Flipper (1964–1967): Season 3, Episode 4 - Lost Dolphin - full transcript

Bud disobeys Sandy and goes out to watch an explosion which effects Flipper and gives him amnesia.

- Going anywhere, Bud?
- Why?

- Well, you know that reef,

I'm sure they're blowing it up today.

- Dad told me all about it, Sandy.

- So be a good kid, huh?

Stay inside the lagoon and
keep Flipper in here, too.

- I'll try.

- Don't just try, squirt, do it.

I mean it.

I'll see you later, huh?

- Hi.
- Hi, Tom.

- Hi.

- Hi.

He thinks he's big just
because he's a few years older.

- My sister's the same way, a pain.

Hey, how's for taking
this out to watch a blast?

I brought my dad's glasses.

- I don't know, I promised
Flipper I'd play with him.

- Are you kidding?

You can do that any time.

I get it.

Big brother said no.

- Well, not exactly.

- We don't have to get
too close with these.

- Yeah, that's right!

That's a good idea!

Here, listen, Flipper, you
go play with this, okay?

And stay put in here, we'll be right back.

Oh, go on, you can't come.


Stay put.

Go on, play with the ball.

Here, let me see.

- Okay.

- It must be a warning.

- Three minutes to go, then boom!

- It's red this time.

- One minute to go, hold tight.

- Flipper!

Flipper, go home!

- Will he go home?

- I sure hope so.


♫ They call him Flipper, Flipper

♫ Faster than lightning

♫ No one you see

♫ ls smarter than he

♫ And we know Flipper lives
in a world full of wonder

♫ Lying there under

♫ Under the sea

- Okay, let 'er go, boys.

Come on, boys.

- How is he, Doc?

- Will he be all right?

- I believe so, Bud.

The shock wave must have
smashed him up against

your boat pretty hard, though.

- I thought we hit a rock.

- The blow caused a concussion,
he's not himself yet.

- When will he be?

- His behavior will be a
little erratic for a while.

The more rest he gets,
the quicker he'll recover.

- There's Dad.

I guess I better go tell
him what happened, huh?

- I guess you better.

- Excuse me, Dr. Brummel.

Hi, Dad.
- Hi, Sandy, who's here?

- Dr. Brummel, Flipper got
hurt, he ran into Bud's boat.

- He ran into,
how did that happen?

- I guess you better ask Bud.

- Yeah, I think I'd better.

- Flipper!

Flipper, come here, boy.

Hey, what's the matter, can't he hear me?

- That's what I meant, Bud.

Might be some time before he
comes back to normal again.

- Hello, Dr. Brummel.
- Mr. Ricks, good to see you.

- Hi, Dad.

- Well, Bud, what happened?
- I guess I goofed.

I let Tom Heeney talk me into going out

near the salvage barge with him.

- Oh, Bud.

- We didn't come too near, Dad.

At the last minute, Flipper showed up.

I told him to go home,

but I guess he just ducked under the boat.

- And he got caught by the concussion?

- I know I shouldn't have
done it, Dad, I'm sorry.

- Well, it's lucky it wasn't any worse.

- Any worse?

Did you see him, Dad?

He doesn't even know me!

- Well I'm sure he will, Bud.

I'm sure he will.

Right now I want you and Sandy
to go up and start dinner.

Go ahead.

- Come on, Bud.

- Thanks a lot, Dr. Brummel.

- Glad to help.

- What is it, doctor, amnesia?

- Yes, I think so.

Induced by the concussion.

When that clears up, I'm
sure everything else will.

- You got any idea how long it will take?

- Well, we should see signs within a week.

- Well, let's hope so.

Well, that was very good
strawberry shortcake.

Bud, you haven't eaten a thing.

- I can't, Dad.

- I know, son.

- Dad, can I please be excused?

- Not to go down to the dock.

- Oh, I wanna see Flipper.

- Bud, Dr. Brummel said
Flipper's not to be disturbed

until tomorrow, now you want
him to get well, don't you?

- More than anything.
- All right, then.

Sandy, if you're finished,
it's your turn for the dishes.

- Right, Dad.

- Bud, I've got a good idea.

After you've finished, why
don't we watch a little TV?

- Thanks, Dad.

I'm sorry, Dad, honest I am.

- I know, Bud, we all are.

- Flipper's just gotta
be all right this morning.

- Aren't you boys ready for breakfast?

- Yeah, Dad, we're ready but
we can wait a minute, can't we?

Bud went down to see how Flipper's doing.

- Yeah, we can wait a minute.

- I thought it would be best
for Flipper if just one of us

tried talking to him at a time, you know?

- Flipper!

Flipper, come here, boy.

Come on, Flipper.

Okay, let's try the auto horn.

You'll remember that.


Come on, Flipper.




Flipper, come back!

- What happened, Bud?
- I don't know, Dad.

I used the auto horn and
I guess it scared Flipper.

He jumped the fence.

We gotta go after him
in the launch, come on.

- Bud, we can't go after him
in the launch, he doesn't know

his name and he won't
come when you call him.

- And you said the horn scared him.

- Well we gotta do something!

- Look, Bud, the doctor said
the effects of the concussion

are gonna wear off sometime,
now he'll come home then.

- When he does, he'll come
home, Bud, he's bound to.

- Well, what if he went so far out to sea

that he couldn't find his way home?

He'd be lost forever!

- Bud.

- What would we do without him?

- Let's see if lunch is ready, Bud.

- My arm's gettin' tired anyway.

You'd think after a whole week
of doing this, he'd be back.

- Bud, it hasn't been a week,
it's only been five days.

- It seems like a year.

- I'll take over with the horn later.

- Yeah, maybe you'll have better luck.

- Well, if Flipper's himself again,

the horn will bring him back.

- Mr. Ricks?
- Yes.

Hello, I'm sorry, I was expecting my boys.

- Well, if you'd rather,
I can come back later.

- No, not at all, what can for ya?

- I'm Jeremy Lawrence, I
rented Sam Jackson's trailer.

You know, up the coast.
- Oh, yes, Professor Lawrence.

Sam told me all about you.

- I understand you're quite
an authority on dolphins

and I was wanting some advice about ours.

- You have a dolphin?

- That's right, son, Ferdinand.

At least, that's what
my daughter calls him.

- Professor, these are my
two boys, Sandy and Bud.

- Hello.
- Hey.

- Could you tell me when
you got this dolphin?

- Oh, a few days ago.

He kept playing around our
docks and he and Susan became

such good friends, we
plan to take him with us.

- Take him home?

- But, Dad, what if he's Flipper?

- When are you planning
on leaving, Professor?

- Well that's just it I need
some advice on how to ship him.

We plan to leave tomorrow.

- How would it be if I came up

and took a look at that dolphin?

- Fine, if it's no inconvenience.

- Well fine, Professor,
should we say about 2:30?

- Fine, we'll be expecting you.

- Good, we'll look forward to it, bye bye.

- Think he's got Flipper?

- Well if he does, he won't
have him for long, right, Dad?

- Let's not get our
hopes up too high, boys.

That may not be Flipper after all.

Well let's have some lunch, shall we?

- You put me in a very
difficult position, Mr. Ricks.

You say he's your dolphin.
- But he can't be, Daddy!

Ferdinand's ours!

- He is not!
- Bud.

- I'm sorry, Susan.

But honest, Flipper does
belong to us, I can tell.

- Frankly, I don't see how.

To me he looks like any
number of dolphins I've seen.

- Well I'd know Flipper anywhere.

- That's right, we would.

- Mr. Ricks, what are we to do?

Susan wants Ferdinand as a pet,

and I want him as a subject for study.

But if Bud and Sandy can
prove he's their pet, well I...

- Well I don't think we can do that.

You see, Flipper had an
accident a while back and...

- He lost his memory.

- Really?

- Bud, I'll tell you what we do.

Try and call him, go ahead.

- Okay.


Flipper, come here, boy.

- Here, Bud, try this.

- Here, Flipper, get the ball.

Get the ball, Flipper.

Flipper, get the ball!

- Ferdinand!

Come on.

Come on, baby, come on.

Come on, baby, come on.

- I'm sorry, boys, really I am but,

I think we've proven our claim.

- All right, boys, let's go.

Thank you very much, Professor.

Come on, boys.

What's it say in the text, Sandy?

- Everything about
dolphins, except amnesia.

If there was only something we could do.

- Yeah but there doesn't
to be anything we can do.

Where's Bud?

- He's down at the dock
trying to dream up a plan.

- Well, I guess I better
go down and talk to him.

- I don't think so, Dad, he's...

- Well, one of us should
talk to him, Sandy.

He comes up with some pretty
far-out ideas once in a while.

- Okay, Dad, I will.

Dad's home.

- Yeah, thought of anything yet?

- Nothin', how about you?

- I don't know.

I was just thinking, though,
maybe if Flipper could just

remember one thing, just one.

- What do you mean?

- Maybe he'd remember everything else.

It's something to hope for, isn't it?

- Well hoping is one thing, Bud,

but you better not go
any further than that.

- What, you think I'm
gonna do something stupid?

- Well you sure sound funny.

- Listen, Sandy.

I'm just gonna go out in
my boat for a little while.

Anything wrong in that?

- No, but don't be gone too long, huh?

- Don't worry, I won't.

- Ferdinand!

Ferdinand, Daddy and
I are going into town.

Now, you be a good
dolphin while we're gone.

- Flipper, you just gotta hear it.

I know what.

I'm too far away.

I gotta talk to him.

He'd remember.





Flipper, it's me, Bud, don't you remember?




Flipper, if you were only okay
I could send you for help!

- I think Bud's been gone too long.

- I told him not to stay out so long.

- Well I think we'd
better go look for him.

- Dad, look!

- That looks like Flipper.

- It is Flipper.

He's acting like himself again, Dad.

- Yeah and he wants something, too.

- He wants us to follow him.

- Come on, let's go.

' Dad!

- That's Bud's boat.

- Where's Bud?

What could have happened to him?

- I don't know, let's save
the questions for later.

- Sharks!

- Break out the rifle,
Sandy, we may need it.

- Right, Dad.

- I hope Flipper knows what he's doing.

- It's Bud!

Flipper knew, all right.

Come on, Bud.

You all right, Bud?

- Yeah.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

How did you know I was in trouble?

- What do you mean?

You sent Flipper to get us, didn't ya?

- Flipper?

- Yeah, I don't know he did it,
son, but he sure remembered.

- I do!

It must have been when
he rammed that shark.

I never thought I'd be grateful
to a shark for anything.

- No doubt about it, he's wonderful.

- Here, Flipper, get the ball.


- No doubt either, he's yours.

Is there, Susan?

- No, darn it.

- Well, Susan, I'm sorry
but as you can see,

Flipper is their pet.

- We could get you another
dolphin, if you like.

That is if you'll give
Flipper a little time.

- Give him a little time?

- Yeah, to find you another one.

- You know, I bet he could at that.

- Well, how about it?

- Thanks, it'd be wonderful!

But I don't suppose
Flipper could ever find

another dolphin just like him.

- Oh, I don't know, Sue.

If you care for your dolphin
the way they do for Flipper,

I'm sure he could be
just as good a friend.

- Right, Flipper?

♫ Everyone loves the king of the sea

♫ Ever so kind and gentle is he

♫ Tricks he will do when children are near

♫ And how they laugh when he's near

♫ They call him Flipper, Flipper

♫ Faster than lightning

♫ No one you see

♫ ls smarter than he

♫ And we know Flipper lives
in a world full of wonder

♫ Lying there under

♫ Under the sea