you will find
further instructions in the cars.

But before you go,
I recommend that you take

- a well-considered discussion on
who should sit in which car.

- You will drive two cars.
- Father.

See you there.

I want to sit in the car with Cathrine,
as I trust her.

I'm not afraid of
you changing your mind or anything.

But if you do it in the car,
I think it's stupid.

I'm on it.

I have no violent opinions.

The one I trust the most is Karina,
so it seems like it's 2 for 2.

But if we're going to mix it up to...

The one I trust, I am convinced
is not a traitor.

So that's why I want to talk
to someone Idon'ttrust-

- to be convinced that they
are not traitors or the opposite.

The fact that Magnus and Cathrine are very
adamant that they should drive together, -

-makes me suspect even more
that both are traitors.

I could imagine sitting in a car
with you, to be honest.


If I had changed then,
I would have been in the car with you.


You're afraid
he'll persuade me to...

She's good at it.
You have to manage that yourself.

But I don't understand
Chris' argument against me.

But I'd rather sit
with you.

There is no point in joining us.
If we want to sit together, we will.

- I just say what I think.
- Then we'll do it.

The rationale for the split
was based on-

-that those who trust each other the most
should be with each other.

I think that's silly.

Chris wanted to ride in the car with me.
He wants to talk me into-

- that it is Cathrine who is a traitor.

If there's one thing we've learned, it's
that everyone changes their mind in cars.

I was so sure of Cathrine
that I didn't want to take that chance.

I wanted to be in the car with Cathrine,
who I feel safe with.

It's almost unbelievable that I don't consciously
try to control it, -

- and then it happens anyway.

I try not to be active, because I
have struggled so badly with this role.

Nevertheless, the pieces fall into place
without me having to be so active.

It is marvelous.

In the car, Magnus reacts to-

-that he was not tried to be eliminated
by the traitors.

They had to gamble with the shield,
because they couldn't know.

Yesterday I told Cathrine that I
have a shield. Only she got to know.

You were the only one who saw the shield.

So the fact that I wasn't chosen could
have indicated that you were a traitor.

- But I don't think so.
- I'm not.

It was actually also a final test-

-to see if Cathrine
is loyal or not.

I thought that if I didn't have
the shield, the traitors would take me.

They didn't.
They took Arman.

So that was to get an extra hint.
And that hint can be interpreted as-

- that Cathrine may be a traitor.
But I really trust Cathrine, -

- and I hope and believe
that she trusts me too.

I trust you 100%
and will share the money with you.

The money is not important,
but standing there in the end-

-and agree
that we trust each other.

It annoys them that they sit together.

For Chris, it is a bad
solution to stay like that.

He has little opportunity
to influence that.

It frustrates me, because I know
they're pointing at me, and they're wrong.

And I also know
that it's most likely one of them-

- who only agree,
because it benefits them.

You see that Karina and Chris work
as a team now. There is no doubt.

No, it is true.

The 2 on 2 tactic was something
Karina and I thought about yesterday.

But that it should just happen
without us having to make a choice...

We just get picked.

Had I been a traitor,
I would have been with one of them.

Then it would have been very strange
to have to support you now.

I might be messing around a bit.
I have substantiated that theory a bit.

That if it's not Magnus,
it must be Karina.

But why has no one ever thought
that it could be me and Karina?

I can't see that there is
anyone other than Cathrine. Honest.

-You don't?

Being something you're not...
It doesn't work for me.

I just have to be who I am.

Cathrine begins
to smell victory,-

-and now want to collect as much silver
as possible for the prize pool.

In the last mission
there are a total of 16 silver bars in play.

Now my father will be taken.

And those tasks here now,
we will take them.

The only thing that worries me
is that because of so little sleep-

-over such a long time, the
problem-solving... Thinking...

Should I have taken an IQ test...

I can promise you it
would have been below normal by now.

Now the players are on their way.
They must, among other things, watch video greetings-

-from the previous players.
They do this primarily to win silver.

But some of the video greetings
can potentially reveal a bit too.

The one I give my silver to,
that is Cathrine Fossum.


- Oh, there were many pictures on the wall.

It's probably time to reminisce a bit.

Behind here you see the fallen.

When they left the game,
they were told to answer the-

-which of the players
has meant the most to them,-

-and thus to
whom they will leave silver.

Your task here is to find out,
each and every one,-

-which of these has given you silver.

Here you can see all the players. Tap on
the one you think has given you silver.

If it has given you silver,
one silver bar goes to the pot.

- It must be for you.
- I think Erlend has given it to me.

-And maybe Sander.
- I think Sander has chosen me.

We have been close all along,
and have become even closer.

- Shall we take it first, then?
- Yes, we can try.

Should I just press?

The person I choose to bequeath
my silver to is...

- Magnus Midtbø.
-I saw it.


Zero silver bars.

He hadn't chosen me.
It was quite embarrassing.

- I'm pretty sure about Sandra.
- Then you take her.

I want to give my silver to...
No surprise. Karina.

-Thank you, Sandra.

-One silver bar in the pot.
-Should I take Erlend?

- Take Erlend.
- I'll take Erlend.

The person I want to give the silver to
is Magnus Midtbø.


I was almost a little moved to see
that they had given it to me.

Two silver bars.
Possibility of one more. Katherine?

-Who is it between?
- Cengiz and Emil.

Not Jonas, then?

Jonas? Jonas voted for me.
I've laughed a lot at Jonas, but...

-Jonas voted for you.
- Yes, it may well happen.

Jonas doesn't give it to me.
He can't do that.

It would have been poorly done.

I have been very close to Cengiz.

That is why it was a complete crisis.

I have no idea what...
I have no idea.

It's their looks now that make
me change my mind. Pardon.

It means, Cengiz,
that you have been banished from the game.

I might have guessed him.

I also lean towards Cengiz.
But you have to make that decision.

- There could be more, too.
- Yes, it can. Where is he?

The one I will give my silver to is…

- I have to choose. I say Emil.

We can first summarize.
You have received two silver bars.

But I have to be safe with you.
You have to see one more.

What could have been good
is to see what the traitors have said.

-Yes it is true.
-That is smart. Well thought out.

When there are two traitors in the group,
and you have to reveal-

- both traitors' silver,
then it is a vulnerability.

The only thing it does for me,-

-is that I spend
more thought on it.

We'd love to do that, but…

-For my part now...
-If everyone agrees,-

- can you see one more.

If we get to see one, there's no reason
to choose a non-traitor.

- I want to know what Jørn...
- And actually Arman too.

Yes... Joda...
Det er sant.

Cathrine manages to create
enough uncertainty in the group-

-so that they don't get to see
who Jørn gave his silver to.

The one I give my silver to
is Cathrine Fossum.

Saved by the bell.

Jørn's silver for me...
It hadn't looked good.

It was annoying not being able to see
what Jørn had voted for.

But changing your mind
at the last minute can be disastrous.

Two silver bars in the pot.
We can go further into the house.

Join us in the mortuary.

Here you see the coffins
of the traitors' victims.

Maybe someone here
knows a little more about it?

Let's not dwell on it any longer.

Their task is to arrive at the
correct number on the scale. 207 kg.

To do that
, you have to put the chests on the scale.

-Is there a different emphasis on them?

When correct, it is set to zero.

You have ten minutes.
Time starts now.

We must have the thickest underwear.

Magnus is very keen that this should
be solved mathematically and neatly.

- Shall we try A, B and C first?
-In that case, this one is too heavy.

Or we weigh them all separately,
so we have the number on all of them.

It was clearly Magnus
who first took control of the

-how we were to solve the task,
and said we were to weigh each chest.

Now we have to remember.
A is 70 kg.

57 kg.

- Can you lift it up?
-I will help you.

42 kg.

-Weren't we missing 42 in town?

- That and the first two.
- Then we'll take this one away.

-Damn father!

When I see
that one of the coffins weighs 42 kg,

-I realize that we have
already weighed our way to-

- that we only need 42 kg.

This is perhaps one
of my greatest math achievements.

-Four new silver bars in the prize pool.
- This felt good.

Now we can let them rest.

- We're going up.

Here you see all the players
who have left the game.

The task is to smash the tiles
according to the order they left the game.

You start with whoever
left the game first, etc.

- It's fine.
- I think I remember it well.

You will crush them with these balls.
You must throw.

For every fourth correct tile in a row
you manage to smash, one silver bar.

If you miss,
we start counting again.

Should I start with Kristin?
Christine, Hina.

- I sit like this.
-Make sure you don't miss.

-Don't worry about him.
- Then the sequence is destroyed.

-Do any of you want to start?
- I can start.

Oh, damn father!

You are absolutely sick.

- Now it's Hallvard.
- It is more difficult.

-With the next you have four in a row-

-and one silver bar in the pot.

It must be Christer.
It cannot be anyone else.


There was one silver bar in the pot.
You can win more.

Who is next? Wasn't it the
daughter who smoked? Catherine?

She wasn't far behind him.

I'm going to meet Tonje.

- There were two correct ones in a row.
-Who went after Tonje at night?

Was it Emil?

Emil, maybe?
Or was it Anne?

-Anne smoked before Emil.
-Then I'll go for Anne.

Good work.
That was wrong.

In the!

Then I really
start to doubt myself.

That was wrong.
Then you start over.

Was it Sandra?

-Goodbye, friends.
- Goodbye, Erlend.

Then you must have four new ones in a row.

Will we find out who
went out that night?

In the.

It wasn't Anne.
Then it's either Sandra or Emil.

And since Anne was wrong and Emil was
after Anne, it must be Sandra.

-Yes I believe.
- Didn't Sandra get further than Emil?

I think so too.

- Yes, so...
- Emil, then.

Emil was left alone without Anne. He
was sorry that Anne was gone.

Emil was taller than Anne.
And we were wrong about Anne.

- Shall I go for Sandra?

Then it's Sandra,
and then it has to be Emil.

You hit.
That was the good news.

But it was wrong.

We know this.
And then it just disappears.

Then it must be Emil.

-Then it was Emil.
-Wait a minute now.

In all seriousness. Now things get messy,
and then there is stress.

- It must be Erlend or Cengiz.
-Foreign smoke before Cengiz.

There is Erlend, and then there is Emil.

Abroad, Emil...


Now there are seven left, so we can get
two more silver bars if everything is right.

Now it's Emil.

- It is well approved.
- It's broken.

It is broken.
Then we do it like that.

Good work.
But it was wrong.

You're kidding.

Do we remember that badly?

No one remembered correctly.
It was just chaos.

-There you are, Cengiz, right?

Cengiz smoked before.
It's easy to say now, but…

- He smoked before Emil.
-Father, that is.

Then we have a maximum of one more silver bar.
It's just firing.

Complainant ridge and corridor, Cengiz.

You have three in a row right now.

If you get it right now,
you have another silver bar.

-If you make a mistake, it will break.
- We are not wrong now.

Broken into a thousand pieces,
as Jonas broke my heart.

Another silver ingot in the pot.

Then the stock is two silver bars
in this task.

Fortunately, we won silver. Although we
should have won even more, we won silver.

And that is good.

Now we are going to the fourth
and last task.

You must each choose
a number from 1 to 4.



As always, you have the opportunity
to win silver.

You get it if one or more
of you complete the task.

Then you can look at this one.

You have one minute from now.

Think carefully.
Time flies.

If you have to start over,
you are completely out of rhythm.

If it's frustrating...
Is it frustrating that I talk?

-Mads... -Shut

Is it possible to find peace with the mind?

Is it 16? No.
One two Three...

Tell me if it's distracting.

Can't zip again?
It is impossible to concentrate!

Don't start from the top...
You control the order yourself.

I tried to shut out
distractions from Mads-

- and create a system in my head.

Don't remember mistakes.
That's a tip from me.

Like that.

Good. Then you also got
some information along the way.

A little bonus info.
Then you can come with me.

You may recognize this.

The players may only go
on the yellow fields-

-based on the board they just
tried to memorize.

If they settle on blue, they get
power and are out of the mission.

If one or more get all over
the board, they get four silver bars.

-Cathrine, were you number 1?

Then you can take your first step.

The one on the right afterwards now.

Then to the left.

The one on the right.

Middle, right, right.

I spent a lot of effort
trying to remember.

If one or more come across,
you win four silver bars.

Middle, right, right, middle,-

-left, right, left.

And then I remembered.

When we started on the last task,
I thought it was difficult, -

- and that we were most likely
not going to make it.

When I gather my concentration
and actually want to, it goes well.

There were four silver bars in the pot.

The group has managed to win 12 out of 16
silver bars in the last mission.

See you soon in the council chamber.

- Had you taken the whole thing?

-You did it all?

- I didn't even try that.
- I made a song in my head.

I also sat like this:
1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3....

I took "Little Peter Spider".

Chris, it's been fun
being here with you.

- After all, we have chosen that trust-

- which we started on day 1. -

We promised each other
that if one of us turned traitor,-

-should we spare each other
as long as possible.

But today, Chris,
I'm going to stab you in the back.


- Now we are, in a way, two teams.

It may well be that I am sitting
in the car with a traitor.

The opportunity is there.

There is a high chance of that.
But I choose not to believe that.

Now we're going to fucking win this.
We will.

For all the loyal ones that have
been sent out, we will win this.

Magnus and I have a similar plan.

Magnus makes a plan
that also suits me very well.

I'm sure
it's two traitors.

If it's not you, it's the two of them.
I know I'm loyal.

- The same for me.
-It's good I have someone to trust,-

-because by excluding you,
I know who the traitors are.

When I look at what you have done,
you are clear in my eyes.

When I look at what Magnus has done,
he is also quite clear.

He has brought out traitors.

And when I look at Cathrine...
Nothing to go on.

It is only emotion based.
She has voted for me twice.

Cathrine has never
voted for a traitor.

I agree with Chris.

It is not difficult to agree,
because I have felt the same.

Cathrine has tricked me too.

Winning as loyal with you,
I think, is...

It's a delicious thing.

It's so horrible to me.

- I can't relax yet.
- No, but we just have to do it.

We must try to avoid talking games,
because we are done talking.

I can't stand Chris trying
to talk me into voting for you.

He'll try, but
I promise you, he won't make it.

Those who are traitors have done
a very good job of hiding it-

-from the start. And possibly
the person who has been enlisted in, -

-hid it really well.

Because I can't see
any change in anyone.

It is very admirable
to see... To not see it.

I was also convinced
that we must notice this.

There has been
no difference at all.

Now I just have to wait it out.

- In my head now it could be you two.
- We have that though.

- It's 2 against 2 in here.
-There is no doubt about that.

It probably doesn't matter
how much I defend myself, -

- because I'm pretty sure I'm
defending myself against traitors.

It feels awkward
to trip right before the finish line.

It's just damn hard
not to get a taste of any of the silver.

-Are you sure you won't get it?
- Yes, quite sure.

Because you think it's me?

So... When we sit together,
I'm not sure.

It has been
a rollercoaster of emotions.

It hasn't been much fun.

It has been emotionally
quite exhausting.

Chris is probably a bit like me.

We live a bit with our feelings on the outside.
And I think that is absolutely beautiful.

- Are you lying here?
- I wanted to take a nap, but...

-What do you think?
- I'm ready to smoke now.

I realized that a long time ago.
It's 2 against 2 now, -

- so I agree
that I am the one going.

I'm not sure about the
roles of any of you.

Now the choice is based
on the entire journey we have had.

It takes a lot for me to
change my mind at the last minute.

Just completing a train of thought.
What happens happens.

What happens happens.

If you are loyal,
I wish you the best of luck afterwards.

He is convincing.

I know I'm loyal.

But if we had voted you out
and you had been loyal,-

- then it had started to boil.

Then I wouldn't have known
who I could trust anymore.

There are a lot of thoughts,
and I change my mind a lot.

Sometimes I've been very
unsure and just picked a name.

I think that what could happen now
is that Magnus turns against me.

I believe in Cathrine, but you
never know. You become extra burdened.

Especially if someone
you really trust-

- turns out not to
have been telling the truth all along.

Arman formed a close bond
with one of the contestants.

I have decided
to tough it out.

Go for the first win of my life.

There is one council chamber left. I thought
I should feel pretty calm by now.

I'm shaking, my stomach hurts,
I'm unwell...

I find it really uncomfortable.

It has been
a rollercoaster of emotions.

Now I trust much more in myself
and my own ability to argue-

-for things I believe in.

The plan is not to be too firm.
I am open to changing my mind.

I really want to win this.


Things heat up.

- Shall we start with it?

It was another profitable day.


This is the result of
ten rounds of cooperation.

This is the prize pool.

-How has it been?

-In what way?
-I've learned that I don't need-

- to be so shy of conflict anymore.

Before I came here, I was really shy of
conflict. But not anymore.

Not to the same extent.

I have learned
that standing in the conflicts-

-gets me further than escaping from them.

What about the rest of you?
Magnus, have you learned anything?

I've learned that I can't
trust my gut.

That's what I've learned the most.

I've wanted to run away
every day since I got here.

There are so many things
simmering all the time.

Being in such an environment,-

- it has been very difficult.

But when I see the four of you
who are left, it strikes me that...

The cut is that you are more low-key-

-than the average of the 20
who started here.

Is it a coincidence,
or has it been an advantage?

I think it has been an advantage. I
was suspected the first day-

- because I was a bit quiet.
I had to explain that I am like that.

It is not those who have taken up the most
space, shouted the loudest, pointed the most, -

- who sit around the table.

It's a quiet bunch.

I have been afraid many evenings because
I have not received enough votes for me.

Because if you are safe and loyal,
can you not be used by the traitors?

Just. They want to hold on to people
who are slightly suspicious of them.

But here we are.

I've tried to protect him too,
so I wish Magnus the win as well.

Today's task is simple on paper.

If you are loyal,
you must banish a traitor.

If you're a traitor,
make sure you don't get banished.

And so both you and I know-

- that you therefore have
different interests around the table here.

Here you go.
The word is theirs.

I think that we were already
split in two from the start of today,-

-made that there will be no
change in the votes.

I would very much like to sit
with you in the car. And you suggested it.

And you would like to sit with Magnus.
I would like to sit with you.

You were also very clear
about that, Magnus.

But game-wise, I
think it was stupid for one of you.

If it turns out that Karina is a
traitor, then there is one more anyway.

Then it's one of you.
And you point fingers at me.

There are not particularly many good
defense speeches in the council chamber today.

I almost feel like
the traitors have given up a bit.

Or they are very cunning
and have won.

I choose to believe that they have given
up a little and realized what the outcome will be.

It is quite clear
that there have been two fronts.

I feel myself getting a little...

I know it, me too, Cathrine.
I've given you a free pass.

I can't trust anything-

-before that victory is in the box.

I have kept lists of
whom I have considered safe,-

-and who has been more uncertain.
It is based mainly on votes.

You have not voted for traitors.
I've given you a free pass-

- again and again and again.

The feeling I'm left with now
is probably about that maybe I too-

-should have opened my eyes and seen
what was right in front of my eyes.

Is there any point in talking more now?

Has everyone made up their minds?
Does anyone want to say anything more?

- Or shall we go to a vote?
-Go to vote.

Then you can write the name
of the person you want to banish.

Magnus, you can start.

The one I'm voting for today
is the one who got the most votes-

- through the competition without breaking out.

I vote for Chris.


There isn't much treasonous
about either of you, but…


This hurts-

- right to the core.

I have supported you, I have believed
in you, I have backed you.

And I dig you.

But I have to save myself.
My vote goes to Chris.

That she votes for Chris,
that was surprising.

I think she does it
for tactical reasons.

That the best way for her to save
herself is to vote for him.

So I think it's a game.

I know the choice she made now,
it's tough.

Because it's very tough to know
that you're voting for a-

-who are not traitors.

Right now it hurts quite a bit.

Sorry, Chris.


It's no secret.

My vote goes to you.

Cathrine votes for Chris.

It indicates that she
has been telling the truth all along.

So my confidence in Cathrine is strengthened
by the choice she made.

This means that you have been banished from the group.

Then, Chris, you can go away here.

Then you can turn your back.

Since it is the final,
the rules are different.

Then you can go out the door.

- All right.

That he was not allowed to say
whether he was a traitor or not,-

- it was a surprise.

Then I was relieved.

I was relieved, because otherwise
everything would have been revealed at once.

The fact that I didn't get to give a farewell speech
was worse than being voted out.

I accepted that I was voted out,
but not that I was not allowed to speak.

Look them in the eye
and see who got scared.

Whoever it is,
they have fooled me.

-Good luck!

That now should decide
who to trust without knowing-

-whether he is loyal or a traitor,
it will be difficult.

You three can come with me.

I have no idea what will happen now.

The players must now,
according to the rules, agree on-

-if they want to end the game
or banish a last player.

What Magnus doesn't yet know is that
he can no longer win the game.

The loyal heart taps.

I hope that Cathrine is loyal,
and that we can share the victory.

It's going to be absolutely insane.
To win with some-

- only reinforces it.

Unless she's been running
an insane double game the whole way.

If so, I'll besoshocked,
and actuallysoimpressed too-

- that I wish her the victory.

If you wish,
we can end the game now.

It's up to you.
But it must happen unanimously.

If you want to end the game now,
the following applies:

If all three of you have the same role,
then you share the silver.

If one or more of you
are traitors, the loyal ones have lost.

If you do not agree
to end the game,-

-we go back to the council chamber
to banish one more.

It's okay if one of you doesn't
want to quit, and we'll go back.

Anyone want to say something?

I can only say that I am loyal,
so there is no doubt about it.

I can say that I am loyal too.

I can also say that I am loyal.

Then we can vote.

If you want to end the game here,
type "end".

Do you wish to return
to the council chamber and vote again,-

-skriver dere "stem".

The game ends now only
if it is unanimous.

We can start with you, Cathrine.

You want to quit.


You want to quit.

You want to vote.
As mentioned, one vote is enough.

Then you can put them
down and go back to the council chamber.

You have been deceived, Magnus.

Then we will find out
if you have managed to crack the code.

You must vote for the person
you want to banish from the game.

Before we do that...
Does anyone want to say anything?

I was a little surprised
that you wanted to quit the game.

Was it cold feet at the last minute
or what?

Since that wasn't the plan.

But I can't do that.

I struggle to look him in the eye.
I hardly dare to look at him.

But at the same time... just a game.

But it hurts.

Then you can vote.

Forræderne vet allerede
ate the har vunnet over the lojale.

Now it remains to be seen
if they can trust each other,-

-or whether one of them will betray the
other to win the prize alone.

The very first day in the house
I asked them about it.

Will it be difficult for you
to betray the others?

Whatever role I have,
I go after the prize.

If I become a traitor, I
will be one and do the job well.

-What do you think about the prize?
- It will be mine.

Will it be yours?

Will it make you willing
to make extra tough choices as a traitor?

The answer is yes.
Now it's all or nothing.

Write the name of the person
you wish to banish.

The only thing that can go wrong now
is if Karina suddenly turns around-

-and walks towards me.

Winning as a loyalist would probably have been
a different feeling for me-

-than winning as a traitor.

Then we can start with you.

I'm sticking to the plan,
the original plan,-

-and votes for Karina.


I'm sticking to
the original plan too,-

-and votes for Magnus.

Then there is 1 vote for Magnus
and 1 for Karina.

- I have voted for Magnus.

That means, Magnus,
that you are banished from the game.

I am.

You can stand here, and you can
reveal your role to the other two.

I don't think it's any
surprise that I'm loyal.

Of course, it's a bit sour
when you smell the victory -

-and really think that
I finally have a theory that is true.

I feel really stupid,
because I should have realized that.

Then you can reveal your role.

I am a traitor.

Cathrine, can you tell us your role?

I am a traitor,
and I have been from the very beginning.

The only thing on my mind is Magnus.

That's the only thing
I can think of right now.

You feel cheated.

But it was well played.

Looking back,
I don't realize that I didn't understand.

It was really obvious.

The game is over.

Karina and Cathrine, congratulations.
You are the winners of "Traitor".

The silver is theirs.

Join us, Magnus.

My God, I won!

Me and Karina won.

It's absolutely sick.
Ten rounds are over.

And Cathrine and I are left
victorious over the whole sick concept.

We did it!

For me personally
, I have deserved this 100%.

I wanted to play
a game about truths and lies.

And perhaps about how it can be
when all this is turned upside down.

This time the traitors won.

Cathrine and Karina share
the prize pool of 35 kg of silver

-to a value of NOK 175,000.

Now this game is over.

But there are many ways
to play "Traitor".

You might see that next time.

Cathrine takes
a lesson from "Traitor" with her.