For Life (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Fathers - full transcript

When Maskins and Cyrus Hunt try to thwart Aaron's attempt at a retrial, Aaron is forced to attempt a desperate move, risking the wrath of a powerful new adversary.


We got a riot in the gym.

Shut the gate!

Three prisoners dead,
another 36 seriously injured.

You're a novice,
Ms. Masry.

Cyrus will be taking over
until your hearing's concluded.

We might be able to use it
to our advantage.

It looks just awful
for Safiya Masry,

and it's got to roll downhill
to her wife.

That girl who OD'd at the club.
Lexi Richardson.

She's not just another witness.
She's the reason it started.

And her father
just so happens to be

one of Maskins'
biggest donors.

If I could have
everyone's attention, please.

If I had to choose one word

to describe my friend
Glen Maskins,

it would be "devoted."

He's devoted to his family.

He's devoted to
the principles he lives by.

He's devoted to truth
and justice.

What does that mean?

It means he fights.

As a Marine, he fought
for his country in Kuwait.

As District Attorney
here in the Bronx,

he fought to keep
our streets safe.

He fought for victims,

and he fought
for their families.

And as the next
Attorney General,

he'll fight to ensure that
New York has the most ethical,

intelligent, and nimble system
of criminal justice

in the nation.

To do all that
in a complicated world,

you need someone with values,
with great judgment,

and most of all,
with integrity.

Anyone who knows Glen
knows he has all those things.

If you're innocent,
you'll be given a fair shake.

But if you're guilty,

well, then get ready
for the fight of your life.


You hear anything
about Jamal?

The body count hasn't changed.
That's all I got.

What happened
to all his stuff?

Anyone who went to the hole
got their cell tossed.


I found that thing you used to
keep under your chair.

Got rid of it.

Am I gonna
get my stuff back?

Warden says no.

I'm entitled to anything
pertaining to my defense.

They took my file
at intake.

It's a part
of the lockdown.

I'm arguing
for my retrial.

He can't just take my things
like that.

You got the right
to prep your witnesses

if they can get up here.

That's an order
from the judge.

And you got the right
to go to court,

but the prison's on lockdown
for at least a week.

No visitors,
no phone calls.

Can I get a pen
and paper?

Pen's a sharp instrument.

Close Cell Four!

Lexi, I hear everything's
going so well at the foundation.

I can't go anywhere
without hearing your name.

Early education and college
scholarships may be one thing,

but you know
what we really need?


If I lose,
maybe I'll come knocking.

I'm sure my dad could
give you a good reference.

I can't tell you

how much I appreciate
you hosting again.

Polling average
has you up two points.

Margin of error's three.
Some say five.

The Attorney General's gonna be
pounding the pavement for us

the next few days.

You know
how effective he is.

He told me he could be of help
with Wallace.

Suggest you hear him out.

We've got that
under control.

I don't think
you do, Glen.

Hear him out.

We can't have Wallace
spouting off to the press.

That's the main thing
the next three days.

I've already worked that out
with security at the courthouse.

And the judge
is Sorensen?

She may be
our biggest problem.

Alright, let me see
what I can do about that.

If you can
pull that off...

Let me
show you something.

That's Wallace
assaulting Dawkins.

Courtesy of Cyrus Hunt.

Reach out to him.

Aaron Wallace
was the prison rep

who helped drive him out
of Bellmore to begin with.

Let's keep it
very simple.

The police showed you
a photo of me, only me,

and asked you
if I sold you drugs.

And I felt pressure
to say what they wanted

because they found
a bag on me.

What's with the audio?
I‐I keep getting these glitches.

It's new equipment.
I know it's new equipment.

I'm the one
who had it installed.

Just get me
more volume somehow.

You know,
they keep calling me,

telling me if I say something
different than last time,

it can be
considered perjury.

No. These are different
questions I'm asking you,

and you're telling
the truth.

So don't listen to them.

Oh, I'm not,
but I thought you should know

in case they're doing this
to your other witnesses.

Yeah, can't say
I'm surprised.

But we're good here.

Go get some rest
for tomorrow.

And thank you.

Bring in the next one,

Ms. McDonald.

Thank you for coming
all the way up here.

I really appreciate it.

Well, your wife really
made it sound important.

And I've been following
your story.

I've seen that website
your daughter made for you.

I believe you're innocent.

Thank you.
I don't get to hear that much.

Just never occurred to me
that there was something wrong

with the District Attorney

coming to the hospital
that night.

Well, it's because of
what happened afterwards,

his relationship
with the girl's father.

Now, remember, I'm calling you
as a surprise rebuttal witness,

so you can't tell anyone
you're doing this.

You have a deposition I took
in a civil case a few months ago

in which a former Bronx ADA
admitted that

Hey, new protocol.
Let's check in over here.

Just give me five minutes.

Come on, Joey.
Five minutes.


Hey, Aaron.

Did you arrange all this?
Meeting me down here?

No, but I heard this was
gonna be drop‐off today.

Somebody doesn't want me
talking to the press.

you need to know

Cassius Dawkins thought you were
a rat and put a hit on you.

Jamal convinced him
he would do it.

That's how
he got the shiv.

And then he turned it
on Cassius

trying to protect me.

I know Hunt has the prison
on lockdown,

but when that's over,

if Dawkins' crew spreads
that you're the rat,

you're not gonna have
any friends in there.

You need to put in
for a transfer now.

Hunt can never
sign off on that.

Just put
the paperwork in.

And let me talk
to the Board.

It was you who got me out
to go to court.

Why are you doing all this
for me?

Just do it now.


Even with my help,
it could take some time.

Everything alright?



No Darius today?

He wanted to be here
Day One,

but he didn't want to be
a distraction to you.

When this is over,
he's got some things

he wants
to talk to you about.

You switched judges?

Brought in someone
who's gunning for me?

Come on. That's got nothing
to do with us.

Governor makes
judicial appointments.

You don't like it,
move for an adjournment.

All rise!
Court is now in session!

The Honorable Judge
Reginald Cummings presiding.


You may be aware
that the Governor

has elevated Judge Sorensen
to the Appellate Division.

I'll be presiding over
all further proceedings

in this matter.

I've already reviewed
your briefs

and transcripts
of the opening statements,

so let's get to it.

Mr. Wallace?

You have a deposition I took
in a civil case a few months ago

in which Mr. Adam Yamada,
a former Bronx ADA,

admitted that that office
knowingly prosecuted cases

in which the NYPD
used illegal

and unconstitutional
identification procedures.

Objection, Your Honor.

Mr. Yamada admitted to
one administrative oversight

in one case.

I have multiple witnesses
who will testify

that they were shown
only a single photo ID of me.

There's a pattern of

There is absolutely no reason
to call these witnesses.

Now, if Mr. Wallace
had read People v. Zayas,

he'd understand
I read that case,

and this has nothing to do
with that situation.

One photo,
confirmatory ID.

If the complainant and
the defendant know each other

Or if there are

Police and the DEA,

under the directive of
the District Attorney's office,

were staking out my club
for months

before they start pulling people
over and searching them.

Stop and frisk
becomes find a dime bag

becomes finger me
off a single photo ID.

If you ask someone
who's been arrested

with a bag of coke
in their pocket,

scared out of their minds,
if "This is the guy?",

of course
they're gonna say "Yes."

There was no exigency,

no reason they couldn't have
pulled me in for a lineup.

And tip off
they were onto you?

They could've
used a six‐pack.

Instead, what they did
was juice the process.

Mr. O'Reilly, are you conceding
that the NYPD

did use a single photo
to identify Mr. Wallace?

In certain instances,

Call your witnesses,
Mr. Wallace.

Let's hear the specifics.

Thank you, Your Honor.

I'm sure Wallace has put in
for the transfer by now.

So what do you
want me to do? Call Hunt?

Yes, Jerry,
and pressure him to sign it.

It's not like I say "Jump" and
the wardens all say "How high?"

Oh, don't sell
yourself short.

You can be very persuasive
when you want to be.

Let me know
when it's done.


I take it
you haven't seen this.

"It's particularly controversial
because of Wallace's ties

to former Bellmore warden
Safiya Masry and her wife."

Where's Anya?
Has she seen this yet?

She's on her way.

And she's not happy.

Someone released a video
of you fighting in the riot.

Press is tying you to Masry
and Anya Harrison.

It's a double‐dip
for Maskins.

How can they even do that?

Isn't it video evidence
or something?

Is it even legal
to leak something like that?

They don't play fair.

But we already knew that,

There's something else.

We lost the nurse.

She called me last night
to say she was too scared.

They got to her, Aaron.
Like we know they do.

Cyrus Hunt.

He fed them the intel.

Released the video, too.

It's surveillance
from the prison.

I‐I wasn't expecting it
And And knowing
that it existed,

you still went and advocated
for Wallace at the Prison Board.

Well, that that's
never gonna come out.

I'm glad
you're so confident.

You You need to know

that I went to see him yesterday
at Bronx Supreme.

I arranged it
with the guards.

Nobody saw us,
but I wanted you to know.
Oh, my God.
What are you doing?!

He was in danger.
I needed to warn him.

You had to do it

I am responsible, Anya!

They sent Cassius Dawkins
to Bellmore to get at me.

That's why he's
in this situation.

And I'm in this situation

you're more worried about him
than you are your own family.

This man is fighting
for his life,

and you're talking about
your PR?

Mom? Y‐You're supposed to
start your speech now.

Thank you, honey.


Please welcome
Brooklyn DA Anya Harrison!

Who is Aaron Wallace?

Who is Aaron Wallace?

Aaron Wallace
is a drug kingpin

whose actions hurt young people
and tore apart a community.

Make no mistake.

It's impressive that he managed
to become a lawyer.

But when he uses that power

to mislead his fellow inmates
and manipulate the system,

then we have a problem,

one made worse by the fact
that my opponent's wife,

the former warden
of his prison,

has allowed his shenanigans
to continue.

That's right.

Anya Harrison's wife,

the woman who wrote a manifesto
about closing prisons,

has cost taxpayers
tens of thousands of dollars

letting this drug dealer
go back and forth to court.

I can't believe
he's doing this.

He's worked his whole life
to get to this moment.

To play the race card?

You've seen the video.

Aaron Wallace is not
the peaceful intellectual

the press portrays.

He is a hardened criminal.

All the way
from Oakland?

Come on. What'd you think?
I wouldn't come?

Thank you.
Good to see you.

Thank you.

Looking good, my friend.

Wore the same suit.
For good luck.

You came, too.

Of course.

We're here to support you.

I've already demonstrated

how the police coerced
and manipulated witnesses

by only showing
a single photo ID of me

and how the prosecution
failed to disclose

that my club promoter
was a criminal informant.

My question is, why?

Why was their approach toward me
so aggressive?

My answer?
I was targeted.

It's my contention
that Mr. Maskins

has a history
of rushing to judgment,

then hiding evidence
and committing Brady violations

to ensure nothing interferes
with his theories of guilt.

And you want to argue that
this so‐called rush to judgment

is due to racial bias.

Well, if you look at
his overcharging patterns,

his sentencing,
plea deals

I have two witnesses who

Objection, Your Honor.

Mr. Maskins has had a career
spanning 26 years.

I don't see how he can
cherry‐pick three cases

and attempt
to prove a pattern.

I can compare his record
to DAs

in other boroughs,
other counties.

The Bronx is almost 90%
people of color.

He can't possibly
make a fair comparison.

Easley Barton
was tried in Long Island.

Mr. O'Reilly is correct.

This is a conversation you can
go have with the voters,

not an argument
for my courtroom.

If you would just
let me call them,

hear what they
have to say.

My position on this is clear,

Mr. Barton, Mr. Rodriguez,
you may go.

Your testimony will not
be required by the court.

This judge.

Now, Mr. Wallace, assuming
I accept your representations

and review the documents
you've uncovered,

will this be the sum total
of your arguments?

No, Your Honor.

Not without the evidence
of a pattern.

I need to call
one more witness.

And who would that be?

Her name
is Lexi Richardson.

I don't see why Cyrus Hunt would
even want Wallace at Bellmore.

I don't know, Safiya.
He probably wants
to torment the guy.

Given their history.

Well, given ours, I was
expecting you to be
more effective here.

I had some traction
with the rest of the Board

till that video came out.

Now nobody's gonna
bend over backwards

to put Wallace
into a "safer" facility.

Hell, I had to fend off
half of 'em

just to keep Wallace
going to court.

This is a copy of the letter
Jamal Bishop left

on Wallace's bed
right before the riot.

And it proves that Wallace had
no idea what Bishop was planning

and only went to the gym
to stop the violence.

You kept a copy of this?

You think the Board
has issues now?

But how will it look
if he gets killed at Bellmore

a week after the riot?

Is that Jamal?

Hey. Hold up there.

Hey! Hold up.

Let's give him
a second.

If they're letting you
back in here, that means
you're gonna be alright.

Now, listen to me.

The second you can talk,
OSI's gonna be comin' at ya.

They're gonna try and charge you
for the hit on Cassius.

Now, all you got to say

is that you went after him
to protect me.

You hear me?

Okay, we can build a defense
around that.

Masry's out.
Cyrus Hunt is back in here.

So I put in for a transfer.
For both of us.

Now, this whole place
is on lockdown.

I'm not gonna see you
for a while.

This is it.

We got our plan, right?


Thank you.

Now, Ms. Richardson...

is it true
you used to frequent my club?

And is it also true
that you bought drugs there?

Why'd you buy those drugs
in my club?


You can't stop this?

I talked to Glen,

and he's gonna personally
oversee your testimony,

and this is gonna backfire
on Wallace.

Well, I'm gonna have to talk
about everything that happened.

What happened was this

that man had a responsibility
to you,

to all our sisters,
all our daughters.

He was a member
of the community,

and he was supposed to
protect you.

Instead, he and his punks
turned you on to drugs.

Do you know how close you were
to dying that night?

For that, he should spend
every day of his life

behind bars.

But what about
my reputation?

And yours?

And everything we're trying
to build here?

You were a kid.

You made some mistakes.

But that was
a long time ago,

and you're
an incredible woman now.

Someone who's making
a difference.

That's what people
know about you,

and nothing Wallace
can say or do will change that.

We've gone through
worse than this.

Who are you here for?

Jasmine Wallace.

She said it'll be
about 10 minutes.

What are you doing?

We're looking at
Lexi Richardson's social media.

If Dad's gonna
question this girl,

there has to be something
we can find out about her.

Like what?

If she was going to the club
back then, at 18, doing drugs,

she must have been into
other kinds of trouble.

It's for Dad.

So, this is an affidavit

from someone who went to school
with Lexi?

Social media's the new PI,
but it was Jazz and Ronnie.

It's rough.

This is how
it all started.

You can't back down now.

Do what you got to do.



I need to talk to him.

You know
I can't do that.

Can we get a word?

What's he doing?

I don't know.

Listen, I don't want to
have to call your daughter.

Then don't, if you have
any self‐respect.

All I want is a second chance
to prove my innocence,

and they're doing everything
within their power

to make sure I don't get
a fair shake.

If you've been following this,
you'd know that.

So now you have no choice
but to bully and humiliate her?

This is an affidavit

from one of your daughter's
high school friends.

According to her,

Lexi's been doing drugs
since the 10th grade.

Now, she says
Lexi always felt bad

because you told the DA

to go after the people
who corrupted her.

But Lexi told you it was
my people that got her hooked.

What does that
have to do with anything?

Now, maybe Maskins
went in too hard.

Maybe he saw how angry you were
and smelled an opportunity.

What do you want?

Maybe it's time to admit

that you don't really know
the whole story.

You want me to testify.

I want you
to tell the truth.

About what went down
that night.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to
make Lexi go through all that.

So, a year
before my arrest,

your daughter used to
frequent my club?


She used to
buy drugs there.

From Michael Miller,
a former employee of mine?

That's hearsay.
I can object.

There's no point.
He's cooperating.


From Michael Miller.

And on the night of
February 12th, what happened?

She had an overdose.

Your employees didn't want
to risk calling an ambulance,

so they dumped her
at St. Jude's.

You must have been
very upset.

You could say that.

So what did you do?

I called a friend
with connections

to the District Attorney's

An hour later,
Glen Maskins showed up.

And he was only an Assistant
District Attorney at the time.

That's right.

And were you surprised when
Mr. Maskins came so quickly?


I'm used to having people
respond that way.

Because you're a man
of power, money,

standing in the community.

That's right.

So, when Mr. Maskins
came to the hospital,

what did you tell him?

I told him I believed
the people at the Trinity Club

were responsible for this.

He assured me
he'd make them pay.

And was that the response
you were looking for?

It was.

And did he deliver
on that promise?

I believe he did.

And when Glen Maskins
ran for District Attorney,

the office he holds now,

did you contribute
to that campaign?

I did.

A great deal.

Did you help
bundle contributions

from wealthy donors
in the community?

I did.

Throw fundraisers?


And in his current run
for Attorney General?

I can't.

He has continued to receive
my full support.

Now, is it your belief

that when Glen Maskins came
to the hospital on that night

that he targeted me
to gain access to you?

Your money
and your friends?

I don't know.

You'd have to ask him.

I think it's safe to say,
Your Honor,

that if there was quid pro quo,
even if it was implied,

that that constitutes
an abuse of power.

Thank you.

Mr. O'Reilly,
Mr. Maskins, cross‐examination?

Mr. O'Reilly?


Yes, Your Honor.

The people would like to call
Mr. Glen Maskins to the stand.

In my chambers.

All of you.


I understand there's an election
happening tomorrow

and you're worried
about the media,

but I am not going to allow
this collateral matter

to make a circus
out of my courtroom.

My apologies, Your Honor,

but the entire idea
that I sold out justice

to ingratiate myself
to a wealthy man

is offensive
and completely inaccurate.

I believe I should
have been given a chance
to directly rebut.

You can rebut now.
Here. Where it matters.


The simple truth is,
I went after Mr. Wallace

because Lexi Richardson OD'd
on drugs she got at his club.

The police investigated.
We prosecuted.

He was tried
by a jury of his peers,

and they spent
less than two days deliberating

because it was a slam dunk
and he was guilty.

I did my job,
and I did it well.

And for that, Mr. Richardson
decided to support me,

as is his right.

Now, I don't know about you,
Your Honor, but I found

Mr. Wallace's leveraging
of his daughter against him

to be disgusting.

More than what happened
to Easley Barton?

Or Jose Rodriguez?

Men who were innocent
that were put away for years

under your direction

26 years I've been
doing this job.

I've tried hundreds of cases,
overseen thousands.

So for you
to handpick two

and present those as evidence
of what I'm about

You are not on trial here,
Mr. Maskins.

Oh, but I am now.

With the entire premise
of this motion.

This idea

of a pattern
of corruption.

You want to talk
about my witness,

the nurse
who suddenly got cold feet

after your people
coerced her?

Is there evidence
of that?

Of course not.

Because all he has
are insinuations.

He throws crap
against the wall

and hopes for something
to stick.

My witnesses have a habit
of disappearing on me

the day they're supposed to
be called, Your Honor.

That's what
I would have presented

had I been able to talk
about Jose Rodriguez.

That's what happened
to that criminal informant

Angelo Torres.

Mr. Maskins?

Here it is, Your Honor.

This man has spent
the last four months

doing everything he can
to make this

about me and my record

and not about the facts
in his own case.

He has looked for
inflammatory cold cases.

He has preened
before the press.

He has used his position
in prison

to find vulnerable inmates
and twisted their cases around

in an effort to malign me
and my record.

At school, my son
has been called a racist

because of the bile Mr. Wallace
has been trying to unleash.

Are you really gonna stand here
and talk about your family

after what you've done
to mine?!

And you honestly think
you have a leg to stand

Gentlemen, I'm going to
stop this now.

I have what I need
to make a judgment.

I'll need a day or so to review
the documentation and briefs.

You'll have my decision then.

Your Honor.

I know this has no relevance to
what you have to consider now...

but I'm innocent.

Even with the revelations
about Spencer Richardson,

the damage from that video

and Safiya's association
with Wallace

puts us
on the defensive.

And it gets worse.

Safiya's proposals
to close prisons

are suddenly making their rounds
on the Internet.

Oh, come on.

You need to
disavow Wallace

and distance yourself
from Safiya.

Now? On the day
of the election?

You're going to get asked about
it all day today by the press.

Here are
some talking points.

Looks like she's winning
in the early count,

but we don't know if it's from
the urban vote or what.

You saw what she said
about Dad today.

I guess...she won't be
of much help anyways.

She was just being
a politician.

But the worst thing for us
is if Maskins wins.

It won't even matter
if Dad doesn't get his retrial.

He'll be out of moves,

He'll win.

You believe in him again?

Yes. I do.

Don't you?

I always will.

But I've seen
what these people can do.

And now



I think
my water just broke.

Yo, Wallace.

Just got word.
You got court tomorrow.

You hear anything
about the election?

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very proud to present

the man who will follow
in my footsteps

my protégé and friend,

the next Attorney General
of the great state of New York,

Mr. Glen Maskins!

She tried
to stay up for you.

I wouldn't move her.

I'm sorry.

For what?

That you lost.

I don't know
how we get past this.

Do you?

Jasmine's in labor.

Marie's with her
at the hospital.

She's five weeks early.
Something wrong?

Marie says
that's totally normal,

especially for
a first pregnancy.

S‐She wanted me
to tell you, so...

Well, thanks
for letting me know.


I'm pulling for you today.

For whatever it's worth.

You should come.

He's almost here.

He's almost here.

Three, two, one.

Push, push, push, push.
There you go.
You're doing fine.

Push, push, push, push!

Push! Push!

All rise!
Court is now in session!

The Honorable Judge
Reginald Cummings presiding.

You can be seated.

Unfortunately, this case has
already been used by both sides

to score political points.

That ends now.

Coming out of here,
nothing more to the media.

No mention of Aaron Wallace
in speeches,

no mention
of a corrupt Attorney General.

Are we clear?

Yes, Your Honor.
Yes, Your Honor.


As for the motion
for retrial,

I am entirely unconvinced
by the argument

that there was
a rush to judgment

or racial animus
at play here.

When it comes to the conduct
of the prosecution,

I am troubled by the casual
manipulation of eyewitnesses

and by the disclosure issues

the criminal informant.

But those factors,
while serious,

are not enough to trigger
the cost and expense

of a lengthy retrial.


when one adds to the mix

the abundant enthusiasm
and confounding specificity

with which the District Attorney
pursued this case,

all seemingly triggered by
the overdose of Ms. Richardson,

it's clear to me
not that Mr. Wallace
is guilty or innocent,

but that, as a matter of law,

the errors that I described
cannot be said to be harmless.

As a result...

I am compelled to find
that a retrial is warranted.


Mr. Wallace deserves
an opportunity

to present his defense
before a new and impartial jury.

Accordingly, the previous
judgment of conviction

is set aside,

and a new trial is ordered
with all deliberate speed.


Meet your grandson

Aaron Wallace,
7 pounds, 11 ounces.

I missed it.

Hey, you'll meet him
soon enough.

I'm a grandfather.



I took your word for it
all along,

but I've read
all the transcripts now.

I heard
what the judge said.

If I'd have ever known
what you did

We were aggressive
where we needed to be.

We got the job done.

And the man is guilty.

Or maybe he's not.

And do you know what
that would mean for me?

Spencer, there is no way
this bounces back at you.

I'm not talking about
my reputation!

If I'm in any way responsible
for that man losing

Make it go away, Glen.

Make it go away.

Yo, Wallace.

You got a visitor.

You did well.

I was impressed.

Especially with how you
tracked down Lexi Richardson.

We'd been protecting that
for a long time.

Because she was young
and didn't do anything wrong.

But I guess your wife wasn't
particularly concerned with that

when she went snooping

through Lexi's
confidential patient files.

What she did was a HIPAA
violation, and that's a felony.

Now, I know
that kind of infraction

rarely warrants
such an aggressive approach,

but in this case,
when the information was used

to sway a judgment
on another felony charge,

I can make
a pretty strong argument

for evidence tampering

You son of a bitch.
Combine that
with the forged letter

from the
Jose Rodriguez case

I haven't even
dug deep there yet.

Then your friend
Jamal Bishop,

he's gonna get charged
with attempted murder.

There's a self‐defense argument
for that.

Not when OSI's got
a dozen prisoners

who will say they heard
Bishop bragging

how he was gonna
take Dawkins out.

Courtesy of the warden.

Bottom line is,

I have a way for all of this
to come to an end.

For both of us.

Abandon your efforts
at a retrial.

In exchange,
I take it easy on your wife

and make sure your friend
gets taken care of, too.

You leave my wife alone
I haven't gotten
to the best part.

Clemency for you.

In six months' time, you could
be going home to your family.


I can do all that

now that
I'm Attorney General.


Not exoneration?

Now that you've got
your retrial,

we're back to square one.

This just becomes
a plea bargain.

We call it time served,
and you can be out.

But I'd still be a felon.

I can't change that.

And what about
my law license?

I gotta be able
to practice.

So you can keep
coming after me?


This is who I am now.

Even if you swore
you wouldn't,

I could never afford
to believe that.

You should've taken the deal
nine years ago.

This is a second chance.

Take the deal, and you'll
be able to breathe fresh air

and hold that grandson of yours
in your arms.

That's pretty good
for a guilty man.

Let me ask you a question.

If I was a white man
who owned a club

with a family,
no record

would you have made
the same assumptions?

The girl you put in the hospital
was black.

Her father's black.

I was helping them.


No. You exploited them.

For the same reason
you exploited me.

To get ahead.

You can keep fighting

if you really feel
what I'm offering isn't fair.

But I know you're not too sure
if you're safe here.

It's a shame Mr. Hunt had to
go ahead and end the lockdown

before your transfer order
was processed.

Now looks like that's gonna be
delayed indefinitely.

You're a very smart man,
Mr. Wallace.

Smarter than I ever
gave you credit for.