Forræder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Æ har ittj tillit te nån æ no - full transcript

I want to play a game.

A game based on
truths and lies.

20 players are invited.

These will split into two groups:

Loyalists and traitors.

But with one common goal:

To build the prize pool
as big as possible.

20 people
are handpicked to participate.

All with different prerequisites-

-to be able to attack this game
from different angles.

We have well-trained folk heroes
and bombproof writers.

I am an observer. I can sit
at a distance and see that people are lying.

-Gaming experts.
-Randulle has been good at lying-

- the last two years in isolation.
We'll see if Sander can deliver.

-And people without a filter.
-I look like a bandit,-

-and people think I'm a person
you can't trust.

Then I probably don't have any advantages.

We have with us
strong kinship ties.

What's up?

It is very nice
that dad is involved in this.

-Former police investigators.
-I have worked for 20 years-

- by exposing liars and frauds.
So many people think I'm good at it.

You have expertise in finding
traitors in groups of people.

The less I know people,
the harder it is to read them.

-We have journalists with us.
-I'm rarely in situations-

- where I'm about to win something.

But if I get involved,
I'll probably get involved quite intensely.

And not least cunning.

I have no
prerequisites for success.

Yeah, wait.
I'm cold, cynical, manipulative,-

-and is willing to go over corpses.

In a short time the game will begin.

Three of the players will be awarded
an exclusive role.

From then on they will be traitors,-

-a role they must play and to the highest
degree hide as strategically as they can.

Here, lying is part of the game.
Then I don't care much about lying.

In the next few weeks, the players will
work together to build the prize pool-

-as large as possible.

-How high up are you?
-I do not know. It's loud as hell.

But they fail
to reveal the traitors,-

-the traitors
take the entire prize pool themselves.

-Tonje, I know you are a traitor.
-Then I can just say have it.

I write a lot of notes.
Trying to draw lines.

I'm going to identify
each and every one of you.

Here, someone clearly
has full control over us.

I don't trust anyone now.

Ragnhild Meyer


Each and every one of you has been handpicked
for what we are about to go through.

You are 20 basically
loyal people-

- who can trust
each other for as long as possible. I say as long as,-

-because some of you will be offered
an advantage in the game-

-against betraying the others.

Who the traitors will be is of
course kept a secret from the others.

Then it will be up to the loyal ones
to reveal them,-

-and then banish them
before it's too late.

It seems the atmosphere
is still relaxed and pretty good.

I suggest you enjoy
the little time left-

-while you
can still trust each other.

I'm a guy who has created
a lot of content on the internet.

Of relevance to this contest
, I've been playing a lot of "Among Us".

Hopefully that's my strength here.
Practice lying to friends.

-Oi! So majestic.
- It was cozy here.

It's a cool place.
There is a lot of history in the walls here.

-Check out that view.

Visually, entering this castle of a house is absolutely magical .

Ta and tune, da.

I got a lot
of association with "Cluedo".

The pictures stress me out. Old
people looking at my neck.

Perfect setting
for this game.

- Look here, then.
- It is absolutely majestic.

For now, the atmosphere is incredibly good
between all the participants.

But it is quite obvious
that this will turn around.

I don't know if everyone
is as good friends after this.

The players are in place in the house.

Individuals see no reason to
wait to discuss tactics.

-We have to...
-Create a strategy.

You're the only one
I've known for 12 years.

We have become a gang.
I have known Arman for a long time.

We went to the same theater school.
Then it's Jonas, Sander and Kristin.

I have never joined
any alliances.

But it was immediately
talked about in this group.

Call it team, call it alliance.
We spare and help each other.

We will keep the same,
whatever the cost.

I don't think any of us
want to send each other out.

Damn, into the Christmas tree...

Then we'll see how long
we manage to maintain-

- this good alliance atmosphere
within our small "strange" team.

So long everyone is loyal.
They can trust each other.

But this will soon turn around.

The players are on their way to the council chamber,
the very heart of the game,-

-where three of them will be awarded
an exclusive role.

From that moment
the three will be traitors.

-Look here!
- Wow!

I have decision refusal already.



This looks absolutely sick.

It was almost solemn.
What a wonderful hall!

And that table...

I feel like I am sitting in the Storting.

You feel a bit like a member
of an international alliance.

I get completely knocked to the ground,
and then it starts to kick in.

"Okay, now it got serious."

- This is what it's all about.

We are now gathered in the council chamber,
the heart of the game.

Here the majority decides.
That's a big advantage for the loyal.

If you manage to find together
and stay together,-

-will you be able to share
all the silver you collect.

But... I've talked to each
and every one of you one-on-one-

-and asked if you want
to betray the others.

If you had been given the opportunity
to be a traitor,-

- would you take the opportunity?

Immediately after.

- I would accept.
-Happily. Give it to me. Of course.

- Yes, I had.



The light that was lit in the eyes
of some of you was blinding.

What do you think about the prize?

It looks very nice.
Could have taken it with me.

-Damn, is it real?
- It's real silver, yes.

It's kind of cool.

So this is what Jesus died for.


Can't you go out for a walk?

No matter what role I'm going to have,
I'm going to go after the prize.

If I become a traitor, I
will be a traitor and do the job well.

It's time to draw traitors.

Now close your eyes.
Look down at the table.

The names that are at the top of the pile
when I have shuffled,-

- are those who are designated as traitors.

I am now going to put my hand
on the shoulder of de-

- who have been given the role of traitors.

I notice that the pulse rises sharply.
Now the seriousness begins to kick in.

I caught myself using all my energy
to try to hear…

Hear someone who was caught on the back.

A chill runs down my spine.
I'm totally freezing.

It was an out-of-myself experience
while Mads walks around.

You only hear slow, slow footsteps.

Being patted on the back
was a kind of liberation.

I feel like I'm a little more
into the game with it.

I like it a lot.

When I got my hand on my shoulder,
I felt a huge lump in my stomach-

-like just... "Oh no!"

Quite like that...
Almost like a fist in the stomach.

And then I noticed
that I stopped breathing.

I thought
that now a long time has passed.

And then I feel the coldest hand
I've ever felt on my shoulder.

I think, "No, I don't want to."
I was terrified!

First, I have to ask those of you who got
a hand on the shoulder a few questions.

You can confirm
by nodding your head.

Even if it's not a role I
want, I have to take the role I get.

Because it's the game.

Do you want to betray the group
you are currently sitting among?

When he formulates it like this:

"Do you feel like betraying
this gang?"

He pounces with brutal questions.
I have no desire for it.

So then we take a little chicken out
and leave the traitor gang.

Alright, then we have to do another round.
The rules are the same.

If you feel a hand on your shoulder,
you have the role of traitor.

Mads went round and round and round.
It was so nerve wracking!

I was just waiting for the hand
on my shoulder. "Now it comes."

When I felt a hand on my shoulder,
I thought: "yes".

Then I ask again: Do you
want to betray those you are sitting among now?

When I speak up, the traitors can
open their eyes and look at each other.

Traitors, you can open your eyes.

When I open my eyes, I see Jonas.

I dare not turn my head,
because suddenly my neck snaps.

I tried to see with my eyes.
I only saw Jonas.

"Shit, there's only two of us."
It was just complete panic.

When I count down from three,
everyone can open their eyes and the game begins.

I realize that it
is difficult for me to lie.

I felt it as soon as I
realized that now I will meet the gaze-

- to one of those I have confidence in and
who I have thought has confidence in me.

Three, two, one...

You can open there.

It was intense.

The game is on.
There are traitors among us.

-You stayed, you.
- No, you're a traitor.

It was a bit intense,
because all the looks changed.

It was almost like people
could see into your soul.

The first person I notice
is Sandra.

I fix my gaze on her.
She looks very uncomfortable.

You now understand
what the role of the traitors is.

They will get rid of each and every one
of you to keep the silver for themselves.

If you fail to reveal
all of them before the final,-

- is the silver lost for you.

I wonder who the traitors are
and how many there are.

Christer Falck is guaranteed.

I saw that in his eyes.
I saw some kind of horror.

He was unsure of his role,
of who he was.

I think the atmosphere
has already changed a little.

Are you kidding?

Are you the only one who has
emptied the water glass, Jonas?

I'm not afraid to say
I'm stressed.

What I saw was Jonas
sitting on my left.

He was so hyped
and couldn't hide it.

He had red spots here on his neck.

So I choose to say: I'm
quite a kind and nice guy, -

- and would have appreciated being able to join
and play a bit with you all.

We are different there. Our strategies
appeal to the opponent.

He talks so damn much.
He must shut up.

I think it's too early.
Or is it, Sander?

Damn it, stop it!

We have played a lot of "Among Us".
We mess around a bit.

Just because we accuse each other…

Jonas became a tomato.
So I think he is a traitor.

He should never kill anyone, because he
will break under questioning.

There is generally a good atmosphere
across the circle.

Guys, one more thing:

Already tonight, the traitors will
eliminate their first victim.

Sleep well!

Wait until day four or five.

If you are.
I'm just telling you.

-Are you a traitor?
- Me, no?

The mood after the election
was completely turned upside down.

Are you a traitor?
Why did you look away?

Look at me.
Are you a traitor?

- No, I'm not a traitor.
-Neither do I.

People are so sick of it.
There is talk of tactics right away.

Hina, my friend,
she changed completely.

Someone told me
that Hina was completely different-

-after we let it begin.

But I've known her for ten years.
That's why I say it.

Then I thought,
"Okay, I'll make a note of that."

You promise...
You're not?

No, but I get stressed by
him talking so much.

It's because I'm fucking nervous.

Jonas is terribly paranoid.
I know Jonas from before.

If he's a traitor
I'll be shocked,-

- because he is one of those
I can read the face of here.

The only thing we have to go on
is body language and behavioral change.

First of all, it's Jonas,
because he's so hype.

Completely crazy.

World's worst poker face.

Or he just thinks
this is so much fun.

Maybe a combo.

How did it feel
to have your hand on your shoulder?

I do not know.

Have you gotten an impression of
who people think it is?

- Have you heard anyone mention you?

No, but everyone is like that...
Everyone has that joke when...

But I never joke.

-Are you mentioning me?
-Everyone mentions you.

Christer stared me down a bit.
Made me insecure.

Is he up to something?
Does he know anything?

But I think
he just likes to put me out.

- Are you saying that to stress me out?
-What did I tell you?

- He did it.
- I'll tell you why.

Because you have spotty redness.

You can't start
with poker stuff like that.

It comes when there is stress.
You also have a bit of leamus on your face.

Of course, I will be
put on the spot as just the rascal.

No matter who you had told,
they would have been stressed.

You've built a career on
making people scared and stressed.

My job is to try to tell that
"five ants are more than four elephants."

I might be an elephant.
I have to push the ants forward a little-

- and show that this is a
potential vote cow.

Mens de lojale
går en nervøs natt i vente,-

-the traitors will meet
for the first time.

Tonight and every night to come
the traitors gather to discuss-

-which of the loyalists
will be eliminated from the game.


-Thank God.
-Cathrine didn't know about me.

When I saw Jørn, I was genuinely
filled with great joy.

Damn father, now I was happy.
I didn't dare look to the side.

So I totally panicked.
I just looked straight into your eyes.

I thought, "Is it just the two of us?"

I was so happy because it was Jørn.

I really appreciate him as a
person, and he has an analytical ability-

-in this type of situation,
I would assume, which I don't have.

On many levels, it was very
reassuring that Jørn was also there.

Shall we take a little walk first?

I'm a little afraid that Christer Falck
actually feels that it is me.

He has also been good at
talking about it out loud.

- So if he smokes tonight...
- It puts me in the spotlight.

One idea I have come up with
is to take someone from my own group.

I had a small group
that I talked to a lot.

We shouldn't send each other home
if we were traitors.

So if anyone breaks out of that group,
I think it will be-

-a common understanding that no one
in that group is a traitor.

-We have held hands on...

Because Jonas was the one
most people were a little suspicious of,

-would it perhaps be wise
for one of his group-

-had to leave the game today.
Just to protect Jonas.

We have decided on this?
You should get the credit, Jonas.

I already have
so a guilty conscience.

I'm a conscientious guy,
but now I'm playing.

Then there is not much mercy
to be found in this carcass.

The first game round is well underway.
One player has been eliminated.

For now, only the traitors
know which of the loyal-

-who doesn't show up for breakfast.

- We are first.

What is the most absurd thing we can sit?
If you're here and I'm down there?

We are living.
We do that.

That was something I thought about the traitors.
Yes, you could choose not to be.

Hadn't someone then said "I was
tapped on the shoulder"? No one said that.

I said no to being a traitor yesterday.
It's a bit risky to say that.

Then the traitors can say, "Everybody knows
he's safe. Out with him."

I want to say that to Erlend,
but I have to become much more confident in people-

-before I can reveal it.
As soon as it's out,-

-am I an easy target
for the traitors.

- Did you say no?
- I said yes.

Yes, voices.

-Hey true, jump true.


When I got to breakfast, I was
glad there were only two people there.

It would have been more uncomfortable
if there were more people there.

I had felt that I was being scrutinized.
It helped a lot to meet the others.

So that we are not alone in that.

- I do!

It was perfectly fine
to come to breakfast today.

I was also very aware
that that was when the game started.

- It's very good to see you.

I will think that I am loyal
and continue to be the way I am.

As long as I don't think about the
traitor stuff, I'll be fine.

-I trust you.
- I'm not a traitor now.

But I have my suspicions about
who it is.

But I dare not say that out loud,
because it might backfire.

If I suspect someone,
I smoke right away.

But you're not on my list.

During breakfast I try to look for
small personality changes.

Jørn has that kind of look,
an investigative look.

I think it's his way
of camouflaging being a traitor.

- Now you analyze badly.
- That I analyze, yes? Yes.

But it doesn't seem like
many others think so.


-Who is not here?

There is a tension here
that is extremely uncomfortable.

And it is extremely exciting
to look at the empty chairs-

- and think about who won't come.

Who are we missing?
Cengiz, Anne, dad...

I was very excited about
who was missing.

Shit, imagine if dad is out.

I felt that some people did not have
the same excitement.

Jørn seems relatively indifferent to
the fact that dad may have to leave us.

Someone knows very well who won't come.
Then it's hard to fake a...


Nothing was difficult
at breakfast.

It was very easy to be "loyal".

Getting stressed, and letting the stress increase
as we see-

- that someone from those I am closest to
will not come.

It's me, Hina, Sander,
Arman and Kristin.

We have been very tight
the first day.

A certain form
of trust was built within that group.

We trust each other. If someone is a
traitor, we shall not take each other.

Is it on your group we should take, then?

Yes, because it will mean to me tomorrow
that we have no traitors-

- on our team. It would be
between Arman and Kristin.

-Who hasn't come?
- Arman and Kristin.

It was very nerve-wracking to sit
and wait to see who came in.


- Is it just you?

Kristin has left.

Is it just you?
You fuck.

Kristin, poor thing.

Are you kidding?
Stop it!


Because I swore on my dog
​​and she swore on her baby.

I think I have taken the first step
towards success today-

-by sending out someone I have promised
not to send out if I am a traitor.

So far it seems to
have worked-

-exactly in the way I
aimed for it to work.

-Arman, Sander, Jonas and Hina.
- They were in a group.

I feel we might
be able to exclude them a bit.

Now it
's getting a little unnerving.

Good morning. Dear everyone.
Today is a sad day.

Kristin was taken away
from us last night.

Brutally eliminated
by merciless traitors.

The same traitors who sit around
this table and eat with you now.

But enough about that.

The silver awaits.

You can split up in the cars
outside, then we'll meet at the Gildehallen.

In each game round, the players must
cooperate on a common mission-

-where the goal is to build the prize pool
as big as possible.

They can win up to 46 kilos of silver
as at the end of the game-

-befalls either the loyal
or the traitors.

-Who do we suspect?
- A lady has voted out Kristin.

- Women are the worst women.
-So a lady is a traitor?

- I'm a little suspicious of you.

- You have said that many times.
-I am.

- I'm glad you're honest about it.
- I have to be honest.

Welcome to this memorial service
for Kristin Gjelsvik.

- You don't take it too seriously, Anne?
-No I do not do that.

I appreciate you coming.
Kristin would have done that too.

Unfortunately, not everyone is invited.

Those invited are:

Kristin has left
nine names on a list.

You nine can go in here now.

When my name wasn't on the list,
I felt a little panic.

"Damn father, now we can't be part of
the fun that's going to happen."

-Good luck.

It is a picture of Kristin.
Sorry, didn't mean to laugh.

Sometimes I get into situations
where it is inappropriate to laugh.

But it is a bit comical to hold
a memorial service for Kristin Gjelsvik.

Dear congregation, we are gathered here
today to honor the memory of Kristin.

Our dear Kristin unfortunately had to
leave us far too soon.

I have a guilty conscience,
but once I am a traitor,-

- then I think she could find herself
doing the same.

She was brave,
spontaneous and an honest person.

So then I repeated to myself
in my head "it's just a game".

We have lost a friend,
but she will live on through us-

-inside TV 2 Play.

If someone wants to say a few words about Kristin,
this is a great opportunity.

I can share
a few general words.

"Generelle ord..."

That's good, Jonas.
She had appreciated that.

I feel that those who...

After all, we met a day ago,
but we arrived in a group.

Hina and I were in that group.

We bonded
pretty quickly.

The impulse to feel remorse when everything
is like a real funeral is there.

In light of that, I would say
that I think this is pretty cool.

- She will be missed.
-Absolutely, to a very large extent.

Thank you for very beautiful words.
Then everyone can sing "We Live".

-Which song?
-"We live".

One is weak and one is strong
We are both masterpieces

We live

Unfortunately, you were not invited.

But I think Kristin
had an ulterior motive.

When we cleaned out
her room today, we found this.

Hello, everyone. If you see this,
it is unfortunately too late for me.

It's a shame I didn't get better
getting to know you, but fear not.

My inheritance silver will
of course go to all of you.

Or at least three of you
that I trust-

-at will share this silver brotherly
with the rest of the group.

Silver must be collected
for the prize pool.

To do that, they must
take out the players one by one-

-until only the three correct
remain in the memorial.

There are now nine people sitting in the hall
and saying their last goodbyes to me.

But only the three I want
to leave my heirloom silver to-

-must remain seated until the last
word is said. So listen carefully:

The silver does not belong
to the most naive of them.

Nor do I trust to share
the silver with the most cunning.

Min arving er heller ikke
den most dominating av dem.

Nor the least fun.

Nor have I chosen
the most intelligent of them.

And finally: Not even the least
observant will inherit my silver.

Now I hope you manage
to find the three chosen ones.

Good luck going forward.

The first task is to find out
which of the nine Kristin

-is the most naive and bring
the person out in a respectful way.

- I'm thinking Jonas or Tonje.
- It must be a blonde.

- Tonje.
- I'll pick up Tonje.

Tonje, can you come with me?

You can wait outside for that long.

- The most cunning.
-Who do you think it is Erlend?

The mission was great fun.

Then I think we go for Erlend.

It was so much fun
to collaborate on a task.

-Do we agree?

It is very special
at a funeral.

- Are they picking people up now?
- I don't understand.

Next is the one Kristin saw
as the most dominant.

Anne is very bombastic.

"I know who the traitor is.
100% sure."

She is very dominant.

-Can you come with me?
- I was taken out.

It was brilliant, because I couldn't bear to
sing songs. Funeral, like...

Next to be picked out is the one that
Kristin thought was the least funny.

He doesn't say anything.

If we're going to say it, we have to take time to
judge it, so he doesn't get hurt.

I felt a bit crazy for running
over Sander.

He thought it was terrible to say
that Magnus was the least funny.

-Poor Magnus!
- It's not rude.

It's not the most positive either.

We have to put up with that.

I think it was
that I was the least funny.

It's not a fun title to have,
but I'll take it.

- The next one is now the most intelligent.
- It will be Jørn.

-Least attentive.
- I would think Hina.

- Can I take you out?

- Sorry.
-Do not worry about it.

Then there are three pieces left.

If that's true,
there will be a lot of silver for you.

Finally, I have been instructed
to read Kristin's wish and will.

She wants to leave
her heirloom silver to the group.

She has chosen three pieces
she trusts will accept

-and share it brotherly
with the rest of the group.

The three are as follows:



And Katarina.

You can come up and collect the silver.


We made a team effort,
and then it was even more awesome, -

- because there was a feeling of community
around winning the money for real.

It feels good
to bring silver to the group.

When I am in Kristin's will,
there is an acknowledgment of-

-that things
have really gone according to plan.

I have gained so much confidence.
I feel completely cleansed.


The players have succeeded in their first
mission. Three kilos of silver are secured.

But the jubilation has hardly died down-

-before they have to decide on
the next part of the game.

Soon they will
meet again in the council chamber.

This time to vote on
who they think is a traitor.

The drive back proves to be
a good place for conspiracy.

-What about Jonas, then?

-Yesterday I was quite sure, but...
-I'm really confident in Jonas.

There must be limits to how
bad a poker nose can be.

If everyone in the car agrees on what we
vote for, we are quite strong.

We're sitting in this car
and I think Hina is a traitor.

I write in my book "Hina is a
traitor" and show it to Sander.

Do you see?
Do you agree?

I have come to know Hina.
I don't want her to smoke.

She is the goodness in that group.

I just fuck with him.

-Let's say we suspect Hina.
- We do, of course.

We made a joint plan,
without me being the most active, -

-about voting for Hina.

But I try to stay
a little under the radar.

I think it's Jørn.
I'm absolutely sure.

Magnus actually points
fingers directly at Jørn.

- We will vote for Jørn.
-Arman doesn't think it's Jørn.

-I do not know.
- Most people probably vote for Jørn.

If Jørn has made himself suspicious,
it is his fault, not mine.

But I hope it goes
in a different direction.

We've heard a lot of Jørn today, but
I'm not sure if it's him.

He sits and scowls at you. You think
you're a traitor when he looks at you.

Jørn has only been walking around and listening
and watching and studying for a very long time.

I don't have any strong feelings about
anyone else, so I vote it-

-I feel other voices so we are
guaranteed many votes for the same person.

Let's talk about
who Arman suspects among us.

I want to start with you.
I am very unsure about you.

If you are loyal,
you can contribute to a hell of a lot.

But if you're a traitor,
we're fucked.

You know what I mean?
That's the problem with Jørn.

What shall I say in my defense?

I don't want to cast
suspicion on anyone,-

- but the person I'm thinking of
is not present.

I'm thinking of Hina, because she's
also a bit... You know her well.

If she's there usually,
she's a bit over…

Now that he says Hina...
We never talked about anything.

I suspect her, too.
She has changed completely.

It is very helpful to listen to you,
Arman, because you know her.

- Do you notice a change... -
Yes, I'm not going to lie.

- I want her to be here.
- You were the one who outed her.

The first game round must end.
It is done in the council chamber.

Here it is up to the loyal
to expose a traitor.

If they know who the traitor is, then.

My plan now is
to be part of the sheep flock.

If that means that I, like everyone else,
have to point at Jørn, then I will.

The suspicion hasn't changed
much. 110% convinced.

In the beginning, it pays
to follow the group a little.

But I hope
we can remove a traitor.

Now someone
around this table is to be banished.

Kristin is annoyed
when she realizes what she has done.

The first game round must end.
It is done in the council chamber.

Here it is up to the loyal
to expose a traitor.

If they know who the traitor is, then.

It quickly becomes very serious
when you enter the council chamber.

I'm very nervous,
but my stomach is also tingling a little.

Something in me thinks it's fun.

As soon as you enter there,
you get massive chills, -

-and the hair stood up all over his body.

It's a pretty creepy atmosphere.
I thought you could laugh a little at that, -

-but when you stand there,
it seems deadly serious.

Thanks for the last one.

This has been
a day for reflection, -

- but also a profitable day.

With the inheritance from Kristin, you
now have three silver bars in the prize pool.

I hope and believe
that there will be more.

I know there will be fewer of you.

Here in the council chamber, you must
vote every night for the person you want to banish.

The majority decides.

As of now, the loyalists are in the majority,
and thus have the most power.

Who will be banished tonight
is up to you.

If someone wants to say something...
The word is free.

I love to open my mouth, but
sometimes it is necessary not to.

Here it is important not to.

I was very conscious of
not saying anything.

If I mean a lot about who
are traitors and maybe hit,-

-they will see me as a threat
and eliminate me during the night.

There are some of you who talked a lot
yesterday, who are not saying anything now.

I think the word is yours, Jonas.

I, without a doubt, right after
we had been in here yesterday…

Then I very quickly began to hear
that someone had pointed in my direction.

But we got a very good clarification
on that, because we talked about it.

This is how stressed Jonas is.
Has he first allowed himself to be stressed,-

-he allows himself to be stressed by the stress,
and then he talks more and more.

Kinda like I can't
stop talking now.

I feel sly.
I play up a real nervousness-

-and fringing that is there.

I have become more familiar
with people today.

There have been many good reasons
why I have become a little calmer today.

There is an active mindset behind it.
Now you have to stop me, Mads.

- I'll stop you there, Jonas.
-Feel free to step in.

Does anyone have any theories on
who the traitors might be?

Now is the time you should
take advantage of the opportunity.

It has been really difficult.
It really hurts my stomach.

I also have a really bad stomach ache.

It hurts my stomach
to have to point someone out and say-

- that you can't be here anymore.
It's absolutely horrible.

That talk made no sense,
because we didn't talk.

We just sat and waited for
it to be done.

People are so vague.
No one dares to point anyone out.

Are you kidding?
Then I have to take responsibility, then.

It may be a good idea
to pay extra attention to the

- who may have deliberately
disappeared a little in the crowd.

They can be the scariest.

I think Sander blends in a bit.

Very nice, but
only because you're a bit blinded.

Emil dazzles a little.

I'm probably more afraid of
individuals than the whole gang.

Jørn is a scowler.
He just walks behind.

Suddenly he stands there.
I just...

- He is the one I am most afraid of.
- Everyone is afraid of you, Christer.

I have done nothing
to avoid it.

Christer's words are not worth much.
He is a bajas who says a lot of strange things.

I have a good gut feeling. I
've experienced enough and lived long enough-

- to trust your gut feeling.

But what I'm afraid of in here
is making the wrong accusation.

I think that is very scary.

I can say as much as it is guaranteed
that a woman has voted out Kristin, -

- who have taken the initiative
to vote out Kristin.

-Why do you think that?
- I am 100% sure of that.

Why do you know that?

Because that... That Kristin was voted out
by men, I don't think so.

I have thought pure intuition.
To vote out Kristin,-

-a fabulously beautiful girl...
Taking the initiative for it-

-must come from another woman.
No man would vote Kristin out.

Yes, Christer Falck could do it,
because he is completely unpredictable.

He lights traitor, the whole type.

He looks traitorous.

Do men vote men out?

They can vote out both genders.
But women vote women out.

-Will there be a preponderance of men in the end?
-Yes maybe.


Sausage fest!

Therefore, it is safest to vote for
a female traitor today.

-Hina, you haven't said anything.
- I sit here and scan the room.

I haven't decided. I'm trying
to see if I get a gut feeling.

In the end, we
only have our gut feeling to trust.

That's my strategy today, because
it's the only thing I can rely on.

Everything else becomes thoughts I make
up because I have talked to others.

It's just personality
and gut feeling.

What your gut says first
is often what is right.

You, now one
around this table is to be banished.

Write down the name
of the person you want to banish.

You hear people talking,
and the name that is mentioned, -

- has been mentioned throughout the day.
Then it was easy to get up.

I knew a great many others
were going to write it.

So I just hung on.

It's time.
Tonje, who did you vote for?

I have voted for Hina.

The only reason is
that I was sitting next to you,-

- and I feel I heard some sounds
from your side.

I'm just basing it on rumors
and what everyone says.

- So I have done the same.

People are convinced that you are…

People are convinced
that I am what then?

That is what is true.
That many have said so.

But I would also have owned it
if I meant it alone.


-Who is it?

I am convinced
that you are a traitor.

I am not the chief sheep
in this flock of sheep here.

-I do not know what to say.
-Is it now time for me to say "bye"?

Damn, oh my god!


I dig you, Hina.
I dig you.

But I don't think you're loyal.

I didn't have very strong
feelings about her.

But suddenly I realized
from several different quarters-

- that there were more
people who had reacted to Hina.

The way to be.
That she became extra fussy.

It takes very little
before you get hooked on something.

I think it's a bit like
that what you look for, you see.

- Sorry.
- You should have followed it a little better.

Now it's really embarrassing
if we're wrong.

Have you talked together?

My very first gut feeling,
despite the unison answer,-

- be you, Hina.
-I do not understand anything.

Hina, Hina, Hina, Hina... I feel
stabbed in the back by everyone.

This is a choice that I stand for.

I'm so sorry, Hina.

You are a very nice person.
But I voted for you.

It has been very difficult,
because there is little to hold on to.

Men... Hina.

That people have talked about it and have
decided to vote for me…

The sweetest, kindest
and kindest girl in here.

It had to be a woman
to vote Kristin out.

Where have I been
during these conversations?

Me too.

It was just absolutely mind-blowing.

I've been quiet
during this whole thing,-

- because I have known for a long time
what was going to happen.

I'm sorry I haven't said anything,
but I haven't been able to say anything.

Everyone thinks Hina is a traitor because
I got a hunch that she was,-

- and then I told one person.
Then there was talk, and then...

No, I'm not feeling well
at all right now.

I have known Hina for 12 years, so I
could not write her name,-

-even though I'm 100% sure
you're a traitor.

- I couldn't do it.

I couldn't
write her name. Sorry.

- Is it me, then?
-Who did you vote for?

It is said that it is women
who vote women out.

Then I thought
that maybe it is true.

- So you vote me out, Anne?
-Yes I do.

Hina, you have clearly received the
most votes.

You can stop there,
say a few last words-

- and then reveal your role
to the others.

It has been absolutely fantastic to be
here and get to know everyone.

This was very surprising.

I am so disappointed in everyone.
I was just nice to everyone,-

- and felt that I created a good atmosphere.

Things happen behind people's backs.

Maybe I was a bit naive and felt that the
game hasn't really started yet.

But it started a long time ago.

I understand you think
I'm an actor-

-and therefore I have
played this quite well.

But I'm not that good an actor.

I am not a traitor.


-Good luck.
- Shit, you fucker!

My stone!

Here are some
who play very well.

We are a bunch of idiots.

Here there are many gut feelings
that should be calibrated.

You have exiled a loyalist.

The traitors have you
around their little finger.

Sleep well when the time comes.

And try not to get eliminated tonight.

Poor us,
because now we are completely fucked.

It came as a shock.


I almost
didn't believe what she said.

Now no
one trusts anyone anymore.

Here, someone clearly
has full control over us.

Damn girl, I'd like to
be a traitor. Into hell!

They are the only ones
who have control over the parameters.

Traitor-Jonas takes life
rather crushingly calmly,-

- because none of the fingers that are pointed
are dangerous fingers.

Arman has realized that he who has known
her for a long time can convince everyone.

That's what made me...
That's my safest bet.

It's more that other people have acted out
than that we have been very clever.

- We've had a bit of luck.
-We traitors can pat ourselves on the back-

-on the shoulders,
because this went completely according to plan.

How did the
police detective go?

Now I have to go through
all the resolved issues...

I have to start thinking
where the rumor started.

Because it has started with
someone being so sure of something.

When you see and smell a little blood,
you throw yourself over.

Arman planted the taste for blood in people.

Arman announced very harshly yesterday
that it was Hina.

You've known her for 12 years and were
90% sure it was her.

In any case, there was a change
that was very evident.

Now I have to go round with myself
about what I think about people.

The most obvious thing would have been to give
Christer the role of traitor. And Jørn.

And Katarina. And Tonje.
I can actually name them all.

I trust Emil.

But now I think he's a traitor.
I don't trust anyone now.

I was also surprised
that it was so overwhelming.

I think everyone, as soon as it arose…

As soon as a name arises that many people
are talking about, everyone will take that name.

If I had made a completely independent
decision, I would not have taken Hina.

I felt pretty confident about Hina,
but she wasn't high on the list.

Jørn has taken on the role
of investigator.

He tries to pretend a little too much
that he is a detective.

He investigates,
and hides behind it.

"I'm trying to figure this out.
Therefore, it can't be me."

I'll probably be
the first one the traitors take out.

If I'm not taken out on the first day...
Ergo, I'm a traitor.

It's a catch-22.

His strategy is that if it seems
like he's investigating,-

- he will not be suspected.
Because a traitor will not investigate.

I find that suspicious.

We have been driving with him all day.
I'm not saying it's not him,-

-but it will hurt to vote
him wrong if it doesn't.

It was grinning there.

What do you feel?
A little mood report first?

This day has been...

Yesterday was intense,
but this has been a long day.

On the day, it went
beyond all expectations -

-based on the little plan
we started laying out yesterday.

I feel absolutely everything went
as well as possible.

Because Kristin wrote me in her will,
and it was just...

- My alibi is so rock solid.
- You are safe.

I have felt very safe.

We need to talk about who is the best
to take out. Your name will appear.

The way it looks now,
you are the most exposed.

- No one has told me my name.
- No one does.

- But you've heard it.
-Yes a little.

For example Magnus.
Magnus is now activated.

It could have been a natural thing to get
a foot in Magnus's scheme.

Magnus is cunning. I'm afraid of
what he might find out.

You need to get a little closer
so you don't become a joker.

- I'm not good at that.
- Well then, you're going to be friends.

Not friend, but you should try
to get a little more familiarity.

I have to bet that I got
one in the face yesterday.

But who is going out today...
We have to think about that.

There is one choice in particular
that will not point at anyone.

And that you won't like.